#re:: alderaan
ruinreigns · 1 year
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@fragmcntdstars ( ben ) asked : ❝  the wider the smile, the bigger the lie.  ❞
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                 steady hands smooth the front her son's shirt , lips pulling to a soft frown . she's not sure if the attitude is a product of her or his father . probably some combination of both . but that stubborn streak . oh ... that was certainly a skywalker trait . she'd been told the same streak had run deep in both of her parents , had been the subject of much frustration among those who had known them . ❝ don't be like that , ben . it's only a party . i thought you enjoyed those . ❞ she's lying and it's written in the furrow of her brow . she's never been good at lying to those she loves . even worse was she at lying to herself and yet she was so sure that if she just said it enough , she could believe it .
                 a huff of breath as hands fall away from ben's clothing and she steps backwards to examine him . she's quiet for a long moment before giving a slight nod . ❝ that'll pass . ❞ a soft hum and arms cross before a brow raises , lips pulling to a slight smirk . ❝ you're going for the food . there's going to be a lot of politics ... but if you keep your face stuffed and just nod along , they'll never know you don't care . it's how your father handles these things . ❞
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buffshipper8490 · 2 years
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(artwork by @grassprint, used with permission)
The Original Trilogy re-imagined as young Tatooine farmgirl Leia Skywalker learns the ways of the Force from old Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and joins with smuggler Han Solo and his first mate Chewbacca aboard the Millennium Falcon to rescue Prince Luke Organa of Alderaan from the clutches of the evil Sith Lord Darth Vader and the tyrannical Galactic Empire...
Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: Title Crawl
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... STAR WARS: THE AGE OF REBELLION It is a period of civil war. Rebel spaceships, striking from a hidden base, have won their first victory against the evil Galactic Empire on the planet of Scarif. During the battle, Rebel spies Cassian Andor and Jyn Erso managed to steal secret plans to the Empire's ultimate weapon, the DEATH STAR-- a space station with enough power to destroy an entire planet-- from an Imperial Citadel run by Director Orson Krennic, relaying them to a Rebel cruiser in orbit. Determined not to let the rebels escape, the Death Star obliterated the Citadel, and the Empire's sinister enforcer Darth Vader arrived to the aftermath of the battle in pursuit of the cruiser...
Chapter 3: Tantine IV Darth Vader pursues the blockade runner Tantine IV to retrieve the plans to the Death Star stolen from Scarif...
Likes ❤ and Reblogs 🔁 are much appreciated!
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gets up on my soap box
luke quilting using beru's patterns (at least the ones that he can remember, its been too long--) and making a blanket for each of his students when they arrive. each quilt is different.
he embroiders a cloak for each of them when they graduate. it tells their story of trials and achievements. (don't think about the ones that fall, the ones that turn away, the ones that simply never graduate--)
(he has a room dedicated for all of those unfinished ones.)
just the thought of luke re-learning how to embroider/quilt/knit with his mechanical hand. the thought of his always having engine grease under his fingernails. about him getting so frustrated when his hands can't function like they used to. when beru would gently teach him how to hold the needles and hooks right, how to keep tension on yarn without it snapping--
the scent of grease and ozone and sand and something so master skywalker baked into each item made with so much love that his students cant help but feel secure. he puts a piece of his heart into each of his gifts. (his force presence lingers in each one. all of his students are always welcome back. the cloak and quilt are like a hug--a feeling of home that makes them warm and gives them a sense of comfort: a sense that everything will be okay. because master luke is there.)
there are days where the students just crowd around and watch him work. he'll sit in a chair in front of the fireplace and the kids will gather around. those are rest days. they are sacred. luke will often hum lullabies from tatooine (and alderaan. he was there when leia broke down and sobbed in his arms. so he learned. he learned how to sing the tongue of her world, her family, so that she could know that he was family.)
he teaches the younglings that want to learn. (sometimes he swears he can smell aunt beru's curry, or can feel her smiling at him--)
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direwolfrules · 2 years
Would anyone care for some unsolicited fanfic recs in this trying time?
Star Wars (because I have no other life):
(Re)convene by Nightfall_1409:
10 years after sacrificing himself for the Rebellion, Ezra Bridger is offered the chance to turn back the clock and alter the course of history forever- the Force sending back with him a ragtag band of heroes, all whom have proven themselves worthy of the chance, all of whom have the drive to prevent the events that turned their lives into living nightmares, all of whom have the chance to save their loved ones from their fates.
Now 35 years in the past, returned to the era of the Republic 6 years before the rise of the Empire, 3 years before the start of the Clone Wars, he has to unite his scattered allies- Ahsoka Tano, Din Djarin, Boba and Omega Fett- and put together the puzzle of what caused the galaxy to fall, or they'll all be doomed to watch it happen again.
Personal Thoughts:
I really like this one. Time travel is my favorite trope. It’s well written, it draws you in, and the author has done an excellent job of mashing up Legends and Canon in fun and unique ways.
It has everything: Force Sensitive Omega, Tired Space Dad Din Djarin accidentally becoming a main character, Ezra and Anakin as chaotic besties, no Jedi bashing, and much more that would be spoilers.
The author tries to update twice a month. It’s really good. Also this is the only one I’m including the summary for because I’m lazy.
Time-Traveling Artoo by SpiderMansUnfriendlyNeighbor
Crack fic go brrrr. Seriously though, it’s just Artoo fucking with Sidious and then kidnapping children to matchmake. I was laughing the whole way through.
A Means of Survival by LessAttitudeMoreAltitude
In which Ursa finds a half dead Jedi Padawan named Caleb and the Mandalorian Adoption instinct activates. Listen, Sabine has decided the Jetti’ad is her favorite person, they can’t just not adopt him
The Time Heals ‘verse by jessicas_pi
Force Sensitive Sabine travels back in time to the Clone Wars, accidentally bonds with a Force Entity that I’m 99% sure is the Brother, becomes Obi-Wan’s Padawan, and keeps accidentally-on-purpose bringing people back to the past.
Also Quinlan Vos is there.
It’s Sabezra if that’s a turn off for anyone.
You Either Die A Hero… by RennyBanette
The 501st gets trapped in a time loop on Umbara. Delightful crack full of Krell murder and fire.
The Desert Storm by Blue_Sunshine
This is the Star Wars time travel fic. It’s so good. 4 years after the fall of the Republic Obi-Wan gets caught in a sandstorm, and when it passes he’s back in time when Anakin’s just a three year old clinging to his mom’s skirt.
Naturally, Obi-Wan frees the Skywalkers, changes his name to Ben Naasade, takes his younger self as a Padawan, and gives Mace Windu so many headaches.
Featuring: Jedi Shmi Skywalker, Pong Krell getting his shit wrecked, Legends stuff, Jedi Shmi Skywalker, Mandalorians being awesome, Alderaan being awesome, Jedi Shmi Skywalker, Obitine, the Sith being evil and creepy, and most importantly, Jedi Knight Shmi Skywalker
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greyias · 2 years
SWTOR Short Stories (and In-Universe Documents)
I know someone else has already done this work elsewhere, but for the life of me I couldn't find it. So, I've put together a comprehensive list of all of the devblog short stories and in-universe epistolary-type documents (documents, journals, dossiers, missives, personnel files, communications, etc). Short stories are bolded and marked, in case you're only looking for those.
