#rayllum ocs
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lovelysheree · 8 months ago
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Rayla and the kids (sara’s over her shoulder, rune’s under her arm)
Originally I sketched this with Callum holding the kids, but I think Rayla would be more likely to do this hahaha
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silkiecorn · 2 months ago
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Super goofy indulgent 3am time travel idea 😭🤣
Links to the time travel stuff:
Part 2
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sorinethemastermind · 4 months ago
2. With Rayllum for the cuddle prompts 🥺
 Rayla shivered. It was freezing out. She didn’t know how the little ones couldn’t feel it. But they were still running around; throwing snowballs at each other and giggling. As she watched, Raine tripped, falling forward into a snowdrift. Rayla rose to go help, but his sister was already running back to help him up; pulling him out of the snow before both of them jumped into the pile together, screaming with laughter. She smiled, hugging her arms to herself to ward off the chill. She couldn’t make them go inside when they were having this much fun. 
 “You an icicle yet?” Callum asked, coming to sit beside her. She shook her head, knowing that if she spoke her teeth would chatter. 
 He laughed. “Come here, I’ll warm you up.”
 She leaned into him gratefully, feeling the warm puff his breath against her cheek. After a moment, he reached up and undid his scarf, wrapping it around the both of them and pulling it up to cover her nose. She sighed as his warmth enveloped her.
 “Better?” he asked, all big eyes and warm smiles.
 “Better.” Rayla agreed, slipping her hands into his coat. He shivered. 
 “Are you trying to leech all my warmth?”
 “Mhm.” she murmured, wrapping her arms around him. He opened his coat for her entirely and she shuffled inside, letting it’s warm fleece shield them both from the winter’s chill.
 They sat like that for a while, just watching Raine and Malia as they ran about and rolled in the snow.
 “This is nice.” Callum said eventually, with a sigh. 
 “It is.” Rayla burrowed further into his coat.
 “Just like when my Dad used to bring us here.” Callum continued, pulling her closer. “I’m glad we get to do the same with them.”
 “Me too.”
 As they watched, Malia grabbed a stick, beginning to trace little runes in the snow. Raine copied her, the two of them running about and waving their sticks in the air. Callum chuckled.
 “They’ll be little warriors one day, just like their Mom.”
 “Or little mages, like their Dad.” Rayla offered. 
 “Or both.” Callum agreed. “They can be whoever they want.”
 They both smiled, happy that the world now offered that option. Thanks to them, Rayla added in her thoughts.
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shadowwy · 2 months ago
Guys, I've been having way too many scenarios in my head recently. Would you guys be interested if I wrote a tdp fanfic?
I'll include whatever characters you want, probably even OCs, but I know I'll most probably add Aaravos, Callum, Runaan, and Rayla
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visspellbook · 4 months ago
May I introduce y’all to my TDP Future AU?
This AU follows the draggang as they get older and go through all their milestones and the story of their children’s lives! This is currently still a work in progress and I’m working on more characters designs + stories but let’s start with the Rayllum kiddo’s!!
Sarai ~Jr~
Sarai is Rayla and Callum’s first born, she’s their spunky, quick witted and adventurous daughter. She’s an explosive mix of both of her parents but to their delight and annoyance at times. She was named after, Callum’s late mother. Sarai is more of a fighter than a mage but she finds magic interesting and wants to see how she can incorporate it into her sighting style. She was born connected to the moon arcanum and has learned the ocean arcanum.
Aydrin is Rayla and Callum’s youngest child, unlike his sister he’s a lot more reserved and quite; mainly because Aydrin tends to be non-verbal in spaces where he isn’t with his family, he prefers to talk through sign language as it’s less stressful for him. Aydrin loves to visit Runaan and Ethari and has picked up his creative side from his father and grandpa. He loves weapon smithing and designing armor and other weaponry. Aydrin was born connected to the moon arcanum, he has yet to learn any others.
Thank you for reading about these sillies, if you have any questions please feel free to ask, I’d love to answer them!
