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merlinunderpressure · 6 months ago
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my ass is NOT surviving on 4546B
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thedaselcor · 3 months ago
Twenty Questions for Fanfic Writers
Tagged by @tansyuduri (thanks!) Taggong forward: @cat-in-a-tesseract , @gallows-into-oblivion , @mxkelsifer , @miyriu , @toomanyfanficsbruh
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Not including unrevealed exchange works I currently have 60 works on Ao3.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Dragon Age and Mass Effect (ThedasElcor , ThedasHanar)
Merlin (OAFelcor)
Overwatch (MildBeagle)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
the hope of a new life (38 kudos)
Mass Effect Andromeda Evfra de Tershaav/Female Ryder | Sara I'm always a bit disappointed about this one because I had a whole subplot involving this Ryder being deaf and specifically preferring hearing aids to corrective surgery but I didn't have time to really perfect it before the exchange deadline so I had to scrap it.
a love that burns like holy fire (32 kudos)
BBC Merlin Arthur/Merlin I just started this one not long ago and it's really been neat to see it take off and have a huge welcome from the Merlin fandom, it's been a really cool community to join. The concept for this one is that Merlin is Transmasc, and that he uses magic as part of his gender affirmation, and somehow that leads to all sorts of dominoes falling that changes the entire outcome of the series starting around the middle of season one.
nights of holy fire (30 kudos)
BBC Merlin Arthur/Merlin So this one's actually the nsfw companion piece for "a love that burns like holy fire", I decided to write the main fic as fade to black and have this separate place for sex scenes and I think it's actually been working really well.
Some Kind of Wonderful (30 kudos)
Dragon Age Female Inquisitor Trevelyan / Josephine Montiliyet This is one of my favourites, I think. I wrote it as an exchange treat and it led to me meeting my fandom friend @sandalinbohemia A funny story with that one is that Rowan as an inquisitor stuck with me so much I thought Sandal had specifically requested the name, but I entirely made up the request and the name and had no idea for over a year. The premise is that Inquisitor Trevelyan finds an old clause that allows her to duel for Josephine's hand using a board game rather than a physical duel, and it's a bit of a fix it for the canon Lord Ortranto situation.
Of Wrath and Wanting (19 Kudos)
Dragon Age Leliana/Morrigan Honestly this is a tiny little flash piece I did for a crackship request back on the bird site. It's really neat, but it's only about 250 words. I have no idea how it did so well.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Definitely, I love comments. the main reason I write most of my longfics like a serial in a newspaper or an old cable tv show where I publish as I go is that I can find writing exceptionally lonely. I love to talk about my work, my blorbos, whatever else.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't write a lot of angst, and I don't write a lot of endings, but probably Rotten Touch. It's a true drabble (100 words), Overwatch, Reaper/Soldier. Since it's so short I'll include it here.
Jack remembers a time before Overwatch, remembers the love they’d shared, remembers Gabriel’s hands on his body in the dead of night. Dead… Dead… That was the problem, wasn’t it? That past was long since over, and now Jack couldn’t even think of himself as anything but 76. Gabriel Reyes had stopped being Reyes, had stopped being anything, long ago, and the vision in Jack's mind can’t cling to the fantasy. Gabriel’s hands become Reaper’s hands become rotten, foreboding, and cold. Every lover, Reaper, before him, and since, melt into an amalgam of broken promises and rotten touches. Jack’s alone.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
That's a tough one! I really like fluff, but I also tend to leave stories with an indication that life continues so it's a bit more ambiguous than happy. I guess I'd say my Josephine/Sebastian Dragon Afe epistolary series Vael in Vellum, it really has more of a conclusion than a lot of others and I think it's really cute.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not that I know of.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yep! honestly all kinds. I write sweet things, spicy things, things I'd be mortified for people in the real world to know about, all sorts of pairings. I'm a transmasc guy who is gay married and who spent a good amount of time thinking he was a lesbian AND in what he thought was a hetero live-in thing for a while so I feel like I have a lot of the mechanics covered and I have a pretty good imagination. Idk if it's good or not, but people seem to like it, and I tend to like it when I reread it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I don't go out of my way to, but I do write them, especially for exchanges. I think the craziest one was the Commander 'n Chief fShep/The Iron Bull series I wrote for @ferindencadash (Mass Effect/Dragon Age)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No. I started translating Moments Between (Mass Effect Sloane Kelly/enbie Ryder), especially since later chapters that I need to rewrite have Ryder speaking an almost creole-like French dialect, but I got lonely :P If folks were interested, I'd be willing to translate some of my pieces, especially the shorter ones, into French or Spanish.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I used to do a lot of chat based role playing, but I don't think I ever officially wrote something with someone. I can be really intense when I'm mid hyper-fixation, though, it probably wouldn't be a good time for a co-writer.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Honestly, whatever one I'm writing at the time. I'm absolutely in love with Sloane/Ryder (Mass Effect), writing fCadash/Varric Tethras for the Tethras n' Trouble series and , HardAssi (Krem/Lace Harding) for Her Safeword is Apples (and she smells like blossoms in the rain) (Dragon Age) both felt absolutely world altering. Now that I'm writing Merthur (Merlin/Arthur from BBC Merlin) for the Elements of Albion series, that's everything. I love ships... all the ships. Give them to Ziiiiimmmmmm.. ahem...
