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doshegotabo0ty · 1 year ago
Macca's obv
come on could at least scrape together enough for something fancy like Rashay’s
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kayoi1234 · 11 months ago
top 5 meals with pasta? top 5 cups/mugs you have?
Thanks for the ask! Here we go:
The specific spaghetti that my grandma makes
Fried Fish with pesto
Baked Pasta
One specific chicken pesto pasta salad from one specific store
My little green handmademug
My little handleless handmade teal mug
the winnie the pooh mug that has long since went missing
A mug that had my name printed on it because I had a period of time in primary school where I was a narcisstic little shit and continental soup was doing a promotion
A glass cup from maccas when the 2012 olympics were running although I realise now there were different kinds I will clarify I got the coloured glasses.
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leoharrison008 · 1 year ago
Extra 15% off at Rashays Strathpine - Order Now!!
Experience the exquisite flavors of Rashays in Strathpine. Enjoy a delightful 15% discount on your order with code: SPL15. Elevate your food with our convenient takeaway service. Order now !!
Order now https://www.ozfoodhunter.com.au/rashays-strathpine
Download the ozfoodhunter App: https://ozfoodhunter.page.link/o7L9
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nakeddeparture · 1 year ago
Barbados. Rashay Jermaine Anthony Cadogan, 20, held in connection with Darrian Robinson’s murder.
His mother works for Mia. Naked!!
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outragedtortilla · 2 years ago
you are fingertips. pressing into the back of my knees to hold me still. zaria rashay
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my-japanese-corner · 11 months ago
Japanese word of the day
いってらっしゃい (Hiragana)
行ってらっしゃい (Kanji)
pronunciation - itte-rashai
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Meaning - have a good day or see you later.
Used with - family members leaving house, colleagues going for work trip, meetings etc.,
If you want to learn a bit more about the history of this word, please read more!
Translation: let's study Japanese together! Let's work hard together!
Romanji: issho ni nihongo o benkyou suru! Gambatte kudasai!
I recently found out that this word which has come to mean have a good day, literally translates to "Go and come back!"
Basically the 行って (pronunciation: itte) means Go (or Journey, you will see this 行 Kanji in almost every sentence where something is leaving, going somewhere for example 行ってきます meaning "I'm going!') and (い) らしゃい (pronunciation: irashai) means come or welcome back
行って + (い) らしゃい = Go + come back
Ko-San on Instagram explained it very well. The explanation goes like this -
In ancient Japan since there was no world order, anyone leaving on a work trip, or anything else from the village could die for various reasons. And Japanese people were firm believers of the power of words, this belief is called Kotodama. Therefore, by saying "Go and come back!" they are wishing their loved ones or colleagues a good journey.
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sorrow-already-spoiled · 1 year ago
A Secret is Worth Keeping if...
“We need to talk.” Zerea doesn’t even blink when her office door slams against the wall hard enough to chip the paint. She was as perfectly put together as always in her classic pinstripe and gold rings, fountain pen in hand as she works her way through the neat stack of paperwork on her desk. 
“Welcome back Chai. I was starting to think you were actually going to keep your word. I suppose I gave you too much credit.” Chai slams her hands down on the desk with enough force to disrupt part of the stack. 
“Do you realize you nearly had your wife killed tonight?” That stopped Zerea’s pen dead in its tracks. An excess of ink spilled from the pen leaving an ugly black splotch on the page. “She was in the car your goons shot up.” 
“The Kingsley’s sent my beloved to collect a shipment like a common criminal?” Zerea’s voice had gone ice cold. “And you allowed it?”
“Don’t even think about trying to pin the blame on them. The Kingsley’s are all heart. They would never ask Ani to do something like this. She insisted. If you’re looking for someone to blame, it was you who left your shipment documents laying around for her to see.” Chai’s nails dig into the oak desk, a horrible sinking feeling growing in her gut. “You planned this? You let her see the documents on purpose, didn’t change the shipments so she would follow the trail.”
“And why would I do that?” Zerea lays the pen down in its black leather case, interlacing her fingers and resting her chin on them. 
“Because you’re a sadistic bitch, and you want her to be scared? Or maybe you were trying to kidnap her to force her back here. Or you wanted an excuse to go after the Kingsley’s properly.”  Zerea laughs without any joy. 
“A few flaws in your theories, my dear second.” Chai’s lip curls at the reminder of her position in Zerea’s business. “First, I have never once taken any pleasure from Ani’s fear. I like to keep my work and home life very separate. Second, kidnapping her is useless, as she will simply try to run again and grow resentful when she fails. When Ani returns to me, it will be of her own accord. Third, the Kingsley’s are currently… off limits.” 
