#reading data: great! amazing! loving it!
asurashi · 1 year
amazing how you don’t feel suicidal after finishing a huge mundane task 
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mariclerc · 2 months
hey just read your Charles × horner reader fic. it was really AMAZING. can you pls make a part 2. where they get married and maybe the reader becomes Charles's engineer. on the other hand christian understand his mistake and try to mend the relationship between him and his daughter.
Thank you for this request! I hope you like it!! 🤍🤍
Second chance spark (pt.2) | cl16
Summary: where Charles thinks you're a nepo baby just because of your last name. Warnings: horner!reader, christian being such a big asshole and fluffy fluff... This is a looong one, I hope you like it <3
Part 1
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Two years later...
The Italian Grand Prix is a whirlwind of activity and a little bit of pressure for Ferrari, as usual. Mechanics scurry around the gleaming red Ferrari, finalizing preparations before qualifying. Charles, focused and sharp, sits in the cockpit, helmet on, he's ready for his first quali run.
But amidst the organized chaos, his eyes dart towards the pit wall, searching for a familiar face... He finds you, now a fully-fledged Ferrari race engineer with your headset on, eyes scanning data streams with a quiet intensity.
A ghost of a smile touches his lips as your eyes meet, a silent communication passes between the two of you, a wordless encouragement and a shared determination for victory.
Charles takes pole position, the roar of the tifosi deafening. He clambers out of the car, adrenaline coursing through his veins. As he removes his helmet, a delicate hand reaches out, offering him a water bottle.
It's you, your eyes sparkling with pride. You give him a quick hug, a silent celebration away from the prying eyes of the media.
He smiles. “Great job out there chérie, feeling good about the race?” he whispers softly. (darling)
You smile back at him. “Always, we've got this! The car is on fire this weekend!”
Charles rises an eyebrow playfully. “Is that what the engineers are calling it these days? On fire, huh?” he says teasingly.
You giggle. “Hey, you know technical jargon is evolving... Besides, you were an absolute rocket out there!” you say teasingly.
A comfortable silence settles between the two of you, a stark contrast to the early days of your relationship, when tension hung heavy in the air.
He lowers his voice. “Hey, princess... About your dad...”
You hold up a hand, stopping him before he can finish the sentence. “Don't, baby we agreed, no Red Bull family drama in the Ferrari garage... Let's focus on the race, okay?”
Charles nods, understanding. He knows the estrangement between you and Christian still cuts deep, a silent wound. But seeing the fire and determination in your warm eyes, he can't help but admire your strength.
Race day has arrived and you and Charles arrive quite early at the paddock, especially to finalize some things regarding possible strategies that may happen in the race. Working with him is possibly the best thing in the world, he listens to your suggestions and you listen to his, you two make a great team, the perfect combination of natural speed and intelligence.
At the time of the race Charles is leading with a great advantage over Max and you are giving him the latest instructions over the radio communication.
Charles finally crosses the finish line first, the roar of the crowd shattering the air. He pumps his fist in the air, his heart overflowing with elation. As he steps out of the car, the jubilant faces of the Ferrari team greet him. He immediately seeks out for you, and you place your arms around him in a tight hug, relief and joy mingle in your eyes as you pull back.
“You did it again! We did it babe!” You say full of pride and happiness for your boyfriend.
Charles holds your gaze, a silent promise hanging between you two, he leaned towards you to give you a kiss, it was a short one, but it meant a lot. This win, it wasn't just his, it was a victory for your love, your shared passion as a couple, and your defiance against those who doubted your relationship.
“Now go to the podium, champion!” You tell him while you have a smile on your face.
He smiles at you and kisses you again before heading to the cool down room, out of mere curiosity, you turned your gaze to the side of the Red Bull mechanics who were below the podium too and met Christian's gaze, you quickly stopped looking there and you focused on your boyfriend, who was coming out to the podium with a big smile on his face.
The celebration dinner is a blur of champagne toasts and laughter. Now, finally alone in your's and Charles' apartment, a comfortable silence settles.
You walk over to the window, gazing at the twinkling cityscape. Charles joins you, wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you close to him.
“That was... Incredible. You were amazing today.” he murmurs against your neck.
“So were you on track sweetcheeks.” you say, leaning against him.
He turns you to face him, his fingers gently tilting your chin up.
“Two years, huh? Still the best decision I ever made in my life.” he says softly.
You smile shyly, your eyes filled with love and care. “Mine too baby” you say tenderly. “But wasn't your best decision to have signed with Ferrari? Or am I wrong, love?” You say and let out a giggle.
He chuckled softly and giggled. “Ehm... Probably, but they were both the best decisions of my life, that's for sure.”
You just smiled and you two share a kiss, a slow and tender one that speaks volumes. You pull away slightly, a thoughtful look on your face.
“How about we celebrate with some takeout? My treat, since you're the reigning champion.”
Charles raises an eyebrow playfully. “Only if you promise to let me win next time we play Mario Kart.” he say with a grin on his face.
You laugh. “No promises baby, no promises.”
You two head towards the kitchen, your laughter echoing in the apartment. The future may be uncertain, but for you and Charles, the bond you forged in defiance has only grown stronger. Together, you face the world, a love story written in checkered flags and stolen kisses in the pit lane.
A few weeks later you and Charles find yourselves in a Italian countryside. The Tuscan sun bathes the rolling hills in a golden glow. Vineyards stretch towards the horizon, dotted with quaint farmhouses. Charles drives a vintage Alfa Romeo, the top down, the wind whipping through your hair. You sit beside him, a contented smile on your face.
You've been on a weekend getaway, a stolen moment of peace amidst the relentless F1 calendar. It's been perfect: long walks through ancient villages, lazy afternoons by the pool, and evenings spent under a star-dusted sky.
Charles parks the car on a secluded hilltop overlooking a breathtaking vista of vineyards and olive groves. He turns to you, his eyes filled with a nervous intensity.
You notice his expression. “Charles, what's wrong?”
He takes a deep breath, his voice a touch shaky. “Nothing's wrong, everything's perfect princesse, actually. More perfect than I ever thought possible.” (princess)
He steps out of the car and extends a hand to help you down. You walk hand-in-hand to the edge of the hilltop, the silence rich with unspoken emotions.
“These past two years with you, y/n... they've been the happiest of my life... You've been my rock, my confidante, my biggest supporter, you push me to be a better driver, a better man.” he says looking at you. He stands on one knee and reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small velvet box. You gasped, your hand flying to your mouth. “We've faced challenges, haven't we? But through it all, our love has only grown stronger... And I can't imagine facing another race, another season, another anything without you by my side.” Tears well up in your eyes as you stare at the sparkling diamond ring nestled in the velvet. “Y/n, will you marry me?” he said with his voice thick with emotion.
The world seems to hold its breath. The only sound is the gentle rustle of leaves and the distant chirping of birds. Y/n throws your arms around him, burying your face in his chest. Tears stream down your cheeks, a mixture of joy and overwhelming emotion.
“Yes, Charles! A million times yes!” you talk through choked sobs.
He holds you tightly, his heart overflowing with relief and happiness. As you two pull away, he slips the ring onto your finger, the diamond catching the sunlight. You kiss, a promise whispered against your lips.
The two of you stand there for a long time, your silhouettes bathed in the golden glow of the setting sun. The future stretches before you both, an open road waiting to be explored, not just as teammates, but as husband and wife. The Tuscan hills have witnessed a love story come full circle, a testament to the power of defiance, passion, and the promise of a forever etched in a simple question and a single, sparkling diamond.
Your laughter breaks the spell of the moment, a joyous sound that echoes across the hills. Charles twirls you around, your face alight with pure joy.
“Okay, okay, I get it, you're strong! But can we please admire the view before you spin me into oblivion?” you say panting a little.
Charles grins, pulling you close again. You stand in comfortable silence for a moment, gazing at the breathtaking panorama before you. “This place... I found it while I was researching for a weekend getaway. It reminded me of you, strong, beautiful, with a hidden sweetness.”
You lean into him, your head resting on his chest. “And you found it after all this time? You're a terrible navigator, Leclerc.”
He brushes a stray curl away from your face, his heart overflowing with love. “Maybe... But at least I found what I was looking for... And now that I have you, I don't think I'll ever get lost again.”
A blush creeps up your neck as you look up at him, a mischievous glint in your eye. “Don't make promises you can't keep, champion. Remember who navigates you to victory most of the time.”
Charles feigns offense, but his laughter betrays him. He pulls you in for another kiss, a slow, lingering one that speaks of promises made and dreams shared.
As you break away, Charles pulls out his phone, capturing a picture of you two with the breathtaking landscape as a backdrop.
“This is going to look great on Instagram.” he says while looking at the picture.
“Oh, so now you're thinking about social media? What about celebrating our engagement first?” you say swatting his arm playfully.
He wraps his arm around you, pulling you close once again. The sun dips below the horizon, painting the sky in a blaze of orange and purple hues.
“Alright, alright. But after this, I'm holding you to your promise about takeout and movie night, you know, this champion needs to refuel.” he says smiling.
You laugh, the sound echoing across the hills. “It's a deal! But only because you deserve it, future husband.”
You two head back towards the car, hand-in-hand, your shadows stretching long in the fading light. The road ahead may be filled with challenges, but you'll face them together, a team not just on the racetrack, but in life. And as you walk into the future, the promise of your love hangs heavy in the air, a melody written in laughter, stolen kisses, and a diamond ring that glints under the Tuscan sky.
The stifling humidity of Singapore hangs heavy in the air, mechanics scurry around the gleaming cars, the pre-race buzz crackling with nervous energy. You and Charles stroll down the paddock, with your fingers intertwined, your faces lit by a shared secret joy.
Suddenly, a voice cuts through the chatter, sharp and laced with sarcasm.
“Well, well, well, look who it is... The future Mr. and Mrs. Ferrari. Congratulations, I guess...” you hear Christian say sarcastically.
You freeze, your smile faltering, Charles tenses beside you, his jaw clenching. Christian stands in front of you, his expression a mask of forced cheer.
“Dad... Hi.” you say with your voice strained.
Charles steps forward, his voice firm. “Actually, Christian, it's Leclerc now...”