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I think that I'll keep writing all my pieces as the fixations shift, honestly. Eventually I'll finish more and start more. I guess the most precarious right now is probably A Perfect Fit (HardAssi), but I don't think any work is really doomed. Sometimes I hyperfixate and write over 20k in a weekend, sometimes it takes me weeks to get 500 words out... I think it's more of a lifestyle at this point.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Probably portraying emotions and emulating cadence and mannerisms.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Commas, run on sentences, an absolute gay audacity and disregard for all the rules of grammar...
But seriously probably angst, hurt/comfort, I'm really very "meta" in my writing and I go through all the emotions the characters are going through, very, very vividly, to get it all right, so it can be really difficult for me to finish works that hit the really hard spots for long periods.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I enjoy it! I like it better when the text lends itself to having the translation right there or having the narrator tell us. I've got a few works that use extensive footnotes that are all neatly linked back and forth and stuff and it's just a lot of work to format.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
No idea. The first fandom I published is Dragon Age, I keep a bookmark to the Ao3 import of the fic (I orphaned the account a long long time ago) and it reminds me that I was never as bad as I thought, but that I've also gotten a lot better. In terms of ever written, including role playing days and just loose leaf notebooks I started almost 25 years ago, so I really have no idea.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
In terms of complete works only probably either The Writer and the Racketeer (fCadash/Varric) or Antivan Coffee (Josephine Montiliyet/Zevran Arainai), both Dragon Age. I did a lot of Dragon Age exchanges so a lot of my finished works are in that fandom. I would say right now, though, that I'm really enjoying writing a love that burns like holy fire, it's inspiring a bunch of spinoffs and it's been super great to more actively join the Merlin fandom.
Thank you so much to @tansyuduri for tagging me for this, it was so much fun. Thanks to anyone who read through all this, it felt really neat to do a little interview of myself. Hopefully some people I tagged forward have fun with this (no pressure as always), and I really look forward to writing for you all in the future!
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i-need-a-user · 1 month ago
the Grim Reaper: i don't know what is in that man but it scares me
Merlin: I hate Arthur, he is a royal prat.
Some evil force tries to kill Arthur
the Grim Reaper: that human confuses me.
Okay, but have you ever stopped to think how INSANE Merlin should be for the people of Camelot?
"Yeah, death had a near-Merlin experience,"
"Merlin doesn't cheat death. He wins fair and square."
"Witch Morgana checks his closet every night for Merlin."
"Merlin once played Death roulette with a crossbow and won."
"Merlin was once bitten by a snake and after five days of excruciating pain, the snake died."
Then somehow the knights and Arthur heard about it and it went downhill from there.
Arthur: When Merlin enters a room, he doesn't turn the lights on, he turns the dark off.
Gwaine: Merlin doesn't have good aim. His arrows just know better than to miss.
Laneclot: Merlin actually died four years ago, but the Grim Reaper can't get up the courage to tell him.
Nobody knows, but Lancelot was telling the truth.
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imnotleavinherewithoutyou · 8 months ago
so since i picked up that 20k mystery project like a month and a half ago (jesus time goes by so fast now???) i guess i've added something like 15k and figured out chapter headings and subheadings and there's like structure and shit
think it'll be 10 parts total - 8 chapters plus prelude and postlude (i did not know that was a word btw)
pre-humongously-long writing hiatus i'd written prelude plus two chapters and the start of chapter 3. now i'm 1500 words into chapter 5, in the middle of an owwwwy scene
really, ow
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confused-wanderer · 11 months ago
An arc that should’ve been added in Merlin was just how downright terrified Merlin was of him.
Especially with the whole magic thing. He was scared of Arthur. Scared of him as a warrior. Scared that everytime he wielded a sword Merlin thought it was meant for him. Scared that every glare just a little too harsh, every comeback just a little too snippy and suddenly he’d be staring at Arthur from the guillotine.
Arthur was his executioner. Arthur was his grim reaper, waiting for an opening so he could swoop in. But most of all, Merlin was scared of him as a friend. As someone he trusted. Because if he let magic slip around him, even just one flicker that’s the last time he would see Arthur smile at him.
And Arthur notices. He doesn’t know why Merlin flinches a bit too hard when Arthur mock draws his sword in a show of anger, he can’t place his finger on how if he added even a little heat behind those words his friend would stiffen.
Until one day Merlin has to accompany him to face a magic kight who he’s clearly nervous about. And it’s only when Merlin flinches do the pieces slide together for him. That it clicks why Merlin’s face looked so familiar whenever Arthur accidentally overstepped a boundary he never knew existed.
I want to see the look on his face as he stared at his best friend, and realised that he was afraid of him.
And obviously the Angsty arc following Arthur trying to redeem himself and be better towards Merlin without changing their dynamic too much and Merlin is getting more and more tense because with how soft Arthur’s acting it’s like he’s winning Merlin’s trust, and maybe Merlin wants to tell him if the man keeps this up.
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roguefankc · 1 year ago
It's Flu Season! And because Maverick would be the biggest baby if he got sick...
