#ranting about ratchet
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assassyart · 7 months ago
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I know he sacrificed his life at the end to save the universe, but I always found a but weird that after he killed Ratchet in a fit of rage, he didn't seem to regret what he did like ik he was probably thinking he could fix this when he saves the lombax but still tpu would've thought he would've had a "what have I done moment?"
I also find if weird that the great clock isn't a time machine and yet it can go through the past by 6 minutes
Ah. Yay. :) I love talking about Alister Azimuth's thinking process. Thank you for the invitation to rant about this!
The end of A Crack in Time is one of the best parts of Ratchet & Clank, period. It has two incredibly emotional scenes, and every character is so well done. Buuut there is obviously one part of the ending that sticks out, and that's when Alister Azimuth killed Ratchet. This was the moment the player finally realizes just how far gone Azimuth is and that all of those flags were, indeed, bright red. To understand why he made this decision, we have to get into Azimuth's mindset. It's important to note Azimuth's decision wasn't just a fit of rage.
Azimuth had revealed to us that he does not view this current time he is in as "real" and, as such, has been treating everything he does and everyone he meets as temporary until the present gets back on track and he fixes his mistake. He sees talking to Ratchet about the past as pointless because it'll be "fixed," so why does it matter? (But even he can't stop himself from gushing about Kaden.) He even declines to help the Vullards while they're being attacked by the Agorians until they offer him something he needs to reach his goal. He views everyone as just another stepping stone to reaching his goal. He's detached himself emotionally from this world because it is not real to him.
This is similar to how Nefarious views everything in ACiT as well, just less exaggerated and silly. In a way, the two are pretty similar. Nefarious copes with his loss believing he can rewind time to "wrong" the "right" while Azimuth copes with his mistake, chasing after the idea that he can still fix it. Both are consumed by their failures in the past.
While Azimuth does try to care about Ratchet, it's clear that he doesn't let himself care that much about any one individual more than his goal. He doesn't even care about himself making it out alive after being captured by Vorselon— he only cares about fixing his mistake (and pushes this duty onto Ratchet as well). He is still putting up that emotional wall between him and Ratchet, so he won't get attached. Because to him, Ratchet won't exist once he "fixes" his mistake. This Ratchet he is currently fighting alongside will be gone, replaced by a completely different person— a Lombax that got to be raised by his father and mother, and never had to face the hardships "Ratchet" went through.
In Azimuth's mind, once he achieves his goal and fixes the past, this "Ratchet" will die. There is no point crying over someone you already accepted will not exist. He will simply care about the Ratchet that he will "save" in the past, not the one he doomed in the present.
Azimuth believes The Great Clock will fix all of his problems. Ratchet going back into the past to find out what happened to Orvus only strengthens Azimuth's belief that this will work. It has to. He does not even want to entertain the idea that it won't work, because that would mean he'd have to sit with himself and think about all of the awful things he did to get to this point.
"For the Lombaxes," he says, as he kills one of his own. "For Kaden," he says, as he kills his best friend's son. "To fix the past," he says, as he ruins the present.
It's only when he is faced with the fact The Great Clock won't fix his problems, that Ratchet (just like Kaden) is desperately trying to salvage the mess he made, that he has doomed the universe... that is when he realizes that he was chasing after something that was never going to work. You can't run from the past. You must learn from your mistakes. Azimuth wouldn't listen to Ratchet, just like how he wouldn't listen to Kaden. History repeated itself, and now his mistake was going to get Ratchet killed. All of his guilt from everything he did washes over him at once. He apologizes, but that doesn't change anything.
And he knows that. Azimuth's redemption comes from the fact that he doesn't run from this mistake. He faces it head-on, and his last words break the emotional wall he had set up before—
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"Take care of yourself, Ratchet."
He's finally acknowledged the past can't be fixed and that he's doomed Ratchet to being the last Lombax yet again, but his final words are one of care and hope. He sacrifices himself for Ratchet and the present. In this action, he atones for his mistake.
And gah. This character is so amazing. I hate him. I love him. He's one of the best characters we have in the series, and I could fill an entire video essay just babbling on and on about this beautiful ending. Every character in this ending can be dissected for their choices, and this ending has definitely impacted the series far more than any of the others. I would dare Insomniac to top this ending, but I think it's dumb to even try. There's no topping this.
The game itself might have some flaws, but this ending is just perfect. I'd change absolutely nothing about it. What a banger ending to a banger character.
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ithecrystaldragonheart · 10 months ago
Transformers Prime Incorrect Quote
Optimus:And this is our medic, Ratchet.
MC, with their whole chest:UPGRADES PEOPLE, UPGRADES!
Rafael, the only other person who's watched the movie:*Trying and failing to keep upright, he's laughing so hard*
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toastingpencils37 · 3 months ago
TFP Ratchet makes me so fucking ill
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brandwhorestarscream · 6 months ago
Reincarnation AU
Poor Mom of Triplets Rodimus so Exhausted. Luckly the Lost Lighters have heard the phrase "It takes a vilage to raise a child." Suprisingly Whirl is up there in compatition for most beloved uncle with Drift. Seriously who knew the Psychocopter was really good with bitties.
It's probably a good thing since Roddy wasn't the only one to fall to the Reincarnation shenanigans. He was merely the first. When Drift, Ratchet and Megatron all fall pregnant the call back to Cybetrton reveals Optimus, Starscream, and Prowl are all greatly gravid.
[Meanwhile somewhere off stage Tarn is feeling Things™️. He kept his array pure for Lord Megatron The Cause. And somehow he is experiencing the mechpreg.]
