berylcluster · 6 months
⊰ starter for @fragmcntdstars HANNIBAL for CLAYTON ⊱
➫ HANNIBAL had only met his son on a number of occasions, that is, on paper. To him, the entire concept was foreign, his own father was never truly a father to him. He had no experience, no model to follow, but he cared for this kid. Perhaps his mother would have preferred him to take on a normal life, perhaps she would have moved him far away and kept him away from his corrupted father, but Hanni had insisted he stay near. Just in case. He could spend a few hours of visitation normally, until Clayton expressed interest in the extracurriculars of his father's life. Which Dr. Lecter was all too eager to show him. Teaching a young fledging was his life's dream, a better hunter than he, that's all he wanted. He wasn't ever sure how much his mother knew about her son sneaking out, not that he ever asked, Clarice's reigns on her son were her own burden to bear, not his. In his mind, he was passing on his knowledge from one generation to the next. This particular evening, however, the therapist had been getting ready for his evening meal when his front door blipped, letting him know someone had made themselves a guest without his permission. Usually, he'd be irked by this, but he knew who this particular body was, although they had no standing appointment. "Clayton, I'm in the kitchen. Take off your shoes, please, before you step in."
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ferociiumarchive · 3 months
« @fragmcntdstars » stabbed the heart ;
Fingers idly drumming over his clothed thigh, hazel hues trained on the flickering flames of the campfire.
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" In a strange way we are free. " He hummed, a chuckle held back, last thing he needed was to seem like he was enjoying that. " We've reached the end of the line. We have nothing more to lose. "
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lightsiided · 2 months
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     it's a beautiful day -- sunny and breezy, the temperature pleasant. not that it matters MUCH, rey thinks, as she checks the falcon to ensure it's ready to fly. soon they will be in space, just the two of them. there will be no distractions. she and ben will have all the time in the world to talk, to reconnect. no one will be able to interrupt them, and they'll be able to go WHEREVER they want. the plan (or lack thereof) is so exciting she's giddy with it as she completes their flight prep, beaming as soon as she catches ben on his way to meet her. "hi," rey calls, once he's close enough to hear her, just outside the falcon's ramp. "ready to go?"
@fragmcntdstars liked for a starter!
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chaosfindsaway · 3 months
@fragmcntdstars said “ Where have you been? ” // indy for Ian malcolm
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"That's not really relevant to the current situation," Ian spoke slowly, buttoning his shirt up. He realized it may have looked as if he'd come back from doing something strange, but this shirt was actually quite old - that third button often unclipped itself as it was loose and wobbly. "I'm here now so let's, uh, find the information we came for and get out before we're seen."
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bloodybcrbie · 3 months
❛  you didn't hear a word of what i just said, did you?  ❜ // chucky to tiff
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。  ‪🔪 ♥︎ ⟶ random dialogue sentence starters . @fragmcntdstars 🔪🖤
if there is a sound she hears at this very moment , it is not the accented baritone of his voice .
instead , all that reverberates through her ears is the faint ringing . the distant chiming of a thousand voices in the back of her mind chastising her . telling her that he will never change his ways .
a haunting resonance that plagues her and will continue to plague her . just as much as this toxicity that she humbly labels as ' love ' continues to plague her .
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❝ you're a fucking asshole . ❞
the declaration is emitted with a pernicious venom that is meant to penetrate beneath his flesh and hurt him . to inflict the same amount of pain that she feels simmering within the depths of her heart .
she is beginning to question whether or not she has become accustomed to such disappointment . to such tumultuousness .
he keeps digging his knife further and further within her . as if he enjoys seeing the gruesome lacerations upon her porcelain . as if he gladly relishes in the searing pain that jolts within her like a flash of lightening that disrupts the tranquility of a night sky.
with a slow tilt of her head , she blinks . her throat is now a desert — every breath she draws is like a gust of gritty sand that fills her lungs , a disdainful endeavor that threatens to deprive her of all respiration . what she fails to put into words , her mind encapsulates :
it takes every bit of strength of speak further .
finally , she gulps . her voice tainted with a subtle tremble .
❝ i don't even know why i put up with you . ❞
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insufferablemonsters · 6 months
𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔶 & 𝔫𝔦𝔠𝔞 - 𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔲𝔢𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡 𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 @fragmcntdstars.