“Off limits?”
“Off limits.”
“What the hell does that mean?”
“I’m afraid that’s none of your business. In terms of my motivations regarding the evening's events… Frankly, I believe I underestimated Ani’s ability to put pieces together. I was quite happy to see her as a sweet little housewife, you see. A darling little thing to care for and keep my bed warm. It is possible her pretty face distracted me from her true intelligence.” Chai’s jaw tightens in fury. Ani was much more than Zerea would ever know. “As for the gentlemen that shot at you tonight, they will be dealt with accordingly.” They wouldn’t last the night then. 
Chai felt no sympathy for them. Honestly, if Zerea wasn’t going to take care of it, Chai had every intention of hunting them down herself. They had shot at Chai’s people. That was a death sentence in her eyes. 
“I’m going to leave. You’re going to let me.” Zerea smiled. 
“Of course I am. I'm sure you’ll be in touch, unless you’re going to make another impassioned speech about leaving my side for good, your newfound morality, and your unwillingness to cooperate with evil? The first one was quite cute, I’d be happy to hear it again.” It wasn’t worth arguing with her, and Chai knew it, but she hated letting Zerea have the final word. 
“May all your lightbulbs be mysteriously unscrewed in the night.” Chai turned on her heel and left the door open on her way out. She was definitely not coming back here again. In her anger, she didn’t notice the other individual in the hallway until she bumped into them. “Sorry.”
“No trouble at all, it was my fault.” Chai knew that voice. Rashai. The man who kept coming to visit Staziya. He tips his hat at her, “Have a nice evening.” What the hell was he doing in the administration offices of StarDrop? Rashai continues down the hall to Zerea’s office, closing the door with a quiet click. 
It was already late when Chai had left the King’s Club, and later still when she left StarDrop. She makes her way to the river, shelling out a few coins in exchange for some greasy food from a late night street vendor. She sits on the bridge, legs dangling over the edge, a 50 foot freefall to the water below her. She wasn’t sure how it had gone so wrong so quickly. Maybe she should have stayed in that dead-end office job. She had been good at it, even as her soul died a bit more with every stolen lunch. Instead she had been seduced by her own anger, diving headfirst into a world of bullets and stolen alcohol. A stray breeze sweeps up her used napkin, the small square of cheap paper drifting out over the river before falling to float on the surface. 
Chai sighs deeply. 
Ani’s evil wife was her boss, which she couldn’t tell Ani. The gentleman Staziya was so enamored with was somehow involved in the criminal underworld, which she couldn’t tell Staiya or Ani. Folceli and Sel somehow had decided they were gonna follow her around, and she wanted to be a good role model for them, so she couldn’t let her mask slip for a second because they were always watching. She couldn’t tell Lawrynce anything, because he would probably react the same way she would if someone put her friends in danger. Unfortunately she was the danger. She wouldn’t even blame him. 
She should probably walk away, but she didn’t want to. She didn’t want to go back to a job where she was no one, just a cog in a bureaucratic system so large she couldn’t even comprehend the scope of it. She didn’t want to go back to being Zerea’s right hand, a killer for hire, a slave to her own rage. She wanted to stay with her friends. She wanted to take care of the people she loved.
She would keep her secrets a little longer to keep them happy and safe, even if it killed her.
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camcakegorl · 2 years ago
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Doodles I did trying to study the sm64 model cause I love this creature- (featuring rashay from an sm64 rom hack "last impact")
I might try to do more of these at somepoint these were fun lol
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quinnigallagherjones · 1 year ago
Okay fuck marry kill between nick schmidt and winston, and I wanna know your top 3 restaurants/meals for dinner! Also hi <3
hi katherine !!!! i hope ur well <3333
fmk: nick, schmidt, winston
omg okay this is hard but i think i would fuck winston (i feel like he would respect me and it would be a good time haha), marry nick (he's the loml what can i say) and kill schmidt (this hurts bc i adore him but i couldn't see myself fucking or marrying him bc he is insane like me 😅)
top 3 restaurants/meals for dinner
i feel like i rarely eat out but the first ones that came to mind were nandos, rashays and gyg which is SO bad because they are all chain restaurants hahah, okay but alsO back home there is a really nice thai place that has the bestttt food so that would definitely be above those three ! as for meals i really just love anything carbs related so pasta, bread (especially garlic bread) and potatoes hahaha
sleepover asks !!