Christian's eyes narrow, a flicker of anger sparking in their depths.
“Right, of course Leclerc... The Ferrari defector who stole my daughter's affections.” Christian scoffs.
You step between them, placing a hand on Charles' arm. “Dad, it wasn't like that... We-” you say softly, but he interrupts you.
“And what exactly do you offer her, Leclerc? A life on the road, chasing trophies? Is that what she wants?” he says towards Charles
Charles meets Christian's gaze head-on, his voice unwavering. “More respect than she ever received from you, that's for sure. You never valued her work, her talent... All you saw was an extension of yourself.” he says in a calm way.
You take a deep breath, your voice regaining some of its strength.
“He's right, Dad... We found something special in each other, something you wouldn't understand.”
Christian's face contorts, a mixture of anger and hurt flickering across his features. “You'll regret this, both of you! This is a world of sharks, Leclerc, and she's naive enough to jump in headfirst with you.” he says scathing
Charles steps closer, his voice low and dangerous.
“Y/n is far from naive, she's strong, intelligent, and capable. And you'll see, we'll make a damn good team, both on and off the track.” he says through gritted teeth.
Christian stares at Charles, the anger in his eyes slowly replaced by a grudging respect. He opens his mouth to speak, but no sound comes out.
You reaches for his hand, a plea for understanding in your eyes. “Dad, please... This isn't about Red Bull or Ferrari, this is about us.”
Christian looks at you for a long moment, his expression unreadable. Then, with a sigh, he releases his breath. “Fine. Be happy, but don't expect an easy ride from me.” he says with his voice subdued.
He turns and walks away, leaving a heavy silence in his wake.
You let out a shaky breath, tears welling up in your eyes, Charles pulled you into a tight embrace, whispering words of comfort in your ear.
“Don't worry about him, we have each other.” he murmurs.
He rests his chin on your head, your bodies a silent promise against the backdrop of the bustling paddock. You've faced the first hurdle of the engagement, and emerged stronger. The road ahead may still be riddled with challenges, but you'll face them together, a united front against the storm.
Charles finishes the Singapore Grand Prix in second place, a decent result but not quite the win they were hoping for. As he steps out of the car, exhausted but proud, he sees you waiting for him by the pit wall.
This time, there's no need for words. He pulled you into a tight embrace, finding solace in your familiar warmth. Together, you face the cameras and the podium celebrations, a team on and off the track.
The future may be uncertain, but one thing is clear: your love, forged in defiance and passion, will continue to be your driving force.
A few months later...
Sunlight streams through the window, casting a warm glow over the elegantly decorated room. You sit in front of a large vanity mirror, your reflection staring back at you. You're adorned in a breathtaking white gown, the intricate lace shimmering like moonlight.
But instead of radiating the joy you envisioned, your face is etched with worry. Your fingers fiddle with the diamond pendant around your neck, the one Charles gifted you on your engagement trip.
A soft knock at the door breaks the silence. A beaming Lila, one of your closest friend and bridesmaid, peeks in.
“Y/n? Are you ready?” she whispers.
You jump slightly, forcing a smile. “Almost... Just finishing up some makeup.” you say with a shaky voice.
“Hey, don't worry girl. You look incredible, absolutely stunning.” Lila walks in and close the door.
You let out a shaky breath. “It's just... everything feels so surreal, you know? Like, what if I trip walking down the aisle? What if I mess up my vows?”
She sits beside you. “Y/n you're overthinking it, Charles loves you, completely and utterly. And even if you do stumble or forget something, he'll find it endearing. Besides, you've got this! You're smart, capable, and in love!”
You take a deep breath, trying to calm your racing heart.
“You're right. I just need to focus on Charles. Everything would be fine!”
A mischievous glint enters Lila's eyes. “Speaking of Charles, I saw him earlier. He looks like a nervous wreck too, pacing back and forth in the groom's room.”
You laughed, a genuine sound that chases away some of your anxiety.
“That figures... Mr. Cool and Collected, a mess of nerves? That's new.” You blushed a little as you imagined Charles walking around as he tried to calm down.
“Love does that to the best of us.” Lila says grinning.
A knock on the door interrupts the two of you. Your mother, eyes filled with pride, enters the room.
“Y/n, you're all grown up! My little girl is getting married.” she said with her voice thick with emotion. You tear up, a wave of love washing over you, your mother pulls you into a tight embrace. “Don't forget, sweetheart, you deserve all the happiness in the world. Don't you ever settle for anything less, okay?” she whispers.
You nodded, tears spilling down your cheeks. As your mother helps you with the final touches of your wedding dress, a sense of calm descends on you... You're ready to face the ceremony, ready to face the future, hand-in-hand with the man that you love and adore.
Now you stand backstage, with Christian by your side, a tense silence hangs in the air. He avoids your gaze, his face unreadable.
You take a deep breath, breaking the silence.
“Dad, I know things haven't been easy between us, but...” you say softly but Christian interrupt you.
He finally looks at you, a flicker of something akin to pride in his eyes. “Y/n, you deserve to be happy... And from what I've seen, Leclerc makes you happy.” he says with a gruff voice.
You smile widely, a spark of hope igniting in your heart. It's the first time in two years of your relationship that your father has said something nice about you and Charles, and it obviously gives you the impression that perhaps his heart has softened a little.
“Thank you, Dad... It means a lot to me.” you smile softly at him.
He reaches out and gently squeezes your hand, a silent gesture of acceptance. “Now go out there and show everyone why I'm so damn proud of you... Even if I won't admit it out loud.” you giggled at his words.
The sunlight streams through stained-glass windows, casting a kaleidoscope of colors across the aisle. As the majestic strains of a wedding march fill the air, all eyes turn towards the back of the church.
You stand there, escorted by Christian, and you take a deep breath. You heart thumps a frantic rhythm against her ribs, a mix of excitement and nervousness. You steal a glance at Christian, a silent thank you for walking you down the aisle. A flicker of emotion crosses his face, a hint of pride battling with unspoken regret.
As you two reach the end of the aisle, Charles stands waiting, looking every bit the picture of a dashing groom. His green eyes meet yours, a wave of warmth washing over you, the whole world seems to fade away, leaving only the two of you there.
Christian give you hand a gentle squeeze before letting go. With a shaky breath, you step forward, your eyes locked on Charles' face.
The officiant begins the ceremony, his voice a comforting constant amidst the whirlwind of emotions. As you and Charles exchange rings, a symbol of your love and commitment, a tear rolls down your cheek, Charles reaches out, brushing it away with a gentle touch.
Then comes the time for the vows.
You step forward, your voice and hands trembling slightly. “Charles, from the moment I met you, there was something different about you: a spark, an energy that drew me in. You challenged me, supported me, believed in me when I doubted myself... We've faced challenges together, navigated a world that tried to keep us apart, but our love only grew stronger.” you take a deep breath. “You're not just my teammate, you're my confidante, my best friend, the love of my life... You make me laugh until my sides ache, you hold me up when I'm falling apart, and you inspire me to be a better person every day.” you look into his eyes, your voice filled with love. “I promise to be by your side, through victories and defeats, to celebrate your triumphs and pick you up when you fall. To be your biggest fan, your rock, your partner in everything... Today, I choose you, and every day after.” you finally say.
A tear rolls down Charles' cheek as he takes his turn.
“Y/n, you entered my life like a force of nature, shattering everything I thought I knew about love... You're strong, independent, and brilliant. You pushed me to be a better driver, a better boyfriend, in general... to be a better man.” he says with his voice thick with emotion, then he takes a deep breath. “We've faced storms, navigated uncertainties, and emerged stronger on the other side. You're my teammate, my best friend, my rock. You make me laugh until I cry, calm my anxieties, and inspire me to reach for the stars.” he looks into your eyes, his gaze filled with pure love. “I promise to cherish you, to support you, to love you unconditionally, to be your partner in crime, your shoulder to cry on, your biggest fan... Today, I choose you, and every day after.” he finally says and smiled at you.
The officiant smiles, a warm light in his eyes.
“With these vows exchanged, I now pronounce you husband and wife... You may kiss the bride.”
Charles cups your face in his hands, your gazes locked in a silent promise. As your lips meet, the kiss is filled with love, passion, and the joy of a future you two will build together.
The cheers and applause of the wedding guests are a distant echo. This moment belongs only to you two, a culmination of defiance, love, and a promise whispered against racing engines, secret kisses and stolen glances in the pit lane.
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ghostytoad · 11 months
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* Fun n' Games *
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ROTTMNT Boys x GN! Leo-esque reader who enjoys drama, making jokes, and being overall awesome
Summary: The Hamato brothers unexpectedly fall for the smug, but genuine, fun-loving reader despite their egocentric habits Headcanons for: Donnie
GN! Reader; Romantic; Fluff || Words: 1.6k
Raph | Leo | Mikey | Bonus!!