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zerukye · 2 months ago
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nightflower-stuff · 14 days ago
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👌 TDP OCs + Other OCs, Bonus: New OC 💘
{1st slide}:
- Training with Aunt Loreleia (Arc 3, Future)
- Consort Queen Loreleia of Silvergrove married to Queen Valindra of Ocean, she will guarded her nephew & niece were (Kid) Sarai & (Infant baby) Aydrin when Loreleia's sister (Rayla) & her brother-in-law (Callum) worked with Team Zym & her adoptive human siblings. Sarai was trained with her aunt at the forest to take care of them 😊💘
- Fanart gift for @visspellbook
{2nd slide}:
- All other OCs & Canon ❣️
- Art Request/Suggestion & Fanart gift for shiyu_nishiyamhaoc (TikTok), Fanart gift for @/princessashleyvalerio, @kurizeria & @lunathemoonsblog
{3rd - 4th slide}: New OC
- Kiyoka Gekkou Aranxes 🌕
- Meet Kiyoka (The Midnight starlight Yokai Tiefling), they have a nickname was "Kiyo". They're both Japanese & British. Their parents were different since their mother was Japanese Oni Demon who lives in the yokai underworld in Tokyo & their father was a British Tiefling citizen in London, England in his modern life since he's the history warrior in Empire of Bael Turath. He's a tourist traveling to Tokyo, Japan then he married his Japanese wife. Kiyo was the bestie of Nightflower during they've met when they were classmates.❣️
- Don't worry, you're all my besties, close & rivals that I ever heard 💘👌
{5th - Last slide}:
- Kiyoka Gekkou Aranxes 🌕 (Character Inspiration)
- Here are their character Inspiration. Hope you like them 😊 ❣️
Arteris ( @kurizeria )
Luna ( @lunathemoonsblog )
Ashley (@/princessashleyvalerio)
Shiyu Nishiya (shiyu_nishiyamhaoc)
New OC:
Kiyoka (Nightflower's bestie)
Next Gen OCs:
Sarai & Aydrin ( @visspellbook )
Loreleia (Daughter of Runaan & Ethari, sister of Rayla)
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zuppizup · 9 months ago
Fuel the Pyre: Chapter 11
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Summary: For almost a decade now, life has been peaceful for the royal family of Katolis. All out war is becoming a distant memory as efforts to unite the continent continue. Open borders let more than friends in, however, and whispers of dangers lurking in the shadows are growing louder and more insistent.
Callum, Rayla and their adopted daughter Tio have bee trying to ignore the growing unease as best they can, but when the threat comes banging at their door, they can no longer turn a blind eye.
Pairing: Rayla/Callum
Rating: Mature
AO3 Link: Fuel the Pyre
Filling a cup, Terry turned back to Rayla. He took a seat in front of her and raised the glass. “Em, I’ve seen you in action, so you’ll understand why I don’t want to untie you for this.” He looked apologetic, a clear wince on his face as he said this.
Rayla wanted nothing more than to knock the water from his hand, to spit in his face but he was right, she needed water. If she was going to escape, she needed to be as strong as she could possibly be. And it had been far too long since she’d drank anything.
Or at least she thought it had been… she couldn’t trust her memories lately.
Read More On AO3 – Fuel the Pyre: Chapter 11
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masterofmist · 2 years ago
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— rayla from the dragon prince layout for personal or roleplay , made by me
— credits to @ZUBEIASHEART or @MARSNATBLIDA on twitter if you use
— not needed but it would help me a lot💕 :
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silkiecorn · 2 months ago
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Time Travel Stuff Part Three!
A little doodle also why would Ethari buy jewellery when he could just make it in his forge.
Part 1, Part 2
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sorinethemastermind · 3 months ago
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Snake Boi Callum Week 3.0 | Prompt: The Key of Aaravos / Icarus
 “What story will it be tonight?" Rayla asked. She hadn’t needed to, Malia always asked for the same one when it was her turn.
 “The Warrior and The Mage!” she cried, clapping her little hands together. Raine groaned in the bed beside her, pulling the pillow over his face.
 “But we’ve heard that one a thousand times.” he complained. 
 “I don’t care.” Malia insisted, eyes wide with anticipation. “It’s my favorite!”
 “Alright then.” Rayla said. “The Warrior and The Mage.”
 After she’d tucked them both into bed, she began the story.
 “Once, not all that long ago, there was a boy who lived in a castle-”
 “Daddy!” Malia squealed. Rayla smiled.
 “Yes. That’s your Daddy. “He was the prince of Katolis, but he didn’t like doing princely things, like riding horses and sword fighting. He didn’t know what to do. Then one day an elf came to the castle, sent on a mission to-”
 “She was sent there to do a bad thing, but she didn’t. Because she was a good elf! Because she was you!” Malia interjected into the awkward pause that always came at this part of the story.
 “Yes. Yes, exactly.” Rayla said, moving on quickly. “Anyway. The younger prince-
 “Uncle Ezran!”
 “-yes. He showed the elf that the mission she had been sent on was a lie! That the egg of the Dragon Prince still lived. The princes impressed the elf with their kindness and courage, and she decided to take a chance and trust them. They set off to return the egg of the Dragon Prince to his mother.”
 “The journey was long and perilous.” Rayla continued. “But they were strong. They faced foes and made friends. And on their quest, each found something within themselves. The youngest prince found the strength to be a king. The elf found the courage to be merciful and kind. And the oldest prince found the power within himself to become a mage.”
 “And there had never been a human mage before.” Malia piped up. “So he was special!”
 “Very special. The specialist.” Rayla teased, poking her nose. “Just like you will be some day. And then maybe he won’t be so special.”