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dustofthedailylife · 1 year ago
📜 do you have a food you use a lot?
🧵 who’s your favorite character mechanics/kit-wise?
📰 who’s your least favorite character mechanics/kit-wise?
🌾 what’s your favorite character trailer?
[Genshin Ask Game] Hi Rin!! <3 (answering your other ask later, I want to properly sit down for it 👀)
📜 do you have a food you use a lot? It's definitely between Sweet Madame and Matsutake Meat rolls because they restore a lot of HP and that's pretty much all I need. My exploration team doesn't have a healer so, they come in handy. Also the ingredients are cheap and I have piles of them lying around all the time anyway.
🧵 who’s your favorite character mechanics/kit-wise? Alhaitham and Ayato! (the why is answered here)
📰 who’s your least favorite character mechanics/kit-wise? Out of the 5*.... Eula. I pulled her because a friend of mine is a hardcore simp for her and he insisted she was the only physical character and therefore essential to have (that was a lie... but I was a genshin newbie at that time and didn't know better). Then I pulled her and didn't even try her. I got her early but then again I leveled her and then just never wanted to use her because she just feels so clunky and unsatisfying to play. With her weapon and some cons she is so much better but at C0 she plays like an absolute tank IMO. Eula? Pure whale character imho.
🌾 what’s your favorite character trailer? Alhaitham and Wriothesley. Is my bias showing yet? It was the visuals together with the music and dshfkjhdfk. (I'm taking both trailers they release for a character into consideration here.) Alhaitham's teaser felt so deep and the visuals were so pretty, the part where he walks through the library with the visuals? Chef's kiss right there. Wriothesley teaser was so cool too because it showed the depth of his character perfectly. He treats the child so nicely and is considerate and tries to hide the fact he is here to arrest and take away her father while being super rough with him because he is a criminal at the end of the day. AND THEN THE DEMOS OMG. First of all, I loved that the Sumeru crew was there for Alhaitham's and was just gossiping. It's canon y'all. I love them sm help... Then Alhaitham's shoulder glance and then when the drop hits and the cool guys don't look at explosions part and and and the thing where he goes all nerd and explainy. I love him dsfhdkj. Wriothesley? The cut was so good and on beat with the music pls. He looked so badass I wanted to smooch him fr. Then the "ora ora" and then "Itte-rashai"???? I dropped dead and ascended to heaven. Daisuke Ono... the goat fr.
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masterdonald101452 · 5 months ago
Jet - Are You Gonna Be My Girl (Iman Rashay) | Blinds | The Voice Of Ger...
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lakelandg · 5 months ago
‘Spirited’ shoplifting suspects busted when boozy birthday bash turns into liquor larceny
The Polk County Sheriff’s Office says it wants to help a ‘spirited’ shoplifting suspect celebrate her birthday with a nice pair of silver bracelets, a spiffy blue outfit, and a free portrait of herself after it says she talked three of her friends into liquor larceny to celebrate her big day.  According to investigators, 28-year-old Rashay Tashell Walker of Lakeland and three of her friends…
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bunniestv · 3 years ago
Rami & Ned - Footy, Federals, Food & Family
Rami & Ned love their footy and grew up with rugby league as a central them in their lives. Both played for the Enfield Federals and looked forward to training, playing and watching the greatest game of all every week.
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itsmeadrianleung · 3 years ago
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led light close-up at #rashays #rashayscampbelltown https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdnbc28L4vF21J67RC86KTpCYsZhi4mW4KSje00/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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theultimatefoodiediary · 5 years ago
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I love a good breakfast meal. @rashays in campbelltown provided a mouthwatering brekkie for me today! 🤤 smashed avocado with tomato bruschetta on sourdough, with poached eggs, hollandaise, turkey rashers & a lychee & mint lemonade. How good does that sound? 😍 #breakfast #brekkie #smashedavo #poachedeggs #hollandaisesauce #bruschetta #lychee #mint #lemonade #food #foodporn #foodie #foodiesofinstagram #sydneyeats #westernsydneyeats #rashays #foodstagram #foodblog #foodblogger #foodblogfeed #followforfollowback #follow #followtrain #followers #followmyblog #helpmereach2k (at Rashays Campbelltown) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9DPI3PnBk5/?igshid=1jehoh2toonl5
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layd1990 · 7 years ago
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#steak #rashays #liverpool #dinner #medRare #food (at Rashays Liverpool)
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