2.0 - 7.2
SIS Intel Report: Key locations overview of the planet Makeb
Imperial Intelligence Report: Persons of Interest on Makeb
Facilities: Take a Virtual Tour
A Letter from Special Executive Rasmus Blys
CZ-198 and the State of Czerka Corporation
CZ-198 – Meet the Staff
HoloNet News Exclusive Interview: Baron Deathmark
HoloNet News Exclusive Interview: Baron Deathmark, Part 2
A Record of the Dread Masters
The Search for Oricon
HoloNet News Exclusive Interview: Baron Deathmark
Additional Personnel Files
Four More Picks for You
RE: Kuat Drive Yards
EMERGENCY ALERT: Rakghoul Plague Outbreak on Alderaan – AVOID ALDERAAN!
State of the Galaxy
Since KOTOR: Manaan
Lana Beniko’s Journal: Darth Arkous
"Surface Details" (short story)
"Remnants" (short story)
The Revanites’ Ascendance
"Bedtime on Concordia" (short story)
Rishi: Places of Interest
Raider’s Cove: Persons of Interest
"The Price of Power" (short story)
"One Night in the Dealer’s Den" (short story)
"The Final Trial" (short story)
Go Big, Go Small, Go Nowhere
"Regrets" (short story)
"The Sixth Line: Part One" (short story)
"The Sixth Line: Part Two" (short story)
"Vacation" (short story)
"Brothers" (short story)
"A Mother's Hope" (short story)
"Trading Scars" – A Short Story on Umbara (short story)
"Copero Short Story Blog" (short story)
Jedi Under Siege: State of the Galaxy
Dantooine Tactical Report
"Quite A Story To Tell" (short story)
"Seeing Red" (short story)
Intelligence Report: Historical Analysis of Manaan
Mission Abstract: Investigate link between Darth Malgus and the planet Elom
"All That’s Left" (short story)
"Bottled Fury" (short story)
"Snare" (short story)
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tranakin-skywalker · 10 months
🥺 would you perhaps be okay with sharing the three…
Of course
Festival by sinking815
Naboo's Festival is a time to celebrate family, friends, the turn of the year and new beginnings. Padme wouldn't miss the chance to be home for anything in the galaxy… except for maybe her new secret husband. Or how the newlywed Skywalkers spend a rare holiday opportunity and realize some secrets aren't that easy to keep…
This one is mostly just fluff so far, but I've been enjoying it a lot. Found it last night while looking for fics that scratched the itch.
Uncle Ani by my beloved @keistance
Pooja and Ryoo Naberrie know that Anakin Skywalker is their uncle way before he comes out and says it. They love him, even when they cannot tell anyone of his true relation to their family. The Clone War is a brutal time, and it doesn't leave the children unscathed.
The ending is a fucking gutpunch. This fic inspired an au where Pooja sees Leia playing with Artoo and Threepio while attending a senatorial event on Alderaan and connects some dots. I am slowly working on it. Very slowly.
now i want my letters white again by @ozvezdja (also how did I only just now make the connection that you wrote one of my favorite fics???!!!)
This was no time for sadness. The war had ended; the darkness had lost. A new life was being born, right here and now, in the ashes of the old one. alternatively: after their relationship is made public, Anakin and Padmé try to re-discover their happy ending on Naboo
I've already recced this one before but it is seriously so good. RotS au where Anakin kills Palpatine and no one is doing okay. Just such a fun look at Skywalker-Naberrie insanity from an outside pov.
And as an added bonus, have an angst chaser
Midnight Thunderstorms by Artikka
"If you want to help me," Padmé says, leaning her head back against the cushions of the couch and closing her eyes, "then stop interrogating me about my dead husband." Sola freezes. "Your what?" * Or, the night the Empire rises, Sola's sister finally comes back to her.
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dark--whisperings · 1 year
Fic Rec Friday!!! ❤️✨
There's so many FANTASTIC writers in the Star Wars fandom who put so much time and love into their work, so I thought it might be fun to celebrate their work and highlight and some of the fics that are living rent free in my head each week!
'Til the end, then hell and back
Author: thedunesea (@thedunesea)
Rating: Explicit
Pairing(s): Anakin Skywalker/Obi-Wan Kenobi
“Thork here tells me you’re looking for passage to the Alderaan system." “Yes, indeed, if it’s a fast ship,” said another voice in a clipped coruscanti accent, and for a moment Anakin’s heart forgot how to beat. It can’t be, he thought. It’s impossible. But the Force was roaring in his ears — was it the Force or was it his blood? Or were they one and the same? — and, even though he had stopped trusting in it years ago, the Force had never lied to him before, not like that. Ten years after the Fall of the Republic, two parallel lines converge.
Read it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44775541/chapters/112655176
I'm absolutely not ashamed to say that I read this entire work in one sitting. I stayed up way too late and am relying on a disgusting amount of coffee to survive work the day after, but IT WAS ABSOLUTELY WORTH IT. This fic is such a unique take on Order 66 and what came after, and I literally cannot stop thinking about it. And the characterizations?! I'm drooling. They are bang on, yet match the new future the characters have found themselves in in this canon divergence AU. 1000/10. Will absolutely be re-reading this again. And again. And... probably again.
... and likely again.
somebody to lie in the dark with
Author: tideswept (@tideswept)
Rating: Explicit
Pairing(s): Anakin Skywalker/Obi-Wan Kenobi
A lingering sense of duty tugged at him. Anakin’s steps faltered. “Why did you kill them?” Obi-Wan turned to look at him. His eyes were yellow like molten gold, smoldering with an intensity that left Anakin dizzy, overheated, an answering fire in his chest stoked to bursting. “They were in my way,” said Obi-Wan. He cocked his head. “Do you not trust me?” 
Read it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50094883
Okay, tideswept's writing in general makes me feral, but this fic was SOMETHING ELSE entirely. Their possessive Sith Obi-Wan Kenobi is SO HOT, and the TENSION they achieved between Anakin and Obi-Wan.... urg. I think I need to go sit in the freezer for a while. And I can't forget to mention the absolute perfection and ambiguity of the last few lines of the fic. I'm rattling the bars of my cage and I wish that I could read this for the first time all over again! ❤️❤️❤️
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walkawaytall · 6 months
Now that I finished reading (and reviewing) Collateral, I thought I'd come with some questions, if you haven't answered them before! This was the first fic you posted, but was it the first HxL fic idea you had? How did you come up with this particular take on the Ord Mantell mission? Are there any subtle Easter eggs that you had fun including?
Ooh, thank you for asking! Other than a vague idea I started to write down as a preteen that essentially amounted to “Han proposes to Leia the night after the Battle of Endor and I’m sure I’ll come up with an actual plot later”, this was the first fic idea I had. I had written for another much, much smaller fandom in high school, but hadn’t written or read fanfic in probably 15 years or more. I was in severe professional burnout toward the end of 2022, had just sort of re-embraced Star Wars after avoiding it a lot post-TROS, and decided to start reading for my original OTP. I had also been working on a novel for quite a long time and it was driving me insane, so after blazing my way through a ton of Han/Leia fics on FFN, and later on AO3, I thought I might try writing some fanfic just to have fun with writing again since the novel was making me miserable.