He's having such a hard time lmao. Even tho the crew adores the bitties and are always happy to help out their captain, they're still very young and can't really be away from their carrier for too long. Offers to babysit last perhaps a megacycle, tops, before the bitties get squirmy and cranky and their tiny sparks begin reaching for their maternal bond, and Rodimus has to hurry back to them
Funny enough, he actually gets the most rest when he's not by himself: though he trusts Drift and Ratchet completely with the triplets, and go an extent Ultra Magnus as well, Roddy struggles to actually relax when he's alone in his habsuite or office and his kiddos are elsewhere. It's like a reflex he can't control: whenever his sparklings are out of sight it's like a switch just flips in his mind. His thoughts swirl around them, always insistently pulled away from whatever he's supposed to be doing. Wondering if they're alright, if they're hungry, or if Pinky is getting anxious without him like he tends to, or if Maroon was still trying to choke himself by sucking on his own fingers. What if they miss him, what if they're too much for their sitters to handle, what if they think he's abandoned them, what if they trip and fall and hurt themselves and he's not there to make sure they're ok?! What if something terrible happens, like what if they fall down the stairs and break their cranial casing? What if there's another psychotic sociopath hiding aboard somewhere that takes his sparklings hostage when he's not there to protect them?! What if they get attacked by space pirates?! What if they DIE?! Of they die it'll he all his fault and he's the worst mom ever and-
On and on it goes. Whenever the exhausted carrier tries to nap by himself, his thoughts just spiral and throw him headfirst into a fit of anxiety. Rodimus has some of the worst imposter syndrome we've ever seen, and i think that would carry over to how he sees himself as a parent: he has no idea what he's doing and he loves these sparklings more than life itself; the only thing he wants, more than anything, is to do right by them. To give them the life they deserve, to be the mother they deserve. He's scared to death about raising them, honestly, so afraid to make a mistake and ruin their lives. He'd never forgive himself if he let them be hurt or, worse, if he hurt them. Having them out of sight exacerbates his anxieties, because he can't possibly know exactly what they're getting up to.
And because of all that, exhausted mama Rodimus gets his best sleep either on his berth with the three ragamuffins puppy piled on top of him, or in common areas when someone else can keep the kiddos occupied and he can keep an eye on them. Knowing they're safe and right in front of him but also knowing that he's not the only pair of adult hands available, the combination let's his body finally relax and he is out. Either helm down on the table or crashing onto the nearest shoulder, Rodimus drops into such a deep recharge so fast the first few times it happened the crew worried he had actually fainted. And when I say out I mean out, face completely limp in exhaustion, mouth open, and snoring. Everyone in the vicinity is happy to let him recharge, Primus knows he needs it. Drift makes sure to get him a blanket, and it's not long before the triplets are lured in by the warm softness and their mother's form, getting all comfy in the little blankie nest at his side 🤭
Sorry, that Rodimus part went on waaay longer than I expected it to, I just love him sm ok 🥺
Ratchet and Drift and Megatron all at roughly the same time? Damn. I feel like idw Megatron would be quietly horrified because, in his (probably correct honestly I love him but I shouldnt lie) opinion, he is not fit to be a carrier. Ratchet is crabby with Drift when he finds out, grumbling about outdated contraceptives and overly affectionate conjunx, until he's able to actually do a paternity test at Rodimus's prompting. His babies don't have a sire, so maybe...?
Ratchet is surprised and suspicious when the same turns up for him. Once is a random occurrence, twice is a coincidence, thrice makes a pattern. For the three of them to all turn up carrying at roughly the same time was already very unlikely, but for two out of the four pregnancies onboard to be asexually conceived... the chances of that happening randomly is astronomically small. He pulls Drift in for the same test, and wouldn't you know it? No sire. Same story with Megatron. When they get in contact with Cybertron, he finds they're all thankfully on the same page. Starscream had pegged it as incredibly statistically unlikely, though he hadn't had paternity tests performed to determine the lack of a sire. It's almost surreal, once said tests are done, hearing that every single one of them is expecting what is, essentially, a naturally occurring little clone of themselves.
Final closing thoughts because I've rambled enough: I'm still incredibly amused by the idea Tarn in labor, high as a kite from the epidural, tell Nickel, "Nooo don't touch my seal, that's for Lord Megatron" 😂 poor Tarn man, saved himself for all these years, only to get slapped with virgin mary syndrome and BOOM, magic baby. He gets all the pains of childbirth without even experiencing the act of conceiving the baby in the first place. Press F
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mothraranger · 4 months ago
I read one fic and now I ship the Animated versions of Ratchet and Ultra Magnus, I shit you not...
...aaannd I wanna give them a kid or two!
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waywardsou2 · 1 year ago
Does anyone remember Ratchet and Clank: All for one. I fucking loved that game as a kid and I haven't seen anything about it in fandom. Do people just not like it? Did it just not gain enough traction. Like where is my boy at?
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dezmolad · 2 months ago
WORDS CANT DESCRIBE HOW I HATE THIS PLOT IN REGENERATION ONE. its so disappointing as ratchet was one of the most prominent characters in G1 Marvel comics?? He was super important to Optimus, and we saw it multiple time across the comics. He was important in megatron story, too!! Both in megatron's plot and in a more personal sense. Reducing it just to Megatron torturing and using Ratchet's knowlege is just SO SHALLOW AND USELESSLY EDGY. It's expecially sad when we get to the fact that in original comics there was a plan to continue the plotline of Megatron's and Ratchet's mental connection, with Megatron controlling Ratchet. It was cut due to the comic being closed. But I imagine it would be something way more interesting AND giving Ratchet way more agency than that
It sucks that at the end Ratchet just exists to die to finish off Megatron. He was one of the best characters in the Marvel comic. I joked that Furman constantly tortured him, but he genuinely gave Ratchet some of his best moments, and in the end it feels like his death barely registered for anyone, even Optimus. A shame really.
