#jace malcom
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editsulli · 3 months ago
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SWTOR lovebirds
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coruscanti-travelguide · 5 months ago
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Does anyone else periodically rewatch the SWTOR short films for that sweet, sweet nostalgia? And also to see Darth Malgus looking more and more fucked up with every appearance.
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rapunziedameron · 29 days ago
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Star Wars: Annihilation // Poe Dameron: Free Fall
+ Bonus that fits the overall tone:
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piranha-shan · 1 year ago
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Why does Jace look like that one fish from Finding Nemo?
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sullustangin · 13 days ago
Fluffy February Day 15 -- Arrow
Time: End of KotET
Pairing: Theron Shan/Smuggler
Jace was siting in his office when his radio broadcast was interrupted. He nearly did have a heart attack when he heard a voice, lost to him, say, “--- system-wide holochannel.  The galaxy is ready to meet the new empress.”
He was alive --!! 
Saying Vaylin had fallen – saying another woman was in charge of the Eternal Fleet?  Another monarch, another oppressive -- ?
The most unladylike scoff came over the line.  “I’m no empress.” 
Jace had heard that voice before.  He pulled up his intel files on her.
…to be honest, Jace hadn’t exactly let them collect dust since Theron left the Republic for her. She who was dead.  She who had conspired with Sith.  She who had ruled the underworld.
…she who had saved the galaxy.  Again…
Jace tacitly leaned in his chair to see out of his office, into the bullpen of open office space.  Dorne was already corralling people into an orderly viewing party.  
Of course she was.
“People of the galaxy.  The war is over.  The Eternal Fleet is pacified.  Vaylin is dead.”
Jace flipped on his holo viewer in his office, and there she was.  The Voidhound.  If it wasn’t her double, that is; he learned later she’d played him at Makeb. 
“Today marks the end of the Eternal Empire.  The people of Zakuul are now free to rule themselves.”
There were a lot of nice words in the speech.  A few promises.  She kept it short and to the point.  Jace liked it. 
But what he liked more was the shadow at the edge of the frame.  Jace could pick out the profile of a man that had drawn a few features from his end of the gene pool.  He could make out the distinctive shoulders of the jacket.  He could even see the stupid haircut, when the head turned just right, as if conferring with someone as the Voidhound spoke. 
There had been profound concern in the Republic that Theron Shan was a broken arrow.  A bomb, not in their hands, waiting to go off or to be used against them. 
…Jace knew that fear was not going to fade away.  In fact, it might get worse, because the Alliance had won.  Because they were now the balance of power in the galaxy.
Because Theron could and did decide for himself what was the greater good.  It’s why he ultimately became unhappy in the Republic. 
…what if the infatuation with the Alliance never faded and he never came home?
The speech eventually ended.  Jace sat back in his chair, and he realized … he was coming down off a high mountain, one he’d been perched on since the active phase of the war had started almost a year and a half ago. 
Jace Malcom relaxed.  And, as was his habit in meetings, he sat there, watching the now black holochannel.  It was still open, even though the speech was over.  He heard some movement, footsteps, droids walking.
And then paydirt.
“How was that?” the Voidhound asked, when she thought she was alone again. 
“Optimistic and ambitious.  A good pairing for challenges ahead,” replied some Imperial accent. 
“I’m proud of you.”  Theron said that, with so much warmth – Jace knew he was still a man in love.  “We all are.” 
A little ‘heh.’  “Good.”  Then the line did go dead, as if someone notice a light on a board somewhere. 
Jace couldn’t make any conclusions about the status of the relationship between Theron Shan and Eva Corolastor, alias the Voidhound.  But in that moment, he knew Theron was safe, and his side had won the galaxy. 
Jace was relieved. Sad, immensely proud, and relieved. Mostly relieved.
...and now there was still a chance for him to fix things. That might have been best of all.
