#ngl pretty much all of the autobots do
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toastingpencils37 · 3 months ago
TFP Ratchet makes me so fucking ill
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ricegobbler · 1 year ago
ok ngl I did this bc I’m bored. I might open requests, but idk yet bc I’m always busy. So I’m NOT opening any requests atm but I may soon!! I also didn’t do all the cons in this bc I’m so tired. So I’ll do the rest of them maybe tmrw.
Ok anyways this might be a lil bad since it’s my first time :( but enjoy either way!
Also I’m using ‘Y/N’ bc idk what else to use even tho I think I’m supposed to use it.
Warnings‼️: Mention of fighting(s), injuries, drugs (calling Megatron the druglord basically) slightly suggestive (mainly for Megatron and kinda for Knockout?)
(Megatron, Starscream, and Knockout)
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-Ah yes, our favorite drug lord☺️
-When he first saw you he thought of you as any other Decepticon on the Nemesis, a weakling basically.
-Every time he’d see you he wouldn’t really think much or care honestly, like I said, you were treated and thought of like any other Decepticon by the warlord. So the two of you wouldn’t rlly interact.
-But then, the first time you fought the Autobots in front of Megatron really changed his perspective of you. Yes, you still weren’t that special out of everyone else, but you did cause something special in his spark.
-After the battle, slamming Bulkhead into the ground, Megatron actually said something to you. Praising you for your strength and courage.
“I’m quite impressed, Y/N..” Megatron praised you, arms behind his back as he circled around you. “A fem with that much strength and power is quite…alluring~”
Your optics widened, feeling a bit of a shiver run up (or go down) your back. “A-alluring?…” You repeat, “Yes…very alluring..” he responded back, he then stood behind you and placed a servo on your shoulder, gripping it a little tightly.
“I’m quite glad to have you on our side~ you’ll be very useful….” He whispered into your audial.
-After that day he started treating you differently. Definitely favorite treatment. He wouldn’t get mad at you for your fails and would just brush it off, leaving the others (Starscream and Knockout) jaw dropped.
-Sometimes Megatron would com you to see him, privately. Whenever this happens the only thing that ever happens is some little conversation. Sometimes they’d be about the war, but mostly about each other and stories of both of your lives before the war. Sometimes he’d just praise you too tho, not that you minded though, praises from him were just 🙏
-I feel like he’d fall for some strong fem. Of course, he’d still be stronger. But he would love your strength, courage, wisdom and seriousness, and sometimes he’d get a little…riled up at the height difference between the two of you.
-When he finally confessed feelings for you (he wrote a poem and recited it to you💔🥹) you were treated WAYYY differently. Being called “my queen” or “my dear,” and he would fucking force the others to call you their queen.
-how he kisses?? Passionate. He’s so rough and touchy while kissing too omfg. PDA?? Hell yeah. He don’t gaf abt who’s around, he’d grab your waist in front of everyone and whisper the most…innocent..things to you!☺️
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-Our favorite high heel cunt!😝
-Just like Megatron, I feel like he wouldn’t really care about your presence, BUT, he would definitely talk to you about how everything goes in the Nemesis. While doing so I feel like he’d trail off and start talkin abt overthrowing Megatron💀
“-And then I get to overthrow that scrap of a warlord! YES! I will offline him soon and..” He paused and slowly turned his head to look at you, you just blinked confusingly and cleared your throat awkwardly.
“Are you alright..?” You ask, “I’m fine. Moving on!..” he responded.
-Yeah. Anyways.
-When he first saw your skills against Autobots, he was surprised. He’s never seen a fem do that much damage. Of course, he doesn’t say anything about it. He’s pretty quick to brush it off anyways.
-Sometimes he’d just fucking burst in your berthroom and tell you orders. Why? Bc he’s SIC ig😒
Starscream bursting into your berthroom, “Y/N!” You quickly turn your helm to look at him. “Huh”
“As your second in command I order you to do [whatever idk]!” He yelled, hands on his waist and everything.🤦🏻‍♀️
-But the more you two interact the more he realizes he doesn’t mind you being around. He seems more comfortable with you. How would you know? He’d rant to you about how he’d make you his SIC once he overthrows Megatron😭
-Then he finally falls for you. I honestly see him being hella nervous around you but tried showing off to you. One time he tried showing off he could take on Megatron, next thing you know you brought him to the Medbay-
-the way he’d confessed would be so sweet but funny too istg.
“Y/N…I..I’ve fallen for you.” He said, “you what?..” you asked, he quickly stood up, transforming into his alt and flew through the halls of the Nemesis while yelling back “I LOVE YOUUUU..!”
-After that little fail you found him in his berth in the corner like he was in time out and you just giggled. You gently rubbed his back and smiled. You also told him you fell for him and his wings fluttered.
-He’s quite silly, and you loved that. Secretly in his berthroom you’d praise him and cuddle with him (he rlly needs it🙁) he’d call you names like “my spark” or “love.” PDA?? Yes, but not in public. Sure, he’ll hold your hand sometimes in public, but in the Berth is the best place. How he kisses? Amazing. Not as suggestive as Megatron, but they’re so sweet. Soft kisses<33
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-The best flirtatious man ever😍
-He heard about your arrival from the rumors around the Nemesis, at first he was actually intrigued. He wanted to know what you looked like and what your personality was.
-Everyday he’d wait for you to come to the Medbay if you had any injuries. Of course, you didn’t. So what a shame 😢
-But he’d hear any new thing about you from either Starscream or the rumors around.
-But when the day of you fighting the Autobots for the first time he was finally able to see you in the Medbay to treat some wounds you had gotten.
You, covered in wounds, entering the Medbay for the first time and meeting optics with Knockout. “My my my….you’re the new fem, hm? Nice to meet you Y/N, the names Knockout~”
-curse his flirtatious side.
-when he finally treated your wounds and scratches he just smirked at you.
“Thank you,” You said to him, “No problem, doll~ it was wonderful to meet you..” he responded.
-After that, the more missions you went on and the more you’d get hurt you’d stop by to get treated. Even the smallest wounds you’d get, you’d still visit him! You mainly liked his personality though.
-The more you came by the more he got comfortable with you, he’d start ranting to you about random things. Once, he ranted to you about his paint being scratched by Arcee and Bumblebee.
-Sometimes when Knockout had no one to treat you’d come by and talk to him. You loved his sassiness, it was so funny😭 you’d also praise him too, saying how you loved him paint and how shiny it was that day. In return, he’d praise you too.
-whenever you two hung out you would just sit on the medbays bed and swing your legs back n forth since you didn’t reach the ground. Knockout found it quite amusing, he’d definitely tease you for it.
-When the two of you got close, you started falling for him first. Mostly because of his flirtation…yeah…like I said, curse his flirtatious side😢
-Of course he’d still flirt with you, making you flushed everytime you’d leave the Medbay after your daily conversations.
-When you finally confessed he just started saying how he knew something like this would happen. He also felt the same, so yay! Then he started teasing you hella again.
-He’d obviously call you things like “doll” or “dollface,” like omg.😍 How he kisses?? Also passionate, not rlly touchy tho..he just holds you by the waist n that’s it. Praises EVERYDAY. Only if you praise him tho. PDA?? Same like Starscream, not in public.
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mychlapci · 9 months ago
Mold Friend Milan you were in my dreams last night. Specifically I dreamt you started writing stuff about titflation (its like inflation but only to the boobs) specifically to "make their boobs very big and to insure you could milk them a lot and whenever you wanted" (or something among those lines) and also you wrote something about Tarn and Megatron??? I think you wrote about Tarn capturing Megatron and trying to do something to him in order to make him leader of the Decepticons again but all that ended up happening was that he either A) got basically obsessed with having sex/became a sex addict and possibly getting knocked up or B) got extremely violent and sadistic and Tarn would use him to torture captured Autobots by forcing them to play in a sadistic chess game with Megatron in which they were the pieces (and Megatron pretty much was guaranteed to win.) It was a very interesting dream ngl.
huh, interestingly enough, i do have a titflation (adjacent?) ask in my inbox right now. And I do have a Tarn Turns Megs into a Broodmamma ask. Not sure if queue spat that out yet, but it's very good. What I'm saying is that this blog seems to be so unsalvageable that even the elusive and insane dreaming world is accurate about it. All of this sounds like something i'd post ...
very interested in the concept of Tarn brainwashing Megatron into becoming his torture pet, though. That's not something i've thought of but i kind of love it.