(Penny, Wolfman, Slider, Merlin, and Hollywood run though the front door of Iceman and Maverick house, with Iceman tiredly sitting on the couch in the living room)
Wolfman: Ice?! what's wrong?! We all got your message that you needed help!
Iceman: It's awful! The whole house is sick! First Hangman came down with the flu, then Phoenix, then Rooster, then Payback, and then all the rest of the Dagger Squad! I was running a sick ward all weekend!
Merlin:...wait, why isn't Maverick helping you?
Iceman (flatly): Because then came Monday...
(Maverick comes out in his bathrobe, hair tousled, pale, clammy, and half-asleep and in his hands a bottle of pills)
Maverick (whining): Ice, honey? Can you open the aspirin for me?
(The whole 80s Top Gun team and Penny stay to help Iceman run the house and take care of Maverick and the Dagger Squad)
(Maverick is in bed, weakly ringing a bell)
Maverick (ringing the bell): Slider...
Slider (in the next room helping Coyote): Give me a minute.
Maverick (ringing the bell): Slider...
Slider (in the next room): I said I'm coming!
Maverick (ringing the bell): Slider...
(Slider rushes into Maverick's bedroom in a panic): What?! What?! What?!
Maverick (weakly): My pillow needs poofing.
Slider (eye twitching):...Mitchell, I don't think you want to put a pillow in my hands right now.
(Maverick is in bed, whining and gasping for breath)
Maverick (weakly): I'm dying, Hollywood. I'm giving up the ghost. Every cell in my being is crying out in anguish. It was a good life while it lasted, but this is it. Hello, Grim Reaper.
Hollywood (with a bottle of cough syrup and a spoon in his hands): Cut the bullshit. The medicine doesn't taste that bad.
Maverick (weakly):...Goose? Dad? Carol? Is that you?
(Maverick is in his bathrobe, still sick, and in Iceman's home office while Iceman is frantically typing away on his keyboard)
Maverick: Ice, sweetie? Can you heat up some chicken soup for me?
Iceman (stressed): Mav, sorry but I'm really busy right now! I need to approve this contract in twenty minutes! Can't you just fend for yourself?
Maverick (whining): But I'm sick, honey...
Iceman: Mav, for fuck's sake, we're not talking brain surgery! All you have to do is open a stupid can and dump it in a pot!
(Maverick disappears into the kitchen and then come back a minute later. In his hands is a pot, and in the pot is a can of chicken soup. The can is open but the contents of the soup are still inside the can)
Maverick: Now what?
Iceman:...now, we talk brain surgery.
(Maverick stumbles in the kitchen where Penny, Wolfman, and Merlin are making soup and orange juice for all the Dagger Squad)
Maverick: Is it time for my aspirin yet?
Wolfman: No, Mitchell.
Maverick: But my throat hurts...
Merlin: Maverick, go back to bed. It hasn't been four hours yet.
Maverick: But my head hurts! My joints hurt! My eyes hurt! My body hurts! (in a baby voice) My itty bitty widdle pinkies hurt!
(Penny sighs and opens the aspirin bottle)
Maverick (smirks): I knew I'd win with that one.
Penny: These aren't for you.
(Penny gives two pills to herself, Merlin, and Wolfman and they all gulp them down immediately)
(Cyclone is back at headquarters in his office, feet on his desk with a small glass of bourbon)
Cyclone (smiling): What a peaceful, quiet day.
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ciaraerin1 · 1 year ago
tagatha headcannons (no idea how many of these are original)
when they're sick everyone tries to prevent the other one getting sick but the moment they go to bed the non-sick one is with the sick one for the entire night. merlin knows but doesnt care since he knows he cant stop them (he's alive)
when agatha says she pregnant tedros stares at her for a full minute before absolutely loosing his shit and going crazy cuz hes so excited
reaper follows them both 24/7 and tedros kicks him out of whatever room theyre in when agatha's not looking. she knows. obviously.
on the wedding day tedros bursts into tears as agatha walks down the aisle because hes thinking of what it took to FINALLY get them there
they sneak into the kitchen for midnight snacks so often silkima hides all the snacks. they still find them
agathas the best queen the woods has ever seen and tedros physically cannot take his eyes off her when shes making speeches
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starrieisdelusional · 5 months ago
bones by imagine dragons is so merlin coded i'm surprised no one talked about it
(this is what i'm talking about a.k.a the lyrics)
My patience is waning Is this entertaining? Our patience is waning Is this entertaining?
I-I-I got this feeling, yeah, you know Where I'm losing all control 'Cause there's magic in my bones I-I-I got this feeling in my soul Go ahead and throw your stones 'Cause there's magic in my bones
Wait until the reaper takes my life Never gonna get me out alive I will live a thousand million lives (ooh)
There was never gray in black and white There was never wrong 'til there was right (ooh, oh)
There goes my mind 'Cause there's magic in my bones
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cedric-k-rossignol · 26 days ago
We see undertaker dancing with a skeleton on cover of chapter 54, he has a bunch of crosses on his waist and from the size of the skeleton and the strings of corset behind it I assume that it belongs to a female the skeleton also has a crown of thorns ( same as the skeleton on his death scythe) then we have Claudia's locket which also has a crown of thorns on it....I like to imagine that the skeleton he is dancing with belongs to caludia , and we know that crown of thorns symbolises jesus , I don't think that's random and as far as i know yana , she doesn't put things for no reason .. the manga is full of references and symbolising, so even tho I know it sounds stupid but but makes me wondering is there is any connections between jesus and claudia? Like is undertaker religious? Is caludia jesus? I also reqd a crack theory somewhere that Undertaker is judas😂This is starting to sound funny but I really need to know, but unfortunately I will be 80 until these things get revealed in the manga🙂
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Undertaker is Jesus confirmed.