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saintsurvivors · 1 year ago
flirting with jace malcom every time just to see therons' disgusted face
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reconstructionlegacy · 2 years ago
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Fellow citizens of the Republic. The Hutt crisis is over, and we have again proven that compassion is not a weakness, but a strength.
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legendsliveon · 6 months ago
Here are twenty Legends characters to consider creating content with for this event! This is just a highlight list of the more major characters/characters I particularly like/unique characters. There are many more, and I provided some links you may find helpful for a deeper search!
I kept the list primarily to physical disabilities just because those are easily defined on page whereas neurodiversity of fictional characters can be more open to interpretation. For example, I would say based on the Jedi Quest books that Ferus Olin probably has an anxiety disorder. But it is not something that is explicitly said, so it is up to interpretation and other people may see it differently than me. This is in contrast to something more explicitly defined, like the fact that Tenel Ka is an amputee.
Cay Qel-Droma - a Jedi of the Old Republic in the Tales of the Jedi comics lost his left arm in battle and later received a prosthetic.
Bao-Dur - a Zabrak Jedi of the Old Republic in the second Knights of the Old Republic game lost an arm during the Mandalorian Wars and later received a prosthetic.
Zule Xiss - a Falleen Jedi padawan of the Clone Wars era in the Republic comics lost her arm to Ventress in the same battle that claimed the life of her Jedi master, Glaive. She continued to fight for the Republic with a prosthetic arm until she was killed in the Battle of Jabiim.
Tholme - a Jedi of the Republic/Clone Wars/Early Empire era in the Republic comics, loses his right leg and left eye during the Clone Wars. He receives a prosthetic for both, and uses a cane to walk after this occurs.
Tenel Ka Djo - a Jedi of the New Republic era becomes an amputee in the Young Jedi Knights books after a lightsaber malfunction. After discussion with Luke about his experience as an amputee, she chooses not to receive a prosthetic and learns to adapt to fighting and living with a single arm.
Tionne Solusar - a Jedi of the New Republic era has a prosthetic arm and leg. She was one of Luke's original students at the New Jedi Order academy.
Nawara Ven - a pilot of Rogue Squadron lost a leg below the knee in an engagement and returned to their previous career of practicing law after receiving this injury and prosthetic.
Gavar Khai - a Sith of the New Republic era in the Fate of the Jedi books lost his arm in battle with Luke Skywalker and had it replaced with a prosthetic.
Wolf Sazen - a Zabrak Jedi of the Legacy era in the Legacy (2006) comics has a prosthetic arm. He is closely tied to the Skywalker family, as Kol Skywalker's padawan and Cade Skywalker's master.
You can find a longer list of characters with prosthetics here, a list of characters with lost limbs here, and of course Luke and Anakin fall into this category as well!
Facial Injuries & Disfigurement +/- additional amputation
Darth Malak - a Sith of the Old Republic era in the game Knights of the Old Republic has a facial injury leading to the use of a prosthetic voice box and jaw
Jace Malcom - a Republic Trooper of the Old Republic era in the game Star Wars: The Old Republic received a facial injury in battle that led to disfigurement. He was also Satele Shan's lover and Theron Shan's father.
Darth Malgus - a Sith of the Old Republic era in the game Star Wars: The Old Republic has a facial injury and uses a respirator and prosthetic
Laranth Tarak - a Twi'lek Jedi of the Clone Wars/Early Empire era in the Coruscant Nights trilogy received injuries that led to facial scarring and the partial loss of one of her lekku while escaping and helping evacuate others from the Temple during Order 66/Operation Knightfall.
Zao - a Jedi Master of the Republic/Clone Wars/Early Empire eras in the Republic and Dark Times comics, Zao is blind, and has adapted his lightsaber into a walking stick
Tahl - a Jedi of the Republic era in the Jedi Apprentice chapter books, is blinded during a mission and has to figure out how to adapt to continue in her role as a Jedi
A longer list of blind individuals can be found here.
Taria Damsin - a Jedi of the Clone Wars era in the novel Clone Wars: Gambit - Stealth has a terminal/degenerative illness. She is a close friend of Obi-Wan.