I remember coming up with the idea for the Committee first — the intent with at least part of the fic was to suggest that a lot of the stuff Leia and Han say to piss each other off in ESB are kind of low-blow-type callbacks to private jokes or things they had discussed previously. I also remember reflecting a bit on their relationship and how it’s portrayed at the beginning of ESB — how some people have interpreted that to mean that they spent three dang years griping at one another, but somehow fell in love in between verbal jabs. I think I mentioned this in an early author’s note on Collateral — I had a friendship that was mostly verbal sparring and stupid arguments about things neither of us cared about and it stops being fun after awhile. Eventually, we both just kind of started acting normal around one another. And I just kind of figured that, even if Han and Leia started out picking each other apart, there’s no way they’d go from that to romance in a few words, so I felt like they had to have a friendlier history than what we’re shown. (Plus, I may be reading too much into it, but the way Carrie and Harrison play those parts in that movie, it doesn’t seem like two people who just hate each other to me; it seems like two people who’ve been deeply wounded by one another and aren’t sure what they’re supposed to do. And you have to care about each other somewhat to be wounded by one another, ya know?)
I wanted a fic that was limited in scope for my first fic so I wouldn’t get too carried away with trying to add to a meandering plot or whatever, so I decided on the couple of weeks before ESB starts. I had read a handful of fics about Ord Mantell or referencing Ord Mantell and decided I wanted to do my own take on it. I didn’t know a ton of Star Wars lore, so I remember having to research on Wookieepedia a ton. I do believe my initial intent was for Han and Leia to start their romantic relationship on the trip, but the characters misbehaved while I was writing and Leia kissed Han in her room instead, and I ended up going with that.
Even though I knew most H/L fans would be expecting Ord Mantell to go poorly, I wanted to repeatedly put people at ease, at least in theory. The gang isn’t even worried about Ord Mantell, so why should we be? Everything’s going so well! Han and Leia go on a cute date and everything is fine! Basically, if someone went into the story not knowing about the infamy that Ord Mantell has gained in H/L circles, I wanted them to wonder if anything was actually going to go wrong.
As far as Easter eggs go…I wrote Han with the “Han Solo is mildly Force-sensitive” fan theory in mind. It’s not blatant, but it’s there. Some of the conversations they have reference Leia, Princess of Alderaan and From a Certain Point of View (Leia knowing Huttese comes to mind), and I do assume people catch this, but just in case someone didn’t, the final big conversation that Leia and Han have in her office occurs the afternoon before ESB picks up. The sensors she talks about are the same ones he and Luke are placing at the beginning of the movie.
Oh! Wait! I forgot my favorite one. I never come out and say it, and I don’t know if I even ever implied it, but in my mind, the reason the Falcon is in such rough shape at the beginning of ESB is because, after Leia and Han’s interactions go entirely sour, she stops helping with background repairs, which means Han and Chewie have more to do with just the two of them.
This was incredibly long! Hope that’s okay 😂
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yesdramas · 2 years
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I really can’t believe we are entering another year. 2023 may start fresh and new for everyone! This year of 2023, this blog will make it’s 3rd year anniversary, and I am so HAPPY and GRATEFUL that I met some amazing people and content creators here. Thank you for always liking and reblogging my posts! (also don’t notice that I re-used one of my vincenzo gifs for this header hihi)
I never thought I would reach such big milestone focused only in asian dramas, but I am really happy that I am always improving with photoshop and somewhat making people watch new shows.
I want to make a big shoutout to the nets I am a part of: 
@userdramas @kdramaspace @kdramanetwork @asiandramanet
And to these amazing people: 
@jaehwany, @fangrui, @becomeundone, @yilinglaozu, @moonlightsdream, @gangtaes, @alderaans, @junghaesin, @dead-end-street, @yeo-rims, @thoresque, @mostlyfate, @cuddlybitch, @dramaism, @fydramas, @kateknowsdramas, @orangesyellow, @nanons, @xiaolanhua, @gusucloud, @machikeita, @kimgoeun, @kdramaxoxo, @deokmis, @bareums, @storge, @belsmultifandommess, @baijingting, @rotblut, @baek1nho, @juwonah, @haeyeongs, @surii, @taeminie, @ahsung, @donqyeon, @ashinlae, @dramavixen, @hinakudos, @winteams
Sorry if I forgot anyone, I’m just popping out my head, also a big shoutout to everyone that tags me in their creations #useryd, I appreciate it a lot ♥
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mandalhoerian · 1 year
I have an urge to talk in Turkish here but I gotta keep it to myself now haha. Your page gives me a sense of comfort with the fact that you're Turkish.
What I was trying to say, that if you feel like no one's is interested in our girl Vera etc or the content/posts you want to make for her here apart from the fic writing, don't think like that because it is your page and your followers follows you for a reason.
But most importantly, what I was trying to say, that Vera gives me so much comfort as a Turkish woman myself like her ( my hair is also wavy like her how her hair gets after rain haha ). I love your Vera content. I just wanted to say that. She is also giving me inspiration for my own oc making. Back in the time I was so hesitant with the thought of making Turkish ocs, but with her and you of course, I started to beat that voice.
i'm answering this a bit late so my apologies! I wanted to say a lot but ramadan has me lazing around not wanting to do anything, so I procrastinated 😭
i know the as bayrakları as as as 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷 feeling like the last thing I expected to find here was another Turkish RE creator like. It's such a bizarre kinship and comfort, I know how you feel! I'm happy I was able to give it back.
Our girl Vera has me GRINNING, but not to change the subject too much, I know,,, it's a feeling that comes and goes. I used to barely get any interaction regarding her prior to the release of RE4R and when im deep into the hyperfixation i don't care much for feedback, I just create. Like. I guess multiple chapters beyond the 10K threshold are proof of that, looking back i had to be insane to be in it that deep. i remember being like "OMG 180 HITS BETWEEN CHAPTERS THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!" on ao3! 😭 the lack of interest gets to a writer, eventually, i guess, you just want the readers to show they're enjoying to work or not in some way. But the reminder that (some of, at least) my followers follow me for Vera is extremely consoling, thank you so much!
I'm so happy that you like Vera! It's very humbling to hear she as a Turkish woman is resonating with you, I never thought about having any Turkish readers at all when I was working on her... I always thought if I had, would it be cringy or not.
Because us as people really have an inferiority complex and are too self-conscious regarding these things, I remember how literally all of my Turkish writer friends (every single one of them) thought a Turkish main character would be EMBARRASSING in any fandom we would write for. We hated it, and everybody and their other writer friends also did. The idea of a Turkish character was cringy. But when other foreign writers would write Turkish OCs suddenly it was so cool and "AS BAYRAKLARI" .
I had a couple Filipino friends on wattpad who would write Filipino OCs and be so proud of their heritage and how they were incorporating it into the story, like, for example, I had a friend who re-designed and rebranded the planet Alderaan from Star Wars using their culture because the actress who played the queen was Filipino and she was so happy about it. It was so fascinating to me how she genuinely did something so creative and made it work so well. Another Filipino friend did this for Stranger Things, and in the heart of her story was immigrant struggles.
I never really questioned why Turkish people couldn't be like this until I was working on Vera, and her being Turkish started out as a joke. I wanted to immediately scrap it, thinking "no lmao what the fuck of course not" .
If another person did this, I would eat !! it !! up!!
But when I seriously wanted to make her Turkish it was suddenly embarrassing. It was a hard thing to get over. English fanfic reading really wires our brains to accept characters only of foreign nationalities and ethnicities because "it fits the story better" -- we only consume western media and hold it in higher regard.