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vitamaeternum · 6 months ago
Top five favorite couples in fiction (canon or fanon), and top ten favorite characters!
5. Twilight/Loid Forger and Yor Forger
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They're very cute.
4. Superman(Clark Kent) and Lois Lane
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Note that there are a bunch of versions of these two, and I personally haven't really read a version I haven't liked yet.
3. Link and Zelda
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Honestly I really found this one to be good after BOTW, but it's good in a lot of the others as well. (Yes this isn't a great picture but it's fine)
2. Optimus Prime and Elita One
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Aragorn II/King Elessar Telcontar and Arwen Urdomiel
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Enough said.
Now on to my favorite characters (Limiting myself to one per franchise for maximum variety): 10. Rogal Dorn (NGL, it was a toss up between him and Vulkan for this spot)
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The Line will be held, no matter the cost.
9. Frieren
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Funny Elf learning to truly live and care about those who she will outlive, rather than letting them pass her by like she used to.
8. Prince Vegeta
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Guy went from being a full on villain to becoming a loving father and one of Earth's greatest defenders, honestly I love seeing him continue on that path.
7. Obi Wan Kenobi
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Best Jedi in my opinion and also awesome to watch on screen. Personally I like his somewhat armored design from The Clone Wars the best, add the cloak to that and it's perfect. The rest of his designs are great too, but that one is my favorite.
6. Spider-Man
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Good old Spider-Man, where to begin? There's so many versions of him and pretty much all of them have something fun to bring to the table.
5. Gandalf
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Everyone's favorite Meddling Wizard who also knows how to bring light to those in need even when things are at their darkest, great characterization.
4. Superman
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Just a guy who wants to do the right thing and help people out along the way. Top tier Superhero.
3. The Doctor
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Long and goofy history this character may have, but he's got a lot of cool stuff that he's done and it's fun to watch him keep going along, trying to do the right thing.
2. Michael Carpenter
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Knight of the Cross. Warrior against the Unholy. Kind Father to his children. A Good Man.
1. Optimus Prime
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The Leader of the Autobots and the last of the Primes. He is my favorite for many reasons. All of the versions of him (Minus Shattered Glass and later Bayverse, but that's the point of Shattered Glass) are created to be a Hero. And not one of those Hollywood Heroes, all yelling and BSing. He is meant to be Strong enough to be Gentle. He is a reluctant warrior who is wishes there was any other way for things to go forward, but there is not any other way, and so he continues to fight for what is right, no matter what.
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moonlight-tmd · 1 year ago
How do you feel about merformers?
And for something fluffy, Blitz and Bee making and sharing snacks together!
Merformers are a fun concept, like those biotech fellas swimming in the sea and somehow ending up in lake erie and meet each other. Autobots are your local normal mermaids while Decepticons are sirens (the evil versions, most often resembling sharks in the fish half).
BlitzBee and making lunch for each other- sweet! I feel like Blitz would know Bee is all for sweet stuff and tried his best to get some but for there's just not much to get in the ranks, outside of the supplies Swindle provides. I think he knows few recipes and tries his best to make rust cookies in their humble kitchen and ngl they turn out decent, they aren't the best but at least they're not burned.
Bee has all the things he needs, but 0 cooking skills. He is a pretty good mixologist so most often he'll make fun smoothies and drinks for Blitz to try out on their meetings. Sometimes he steals stuff Optimus baked and brings them too, the food he himself makes is... edible.
Speaking of snacks- i once had an idea about Bee finding Blitz's snacks. Blitz is part of the Autobots team by now and Bee was looking for something to eat cuz he ran out of his sweets in the secret stash and stumbled upon a box of nicely prepared metal salad in Blitz's art room. And so, like any partner would do, he ate Blitzwing's salad. It was... kinda good actually.
Blitz found him eating the salad after a while, he had that uneasy expression when Bee asked about it. Blitz took the salad away from him and told him to not eat his food, Bee assumed he was upset that he ate his food. But that didn't stop him, from time to time he would go out of his way to find the same nicely prepared salad hidden in different spots in the art room, one time Ratchet caught him eating a salad and Bee told him Blitz made it. He didn't know why the old docbot had a disgusted expression the moment he offered him some.
Later he overheard Ratchet scold Blitzwing for letting Bee eat his food and that he better not let him eat any more. So from that moment all the salad he was finding mysteriously disappeared. No matter how much he asked Blitz to give some to him, he wouldn't. He never knew why it was bad for him to eat something so tasty and healthy- like, Prowl had salads all the time, why was it bad for him to eat one too?
Yeaaah, Bee has developed a taste for cannibalism by accident. Neither Ratchet or Blitzwing let him know about it tho. And if you ask why Blitzwing had mech metal to make the salads, he just took some from the corpses of stray 'cons that Ratchet was supposed to scrap and instead he somehow got persuaded into letting Blitz take care of them in secret (maybe so they save on fuel cuz Blitz needs a lot of it).
Geez it was supposed to be fluffy and it still somehow took a dark turn...
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blueikeproductions · 1 year ago
To address The GayTM, as some would like to call it, my problem remains that a lot of the couples felt like forced crack ships. I was never ok with Tailgate and Cyclonus being romantically inclined, and it felt more appropriate to have them be a child/parent. Not helped was the conflicting imagery of their human avatars being a stern mother figure type and a toddler. I tend to think Roberts’ original idea to pair up Powerglide & Blitzwing would’ve been better handled, but we’ll never know for sure.
Then you have Drift and Ratchet who are a fairly one note opposites attract choke because devout religious guy and a grumpy atheist. There’s still an age difference vibe that I can’t escape from. I know it was explained to me they’re actually roughly the same age, but I always assumed IDW/G1 Drift was a teenager like Hot Rod for some reason, especially how Drift and Rodimus felt like they had better chemistry. Still old man Ratchet is still a me thing because I always heard Corey Burton’s grumpy gramps take on IDW Ratchet, while Pharma I heard the more insane Jeffrey Combs.
Arcee and Aileron also felt very forced, the kiss comes completely out of left field, (if it was built up towards, that’s one thing, but I don’t think it was. If anything it felt like Arcee and Sideswipe was being set up as a thing, with the protoform G2 Sideswipe basically being their son in a way). There is no denying there’s a huge age difference: Arcee was a warrior granny from prehistoric Cybertron while Aileron was a fresh out of college girl, figuring out the Autobots and such. It felt gross, NGL. Meanwhile IDW2 adjusted accordingly by having Arcee appear with her cute wife Greenlight from the start, and I liked them far better, same with Gauge being their kid. (Though I do have a head canon G2 Sideswipe and Gauge are brother and sister, Swipe being the oldest, lol.)
Minimus Ambus via Ultra Magnus also had this very awkward sexual tension with Megatron that feels… very odd if you’re at all familiar with Magnus and Galvatron’s deadly rivalry in UK Marvel G1 and ReG1.
The straight ships felt awkward too. Tigatron and Airrazor felt like an even hammier version of Silverbolt & BlackArachnia, but in that sickingly sweet high school pet name way people make fun of. BW Airrazor and BW Tigatron had a more subtle budding romance, that felt old fashioned and cordial and it worked there.
Roller and Nickel, like Drift and Ratchet, similarly has this one note gag about how it’s a height difference. A Bulk in love with a Mini-Con. I mean it’s the most harmless of the bunch, but it especially feels tacked on.
And the less said about Onslaught and Blast Off the better. IDW2 again had course corrected with Blast Off having a much more organic romance with Cosmos.
The only one that felt written the best was Chromedome & Rewind, but that was also because they had the most fleshed out story that made it work. The other ships MTMTE tried to focus on felt like it was trying to recapture that Kremzeek in a bottle, but could never stick the little punk back inside. It also helps Chromedome and Rewind are pretty much nobodies so they were more malleable. It does make me wonder how Eject would’ve been used though.
