#ras im begging u
roseworth · 4 months
How do you feel about Slade Wilson?
I personally could never get myself to like him strictly for what he did for Tera like I can excuse a lot of things but what he did to her is not one of them. I don’t know, I can never get myself to like him. Am I missing out?
I don’t know much about him beyond his titans cameos so is there an extra layer to his character that makes him likable?
Or is he just unlikable? How do you feel about him and him as a parent?
i think slade can be such a compelling character when hes written well. but the problem is that he is rarely written well
like. he's interesting to me BECAUSE he's such a terrible person and i hate him so much. he's a pedophile and an abuser and just an unapologetically horrible person and i LOVE it when writers don't ignore that. one of the reasons i love deathstroke 2016 is because priest doesnt pretend that slade is a good guy deep down, he is written like an asshole and does awful things throughout the entire book. because hes an asshole.
i dont like it when he works With the titans because. they should hate his ass!!! ESPECIALLY for what he did to terra. but he can be so good as a titans villain because hes a loser predator that routinely gets his ass kicked by teenagers that hate him on a personal level.
another reason hes interesting to me is because he genuinely DOES love the people in his life (derogatory). i hate it when people act like he hates his children because thats not true at all!! unfortunately he loves them so much but his version of love is abusing them and/or pushing them away. hes a terrible father and a terrible person but that doesnt mean he doesnt love his family. its just that his love is toxic and awful and him loving someone is always a bad thing
one (of many) thing that i hated about the movie deathstroke knights & dragons is that they tried to make him a good person. they treated it like his children were being irrational for hating him, his mercenary work was actually "noble" (he gave up a job because it came from a dictator; he would not fucking do that), and they even treated him cheating on adeline as "aw poor slade was so upset and he cheated on his wife because he was sad 🥺" and thats just. so boring to me. the reason he can be an interesting character is because hes such an awful person who does terrible things because hes selfish and doesnt care about other people, and even when he does care about other people hes doing it in a way that doesnt hurt him
thats also one of the reasons i HATED that one arc with respawn. i forget the name of it but it was the one crossover with batman & robin & deathstroke inc (<- this is driving me crazy what the fuck was it called.... it was the one where ra's died.... do u know what im talking about (EDIT: its Shadow War!! i forgor)) because suddenly slade was acting like he was a good father and that he loved his children and was acting Better than batman. which is so fucking stupid because hes a shithead and he knows it! but for some reason slade was like "im embracing my son i love being a family man ☺️ you wouldnt know what thats like would you batman ☺️" like since when do YOU know what thats like. at the very least he shouldve been pushing respawn away that entire time and it pisses me off that he was treated like the good guy in that story. and thats not even mentioning how bad rose's reaction pissed me off in this & dark crisis. williamson i am begging you to learn literally anything about the characters you write.
but going back to deathstroke 2016. that one is sooo good because christopher priest completely understands that slade is the worst. what i love about it is that he actually has "pure" motivations for a lot of the things he does (ie hiring a hitman on rose because he wants to spend time with her, stealing wallace's speedforce powers because he wants to save grant, etc) but it is very clear in the story that his motivations dont matter because hes doing a shitty thing! it doesnt matter that his intentions were good because he was hurting people on purpose!!!! he can try to be "good" all he wants but he is basically incapable of being good without hurting and/or manipulating someone. which is why hes such a compelling character to me. hes a shitty person with relatively good intentions. cool motive, still murder.
thats ALSO why i really like seeing him as a father (derogatory). because the shitty things he does are once again always well-intended but he fucks up his kids BAD. like just looking at his relationship with rose pre52, he pushes her away when he first meets her because hes afraid she'll be in danger if he brings her into his life. then he decides he DOES want her in his life so he hires someone to murder the people looking after her but lets her get her revenge on the person that killed her family. then he drugs her because hes a fucked up person that wants to keep her with him because shes the only family he has left (grant, adeline, wintergreen, and joey are all more or less dead at this point), then later after she leaves he fights her & joey (who is alive again) because he wants them to see that the titans to be a better family to them than he could be, THEN he fights them again because he wants them back in his life. its a back and forth of "i have to push them away to keep them safe" and "i have to go to extreme measures to keep them in my life"
hes a shitty father but hes a shitty father BECAUSE he loves his family. and he fucks them up because he doesnt know how to show them he loves them so he just makes it worse on purpose. he doesnt think that he can get any better so he pushes them away OR manipulates them and forces them to be close to him.