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his first thoughts upon meeting y/n is that literally nothing could be worse. he could be boiling alive in one of meatsweat's fancy culinary stews and be less bothered by that than having to endure not one, but TWO LEOS
there goes the fleeting days of being able to complete his work in peace and quiet; o call back yesterday, bid time return
really tho, all his eye rolling and indifference is just an act that he refuses to let up on (he has a REPUTATION to uphold after all!!)
it doesn't take much time for donnie to warm up to y/n though; he's more or less used to his twin's antics and smug behavior and with y/n being almost exactly the same, it's like they've known each other their whole lives
he chalks it up to being comfortable with the familiar, but his brothers can definitely see it for what it is: a crush
he enjoys the competitive tension between y/n and him, it keeps him on his toes and gives him a boost when he feels out of it and needs the motivation
doesn't much care for the whole ego thing, but it doesn't bother him as bad as leo's does; at least y/n has good reason to be as cocky as they are. they're funny, they're charming, they're cool, they're incredibly perceptive
in fact, he's secretly made a list of all the good qualities y/n has and all the things he likes about them… it's like a whole 10 spreadsheets worth of data
to be fair, he does keep a similar list for his brothers and april, so it's not like he's stalking y/n or anything; it's just his way of "bonding" with his loved ones
but y/n's list is a lot longer than anyone else's; there's just so much to like about them. it only makes sense that their list of good traits happens to match up pretty well with his list of "things to look for in a potential mate" (a secret list that he will take to his grave)
whenever they go on missions, he makes sure to fit y/n in all his latest gear he's made them for their protection; they might talk big game, but donnie still has to take precautions!
he may or may not have taken y/n on a few purple dragon-related missions - AKA "let's go put whipped cream in all of their hard drives and cover their hideout in tinfoil wrapping just to fuck with them"; turns out that the police do not find it funny
"let me just say for the record that nothing's illegal unless it can be proven beyond reasonable doubt. and you can't prove that y/n and i were there so…"
y/n ain't no snitch, so don can trust them to keep their mouth shut if anyone ever gets suspicious of their misdeeds; this also makes them his go-to for some of the more emotionally heavier things that he can't talk to his brothers about
yeah, donnie's not great with emotions, but that doesn't mean he doesn't feel them - he genuinely finds y/n to be a comforting presence, especially considering their amazing emotional perception and how well they can read him
he finds it much easier to work when y/n's hanging around the lab with him; they don't have to interact much, all it takes is a visit from y/n and he's hit with a burst of motivation
gets more work done with y/n around than he usually does and takes advantage of this productivity by making y/n stay with him for literal hours even if they don't actively take part in his work
he's even made them a little corner with all of their favorite things in the lab so they can keep busy while he works; they might be good for motivation and all, but he knows better than to leave y/n alone with one of his inventions considering their… impulsive behavior (rip stun-bo feature, we hardly knew ya)
"w-what, leaving? you can't leave yet! i've only just started on this upgraded micro-transmitter for the tank and i need your help! what do you mean you just sit there for hours doing nothing? that's entirely false, you are helping me out immensely! now sit right there and don't touch anything until i tell you to-"
their easy-going nature really complements his more rigid and particular personality; together, they are an unstoppable and wildly chaotic duo
he might be the funniest turtle of the group, but y/n has him in tears with their lame little jokes and one-liners; he mostly only laughs at the roasts and teases directed at his brothers though
overall, his brothers have an ongoing bet over how long it'll be before donnie finally realizes he has a MAJOR crush on y/n; leo has his bets on "not in my lifetime", april predicts it'll be sometime after casey jr's time, mikey's a little more generous and says "maybe in the next decade or two", and raph is just fed up with it and wants it over with NOW
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The buzzing and whirring of various tools occupied the otherwise silently uneventful lab as Donatello worked away on his latest project, completely absorbed in his work. Tucked away in the corner, sitting snug in the soft embrace of a plush beanbag, Y/N busied themselves with another round of Smash Bros on their purple (totally not Genius Built branded) Switch. Most days in the lab were spent in comfortable silence, as the purple coded brother did his best work when there were minimal distractions. But for Y/N, that meant keeping all audible cries of excitement or groans of defeat to a minimum while gaming. And sure, that was a reasonable request for a while, but had it really already been four hours?! As Y/N glanced down at their phone for the time, they let out a loud, heavy sigh as boredom overwhelmed their usually active mind.
"Don, how much longer do I gotta sit here? I'm practically dying of boredom. I'm terminal now. Terminal!" They slumped themselves back over the cushion, causing it to wheeze under the shifted weight.
"Just a few minor adjustments left and we'll be as good as gold." Donnie hadn't even looked up from the tester bot he was tinkering with, something which Y/N met with a frustrated scowl.
"And by a few, you mean…?"
"I still need to work on recalibrating the external displays to account for the large-"
"UUUGH, no, how long! I've been here so long that my leg's've atro- asta-… ASTROFIELD!"
Donnie could hardly contain the snort that sounded from under his welding mask.
"I think the term you're looking for is 'atrophied' and no, I seriously doubt that the mere act of sitting is enough to deteriorate muscle tissue."
"Whatever. I'm dying here and you wanna lecture me on-"
They were interrupted by the soft thudding of approaching footsteps, the unmistakable sound of Raph entering the lab.
"Heya, D. Y/N. Sorry to barge in on y'all, just wanted to check in and see if y'guys needed anything. It's been, uh… A while and it's gettin' dark so-"
"Raph, will you tell Dorkie here to quit holdin' me hostage and let me go? He's been keeping me prisoner here and I haven't even gotten my one phone call!" Y/N teased. Their moniker was successful in tearing Donnie's attention away from his desk across the room to shoot them a bitter glare.
"Heh, y'know Y/N, you could leave anytime you wanted, right? It's not like he's actually gonna trap you here. Er… Right?" Raphael's playful expression tinged itself with a hint of concern as he, for a moment, considered the possibility of a hostage negotiation with his little brother.
"Nah, I'm actually good here. I just want something more to DO when I'm here. I can't just be here for moral support, y'know." They stuck their tongue out at the softshell as they rolled themselves off the bag and plopped softly onto the tile floor.
The eldest mutant scratched at the back of his neck with a chuckle. Of course Donnie would tell them it's for 'moral support'.
"Uh, Y/N. You do know he only really keeps you in here because he's got a thing for you, right? That whole moral support thing's a load of crock."
It was at that moment that the ambient hum of tools stopped and tense silence flooded in its place. Y/N propped themselves up on elbows and craned their neck towards Donatello who sat faced away from them with tense shoulders bunched up.
Sensing the awkward situation he'd now put them in, Raph let out a small hiss of regret between his teeth and slowly shuffled his feet back towards the door.
"Riiight… So, you guys good? Yeah? Yeah. I'm gonna just-"
And with that, he practically bolted for the door, leaving Y/N and Donnie to stew in the thick air of their own embarrassment.
"D-Donnie…" Y/N could barely squeak, their eyes fixed to the empty doorway as if they were pleading for Raph to come back and take the awkward with him.
Donnie took in a sharp breath and in one swift motion, pushed his work chair back and spun to face his companion with only his iron-will keeping him from running out of the lab himself.
"I-" He started, his face dark red and his lip quivering with anxiety as his mind parsed through the many scenarios in which this sort of confession could've gone.
"I knew it couldn't have been just for my good looks." Y/N's smug grin and flirtatious wink did little to alleviate the mutant's humiliation.
"For the record…" Scooting up to Donnie's hunched form, Y/N gently took his hands into theirs and kept their gaze locked to the floor as the faintest blush dusted their cheeks, "I have a thing for you too."
Out of every scenario he'd managed to file through, this one was one outcome he didn't anticipate. But one he would happily accept.
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baby-dr1ver · 11 months
kinktober <3
wearing the others clothes
oscar x reader
Oscars POV: It was  along day of of going over data and Andrea making me and Lando color in the lines. Track limits were a bitch, but I felt worse for Lando than me. I already texted Y/N that I was on my way back to the hotel, and I would bring dinner. She hadn’t texted back but, it wasn’t out of the ordinary. Working remotely had it’s perks, like getting to travel with me to almost every race. 
I struggle to open the door with everything in my hand, and I expected for Y/N  to run and help as soon as I was through the door. Instead, I was met with silence, the lights were dimmed and I didn’t see her anywhere. I set things down on the dresser and called her name a few times. “Babe? Y/N?” I sat on the bed heavily, and heard a small groan. I turned to face the lump on the bed, that I missed the first time, and saw her head poking out the top. I pulled the blankets away from her face and saw a familiar number on the back of her hoodie. My number to be exact, she’s wearing my hoodie. We haven’t been together long, well,  10 months to be exact. I guess that could be a long time. Either way, she hasn’t worn anything of mine yet, I mean she has her own Mclaren merch and she looks amazing in it. But it’s a different feeling when she’s wearing my clothes, and she smells like me. It makes me chest warm and fuzzy. 
Instead of waking her, I change out of my own gear and climb into bed next to her. She makes a small noise when I pull her back against me, but settles as soon as I kiss her temple and squeeze her waist. I push my face into her neck, taking in her scent mixed with mine. This…this was a different feeling then just seeing her in my clothes this was..this stirred something new in him. 
He didn’t ponder for long, the alluring smells and feelings pulled him into sleep. 
He texted her the next day to let her know that a car would be there to pick her up before the race started. He had to be in the garage extra early to meet with Zak and his strategist. Starting P1 was big, huge even. As a rookie I was not supposed to be having this great of a season, 2 podiums in a row? Unheard of. 
It was 15 min until the race started and I made my way out of the garage to see everyone before I started my last minute prep. I spotted Y/N talking to one of my engineers and laughing and fuck me did she look gorgeous. She’s wearing my team shirt with my name and number on it, how do you know it’s yours do you ask? Because it’s about three sizes to big on her-and she’s got my favorite pair of jeans she owns on, they’re baggy and they make her look quite tall. And her hair is in a little half do thing, she’s got braids framing her face with ribbons tied at the end. She knows I love when she uses bows in her hair, makes her look so innocent and pure. 
She found me and waved me over. “Osc!” My legs were on auto pilot, my body magnetized to hers and she wrapped me in a hug. “Hi baby, glad you made it. Is that my shirt?” I asked nonchalantly. She pulls away, “yeah sorry, the rest of my papaya things were dirty.” She frowns and looks down. “I should have asked first I’m sor-” 
“No hey, I love it. You don’t ever have to ask to wear my clothes baby.” She blushed and looked down at her feet. I giggled at her reaction, and I lean forward to kiss her forehead. One of my hands found it;s way under her shirt (read: mine) to rest along her stomach. It was nothing new for either of us, it was a comfort to both. However, what was new was a thick band where her underwear would be. Upon furher investigation, oh fuck oh fuck she’s wearing my boxers. For fucks sake mate do not get a boner right now, it is not the time. 
“Is there anything of mine you aren’t wearing? Your dedicated, boxers and everything.” She looked up at me with a guilty look. “I was in a rush this morning, I over slept big time,  and it was the first bottoms I found. The jeans are mine and my soxs-well the socks are Lando’s merch. The white ones with the ‘LN4’ stitched on the side.” As she lifted her pant leg so I could see, a nasty feeling bloomed in my chest. I didn’t like that she was wearing anything associated with Lando. 