I think IDW2?handled couplings better mostly by treating it as normal and not a ship fic soapbox kinda way, and while Skybound is still young, Ratchet and Arcee being romantically paired off like Animated is surprisingly sweet for what little we see of it.
As for people getting legitimately angry at gay robots, I distinctly remember Treads & Circuits getting backlash for Knock Out and Breakdown kissing. While some of it was legitimate “ew gay people”, most of it was “ew robots kisssiiiiiing….”
IDW’s ultimate problem was it became a fan fic’s fan fic after Furman’s run and only got more indulgent, while its reboot was an overly drawn out political thriller about the first murder since the Three Fold Spark War. It was not clever or as sophisticated as it thought it was, Megatron playing the political arena is not fun, among other creative choices that made the story feel like a slog.
I'm so glad someone else brought up how insular IDW felt, I thought I was insane for thinking along the lines of a similar thing. To me IDW1 felt like a continuity made by the fandom for the fandom, and despite some of its great writing decisions it often felt flat and hollow in a lot of important aspects. The lack of communication between writers and failure to maintain basic narrative and thematic cohesion as well as characterization reminded me a lot of in-fandom arguments over interpretations and headcanons
It took on too much and stretched itself thin resulting in sidelined characters, bastardized character dynamics/relationships or forgotten plots. People praised IDW1's lore and worldbuilding but personally I don't think there was much of it at all and very little of it was to a good enough standard when you consider how long IDW held the licence. It told us a lot and yet nothing at all, which would have been a genius move had it at all been intentional– something I often found myself saying in relation to IDW1 and content inspired by it, which was around post 2010-ish give or take probably
Like I said, I firmly believe that IDW was essentially made by fandom, for fandom, but a very, very narrow cross-section of such. James Roberts, who was arguably the architect for most of it, was a fanfic writer and someone who wanted to make elements of his fanfics canon. Many of the writers were buddy-buddy with TFWiki moderators and the dingus behind Shortpacked, oftentimes parroting their opinions, which was that if you didn't like what they were making, you were a chud or a creep that wanted the entire brand to be Kiss Players. Especially as romance became more and more of a focus on the series, the idea was not "This is boring, I want to see robots punching each other and blowing things up", but "I don't want to see this because it's gay", which is a far easier position to defend. Even when they lost the license, Kit Harrison of IDW insinuated that the complaints were all homophobic in nature.
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As an aside, while I think Kiss Players was terrible, it was literally nothing but a side-story manga and some collector's toys. That would be like me saying all the Western-created Transformers media is garbage because of The Car Wash of Doom, Afterdeath, that scene in Age of Extinction where the guy spells out the Romeo and Juliet Law in detail, the complete waste of Sir Anthony Hopkins that was The Last Knight, The Rebirth, numerous parts of Cyberverse, the WFC Trilogy, etc.
Anyway, because the audience was so narrow, it made sense that the audience that it did cultivate was so passionate about the material, but Greek to any audience outside of it, resulting in low sales and general dismissal from a casual audience. Any similarities to how fanfic is written, especially fanfic that has an active follower community and people addressing the work in progress, were purposeful, because that was the world that the writers came from, and the world that they were used to.
And then there were the attempts to integrate those ideas into shows, as shown by WFC not getting a sequel because Netflix said no, as well as Cyberverse and now Earthspark toys rotting on shelves in your local Ollies or Lot Less.
My conclusion remains the same. IDW was overly insular, fanfic-style writing, for people who liked that, and they could not care one iota about anyone outside of that little circle. Especially if you were a fan of super robots, humans that weren't complete jerks, or the mystic elements of the Transformers mythos. And this is why now even Duke's miniseries pretty much outsells anything that IDW published. (To be fair, Duke's miniseries is pretty good).
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miniconsinatrenchcoat · 3 years ago
Original post
I wish I could ask from this blog but thanks for the answer! Ngl I wasn’t expecting a whole ass paragraph lmao
I love writing fluff but oh my god the angst and conflict is what I’m good at writing. It’s less often with the canon characters and more with ocs because I can have things exactly how I want it, but with the crossovers I always include at least two canon characters. The only thing is that the fic storylines deviate so much from the original plot of the show towards the end that it gives me a lot more freedom than I normally would have (and one crossover takes place like a decade after rid2015 but that’s not relevant atm) if I was just writing a crossover between the canon universes.
2 oc rants utc
Okay so there’s Sunpoint, Decepticon Seeker turned Autobot post exodus. His story changes up the second half of season three, but honestly starts in season one by keeping Skyquake alive, and Dreadwing by proxy. Knock Out and Breakdown join during season one too because I think having them on the Autobots would be super interesting. Soundwave also joins, but that’s during season three after some things happen that aren’t canon to the tfp series.
I kinda just throw Sunpoint, Knock Out, Wheeljack, and Soundwave into the tfa universe because A) I love continuity crossovers and B) it’s the most mixed up group I’ve put together. There’s gonna be conflict with them and the tfa cast, AND between just the four of them. Smokescreen does get involved a few days before the beginning of season two, since I don’t plan on having them there for too long.
Three of them were Decepticons for the longest time. Wheeljack is still iffy about all of them, even more so with Soundwave.
Sunpoint and Soundwave are fliers, something unheard of in the tfa universe aside from the jettwins. Any Decepticon who defected to the Autobots reformatted to a ground frame (like Drift).
Soundwave is still a Decepticon in tfa.
Knock Out and Sunpoint don’t have known tfa counterparts.
Sunpoint is very VERY anti-caste and anti-corruption, he would absolutely despise the Elite Guard and what they do. He’d honestly be more on board with the tfa Decepticons than the Autobots.
They’re all taller than the tfa crew, only the Decepticons are taller than them, which led to a lot of misunderstandings in the beginning, especially with Soundwave’s colors, Knock Out’s optics, and his and Sunpoint’s sharp fingers. The only one who wouldn’t immediately be mistaken for a Decepticon would be Wheeljack.
I can do a lot with just Sunpoint there, sure, it would be fun to figure out how he would interact with the tfa cast on his own, but throwing others into the mix is a lot more interesting. Not gonna touch much on Wheeljack since you pretty much have him covered lol.
Soundwave is nothing like his tfa counterpart, you already hit on that, but the thought of animated Team Prime seeing him in action fighting WITH them. On one hand, they’d be impressed, but on the other, they’re horrified at the thought of ever having to fight him at any point before he defected.
Knock Out is a medic who does things unconventionally. He makes Ratchet question how the Decepticons had him as a medic (both tfa and aligned).
Sunpoint is a fighter, sure, but he’s jumpy as hell whenever someone comes remotely close to his wings. On top of that, he’s honestly terrified at the thought of going against Megatron, even if this one is less tyrannical than his.
None of them really bat an eye at Starscream’s treachery or Megatron coming back again and again, they’re used to it at this point.
What they are surprised by is the fact that the war is over, there are hardly any Decepticons on Earth, and Team Prime, a space bridge repair crew, has the damn AllSpark at the bottom of Lake Erie.
Also Decepticons flying in root mode. That’s a thing, apparently, and it takes them a little to adjust to that fact, and even longer for them to have to stop clarifying that, no, neither Sunpoint nor Soundwave can fly in root mode.
Things are more of the same, it’s just easier for Team Prime to do things because A) they have another medic now, B) they have fliers, and C) they have a Wrecker, a former gladiator, and a search and rescue worker/Seeker.
Things get slightly more complicated when Smokescreen comes into play. He’s a member of a nonexistent Elite Guard, but when the tfa crew sees the emblem, they assume that the Elite Guard is still active in the tfp universe. He has to explain that, as far as he knows, he’s the only member of the Elite Guard that’s still alive.
When the Elite Guard comes to Earth, Sunpoint immediately hates it. For one, they clocked him as a Decepticon and immediately tried to attack him, Soundwave, and Knock Out, and he already didn’t like his own Sentinel. Tfa Sentinel just took ignorance and pride to a whole other level.