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kingghoost · 2 months ago
Quickly analyzing a one-off line from The Optiratch Argument™ because I'm bored
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We all know that The Argument™ was mainly about Ratchet's frustrations with Optimus' "cowardice" (BIG quotation marks) but one of Ratchet's lines really stuck with me:
"Oh- and let me guess, I'm just the medic." (TFP S1E22)
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Typically when people are angry, they don't vent about just one thing. Though he was talking back to what Optimus said about the Vehicon being a miner and not a warrior, that comment seemed completely irrelevant to the argument's main topic (at least in my point of view)
One big (yet hidden) flaw in Ratchet is his lack of self confidence. His job is to cure the sick and injured, yet he never really seems to realize the value he has on his team. He truly is great at what he does - and he goes above and beyond to be of service (medic, scientist, sort of engineer... that's impressive!) Despite all this, the fact that he is the only non-fighter really seems to eat at him. His main whereabouts most of the time being in the base makes it worse paired with the fact that he seems to be the most eager to jump and "get things done." Their numbers are already small, so he feels that anything he could do isn't enough to overthrow an entire military.
By saying "Just the medic," it implies that he determines his self worth by his rank. In his eyes, he is "just" the medic. Not a great warrior that overpowers the enemy and saves his comrades, but a doctor forced to sit by and wait for his teammates to return with fresh new injuries, dead or alive.
"-Help us, we know. But you nearly caused the loss of something.. Irreplaceable. Our medic, and our most trusted friend." (TFP S1E22)
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Now Optimus, on the other hand, does acknowledge what Ratchet has to give to the team, most importantly Ratchet's worth as an individual. He knows what lengths Ratchet goes to save his comrades (and, most of the time, himself) from the brink of death, he knows what a genius his old friend is for being able to conduct such intricate research with limited supplies - Hell, he knows that Ratchet built some of those supplies himself.
Learning about how Ratchet thinks so lowly of himself must've been shocking, to witness the one closest to you feel the need to experiment on himself with untested material in the hopes of being "useful" ... I think it broke Optimus' heart a little, not to mention how he was already hurt by Ratchet's rant.
Though the episode ended with things working out in the end, I really like the idea of The Argument™ making a huge mess out of both of them. At that moment they were fine and made up, but what they said/learned about each other that day will never quite leave them.
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keferon · 3 months ago
You all flatter me! Now I am all pumped up to continue on the TF mecha au train. Ratchlock has me in a chokehold. You can't compliment me like that, It goes to my head! I haven't writen anything in like 12 years 😭. Also Yes yes to all the angst. I thrive on it more then the fluffy moments. Jazz and Deadlock/Drift are lining up nicely for a possible meeting. But first Deadlock WILL bath in blood! Wanna see?
Ratchet will not let Deadlock follow him around. Nope. Instead he keeps Deadlock on strict bed rest /he's learning human terms in his free time/ with the oh so sweet promise to weld him to the wall if he doesn't listen. He knows better to not test Ratchet, he'd do it no hesitation. Deadlocks fangs and claws only cause a raised eyebrow and wave of a slipper near well... anywhere in Ratchet's swating or throwing range. Since both of them honor their word/glyphic, they made a deal that if Ratchet comes home on time then in return Deadlock will be on his best behavior.
They use every extra moment together to learn, heal, and plot together. Deadlock's wounds are fully healed by now. He is ready to be the guardian knight he vowed to be for Ratchet. Ratchet's knuckles still ache which makes his hands shaky at times, especially when cold, but his squishy perseveres like a true warrior. Deadlock has learned that revving his engine to build up heat and letting Ratchet rest against his chassis helps with those trimmering aches the bioengineer tries to rub out.
He wants to give any comfort he can to Ratchet while he's working in that cursed lab with those ungreatful sacks of slags. He has photos of each one of those fraggers saved in his proccesor. The list only grows the longer they wait to leave. If he can work around Ratchet somehow, he'll cross them off at some point with a deep satisfaction while doing it. Ratchet has been as sly as a turbofox. He's been sidestepping, talking around, and out ranting the higher ups for a while. Deadlock is so proud of him for not backing down or falling silent. Right now Deadlock has the tv playing a sitcom while tinkering with his long range blaster. His audial fins flick as the door opens and closes. Ratchet looks at the show while shrugs his winter coat off, "So has Sam confessed his undying love to the ice cream vender Carly yet?" Ratchet asks walking over to the lazy-e-boy chair.
Deadlock reaches out and taps his back before he can sit down. "Refuel first." He reminds him before going back to tightening some wires. He smiles at the grumble and is pleased when Ratchet listens to him for once and heads to the kitchen, "and no the episode ended with him getting hit by a waste disposal truck. Now it's a filler episode. Jack is trying to get out of going to an Amica Endura's beach party. He is playing up a illness called the pox."
Ratchet comes back with a warm plate of food. Deadlock nods pleased with the portion. Ratchet rolls his eyes and sits down, "They did that same plot with Raphael four seasons ago." He grumbles and bats at Deadlocks claw when he tries to ruffle his hair, "If they drag this out for three episodes like last time I am popping in a different show." Both are content, they banter and complain about the show while Ratchet eats. When Ratchet reclines his lazy-e-boy chair Deadlock puts his weapon away, "They are transferring some of us to a different base in the morning. You know First Aid. They are putting him on a transport to the sister base north east of here. Called the Alpha Blade Strikers."
Deadlock tilts his helm, "That's the one that was visiting here? The commander of that base is the one you knocked out for slagging you off right? You mentioned the base being cursed." He asks leaning forward a bit, his servos tingling for revenge.
"Yes, same place and person. Don't believe in any of that cursed stuff but a lot of talk does go around about it. Mostly one pacific mecha being the main cursed object. First Aid was stressed to tears about being transferred. He had just gotten comfortable here with his friends. I feel a bit bad for the kid." Ratchet mumbles rubbing his face with his unbandged hand.
Deadlock gives a soft smile, "From what you've told me, he keeps his helm down. I am sure he will find friends or leave when he can. But if you are worried I am not opposed to taking him with us."
