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cricketclan · 7 months ago
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how come the cats that got accessories this moon all have blue eyes jKLGDJSG
also cricketclan is stealing more apprentices
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thebritishdragon · 8 months ago
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plut0s-dying-star · 5 months ago
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firehollyalder · 1 year ago
Newleaf Moon 3 Patrol
FUCK i had screenshots of what went on with Lightgaze and Parsleypaw but TUMBLR ATE THE SCREENSHOTS >:(
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anyway so Parsleypaw had a dream and she and Lightgaze had a serious conversation about it.
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Gingerpaw spots a rabbit up ahead but it seems to be acting strange. The patrol can see its tremors from a few fox-lengths away.
Gingerpaw avoids catching the rabbit and looks for other prey.
Gingerpaw: 0_0 okay
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Your patrol cautiously moves towards the sound of barking. Near the border, they spot a dog chasing something. Oh no, it's a cat!
(Tumblr ate the second screenshot to >:( )
The patrol swiftly jumps into action. They capture the dog's attention and draw it away from the cat. Mossywillow stayed hidden while the rest of the patrol lured the dog away, but when they go to find the cat, they see that it's still running! Oh well, at least they're alright.
Awww.... :( no newcomer. Also, look at THIS:
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Bye Willow :(
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As the patrol arrives at a beach, they spot Twolegs and their kits lounging around a brightly colored pelt of some kid, and smell food-scent.
The patrol decides to avoid the Twolegs.
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leafpoolstanblog · 2 years ago
Volewhisper graduates from his apprenticeship. 
Blossompaw, Swamppaw, Applepaw, Ratpaw, and Oakpaw are apprenticed to Stumpytail, Ashfur, Runningnose, Boulder, and Rowanberry.
Mudclaw and Ashfur are killed during the uprising against Brokenstar. The uprising is not successful and Brokenstar remains in power. Swamppaw is re-apprenticed to Brokenstar. 
Brownpaw dies during training. 
Oakpaw flees to seek refuge in ThunderClan when Brokenstar comes out on top of the uprising.
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fallenclan · 7 months ago
Ratpaw is the fourth cat. That’s why he left FallenClan lol/jk
ah! damn it all! how'd you figure out my clever plan down to the last detail......
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bistaxx · 1 year ago
Gave into temptation and started playing that one funny wc's game and god the doubletake I had to do when I saw this cats fucking name
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shinetoothwc · 3 months ago
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my son, my oddball, my lifeblood Ratpaw
Rat, Ratpaw - he/it. Blue-eyed tomcat with albinism. Owlclan apprentice
note: he is older than Spiderlily and younger than Snakevenom so. do with that info what you will. also he has a different father than the two of them.
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classyruinsbarbarian · 16 days ago
every time I am reading a comic and I see two characters have the obvious "they are going to get together later on" panel or they are a canon couple I just go to queer platonic them so fast and can only see it as that
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validwarriorcatsnames · 2 months ago
curious about your take on this: I have a warriors oc who ran away as an apprentice and became a rogue cat in an urban area in adulthood. without considering his personality, do you think it'd be very likely he kept the name Ratpaw, or would he be more likely to change it himself? he doesn't have much faith in starclan but does know it exists
Those around him wouldn't associate his -paw name with being a young warrior-to-be, so unless he had strong personal feelings about the name sounding amateurish or it connecting him to his past, I can see him keeping it. Ravenpaw kept his because his past in ThunderClan was important enough to keep it, but he was confident enough in his loner identity that he didn't want a full warrior name.
I think Ratpaw works even better, since ravens don't have paws. If you've never met a clan cat and you meet Ravenpaw, you're like, that's not a thing. And your feet don't look like ravens either. But rats DO have paws, and their paws are useful for burrowing, or retrieving and holding food. Out of context, the name Ratpaw sounds like someone who is clever, resourceful, and perhaps underhanded. StarClan's got nothing to do with it.
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cricketclan · 8 months ago
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moon 59 lets gooooo!!! fun fact i had this lined for forever now and just now finally finished it
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kogitosk · 4 months ago
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cameos included in panel 3: (tagged names are the creator’s ig accounts, please check them out! they all make amazing comics!! Acornpaw @calicotales_ Sunny @_lefabb Icefern @packo.comics Leafheart @tigersunii Ratpaw @mars_isnotaplanet Sunny/Sunbeam @xsilencee
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nanistar · 1 year ago
if moonclan doesnt rly keep track of time when do they decide kits become apprentices? is it when they reach a certain size or just vibes? do litter mates sometimes start training at different times? (i love the comic btw!)