I kid, I kid... Lest?
I don't know if you've read all my theories, but I've referenced Jesus in a loooooot of them, if not all of them, so I'm going to summarize the main points I've hit on Jesus/Christian symbolism in relation to Undertaker below, in no particular order;
Cedric K. Ros- was born on March 25, which is the Day of the Annunciation. This is the day in which the angel Gabriel appeared before Mary to tell her she would become pregnant with the Incarnation of God, aka Jesus.
The medieval French poem 'Floire et Blancheflor' tells the love story of a couple who are represented by roses and white lilies. In this story the lovers are born on the same day - 'Holy Sunday'. Claudia was born on Monday April 5, 1830. In 1830 the day of 'Holy Monday', a part of the holy week preceding Easter, fell on April 5th. I think Undertaker was born on Holy Monday as well - Monday March 25, 1331. Holy Monday is the day on which Jesus cursed the fig tree, cleansed the temple, and responded to the questioning of his authority.
The Campania Arc in which Undertaker's identity as a reaper is revealed takes place over the holy week preceding Easter. The ship departs on Holy Wednesday. The Aurora Society's meeting takes place on Good Friday, and the ship sinks early on the morning of Holy Saturday.
The crown of thorns on Claudia's locket, as you mentioned, as well as the laurel branches. Palm branches are blessed as part of the ritual in 'Holy Sunday', but in France laurel branches are often used as a substitute. There is a custom in which people lay the blessed branches on top of the graves of their loved ones as a sign of hope of resurrection.
The French Monarchy was in possession of the majority of the purported relics of the Crown of Thorns. The thorns were incorporated into several different reliquaries, and some were given/sold to other European monarchies. The 'primary' relic of the Crown of Thorns was held at Notre Dame in 1889, and Notre-Dame is featured heavily in the BOC opening.
In the First Legend of Merlin, a King is told he must sacrifice a half-mortal child to allow for construction of a tower he's attempting to build. The child (Vincent) brought forth to be sacrificed is sometimes referred to as the antichrist, although he has never been portrayed as a malevolent force.
Red roses and white lilies are flowers associated with the Virgin Mary; red roses representing her love of God, and white lilies representing her sexual and spiritual purity.
Undertaker wears a cassock beneath his funeral mute outfit, a piece of clothing usually worn by priests and monks.
If he drowned, him being reborn in water is reminiscent of a baptism.
I guess I associate Undertaker with Jesus moreso than Claudia, though I agree that the skeleton in the cover you're referencing is meant to represent Claudia. I do not see Undertaker as being associated with Judas (though I would like to read that theory if you don't mind sending it to me). I'll discuss the cleansing of the temple more in future theories, as I think it's the most relevant to Undertaker's dislike of Queen Victoria and his rebellion against reaper HQ. I interpret Undertaker as being a righteous figure - or at least, I believe that he sees himself as one. But then, don't we all? Still, I think he rebelled against his superiors because he discovered something he found to be amoral.
It's worth noting in the story Floire et Blancheflor, the girl is a Christian and the boy is a pagan/Muslim (depending on which version you read) who converts to Christianity. There's also something to be said for the first king of the Francs, Clovis I, and his wife Clotilde, who is the patron saint of the lame. As in Floire et Blancheflor, Clovis was a pagan convinced to convert by his Christian wife. As the story goes, an angel appeared before Clotilde and gave her three white lilies, which Clotilde convinced Clovis to use as his insignia in battle. When he won, he converted, and so the fleur-de-lis became a symbol of the French Monarchy and their divine right to rule. Fleur-de-lis have been confirmed to decorate the sides of the ring Undertaker wears, and a fleur-de-lis was painted on the cheek of the doll-maker Drossel Keinz in season 1 anime, a character that I believe was inspired by Polaris (who I believe to be Joker), and who was in position of the other hope diamond ring.
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So, was Undertaker religious? The Breton aristocracy in the 14th century was Roman Catholic, so yes, I do think he was religious. He also committed suicide in a time where it was very firmly viewed as a sin for which you could not repent. I also believe he is the 'Celtic Dragon' i.e. pagan, and I believe John Brown is an angel - soooooo tldr...
Is anyone's relationship with Catholicism straight forward?
Thanks for the ask anon. The religious symbolism is definitely significant and I will be continuing to explore it in future theories!
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neozverse · 8 months ago
central de rp indie br!
como eu disse antes, para aqueles que gostam de ter um plot base para jogar, criei algumas histórias simples que podem ser utilizadas por vocês. nesse post fixado, vocês vão encontrar links para os documentos de cada história, com informações importantes, além de um breve resumo sobre o universo. todos os plots aqui podem ser usados não só na tag indie, como em jogos de 1x1!