"We do not kidnap people, Drift. He wouldn't want to come along anyways. He wants to 'do his part for human kind'. Besides it takes him a while to get use to change and the possibility that we may be hunted down once we leave would most likely send him into cardiac arrest." Ratchet tilts his head back gives Deadlock a stern look, "On the topic of leaving we'll need to do that sooner then planned. Something isn't right, I don't like how hyper focused Pharma has gotten with quintessons corpses. Now he is showing intrest in you. He wants to know how I programmed a mecha to be powered by an AI system so flawlessly. It's driving him up a wall to not know. You know, since a mecha has never moved around without a pilot and can not talk. He keeps begging the higher ups to let him 'partner up with me' or let him take over the 'project' since I am just 'playing around with you'."
"Right fine. No kidnapping the youngling. But do not assume we will be the ones being hunted." Deadlock hums amused but turns serious when Pharma is brought up. That name is at the top of his 'don't let Ratchet catch on' splat list, "But me being 'imprinted' on you is keeping them from letting him get his quintessons gut covered servos... Err hands sorry, on me."
Ratchet nods rubbing his face again with a tired sigh, "I made certain they know you'll attack anything that isn't me." Deadlock can tell Ratchet is fighting a yawn. He lays down behind the chair and rumbles his engine. Ratchet's lips twitch with a smile hearing how smooth it's running now, "Pharma has never been a good listener though. Just be on guard okay kid... he's ploting something." Ratchet mumbles soaking up the heat coming from behind him. He tilts his head back against the head rest looking up at Deadlocks handsome, smug, sharp fanged grin, "He tries touching you, you can kill him. Don't let him into your system. I fear what he'd do. Probably make you even more loony and unbearable." The bioengineer yawns his voice full of fondness that makes Deadlock's spark sing.
Deadlock purrs as he gently pets Ratchet's head with a, claw retracted, digit. Ratchet's eyes grow heavy missing the most feral, down right demonic, energon hungry look Deadlock has at the permission to off Pharma, "He will not harm me. But I can tell he has worn on you today. You are more drained then grumpy, your insults are lacking any heat. Recharge Ratchet. I will reconfigure our supplies and time line while you regain your strenght. Then I'll show you in the morning. You can edit it while you fuel." He chuckles as Ratchet grumbles and mumbles at him. His squishy can't fight the cozy warmth and soothing pets. Deadlock's humming engine makes a familiar white noise that has grown to mean safe to Ratchet. In no time Ratchet is out cold. Picking up a blanket with a careful pinch he lays it on top of Ratchet and follows him into recharge.
-- --
They are so close to leaving. They have a place picked out and a time. Their supplies are packed and hidden away with a close friend of Ratchet's. The thing still keeping them on base is Ratchet's need to clear out all of his research. He doesn't want anyone to have anything of his, to have a chance to twist it into something that would cause more harm and death. It's been a tedious process but Ratchet has been deleting his work bit by bit so no one catches on.
Four days before their chosen leave date Ratchet walks into his lab only to be escorted to a debriefing room. One he has have never been to. Deep under the base. He had tried getting anyone to speak up about what's happening but the escorts, six of them for fuck sakes, don't even look at him. His gut instinct is screaming DANGER the deeper they go. His skin is crawling with uneasiness and he is fighting his fight then flight instincts. He taps at the small circler tracker he has in his winter coats collar as subtly as possible. Hoping it looks more like a nervious tick then a trigger to call for help. Hopfully they aren't to far down for it to work. The group stops at a vault door and Ratchet cuts off a growl growing in his throat when one of the 'escorts' pulls out some heavy duty cuffs. "Tell me what reason you have for those or their not going on Spike." He warns fists clenching at his side. He huffs at the click of a gun and someone has the balls to press it into his back.
The young soldier, Spike, frowns and waves his hand at the others behind Ratchet, "Ratchet please it's just procedure. You have saved a lot of our lives don't make us be rough. We don't want to be. Just put them on so I don't get yelled at later." Ratchet narrows his eyes, frown tightening. Spike groans, "I don't know what they want. No one told us anything. Please I am just doing what I was told."
Ratchet can tell Spike is holding his breath, pleading silently for Ratchet to listen. Ratchet does let a growl slip when the guns barrel grinds into his spine. His head snaps around and he glares hard enough to cause pause, "Cut that out, I know exactly how far to shove that to not kill you but make damn sure you wish I did." He snarls as he holds his wrists up to Spike. The comment earns him muffled chuckles and a few glares. Cuffs on Ratchet walks into the room. Spike shoots him an apologetic look as the door closes behind him. With a heavy exhale Ratchet takes in the room. A concrete floor, circular shaped room with thick metal walls. Cameras line the ceiling edges. His exhale catches in his throat as the metal walls start rolling up to reveal bullet proof glass filled with quintessons in various stages of dissection and tests. "We have another sublevel secret lab bellow our sublevel secret lab. Of course we do." Ratchet mumbles flatly to pissed off he didn't know this base was more fucked up then he thought then to be scared.
Speakers crackle on and an annoying whine comes through, "Not the reaction I was hoping for. Come on Ratch buddy show a bit more emotion then that. Less grump more begging maybe? At least shock." Pharma's voice chimes around him in an irritating way.
"Looks like all of this has been going on for a while. Why bring me into this now Pharma?" Ratchet says calmly since that seems to piss Pharma off more. He looks at his cuffed wrists and his blood runs cold as the hair on his neck stands on end. Goosebumps cover his arms making him shudder under the heavy coat, "I am not here for shop talk."
"Mmhmm, I am going to miss that snarky brain of yours Ratchy. But you did do a lot of things that put the base in danger. Security has taken notice of a lot of data, intel, cameras and video footage being tampered with." Pharma almost has a mocking sing songy tone to him. Strange, Ratchet knows he didn't tamper with anything that would jeopardized the security of the base. Definitely not the cameras or video footage, "You know what you've done and what we do to traitors. I already have received the ok to take over your work. The good commander is allowing me to say goodbye to you since we were such good old friends. Don't worry. I'll take good care of your Mecha." Yeah, Pharma sounds real choked up about all this, Ratchet rolls his eyes.