I understand you so well, and I'm so glad I'm somehow encouraging you on this matter. Because why are we so embarrassed of ourselves?
Thank you for this ask, it really meant a lot to hear all of this! and I'm sorry I really went off on a tangent 😭
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bookishbrigitta · 2 months
Okay, so I'm making my Wookiee house and using photos from the SW Holiday Special for reference, and honestly? The special does not get enough hate for its shitty home design. Observe:
The Kitchen
I would bet you passage to Alderaan for an old man, a dumb kid, and 2 droids that a man who can't cook designed this kitchen.
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Let's set aside the wood paneling as a design choice. It was the 1970s, and they're living in a tree...it's not worth fighting. Moving right along, the everything here is an absolute shit show.
It's a freaking carpeted kitchen. Look at the pink circle in the lower right. It appears the producers covered the green shag carpet in the rest of the house with one of those plastic mats for the kitchen. Better than straight-up carpet, but COME ON! Presumably, that is also why the weird oven has to be jacked up on a weird pedestal, to prevent it from sinking into the shag and/or melting the plastic.
They have no upper cabinets. Or even shelves! Or a hutch! Even I, a certified short person, knows that is a dumb idea. Wookiees are super tall; surely, it's more ergonomic for them to reach up or out to grab a glass than it is to get on their knees and rifle through the lower cabinets?
On that note, the cabinets look to be off-the-rack from a home improvement store and then they slapped space-age-y drawer fronts on (more on that later). Why do I think that? They seem to be standard height...for humans. Wookiees are tall! Look at the red circle. Malla's arm is almost completely extended down and barely reaches the worktop, even with her shoulders already rounded in. That means basically any time she's handling food or knives, she has to bend down. Terrible.
The weird rectangle on the far wall (circled in blue). What is it? Why is it there? Wouldn't, say, shelves be a better use of space? We see another angle in the red circle below. They've got either drying dishes or dish/utensil storage on the countertop. Nothing wrong with that if you need it, but they have room directly above to hang those things up. Clear the work surface, for God's sake!
Where does that massive garbage can live? And why doesn't it have a lid? I know they made them with lids because my grandparents have that same garbage can in their garage.
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6. Back to the cabinets (yellow circle). I get it, circles look outer-space-y, but they have no place in cabinets. WTF can you even store in there??
7. Once again, we have more wasted work space with the TV (green circle) sitting on the counter. Sigh.
8. People are going to see this photo and say that the bucket (pot?) and counter looks to be at an okay ergonomic height. Yes, this counter height works for this specific instance, but not for most others. In this case, she could have had taller counters and just used the shorted dining table for the bucket thing. It's what I do when I knead bread. It's not rocket science.
9. Cardinal rule of kitchens with windows is to put the sink by the window. Not only is the sink not there, but it looks like maybe they just don't have a sink. I give this a grade of E for E.Coli.
10. There are no hooks or rails anywhere, so there is no place to hang up a rag or an apron. Malla has a tea towel chilling on the counter in this very photo -- where does it end up afterwards? How do they dry them out so they don't get manky?
The Living Room
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Despite the low-res photos, I'm reasonably certain their living room furniture is literally just a dining set, two bookshelves (which I honestly love the look of, TBF), a weird desk, a ginormous coffee table, and two mismatched chairs facing dead-ahead and not towards each other. It's giving "Single Man Plays PS4 From A Folding Chair" vibes.
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It looks like there's no comfortable place to have a conversation in that living room. Why is all the furniture just sort of floating in the middle of the room? Someone get Cliff the Feng Shui Guy on this, stat!
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sullustangin · 2 years
Fluffy February 2023 Recap
Mission success: I wrote something every day!  Some of it was short, some of it was elaborate.  Main link to the AO3 collection will be in the reblog later today.
1.  Hello  -- Theron Shan notices something strange going on at base (with hideous fanart!)
2.  Soft -- Theron snuggles with Eva Corolastor (smuggler oc) early in the morning, before he has to go...
3.  Anniversary -- Jace Malcom, a stickler for etiquette, arrives with an appropriate first anniversary present for Eva (and Theron). 
4. Starlight -- After finding Nok Drayen’s treasure, Eva takes Corso Riggs, Risha Drayen, and Bowdaar somewhere special to celebrate.
5. Amber -- Arcann seeks redemption in the form of Darth Marr’s lightsaber, with the help of Talos Drellik.  I’ve already decided I’m going to re-edit this for a larger work in the indeterminate future.  Cameo by Ramesses (Sith Warrior OC)
6.  Stretch -- Jace watches Satele Shan walk through her lightsaber katas as he drafts a critical sales pitch.
7. Cloak -- Jace deals with the crisis of the day, thanks to his brother, Kal Malcom.  I’m mentioned Kal in the past, but this is his first appearance as a character.  Let’s just say he’s different from his big brother.
8.  Callous -- Eva and Theron spend time together at the firing range.
9.  Breezy -- Rass Ordo talks with Torian Cadera and thinks about Mandalorians in love.  Then he meets Fria Whitcord (consular OC). 
10.  Thunder -- Athene Corolastor tends to Eva during her first thunderstorm.  Athene has been illusive as a narrative voice until now.  Instead of the ethereal, light figure she looks like, she’s definitely coming out with a harder edge than I anticipated.
11.  Immaculate -- Arcann goes to see his mother Senya Tirall for an important appointment.
12.  Shell -- Eva goes on her first mission with Theron after the carbonite freeze.  This is a heist fic, with background bickering from Lana Beniko and Koth Vortena.
13.  Pride -- As he holds their son Argento (Argo for short), Theron talks to Eva about the pitfalls of parental pride.  This does have some sad feels in there, but everyone is safe and happy here.
14.  Free Space:  Heartbeat -- Theron goes on his first mission since Ziost, guided through the guts of Zakuul by Marcus Trant.  He takes a detour to visit someone.  This is the long one of the bunch, at 1800+ words.
15.  Reward -- Things weren’t always bad with Darmas Pollaran.  A brief look at the beginning of the relationship between Eva and Darmas, right after Balmorra in Chapter 2.
16.  Glow -- A fluffy, slightly risque fic on Copero with Eva and Theron: they have plans.
17.  Blessed -- Corso gets to know Guss Tuno shortly after Hoth. 
18.  Glide -- Theron races in his first swoop competition in front of Jace, a fellow former swooper. 
19.  Loop -- Eva, Corso, and Hylo the cat arrive on Coruscant for the first time.
20.   Sink -- The state of a sink and the surrounding environs can reveal a lot about a person.  This seems to have been a favorite with readers. :)
21.   Tender -- For once, Lana gets hurt, and her friends are there for her. 
22.  Remember -- Eva experiences her first “Eternal Fleet Remembrance Day” with Theron.
23.  Crave -- Aric Jorgan catches Theron at the cantina at 0300, due to unforeseen happy circumstances.  This one has some CWs at the top.  
24.  Bubbly -- Day 2 of the ‘official’ Jace Malcom/Satele Shan relationship on Alderaan.
25.  Murmur -- Theron is greeted by Eva and their daughter, Dyominia, after an unexpected mission gone wrong.
26.  Joy -- Joy is a noisy house, according to Jace Malcom.  Cameo appearances by Kal, Theron, Eva, Argo, and Dyo.
27.  Blaze -- They who shoot together, stay together.  Or at least that’s Akaavi’s advice to Eva and Theron.
28.  Goodbye -- the silly-ass bordering-on-crackfic sequel to #5, starring Arcann, Koth, and Talos. 
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3, 6 and 8 for the writer asks ✨
Thank you for playing! 💗
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
My personal Obidala favorite is my epic Book of Days.