“You know what, I have some socks in my drivers room, you can wear those. No need to wear those pesky things.” I started to pull her towards the hallway that led to my room when she stopped me once we were out of earshot of people. “Oscar! What is going on love? You seemed fine just a minute ago, now your in a tizzy.” She had that stance, the mom stance is what I affectionately called it. Hands on her hips, one leg popped out, not good. 
I sighed, “I just, your MY y/n, not Landos. I want you to wear my things.” I mumbled the last part, as if she wouldn’t catch on. 
Y/N pouted and cupped my cheeks, pushing up on her toes to kiss me. 
“Your y/n, my ozzy. Always.” She scrunched her nose as she rubbed it with mine. “And I will totally change into your socks if it makes you feel better.” 
I laughed at her statement. I was being stupid, I was the one that went home with her every night, not Lando, not anyone. 
“Nah it’s fine, you’ve got a big 81 on your back, I think everyone knows who your here for.” And with that, I leave her to get ready for the race. 
P2, P fucking 2. The gap between me and Max was still big but,  managed to defend myself against my own teammate. 
After the podium celebrations and I had packed up my things to leave, I found Y/N consoling Lando, giving him a small sympathy pat. She said her goodbyes and made her way over to me, taking her bag and coat from me. “Everything okay?” I nodded over to Lando. “Yeah he was just giving me more socks, you jealous?” Y/N wiggled her eyebrows and giggled. I laughed along with her, shaking my head, and started to pull her towards the waiting car. “Good because you, get to pull all your clothes off me when we get back.” I whipped my head towards her. She already had a slight flush on her cheeks, rocking on her heels as we stood outside the car. I didn’t even know what to say yet, I just ushered her in the backseat and urged the driver to move as fast as he could. 
I pushed Y/N through the door of our hotel room, locking it and using the DND sign. I was about to wreck her and I did not need anyone knocking in the morning. 
I had her up against the wall, opposite of the bed. Her hands were in my hair, tugging every which way, taking control of the kiss. I let her think that she was in charge for a couple of more kisses before I pushed off the wall and pulled her onto the bed. Y/N squealed as I landed on top of her, my hands went under her shirt, pushing it up her chest and leaving small marks as more skin was exposed. “Baby… need you inside me please.” 
How could I say no? I groaned and got her shoes and pants off, leaving her in my boxers and shirt. “Is it..is it bad that I kinda wanna keep you in this?” I took a step back and looked down at the love of my life. She laughed and wiggled her hips. I watched her hands go under her back, and pulled her bra off her body. 
“How about..I take these off,” Y/N said as she seductively slid my boxers off. “and I’ll keep this on so you can see just who I belong to. Because it’s your number I wear every race.” 
She smiled up at me, that god damn smile. Could make the whole world fall at her feet with that smile, and that sparkle in her eye. And the way she looked naked with nothing but my shirt on. The shirt she wants to wear, just to let everyone know that she’s mine. 
She beckons me over, opening her legs further. I glide my hand down her leg to meet at her sickly sweet opening, dripping just for me. “Do you need me to…or can we skip it tonight?” I asked sheepishly. Not that I wouldn’t love to finger her until her legs went numb, I’m just to worked up for it. 
She laughs at my sudden shy demeanor, I’ve blown her back out many times before and I was never shy asking about prep. “Yeah Osc, I’m good. Have been since you practically were feral at the fact that I wasn’t wearing your socks. Didn’t know you were so possessive.”
I laughed and starting stripping myself of my clothes and grabbing a condom. Wrap it before you tap it kids. 
“Yeah I didn’t either.” I push the condom over my aching member and rub the tip against her clit. Getting back at her for the teasing earlier.  I looked up at her as I paused at her hole, silently asking for permission. She nodded meakly and I slowly pushed in. 
Y/N gasped and held onto my forearms for a moment. “Osc, baby…take the condom off.” 
My eyes widen. “W-what?” Was she insane? Yeah she was actually insane. “Mhm, I’m on birth control, you know this.” I just stared at her. We, in all of our month of dating, have never fucke raw. Hell I’ve never done that, with anyone. “Are you sure? You know the pill isn’t always affective.” Y/N rolled her eyes and pushed on my stomach so I’d fall out of her. She slowly pulled the condom off and stroked my dick a few times. “That’s what the morning after pill is for.” So much for wrap it before you tap it. 
She guided me back to her pussy and just the feeling of her soaking me put me on edge. Without a single warning, I thrust into her. And fuck me was it perfect, she was perfect. We both couldn’t breath for a minute. She had her head push back into the pillows and I grabbed her jaw and forced her to look at me. “Eyes on me sweet girl.” I wish I could take a picture, capture the pensive look on her face. The scrunch of her nose, the way her lips part to say my name. She grabs the hand under her jaw and slides it against her own, intertwining our fingers and laying them against the bed. Ah, now i get it. 
“Oh sweetheart, you need me to hold your hand huh?” I fake pout down at her as I start a slow rhythm. “Shut up, oh fuck Osc.” Her back bows as I lift her legs over my hips, making me hit deeper. 
All that can be heard throughout the room is skin colliding and y/n’s whines of pleasure. Watching her like this, wearing my number, my winning number, fuck me I don’t know what heaven looks or sounds like but it’s this. “Jesus Christ, this was such a b-bad ah! Bad idea, fuck I’m gonna cum to quickly.”  She smiled and brought my hand to her throat, knowing how much the control turned me on. 
“C’mon Ozzy, baby, cum in me. please god want it so bad.” Y/N gasped out as I lightly squeezed her throat. The pace I set was bruising, the thought of getting to cum inside my girl, my Y/N-
With my free hand I reached down to play with her clit, determined to get her to cum before me. She pushed her throat against my hand as she moaned my name and came. I could see the white ring form around the base of my cock, that pushing my to cum in her. 
let’s just say it’s not the last time she’ll be wearing my number.
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bowtiepastabitch · 8 months
Good Omens Fanfic Data: 2023
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Top 5 Tags Per Month
Excludes basic a/c ship tags. Common tags coded by color. Interesting changes or patterns are in bold.
January: fluff, human au, humor, post-canon, established relationship
February: fluff, angst, human au, established relationship, hurt/comfort
March: fluff, human au, angst, post-canon, first kiss (honorable mention: pining)
April: fluff, human au, angst, hurt/comfort, first kiss (honorable mention: humor)
May: fluff, human au, blairamok's #IneffableMay, established relationship, hurt/comfort
June: fluff, human au, established relationship, hurt/comfort, angst
July: fluff, angst, fix-it, hurt/comfort, s2 spoilers
~~~~SEASON TWO~~~~
August: angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, post s2, s2 spoilers (honorable mention: fix-it) (@neil-gaiman you know what you did)
September: fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, crowley is a mess, ineffable idiots
October: fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, post s2, crowley is a mess
November: fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, crowley is a mess, post s2 (honorable mentions: angst with a happy ending, hurt crowley)
December: fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, ineffable idiots, crowley is a mess (honorable mention: Christmas)
January 2024: fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, crowley is a mess, human au (honorable mention: anal sex)
At time of posting there are still a couple hours left on the poll that I plan to use for additional GO fic data, so please go vote if you haven't already. Info about how the process for this is under the cut:)
Data was collected on February first, 2023, using Ao3's filtering system. Each month represents fics updated from the first through last days of the month. Please note that fics are filtered by when it was updated, not originally published, so longer running fics will be sorted under when they were finished or last added to. Unrated fics are not included in the graph, an oversight on my part whilst collecting data, but make up a very small portion of total fics and are often podfics or artwork.
Tags excluded in tag rankings are: "Aziraphale loves Crowley", "Crowley loves Aziraphale", and "Ineffable Husbands", which were consistently ranked among the top tags and I found unhelpful for determining patterns in fan engagement since they are, after all, simply facts. Honorable mentions are tags that ranked within the top 10 tags for the month which were unique to the month or contributed to an interesting trend.
Data collection is all done by me, so slight errors in copying down information are possible. Yes I made teen purple instead of yellow, I found it aesthetically pleasing. So sue me.
January of 2024 was included because I thought the additional data provided interesting information, especially the return of the human au tag (officially "alternate universe-human"), the higher ratio of explicit to nonexplicit fics, and the debut of "anal sex" in the top ten tags. It was a great month for the fandom.
Current other data projects include average word-counts by month and estimation of the total number of words written by members of the fandom. If there's any data or patterns you'd like to see, or questions you'd like answered, drop them in my ask box!
All of this is dedicated to the wonderful amazing writers in the fandom, including lovely mutuals whose work I totally recommend @voluptatiscausa @fellshish @phoen1xr0se @indigovigilance @ineffabildaddy (if I didn't tag you don't read into it, I've got a medically-concerningly bad memory and just popped through my recent reads on ao3.)
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Rosemary Kirstein’s “The Steerswoman”
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I'm touring my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me TONIGHT (May 4) in VANCOUVER, then onto Tartu, Estonia, and beyond!
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For decades, scammy "book doctors" and vanity presses spun a tale about how Big Publishing was too conservative and risk-averse for really really adventurous books, and the only way to get your visionary work published was to pay them to fill your garage with badly printed books that you'd spend the rest of your life trying to get other people to read:
Like all successful grifts, this one worked because it wasn't entirely untrue. No, mainstream publishing isn't filled with corporate gatekeepers who relish the idea of keeping your brilliance from reaching its audience.
But editors sometimes make bad calls. They reject books because of quirks of taste, or fleeting inattentiveness, or personal bias. In a healthy publishing industry – one with dozens of equal-sized presses, all commanding roughly comparable market-share, good books would never slip through the cracks. One publisher's misstep would be another's opportunity.
But after decades of mergers, the population of major publishers has dwindled to a mere Big Five (it was almost four, but the DOJ blocked Penguin Random House's acquisition of Simon & Schuster):
This means that some good books definitely can't find a home in Big Publishing. If you miss with five editors, you can exhaust all your chances with the Big Five.
There's a second tier of great publishers, from data-driven juggernauts like Sourcebooks to boutique presses like Verso and Beacon Press, who publish wonderful books and are very good to their authors (I've published with four of the Big Five and half a dozen of the smaller publishers).