"Yeah, he'll take care of you Pharma." Ratchet keeps his tone and body language nonchalant as he studies the cuffs. He takes note of the little bit of gap, if he dislocates his thumbs.. "Only thing that's annoying about all of this is I'll be late getting home."
"I swear you are boring me to death on purpose Ratchet!!" Pharma snarls as a thud noise rings through the speakers
"Oh could I be so lucky?" Ratchet sighs sounding hopeful. He stiffens as the room lights turn red and multiple hisses of compressed air being released surrounds him. A robotic voice rings out a warning that the test subjects are being released. Ratchet whips his head around stepping in a circle as snarles and screeches drowned out the warnings. Ratchet steadies his breathing as best he can as his hands trimble and heart beats wildly. Deadlock would be livid if he doesn't go down giving it his all to get back to him. Ratchet would be just as pissed to, "I'll do what I can but you better hurry kid..."
-- --
"You weren't suppose to do that Pharma." A flat voice speaks up from behind Pharma after picking up the chair he had kicked away. Pharma scoffs and grumbles, "You are not even going to ask him what he ment by being late to his quarters?" The chief of security drones on.
"Be sure to capture all angles. I want detailed shots of it all." Pharma growls removings his hand from the release butten he hit hard enough to crack. "You are being paranoid per usual. Don't tell me you never heard the rammblings of a dying man?" Pharma sighs, with a dramatic flick of his wrist he walks out of the room.
"No, but I imagine I will soon enough." The security director mumbles under his breath. Reaching over the chair he resets the cameras.
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assassyart · 5 days ago
Question: what's the story behind the picture you made of Ratchet in a dark-looking area looking back at the viewer with some weird evil-looking creature above him?
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Ah, yeah, I suppose this does look weird out of context! This drawing is All 4 One fanart, one of the Ratchet & Clank games I...actually don't like playing, but I did enjoy the story. This game centers on a creature called a Loki that can possess life forms. The Lokis are enemies with the Cragmites as well, which is a detail I found interesting.
This fanart is basically a bad ending AU of All 4 One, where the Loki Master chose to possess Ratchet (whom he has captured in the beginning of the game) instead of the larger creatures he favors. This is why Ratchet's visible eye is blue and matches with the creature— the Loki above him is actually inside of him, I just added the visual cue to make that point clear.
The Loki himself says the "smaller ones are easy to control" ... besides the glaring fact that Ratchet is a badass and that Lombaxes being the sworn enemy of the Cragmites is an added flavor of irony, it just seemed like a cool idea to me. It's rather impossible to make Ratchet a villain under normal circumstances since he's so naturally kind-hearted, so I have to get creative if I wanna have fun with it lol.
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w1tchd0ct0r · 1 year ago
Gonna leave some thoughts here cause I probably won’t be doing anything with them sooner or later
Anyway while I can see ratchet sorta just coming in and taking FA away, I can also kinda see something happening to Pharma and FA kinda just coincidentally ends up in ratchets care. Ex; Delphi arc/tyrest/tarn. Everything in mtmte and ll makes me want to think that the timeline would have first aid be born near thes start/middle of the war but a small part of me wants first aid to be made maybe somewhere near the Delphi arc and the lost light crew will just have a sparkling First Aid running around their medbay lol. Then again, we have Tarn in the mix and then there isn’t really a use of Tarnma meeting. (Unless you want to count Damnus in the mix as well which is just as juicy)
But I can see First Aid being a sort of unwanted sparkling especially if Pharma is having him during the Delphi arc. Ambulon would probably help babysit him when Pharma’ll go out and give Tarn his cogs. Not that Ambulon knows of course. Pharma I imagine is very soft with First Aid but Tarn I’m kinda iffy with. Not too sure if he would also be softer/overprotective or the same self aka mass murderer. Both sides are surprised when they find out about First Aid however.
First Aid would obviously be quite clueless about the whole red rust. I mean his carrier has been locked in a space where he can’t hold him, everyone around him is dying sooner than later, Ambulon is stressed, so he’s stressed—it’s all a mess really. He becomes torn after Delphi—going into a similar state like when Ambulon dies. With Ambulon being the only person close enough to get him out of such a state. Ratchet will try to tell him that it was for the better I imagine. That Pharma, his own carrier was someone who helped kill and gave no mercy to the ill and bedridden patients of Delphi. By all means, First aid should hate Pharma but First Aid loves his carrier. And in memory of his carrier, he sees Pharma. In a younger FA timeline, he probably doesn’t know what happened or how but he knows that his carrier is died. Or at least in a similar state. Add in the sensitivity of carrier/sparkling bonds and you have a damn lot of angst lmao.
In turn, Ratchets and First Aids starting relationship is very strained. He doesn’t know who this mech is or why he’s here but all he knows is the Ratchet killed his carrier. Eventually they will become close but First Aid will still hold that grudge. Even when the soft and gentle words guide and teach him through a surgery or procedure. First Aid can’t help the boil in his blood when he watches Ratchet relax his optics and looks at him with something so tender and parental. He yearns that where Ratchet stood, there was a jet frame colored like a painting with reds, blues, and whites. He’s remorseful and I want him to be like forcefully adopted by dratchet like a kitten hissing their heads off when you try to pick them up lmao.
I haven’t thought to much about the tyrest arc but when Pharma meets Aid again, his voice suddenly turns fragile. His wings’ll tilt down in an inviting manner. It’s unsettling due to the fact that he was just talking crazy to a body less ratchet. But Pharma is crazy. Pharma is a bad person. Pharma is his carrier. If Pharma were to continue with ambulon’s death then I can definitely see First Aid becoming resentful. Now he holds resentment towards both his REAL creator and his current caretakers. Talk about mommy issues…(he just like me fr)
Maybe his sire is a better person..? WRONG! Because apparently his sire is TARN of all people…Who would have known. I think that Tarn and First Aid’s meeting would make most sense if the whole sparkling + creator bond stuff were especially established. Because I genuinely have no idea how Tarn would find out. Maybe they meet when Tarn is flying to rip Megatron and his crew in pieces on that flower planet(can’t remember name) idrk I haven’t thought too much about it.