anyways. all this to say i find him interesting as a character BECAUSE he's unlikable and i dont trust anyone that actually likes him. if he was real i would throw rocks at him in the street because hes a piece of shit. but because hes not real i can enjoy his books as long as they dont shy away from the fact that hes a piece of shit
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we-are-inevitable · 8 months
jk 12 and 18 for the fandom asks!!
12. Favorite fanfiction trope?
give me “nothing is perfect and we have a long way to go but we will get there together” or give me death. but also i LOOOVE mutual pining and heartache. and right person/wrong time aspects. anything that requires characters to grow and change with each other to make it work because love is easy but loving is hard and there is a distinction.
18. Ideas for stories/aus that you have, that you might or might not end up creating?
ok so i have something for the minibang that im cooking up rn. eldritch forest spirits and nature and rebirth. and i am very excited for it!
aside from that, i think the main ones i’ve been focusing on are the restaurant au, and an apocalypse au!! there’s also the fun little RA Davey au that i’ve been rattling around in my brain but eh. EDIT BUT i also want to write more aspec davey who thought he was aromantic until suddenly he’s 22 and falling for his roommate, jack, and not understanding how to feel about it. pls send asks if u want more on this i am Begging
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tehjleck · 3 months
hey, i know your anti-christian, but you made a post about if theres any proof out there. and um i’d recommend The Road To Easter. its basically all the proof abt Jesus’s resurrection! if u want to read it im sure there are pdfs or it might be at ur local library or maybe u can order it online or smthn! i get u dont like christianity, and as a former atheist (current follower of Jesus) i get why, truly. some christians do horrible things and are horrible people. but please take this ask at least a tiny bit seriously. thank you
You're mistaken, theist... I'm not 'anti-christian', I'm anti-perpetuating any lie that says there's a deity responsible for things happening. It's delusional.
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Humans have created like 5,000 deities in our history, which goes back FAR LONGER than any christ myth. But you know that don't you? Did you know there are around 45,000 geezhus cults globally? How the hell is that 'intelligent design'?
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I write fictional deities, and let me tell you - none of the ones I write would allow 45,000 different cults with different rules - Which usually came down to Jo bob disagreed with Billy Bob on how many wives gawd is ok with them having.
I have these discussions with christians most often because it's christians who are most frequently proselyting on tumblr dot com and begging for attention.
My tag doesn't specifically say 'christianity is a scam' - it says 'religion is a scam' ... it doesn't say 'your christian god is a fiction' ... it says 'your god is a fiction' because ALL religions are a means of controlling people. ALL of the 'gods' of human history are fictional characters meant to support their narrative.
Just like you and every other christian would say Ra, Zeus, Odin - are all myths... so is your geezhus.
I'm not going to read your book suggestion, theist. I write my own fictional deities. Try not to force yours down someone elses throat.
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danepopfrippery · 2 years
My baby sis (who also has rheumatoid arthritis) just confirmed to me at some point my hoar mother told her I had ra cuz i didnt pray to jesus, but sis didnt have it ‘like that’.
My hoar mother told me to my face I had ra because i didnt pray to jesus back in 2017. I tweeted it immediately for receipts and of course she now claims that never happened (ah gaslighters, will they ever learn?)
I just want to put out there that if any person of any faith or belief tells you that you are sick cuz you’ve done something wrong according to their system, tell them to kindly fuck off and try not to interact with them.
My mother is infamous in our fam for both these things. But i have, after all these years of it, a really hard time understanding how u could believe in a faith of love and say such a thing.