hiii! moonclan is able to tell some rudimentary time by paying attention to the purple mushrooms, which tend to flare up/glow brighter around the time of a full moon (Not that they know what that is) usually the apothecary will keep track of stuff moon-to-moon to track things like pregnancies and kitten age.
because moonclan has no nursery, kits don't really have a "safe" area to be confined. they are taught to swim and fish for food as soon as they are weened + can be trusted not to die around water, usually 3 months or so but that's not a hard rule-- so sometimes littermates will start this stage at different ages. from there, they are expected to do odd jobs around camp and help out where they can. they might spend some time with webwhisker to learn about life cycles and religious stuff (more on this in canon later) or they might shadow their parent/s in some of the safer lower tunnels so they can get a head start on learning the routes.
there's no real rule about kits being 6 moons old before beginning their training. there's not a lot of fighting or hunting to learn, moonclan has no enemies other than the occasional rat or bat that makes it too far in the caves. and they don't usually hunt except the aforementioned rats and bats. they fish for little cave fishes. so the main thing they learn in training is navigating the caves, collecting scrap, and how to determine if a cavern is safe to go into basically. spot signs of cave ins and rockfalls.
moonclan life is incredibly slow. cats don't get up and hunt and patrol or do some other busy job like they might on the surface. they sometimes will do nothing but hang out and chat for days on end. no need to go out and hunt since they get all their food from the lake in camp.
the leader is the one to "officially" appoint apprentices and mentors and to make warriors, so with bonestar disappearing for moons on end sometimes things like aging up ceremonies get delayed. they will still go on and do the job as appropriate, but they will just be called by the same name. rubblekit is 8 months old and should be an apprentice, and webwhisker is training him as one, but he still goes by -kit for the time being. ratpaw and minnowpaw are both old enough to be warriors, and are treated as such.
oh that got long. oops
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firehollyalder · 1 year ago
Newleaf Moon 2 - Patrol
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With newleaf bringing ragwort back on the medicinal menu, Lightgaze heads out to find where the silly plants have decided to sprout this year.
Try as she might, Lightgaze can't quite remember the exact shape of the ragwort leaves, and they aren't going to harvest from plants they haven't conficently identified. Better safe than sorry, as they say...
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Hatchstar suggests this might be a good chance for the cats to practice new hunting techniques, particularly with Parsleypaw present.
Everyone has a nice practice session, picking up a nice selection of new tricks to try out on their next hunting patrol. Parsleypaw really gets into it, and is praised for her focus and enthusiasm.
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Your patrol (Chervilleaf, Ratpaw, Gingerpaw) has a disagreement and look to Chervilleaf to settle the dispute.
Chervilleaf has no time for this spat and pulls the patrol to a halt to remind them that they have a star-damned job to do and quarreling like kittens will not be tolerated. The patrol returns to their work collecting nesting material with newfound vigor.
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Grassheart spots a rabbit up ahead but it seems to be acting strange. The patrol (Grassheart, Greenshadow, & Mossywillow) can see its tremors from a few fox-lengths away.
Grassheart catches the rabbit and it is eaten as normal.
WHEEZE Chervilleaf doesn't get paid enough for this shit.
Ratpaw just must like picking fights. She doesn't seem to like many cats.
and uh-oh. Sus rabbit 👀
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dawnfinchh · 1 year ago
i made full "canon" allegiances for the start of fire and ice: google doc link
this is a part of a series im doing where i've made the full allegiances for the first book of every arc in order. now i'm making allegiances for other main series books
here is the masterpost for all the allegiances
"canon" is in quotations because a lot of this is guesswork about who logically would be around at that point in time, but aren't listed in the allegiances or mentioned in the book
this is mainly meant to be a resource for fanworks
general stuff that's still the same as last time:
wiki pages are linked to character's names
med cat = cleric
characters are listed by age. where there are no concrete ages, i make my best guess
tc is the only clan without a "kit" rank as all kits born into or taken into the clan have known parents
this is where things start to get pretty messy due to the sheer number of prequel cats i need to make decisions about, pretty much entirely in rc and sc. i'll provide insight into why the ones i have listed are still around as these prequel cats do just tend to randomly fall off the timeline with no explanation or canonical deaths
cinderkit and brackenkit are listed as kits instead of apprentices bc they are not apprenticed until like 100 pages in
swiftpaw is still listed as an apprentice bc he is apprenticed in like the first chapter