Both Sunpoint and Knock Out were already tense around tfp Ultra Magnus, but they don’t trust tfa Ultra Magnus whatsoever, and rightfully so. Literally none of them except Wheeljack and Smokescreen are trusted by the Elite Guard members (with the exception being Jazz) because they had to explain that, yes, they used to be Decepticons at some point.
This is where it mostly ends, they only stay for one or two more episodes. This one isn’t actually canon to the storyline of the original fic, it’s just a little offshoot I thought would be fun to write. I didn’t put nearly as much thought into this one compared to the next.
The REAL fun comes with Longarm.
This story is entirely self indulgent because I wanted the Decepticons to have a human, so if this seems cliché or Mary Sue-like then I’m sorry lol.
The main Decepticons break off from the faction during the first episodes of season 3, creating their own called the Ascenticons (yes I recycled IDW stuff), and are replaced with Swindle (BD and yes, he dies), Flatline (KO), Blitzwing (SS), and Soundblaster (SW). They run with less of a hierarchy - Starscream is in charge of mining operations, Breakdown is in charge of the troops, Knock Out is still CMO, and Soundwave is still the communications and security officer. They function more like a family unit than anything.
Longarm - or Natsuo, I’ll alternate throughout - is a mess and my god he doesn’t take things well at all. On top of taking on the leadership responsibilities of people like Ultra Magnus or Dreadwing at the age of 19 as the Ascenticon’s strategist (because Natsuo doesn’t have the sense to stay out of an alien war), he also has to deal with the fact that an impulse decision on his part ended with him becoming techno-organic. While he does figure out some ways to deal with everything, he has a tendency to get absorbed in anything else as a distraction, and in this case, it’s parallel dimensions, alternate timelines, and possible multi-dimensional travel.
The universe jump is technically purposeful: Longarm built a machine specifically to try and do that. He just didn’t expect it to go off while he, Breakdown, and Knock Out were working on it, and he didn’t know how to undo it either. Good news: no plot intervention in the tfp universe for me to figure out with time differences, this is set 10-15 years after rid2015.
Breakdown and Natsuo are confused as to why they’re on Earth again. Their first thought is that they made a teleporter instead, which, while it did work, wasn’t what they wanted. After the find Knock Out, they realize that they can’t contact anyone they had the information for on Earth, not the humans, and not the Rescue Bots. Knock Out goes into the city and tells them exactly what’s happening, which is where everything starts.
Longarm of course makes the tfa crew panic because they all know who Longarm Prime is in terms of Autobot ranks. Bumblebee and Bulkhead immediately accuse him of being an imposter and “a horrible one at that.” He has to explain what happened and shows them the device before asking them for help with it.
The Bots are obviously on edge, with him sharing a name with a Prime and all.
They do at least trust that he’s not immediately going to hurt them; after all, Longarm Prime wouldn’t ever do that.
Breakdown and Knock Out are fine, Team Prime has a moderate level of trust in them.
None of them are really trusted fully, but they place their full trust in the tfa Team Prime.
Ratchet is iffy about Longarm, because he never answers simple questions directly. Bumblebee once asked how old he was and Longarm’s response was “Old enough.” He has a roundabout way of giving his answers, either keeping them vague or circumventing the question altogether. Even though he doesn’t completely trust Longarm, Ratchet still acknowledges that, yes, he’s smart, both in terms of science and strategy.
Seeing Nanosec was… disturbing for Natsuo. It just reminded him how short human lives were compared to his own current one.
One thing is that Longarm always resonated more with villains in fiction, and it translated over into alternate universes. He’s entirely aware that, yes, the Decepticons are messed up, but he always feels like he has to at least try and know them instead of taking a biased statement for fact.
This leads to a lot of mistrust between him and the team, especially when he starts to find Blitzwing similar to him (in terms of having OSDD and Blitzwing resembling a system). As much as Longarm’s glad to find someone with a disorder similar to his own, he understands that, yeah, he’s still the enemy.
He does stop the others from calling Blitzwing a freak, though.
He tends to keep to himself when he’s not actively involved in a conversation, keeping himself separated from the others.
Optimus sympathizes with Longarm a lot because he can tell that he’s young, even with all the ambiguous answers when asked anything remotely personal. He ends up seeing him as just another team member, but they tend to butt heads at times because of how stubborn Longarm can be. They both try and take responsibility for everyone.
Whenever Natsuo’s around Bumblebee or Bulkhead, he’s either talking just as much as Bumblebee or he’s just silently listening to them or watching what they do. He does occasionally snap at Bumblebee for being too loud, but he always says that he doesn’t mind the talking, just the volume. Bumblebee eventually tries to be quieter whenever he notices. Bulkhead just appreciates Longarm’s company since they both have an interest in art.
He and Prowl don’t talk to each other much. Longarm can never figure out a way to break the silence without making it awkward, so most of their interactions are limited to a few words, and everything else is just sitting near each other in silence. They do eventually get to the point where they don’t exactly need to talk because it’s easy enough for Prowl to pick up on smaller habits of the other and nonverbal communication is something Longarm has a lot of experience with. Outside of that, they hardly know anything about each other.
Now with Breakdown, he sees a smaller, younger version of Bulkhead, someone who he never liked being around, and has to remember that this isn’t the Bulkhead he knows. That fact becomes glaringly obvious after one fight, and he realized that this Bulkhead was only similar in name, appearance, and technically function, too.
Tfa Bumblebee gets on his nerves a lot. He doesn’t stop talking or take social cues, which is something Breakdown is used to, but he’s not normally around someone who seemingly never runs out of things to say. Even Starscream had his quiet moments, but no, not Bumblebee. He generally tries to avoid starting a conversation with him.
He doesn’t mind being around Prowl, but it doesn’t do him any favors because Prowl could be right there and he wouldn’t know. It’s made him wary and slowly brings back his paranoia, although it’s not extreme. The moment Prowl is aware of this, he tries to be mindful about where he stands near Breakdown, taking special care to avoid standing in his blind spots.
With Optimus, he’s more or less indifferent. Breakdown will absolutely go against orders if he thinks it’s right, but as long as it works, he’s down to just follow orders.
Breakdown more or less steers clear of Ratchet. He doesn’t want a wrench flying towards him, even if this Ratchet doesn’t have a seemingly infinite supply of said tool
Knock Out is a whole other case. He never passes up the opportunity to annoy Optimus or Ratchet, and will go out of his way to do so if he thinks he can get away with it. Despite that, he does acknowledge that Optimus is technically superior, even though he never followed the Autobot chain of command. He’ll follow orders, but he’ll challenge every single one he deems ridiculous and refuses to do anything that could mess up his paint.
Bumblebee is the one he gets along with the most. They’re both suckers for human media, and Knock Out loves having someone to race, even if they have to resort to sneaking out just to do that. He does wind up being involved in more than a few illegal street races, but Bumblebee never snitches.
While he’s not the biggest fan of Bulkhead’s innate ability to make a mess or break things, Knock Out does take an interest in his paintings. It’s not that he likes it, but he finds it interesting that tfp Bulkhead is a warrior who doesn’t (in his opinion) think of anything except fighting while tfa Bulkhead is more interested in just doing what he enjoys.
He doesn’t have much to do with Prowl. They mesh like oil and water, so they don’t interact very often. Knock Out is flashy, while Prowl tries to be subtle. They don’t get along very well, but they get along well enough that if they were fighting alone with only each other then they would be fine.
Knock Out doesn’t mesh as well with the Autobots in this story because he’s not one of them. In Sunpoint’s story, he’s a member of tfp Team Prime since late season one. In this story, he’s in a separate faction, and he’s in the enemy faction for two seasons.
This isn’t even going into the mess that is them being involved in the actual plot. They all learn about the Elite Guard, and they hate it. Natsuo tries to stay out of the way but the three of them inevitably get dragged into things.
When Longarm hears about Blackarachnia, he backslides with his coping mechanisms because of how much she reminds him of what he went through (albeit in the reverse order - Cybertronian to techno-organic).