CONTRA-CORRENTE ○ ○ ○ baseado no universo do autor rick riordan e no rpg @anaklusmoshq, juntando as mitologias greco-romana. os personagens e acontecimentos dos livros são todos canon, porém atualmente uma nova guerra está ameaçando irromper.
CRIMSON REAPERS ○ ○ ○ baseado no universo do mundo das sombras, usando de base o rpg de mesa vampiro: a máscara. uma gangue de motociclistas vampiros em detroit, onde seus maiores inimigos são não apenas a segunda inquisição, como a camarilla e uma gangue de mortais, lutando por territórios e influência.
EXTINÇÃO ○ ○ ○ uma chuva de meteoros trouxe um parasita que transforma humanos em criaturas famintas por carne e extremamente violentas. as maiores cidades foram dizimadas, países como os estados unidos, índia e méxico tiveram seus governos destruídos, e apenas 15% da população mundial ainda luta para sobreviver mais um dia.
VALE DO SOL NASCENTE ○ ○ ○ uma cidade tranquila na região dos lagos, no rio de janeiro. baseada em cidades do the sims 3, oferece um ambiente tranquilo para desenvolver os personagens da forma que você bem entender.
SEOULITE ○ ○ ○ baseado no cenário do rpg @seoulitehq. três grandes empresas e seus artistas, sejam idols de grupos famosos, solistas, atores e modelos lutam para ter a atenção do público para si.
NEVERMORE ○ ○ ○ baseado no rpg @nevermorehqs, a escola da série wandinha entra para o mundo das sombras, aceitando tanto criaturas sobrenaturais como mortais.
SANCTUM ○ ○ ○ baseado no universo de my hero academia, x-men, the boys e gen v. escola preparatória para jovens com superpoderes.
ARCANTHEA ○ ○ ○ baseado no universo de descendentes. academia mágica de merlin para descendentes de contos de fadas e histórias fantásticas.
SAN ANDREAS ○ ○ ○ baseado nos jogos grand theft auto. uma metrópole dominada pelo crime e corrupção.
VERDALEZA ○ ○ ○ baseado em once upon a time. cidade para personagens canon, onde eles levam vidas normais sem lembranças de seus passados.
PINK PONY CLUB COMPETITION ○ ○ ○ baseado em realities como the voice, x factor e, principalmente, estrela da casa. competição de bandas para ganhar um contrato com a sony music.
CIDADE DO CREPÚSCULO ○ ○ ○ baseada no universo do livro radiante e dos dramas hotel del luna e missing. cidade de almas.
IRON WOLVES ○ ○ ○ baseado em sons of anarchy. uma gangue de motociclistas de detroit, inimigos dos crimson reapers.
DAETORTH ○ ○ ○ baseado no rp @daetorthhq. academia para anjos, demônios, elfos e bruxos inspirado em harry potter, o mundo sombrio de sabrina e fate: winx saga.
STARDEW VALLEY ○ ○ ○ baseado no jogo de mesmo nome. vila de pescadores, mineradores e fazendeiros.
MIDNIGHT HOLLOW ○ ○ ○ baseada nas cidades midnight hollow e moonlight falls, do the sims 3. cidade para criaturas sobrenaturais.
mais universos podem ser criados por você mesme, queride player. basta enviar sua história no nosso chat que sua criação será adicionada a esse post.
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fluffypotatey · 7 months ago
make me write!
thank you for the tag @thiamsxbitch <33333
Rules: Send me an emoji corresponding to the WIP—as many as you want!—and I'll write 3 sentences for each and share it. WIPs below:
🤠 - Jake’s Cousin Tyler: Jake’s POV part 2 (tgm x twisters crossover)
🌼 - hypoxia and wildflowers (hangster hanahaki au)
📱 - social mania (hangster twisters au)
🧶 - frayed strings (red string lmk au)
☠️ - swk & the reaper fic series
🏟️ - tournament au (post-s4 lmk au)
🐺 - things dr geyer notices (Liam Dunbar character study + thiam au)
✨ - merlin interrupted (bbc merlin canon divergence au series)
👻 - Act 1: the Heirloom (Lockwood & Co self-indulgent canon divergence au)
tagging: @botanicallyinclinednerd @night-faye @sourdough-morbread @rowdyknives @thrandilf @0hheytherebigbadwolf
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variouspolltournaments · 6 months ago
Next up is the Alive For Centuries Tournament.
Submit a character that is at least 2 centuries old, along with where they come from and (if you want) propaganda through ask or submit a post.
The character does have to be considered alive to count. I know I said otherwise a while back but I have since changed my mind. As a result ghost or vampire characters, to give a couple examples, no longer count for the purposes of this tournament.
Submissions will be closing on the 15th of September.
Top 4 submissions are the ones I submitted myself.
Submissions in bold have propaganda, submissions not in bold do not have propaganda. Whether they do or do not have some already, you are still free to submit some.