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andy  knew  how  horrible  and  evil  chucky  was.  for  some  reason,  that  little  fucker  can  squirm  in  your  head,  supernaturally  or  otherwise,  and  ruin  everything  about  your  own  person.  andy  was  living  proof  of  that.  all  andy  wanted  to  do  in  his  life  was  annihilate  chucky  completely  and  anyone  else  that  was  helping  that  doll  succeed  in  any  of  his  horrendous  undoings  to  others.  nica  was  a  victim  of  chucky  and  andy  refused  to  believe  that  she  enjoyed  the  things  he  made  her  do  with  her  body.  helping  nica  would,  in  turn,  help  andy  find  some  peace  in  his  life.  while  helping  nica,  he  found  himself  growing  feelings  for  her,  unlike  he  had  for  anyone.  he's  never  had  time  in  his  life  for  romance  or,  really,  even  friends.  nica  was  the  closest  thing  to  that,  and  the  closer  he  got  to  her,  the  more  his  heart  grew  fond  of  her.  he  was  relieved  that  nica  was  willing  to  let  him  help  her.  he  stood  up  from  his  stool,  extending  a  hand  out  to  her  to  help  her  up  from  her  stool.  a  light  chuckle  emits  from  andy's  lips  at  her  words,  shaking  his  head  lightly,   ❛   no,  i'm  not.  that  fucker  deserves  to  die,  and  you  deserve  a  chance  to  live  your  life  without  him   ❜   he  replied,  offering  a  friendly  smile.  he  leans  in  to  her  a  little  closer,  staring  into  her  eyes,   ❛   i'm  not  going  to  give  up  on  you.   ❜
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tiffanyxvalentine · 8 months
Dark eyes flit down and then back to the brunette's face as Tiffany listens intently, curious to know everything that's about to be said. It isn't disappointing. A nurse who opened windows? Not allowed outside? How often were the windows opened, she wonders. How often was Nica allowed a breath of something other than the stagnant air surely filtering through the room she'd been trapped in? She'd heard stories about these kinds of places. The mistreatment that took place inside. It was utterly fascinating. Had Nica suffered the same fate up until now? Tiffany wanted all of the answers. If only she'd known Nica at the time, maybe she could have presented her with a similar gift. How entertaining that would have been! Her gaze follows suit to the window, settling briefly on the falling snow. Such a beautiful inconvenience. She hopes and prays to Dambala that her car doesn't get stuck. She wanted to comment on how it must be nice, coming to this place after the previous one. But there was nothing nice about being locked away, no matter the circumstance.
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"Do they treat you well here Nica? For the most part I mean…"
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dogtccth · 3 months
you found me. // harley to roman
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" Are you done running away ? " Asked as he tries to remain calm , but his men surround exits just in case she tries to try and make a run for it .
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berylcluster · 6 months
⊰ starter for @fragmcntdstars HANNIBAL for WILL ⊱
➫ HANNIBAL hadn't quite settled into their new life, wiping his finger on every available surface and clicking his tongue every time he brought the digit to his face to examine it. This lodge wasn't taken care of, or hadn't seen a single duster since it had been built, either way. Just like the last place, he could count on the pair not staying here for very long, but he longed for the comforts of his home. Years of a fabricated medical practise paid for that house once or twice over, and while he wasn't hurting for money, they couldn't spend too much money on the roof over their heads or the foods they bought. Too much of a red flag, need to stay under the radar, he hears Will's voice in his head, scolding him almost. How dare he complain about his comfort levels. This had left the cannibal in quite a put out mood, finding everything wrong with the lodging that he could, until finally he could take no more.
Donning his signature apron, he fashioned a duster with a wrinkled shirt he found on the floor earlier, tying it loosely around his own hand, and once he started this, he couldn't be stopped. Cleaning and cooking had been the ways in which he could relax, find peace within himself when the world around him was so unkept and chaotic. And since he could no longer cook, with no kitchen to speak of anymore. Chaos was fun when you could control it, not so much when the dirt was staring you in the face. Hannibal hadn't meant to go snooping through his roommate's things, however, while moving Will's bag, a medical kit had rolled to the floor. Now this was odd, as he knew his friend, and knew that he would never engage in dangerous drugs. Unless it was without his knowledge, the doctor corrected himself, placing the pack back on the bag, not inside. This was entirely intentional, a smirk creeping onto his lips, as he silently hoped the other would walk in as this was happening. The consequences not bothering him so much, his curiosity was too delicious.
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babydxhl · 1 year
@fragmcntdstars​ | starter call. 
It’s easier to look at the red-tinted shards glittering on the dinner plate than at the tweezers making methodical work of her ribbon-sliced palm; Mary fixes her gaze on them until her vision blurs, until the pain dulls to a vague, nondescript burning. In that way, she can disconnect. As though someone has set fire to something very near to the end of her arm, the heat close enough to sear.
“He was getting too friendly.” In her periphery, through stray curls, she can monitor Harley’s expression. “It’s not charity,” she clarifies, a little louder lest the sound of the semi-conscious man being savagely beat in the next room overwhelm her words. Beneath their feet comes the familiar buzz of jazz music, of cutlery, of laughter.
Mary regrets breaking the glass over the back of his head. She should have let Harley deal with it, and saved herself the trouble.  
“It’s bad for business.”
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chaoticjoke · 5 months
hold this for a second. / from harley quinn
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For a brief moment, there's a puzzled look on his face, followed by an exaggerated 'Beg pardon?' expression. Then he simply shrugs and roughly snatches the offered item from Harley's hand.
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"Mmmmm, let's see." Wiry hands quickly open the harlequin's purse and the Joker shamelessly starts rummaging through its contents like a kid searching for candy.
"Whadda we got here?.." He murmurs, totally absorbed in his task. The Agent of Chaos takes zero interest in her cellphone or wallet, casually throwing the things away along with the bubblegum he's found. A smirk twists his scarred mouth when he fishes out a tiny pocket knife and a bottle of mace. He nods in approval but continues his search.