You know why i have ra? Surprised I have an answer? Her. And science. Years ago i took a dna test and ran it through some harvard reader that told u ur health info from it. I already had ra of course but i didnt need any new surprises. Theres three markers (or at the time anyway) for ra and rheumatology diseases and mine were a 10/10 on all counts.
My baby sister is my half sister, we share a mom. She got ra at age 3. Ive done some reading on it and by current (last 10 years) science it seems one parent would have high markers for rheum and if they bred with someone who had mild ones bam: rheum diseases. None of my mothers siblings have ra and no one in her line is known to have had it. But the combo of her parents set her up to have kids very prone to rheum diseases.
So i do love blaming her (shes a terrible human being) but do remember not all gen testing and gen therapy is regulated or good. Really research it if u do it.
As for the jebus thing? Yeah if theres a jesus i think that would piss him off (im a mostly agnostic pagan these days). No one should make anyone feel like their disease was from some moral fault. Truly just awful people how do they have the nerve?
When i was a child she had me so terrified if i didnt beg forgiveness from god then any slight i may have done would land me in hell (and along the way sick: i was terrified of aids and cancer despite not knowing anyone with either as a kid). Believe science. And spread kindness. You will be fine.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Fri[day] 28 October 1836
7 3/4
12 20/..
No kiss fine frosty morn[in]g F[ahrenheit] 34 1/2° now at 8 50/.. a.m. out ab[ou]t till br[eak]f[a]st at 9 1/2 - A-  [Ann] d[i]d
h[e]r Fr[en]ch - out ag[ai]n at 10 1/4 – Ingh[a]m + 2 men and a boy at the parapet wall ov[e]r the dry wall arching –
Rob[er]t Mann + 3 lower[in]g and levell[in]g in front of the h[ou]se till 11 then took them off to prepare for mov[in]g the
heap of clay laid last y[ea]r ag[ain]st the gard[e]n wall - the run and all made ready and they beg[a]n mov[in]g the clay to the [foot]
the mound (to the east) of the rockwork immed[iatel]y aft[e]r their din[ner] – Rob[er]t Schof[iel]d and his man Jos[e]ph all the day wall[in]g
the hall-cellar drain - the gard[ene]r and Ch[arle]s and Ja[me]s How[art]h and John Booth and Mark Hepw[or]th help[in]g when they
c[oul]d to clear the orch[ar]d – lit[tle] trace left of an orch[ar]d this ev[enin]g - Mark Hepw[or]th levell[in]g soil aft[e]r the N[orth]g[a]te
carts on the gr[ea]t embankment in front of the h[ou]se - Frank cart[in]g for Ingh[a]m st[one] fr[om] the gard[e]n wall in the morn[in]g and rag
throughs fr[om] Hipperh[olme] quarry in the aft[ernoo]n - Booth the gr[eate]r part of the day and 2 masons all the day at the west tow[e]r
2 masons jobb[in[g – prepar[in]g for the top of the drab-r[oo]m chim[ne]y (hew[e]d by the 2 hewers Ja[me]s Murgatroyde and
Booths’ son Jos[e]ph and w[oul]d ha[ve] been put up but for the windy days we ha[ve] late[l]y h[a]d) - and prepar[in]g
lancet-lights for the groin[e]d dry wall arch - In the gard[e]n and ab[ou]t all the day exc[ept] fr[om] about 2 to 4 when
saunt[ere]d d[o]wn the walk - and along the low[e]r brea daisy bank thro’ Wellroyde wood int[o] the N[or]thow[ra]m r[oa]d to so[me]
dist[an]ce ab[ou]t Upper brea - to where Shibd[e]n is 1st seen - stood compar[in]g the diff[eren]t points of view –
ret[urne]d by the Stump X Inn and the Lodge – 1/2 h[ou]r there talk[in]g to Matty for Hannah Pearson the cook here
20 y[ea]rs ago h[a]d been at the hall and call[e]d on her way b[a]ck to see Matty - poor Hannah! she told me how I w[a]s
altered – so[me]bod[y] h[a]d told h[e]r lately how m[u]ch I w[a]s aged - But she d[i]d n[o]t kno[w] she sh[oul]d expect
me to look just as I us[e]d to do - no! s[aid] I, you ha[ve] n[o]t seen me these 20 y[ea]rs - it is ti[me] for