It's in german (my native language) and is around 200k words. I wrote it purely for myself and I still sometimes get it out and re-read it. It's super self indulgent and has a lot of introspection and purple prose. Something that I personally enjoy in fiction.
I had the idea after the first rumors for RotS came up. It has the premise that pregnant Padme realizes that Anakin is about to fall to the dark side and leaves him. She flees Coruscant and leaves her live as a politician behind to make sure that her child will be able to live a safe life.
Halfway to Naboo she gets rescued by Obi Wan. He brings her to Alderaan where she hides at court. Almost the whole plit is happening far away from Padme and she has to learn how to deal with living a normal, rather passive life.
When the order falls she and Obi Wan go into hiding on Tatooine which Padme hates. They live with the Lars at first, but after a while they have their own moisture farm. It's episodic, has a lot of supporting characters and an overarching plot that spans the first two triologies. It has a slow burn, Angst, friends to lovers, soul bond, amnesia trope, falking in love a second time, hurt/comfort, obi dad kenobi and depicts struggles with mental illness due to sexual trauma.
So yeah, this is my baby and I guess I should make it acessible for english readers but due to my personal life it's not in the cards until next year.
6. Are there any fics from others you reread all the time?
YES! OMG I re-read The Crossing Over by amber75 all the time. It's propably one of my fave Obidala fics. I also love the unfinished work of Sassy Satine's An Indecent Proposal.
A newer one that I adore is Countdown by @cypanache . I have re-read it a lot due to recording it as a podfic.
8. What project(s) are you currently working on?
The only thing I am actively working on is the Countdown podfic. With school, work and exams inching ever closer I don't have the mental capacity to write. I try to once in a while but it's more pressure than I can currently handle.
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zhakyria · 1 year
Zhak's OC Master List
Welcome to my OC Master List. This list will be updated with some OC introductions as they are developed. Right now my obsession is Star Wars, swtor specifically, so all the OCs listed relate to that.
The Valyr Legacy
If you are interested in seeing how all my characters connect to each other, check out the Legacy Tree! Open the image in a new tab for the best view.
Now onto the characters.
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Kahl'yrn Valyr, 38, He/Him
Aliases: Red Blade, Cipher 9, Outlander, Alliance Commander Affiliations: Sith Empire (Imperial Intelligence), Republic SIS (double-agent), Nighthunters, Yavin Coalition, and Eternal Alliance
Summary: Kahl is a former Imperial Cipher that served during the tail end of the Cold War and beginning of the renewed conflict between the Republic and Empire. After Corellia, he became a free agent. He joined up with the Nighthunters until Darth Marr reached out with a mission to Makeb. He later assisted Lana Beniko and Theron Shan with rooting out the Revanites and defeating Revan. He came to Lana's aide on Ziost before returning to the Nighthunters. When Darth Marr put out a call for allies to pursue the Emperor into Wild Space he joined up. He was taken prisoner by the Eternal Empire and when he refused Valkorian he was frozen in carbonite for 5 years. He is freed by Lana and her allies and goes on to lead the Alliance and take the Eternal Throne. Though impressed with Empress Acina, Kahl ultimately rejects her offer to re-join the Empire, opting to keep the Alliance independent.
Personality: He keeps a cool head and in general he can appear emotionless, because he prefers to hide his emotions. Theron Shan and Zhakiel Xaiven are two people that he makes exceptions for. He is determined, driven, and detail orientated; he does his job and does it well. He cares deeply and will go to great lengths to keep those he love safe. He is tolerant of Sith machinations until they start being detrimental to the mission, the Empire, or the Alliance, at which point he has no qualms about disposing of them.
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Xhai'tan Valyr, 61, he/him
Aliases: Scarlet Wrath Affiliations: Sith Empire, Gordo's Gladiators, Nighthunters, Eternal Alliance
Summary: Xhai'tan was born a slave on Dromund Kaas. He became one of the first slaves to train on Korriban, when restrictions were lifted during the war. He succeeded where many others failed and ultimately caught the eye of Darth Malivia. During the invasion of Alderaan, his master was killed during the Republic ambush. Xhai'tan rallied the troops and mercenaries under her command and protected the retreat. Impressed, Darth Malgus took on the young apprentice, and promoted him to Lord. He proved himself again at the battle of Hoth. He continued to assist Malgus during his campaigns and participated in the sacking of Coruscant. About 12 years later, Xhai'tan would confront Malgus about his plans. He is beaten and left with a group of Force Hunters on a remote Outer Rim world. Malgus returns to the Dark Council and convinces them that Xhai'tan is a traitor. The Force Hunters severed Xhai'tan's connection to the Force, which shattered his memories, and sold him to Gordo the Hutt to fight as a gladiator. After being rescued by Kahl and Kuori'kai he goes into hiding and forms the Nighthunters, a group of mercenaries and pirates. He assists the Alliance with running supplies during the war with Zakuul. After the Eternal Fleet is destroyed he officially joins the Nighthunters with the Alliance.
Personality: Radiates confidence and doesn't back away from a fight. Inspires loyalty. Willing to give people a second chance, doesn't like wasting potential. Respects honorable opponents. Tests Jedi and will go out of his way to draw any darker tendencies to the surface. Enjoys teaching and taking in people who have no where else to go.
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metataxy · 2 years
I share my dreams with ghosts, #3
Summary: The man who calls himself Luthen Rael was a Jedi once.  This is how he survives Order 66, and what comes after.
Not posting to AO3 until I figure out where this is going!
Part 1 here , Part 2
It is a long time before he sees another Jedi.
Six months passes.  He rebuilds his business.  His mother’s interference in his life recedes with her concern.  He passes one tenday in four with her on Alderaan, escorting her to society parties and speaking cordially with what eligible ladies his cousin hadn’t repulsed.  He would not enjoy it, except for the obvious pleasure Menica derives from his company and compliance.  From the dossiers provided by the Shadows on his cousin, Luthen Rael had ignored his mother to the point of disrespect.  
It would be safer for his cover to be cruel.  But with what few years left her, he thinks his mother prefers he risk being a compassionate son.
He tells himself that so he can pretend he does it for her.  
Mostly, he does it for himself.  He cannot help it.  Making himself happy is impossible.  Making her happy is the easiest thing he has ever done.  He is, after all, a student of Dooku, and the man had been exacting in training him to blend with the nobility.  He dances the Alderaani waltzes with aplomb and works quotes from Nubian literature into his conversation, patronizes the appropriate gentleman’s clubs, and in every way, convinces everyone that Luthen Rael has become no more or less than the best version of himself.
Along the way, he sells antiques and makes polite enquiries and learns a thousand small secrets: who is sleeping with who, who can be bought, who can’t.  He learns about the quiet investments of supposed philanthropists in ‘re-education facilities’ that churn out fortune commodities with their unpaid inmates, and their trade in ‘personal care workers’.  
He learns nothing about why the clones turned on them, or how many of his people remain.
One late night on Coruscant, as he sorts through a cache deeded to Luthen Rael by the Shadows, the deadbolt slides itself open from the inside.  