But even with these we-try-harder boutique publishers in the mix, there's a lot of space for amazing books that just don't fit with a "trad" publisher's program. These books are often labors of love by their creators, and that love is reciprocated by their readers. You can have my unbelievably gigantic Little Nemo in Slumberland collection when you pry my cold, dead fingers off of it:
And don't even think of asking to borrow my copy of Jack Womack's Flying Saucers are Real!:
I will forever cherish my Crad Kilodney chapbooks:
Then there's last year's surprise smash hit, Shift Happens, a two-volume, 750-page slipcased book recounting the history of the keyboard. I own one. It's fantastic:
Then there's the whole world of indie Kindle books pitched at incredibly voracious communities of readers, especially the very long tail of very niche sub-sub-genres radiating off the woefully imprecise category of "paranormal romance." These books are landing at precisely the right spot for their readers, despite some genuinely weird behind-the-scenes feuds between their writers:
But as Sturgeon's Law has it: "90% of everything is shit." Having read slush – the pile of unsolicited manuscripts sent to publishers – I can tell you that a vast number of books get rejected from trad publishers because they aren't good books. I say this without intending any disparagement towards their authors and the creative impulses that drive them. But a publisher's job isn't merely to be good to writers – it's to serve readers, by introducing them to works they are apt to enjoy.
The vast majority of books that publishers pass on are not books that you will want to read, so it follows that the vast majority of self-published work that is offered on self-serve platforms like Kindle or pitched by hopeful writers at street fairs and book festivals is just not very good.
But sometimes you find someone's independent book and it's brilliant, and you get the double thrill of falling in love with a book and of fishing a glittering needle out of an unimaginably gigantic haystack.
(If you want to read an author who beautifully expresses the wonder of finding an obscure, self-published book that's full of unsuspected brilliance, try Daniel Pinkwater, whose Alan Mendelsohn, The Boy From Mars is eleven kinds of brilliant, but is also a marvelous tale of the wonders of weird used book stores with titles like KLONG! You Are a Pickle!):
I also write books, and I am, in fact, presently in the midst of a long book-tour for my novel The Bezzle. Last month, I did an event in Cambridge, Mass with Randall "XKCD" Munroe that went great. We had a full house, and even after the venue caught fire (really!), everyone followed us across the street to another building, up five flights of stairs, and into another auditorium where we wrapped up the gig:
Afterwards, our hosts from Harvard Berkman-Klein took us to a campus pizza joint/tiki bar for dinner and drinks, and we had a great chat about a great many things. Naturally, we talked about books we loved, and Randall said, "Hey, have you ever read Rosemary Kirstein's Steerswoman novels?"
(I hadn't.)
"They're incredible. All these different people kept recommending them to me, and they kept telling me that I would love them, but they wouldn't tell me what they were about because there's this huge riddle in them that's super fun to figure out for yourself:"
"The books were published in the eighties by Del Ray, and the cover of the first one had a huge spoiler on it. But the author got the rights back and she's self-published it" (WARNING: the following link has a HUGE SPOILER!):
"I got it and it was pretty rough-looking, but the book was so good. I can't tell you what it was about, but I think you'll really like it!"
How could I resist a pitch like that? So I ordered a copy:
Holy moly is this a good novel! And yeah, there's a super interesting puzzle in it that I won't even hint at, except to say that even the book's genre is a riddle that you'll have enormous great fun solving.
Randall wasn't kidding about the book's package. The type looks to be default Microsoft fonts, the spine is printed slightly off-register, the typesetting has lots of gonks, and it's just got that semi-disposable feel of a print-on-demand title.
Without Randall's recommendation, I never would have even read this book closely enough to notice the glowing cover endorsement from Jo Walton, nor the fact that it was included in Damien Broderick and Paul Di Filippo's "101 Best Science Fiction Novels 1985-2010."
But I finished reading the first volume just a few minutes ago and I instantly ordered the next three in the series (it's planned for seven volumes, and the author says she plans on finishing it – I can't wait).
This book is such an unexpected marvel, a stunner of a novel filled with brilliant world-building, deft characterizations, a hard-driving plot and a bunch of great surprises. The fact that such a remarkable tale comes in such an unremarkable package makes it even more of a treasure, like a geode: unremarkable on the outside, a glittering blaze within.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 8 months
02/03-04 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Reminder! UK Launch! Wee John Monday!; Cast & Crew Sightings; Day Of Damien Recap; New Nominations; StewAsACrew; S1 Rewatch Party; Tumblr Posts; Articles; Save OFMD Crew Mascot Jeff; Hoist the Ads Followup; Poison Into Positivity with a huge Donation; Morale/LoveNotes/Daily Darby all wrapped up in a Cameo from Rhys Darby Courtesy of @adoptourcrew
Heyyyyyyyy I'm back! I had a great day off-- ty for all the lovely well wishes! Annnnnnnd holy moly did I miss some stuff only being gone ONE DAY. I'm trying to catch up so apologies if you've already heard this or if I'm missing anything! Thank you to @sgtblackbirdpie for keeping me up to date on some stuff while I was out!
= Reminders for Tomorrow! =
= UK Launch! =
Reminders from our lovely @lamentus1!
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We'll be tweeting #RewatchAsACrew #OurFlagBBC in addition to the usual #AdoptOurCrew #SaveOFMD
Season 2 will start at 10pm on Monday Feb 5, so that’s 5pm ET and 2pm PT. 
If you are outside the UK and want to help support the launch, you can connect with a VPN using these instructions also @reallygoodplants has a great post on how to do so here on tumblr as well
= Wee John Monday! =
EDIT: Important update! Time is at 2130 UK time for the first new Wee John Monday! This will be one time only to try and start up before the show airs. Thank you @atomicruinsperfection for this info!!
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Wee John Monday! Want to have your questions answered tomorrow during the show? You can go a few different places to do so: Discord / Twitter / Instagram
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= Cast & Crew Sightings =
Our lovely captain decided to put himself up for Cameos at $499 a pop. If you're flush with cash and interested, feel free to check out Rhys Darby's Cameo.
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I didn't put it here because it fits in the Moral/Love notes section--- but a fan GOT ONE OF THESE for themselves and all of us in the crew. Jump down to the very bottom for a love note from Rhys As well.
= Nathan Foad BTS =
Nathan Foad posted a bunch of new BTS in honor of s2 coming out in the UK tomorrow! Samba and Vico added a bunch of those to their IG stories as well. There were LOTS of pictures and videos, so many that I can't include them all. Here's a side post with a bunch of photos, but if you want to see them all, please visit Nathan Foad's IG Stories.
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=Day of Damien 02/03 =
Our lovely Damien Gerard really felt the love yesterday! Everyone sent love notes, gifts, and generally tried to celebrate our lovely friend on Day Of Damien and it made his night. He sent us lots of kitties pics and videos in return.
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Our Flag Means Death has been nominated for the 28th Art Director's Guild Awards for a Half-Hour Series!
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= Stew As A Crew / S1 Re-Watch party! =
Soooo many people came out for the S1 Re-Watch Party and also Stew As A Crew! Keeping that engagement going across all the platforms! I tried to highlight several but there were so many more!
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=S1 Rewatch Party=
Everybody came back out for the S1 Watch Party to help support S2 being aired for the first time tomorrow in the UK! Some highlights!
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== Tumblr Posts ==
Don't Stream on Max - by @iamadequate1 is absolutely a must read. They did some SERIOUSLY amazing analysis and data collecting on all the shows max has cancelled recently.
== Articles ==
TV guide: 12 of the best new shows to watch, beginning tonight
Save “Our Flag Means Death” – Another Great Gay Series On The Chopping Block - From Feb 2
==Save OFMD Crew==
Save OFMD Crew have announced their mascot/ambassador-- JEFF! As you've been seeing in all their social icons. Check out their post here.
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Hoist The Ads Follow Up
Since I keep seeing posts about hoist the ads being a scam again, I'm going to once again share the receipts for Hoist The Ads
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== Poison Into Positivity ==
So yesterday, a bunch of people started receiving what looked to be scam from group called entertainmintco. We got notified by @adoptourcrew and @saveofmdcrewmates of it earlier in the day:
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Warnings were sent out, and people from the leadership teams started getting serious with this group, but luckily it looks like it was a mistake that entertainmintco was willing to admit to.
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They then put out a statement explaining the situation, and donated $1000 to an LGBTQIA+ Supportive NonProfit: Rainbow Railroad for the trouble they'd caused.
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Annnd they also shared our petition!
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So overall, everything turned out okay! Definitely a weird one! But $1000 donation to supporting LGBTQIA+? Fantastic! Seriously poision into positivity. Thank you @AdoptOurCrew, @saveofmdcrewmates, and @LCWebsXOXO especially for turning that scam into splendor!
Post Note: There's been some questions on if there's a focus group actually going on-- I don't believe so but I'm asking and will get back to you!
== Morale / Love Notes / Daily Darby ==
Now, I'm sure most of you have seen this by now because it's exploding everywhere, but just in case not, I am going to highlight it as the last thing for today.
@meowzawowza_ went out and got one of Rhys' Cameos for themselves and the crew-- ty @adoptourcrew for sharing it with us. I recommend watching them where ever you can because when I say my hope is renewed, I sincerely mean it.
There's nothing I or anyone else could say that would equal the impact of Rhys' message. Our captain sends his advice and love.
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Tumblr / Twitter / Instagram For more on the unedited parts of the video, @meowzawowza_ gives more deets: @ofmd-ann has a thread you can view here
"Life keeps rock'n ... You can't have peaks without troughs...thank you so much for being you and being so supportive ... love you, bye crew"
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crowleyholmes · 9 months
hi there chris! since the new year is approaching rapidly, i wanted to ask my favorite creators (that includes you! i love your art!) how they look back on their 2023 tumblr year and which blogs made them happy to be here. i am very happy to follow you and hope you'll have a great 2024! 💘
Hiiii omg this is so sweet and means a lot to me, thank you! 🥺💕
I've been meaning to do a little end-of-the-year shoutout/love post for some of my favorite blogs, so I hope you don't mind if I use your ask as the perfect excuse!
