#a.horror txt
kinda random i love the archie vs. the predator series but they do reggie so dirty help he dies unceremoniously in like the second issue. idk what's with most of the archie horror series and turning reggie into like. the worst person to exist ever
Omg ikkkKKKKKRRRR I mean I didn't hate him in afterlife with archie because I felt at least that series, like, showed its work better wrt why he was acting how he was but other than that how the archie horror books handle him has just been underwhelming for me... it's like either they have kind of a fun idea they don't do enough with (vampironica) or execute it in a super weird kinda frustrating way (j:the hunger) (I wanna love vampire or werewolf reggie SO BADLY and both series just hit either extreme of somewhat disappointing executions for me) (mostly because he just disappears for a while and then comes back all AND IM EVIL NOW like come on pls actually do the work bc this is boring to me) and then yeah archie vs predator was fun but a lot of the characterization and character fates was ...... , though I didn't mind it too much I guess if only because even tho it was kinda mediocre it satisfied the part of my brain that loves final destination so kfkakbfhfks SOMETIMES I am easy
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me: I hate all these surprise secret sibling reveals. stop it. no more. 
also me: *writing one into my riverdale afterlife au* 
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i have no self control... none
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I’m almost done with chapter 1 of my afterlife fic so I’m tentatively checking now who might be interested in helping beta it for me when it’s ready 😬😳
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so I’m not even really a fan of reggie/midge (won’t get into why rn since that’s not the point of this post) but something I think about a lot is how... like... so generally (albeit with some variation here and there/over the years) reggie and midge sneaking around behind moose’s back has been a standard in the comics forever. this was touched upon in ras’s afterlife with archie as well with some added horror genre Edge™ and I made a keggie fancomic exploring reggie’s obsession with her also as a confused expression of his repressed bisexuality & complicated attraction to moose (since projecting sga onto that person’s significant other is a p classic closeted move) which he later unpacked a bit with kevin and so on and so forth
(also bear in mind this was before issue #9 came out)
and then in riverdale the character who fulfills that role with midge instead is fangs fogarty, which is not to say i’d have rather it have been reggie because I love(d) his friendship with moose and midge in riverdale, BUT then fangs goes on to become... a bisexual love interest for kevin...... as was moose himself... so you know like. I’m not saying there’s a conspiracy against me but draw your own conclusions 
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disjointed scenes that i’ve for some reason chosen to start with: 
dilton locking down his bunker (yes, during a zombie outbreak) and yelling at jughead and betty for stealing it
parallel to one of the awa death scenes that also calls back to an emotional s4 rvdl conversation that i dont wanna spoil but... i like it
theo and harvey getting lost in the woods 
hiram and archie breaking into the prison to let ppl free (tempted to get a little flagg-finding-lloyd-esque with hiram here but i’m still figuring it out)
joaquin and jason’s revenge
gladys shooting zombie ***** in the face before they confirm he’s a zombie
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I haven’t read a lot about what the plans are for the chilling adventures of sabrina netflix show are yet, but tbh here’s what I’ve been hoping for ever since it was announced as a possibility: 
it’s still set in the 60s
it’s set within the same universe as riverdale
it’s a tie-in/prequel, but doesn’t directly or really actively crossover with riverdale, so it stands on its own, but at the same time helps establish a lot of the worldbuild/history that we get in riverdale via references or, in some cases, actually having said historical events or set-ups play out 
(whether or not it’s similar to how we know events to have played out based on information from riverdale, or if in actuality things happened very differently)
so basically, full of easter eggs similar to the way riverdale is with references to the comics, but not in intrusive ways that disrupt the storytelling 
that sabrina is an old woman (even if not physically) if she ever appears in riverdale for a crossover
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I’m not trying to be changing my url a lot so sorry to do it twice in such a short amount a time... HOWEVER, I had to once I thought of my own archie horror brandname™ 
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cherrypoptart replied to your post “I haven’t read a lot about what the plans are for the chilling...”
Hm! That’s Incher sting especially since witches r near immortal so does Sabrina give up her witchiness at some point?
cherrypoptart replied to your post “I haven’t read a lot about what the plans are for the chilling...”