me to be alt[ere]d - it is fr[om] s[u]ch peop[le] one hears the  truth - I h[a]d th[ou]ght, on her ent[erin]g the
r[oo]m, she w[a]s grown an old wom[a]n - so chang[e]d I might n[o]t ha[ve] known her en passant –
b[u]t I made no rem[ar]k on this to her – ho[me] ab[ou]t 4 – w[i]th Rob[er]t Mann at the clay mov[in]g and ab[ou]t
till ca[me] in at 6 – dress[e]d – direct[e]d and seal[e]d and s[e]nt off by Frank tonight my notes (writ[ten]
last night and dat[e]d yest[erday]) to ‘Mr. Hoyland Gibbet-lane’ order[in]g a hatch[men]t for my a[un]t to be done as soon
as poss[ible] - and my no[te] to ‘Dr. Kenny Ward’s end’ enclos[in]g a guin[ea] (a sov[erei]gn and a shil[ling]) sor[ry] that
this sm[all] debt of w[hi]ch I w[a]s n[o]t aware h[a]d been so long unacknowledg[e]d – din[ner] at 6 35/.. – coff[ee]
upst[ai]rs - A- [Ann] r[ea]d h[e]r Fr[en]ch - I asleep on the sofa 1/2 h[ou]r - A-  [Ann] h[a]d let[ter] tonight fr[om] Messrs. Gray –
the complet[io]n of her Radcliffe purchase to be at the White Swan H[alifa]x on Tues[day] - Mr. S. Washingt[o]n
to attend - A- [Ann] annoy[e]d - we all al[on]g th[ou]ght of go[in]g to York - she h[a]d n[o]t wish[e]d the purch[a]se to be
complet[e]d here and for Mr. SW- [Samuel Washington] to ha[ve] an[y]th[in]g to do w[i]th it - at 10 20/.. p.m. h[a]d just writ[ten] all the ab[ov]e of today
at wh[ic]h h[ou]r F[ahrenheit] 33° ver[y] fine cold frosty day -  
 How m[u]ch I chang[e]d
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ninas-gf · 2 years
OKAY! ritsu and eichi have this really funny thing going on where theyre both members of the tea club and they poison other people 💓 thats not relevant bc its a whole other sack of worms BUT if youve met hajime from ra*bits all you need to know is that he has this long-standing feud with wataru (by feud i mean he wants wataru dead in the ditches and preferably never existing via poison . he has his reasons aka homsexuality and therefore he should continue) . ANYWAY black tea is the story where it gets shown a little if u wanna read it. eichi trusts ritsu an insane amount, for once showing a side to himself that was separate from the cruel façade of the emperor or the glorious harbinger of divine heaven but there he is just eichi. he's enjoying (probably poisoned) tea and he's found the one place in yumenosaki where there is some semblance of normalcy and comfort in his life... and the tea club slowly became a place he swore to protect justly. but he knows himself he could never do it, because he's more skilled in destroying than protecting, no? so he asks, no rather, begs ritsu. to protect the tea club, to value the one safe haven eichi had from the hells he himself had raised, and he knew full well at that, but was it really so cruel of him to dream of a little peace?
ritsu replies, "sure, if i remember. whatever"
when were your ever normal?? /lh
and yes i think i met hajime briefly, but he kind of scares me tbh (just from what i’ve heard about him sjjdjdjd)
and is this the only time eichi acts “normal” (using that term very loosely here)? and who else is in this tea club? 🧐
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shortnsweetgf · 8 months
Gray, pink, blue. Ill also say green as an honorary mention
I like reading, singing, drawing, writing and looking up curious but useless stuff on google
Ive said 8 things that id consider to be clues though they are very suble and youll have to read between lines. Id recommend checking carefully the first couple asks i sent deep
Im kind of active in one tumblr fandom but thatd narrow it down too much. I already told deep some sci fi shows and books that i like a lot. Other than those, pretty little liars was my favorite show for many many years, its messy and i like that (seeing mona vanderwaal as A trained me for this moment). I like teen wolf, gravity falls, she ra, arcane, stranger things, scooby doo...