ashkit, fernkit, and tulipkit are listed. elderkit is already dead and tulipkit dies this book
they lose a LOT of cats from the previous allegiances due to their last mentioned appearances being at the end of yellowfang's secret and not a lot of them reappearing in exile from shadowclan or tigerclaw's fury
whitepaw/whitethroat - not mentioned until rising storm, but needs to be a warrior by then. i made him a kit in the itw allegiances and thus now he's an apprentice
applepaw/applefur and ratpaw/ratscar - not mentioned until tigerclaw's fury but need to be warriors by then. i made them kits in the itw allegiances and thus they are now apprentices
brightflower, crowtail, archeye, featherstorm, hollyflower - alive and rejoined shadowclan's camps at the end of exile from shadowclan
volewhisper - alive and rejoined shadowclan's camp at the end of exile from shadowclan, but specifically needs to die before blackfoot returns due to continuity issues with blackfoot's reckoning
ashheart - not mentioned or listed in tpb, but alive bc she needs to make semi-canon kits with cinderfur in rising storm
scorchwind - not mentioned or listed in tpb, but alive bc he needs to make rowanstar and cedarheart with darkflower
rowanberry, deerfoot, flintfang, and fernshade - are in tigerclaw's fury
wolfstep - is mentioned to still be alive when tigerclaw first comes to shadowclan in blackfoot's reckoning
mistyfoot - reedwhisker is not listed because i've gone with the timeline given in tnp for him. mistyfoot's other kits are listed
mosspelt - listed as a warrior instead of an expecting queen as her and silverstream's kits need to be close enough in age for her to feed/foster them, and graystripe and silverstream haven't even met yet
mallowtail and birdsong - they are still around after shadepelt and heavystep receive their full names
frogleap - he dies later
grasswhisker, shimmerpelt, lakeshine, cedarpelt, piketooth, and timberfur - mentioned to be alive after the flood that kills frogleap
beetlenose, ottersplash, sedgecreek, voleclaw, and vixenleap - mentioned to join tigerclan and/or lionclan, so they are safe for the entirely of tpb
rippleclaw and emberdawn - are at nightpelt's first gathering as a leader
skyheart and reedtail - need to make kits together in mothwing's secret, so they are safe for the entirety of tpb
thrushwing - again, the canonnity of her character is questionable, but windclan needs more she-cats. there's also an unnamed non-morningflower tortoiseshell mentioned a couple times and i think she works fine to fill in that vague role
morningflower - the way that she and gorsekit are described make it sound like she gave birth like the day before fireheart and graystripe showed up, so she is tagged with (expecting kits)
tawnykit/tawnyfur - an apprentice in rising storm and a warrior in a dangerous path, so she is likely a kit around this time
eaglekit (ashfoot's kit) - not listed bc i think they have died
elders - there are about 5 unnamed elders described while windclan is crossing the road. the only specific elders that have strong cases to be around are crowfur (he is in a forest of secrets) and cloudrunner (he is gorsepaw's father)
i have them listed under rogues and loners, but sometime during this book it's likely that stagleap and sorrelshine rejoin windclan after the clan returns to their territory
cats outside clans:
shadowclan exiles get their own group
stagleap (wc) and sorrelshine are listed here
princess is listed as (expecting kits) as cloudtail has not been born yet
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fallenclan · 8 months ago
i'm honestly really sad to see ratpaw go. she was probably one of my favorite fallenclan cats.... /j
anyway, here are some silly ideas about how ratpaw would have fit into fallenclan!
he was never actually a fallenclan cat. credit to beetle for this hysterical idea. this random loner named rat goes to his cricketclan job application and goes, "oh yeah, i definitely have warrior experience. references? oh, sure. have you heard of ligma? no? he's a real fallenclan cat, i promise..."
potential parent ideas
frogpounce---he showed up one day with a kit (outsider roots) and everyone was like, "yeah okay." after frogpounce died, ratpaw no longer felt like she had a place in fallenclan and left.
thistleskip & boulderstep---this is another of beetle's ideas. i like the symbolism of ratpaw leaving his birth clan behind, just like boulderstep did as an apprentice, however i feel like thistle and boulder would both be Devastated and i don't want them to be sad...
gizmo---don't really have much explanation for this. maybe gizmo had a kittypet mate and brought their child to the clan, but then ratpaw got sleepydawn as a mentor or something and went "this sucks" and decided to bail.
vox---shrikethorn sibling!! obviously the timeline would be a bit weird but that's a given with every clangen account progressing at different times. shrikethorn and ratpaw being littermates...
eris, cedarberry, & skyfrost---again with the weird timeline thing, but still. paledawn and darkstone having a third littermate hehe.
my personal favorite though is the idea of ratpaw just lying about having been in fallenclan (bonus if he's able to gaslight fallenclan cats at a gathering by being like "what?? you seriously don't remember me? ugh. this is why i left!"
LMAOO the last bit... this is why she left you guys!!!! c'mon
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