Or is RAS not following that canon
I’m not sure tbh (the comic hasn’t gotten far enough SKFJADJKAJF) though I feel like there’s a few interesting ways to do it! if he follows the “”standard sabrina lore”” wrt aging she’d probably just look like a young adult even at ~80 years old, which could also be fine, I mostly thought it’d be cool if she wasn’t actually a teenager if she ever appeared in modern day riverdale (for a crossover or whatever). 
though given that she’s half mortal, I guess they could handle her aging however they wanted! maybe she’d age the same as other witches, or maybe she’d still age approximately similar to mortals-- I don’t remember if this has ever been addressed for half-mortals/her in particular in any adaptations. 
sabrina giving up/losing her witchiness and needing help getting it back could make a neat premise for a potential crossover though imo 🤔 🤔 
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*record scratch* *freeze frame* -- yeah, that’s me. reggie mantle. I bet you’re wondering how I got myself into this situation... 
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me: *rereading afterlife w archie #9* it’s called necrophilia, reggie
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I admit it I used to be a hater... archie was definitely very hateable in a lot of classic comics, but damn like... first he’s so good in afterlife that I actually felt emotions about him, he is a good boy and I Understand, and now in riverdale he has done nothing wrong and I need people to help and appreciate him?? such a weird feeling
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there’s nothing straight about this panel 💅💋
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okay so no shade! but I gotta vent about this because idk it’s something I care about bc I’m invested in my #reggiefeels ... so I want to get it off my chest... just my onion ofc 
it makes me sad how ppl respond to how, in afterlife, reggie’s well-established character traits and flaws are reinvented for both a modern & horror context -- like being somewhat poorly socialized due to having trouble relating to/getting along with other people and resentful of that fact, being neglected and feeling unloved by his parents, over the top narcissistic behavior & thinking to compensate for shaky self-esteem and worth (exacerbated by the two previous points), toxic masculinity, reckless bad behavior he later regrets, etc. -- but suddenly this makes him completely unsympathetic and “irredeemable.” not from the pov of the comic, which is not at all writing him unsympathetically, but from people criticizing the comic
like... those have always been aspects of reggie even if they’re exaggerated for the sake of the genre (& shifted slightly to be more in line w/ how such behaviors manifest in this day and age as opposed to the “timeless” classic archie personalities) and I hate the implication that he can’t still be likable (by readers) for being all those things as portrayed in afterlife (or now reggie & me), or that a writer interpreting him this way must not like him. bc he’s always been my favorite character and I still really enjoy him in both of these comics! in this comic he’s a traumatized teenager who might have some form of mental illness, or might just be CONCERNED that he does and misdiagnosing himself via the internet (which... does happen??) but still clearly has insecurities and regrets, still cares about his friends, still capable of some form of compassion, but now he’s suddenly he’s unsympathetic for that? nah 
like it’s a horror comic, the stakes will be higher for characters fucking up. whether he manages to make up for something he did mostly on accident is almost besides the point, I can’t really say if he will or he won’t, but whether he saves the day, dies trying, or succumbs to his fears and “goes out” on a “bad” note, like... he is still a teenager. he has ptsd and is gonna be somewhat jaded re: death (same with all of them by now in varying degrees, no doubt), and he’s been tearing himself apart with guilt and unresolved feelings, he is not exactly in a position to be thinking perfectly clearly? or making perfect righteous decisions? part of the point of reggie in general, but also in his character arc here, is that he isn’t archie, but that also doesn’t mean he actually, (for example) wants to kill betty necessarily, but thinks agreeing to might reveal alternative solutions to reversing the zombie crisis, or that he will be able to, even if he thinks he wants to because he’s being offered a devil’s deal while exceptionally vulnerable, suicidal, and mentally confused thanks to trauma (and possibly other factors) ... regardless of what ends up happening it’s still a tragedy?
it’s totally fine for people not to like it or be into it, but! yeah. just because the solicits bandy around “is he irredeemable??” doesn’t mean that’s actually what the comics are trying to suggest, it’s just marketing and it’s not really a new thing either. he’s very clearly not being written as a villain -- he’s always been a frequent antagonist, but that’s not the same thing.
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also I swear, between afterlife issue #9′s truly remarkable similarities to my kevin/reggie comic and the first few items from this post actually happening in the finale (well, -ish)... that’s at least twice now... @ archie comix I’ll be waiting for ur call okay
just... just let me... help me help you...
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