Chibiusa Tsukino (Sailor Moon)
Saint Germain (Code: Realize)
Agatha Cromwell (Halloweentown)
Charlie Morningstar (Hazbin Hotel)
Glep (Smiling Friends)
John Gaius (The Locked Tomb)
Ren (My Demon Roomate)
Chiron (Percy Jackson)
The Doctor (Doctor Who)
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius (Chronicles of the Red King/Charlie Bone)
Breq (Imperial Radch/Ancillary Justice)
The Strength and Patience of the Hill (The Raven Tower)
Addie LaRue (The Invisible Live of Addie LaRue)
Andrew Martin (Bicentennial Man)
Galadriel (Lord of the Rings)
Connor MacLeod (Highlander)
Princess Kida (Atlantis the Lost Empire)
Hooty (The Owl House)
Cecil Palmer (Welcome to Night Vale)
Zhongli (Genshin Impact)
Darkstalker (Wings of Fire)
Scythe Curie (Arc of a Scythe)
Merlin (BBC Merlin)
Logan Howlett (Deadpool and Wolverine)
Lilia Vanrouge (Twisted Wonderland)
Mother Gothel (Tangled)
Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)
Zunesha (One Piece)
Foeslayer (Wings of Fire)
Jerboa III (Wings of Fire)
Gruff (Tinkerbell and the Legend of the Neverbeast)
Melog (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
The Titan (The Owl House)
Rock (Warrior Cats)
Van Hohenheim (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Solas (Dragon Age)
Senku Ishigami (Dr. Stone)
Taiju (Dr. Stone)
Acnologia (Fairy Tail)
Irene Belserion (Fairy Tail)
Belos/Philip Witterbane (The Owl House)
The Darf in the Flasc/Homonculus/Father (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Fujiwara no Mokou (Touhou Project)
Houraisan Kaguya (Touhou Project)
Methos (Highlander the Series)
Theresa (The Fable Universe)
Simon Petrikov (Adventure Time)
Jerboa I (Wings of Fire)
Jerboa II (Wings of Fire)
Oprah/Ms. O (Odd Squad)
Grandmaster Yoda (Star Wars)
Reaver (The Fable Universe)
Rowena MacLeod (Supernatural)
Rashek/The Lord Ruler (Mistborn)
Carbink (Pokemon)
Xie Lian (Tian Guan Ci Fu)
Giratina (Pokémon)
The Axolotl (Gravity Falls)
Lucifer Morningstar (Hazbin Hotel)
The Master (Doctor Who)
Dongfang Qingcang (Love Between Fairy and Devil)
Atticus O’Sullivan (Iron Druid Chronicles)
Lynette Mirror/Cupid (Cupid Parasite)
Vaati (The Legend of Zelda)
Pian Ran (Till The End of the Moon)
Fangyue (Yin Yang Master: Dream of Eternity)
Liliana Vess (Magic the Gathering)
Carol Malus Dienheim (Senki Zesshou Symphogear)
Quenthel Baenre (Dungeons & Dragons)
Pride (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Lust (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Lord Death (Soul Eater)
Asura (Soul Eater)
Excalibur (Soul Eater)
Arachne Gorgon (Soul Eater)
Medusa Gorgon (Soul Eater)
Cthulhu (Cthulhu Mythos)
Keziah Mason (Cthulhu Mythos)
Mortarion (Warhammer 40k)
Fulgrim (Warhammer 40k)
Perterabo (Warhammer 40k)
Lorgar Aureiian (Warhammer 40k)
Magnus the Red (Warhammer 40k)
Angron (Warhammer 40k)
Typhus (Warhammer 40k)
Lucius the Eternal (Warhammer 40k)
Fabius Bile (Warhammer 40k)
Kharn the Betrayer (Warhammer 40k)
Ahzek Ahriman (Warhammer 40k)
Abbadon the Despoiler (Warhammer 40k)
Asdrubael Vect (Warhammer 40k)
The Devil (Reaper)
Nina (Reaper)
Gladys (Reaper)
Tony (Reaper)
Ikaros (Heaven's Lost Property)
Princess of the Klaxosaurs/001 (Darling in the Franxx)
Orsted (Mushoku Tensei)
Hitogami (Mushoku Tensei)
Deus Ex Machina (Future Diary)
Kagura (Senran Kagura)
Lucoa (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid)
Ilulu (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid)
Kanna (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid)
Gollum (Lord of the Rings)
Lolth (Dungeons & Dragons)
Fitoria (Rising of the Shield Hero)
Hamsuke (Overlord)
Cosmo (The Fairly Odd Parents)
Wanda (The Fairly Odd Parents)
Etna (Disgaea)
The Thing (The Thing)
Phillip J. Fry (Futurama)
Echidna (Queen's Blade)
Earth-chan (Femdom University)
Wuya (Xiaolin Showdown)
Chase Young (Xiaolin Showdown)
Dojo Kanojo Cho (Xiaolin Showdown)
Hannibal Roy Bean (Xiaolin Showdown)
Master Monk Guan (Xiaolin Showdown)
Roswaal L. Mathers (Re:Zero)
Beatrice (Re:Zero)
Anya Jenkins (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Zel (Interspecies Reviewers)
Elma (Interspecies Reviewers)
Lorna (Interspecies Reviewers)
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alicepao13 · 5 months ago
Hudson and Rex S02E08 - Game of Bones
LARP episodes should be boring. This episode wasn't boring to me. It kind of got burned with repetition but it's an okay episode.