I've had many fun years on tumblr, but this one has been extra special. Falling into the Good Omens fandom and meeting all of you amazing people has made this year so so SO much better than it otherwise would have been, so here are some special shoutouts (apologies, I'm sure this will get long, things like this tend to get away from me, so I'll put it under a read-more)
@majortomyourcurcuitsdead SASHA can you believe I was going to just send you an anon telling you that I think you're cool and leave it at that. Can you believe it. WELL thank Somebody you had your anon turned off and I had to expose myself in your dms because it feels like we just instantly connected about like 20 different things and haven't stopped talking since sskjdfhs anyway I'm so happy I met you you're so fun and so clever and so talented and so enthusiastic and I've only known you for like. What 2 months?? Ish? But I already love you so much <3
@lineffability !!! Line you are so *struggles to find words* you're just great is what you are okay. I feel like you are what happens when somebody takes a big cup and puts six shots of love, chaos, sunshine, talent, fun, and enthusiasm into it, generously sprinkles intelligence on top and gives it a good stir. I don't even remember how or when or why we started talking tbh? But your creativity is so inspiring, and some of my favorite tumblr-moments of this year have been 'yes-and'ing with you about one thing or another in a very >:3 manner hahah so! my point is! i love you lots <3
@dontbotheraziraphale Teeeedddd you're wonderful, I vented at you one time and then we talked for like 2 hours and at the end of that 1 conversation I already considered you a friend - and not just in that "tumblr mutuals who talk 1 time are my friends" kind of way but like. Genuinely. You're so kind and so fun and every time we talk it's such a good time ily a lot my bro my buddy my man <3
@crikey01 Tallulah HI I also completely forgot how we started talking but I remember connecting the dots that you were the one who painted those INSANE black and white and gold oil paintings and the way my jaw dropped like?? BRO you're so talented I admire you so much! And I love that we bonded over stopping each other from masochistically checking certain peoples' blogs... 😂 Anyway you're so sweet and fun and ily lots <3
The list could probably go on but you four are the people I've talked to most on here and you're the tumblr chat boxes I never close but always just minimize and y'all better see this as the ultimate internet declaration of affection that it Clearly is >:D 💕
And here are some more shout-outs because I just HAVE to.
Apologies, I know I've already tagged a bunch of you recently in a mutuals appreciation post but. This is my official thank-you-for-2023 post and I just have a lot of love for you all okay sorry feel free to ignore this <3
@rowan-ashtree (i'll text you back soon I promise I'm sorry I just haven't had the brain-space recently ssjkdfh) @crawley-fell (we've never talked but i love you from afar :')) @ineffabildaddy @llokilaufeyson @actual-changeling @saryasy @hyperfocusthusly @beccibarnes @rainbowcrowley @thesherrinfordfacility @goodoldfashionednightingale @wibbly-wobbly-blog @highlyillogicalandroid (i see your data obsession and i agree <3) @tortugay @foolishlovers @stargazing-crowley @gingiekittycat @weasleywrinkles @bildads-shoes @finleycannotdraw @bowtiepastabitch @heytherefluffy @samwwise @nocturnal-birb @athousandyearstime @angelsdiningattheritz @most-normal-eccles-cake-ignorer @jedthesecretdreamer @wraithee @hydrangeadangea @southfarthing @frodo-baggins @mobius-m-mobius
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meetinginsamarra · 4 months
mayprompts2024 #16, experiment
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Read parts 1-11 on AO3 here
Part 12 only on tumblr so far
The Perfect Place - Part Thirteen
John put the skull back on its place on the mantelpiece and pointed at the dagger Sherlock had stuck into the wood to keep several letters in place. He frowned and gave Sherlock a disapproving look.
“You shouldn’t keep such a sharp dagger in the wood.” John chided.
Oh dear, here come the admonishments, Sherlock thought.
He braced himself against what John was likely about to say. “It’s dangerous to keep a sharp object here. People could get hurt.” Or “You’re destroying the wood, it’s difficult to repair damage like this.”
John continued. “It’s really bad for the blade, it’ll get dull, you know? Also, the tip might break and get stuck in the mantelpiece. It would be a shame to ruin such a fine dagger.”
“Erm, okay?” Sherlock stuttered, surprised, “Yes, will do.” Not what I expected.
When John peeked under the sofa, he pulled out the Turkish scimitar that Sherlock had already missed.
“Oh, great, you found it! I’ll be needing it tomorrow.” Sherlock called out happily.
“What for?” John brandished the scimitar and made some thrusts into Sherlock’s direction. “You going to waylay guileless travellers?”
“No, of course not.” Sherlock decided to test John’s sense of humour. “I’ll need it to chop the remains from the latest flatmate-candidate. He insulted Billy and therefore he had to die.”
John looked Sherlock straight into the face, utterly deadpan. “Good then that I didn’t. Also, you’d better use this letter-holding dagger for precision cuts through the corpse’s joints.”
They stared at each other for three long seconds before they exploded into raucous laughter.
For the next ten minutes, Sherlock watched John hopping excitedly around the sitting-room, ogling things, pawing bits and fondling bobs.
It was an amazing sight of utter joy.
Sherlock was reminded of a toddler experiencing their first Easter egg hunt in a magical wonderland. He suppressed the urge of handing a basket to John so that he could put the found treasures inside for later perusal.
(Others might have been reminded of a squirrel suffering from dementia, getting excited over and over again about finding the same nuts it had hidden juts several minutes ago, thinking they were new.)
(And yet others would have thought of a cuddly hedgehog searching for windfall like apples and pears to gain weight for the next winter.)
John commented on every mysterious, unusual, weird or quirky object that he picked up, showing it to Sherlock and silently asking for more information, data that Sherlock was more than happy to provide.
“Are you needing a cup of tea as bad as I?” John asked after a lot of talking, “I’m parched.”
(Also, his throat was terribly dry from all the dust he had inhaled while scrutinizing Sherlock’s things.)
“Let’s make some,” Sherlock offered, “and you could have a look at the kitchen.”
Sherlock put the kettle on while John first commented on the lovely choice of green tiles on the kitchen wall and then asked about the array of chemistry equipment on the kitchen table.
“I’m doing a lot of experiments here,” Sherlock explained, “to gather data and evaluate clues in order to solve the crimes that I consult on.”
(This was true, of course. Also, it sounded much better than the whole truth. Namely, that Sherlock followed mostly some whims he had when he was bored and just experimented with whatever was available to him. He had produced mountains of laboratory journals with millions of spreadsheets of data that nobody would ever use. Like one of his latest obsessions when he had tested the durability of mummified Guinea pig embryos after being exposed to various kinds of acids and then thrown against a bed of nails.)
“What is it you’re currently experimenting on?”
“I’m measuring the coagulation of saliva after death.” Sherlock replied and poured the hot water over a teabag.
“Interesting.” John said. “I’ll get us some milk.” He reached for the handle of the fridge.
Sherlock suddenly remembered where the saliva had come from and an electric shock of terror struck him.
“No, don’t open…” he began to shout.
But it was already too late.
“… the fridge.” Sherlock whispered.
John’s shriek reverberated in the deadly silence that followed.
tagging some people @calaisreno @totallysilvergirl @lisbeth-kk @peanitbear  @raina-at
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toska-writes · 1 year
This is from an anon which I loved! It was just a tad too long to add here!
“Dog Days”
Read here on Ao3 (✩)
Summary: for the first time in a long long time your feeling under the weather- it works out well though that you have 6 people that will make you feel much better
Pairing: The bad batch x GN padawan reader (Platonic with every member of the batch)
Warning: Needles only in one spot Mentions of being sick/ throw up- nothing that graphic really
Word count: 1627
Notes: This ask was so well written and honestly I couldn’t stop thinking about it! (Be ready for a bunch of Cody stories coming up- I have many asks for him)
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“It would be wise if you both weren’t so close to them.” Tech walked into the room again scrolling through his data pad quickly. “It’s unprovable but you both could still become ill yourselves.”
You felt Crosshair shift under you for a moment and then put a hand carefully on your shoulder. “I’ll take my chances.”
“Me too!” Omega chimed in as snuggled closer into your side.
Tech sighed for a moment before walking over to the trio and placed a hand to your forehead.
“I’ve spent all morning trying to figure something out to contradict the illness, nothing so far.”
Crosshair glared at his older brother for a moment. “While your doing that why don’t you keep it down.” The words barely scraped pass his teeth. “I was hoping that they’d be falling asleep.”
“Don’t worry Cross I don’t think I could go to sleep at all.” Your groggy voice sounded muffled as you dug your throbbing face closer into Crosshair.
To be honest you haven’t been able to sleep all night to this morning. Stomach pains and throwing up have made sure of that.
Not braking eye contact with whatever he was reading Tech got up and started to walk to the cockpit before he looked over his shoulder.
“Omega Hunter is looking for you.”
“Awe.” Displeased she started to get up and out of the bunk you all were laying in. “But I want to stay and make sure they’re alright.”
“Believe me Omega I’m not going anywhere.” You spoke between coughs as you felt her get up and walk out the darkened room with Tech.
Crosshair returned the blanket over your shoulders and slid down the wall he was currently leaning back on.
Moments or hours could have passed, you couldn’t tell as your eyes tried to flutter shut but was interrupted by various things.
You didn’t hear when Echo entered the room or even when he crouched near the edge of the bunk.
“Hey Y/N.” Your eyes snapped to him for a second realizing he was with you too. “I brought you some soup that hopefully you’ll be able to keep down.”
You went to sit up for a moment and felt Echo help you up so you still leaned against Crosshair. Looking back at him you saw his head bob down and soft snores were coming from Crosshair’s mouth.
“Thanks Echo.” You whispered as you rubbed your eyes.
“Of course, you know this meal always use to make me feel better whenever I was under the weather.”
You smiled to yourself slightly as Echo came and sat next to you on the bunk; soup in his hand. “Fives sounds like a great guy.” Without knowing your head swayed slightly down and rested onto Echos cold shoulder.
“He is.” Was all he responded before bringing a spoon to your mouth. “Of course I’m no cook but you couldn’t possibly mess up this recipe.”
The soup danced happily on your tastebuds, the flavor was comforting enough where you didn’t have to worry about it staying in your stomach for a short period of time.
“Wow that is really good.” You whispered again, of course not being able to have real food in a matter of a few days made you a little biased but it was delicious nonetheless.