Ive lied once in the server
I told deep about my preferences in sandwiches
okay i have one more question: are we mutuals?
kate said they wont eat a sandwich btw
im gonna have to go reread all of the asks u sent to deep now
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megatraven · 1 year
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please im begging u
hela la la laa ra ra roma ma mawho is on the phone i cani hear ypuy u
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sht-thoughts31 · 2 years
gonna start livin my life w/o u. no more shits and fucked ups. 2 years plus is more than enough. no more staying no more begging no more expectations no more disappointments and no more clowning. i know where to place myself now. ty for the decision na nakipag bulag ka for ending the relationSHT. And ty Lord for helping me carrying the pain. Now im starting to get used to it, maybe time will pass and i can finally say “kaya ra diay nko. mana nko”
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so I’m not even really a fan of reggie/midge (won’t get into why rn since that’s not the point of this post) but something I think about a lot is how... like... so generally (albeit with some variation here and there/over the years) reggie and midge sneaking around behind moose’s back has been a standard in the comics forever. this was touched upon in ras’s afterlife with archie as well with some added horror genre Edge™ and I made a keggie fancomic exploring reggie’s obsession with her also as a confused expression of his repressed bisexuality & complicated attraction to moose (since projecting sga onto that person’s significant other is a p classic closeted move) which he later unpacked a bit with kevin and so on and so forth
(also bear in mind this was before issue #9 came out)
and then in riverdale the character who fulfills that role with midge instead is fangs fogarty, which is not to say i’d have rather it have been reggie because I love(d) his friendship with moose and midge in riverdale, BUT then fangs goes on to become... a bisexual love interest for kevin...... as was moose himself... so you know like. I’m not saying there’s a conspiracy against me but draw your own conclusions 
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literaphobe · 4 years
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americanphysco · 3 years
they gotta bring back that genre of movies abt fictional bands (like the cheetah girls or josie and the pussycats). those fucked so hard.
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paperjamz · 4 years
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maam........ i miss u
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
1836 Oct[obe]r Sat[urday] 22
6 55/..
12 1/2
No kiss fine b[u]t hazy morn[in]g (r[ai]n in the night and recently) – F[ahrenheit] 45 1/2° at 7 55/.. a.m. fr[om]
then to 8 1/4 wr[ote] the last 14 lines of yest[erday] then look[e]d ov[e]r bills and wr[ote] no[te] enclos[in]g check for £100 (5 p[ou]nds of it in silv[e]r)
to go by John Booth this morn[in]g to ‘Mr. Mackean Yorkshire Dist[ric]t bank H[alifa]x’ and s[e]nt als[o]