An AU. Listen. Vague posting till I actually get all the details laid out somewhat on discord. An au where Pharma is First Aid's carrier and Tarn is his sire. Tarn is NOT involved till later on and Pharma is a struggling single mom. Ratchet comes and fuckes everything up like he likes to do, and basically CPS's First Aid and takes him against his will. Pharma gets depressed and goes into denial about having a son till the events with Tyrest where they reunite for a while. And thats all im saying for now
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muletia · 1 month ago
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Ratchet is the type of bot who when asked "would you still love me if I were a worm?" would respond with "no" in the most indignant and irritated tone, only to immediately start explaining how he’d take care of you anyway <3
“Ratchet?” you ask, staring at the medic as he reads a report at his workstation.
“What?” he sighs. “I’m busy,” he adds, though he tilts his helm slightly in your direction, making it clear that you have his full attention.
“Would you still love me if I were a worm?” you fire the question.
The writing stops. And although you can’t see his full faceplate, you can make out the emerging grimace of irritation.
“What kind of stupid question is that?!” he bursts out. He turns to face you, gesturing wildly. “No? Do you have any idea how much time I’d have to spend educating myself about such primitive organisms? How many hours I’d need to ensure you had the proper living conditions? I already have my hands full as it is.”
You’re convinced that he’s finished his rant and given you a clear answer, but before you can open your mouth, Ratchet adds:
“And how do you even imagine functioning, hmm? The probability of someone stepping on you would be practically certain. I’d have to keep you with me constantly to make sure you didn’t end up dead, and that’s just what I need. A worm crawling all over my keyboard, and having to warn everyone to watch out for you. No, absolutely not.”
The tension fades when he notices your smile. Ratchet falters, now realizing he’s fallen into your trap.
“Ugh, don’t talk to me for the rest of the day.”
“I’d still love you if you turned into a worm too.”
He turns away from you, but it’s not enough to hide the growing blue blush blooming across his faceplate.
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peak-dumbass · 9 months ago
I know I just got done with ranting about tfp/rid2015 starscream’s character but, if you couldn’t tell by my other rid2015 posts, I’m obsessed with rid2015 bumblebee and when I tell you I love this scene of bumblebee making fun of starscream I’m not exaggerating it’s so cathartic to me
“But bumblebee is a good/hero character, why is he being so mean—” did you forget how much starscream hurt bumblebee in tfp?
He killed cliffjumper who, while probably not as close to bee as he was to arcee, was still close friends with bee
He stole the omega keys from the autobots’ base and handed them over to megatron, practically dooming Cybertron at the time to be remade in megatron’s image — of course the autobots get them back last minute, but that doesn’t change how much that loss effected all of them (evidence: optimus shouting in anger for the first and to my memory only time in the series) — including bumblebee
And his greatest offense towards bumblebee in my opinion—
“But it was silas and M.E.C.H. that took it in the first place—” HE DIDN’T NEED TO HELP SILAS USE IT AFTERWARDS “but Ratchet was able to fix it—” THAT DOESN’T GET RID OF THE TRAUMA THAT WHOLE EXPERIENCE CAUSED HIM
It’s also incredibly fucked once you think about it more because the t-cog is literally a cybertronian organ — while silas is at least mostly detached from how screwed this is since it’s more like taking parts from a robot than surgery to humans, starscream shouldn’t be since he’s also a cybertronian
Instead of being freaked out and recognizing how messed up silas’ actions are like any rational bot would, he helps silas make his fake-bot-that’s-using-another-bot’s-stolen-organ work by providing him with energon (the [at the time] incredibly scarce resource that helps all bots survive) and — after that plan falls through because of bumblebee finding them — he destroys the bot’s organ for no reason other than he wanted to escape and thought that was a good way to distract him
I just—I’m sorry?? I feel like bumblebee is incredibly justified for clowning on this cringefailure of a bot for what he’s done to him
And this isn’t even mentioning what he’s done against the autobots as a whole (both on and off screen) that has probably hurt bumblebee by proxy
I feel like it’d be justified if bee also killed starscream — he already got to kill the bot that destroyed his voice box, I think bee deserves another murder as a treat <3
/joking but also what if—*gets shot by tfp/rid2015 starscream fans*
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ikkosu · 4 months ago
Can you please rant about your favorite Prowl imagines?
I have so many. Prowl is a perfect box of delicious imagines. (Mild nsfw)
His personality, for starters, is really interesting if he ever had a person he liked. There's two ways I'd like to think how prowl would react.
Realistically, he'll consider you to be a weakness and does what he always does best when it comes to weaknesses — he avoids it. It's tempting to imagine he'll act cold to you, give you the cold shoulder and douse you with his icy-cold glare. You'll never know why he acts that way and he'll make sure you never find out. (His pride and misery depends on it. )
But, and this sound crazy, can you imagine a prowl not being cold but instead accepting of his feelings? Like, the moment he starts noticing and realizing why he acts the way he does around you (Door wings more expressive, face plate pinched in a way he's more focused, and the biggest giveaway : his sparkrate picks up.)
Obviously, avoiding you is going to distract him. Even worse, meddle with his work. So, his TACNET proposed he might as well get on with it and confess.
He did spare some mind not bring it out too bluntly, guiding you to the garden then holding your hand. The way he said it made it sound like Cybertron will verge on destruction if he didn't confess (if you also didn't accept) and if it were any other person he'd understand if they slapped the engex out of him and walk away. Nothing good comes out a coerced relationship.
Which is why he was genuinely surprised when you accepted. His TACNET temporarily sputtered, crunching on same words over and over again. "Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes—"
He was like that. For the entire day.