Ratchet is the only one on the tfa team to notice it. He doesn’t tell the others, because he gets what it’s like to not want to bring up events, but he does talk to Knock Out and Breakdown about it.
It was a big surprise for Team Prime when they came back to base and all three of them were sleeping on the couch with their holoforms.
Knock Out is more fascinated than anything, because Longarm is the only techno-organic he knows.
Breakdown and Longarm come with Bulkhead and Prowl to Dinobot Island, and they hang behind slightly and make jokes about “Decepticon Island,” which both confuses the other two and scares them because the few they’ve had to deal with are enough for them, and an island full of Decepticons sounds like a nightmare.
Breakdown immediately recognized the original Dinobot’s names, he knew the Wreckers during the war and was well aware of them.
Longarm only has experience with rid2015 Grimlock, so the tfa Dinobots definitely surprised him. (”What do you mean he’s not green?”)
He eventually learns how to communicate with the Dinobots and sometimes comes over to the island just to hang out with them.
Longarm also meets Meltdown for he first time, another victim of stupid decisions leading to unwanted results. He doesn’t like him, though, because he’s already seen what Meltdown did.
When Prowl starts training Sari, Natsuo takes it upon himself to teach her proper self defense she can actually use against humans if she ever needs it. (Again, he has an inability to stay out of things.)
During the fight with Megatron, Knock Out stays out of the way as much as he can. He’s dealt with a Dark Energon-addled Megatron and doesn’t want to deal with one who’s after the AllSpark instead of Optimus’ life. He ends up having to repair everyone when Ratchet can’t because they don’t have Sari’s key. 
Longarm and Breakdown are holding their own against Blitzwing and Lugnut. Breakdown and Lugnut’s fight is more brute forcing it, while Longarm and Blitzwing are relying more on strategy. 
Natsuo is holding out against Blitzwing because he’s not as strong, but he’s durable and has a more stable system than Blitzwing, which he uses to his advantage. He feels bad about forcing switches, but he knows from his experience in the tfp universe that he can’t fight Blitzwing head on.
When they Elite Guard finally comes to Earth, Longarm is pissed. They took decades to even get here when the Decepticons managed to find them first, and the only reason for that even happening was detecting the AllSpark energy. The Elite Guark KNEW that Team Prime had the AllSpark and could’ve easily detected the energy signature and gotten to Earth first.
Sentinel makes a huge fuss about ‘Decepticon scum’ and ‘organic contamination’ but ultimately can’t go against Ultra Magnus’ orders to let them in, as they’re technically a part of Team Prime. It doesn’t make him any less passive-aggressive. The only thing stopping him from outright declaring them as criminals to be arrested is the fact that Ultra Magnus wants them to get back to their own world, which means they need help.
Ultra Magnus is... both intrigued and annoyed. On one hand, there’s another Longarm who’s apparently capable of inter-dimensional travel, but on the other, it’s clear to him that all three of them were Decepticons before, even if tfa Team Prime never took an issue with it. He doesn’t think for even a second that the Longarm he knows could be a Decepticon, and thinks it’s just one of those things that’s different in the tfp universe.
He does contact Wheeljack about possibly fixing the device Longarm built.
Jazz is more fascinated than anything. He hadn’t ever thought about the possibility of there being an alternate reality before, but now he’s wondering if there’s an alternate version of him. Natsuo doesn’t know tfp/rid2015 Jazz personally, but he tells tfa Jazz that, yeah, there is.
When Sentinel demands proof of any Decepticon presence on Earth other than the Ascenticons, Knock Out decides to speak up and mention that Longarm records every single fight he’s involved in for future reference. Sentinel tries to make him shut up, but Ultra Magnus stops him and asks to see said recordings. 
Longarm is extremely selective about what he shows, because as much as he understands that the Decepticons are a threat, he doesn’t want to reveal everything to the Elite Guard, because if they figure out that they can manipulate Blitzwing, they’ll figure out they can do something similar to him if they ever find out about his disorder.
They’re all too happy when the Elite Guard finally leaves Earth, especially with Sentinel gone.
You had Wheeljack talk to Ratchet about Wreck-Gar, I’m having Knock Out talk to him. 
Knock Out completely understands how Ratchet is feeling with Wreck-Gar having disappeared. He hasn’t exactly dealt with that specific kind of grief before, but he’s dealt with the guilt that came with what happened to Natsuo. 
Around this time, Longarm finally fixes the device, but waits a few days just to make sure nothing will go wrong. They stick around just long enough for a certain blue racer who can beat Knock Out to show up before returning to their own worlds.
When they come back, they clear everything up with their Optimus, and Natsuo returns to Earth for the time being to get help on Griffin Rock, since they have the technology to teleport and time travel there. It takes about two to three years, but Longarm finally comes back to the tfa universe, this time on purpose with Wildbreak and Blurr (because I’m a sucker for the Rescue Bots series).
When he comes back, it’s well after season three, even after (the unfortunately cancelled) season four. After Sari discovers she’s techno-organic, after Shockwave revealed his true colors, after the cube incident, after Ultra Magnus was attacked and almost killed, and after Megatron was finally defeated.
The trust he built with the Autobots on Earth is completely shattered because of Shockwave. The moment he steps into the base, they’re hostile towards him.
Bumblebee accuses him of being a traitor who lied about leaving the Decepticons, and everyone is defensive around him. When they find out he brought Blurr with him, they try to separate them, which leaves Wildbreak standing off to the side deciding what to do because he doesn’t want to get involved, but those are his friends.
Longarm starts arguing with the others, telling Blurr to take Wildbreak and get out because they don’t have to hear this. Bumblebee insists that they stay because they need to know what kind of bot their friend is. It takes a while, but finally Bumblebee snaps at him to stop playing dumb and that they all know he’s Shockwave, and that he hates that he was tricked by Longarm twice.
Natsuo just stared at him with a mix of disbelief and anger. He didn’t think he would ever be accused of being a Decepticon again after the events of rid2015, and the only reason for that was some individual misunderstandings. The fact that they were accusing him of being Shockwave specifically only rubbed salt in the wound. 
Sari and Bulkhead came back at that moment, and Longarm turned to them to ask what was going on with everyone. Bumblebee called him Shockwave again, and he spun back around, spitting curses and a very angry explanation that he DESPISES Shockwave for what he did to him, that he wasn’t planning on almost throwing away his whole life just to end a war that he knows he had no business being involved in when he was barely an adult.
The rest of the team just stood there before Sari finally spoke up, asking what he meant by ‘barely an adult’, because Knock Out had told her that almost all life comes from the Well of AllSparks, which was inactive at the time, and that Cybertronians in their world mature quickly.
Longarm just looks her up and down before kneeling in front of her.
“I’m like you.”
Sari immediately asked how he found out and he clarified that, no, he didn’t mean he found out, he meant that he became techno-organic, like Blackarachnia. That he hadn’t thought Shockwave would make a weapon that could destroy the armor he was using, and he hadn’t expected the cybermatter to keep him alive by repairing the armor and fusing him to it in the process when he tried to reach his Bumblebee.
Optimus stepped forward and asks for clarification, and Blurr butts in to explain that Natsuo was a human before, but he’s been living as a Cybertronian for over a decade.
Longarm stops him and says that he’ll tell them himself, and reintroduces himself, telling them that Natsuo is his real name.
Team Prime is reluctant to listen, but do so anyways. Blurr and Wildbreak are hearing the full story for the very first time. Bringing up what happened aboard the Nemesis wasn’t something Natsuo liked to do, so no one around him asked about it very much.
After he finished, Bumblebee apologized for accusing him right off the bat without bothering to ask him anything, but Longarm brushes it off because it was justified in his eyes.
Bumblebee takes the chance to ask how old Longarm is again. They were all surprised when he answered with 36. Sari works out that he was almost 20 when the battle on the Nemesis happened.
It takes some time to rebuild the trust between all of them. It’s been two years since he, Breakdown, and Knock Out left, and the Autobots who knew about him all thought that he was a traitor. It’s not an opinion that can be changed overnight.
After a weeks, Longarm finally asks about Prowl. He was expecting an answer along the lines of “He’s back on Cybertron”, not to hear that he was gone. He didn’t bring it up again after that.