"Are you wounded? I have my healing salts". I don't think this can be fixed with healing salts, buddy.
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Obligatory "I hate that they've never done a Halloween episode" comment. Or Christmas. Or really anything aside from a Mardi Gras episode, which... You're not New Orleans or Rio de Janeiro, okay? Why would you choose Mardi Gras instead of Halloween, and for a creepy serial killer episode too? Never mind, I'll expand when we get to S04E15.
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Rex: I'm doing my fucking job, pay attention!
We're already past the point where Charlie should wonder, "Why am I getting all these weird cases all of a sudden?"
Jesse is loving this one.
"Without getting into specifics about Half-things or Borgs" "Halflings and Orcs?" lmao
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Hallelujah, he finally noticed that Rex is not looking for a bone to chew on.
"He's not a dog, he's my partner" is way less ridiculous than the one time we had a dog on NCIS that was in the Navy, and Gibbs was like, "That's not a dog. That's a Marine", all serious and stone-faced. Believe me. I mean, I get it, they are super helpful, and can often do what humans in law enforcement cannot (for example, bite suspects). But those lines...
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Tell him! Also, I think S2 is the season where Charlie brought Sarah the most coffees. Unless it's S5. I've already missed some of these exchanges so I can't check.
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Billie the Reaper from Supernatural!
I'm going to assume that the Lodbrock was something this show came up with.
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Geeky excitement.
Classic "trying to hide ancient artifacts to avoid losing the land or to avoid stalling construction" case. This isn't sarcastic. I'm Greek, we find ancient stuff everywhere.
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What even. Put that tongue inside.
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Huh, they had the sword actually buried inside the pillar when Charlie broke it with the hammer. I mean, you can totally add it later.
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me: Oh no, no, no, don't you dare raise that sword in the air!
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I haven't watched Merlin's Apprentice. Is this a reference? Did they ever find the Excalibur there?
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Yes, of course it's a great idea to parade a priceless ancient artifact for the purpose of causing shock and awe when arresting a killer.
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This is such a Scooby Doo moment lol
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Why didn't you guys dress up? Come on!
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Thank you, Jesse. And Rex.
Nice song in the end.
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mandoriana · 1 month ago
Leon introducing his knights using nicknames is like:
Leon: These are Percy, Ely, Lance, and Mor.
Novice: Nice to meet you. *shy*
Merlin introducing the knights with nicknames would be like:
Merlin: So, these are my boys, that one is Sir Rick, but we all call him Night Vision.
Novice: Night Vision? Why?
Merlin: Oh, he went blind.
Novice: 😨
Merlin: That one is Sweetie.
Novice: Awww, is he very kind?
Merlin: No, he's diabetic.
Novice: Oh my God, sorry, sir!
Merlin: That one is Phantom Pregnancy because he’s big-headed 🤣
Novice: 😰
Merlin: This is Mogi, but everyone calls him Adam.
Novice: Oh, is he devout?
Merlin: No, his wife broke one of his ribs.
Novice: My God.
Merlin: This is Gold.
Novice: Why the nickname Gold? Is he invaluable?
Merlin: No, because if you melt him, he gives you his butt.
Novice: 😬
Merlin: This is Paçoca.
Novice: Cool, I love paçoca.
Merlin: I used to call him Peanut, but one day he was run over by a cart, so now he’s Paçoca.
Novice: 😰
Merlin: This is Arthur, our invaluable prince...
Novice *bows*: Sir...
Merlin: We call him Born to Kill.
Novice: What! 😰
Merlin: Relax, he didn't kill that many people, his mother died in childbirth...
Novice *slowly losing sanity*: My God...
Merlin: This is Gaius, not a knight but my uncle, the boys call him Reaper.
Novice: I already know why, is it because he's a gravedigger?
Merlin: No, he's a doctor, but he kills more than he saves lives.
Novice *dying inside*: Oh.
Merlin: This is Ezra, we call him Chatterbox.
Novice: I'm also very talkative! 😃
Merlin: Ezra is mute. 😃
Novice *dies*
Merlin: This is Stuntman.
Novice: Was he an actor before he became a knight?
Merlin: No, he fell from the third floor and survived.
Novice *gives up on life*
Merlin: That one is Aladdin.
Novice: ...
Merlin: His wife left, took everything, and only left him with a carpet.
Novice *sighs, getting used to it*: Okay. And that one?
Merlin: Oh, that's Stealing.
Novice: Why? 🤨
Merlin: Because stealing is ugly, and so is he. 😃
Novice: And that other one?
Merlin: That's Stealing's brother, we call him Killing.
Novice: Is he a murderer?
Merlin: No, because Stealing is ugly, but Killing is much worse.
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rhythmmortis · 5 months ago
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redesigned nocturna genuinely almost made me cry like. to see that they actually listened to feedback and then took steps to rectify their mistake is so refreshing to see, as a person of colour myself it makes me so happy. ALSO SHE IS GORGEOUS STUNNING AMAZING SHOWSTOPPING I LOVE HER
REAPER??????? MY BELOVED??????? i'm so excited to see reaper in here and i'm really curious to see what her role will be, especially considering they're going for realism in some aspects, but her design goes so hard....