With the confession out of the way, I'd like to think, aside from lumbering through base with his 'Work Personality' turned on, he's unusually gentle with you. He's still prowl. Sassy prowl. Grouchy prowl. Straight to the point Prowl. Table flipping prowl. But he's a lot less that when he's with you. (Can you tell I love grouchy characters with soft spots) . You saw all the times he's calm. All the times he's gentle and all the times he's loving.
Like Earthspark prowl, I want him touchy. I want him handsy. Ratchet notices Prowl actually gets off work on time these past few months. Prowl is quick to stride into your little house and pick you up by the arm does, emulating the way you do with your car, and nuzzles you. He loves the soft touch of your palms on his back, especially the sensitive spot between his door wings. Whenever you press down, his wings flutter and flatten, engine revving into a purr.
He likes the touch of anything soft. That includes your body, your bed that smells like you, and pillows. But the thing is, he's too big for your bed so anytime he comes and stays over, you both retreat to the living room where the entire space is a mattress comprised of all the pillows you hogged from every corner of your house. Prowl liked to press his face into your belly and chess and recharge.
He's got an exceptionally brilliant sense of smell. Which is why you never won at bide and seek. In all of the hiding spaces you used, prowl simply snatched you out like a wet rag with a twist to his lips.
Prowl doesn't care if he has to show affection in public. He'll only do it when he wants to and doesn't care of what people think. Of course, there's a time and place too, he's not that indecent freaky.
I can't help but envision him to be perfect husband material XD
He's straightforward. He might hide some things from you, either becuase it's a safety concern or something else entirely. But hey, you have to trust him on this. The only thing you have to know is that there's a special place in his spark that has you in it.
He learnt how to cook human food, and is incredibly precise with it. He thinks too much or too little of the said ingredient might poison you, while simultaneously using a decade old energon mix to whip up his meal. And, possibly, get sick from it. But his favorite past time is scouring through the Earth Internet and trying to bake sweets. He might even try to make you Organic-friendly Cybertronian food with how insistent you are sometimes.
And when you're all but being cute with him, sometimes he have limits and he'll pinch your chin and tip your head up into a kiss.
It's always fun when he's horny. Mostly becuase he's just awkward about. Like he doesn't know what to tell you how to deal with this raging boner he has .... sit on it, please?
Prowl doesn't want to mess up this relationship like he always did with the many ones he could've had something more. He's tired of fighting against himself. For once he realized he could have something different. Maybe, live a normal life. Have actual people who care about him.
At some point he notices the subtle nuances in his behavior ever since he accepted his feelings. He thinks he might relapse and shrink into his shell again. But with your head on his lap, playing your phone as he reads his report — sometimes things aren't meant for change.
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thatturtleleon · 2 months ago
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Miko is terrified of bugs, especially spiders, because she thinks they're creepy and gross
Jack is terrified of bugs, especially spiders, because Arachnid.
Raf thinks they're creepy but isn't really scared of them unless they're on his leg or something
Ratchet nearly has a spark attack when Raf tells him how damn expensive his glasses are, which then brings June into a whole rant about expensive medical situations and needs
cue Ratchet being absolutely flabbergasted
Miko draws on the walls of the base, no one can stop her
a bit angsty, but I was also thinking of Bulkhead having some sort of digital collection of all the drawings Miko made for him when he leaves :(
Ratchet is the only person who's seen Optimus break down
i've debated if Jack could also see Optimus falter, maybe accidentally stumbling upon him somewhere in the base
i thought that Jack would be the most concerned and understanding, but honestly i think any of the humans in the group would be that way
Bumblebee has dreams he can talk sometimes, and when he wakes up there's a split second where he believes his voice box is fixed
Fowler snores really fucking loud
i also think June and Fowler would be a sweet couple, they start dating
Miko and like everyone else predicted this for a long while
Arcee thinks Smokescreen is an absolute buffoon but comes to see him as a younger brother
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riskyraiker · 1 year ago
So I saw your requests were open and that you do both x men and tfp, leading to me wondering how would the team prime and the cons react to a mutant reader? And could readers mutant ability be like Johny Storm from Fantastic 4? (Keep up the good work 👍)
LOVE IT! ALSO YOU GET EXTRA POINTS FOR MIXING UP TFP AND X-MEN. I wrote this as platonic. Let me know if you want any romantic version
How did you end up like this? No one knows, but they don't even know you're like this. Ecxept Miko, Raf and Jack, since you know that they're friends with huge fraggin robots. When you met the bots it wasn't the best situation, because you were enraged about the events that happened at home that day. Almost engulfed in flames you calm down when you spot Miko talk to a bit bulky bot behind an abandonded building. You saw the bots which resulted in you being brought to the base. You were amazed that you could forget the sorrow you have for being different. You grew close with the team really quick, even Ratchet took a liking to you. The moment the team sees your ability for the first time was when they were cornered by cons in a energon mine. Since there was no backup at the moment you ran out and light yourself up. At first the autobots thought you were an alien or something, but when they realize it's you they didn't believe it at first. The vehicons weren't so lucky since you almost melted some of their limbs. Once the fight was done they just stared at you. "Uhh..guys? Does anyone have some spare clothes?"
Optimus Prime
He would be confused. Like literally confused which is rare, but still you managed to achieve it.
You're human and fire should hurt you. How do you light yourself on fire?!
The moment you tell them that you're a mutant and your not the only one they start to do some research on these so called "mutants"
He would ask you what you can do and what your abilities are.
Doesn't like the idea of having you on the battlefield even if it means that the autobots have the upperhand
You're now his child. No objections.
The team needs help? You're there to melt them down and that earns you a big lecture from Optimus about how they can't risk human lives.
If he's wounded you would melt the metal gently and repair it.
Since he's made of metal some of his plating might be cold. So he absolutely loves how you work like an furnace.
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Almost freaked out by your abilities.
The moment he gets to know about your so called mutation he turns into a fragging scientist. Blood samples, dna samples and etc.