my let[ter] writ[ten] last night to ‘Miss Marian Lister M[arke]t Weighton’ and then in 25 min[ute]s till
9 10/.. wr[ote] 2 1/2 p[ages] to M- [Mariana] meant to ha[ve] writ[ten] immed[iatel]y aft[e]r the fun[era]l (on Mon[day]) ‘b[u]t so[me]how
‘I ha[ve] felt unus[uall]y disinclin[e]d to writ[in]g, and ha[ve] writ[ten] to nobod[y] - I w[a]s sure you w[oul]d, aft[e]r
‘all, feel a lit[tle] tak[e]n by surprise at the last - when I wr[ote] to you last, I knew that your
‘com[in]g m[u]st be too late; b[u]t I knew als[o] that to alt[e]r your plans w[a]s alm[o]st imposs[ible]; and
‘I griev[e]d ov[e]r it the less, bec[ause], for the last fortn[i]ght, any exert[io]n or excitem[en]t w[a]s caref[ull]y
‘avoid[e]d - I mys[elf] sat in the r[oo]m w[i]thout speak[in]g - For your vis[i]t to ha[ve] been a comf[or]t,
‘you ought to ha[ve] co[me] 6 w[ee]ks or 2 m[on]ths ago - we sh[oul]d all ha[ve] been gl[a]d to see
‘you – B[u]t no matt[e]r, those who are left will still be gl[a]d to see you; and do n[o]t
‘delay ver[y] long ev[e]n now - It is alread[y] alm[o]st the end of the m[on]th
‘when shall we exp[ec]t you? Let me kno[w] as soon as you can, for it is poss[ible]
‘we may be in York for a day ver[y] soon - Do n[o]t let this ma[ke] any diff[eren]ce - only arrive
‘bef[ore] or aft[e]r – eith[e]r will do - if bef[ore], why sh[oul]d you n[o]t go w[i]th us? I th[in]k we can gi[ve] you
‘24 h[ou]rs for your moth[e]r, and the rest in the minst[e]r court – Perh[aps] the eff[or]t of this m[i]ght be ver[y]
‘good up[on] s[u]ch pars[o]ns at the Mick[lega]te Crompt[o]ns, cum multis aliis - it m[i]ght help to
‘uproot the sickly ideas that grew up[on] your pass[in]g me by twice – B[u]t foll[ow] your own
‘inclinat[io]n - or do as you th[in]k best - all will be right to me; and you may
‘count up[on] our being delight[e]d to see you - the h[ou]se is in terrib[le] disord[e]r - the who[le]
‘pl[a]ce full of workmen inside and out – b[u]t we can ta[ke] in you and Watson and a
‘f[oo]tman, too, if you like - we ha[ve] no regul[a]r cook, b[u]t do n[o]t be too fastid[iou]s, and
‘you need n[o]t starve w[i]th us - I fancy, I ha[ve] m[u]ch to ask you, b[u]t it is all out of my
‘head at this mom[en]t - I hope your h[ou]se, if full of comp[an]y, is agreeab[l]y so - I ma[ke] so sure of see[in]g
‘you in a few days at the utm[o]st, that is useless to add mo[re] than bel[ieve] me, my d[ea]r[e]st Mary,
‘alw[a]ys ver[y] espec[iall]y and affect[ionatel]y yours AL- [Anne Lister]’ – s[e]nt by John Booth my let[ter] (the ab[ov]e is the wh[ole] of it
exc[ept] the 1st 5 or 6 lines) to ‘Mrs. Lawton Lawton Hall Lawton Cheshire’ -  br[eak]f[a]st at 9 3/4 - A- [Ann] d[i]d
h[e]r Fr[en]ch - out at 10 1/4 – h[a]d Mr. Husb[an]d –w[i]th Rob[er]t Mann + 3 at lower[in]g in front of the h[ou]se – h[a]d been at
the Lodge r[oa]d lagg[in]g fr[om] 6 to 9 a.m. – st[ai]d ov[e]r h[ou]rs this aft[ernoo]n – st[ai]d till 6 inst[ea]d of go[in]g away as us[ua]l on
a Sat[urday] at 4 p.m. – Ingh[a]m + 2 men and a boy beg[a]n the outside wall of the cross arch this morn[in]g –
Mar k Hepw[or]th and co. cart[in]g rubble to the Lodge this morn[in]g and foot[in]gs fr[om] Hipperh[olme] quarry for Ingh[a]m in