CODA. OH MY GOD. SHE LOOKS SO COOL. considering the difficulty already in the demo i'm VERY EXCITED to see the absolute hell she will bring! i do find it kinda interesting that they mentioned on their twitter that they weren't gonna add bolt and they posted some beta designs for them, but they DID add in coda. does feel like they could've still added bolt in but we'll see what the full game is like
merlin still cute as always seriously her design might be one of my favourites, and i love suzu crouching in the corner, GOD THEY ACTUALLY HAVE PERSONALITIES THIS IS SO COOL
and as always i appreciate you updating me thank you :) this was one of the first things i saw waking up and i'm glad it was because this had made my entire week, perhaps month
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the-babygirl-polls · 1 year ago
Babygirl Polls Lineup: Week Three
Hi everyone! Here is the lineup for the third week of the Babygirl Polls! Thanks to everyone for your submissions!
Chris McLean (Total Drama)
Diego Brando (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Spike (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Benjamin/Hokma (Lobotomy Incorporation)
Sir Crocodile (One Piece)
Leone Abbacchio (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Getou Suguru (Jujustsu Kaizen)
Yami Bajura (Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters)
Troy Barnes (Community)
Cahara (Fear and Hunger)
Zuke (No Straight Roads)
Five Pebbles (Rain World)
Obito Uchiha (Naruto)
Matt (Eddsworld)
Spamton G. Spamton (Deltarune)
Luo Binghe (Scum Villain Self Saving System)
Raphael (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Death (Discworld)
Kimimaro (Naruto)
Cronus Ampora (Homestuck)
Lorenz Hellman Gloucester (Fire Emblem)
The Doctor (Doctor Who)
Riddle Rosehearts (Twisted Wonderland)
Klaus (The Vampire Diaries)
Caroline (The Vampire Diaries)
Jammie Tartt (Ted Lasso)
Catra (She-Ra)
Adora (She-Ra)
Natalie (Yellowjackets)
Prince Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Caesar Flickerman (The Hunger Games)
Sasha Nein (Psychonauts)
Scott Pilgrim (Scott Pilgrim vs The World, Scott Pilgrim Takes Off)
Vergil Sparda (Devil May Cry)
Aran Ryan (Punch Out!!!)
Raymond (Animal Crossing)
Randall Ascot (Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask)
Peter B. Parker (Into the Spiderverse)
DJ Octavio (Splatoon)
Tape (Paper Mario: Original King)
Tangent (I Was A Teenage Exocolonist)
Gargamel (The Smurfs)
Tobari Durandal Kumohira (Nabari no Ou)
Emil Castagnier (Tales of Symphonie: Dawn of a New World)
Israel "Izzy" Hands (Our Flag Means Death)
Deadpool (Marvel)
Viago (What We Do In The Shadows)
Julian Devorak (The Arcana)
Grimer Wormtongue (Fleetway Sonic Comics)
Will Turner (Pirates of the Caribbean)
Sea Hawk (She-Ra)
Muriel (Good Omens)
Axel (Kingdom Hearts)
Crowley (Good Omens)
Castiel (Supernatural)
Crowley (Supernatural)
Jack Skellington (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Bow (She-Ra)
Scorpia (She-Ra)
Frenchie (Our Flag Means Death)
Oluwande Boodhari (Our Flag Means Death)
Dr. James Wilson MD (House MD)
Seeley Booth (Bones)
Will Graham (Hannibal)
Niklaus Hendrix (Just Roll With It: Riptide)
Ambrosius Goldenloin (Nimona (2023))
Hawkeye Pierce (M*A*S*H*)
Sandalphon (Granblue Fantasy)
Kai (Kung Fu Panda)
Tai Lung (Kung Fu Panda)
Mikoko Mikoshiba/Mikorin (Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-Kun)
Saul Goodman/Jimmy McGill (Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul)
Doctor Starline (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Adam Stanheight (Saw (2004))
Infinite the Jackal (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Xenk Yendar (Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves)
Espio the Chameleon (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Neo (The Matrix)
Morgana Pendragon (BBC Merlin)
John Reese (Person of Interest)
Dr. Cameron (House MD)
Anthony "Anton" Herzen (Professor Layton and the Elysian Mask)
Drumbot Brian (The Mechanisms)
Ivan (Shadow and Bone)
Holland Vosjik (Shades of Magic)
Hannibal Lecter (Hannibal)
Jesus (The Bible)
Edgward/Nygma (Batman)
Gabriel Reyes/Reaper (Overwatch)
Big Boss (Metal Gear Solid)
Gunpowder Tim (The Mechanisms)
Gaueko (Nasty Dogs)
Hancock (Fallout)
Mothman (American Folklore)
Harry Wilson (Leverage: Redemption)
Kiyoka Kudou (My Happy Marriage)
Rand al'Thor (Wheel of Time)
Nam Seon-ho (My Country: The New Age)
Steven Grant (Marvel)
Howl Jenkins Pendragon (Howl's Moving Castle)
Redos (cuz i messed up in one way or another)
Jason Todd (DC Comics)
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