Yoda - uses a cane and sometimes a hoverchair for mobility
Quinlan Vos & Aayla Secura - Clone Wars era Jedi, both experienced memory loss due to being drugged on a mission gone wrong in the Republic comics. The Jedi extended efforts to make them feel comfortable again in their home despite not remembering it and helped them to regain what was possible of their memories.
Empatojayos Brand - a Jedi through the Clone Wars to the New Republic in the Dark Empire and Empire's End comics received extensive injuries in a fight with Vader and was fitted into a prosthetic body in the shape of a sphere of his own design which allowed him to take part in efforts to restore the Republic and Jedi Order.
Additionally, here is a list of characters with lost eyes, and Wookieepedia's general list of characters with disabilities. See also this work-in-progress list of disabled characters on the Star Wars Fic Reference Wiki!
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From the 2nd to the 6th of September, we will host the Star Wars Disability Week!
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The goal of this event is to raise awareness about our disabilities and explore how they're portrayed in star wars with you. Critiques, gifs, webweaving, oc art, personal opinions, and more are welcome! Everyone can participate.
Simply post your works inspired by our themes on the days above, use the hashtag #swdisabilityweek and tag us!
However, do not engage with this event if you fetishize people with disabilities or have mean things to say about us. And if you're able bodied, don't talk over the experiences of disabled participants.
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tys-kitty · 2 years ago
I just realized that nearly no man in the Shadowhunter chronicles is mentally stable
Every Shadowhunter man at some point
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wulfhalls · 8 months ago
Matt Smith was made for hotd. In an alternative universe he's married to an heiress and is a Tory MP. He's perfect for Daemon Targaryen.
british succession would go so hard. well I say british succession....... the thick of it is british succession and the thick of it goes harder than anything
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4urum-4rgentum · 2 years ago
Reblog with your problematic toxic favs of The Shadowhunter Chronicles in the tags (by problematic i don't mean unpopular, i mean someone who you probably shouldn't like)
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folanoflimbo · 11 months ago
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shynmighty · 2 years ago
On chapter 18 of Annihilation!
Had to look up the spelling of Darth Karrid because all I can hear on the audiobook is “Darth Carrot” and it was impossible to take anything anyone said about her seriously. 
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okayclaryfray · 2 years ago
TSC villains
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sullustangin · 1 year ago
Fluffy February Day 23: Dance
A/N: I am officially now caught up, with Reward being posted earlier today and Sacrifice and Partners being posted yesterday.
Time: 25 ATC, 6 months post Eva and Theron getting married.
This is part of that yet-to be-fully-written fic about the galactic celebration for the end of the Eternal Empire/Fleet that Lana planned, because she didn't get the coronation for Eva that she wanted. The first part was prompted by @commanderlurker back in 2021. Then I commissioned @caffeinatedrogue to illustrate the outfits for the gala...
And now I'm about another 2000 words into this venture, but y'all are getting the most relevant 924 for Fluffy February 2024.
“Oh, no.”
At some course in between the main and dessert (Eva forgot how much cheese and more wine had pass through her hands and/or paid an extended visit), Theron said something that sounded more sad than snarky, for once.
“What?” she purred over the rim of her wine glass.
“Are you still –”
“No.  Not that.” 
Eva finally looked over at Theron and then followed his gaze to –
And Satele.  She’d shown up.  She’d actually shown up, and in her old Jedi robes – not the recent ones.  The ones with the gold trim, her hair neatly braided.  She actually looked like she was here to politely celebrate and mingle, as if she hadn’t disappeared.
Eva realized she hadn’t said anything to Theron, again. 
But based on his expression, Theron wasn’t think of that right now.  “…I worked security at one of these things, years ago.  Before I knew who he was.”  Theron shifted in his seat and took a big swallow of his glass of wine before continuing.  “It was really, really sad then.  When I found out everything… it hit me like a sack of rocks later.”