The bowl was emptied in a matter of minutes, you were unbelievably grateful for Fives’ amazing feel better soup.
“Here let me get Crosshair up so you could try and get some rest.” Echo spoke softly as he quietly got up from his spot.
“Let him sleep a little more at least.” Your hand shook as you reached out for Echo. The night before neither of you got a wink of sleep, Crosshair would doubt it if asked, but his eyes burned this morning from staying awake all night just in case anything happened. It eased you last night knowing he was there.
You could make out Echo nodding before exiting the room again, light barley flooded in as you saw a much bigger silhouette walk into the room.
“Aye there kid.” Wrecker wasn’t the best a whispering. Crosshair shifted slightly against you as you tried to lay you both down so Cross wouldn’t have to sleep sitting up.
Wrecker patted your head for a moment when you got situated then added. “You know I just thought Lula could help ya feel better.”
You could only smile to yourself despite how you felt as the soft material made its way into your arms. “It’s a bummer being sick but Lula was always there for me so I thought-“
“Thank you Wreck, I feel better already.” Brining Lula tightly in your arms and under your chin you could make out the smile of Wrecker.
“Sleep well with her.” Wrecked fixed your blanket as well and tried his best to walk quietly out of the room.
Crosshair moved around once again and brought an arm over your torso. “He’s so unbelievably loud.” He murmured slightly, the words still laced with sleep.”
You rolled yours eyes slightly burying your head into the pillow bellow you. “Mmm.” You replied slightly as you were racked with coughs. However this time you could finally close your eyes to sleep.
Sweat soaked your body as you quickly sat up to the displeasure of the headache that pierced your skull. You didn’t know how long you were asleep or if your were in the same bunk as before.
“Woah woah kids it’s ok.” You looked around for a moment as your eyes landed on Hunter, his hands placed on your heaving shoulders. “I just came to check up on you, good timing I guess.”
Leaning forward slightly you crashed into the shoulder of the sergeant that was kneeled in front of you. “It’s gross in here, I don’t wanna get Cross sick.”
“I gotcha I gotcha.” One hand rubbed over your back beige scooping you into his arms. Before you felt the bed leave from under you you quickly grabbed hold of Lula and brought her close to you.
The lights of the marauder were quite bright compared to where you were laying all day, however the sun had already set behind the widow as you were brought into the cockpit.
Hunter left your side for a moment then returned seconds later as you felt a cool cloth pressed to your forehead.
As you adjusted your eyes met the worried ones of Hunter. The sweat from the fever poured down your face but the cloth helped enough to put you at ease.
“Sorry Hunter.” You could see the discomfort along the fine features of his face as he tried to mask them.
“What are you talking about kid? You got nothing to worry about.” You knew he was lying, his senses were probably flaring up with the sickness you had. It made sense why you didn’t see him for a portion of the morning.
Omega was at his side along with Tech holding some sort of medical equipment.
“Feeling better Y/N.” The curious girl asked parking herself at your side yet again. If you were at 100 percent you would be able to practically feel the worry pouring off of her, but your senses were dulled.
“Yeah Omega I am.” You answered before looking at Tech. He patted Hunter on the shoulder as Tech motions to the control panel.
“This should help you to feel better in no time.” Tech said matter-of-factly. “However it does come in the only form of a shot.”
At this point you’d do anything to get over this feeling. You slightly nodded your head as Omega grabbed onto your hand. She could understand and knew why you didn’t like needles and she made sure you were comforted as Tech quickly stuck it into you shoulder.
“I would suggest more rest for you now until tomorrow morning when we’ll have to give you another injection.” Tech helped you up slightly.
“Why don’t you stay in my room?” Omega perked up taking your other arm around her shoulder.
Both you and Tech nodded as you made your way to the little nook that was transformed into a room just for the girl.
Omega pilled blankets upon blankets onto your shivering form but also made sure to drape the cold cloth on your forehead.
“Is that alright?” She asked coming to lay down beside you.
“Perfect Omega you’ve done so much for me.” You stomach made you curl up on yourself and into the small girls frame.
Omega looked you over worried for a moment before pushing some hair away from your face.
“Hey how about a story to help pass the time hm?” She asked now burrowing into the blankets next to you.
The comforting voice of the girl you considered now a little sister spoke calmly retelling many exciting stories from her time on Kamino. A few made you laugh as your eyes got heavier and heavier as minutes passed by.
“And then you wouldn’t believe it he-“ Omega trailed off slightly looking down to the sleeping form curled up close to her. The rise and fall of your chest was even for now and she couldn’t help the smiled that leaked onto her face.
In the deep depths of sleep your brow eased slightly as the pain no longer bothered you when you weren’t conscious. One last time she tucked a piece of your hair back slightly before taking your lead and closing her eyes as well, knowing at least for now you were alright.
@arctrooper69 @thereforepizza @padawancat97 @pb-jellybeans @floffytofu @verybadatwriting @solstraalaa @ray-rook
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xecutivecucumber · 6 months
Executive Cucumber's Thoughts on the Bad Batch 03x09!
Spoilers under the cut
Apologies for this being late, I worked overtime and then immediately went to rescue my sister and her kids from a car breakdown. I got overwhelmed pretty quick.
I really liked this episode, but as I was in a not great mood when I watched it, I didn't absorb as much as I normally do. (My mood really affects how much I enjoy something, regardless of quality. I was in a foul mood when I first watched Faster and was fairly critical of it. I was wrong.)
This is really the first time we've seen not beautiful weather on Pabu and that's terrifying.
CROSSHAIR IS PART OF A COMMUNITY!!! Have yall considered that he's never been a part of a community before? Like yes, he's has his family, but a community?
'Does it matter? We're not giving her up.' This man. I love this man. If Tech did not already reign Supreme in my heart, I think Crosshair would be my favorite character in Star Wars.
Oh Omega, that story fell apart faster than Hunter's resistance to adopting you.
They leave a space for Tech 💔
Apparently those blood tester things that Qui Gon had were Jedi issue only.
YOU CAN DO IT OMEGA!!! Wrecker, honey, if Omega CAN do it, that means her life gets WAY harder.
They one hundred percent sent Crosshair to look at Tech's data because Hunter and Wrecker can barely do it.
'Go get a flower kid, I gotta beat up your dads'
Okay, I honestly think Hunter doesn't have the time for romance and could honestly see him as asexual, but-
I don't think we've seen such well choreographed hand to hand fighting in animated Star Wars. Except maybe that time that Rex absolutely destroyed those Zygerrians. But I might be biased about that.
'SHE'S A WAR CRIMINAL OMEGA' Okay now I need to know what defines war crimes in this universe. Did they have space Geneva?
You know, good thing Echo's not here. He'd probably be WAY more pissed than these three.
'You're naive' says the man who was changed by the child saying people can change.
I love Crosshair's 'oh shoot she's right' face.
Wrecker's little gasp when Ventress looks at them is AMAZING.
I love it when Star Wars is using the Force to connect with animals.
I'm sorry, Hunter girlies, I guess we getting wet hair everyone except Hunter. (Though Ventress looks SO GOOD)
VENTRESS YOU QUEEN I LOVE YOU YOU'VE COME SO FAR (I haven't read dark disciple but my sister has, and she informed me that Vos' Dark Side training by Ventress culminated in him summoning a water monster and killing it. This is such a beautiful parallel that she calms it.)
Crosshair helping Omega on is my everything.
I really love that Crosshair has decided to give Ventress a chance, because he was given a chance. (And also I lowkey ship them in a one night stand kinda way. Crossajj is such a good ship name too)
I don't think Ventress is lying when she says Omega isn't Force sensitive. Omega doesn't show ANYTHING in this episode that implies that she's sensitive. Yes, she uses Batcher, but she'd trained Batcher with normal friend methods. I think that Ventress stops the testing prematurely before she can be more sure, because she sees the possibly unhealthy attachment the Batch have. It might also be to protect Omega to not know for sure. My personal theory is that Omega is slightly more sensitive than the average clone, but not to any natural talent degree.
Oh gosh, I'm so scared for the next few episodes. Ventress gives them such a clear warning. This episode did such a good job of getting the tension tight again.
I know some people call this episode redundant, but the characters NEED this in order to catch up. We as an audience knew that M Counts meant midichlorians. But the Batch had no idea. Sometimes, we need to let the main characters catch up with us.
(This is also why Tech as CX-2 works on a reveal level because the mystery isn't for us, it's for the characters)
But yeah, a great episode! I'm terrified for everything and everyone!
A quick note- I've seen people say that it's too late in the season for Tech to return. I'd like to remind you that it took exactly two episodes in season 2 to get us behind Crosshair's redemption. They can do a lot in a few episodes.
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tanthamoretober · 11 months
Never-Not-Commenting November
Tanthamoretober is COMPLETE. The archive collection is closed, and we had a truly incredible 101 works submitted through the month. We don't have anything up our sleeves writing-challenge-wise for November, but stay tuned for ~winterfest~ coming to a December and January near you.
Our challenge to all of you this month is to spend some time showing some love to the amazing works posted this month!!!
Introducing Never-Not-Commenting November, a silly name for a really important challenge: leave as many kudos and comments for works posted in October as you possibly can.
How does this work?
Browse through the works in the Tanthamoretober AO3 collection, and read them! Once you've read them, leave a comment telling the author what you liked about their story! Did you already read a fic and forget to leave a comment? Leave one now! Did you read it when it first came out and enjoy it again on reread? Comment again! However you feel it's most authentic to show love, we want you to show up and do that.
Will there be prizes? Will I get in trouble for not doing it? The best prize of all is the warm, fuzzy feeling you get from knowing that you made a Willow fic author feel happier. We are not going to be tracking commenting because it's too big a data management job; this is going to be on the honor system. We're not your parents, nor do we wish to be, but you will know if you cheat.
We will however be putting together some posts with optional commenting achievements. We trust you to track whether you hit these milestones on your own, and if you do, feel free to reblog the post - like giving yourself a badge.
Okay fine I like badges. Where are the badges? Links to come as the amazing stellar @myrebelliousphase works her art magic, but the milestones are:
Never Not Commenting November Novice: I left AO3 comments on 5 fics!