 “I can’t wait to learn magic.” Malia sighed. 
 “All in good time.” Rayla assured her. “Now, where was I?”
 “You were about to get to the good bit.” Raine urged her, peeking his head out from under the covers.
 “I thought you didn’t like this story?” Rayla mused.
 “I don’t!” he said quickly, before adding; “Well, I like some of it.”
 “Well then, I won’t keep you waiting. With their newfound strength, the three brought the Dragon Prince, Azymondious, back home to his mother. She was eternally grateful, and the act ushered in a new time of peace and prosperity among the humans and elves. But there were some who did not want peace.” 
 Rayla paused then, thinking of all the sacrifices that had been made. All the pain and loss. But she didn’t tell that part. Not yet. One day they would be old enough to understand, but for now… for now it was just a story of discovery. Of hope. Of love.
 “And so the three - the Warrior, the Mage, and the King - gathered their newfound friends and faced the monster together.”
 “And there was a huge battle!” Raine jumped up on the bed, slashing around with an imaginary sword. Rayla shook her head, bemused, before ushering him back under the covers with a knowing smile. 
 “Yes, there was. But as long as they stood together, nothing could stop them. And so the monster was defeated, and peace returned to the world.”
 Rayla began to stand up, moving to extinguish the last candle still flickering on the beside table, but Malia reached out and grabbed the hem of her tunic. 
 “Mommy, you’re forgetting the ending.”
 Rayla’s smile dipped for a moment before she turned back to them and sat down. “Of course. Silly me.”
 “Because The Warrior and The Mage had found more than just themselves...” Malia prompted. 
 “Yes.” Rayla picked up the story. “They had also found each other. And it was their love, in part, that helped to heal the rift that had once formed between humans and elves. And it was that love-” Rayla kissed each of her little ones on the head in turn. “-that created the next little Warrior and the next little Mage!”
 Malia smiled up at her, whispering so as not to wake her brother, who was already asleep. “I love that story.”
 “Me too. I think it’s my favorite.” 
 “Goodnight, Mommy.” Malia whispered as Rayla snuffed out the candle. 
 “Goodnight, my little moonbeam.”
 She crept on silent feet from their room, closing the door behind her slowly. Then she padded down the hall towards the only other door that had any light shining from it at this time of night.
 “Callum?” she whispered, pushing it open to peer inside. His head was buried in the book, as per usual. Tonight twining vines covered it’s front, sickly sweet pink blossoms poking out from among the green leaves. That accursed cube resting in its center. She raised her voice and called his name again. “Callum?”
 His head shot up to stare at her from over the pile of scrolls covering his desk. “Oh, Rayla! I didn’t see you there. I’ll be out for dinner in a moment.”
 “Dinner’s already passed, Callum.” she said tiredly. “I just finished putting the little ones to bed.”
 “Good, good.” he nodded absently, eyes already drifting back to the book before him. He scratched at the accumulated stubble on his chin. It was more than that now, soon it would be a full beard. “I’m almost finished with this.”
 “You should get some sleep.” she tried, seeing the bags under his eyes. But he was already reaching for a quill.
 “I’m just so close to a breakthrough. I can feel it. Can’t you feel it, Rayla?” he asked, finally raising his head to look at her. “And then I’ll have four! Four primal sources.”
 “Yes, Callum.” Rayla sighed. “I’ve left your dinner in the kitchen. Try and eat something?”
 “Mhm.” Callum’s eyes drifted back to the book. “I couldn’t agree more.”
 Rayla waited, but that was all. “Goodnight, Callum.” she said finally. 
He didn’t look back up as she closed the door and padded quietly to bed. 
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schrodingers-chat · 1 year ago
Aaandd just like that...
There's a chapter 2! Didn't think this would become a multi-chap but here we are!
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shadowwy · 7 days ago
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Why is Viravos colonizing my fucking phone.
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pedanticseal · 2 years ago
Would any body be interested in a World of Darkness rayllum AU?
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svperluminous · 2 years ago
Not me basing my Raydia fankid on Korra 🙈 (Korra's body type, at least). The Claaravos fankid has long dark hair, so I guess Asami aesthetics? Sort of? I've been thinking about those two for a while and their interactions with my Rayllum fankid (from a different Rayla). The Raydia and Rayllum daughters have names but I still need to name the Claaravos daughter. There's also a Virayla son and he's from yet another Rayla xD then two versions of Rayllum son, Sorayla daughter, Calren son, Sorvus daughter and Ezris daughter. I think that's it, actually, unless I'm missing someone. Yes, I'm missing a Claudium kid. Anyway, they're all from a specific story that has many Raylas. It makes more sense in my head, I'm sorry.
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angstandhappiness · 9 months ago
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Margaret Atwood, from True Stories: Poems; "Postcard," originally published in 1981
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