Blurr and Wildbreak are still adjusting to being in an alternate world. While Blurr is used to not keeping up the ‘robots in disguise’ façade because that was dropped in Griffin Rock ages ago, Wildbreak still tries to keep out of sight of humans. It’s funny to see this almost 20 foot alien notice a human is watching him and transform before speeding away, which drives Fanzone insane, he had to deal with Knock Out racing before and he suspects (correctly) that Wildbreak is going to start racing, too.
Blurr gravitates more towards Bumblebee when compared with the other members of Team Prime, mainly because they have similar tendencies. At some point, Bumblebee makes an off-handed remark mentioning tfa Blurr, and tfrb Blurr begins asking about his counterpart.
He doesn’t have to ask for long because a few (one former) members of the Elite Guard come to Earth, Blurr included.
Jazz, Sentinel, the jettwins, and Blurr show up, and Sentinel immediately accuses Longarm of being a traitor, commanding the jettwins to arrest him before the others intervene and explain that Shockwave is a separate Cybertronian. Jazz fully accepts it, the jettwins are mostly indifferent since they never knew him personally, and Sentinel is reluctant to stand down, but does anyways. They don’t mention he’s techno-organic, Sentinel’s on edge as it is.
Natsuo takes the chance to introduce Blurr and Wildbreak, and tfa Blurr immediately begins talking, asking about tfrb Blurr and how they differ.
No one catches the entire rant, and are surprised when Longarm answers each question or defers to his Blurr for an answer, only asking tfa Blurr for a few clarifications. He leaves the others to interact after answering, not wanting to deal with Sentinel again.
He disappears for a few days, and none of the tfa bots can find him. The only thing they ever get is a quick response that he’s okay before he goes radio silent, and Wildbreak and Blurr explain that it’s a normal ocurrence. They don’t find out anything else until a report comes in about a blue and red motorcycle with an unknown driver participating in races alongside a light blue racecar with white decals and a dark blue sports car with orange accents.
Tfa Blurr shows up at one of the races, and afterwards tracks down Longarm to ask him about how the device worked, but the conversation inevitably turns to Shockwave.
Natsuo asked what exactly happened, and Blurr gives an abridged version of the whole cube incident. The only response he gets is “Shockwave hurting others is a universal constant, I guess.”
It’s Blurr’s turn to ask for clarification. 
Natsuo explains that Shockwave knew that he would be the easiest to take out if he could break through the armor, and that if he did, the Ascenticons would have to rely solely on Starscream for strategizing. Starscream was good at leading, but he panicked if his plans fell apart, and in battle, that was often. He told him how Shockwave had engineered a weapon to break through his armor, and that Blitzwing had shot him with it while he was fighting some vehicons. How the only reason he was still alive was jumping into the cybermatter in an attempt to reach Bumblebee.
It takes a while for them to get to the point of friends, but they bond over their mutual trauma received from Shockwave.
The Elite Guard leaves pretty soon after that, but Longarm gives Jazz the blueprints for the jump device, saying that was part of the reason he made the trip again. He also said he didn’t trust Sentinel enough to give it to him.
Sari and Bumblebee decide to show Blurr and Wildbreak around the city while Longarm is left to his own devices. Blurr is ecstatic to be able to visit a big city without having to pretend to just be a car, and Wildbreak is... less enthused, but still interested.
Wildbreak admits that he’s been in a few races, and Bumblebee insists on racing both him and Blurr to see who’s the fastest. Sari has to remind him that he can’t just race anywhere, but she’ll find a place for them if she can. Blurr is boasting that he’ll win, and Wildbreak says he’ll get back at Blurr for beating him while he was with the Stunticons. 
Optimus and Blurr get along better than the others thought they would, and definitely better than Blurr thought. He assumed that Optimus would be just as strict as Heatwave, but they ended up bonding over the feeling of not belonging with the others that they both had.
Wildbreak gravitated towards Bulkhead since he was one of the calmer ones on the team. It wasn’t that he hated the energy the others had, he just preferred to be around someone quieter after dealing with Drag Strip for so long. Bulkhead liked having someone to bounce ideas off of, but he missed talking to Natsuo about art since talking about different styles was fun.
They both steered clear of Ratchet, but that’s mainly because they tended to annoy him a lot if they were together.
While Longarm was on his own, he ran into Blitzwing. A few Decepticons had decided to stay on Earth after they defeated Megatron, and he happened to be one of them, along with Slipstream, Cyclonus, Starscream, and the Predacons.
Blitzwing was on edge at first, but Longarm explained that he didn’t care about factions so long as everything was peaceful. If the Decepticons left well enough alone, he couldn’t care less.
It did confuse Blitzwing when he introduced himself as Longarm, so he just told Blitzwing to call him Natsuo.
They never had the chance to talk before, but Blitzwing quickly caught onto the fact that Natsuo was never surprised or disgusted when his faces switched. He asked about it, so Natsuo explained that he had something similar, a disorder formed from trauma that ended up with separate alters, although he can’t tell his own apart most of the time. 
He also explained that he was techno-organic, which wasn’t something he had wanted, the same way Blitzwing didn’t want to have multiple faces.
Blitzwing was entirely unaware that dissociative disorders existed, so it was a bit of a comfort to know that it wasn’t only him, even if it was a human disorder.
Natsuo doesn’t stay long after that and leaves, telling Blitzwing to ignore anyone who says he’s a freak or creep.
He eventually manages to find Blackarachnia, who was staying on Dinobot Island with her Predacons, and asks to talk to her.
She didn’t want anything to do with him initially, but the moment he mentions her being techno-organic, she snaps at him to leave. He insists on staying, telling her he just wanted to ask about her experience.
Blackarachnia isn’t very happy with him and gives him a very short version of what happened. 
Natsuo just nods and says he understands why she wouldn’t want to tell him, admitting that he wouldn’t normally talk about it, either. He told her the only reason he came to find her is because of their situations.
When she realizes that he was techno-organic, she asks how it happened, and he told her about Shockwave’s weapon. She was thrown off by the fact that he was human, not Cybertronian, but acknowledged that he seemed well-adjusted around others. It was easier for him to hide the fact that he was techno-organic, after all. They don’t say much else to each other.
When he comes back, Sari asks if they’re going to leave again. He tells her that he already took care of what he came back for, so they’re leaving soon, since Blurr is still a Rescue Bot and can’t be gone for too long.
Bulkhead overhears and asks if he’ll come back, and Longarm replies that he might, but they can always ask Jazz about the device and tells them that he gave him the blueprints to be passed along to Wheeljack.
Wildbreak and Blurr are disappointed to leave, but they promise to try and come back whenever they have the time to do so.
I’m gonna end this here because I could probably go on for ages if I don’t. There’s a lot of things I didn’t add just because of the length lmao. TLDR: Putting former Decepticons and a mentally ill techno-organic in a different universe comes with chaos.
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cuppajj · 4 years ago
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HAAAA I caved
This is actually an iteration of one of my oldest TF ocs, but I wasn’t so sure about when to introduce her because I hadn’t finished her design and backstory yet; but after doing a few rps and being inspired by a few other ocs I’ve seen, I gave in to the urge to post this because I have a strong feeling I’m gonna be drawing this girl a lot
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Scotta Dia!
Aspiring astronomer and professional amnesiac, Scotta is one of the only few Nebulans who’s ever been off-world. Because she knows very little about herself, she couldn’t exactly tell you how she wound up how she is. However, there’s surely nothing to worry about when you don’t know much about yourself, right?
Hobbies include learning how to tap dance and reading massive entomology books.
(Pic below is a rough sketch of her transtector bust, not final design! But you get a good idea of her suit based on this)
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Scotta is a headmaster, something that comes into good use when among giant robots. As a cybertronian, she goes by the alias Pimpernel, an Autobot gunslinger who transforms into a normal car! As Pimpernel, she’s largely inconspicuous due to her knowledge of Cybertron; but there are limitations. She can have a normal conversation in a common room, but once extensive history is brought up, she’ll start to fumble.