"Ahhh!" he exclaims, dexterous fingers extracting a tiny object -- a red Maybelline lipstick -- and a connoisseur he is, Joker raises his eyebrows dramatically, closely examining the crimson shade. "Finders keepers." He clicks his tongue. "I'm taking this one."
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wontgodowninhistory · 5 months
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🌈 : @fragmcntdstars // lyric starter // accepting
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these lyrics were taken from robin
"You have a favorite spot on the swing set."
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lightsiided · 5 months
whatever happens, i'm right here beside you. // ben to rey
* closer memes | accepting
     it is a strange sensation. ostensibly, rey knows it's TRUE -- that ben will be at her side no matter what -- but the feeling is foreign.
it has taken some getting used to. try as she might, rey isn't quite yet at a point of expecting anything but ABANDONMENT, even after all she's endured and the many way her friends have proven themselves to her.
no matter what happens, part of her isn't quite sure she believes anyone really means to stick out the worst possible situations. bad luck seems to follow rey perpetually, and the trials they face feel like a burden that should be only HERS, despite how many times finn and rose and poe -- and now ben -- have reassured her.
she accepted that her destiny was to suffer alone long ago. realizing there might be another option to pursue has been a slow process, and far less of a linear march forward than she had HOPED for.
but rey finds that she's comforted instantly by the soft tone of ben's voice. something about the way he says the words -- so simply, so effortlessly -- sets her at ease in a way she hasn't experienced in a long time. she bites the inside of her cheek to stifle a SMILE, charmed by his earnestness. it is so surprisingly sweet.
"i know," rey murmurs. he hasn't always been, but he's here now. they're no longer at odds, and ben isn't going anywhere. perhaps that's what matters most. perhaps they really can face any danger TOGETHER, like they'd once planned. the thought of it makes her emotional, tightening her throat warningly. "thank you."
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insufferablemonsters · 6 months
𝔱𝔦𝔣𝔣𝔞𝔫𝔶 & 𝔫𝔦𝔠𝔞 - 𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔲𝔢𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡 𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 @fragmcntdstars.
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tiffany  couldn't  help  but  giggle  at  nica's  words,  a  blush  heating  up  her  cheeks.   ❛   you're  too  sweet,  doll.  i  got  a  different  dress  in  mind  to  wear  for  you.  you're  going  to  go  crazy  when  you  see  it   ❜   she  giggled  as  she  sauntered  off  into  the  walk-in  closet.  she  stops  for  a  moment  and  peers  over  her  shoulder  to  glance  at  the  dead  body  on  the  ground,  smirking  a  bit,   ❛   i  mean,  not  as  crazy  as  you  were  on  that  man,  i  hope.  just  a  different  kind  of  crazy   ❜   she  laughed  maniacally,  flipping  through  the  many  dresses  that  were  hung  up  in  their  closet.  tiffany  knew  she  had  feelings  for  both  chucky  and  nica,  and  it  felt  like  a  dream  come  true  that  they  were  sharing  one  body  to  play  in.  they  were  a  perfect  fit  for  tiffany,  she  couldn't  ask  for  anything  more.  she  grabs  the  black  leather  dress  and  slips  into  it  after  undressing  herself  from  her  previous  garments.  she  emerges  from  the  closet  and  poses  for  nica,  biting  down  on  her  bottom  lip  with  a  seductive  grin  stretching  her  lips.   ❛   what  do  you  think,  sweetie?  too  much  or  not  enough?   ❜   she  asked,  slowly  stepping  to  nica  and  running  one  hand  from  her  shoulder  down  her  arm,  feeling  her  skin  tense  up  beneath  her  fingertips.  she  hums,   ❛   how's  our  man  chucky  doin'  upstairs,  sweet  face?  still  mad  that  he  can't  come  out  to  play?   ❜
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mute-call · 9 months
@fragmcntdstars said: ❝ Don’t insult their music. ❞ / from Kevin Flynn
Steven hadn't meant anything by it, not really, but he stands by what he said. The songs are stupid, and if the animatronics have even an ounce of awareness somewhere in their mechanical brains, it's no wonder they've gone crazy performing the same few tired-out routines year after year.
Still, Bell supposes it was unprofessional to put a sentiment like that on tape where everyone can hear it.
Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, Steven puts his hands up in a placating manner and plays the part of the admonished employee.
"You're right, you're right. It never seems to bother the kids, so who am I to say our band, the main attraction of our entire restaurant, could use more than ten songs?" Okay, maybe that came out a little more snarky than he meant it to, but can anyone really say he's wrong?
"It's not the characters' fault, I didn't mean it like that. I just-- well, look, you know your way around computers, right? You can't tell me it'd be that hard to just throw in some new tunes, add a little variety? For everyone's sake."
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dogtccth · 6 months
❝ i’m all yours. ❞ // harley to roman
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He stakes a step forward , eyes narrowed slightly in skepticism he usually had when it came to her . Still those three little words do pique his interest and bring him quite a thrill . " And what of your clown Ms. Quinn ? What happened there ? "
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