Anytime there's any need for repairs he just picks you up and points where repair is needed.
"Fix it, you're smaller, steadier and you're hot"
He wouldn't realize his mistake until you laugh straight into his face "what's so funny? Wha- NO NOT LIKE THAT"
He would love your help in the medbay since you can mold wounds.
Your now his favorite assistant in medbay and in the lab
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He thinks you're so awesome! A human who can light themselves on fire with no harm?!
He would ask you to fly or use any other abilities out or nowhere because he wants to see you as your true self
If you could understand him he would straight up just rant how cool you are. He also gave you a nickname which is Firefly
He loves giving you hugs since you're so warm.
He's in trouble? They're melted before he can even ask for backup
He's your big bro now and Raf your lil bro. You're the best sibling duo there is.
On cold nights he would just keep you on his shoulder so he could feel your warmth close to his face so he can relax
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Oh she would be speechless. You can melt vehicons, fly somehow and just in general use your abilities
You're now her favorite human (BYE JACK)
She would love to watch you make fireshows
Your warmth would comfort her since she's lonely sometimes
She would call you as backup anytime the team is struggling
✨The sassy team✨
Oh you two would be unstoppable. Cybertronian femme whose sassy and a mutant who is also sassy.
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Oh he would take you for a drive to ask you all kind of questions
First he thought the cons lit you on fire and panicked
After that he wants to see your abilities. That includes you having clothes on (of course🤨)
He would be so interested, but terrified about your ability to melt cybertronians
He's a wrecker! Of course your abilities will be useful.
He wouldn't like the idea of you in the battlefield, but still is amazed how well you handle it.
The big chunky guy is usually warm but won't mind some extra warmth from your body in the colder days.
He's bored? Be ready to fire up.
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Oh oh oh! You'll never hear the end of it. He's around every corner begging you to light up.
He's more chaotic than bulkhead so of course he's after you all the time and asking you to set things on fire.
Wouldn't actually mind going on patrol with you since you're so awesome
He would secretly carry you around on missions to have you melt the cons. I bet he would stare sadisticly.
But don't worry he wouldn't risk your life! If you want to stay safe he won't bother you anymore. (Maybe)
Any old enemy of his he managed to meet on earth would most likely be melted by his request to bring you along.
Ultra Magnus
He would not be happy about you breaking protocol and not staying in the base.
But he would be grateful about you saving the team
"Aaww you're worried about me" No teasing! Now you're in for a 1 hour long lecture
He would find your mutation interesting, but would let it be since he's a robot himself
He's always cold. Mentally. And! Physically so he wouldn't admit it but does love your body warmth.
"YOU'RE ON FIRE?! COOL!" Wouldn't understand that isn't normal until he's back in his senses. "YOU'RE ON FIRE! AHH PRIMUS WHY ARE YOU ON FIRE!?"
Would absolutely love your abilities even if you would be insecure about being 'different'
If you ever would kick decepticon aft he's your 1# fan in the background
He finds beauty in fire so he thinks you and your abilities are absolutely stunning
If he's scared about succeeding or about the future you would be there on his shoulder warm like an oven which calms him down
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The team were in trouble. Why? There was a surprise attack by Megatron himself. You flew through the groundbridge so you could help the team. You were almost too late as Megatron had his servo/sword up and about to strike Optimus. Hurrying you catch on to his servo and start to heat up, melting his servo in the process. "GAHH! WHAT ARE YOU!?" Megatrons sword and blaster were both out of the game since you melted most of his servo. Having the upperhand, the cons give up and leave. There was one con left. Megatron. "This isn't over, Optimus. Not with you and your firey PET!" Oh oh, he was pissed!
That little mutant dare to melt his servo!
He didn't even know you're a human with a mutation until soundwave found footage and info about you.
Would try to get revenge on you, but doesn't want to risk losing his servo again.
For once the warlord was worried about his opponent.
If you could melt his servo, could you melt your way through his whole frame?
He didn't show it, but the thought actually made him shudder.
He couldn't lose to a pathetic human who is 10 times smaller than him.
In short, he hates your guts but loves your abilities.
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The moment Megatron asked to find information about you, a switch flipped in his processor.
Finally he found a human interesting. A extraordinary human to be specific
If he had time he would try to see you on cameras so he could catch you for Megatron
He wasn't scared or anything, but would be slightly worried could you melt his screen off?
He did almost catch you, but you lit up inside him so he had to drop you out before he would fall down from the sky.
Knew that you're stronger than anybot thinks. Wouldn't mess with you unless he has something to overpower you for example: some relics
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If he ever I MEAN EVER sees you in action he would definitely run away and protect his paintjob.
Fire + his beautiful plating/paint job did NOT go together.
If you would try to attack him, you won't see him after a while. He's AFRAID of you.
Would always seem busy when he heard lord Megatron talk about a mission where you could be involved.
"Knockout!" The cherry red medic saluted. "You have a mission to go an retrieve a relic. Y/N could be there, so be quick." "My Liege I'm in the middle of a medical check up I don't have t-time. Send breakdown. He's willing to do it."
If you're on the nemesis he would run away like from the bot zombies in season 3 of tfp xD
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You're mutation was...illogical
A human shouldn't be able to light themselves on fire
Would ask permission from Megatron to take you as a test subject.
Be careful not to be caught by him! It would be worse than having others afraid of you and your freaky abilities.
He wanted to see how you could work with your abilities. How could he make them..Logical
Wouldn't be afraid of you. Oh no no no. He would be so so so interested about your abilities he wouldn't care if he would get melted at the same time.
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He would love your abilities to be on flames, but! Since he's a decepticon and a predacon ofcourse he has to attack you.
Would speak to you someway or another in his bipedal mode during a mission
If he need fire styled company, he would try to contact you. He doesn't care if you're part of the autobots. You're his friend
Frag Megatron and Shockwave. You're warm like him! You're now his grandchild!
You would joke around that he's your actual king! Since you both are fire themed basically.
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