the aft[ernoo]n – Dav[i]d Booth beg[a]n this morn[in]g cart[in]g st[one] for rubble fr[om] N[orth]ow[ra]m this morn[in]g and Matt[hew]’s
broth[e]r beg[a]n this morn[in]g to br[ea]k the st[one] by the load at the Lodge – Jos[e]ph Sharpe (Rob[er]t Schof[iel]d’s man) spread[in]g
rubble on the Lodge - the gard[ene]r and Rob[er]t Schof[iel]d in the walk (bot[tom] of Dolt in the morn[in]g) and till ab[ou]t
3 p.m. when I br[ou]ght them up to the Lodge r[oa]d w[i]th a few young trees – plant[e]d a nice beech in the
rough wall[in]g - Booth + 2 or 3 at the west tow[e]r and Ab[raha]m and Ja[me]s jobb[in]g and d[i]d a lit[tle] at the ash-pl[a]ce etc
in the new court - sat w[i]th A- [Ann] (who h[a]d Mr. Horner at 10 a.m. to 12 1/2 p.m.) 1/2 h[ou]r
fr[om] 1 to 1 1/2, exc[ept] this, and when settl[in]g w[i]th Booth the mason at 2 1/2 , out all the day - or in
and out -saw Holt in the walk at 2 and Joseph Mann – walk[e]d homew[ar]ds w[i]th H- [Holt]
and part of the way up the r[oa]d to bey[on]d the Conery Ing to point out the bot[tom] corner of Park farm Ing
for a pit - the idea ca[me] int[o] my head on[l]y last night - H- [Holt] nev[e]r thought that I w[oul]d
ha[ve] a pit so n[ea]r the h[ou]se - I s[ai]d I d[i]d n[o]t see that it w[oul]d be any nuis[an]ce - it w[oul]d be well wall[e]d
and bank[e]d up out of sight – wh[a]t nuis[an]ce c[oul]d accrue fr[om] it - it w[oul]d be n[ea]rly opp[osi]te the
b[a]ck Lodge b[u]t wh[a]t w[oul]d that signify? - H- [Holt] s[ai]d the pit w[oul]d be 80 y[ar]ds deep - and w[oul]d be sunk for
20/. a y[ar]d - £100 w[oul]d do the who[le] consid[eri]ng that I ha[ve] gin and all ready - At H-‘s [Holt] pit in
Siddal they ha[ve] g[o]t 33DW. in ten y[ea]rs - the railr[oa]d to go close past on the oth[e]r side of Raggolds Inn –
all Stocks’s coal to the s[ou]th of it, that n[o]t a y[ar]d of his coal will be loos[e]d by the railr[oa]d
but Shugden head coal (Illingworth) will be loos[e]d, and the coal in the farm b[ou]ght by Mr.
Holmes of Mr. Rawson - Holt c[oul]d n[o]t settle ab[ou]t the Machan coal on Thurs[day] - expects
to meet all the p[ar]ties on Mon[day] or Tues[day] ab[ou]t it - told h[i]m to get 2 respectab[le] peop[le]
to go d[o]wn and investigate the trespass of Mr. R- [Rawson] and that of Hinscliffe at Walk[e]r pit and SW. [Samuel Washington] to lay d[o]wn
the latter on the coal plan - Holt told him to do it bef[ore] b[u]t he s[ai]d it w[a]s of no use
so d[i]d n[o]t do it - H- [Holt] to get his coal stew[ar]d Jos[e]ph Clayton and --- Cookson of Elland to
go d[o]wn Walker pit and exam[ine] the trespasses on Mon[day] or Tues[day] next, or as soon as he can –
ca[me] in at 6 – dress[e]d – din[ner] at 6 1/2 – coff[ee] upst[ai]rs – r[ea]d Sat[urday]’s H[alifa]x Guard[ia]n - then look[in]g ov[e]r
roy[a]l genealogies w[i]th A- [Ann] till 10 1/2 then till 10 55/.. wr[ote] the ab[ov]e of today at w[hi]ch h[ou]r F[ahrenheit] 46°
fine day, and ver[y] fine moonlight night –
 Pit oppos[i]te b[a]ck Lodge
exp[ense] of sink[in]g
 the Railr[oa]d will
n[o]t loose Stocks
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agentsokka · 4 years
y’all should share with me your Catra/Catradora mood songs. like. just throw ‘em at me. just saying.
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