She doesn’t know much about Pimpernel, and even how she became a headmaster. All she remembers is a critically wounded cybertronian with a red badge looking down upon her, telling--pleading--for her to help him.
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She’s pretty sure someone is speaking to her as well. Coaxing her to rest her head and let them take care of her. After all, while she might not know about them, they know everything about her; and that’s all that’s needed. But she needn’t worry... they’re inseparable, after all.
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And lastly are some floating hair designs! Because I’m still designing her, the only concrete design are her two cowlicks and her color palette.
But TL;DR, Scotta is a Nebulan headmaster OC with amnesia, a giant knack for bugs and stars, and a mysterious voice in her head.
I operate on a basis that all of my OCs know each other unless they’re in separate continuities/I say otherwise, so she knows both Drillburst and Blitzlove! They get along just fine, but Scotta will often go along with whatever insane idea the latter comes up with at the expense of the former.
It’s not like she knows any better!
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long post ik, I kinda started spitballing! organic ocs are pretty rare from what I’ve seen in this fandom so ngl I’m a little shy with my contribution... but I like this character a lot, so in between drawing her a lot more I’m going to try and flesh her out :D
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Character review!!(2/4):
Fix it!!;
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Fix it is an adorable orange minicon who deserves so much? He's a blabbermouth with a bit of a vocabulary tick that kinda gets annoying, but on the whole, he's very cute. He helps the team both medically and technically, and as often as he's pushed around, the team wouldn't be the same without him. He also likes BIG boys and is so dtf if you're bigger than him. Given that Denny is bigger than him, it's not that hard to accomplish. 7/10. Would've been higher if they didn't make his character a bit repetitive. Still love him though.
Denny clay!!;
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Father of Russell Clay, this dude owns the junkyard that the autobots reside in, and he's honestly just a cute, loving man. Tbh he's just a good character in terms of personality. like he's better than most bots on this show. 8/10, would smooch him. Literally I only added him here because I'm attracted to him, while simultaneously wanting him as my actual dad. Idk y'all i got issues.
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He was only around for a few episodes, but he's honestly one of my favorite minicons. He just seems like a charming, handsome boy. I didn't get much in terms of his personality, but I do get he's passive without being a pushover, he talks with his hands a lot, and he has just...such a nice voice. Ngl, 8/10 because he's swoon worthy.
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Dropforge, although only appearing in two episodes, pretty much swept me off my feet. An old timey lieutenant with quite the speech pattern, he’ s a mini that's small in stature, but BIG on personality. Mech doesn’t play with baddies, and is honestly a fun, sorta cool character I wish they had explored earlier, even if it was via Strongarm’s references. I say this for a lot of characters, because it’s true, but he deserved a lot more than what he had. He could’ve been used as a proper back and forth from Cybertron and earth, vs whatever the fuck they had Optimus do. Honestly a coordination between Dropforge and the Bumblebee team would’ve been more affective than literally everything Optimus did. 8/10. 9/10 if they did more with him.
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I actually wasn’t even going to include him, from how kinda lackluster I found him in this series. But he’s the poster child for Transformers, and Dropforge’s entry sorta made me have some solid thoughts for him. So, this Optimus is one of the weaker ones. Mainly because there was so many alternatives to him coming back to life. I get it, that’s his thing, but it was really done for the sake of bringing back a familiar face. He had funny/dad moments, but he honestly didn’t HAVE to be here. At the weakest Optimus, I give him a 6/10. Would've been more, had his revival had more of an emotional impact from the team (and yes I'm referring to  Ratchet).
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Blastwave was a minor character that only appeared for one episode, but I still wanna talk about him, as he’s a part of my favorite episodes of all time, ‘Guilty as Charged’. In his debut, dude comes out as gruff and stuff, only to turn out to be a rather soft, mute bounty hunter. I’m not appreciating him for so much as his personality (but he does seem like a neat guy, he’s better than most characters on this show), but for what he did for this series. He made everything a bit more bearable, and I appreciate his ability to give something for Bumblebee to relate to. 8/10, I love him.
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Did he appear in one episode then once towards the end? yes. Did I still love him? yes. It’s unfortunate, but most of the really good characters only appear in an episode or two. Jazz is good in every continuity (no I will not be told otherwise), but this one gets props for what he did in his premier episode, ‘can you Dig it?’. He gave Sideswipe a chance to shine, while simultaneously making himself look good. Smooth, handsome, flexible, kind, all wrapped up in quite the frame? it’s no wonder the team’s thot had a crushy wushy on him damn bitch me too and for that, 9/10. Love him literally so much.
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years ago
mtmte liveblog issue 10
double digits baybe
its roller! he....sexy
well that whole registration deal sure doesn't seem like its a ploy to identify the main forces of the decepticon revolution or anything! 
chromedome using rungs model ships to tell his story...omg
the ironic billboard hvbhjsdkfbjdjgfkl
prowl givin off those rancid bbc sherlock vibes lmao
hrk....prowl and cd have such an interesting and tragic relationship...aughhhh
RED ALERT!!! I forgot he was in the flashback bc his present self is busy being...headless....
OHH SHIT so they uncover the decepticon symbol on the wall using ultraviolet light, and we also get shown the back of red alert’s head, with some mnemosurgery marks...which can only be seen under ultraviolet light. CLEVER
I literally only noticed that this time lmao I don't think I picked up on it even on my 2nd readthru....poor red alert geez, no wonder he’s so untrusting 
poor cyclonus, he literally had nothing to do w/this, meanwhile rodimus is blaming him when the Real reason this happened to red alert is all the overlord business, which we know rodimus’s role in....(well, later)
god I love this entire interaction between cyclonus and drift, I'm so glad we got it. bc like, cyclonus is basically everything drift is trying so hard to be - cool stoic religious sword guy who used to be a bad guy, except cyclonus is still firmly not an autobot, while drift is hardcore leaning into being an autobot in an attempt to get people to forget that whole ‘murderous decepticon’ thing
and drift seems like the type of guy who cares The Most about how he’s perceived by the people around him, but he tries to act like he doesn't care, even tho its pretty obvious he does. cyclonus, meanwhile, ACTUALLY doesn't care about what people think of him, and that probably irritates drift, along w/everything else cyclonus has going on 
cyclonus is so iconic...he just smacks the sword out of drifts hand like ‘yeah we’re not doing this.’ 
aaand then he just pins drift down effortlessly...I feel kinda bad for drift cause he’s trying so hard but also, cyclonus is such an icon
also I love the way milne draws cyclonus. sexy skull guy....
godddd cyclonus’s little speech is so fucking cool...cyclonus is seriously just so cool and epic js
oooh and first aid has that medic droid that was spying on red alert...
prowls never been in a fight oof I forgot abt that
aaand there's orion pax supercop lmao
tailgate being so wow’d by pax’s coolness is adorable 
op sure loves the violence huh bvfjhsdfgbdjhkf
I feel like all of shadowplay just goes to show that sometimes you CANT change the structure of a system from the inside - which is, iirc, what op is trying to do, and the reason he’s still a cop under the senate even though he doesn’t agree with them - but like, sometimes you just gotta burn that shit to the ground and start over, and op clearly doesn't realize that....
oh the irony of prowl saying ‘I hope I never end up as jaded and cynical as you’ to op
oof,, whirl is right...its clear prowl and cd care abt each other a lot, in their own weird awkward way...oof ouch
also poor whirl, jesus, literally everyone seems to blame him for turning megatron violent as if that's all on whirl and not 1) meagtron’s own actions and decisions, and 2) just another example of how fucked up the system was, taking in account whirls whole backstory about how he was forced into being a dirty cop and told to kill megatron but ended up just beating him up....like, if it wasn't whirl it would've been someone else beating up megs, and the shift to violence seemed inevitable given the state of society, whirl’s assault of megs just happened to be the straw that broke the pacifist’s back 
geeez and the fact that whirl saved his 1 phone call to warn pax that the senator was in danger, despite the fact that whirl was also being beat to hell by other prisoners and apparently being denied medical treatment...yikes. also the fact that pax just leaves whirl there (iirc?) after whirl gave them invaluble information
ah, the driving power of wanting revenge. also god I'm sad abt whirl :( when he says he just wants his hands back...fucking ouch
oooh its skids! baby skids!! and a certain somebody next to him....