Eva shifted closer in her seat toward him, so he could keep his voice low.
“He asked her to dance.  One more time, for old time’s sake.”
Almost in pantomime, Eva saw the same thing playing out again.
“She refused him.  He told her he understood, that he wasn’t going to try to start something or win an argument.  He just wanted to celebrate with someone ….”
Theron’s hesitance won Eva’s attention again.  There was some dull and dead outrage there, some sort of frustration.  But mostly, Theron just looked sad.  “Someone who survived the war like he did.  Someone, who saw it all, like he did.  He wanted to dance with his friend.”
Theron carefully, deliberately met her gaze, as if concerned his emotions would spill all over the table and interrupt dinner.  His hand found hers. 
And there was Jace, reaching one more time, and having nothing in his hands.  Not even his old friend.
Satele had already turned and found a convenient floor-to-ceiling window, disappearing behind the curtain.  Eva knew she was a good enough slicer to escape out the window.   So did Theron.  They didn’t move to stop her.
Time to dance, Eva decided, with one last glug of wine.
“Colonel Malcom.”
His heart in some strange place between his boots and his throat, he turned, already correcting the speaker, “That’s Supreme Commander –”
Jace stopped himself.  Eva.  Theron’s wife.  The Commander of the Alliance.
He felt himself come off the high wire that Satele always put him on.  If she wasn’t a Jedi, he’d wonder if it was on purpose.  He knew it wasn’t, but that didn’t stop him from feeling that way, all the ways, he did about her.    “I haven’t been Colonel since Alderaan.”
“And you’d have to be what, twenty-seven years younger now in order to take me out to dinner?” came the quick-as-a-whip answer.
And suddenly, he was back in that room with Brom and that absolutely audacious smuggler –
Jace’s brain stalled as he realized --
“I knew I’d met you before,” Jace managed say, staring at her.  “It…it just wasn’t at Keylander.”
Eva smiled, mischievous and high-spirited, looking more like she did at 23(ish?) than she did now at 30 (Jace had sent a Jawagram, like he did for Theron). 
And then, a moment of absolute, abject panic.  “Does Theron know that you --?”
“We’ve been joking about that dinner offer for ten years.  On and off,” she replied, waggling her hand in reference to the years lost in carbonite.  As if it was joke, and it didn’t mean so much to them –
Eva rolled on, as ever, ebullient and the absolute life of the party.  “So, obviously, I’m going home with Theron tonight, and I’ve already had dinner.  What say we have a dance?” 
Jace felt his mouth drop open, slightly, but only for a second.  “I – it’s not necessary.”
…as smart as he knew he could be, it was only now that Jace realized she had seen Satele and felt bad for him and –
Probably, so had Theron.  Jace cast a look over at the table where Eva and Theron had been sitting. 
…there wasn’t an empty seat beside Eva’s.  Theron was still there, talking to the woman who had sat at Eva’s left, Lana Beniko.
…he hadn’t chased after her.  He hadn’t left Eva behind.
….good for him.  Good for them.
“Oh, come on, Colonel.  One dance between old friends.”  Then Eva let a pause come between them, just long enough to make him look at her and that really pretty dress.  “Your feet will thank you for my friendship with Lenn of House Teraan.”
That name clicked, in a bad way, for Jace.  “He… you know he didn’t survive the Eternal Fleet barrage on Alderaan.”
Undeterred, Eva straightened up, and suddenly, she was every bit … not the Voidhound, not a queen or empress, but someone who certainly demanded that sort of reverence: the Captain.   “We’ll toast to absent friends later.  The living can dance.”
As if by magic (or on cue, knowing her), the band struck up some ubiquitous waltz that everyone had danced to before, and Jace picked up the first step, and off they spun.
Jace supposed, twelve years after he’d turned her down for dinner and six months after she’d married his son, he and Eva were old friends.
And after a few wars, that was hard to find. 
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dreamless-disco · 2 years ago
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whenever there’s townies here its a jumpscare
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