He stops, then draws his blaster from his holster and ducks below the table.  The doors opens.  He can only see the being’s knees from this vantage.  He primes himself for whatever will happen next.
Quinlan Vos laughs.
“You could just tell me you didn’t want to see me, Rael.  No need to hide yourself on my account.”
He drops the blaster, though the safety is off and he’s told initiates a thousand times never to do just that.  He rounds the table, and there is Quinlan.  He’s cut off his dreads and he’s either removed or covered his facial tattoo, and his eyes are the gold of the Fallen.  But he’s Quinlan, and otherwise as he’s always been, dressed in spacer garb and smelling faintly of deathsmoke and spices.
Rael embraces him and damns the fact he can’t feel him in the Force.
“Oof—that’s a bit more like it.  Got some brew in here?” Quinlan asks.  Neither of them mention that the other might be crying.
They settle down over an antique table carved from Worrosshyk wood and a bottle of Corellian brandy.
“So, old man.  You’re alive,” Quinlan observes, after swigging his first shot.
Rael ignores the ‘old man’.  It’s accurate anyways.  “Yeah.” He sips his brandy and rolls the first mouthful around his mouth, savouring the burn.  “Didn’t expect that.”  He pauses a moment.  “I’m Force-Null.  Burnt out my connection.”
Quinlan leans back in his chair.  “Thought so.  Fuck.” He tops up Rael’s glass, then refills his own.  “Rough, man.”
There is an awkward silence at the understatement.  
“Why,” Rael’s voice cracks.  “Did any of the Jedi actually assassinate those politicians?”
“Fuck no,” Quinlan says, then pauses.  “Not that I know, anyways.  Wouldn’t make sense, they were mostly on our side.  Had to be Palpatine.”
“Right.”  He sips again, glances down at the Ruusan commemorative coin on the table.  “The clones?”
“They did something to them,” Quinlan said, sipping his drink carefully.  “I’ve grabbed a few to check them out.  They’re completely loyal to Palpatine.  And once they realize you’re a jedi, they turn into meat-droids.  All ‘Good soldiers follow orders’ and that nonsense.”  He fixes Rael with his hawk’s eyes.  “Kill any if you get the chance.  They’re not people anymore.”
The assessment is harsh, but he doesn’t argue with it.  Maybe some of the clones could fight whatever was wrong with them, but he didn’t think it was worth the lives of the remaining Jedi to test that.  Speaking of which…
“Did any of us survive?”
Quinlan’s right eye twitches, and he puts his glass down.  “Can’t tell you that,” he says reflexively, then thinks about it.  “Yeah.  Some of us survived.  The Medicorps I was supposed to get offworld, when you gave me the assist?  They got offworld.  Thanks.  Can’t say more than that.”
Luthen feels satisfied in a way he has not for a long time.  “Did anyone kill Skywalker?”
Quinlan’s face darkens, and Force-Null as he is, Luthen must be imagining it, the way the air feels charged, the faint smell of ozone.  “Obi-Wan went after him.  No one heard back from either of them.  Hopefully Obi killed that fucker.”
“You can’t sense Kenobi?”
“If I could, I couldn’t tell you,” Quinlan reminds him, picking at the cuff seams on his nerfhide jacket.  “No.  I can’t.  You ever see a storm on Kamino?  Thousand foot waves.  Water spouts.  Absolute madness.  That’s the Force right now, and you’re floating on a life raft in the middle of that.  Be glad you burnt out your connection when you did,” Quinlan says bitterly.  “Anyone left who’s remotely functional had to Fall to cope with it.  The ones who didn’t are all mad or catatonic.”
“You can’t tell me a lot of things,” Rael muses, looking out into the dusty shelves of curios piled in the cache.  “I’ve seen the wanted posters.  They’re still hunting us.  How?  They caught us off-guard with the clones, but it should take a squad of bounty hunters to take down a Knight who knows they’re coming, if they can even find him.”
Quinlan taps his finger against his empty glass.  Rael does not refill it, and pointedly caps the bottle and moves it out of the man’s reach.  Quin scowls.  “First, they’re not all Knights.  We’re moving Padawans and Corpsmen and even freaking families who were going to give up their infants to the creche.  Second,” his voice tightens, “it’s not bounty hunters you need to worry about.  It’s traitors.”
“Who?” Rael demands, mind considering the possibilities.
Quinlan scowls at him.
“Geez, man.  Shields.”
Rael gives him a pointed look.
“Dude.  Don’t give me that stare.  I’ve met lifelong Force Nulls who block better than you are right now.  With all the intel knocking around your head, you have to get your shit together,” Quin tells him, serious.  “Or you’re a liability.”
Only after this discussion, when Quin has gone, does it occur to Rael what a Shadow might have to do under this new Empire, with someone with too much information and no way to protect it.
“The traitors,” he repeats.
“The traitors,” Quinlan agrees.  “I don’t have names.  No, I’m not lying.  Anyone who’s met them in person is dead.  We’ve gotten some blurry security footage and some text intel though.  Based on fighting style, one’s a former guardian.  Tall, slim, humanoid, wears all black—” Quin glances down at himself and scoffs, “though I guess that’s standard for darksiders.  “Skin looked pale.  Was wearing some kind of ear protectors, might have been a Pau’an.”
Bile rises at the back of Rael’s throat.  A guardian?  It feels perverse.  The Temple Guards, like the Shadows, are an Order within the Order.  He doesn’t know their Oaths, but he does know they are stricter, more binding, than the Oaths of ordinary Masters.  A Jedi Master vows to follow the will of the Force and the guidance of the Order.  There is a great deal of flexibility in that promise though, and Rael’s lineage-brother, Qui-Gon, had been famous for exploiting it.  
But a Guardian is sworn and bound to a Temple, through means that Dooku suspected to be the lighter counterpart of Sith Magick, and everyone forgets that Temples are not safe.  Any place persistently inhabited by Force Users begins to acquire a sentience of its own.  The location of the Coruscant Temple might have changed many times in the past few millennia, but its blocks and foundation are ancient.  He imagines places like it inspired stories of primitive gods.
In those stories, oathbreaking never ended well.
“I hope the Temple eats him alive.”
“It’s been corrupted somehow.”
Rael swallows back his gorge and somehow refrains from asking <i>how?</i>.  “Any good news for me tonight?”
“Well, the other traitor we’ve heard about recently has a breathing dysfunction and is on a respirator.  We found that out by listening to the comms while he slaughtered two knights and a master, by the way.”
Rael laughed helplessly, because he couldn’t cry.  Quinlan waited for him to stop.  
He was waiting awhile.
“There have to be others though.  We’ve had too many reports of Jedi killing Jedi, or civilians, for it to be made up.”
“How do you know they were Jedi and not more of Palpatine’s plants, trying to make us look culpable?”
“They used telekinesis.”
Rael went silent.
“Not all the ones killing civilians are traitors either.  Some of them just went mad.  Met a couple. The killing started as self-defense, when the mobs turned on them, and now?  They can’t stop.  It’s addictive for Fallen, you know.”  He didn’t.  “It’s mostly the younger ones who have the issue.  Grew up in a warzone, getting shit from civilians for not protecting their posh asses well enough, this just tipped them over.”  He steals the bottle off the shelf with a telekinetic tug Rael can no longer counter and pours himself another drink.  “Offee wasn’t the only kid we fucked up.  Just the only one with the balls to tell us to our faces.”