Never Not Commenting November Apprentice: I left AO3 comments on 10 fics!
Never Not Commenting November Master: I left AO3 comments on 20 fics!
Never Not Commenting November Knight: I left AO3 comments on 40 fics!
Never Not Commenting November Nice, Dude: I left AO3 comments on 69 fics!
Never Not Commenting November Semprum Sorceror: I left AO3 comments on EVERY fic in the tanthamoretober collection
I left some comments on fic in October, as people were posting. Can I claim a badge? Yes, of course! We still would like it if you try to leave a few extra comments through November, but obviously if you're trying to aim for one of the higher-count badges and you've been reading through the month, we don't want to make it impossible. What if I comment on other Willow fics that aren't in the Tanthamoretober collection?
We love that for you. Go nuts. Claim a badge. However, we'd ask that if you're commenting on non-Tanthamoretober stories, you only "count" comments you leave between November 7 and November 30.
I'm shy about leaving AO3 comments, do you have any advice?
If you're nervous about leaving a big comment, or if that's not your style, try practicing with saying a few words! If you already left kudos but want to let the writer know you reread it, even a simple comment saying "Leaving kudos, again, I liked this!" is a great way to share your love. Here are some prompts that might help you feel inspired to leave a comment:
was there a particular line or phrase that you liked? Why did you like it?
was there something else you liked about the fic?
Do you have a favourite small detail about the fic? Why? how did the fic make you feel? Do you feel comfortable sharing that feeling with the writer?
Did the fic each you anything? if so, what?
Is there anything else I can do to contribute?
Yes! If you're a reader feel free to make posts of fic recs. These are posts where you share a link to a story or stories that you enjoyed, and explain why you liked it to help other people find stories they might enjoy. If you are a writer who contributed a story to Tanthamoretober feel free to put together a roundup post of the stories you added to the collection during this time. If you tag us (@tanthamoretober) in your rec posts or roundup posts, we'll reblog them during the month of November!
Anything else?
This should go without saying, but we are trusting you all to be kind, respectful, and appropriate when leaving comments. No one likes unsolicited criticism, even if the intent is to be "constructive." The goal of this is to spread love and appreciation, and we expect you to treat authors with the care and gentleness that you would like to be treated with. If a story truly is not to your taste, you are not obligated to leave feedback.
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whencyclopedia · 3 months
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10 Years of Ancient History Encyclopedia
Ancient History Encyclopedia's CEO Jan van der Crabben writes about the organization's 10-year history.
Ancient History Encyclopedia just turned ten! On 25 August 2009, we officially launched the Ancient History Encyclopedia website by submitting ancientopedia.com (its first domain) to search engines. We have come a long way and it has been an amazing journey for everyone involved. Congratulations to the team and thank you to all our members, donors, supporters, and readers!
How Did We Get Here?
Whenever we speak at conferences, people want to know how we got where we are now. How did a home-brew website grow to become one of the world's biggest and most-read history websites, completely bootstrapped without any investment?
We are not business gurus and we do not have a recipe for success that would work for everyone. Still, we have some idea of what we did right along the way, which we will talk about in this article. I believe it is a combination of luck, technical know-how, great content, and a dedicated and passionate team that made it all happen.
Luck is always important. We launched at the right time when rising in search rankings was a lot easier and there were fewer high-quality websites. Had we launched five years later, our growth would have been slower.
Technical know-how allowed us to build a website that was optimized for search engines from the start, built for historical data. We had a good idea of how to build a website, integrate it with other services, and optimize it for search. We were also always able to quickly adapt to changing needs.
Great content is the key to any publication. We always focused on quality, and our standards rose with time. Even if we could have earned more money with sponsored articles or spammy ads, we never compromised, for example.
Great teams are what make or break companies. I have found that you should not hire people for their qualifications but for their personal attitude and whether they are a cultural fit. We have got a great team that is passionate about what we do. We all work remotely from home; without an office where people have to show up, you have to love what you do!
Continue reading...
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are you more or less likely to like the percy jackson show if you have adhd?
TL;DR at the bottom
this whole idea came about because i was seeing people complain about the pacing of the show and i was so confused because i thought the pacing was perfect and then i thought maybe it's because i have adhd and so of course i would think the pacing was great and so i ran a poll to look at the results and here are those results
important things to note
a) i have adhd (diagnosed)
b) i study a stem degree
ok here we go
short answer
statistically no, but i disagree (i'll get to it)
longer answer
i did a poll comparing if you have adhd and if you like the show, these were the results (and here so you can see how i wanted people to answer)
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(yes i voted, my opinion also counts)(and yes, there are flaws in the design but i only had 12 options and this was mainly about adhd)
and idk about you but looking at those numbers i can see a few things
number 1: most people like the show, 87.8% in fact
and if you take out the people that didn't care, it's 92.9% of people who did care aka a lot
quick stats rundown
for everyone with adhd (thats the first 6 options) 3% didn't like the show
for those with other neurodiversities and not adhd, it was 12%
yeah, thats 4 times higher (it works out at a whole 2 people but again, limits of the poll)
ANYWAY, i ran some statistical tests (don't stress, i don't understand them either, i will not be focussing on them)
first, chi squared (compares expected values for each option with the actual values i got)
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yeah that number is small, like very small, like 2.8 quintillionths
but i ran it in R and got a very different number
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and oh lookie here that's a p-value about 0.05 and so we must accept the null hypothesis (basically that yeah, that's expected)
which makes NO SENSE but whatever, the computer tells me it's that
enough of chi-squared, i also ran a z-test (i googled what to do and apparently this was the right test, idk what it does ngl)
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i didn't run this one in R bc i have no idea how to do that
but the p-value is again, about 0.05 and so accept that there is no significant difference
ok i don't disagree with the stats but i disagree that there isn't a difference
it doesn't take a genius to see the difference
3% of people with adhd didn't like the show but 12% of other nd's did like-
come on that has to mean something
so i ran a chi squared test on just the adhd data and...
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1.9 octillionths
so did it in R and got a warning saying it probably wasn't accurate (it's probably the 0) so i ran fishers exact test (idk man thats what i was told to run by the internet) and got this...
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so errrrrr yeah
apparently the same goes for the adhd data to which i can kind of get but also dont when
0.6% of people didn't like the show and were diagnosed as an adult but 1.2% didn't like the show and were self-diagnosed, with almost the same number of votes (it works out as a 1 person difference)
and no one who was diagnosed as a child disliked it like WHAT?!?!?!
also no neurotypicals disliked it, love y'all for that /gen
idk, i think the sample size is too small to run accurate tests, that or im doing it wrong which is a very high probability
so whilst statistically, the answer is no, i'm seeing a pattern emerge
but i am a scientist so i cannot say yes or no which SUCKS bc i see a pattern and i want to know MORE but tumblr doesn't have a great mechanism for polls so i can't ask all the questions i want to
the stats say there's no significant difference and so i must concur even if i don't want to
the show was amazing and i'm very excited for season 2 for reasons i don't want to spoil for people who haven't read the book (but go read the books they are just as good)
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dragonfire42 · 4 months
I asked for some help in my Good Omens fanfic discord on some science questions for a story I'm writing and instantly got some of the most interesting and intelligent conversations in a chat with three other GO fans willing to beta read and talk science with me.
The stand out was getting to talk with a REAL astrophysicist about the stars!! She's a Good Omens fan and we got to talk about constellations, star creation, and the aurora borealis from last night.
Here's a cool website she shared with me on tracking space weather to see these solar flares:
Here's some perspective on how tiny we are all in the scheme of things, this is the Milky Way:
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There were several of us on the discord call talking about the stars and we compared all the colors we were seeing on the auroras from where we were around the world, and here's some of the reasons why:
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Here's the pic my friend got from here in Colorado:
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And here's the pic I got - it was cloudy but I had a good imagination and a marker and colored it in:
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So I didn't get to see the Northern Lights but I had an AMAZING hour long chat with a Good Omens fan and astrophysicist so today was SO GREAT
She was also sweet enough to give me some great info for the Hitchhiker's Guide / Good Omens crossover I'm currently writing! So my silly fanfic where Crowley gets ab-DUCK-ted by those alien ducks from S1 is about to get a ton of real star science added in!
I LOVE this fandom y'all - I keep meeting the coolest people and getting so much encouragement and having so much fun diving into writing again. I've been a puppeteer and theatre creator for twenty years but having so much fun in this fanfic sandbox with so many great folks and trying and learning new things!!
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jackwhiteprophetic · 2 months
3, 6, 12, 17, 19, 21!!! 💜💜💜
3. All time favourite pairing:
Guys it's really obscure but hear me out, I feel like Evan Buckley and Eddie Diaz from that one firefighter show could be a thing? I think I might be onto something here...
6. Favourite headcanon:
Eddie avoids Maddie because she clocked him from the start and he got scared
12. Craziest thing you've ever done as part of a fandom:
Hmmm the only fandom I've like really been in is 911, so I think maybe the graph?? That took... A lot of time. I also revised for my exams at the same time as recording the data...
17. Favourite blog(s) in your fandom:
AAAAAA too many to count, just to pick a few (I'm gonna limit myself to who I open my dash and currently see, so if I missed anyone I'm sorry and I LOVE EVERYONE ON HERE SO MUCH): @ranbling @mazzystar24 @smilingbuckley @speaknowbuckley @fredmundo evil twin @harbingerofsoup @wayfarers0 @rosstrytobe @timeshareindestin @eddiegettingshot @eddiegirls ALL OF THESE PEOPLE ARE ICONS AND THEY ARE SO AMAZING AND TALENTED (same for everyone on eddiebuddieblr)
19. Fanfic you read again and again:
"the stick around" - I will never shut up about this fic... And honestly anything by @smilingbuckley THEY'RE SO FUCKING TALENTED GUYS I'M OBSESSED WITH ALL OF IT
21. Favourite fic trope:
Okay I'm gonna do a few: Bobby being a father figure to Buck, when Buck and Eddie get another kid, presumed dead, amnesia... THERE ARE HONESTLY SOOO MANY...
This was sooo fun thank you!!!!! Have a great day!! I have to tidy my room and eat something now!!
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