I love seeing cd and prowl talk about what they think is coming, right before yknow, a 4 million yr long civil war. feels like how talking about 2020 in january/febuary turned out lmao 
they keep saying clampdown and it reminds me too much of quarantine, which I've been stuck in for weeks now bc I have covid, and oh my god who knew sitting inside with nothing to do for like 3 weeks was so boring. jesus. at least in early 2020 quarantine it was warm enough to go outside, mostly...whatever, I'm doing this liveblog to entertain myself while I waste away inside and mtmte slaps so at least this is a good time
anyways, back on track. cd and prowl have their big tragic romance thing going on, and rewind is not into it, understandably
OH SHIT ITS TREPAN i forgot he was in this
also his name is kinda hilarious to me bc ‘trepan’ refers to ‘trepanation,’ which was the old-timey “””””medical””””” act of drilling holes in your skull to like, idk, let out the ghosts or something, you know how medicine was back then, you kinda just made shit up as you went along. anyways, that's a hilariously on-the-nose name for this dude, and makes anyone who recognizes his name go ‘oh hey you’re sketchy as hell,’ a full 3 seconds before trepan acts sketchy as hell in-story to let anyone who doesn't know about obscure historical alternative medicine in on it 
lmao this dude rlly tried to act like he had ‘cleanse and control’ tatted bc he was an janitor....bruh
oh hey look its pious maximus, that guy who disappeared months ago after saying some stuff the senate didn't like! well, he certainly doesn't look like he’s having a good time
I'm fascinated by the fact that cd saw this whole state-run brainwashing clinic thing and ended up joining up later
also the fact that prowl saw All That and was like ‘idek if the law is being broken rn tbh’ liiiiike, dude, if the law isn't being broken when there's state-sponsored mass brainwashing going on, don't you think that's a pretty good indicator that the laws in place are pretty bad???? maybe????
ngl the first time I read this I was already pretty confused, and the senator changing his looks off-page Really did not help 
ooh its all comin together...this shit is JUICY 
so the plot has thickened, like, a lot. and now we’re doin a HEIST! nice
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years ago
mtmte liveblog issue 14
oh boy Here We Go, its time to die
ngl I've been putting this off bc I'm not ready to be destroyed hhhhhh
oh god. overlords giant fuckgin face on the cover. I regret everything
ohhh some good ole functionist flashbacks 
is this momus the same guy as senator momus from the shadowplay stuff? lemme say...class traitor
and then some garrus 9 flashbacks, ft chromedome’s snarky interjections. my man you are Not gonna be on the ups much longer oh lord
this is reminding me that I really do need to read the wreckers stuff
chromedome, stop posing jauntily, I'm trying to prepare myself for emotional devastation and you aren't helping 
cd bringin that emo theater kid energy
and here's megatron! well, flashback megatron, but still
megatrons head looks so fuckin weird there
love the thematic (and extremely plot relevant) use of ‘til all are one’ here
WHY is megatrons bucket helmet removable. I hate it 
also overlord is so big gay for megatron its unbelievable 
the name ‘heretech’ is A Lot lmao. right up there w/rigor morphis in the puns category
cd hhhhh this is why you don't talk to your captives in this sort of situation...even to make snappy comebacks, but especially not to TELL HIM YOUR PLAN....now overlords all worked up over megs being alive and yall are screwed
ah, some good old weird birth/re-birth vibes going on here, classic jro
like he literally tells megatron ‘congratulations...its a superwarrior’ god hvbdkhjfbjsf what is it w/jro and pregnancy/birth/reproduction themes
but also like I Kinda Get It bc that IS a pretty intriguing thing to explore w/an alien species like the transformers, who are living machines...ok ill strap on my biologist boots later and get into that when its more relevant lmao 
cd is breathtakingly un-genre savvy here. my man you should have never gotten involved in this oof
overlords weird ab guns are weird
uh no! now overlord is in the drivers seat, and smiling unsettlingly with his creepy lips
its brainstorm!!! I love him
SOUNDWAVE I love soundwave sm he’s just the coolest and best
is that trepan that overlord grabbed? I'm assuming it must be but I have a terrible memory for these things so I don't really remember what he looks like lmao
also damn cd rlly b out here committing war crimes/crimes against humanity (crimes against cybertronians? that phrase doesn't really carry over well). the fact that the secret government lobotomy & brainwashing labs populated the ‘good guys’ side is....hhhhhhwow
cant believe cd’s real name is tumblr 
also I love the misdirection from cd not disclosing his ‘real’ name, which leads the reader to think that he’s secretly a different established/important character...but nope!
ahhhh and the reversal of cd and overlords positions in-panel so we can tell that Things Have Gone Terribly Wrong even before we zoom out to see cd in the chair instead of overlord...nice
love how prowl & co made up the whole ‘whiteout vacuum’ thing to lie to the people about overlord...yall really do be breaking moral laws left and right huh
the continuing hilarity of prowl referring to rewind as chromedomes ‘friend’ despite knowing full well they're married...and now that it’s been revealed in-story that they’re married, its just str8 up funny instead of funny AND meta 
is tarn a phase sixer???? genuinely I don't remember lmao
I feel like I could write an essay abt how interesting it is that prowl is so insistent on figuring out the whole phase sixer puzzle and making autobot phase sixers, despite the war being over (and with the autobots having won it, too). like, that's yet another fascinating psychological reaction to the never-ending civil war ending
and the way that prowl is able to rope multiple people into this scheme, which shows that he’s not the only one who thinks that way
aw, bumblebee still has a few morals, unlike most of the rest of anyone. too bad it certainty didn't help anyone in the case of repairing overlord
like, cd is RIGHT, they don't need their own phase sixers - and especially cause like...they won against the cons without any phase sixers already, so whos to say they cant win again the same way? smh prowl 
god I love the exchange here....prowl subtly threatening chromedome, while also calling cd his friend and probably meaning it genuinely, and chromedome looming menacingly over prowl then pinning him down and messing with his head...ooooof. 
also that panel of cd shadowplaying prowl and prowls face is just super blank...sinister as hell, i love it
also also, I'm actually really glad that that plot thread of ‘cd was complicit in what happened to dominus and rewind doesn't know’ didn't end up happening
I also find it a little funny that this very intriguing scene didn't end up going anywhere in mtmte, but from what I've heard the whole ‘cd rearranged prowl’s brains’ thing had big consequences for prowl in exrid or w/e, which is interesting
brainstorm wearing a version of perceptors targeting reticle eye thing...hello....
also I like the fact that they subtly establish when this is taking place by showing brainstorm working on the humansonas, which means this was before the last issue 
drift brainstorm chromedome shaking hands meme: making stupid decisions bc they listening to prowl for some reason
drift, this is Not the way you should be going about showing your dedication to the autobot cause
brainstorm is on a totally different wavelength than cd and drift hvbfdskhfdskjf brainstorm is just here to have a good time and maybe cause some chaos
the tablet saying ‘project: end in tears’ TOO REAL the tears are from ME. AUGH
hhhhhhhhhh the fact that cd did all of this bc he wanted to protect rewind from the war maybe restarting....ouch :( love makes you do stupid things sometimes
I cant get over how h*rny overlord looks...like I cant even describe it, its not necessarily that overlord himself is h*rny, or even that he’s drawn h*rny in the sense that he’s sexy or provocative...he just has those Vibes. this makes no sense except in my head ok
overlord escaped....no way! who could've seen that coming! probably anyone with a brain who isn't blinded by trauma and/or a misplaced sense of duty/love....Ls
never over the panel of overlord grinning maniacally and cracking his knuckles with the text ‘next: massacre!’ cheerily overlaid 
GODDD this issue god....I mean we haven't gotten to the soul-destroying parts yet but this stuff is so intriguing...the nuance is THERE! and this is basically what we’ve been building up to for all of mtmte so far, and Oh Boy is it gonna be a big one, you can just tell....
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