Rael, like most Masters, does not like thinking of Barriss Offee, of the Jedi she could have made, if only they kept her in the Halls of Healing, if only they hadn’t sent her into an active warzone, if only they’d noticed how she was struggling.
He likes even less thinking that there are others as lost as she is out there, easy targets for the Sith to recruit if they are gathering Fallen Knights.
“How can I help?”
Quinlan smiles, slow and genuine.
“Now that’s just the question I hoped you’d ask.”
The details are straightforward.  Before the first untimely demise of Luthen Rael, he’d been a shareholder in several businesses whose chief commodity was sentient life.  No reason he couldn’t revive that revenue stream.  The Empire was even more willing to disregard such foibles than the Republic.  In fact, Quinlan muses, they might well award him for ‘providing a livelihood’ to otherwise ‘unemployable citizens’.  
This time, however, the skinhouses where Rael offloads his merchandise will be fronts for the Underground.
It’s clever.  It’s nothing he hadn’t done before.  And he doesn’t like it, because, “My mother won’t like it.”
It isn’t a protest.  He already knows he’s doing this.  Quinlan already knows he’s doing it.  So why does he bother to even say it?
“Right,” Quinlan says, annoyed.  “Luthen Rael is all reformed.  Heard he’d even gone <i>altruistic</i>.  Thought even the excesses of the Empire had pushed even that skeevy old man to shape up, didn’t know it was you.”  He’d lit a deathstick, and Rael’s fingers itched to have it in his hand.  “You got to cut it out.”
“No one knows it’s me.”
“No one’s paid attention to you.  Yet.  Keep attending all these charity galas and chatting up the political hotspots, and someone will.  Compassion leaves a fucking trail, man,” he flicked his cigarette, “and we can’t afford to have anyone outed.  Your mother doesn’t have to know about it.  She’s what, 90?”
That is how Luthen Rael starts trafficking in ‘slaves’, some legitimately bought up out of rehabilitation facilities, some fleeing the Empire using falsified indentures from the Outer Rim.  He deals with the paperwork.  Quinlan handles the rest, so Rael rarely meets the refugees in person.  
He continues to trade in antiquities, and alongside those, in secrets.  
With the Shadows’ caches open to him, his own growing network of contacts, and a measure of luck, he gains a reputation as one able to source anything.  
He takes care never to go to any event high-profile enough to host the Emperor or his acolytes, but some of Palpatine’s lackeys visit his shop, looking for curios to curry favour with their superiors.  He sees the man’s sycophants at parties.  
At this point, it is fairly obvious Chancellor Palpatine is the somehow the Sith Lord, and not just because he is best placed to benefit from the deaths of the Jedi. Sly Moore and his cronies come to parties wearing kyber amid so many other cheap baubles.  ‘Tokens of the Emperor’s favour’, they boast, and Rael does his best to look suitably impressed, and ask appropriate questions.  Where did the gems come from and how did he get them and who did they belong to.  
The answers come easily.  No one is expecting a spy at these banquets. Rebels are rimscum, too poor for anything but ammunition.  Also, Sly and his ilk have all but rehearsed their responses in anticipation of these very questions.
They tell him the names of the Jedi who owned the Kyber, and their bloody histories in the wars.  As importantly, they tell him how those Jedi died.
“Killed by Darth Vader, you know.  One of the Emperor’s foremost generals.”
“The Grand Inquisitor.  Not a very sociable chap.  Almost feral—” the thick-waisted moff leans in, “they say he was <i>a jedi</i> before the Emperor rehabilitated him, and you’d believe it.  Teeth like knives.  Half expected him to tear out my throat!”
He gives a delicate shudder.  Rael imagines the protest of the kyber strung about his triple-chinned neck. Hopes the man cuts himself on its facets as he strokes it with his fat fingers.  According to the moff, it had been taken from the saber of a Jedi so bloodthirsty ze’d been field-promoted to General when zer superior died.  Ze’d gone on to slaughter half their troops when ze’d been declared traitor.
Kyber are inorganic lifeforms.  Perhaps they are not quite sentient, but they approach in developing feelings and opinions alongside their Jedi.  For this kyber, for its Padawan, who had lost zer Master too early and had been forced to fight so fools like this moff could live easy, Rael could have cut the man down.
Instead, he drinks his champagne, and asks the senator at his side about his acquisition.
A gold-eyed Falleen servitor across the room smiles at him, flashes what all the dandies in this room would see as a flirtatious wave.  Rael smiles and signs back.
He won’t be seen leaving the party with the servitor.  Luthen Rael’s tastes were too well-established by his predecessor: he prefers human girls.
Jedi Shadow Tailen Fuugo meets him instead at his shop days later, to pawn off some valuables of dubious provenance before he flies offworld.  
In an hour, the unidentified Falleen will flee the shop after injuring Rael, and Rael himself will call the authorities, claiming someone was trafficking in stolen articles.  In an hour, Rael will send some of those stolen articles back to their undeserving owners, thus cementing his repute as a reputable component of Imperial commerce.  In an hour, Fuugo will stripped off his disguise and vanished into the underworld of Coruscant.  
Inside that hour, and the sanctity of Rael’s backroom, they are two Jedi.
It is dangerous to acknowledge each other, more dangerous to meet.  
They do it anyways.  They need to, to exchange intel, and who else can they trust these days?  
“Don’t even trust former Jedi,” Fuugo warns him.  “Not unless you know them personally.  Not even if they haven’t Fallen.”
 The Sith are doing something, to the Jedi they capture.  Twisting them, indoctrinating them.  There are ways to break a Jedi, ways to enslave Force-Sensitives.  Rael underwent a fair number of them to order to gain resistance when he became a Shadow.  He experienced or learnt of others under Dooku’s tutelage.  Force cuffs are standard.  Psychotropic and addictive substances are favoured by the Hutts and the cartels.  All of these, along with pain and violation of the mind and body, were employed by Sith during the wars a millennium past.
He doubts so effort or technique will be necessary for the Jedi of this age.  Most of them are already broken.
Notes:  Yeaaaaah, just more sad Jedi, because who doesn’t enjoy torturing a protagonist?  Poor Luthen.  
Go to Part 4 -->
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sunderedazem · 2 years
Companion Post! (Corrain, again :P)
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I was tagged for this template of SWTOR character as a Companion by @fenrisprime2003 LINK TO TEMPLATE HERE
Character's Name: Corrain Gealai (Gaelic approx: crescent moon)
Alignment: Defaults to Light Side! (DS players can cause him to become a fallen Jedi through gameplay choices)
Class/Weapon: LS - Jedi Sentinel, Ataru and Juyo lightsaber forms (Form IV and Form VII). DS - Lightning Sorcerer, minimal lightsaber combat
Restrictions: Republic characters only until the KOTXX expansion. (Re)appears to all Outlanders during a Star Fortress run during KOTXX as a captured prisoner above Alderaan
Role: LS - DPS only. DS - DPS or Healer
Where/How they are Recruited: PUBSIDE - A Galactic Seasons/sidequest story, in which Republic player characters can assist him with a Flashpoint "Raid on Alderaan" where a Jedi enclave is under attack by Sith forces. Republic characters can either choose to "Evacuate Jedi Initiates" or "Hunt Sith Strike Team." "Evacuating the Initiates" is a LS choice and will lock any DS choices from affecting Corrain in the future - "Hunt Sith Strike Team" is a DS choice and will result in Sith capturing and slaughtering Corrain's creche, which unlocks his DS progression. For Pubside characters, his DS path unlock will stay static until his reappearance on the Star Fortress during KOTXX (explained below), at which point Pubside characters will have the opportunity to unlock DS progression again if they were locked-out the first go-around. IMPSIDE - During Shadow of Revan, Imperial characters will meet him on Manaan, as he will be working with Lana and Theron to expose the Revanites, but he will not become a playable companion until he appears as a prisoner above Alderaan during the Star Fortress missions. Imperial characters will have to make two choices while he is helping them explore the Star Fortress he was taken prisoner on - the first one is a classic Spare (LS) or Kill (DS) for the Star Fortress's Exarch, and the second choice is to either Destroy the Star Fortress (DS) or to Disable the Star Fortress (LS). Corrain will protest destroying the Star Fortress, as there are still prisoners aboard, and you'll get a "greatly disapproves," but player characters will have to choose both DS choices to unlock Corrain's DS path.
Where they stay: Corrain can be found in the "lounge" areas of Republic ships, standing beside whatever couch is present, but will transition to the Force Enclave upon arrival at Odessen during KOTXX. However, if the player chooses to spare Arcann, Corrain will afterwards appear alongside Arcann in the War Room on Odessen.
Bio: Pre-KOTXX Expansions - Abandoned by his mother at birth, the idealistic young Jedi Knight Corrain Gealai was raised in the Jedi enclave on Alderaan, and quickly rose to renown as defender of the Republic and a Paladin of House Organa. Unusually strong in the Force and prone to powerful visions, Corrain has but one memento of his vanished parent - a holorecording that warns of the danger his father, a presumed Sith, poses to him, and some kind of blessing in a language that neither he nor the Jedi Order knows how to comprehend. While eager to explore the mystery surrounding his unknown heritage, Corrain is troubled by the fact that he may have ties to a Sith lord of unknown power. But following the destruction of the enclave he grew up in, a growing sense of disillusionment with the Republic's dark side may be just enough cause for him to abandon caution entirely, and begin searching the shadows for answers. Post-KOTXX Expansions - Abandoned by his mother, a Zakuulan Scion, at birth, the idealistic young Jedi Knight Corrain Gealai was raised in the Jedi enclave on Alderaan, and quickly rose to renown as defender of the Republic. Unusually strong in the Force and prone to powerful visions, Corrain has but one memento of his vanished mother - a holorecording that warns of the danger his father, Valkorion, poses to him, and a Zakuulan prayer to his patron deity, Aivela, goddess of passion. While eager to explore his newfound Zakuulan heritage, Corrain is deeply troubled by his relation to the Immortal Emperor Valkorion and his destructive half-siblings Arcann and Vaylin. Desperate to prove himself unlike the more notorious members of his family, he has thrown himself into studying the methods of Scions of Zakuul, in the hopes of controlling and using his gifts of foresight for the good of the Alliance.
Favorite: Cultural Artifacts
Love: Republic Memorabilia, Technology, Delicacies
Like: Military Gear, Luxury, Imperial Memorabilia, Weapon
Indifferent: Underworld, Courting, Trophy, Maintenance
Likes: (LS) Kindness, pragmatism, fairness, protecting the weak, standing your ground, challenging authority - (DS) pragmatism, power, standing your ground, challenging authority, vengeance, efficiency, logic Dislikes: (LS) Cruelty, harming others for personal gain, bullying, callous sacrifices, blind loyalty, following the rules, hypocrisy - (DS) Cruelty, blind loyalty, following orders, dealing with foolish people, betrayal, self-righteousness, diplomacy, emotional decisions
Allies: (LS) Kira Carsen, T7-01, Orgus Din, Theron Shan, Lana Beniko, Arcann (if spared) - (DS) Theron Shan, Lana Beniko, Lord Scourge, Arcann (if spared), Bengal Morr Enemies: (LS) Lord Nefarid, Darth Angral - (DS) Lord Nefarid, Darth Angral, Jomar Chul
Storyline Roles: If playing a Republic character, Corrain will play a prominent role during the Alderaan world quests and will assist players in removing Boris Ulgo from the Alderaanian throne. During KOTXX, if Corrain is successfully converted to the dark side, Corrain can be installed as a Zakuulan planetary regent, and will afterwards prevent Zakuul from officially withdrawing from the Alliance.
Notable Conversations: If his Dark Side route is unlocked during his Republic-side recruitment quest, DS characters will be able to convince Corrain that the Republic is corrupt and cause him to fall to the Dark Side. Repeated DS decisions and constant critiquing of Republic interests is required. If his Dark Side route is unlocked only during KOTXX, DS characters will be able to convince him to fall to the Dark Side when the Republic refuses to aid the Alliance and Saresh tries to assassinate the Outlander
Companion Mission: Yes, see above "Raid on Alderaan" and Star Fortress references. In addition, Corrain will have one Alliance sidequest just prior to the Nathema Conspiracy that will take him back to Alderaan to visit the destroyed remnants of the Jedi Enclave in which he was raised, and to bid farewell to his connection to the Jedi Order. If Arcann and Senya were spared, Corrain will then ask them to teach him to use the Force as the Zakuulans do, and he will pronounce himself a Scion of Zakuul.
Romanceable: Yes. Corrain's orientation is bisexual, but he can only be successfully romanced on his Light Side track by an LS character, as his DS track will make him somewhat resentful of the player character and make him disdainful of 'senseless passion'.
Romance Arc: Corrain cannot be romanced until after he is rescued from the Star Fortress, but Republic characters can flirt with him throughout their class stories by praising his prowess as a Jedi. Corrain flusters easily when praised and will try to brush off these compliments - he will not flirt back until Shadow of Revan. Following his rescue from the fortress, LS characters who have not unlocked Corrain's DS track can unlock Corrain's romance by affirming his desires to learn about his Zakuulan heritage and (*key point*) sparing Arcann. Sparing Arcann and welcoming him to the Alliance will cause Corrain's insecurities about his relation to Valkorion to abate, and he will pull the player character aside prior to Nathema, where the player will have the option to either "Hug him" (continues friendship) or "Kiss him" (initiates romance)
Major Approval Decisions: Since Corrain is a bonus character during the majority of class stories, he doesn't really have any poignant approves/disapproves there. However, Corrain's major approval points would be 1) Evacuating the Jedi Initiates (pubside recruiting quest) 2) Disabling the Star Fortress and 3) Sparing Arcann (LS). All three of these will net a "Corrain greatly approves." If on his DS track, Corrain will have no reaction to sparing Arcann.
Major Disapproval Decisions: See above for note on class stories. Corrain's major disapproval points would be 1) Destroying the Star Fortress 2) all uses of Valkorion's power, and 3) Releasing Dramath's spirit on Nathema (DS).
Desertion/Death: Corrain cannot be killed, but if on his DS track a DS character can install him as the Zakuulan regent, at which point Corrain will depart from the Alliance to live on Zakuul
Oh, and a link to the companion post where you can see some of his voicelines! (those are assuming he has Main Character/Outlander status though, rather than Side Character status as is chatted about here)
no-pressure tags!: @voiceofthetraveler @squidleyjohnjones @borealtwilight @darthcatboy @plotbunny-bundle and @magicallulu7! and anyone else who sees and is interested, hehehe
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