#rant blast incoming
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vero-niche · 5 months ago
demand avoidance triggered, 5 dead 300 injured
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looney-mooney-studio · 5 months ago
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Been playing a lot of Cult of the Lamb lately, here’s an art of my in-game polyamorous genderfucky Butch Wife, Witness Bathin 💜
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transmortifried · 10 months ago
superheroes continue to fascinate me as a genre, something about being given power beyond what the average person is capable of and choosing to use that power in service to others
but i'm running into what i'll call the "guy with laser eyes" problem in this disorganized rant
imagine you're a guy with the ability to shoot lasers out of your eyes. how do you use that power?
genre conventions say fight street-level crime, which is fucked up! vigilante crimefighting is just being a cop without the oversized paycheck or the extremely limited accountability, and your laser eyes aren't good for nonviolent intervention anyway
or you fight supervillains, that way you're at least punching in your weight class. sure, sounds good on paper but that's some real "the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun" thinking and also you're still not a cop
so you'd say "okay, what if i use my power to address structural problems and deal with societal ills at their source?" well what the hell is a guy with laser eyes going to do to fight income inequality?
disaster relief is maybe your best bet but i don't know that you want to be saving orphans and kittens from burning buildings by blasting a big hole in them with your laser eyes
so what's a guy to do with his laser eyes?
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rockethorse · 1 month ago
Ranting about irl issues because I don't really have anywhere else to talk about them, and I feel like this community fosters actual connections between its members without necessarily feeling like you're blasting your dirty laundry to the entire world lol
I work in support for people with physical disabilities, and this customer I've had for YEARS and genuinely thought was on good terms with called me today to let me know that he's going to let me go.
I work through an agency so I'm not fired full-stop, but his shifts made up the majority of my income and when I say this came out of nowhere I mean it came out of NOWHERE. Like our last shift in particular went really well, I was able to do a lot and we had good banter. He wasn't even really able to give me a satisfying reason, so I have nothing that I can work on for the future
So I'm stressed about money, I'm completely hurt by the suddenness of it, I'm going to MISS him even though this was kind of unfair, I'm confused, and I don't really have any closure or even any sort of advice/feedback that I can take forward in the future. Sometimes when you're working with a new customer you know you're just not a right fit even though nobody did anything wrong and there's no hard feelings, but I was with this guy for what must have been close to five years if not over. And I had ZERO INKLING that he was even thinking about this
Which is all frustrating enough. But I also had to go have a really scary and slightly painful medical procedure yesterday which I'm waiting on the results from, and I have mandatory training tomorrow, so I was really looking forward to today being a day of rest/healing. And then this happened
I just feel really lost. And stupid? And hurt, and I feel like I must just be an awful worker-slash-person, but that it must be in some way I've never even identified. Like there are ways I know I could've improved as a carer and I was working towards it (it's easy to become complacent when you've worked with someone for a long time and I was trying to find ways to combat that/new things to do during his shifts) but I don't know what to do with this. And even though I think the way he went about it was really unfair and irrational, I also feel bad to think that he'd been sitting on this feeling for a while and hadn't felt like he could say anything. Like even though I think his reasoning is confusing I also don't want to make anyone uncomfortable?
I dunno. I know this is pretty heavy to hear from someone you mostly just play digital dollhouses with. But I guess because the sims is a "life" simulator, I feel like I know some mutuals here a little better than other online spaces, without it being so personal that it would be too embarrassing to share. So if you have energy to spare, maybe send some my way ♥
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xaphii · 3 months ago
~ Negative DATV Rant Incoming (with swearing and spoilers) ~
The dichotomy of wanting to love Veilguard because of the crumbs it gives us but also wanting to bully a corporation (bioware and/or ea) into pulling a cyberpunk and releasing a 2.0 update fixing all the JARRINGLY massive issues (slave erasure, solas' cult or lack thereof, the act 1 dialogue, the DALISH, etc) is a very real and unpleasant feeling.
Especially cos the art book shows us that SOMEONE had the right idea.
And I love the lighthouse but it makes no fucking sense, should've put them on the boat. Better base, and it would make more sense to have all their fucking mates turning up all the time. "oh but their moving around to all the places in minutes wouldn't make any sense" IN DAI YOU TAKE A 2 WEEK RIDE TO CRESSWOOD TO HAVE YOUR BUTT GRABBED AND BE BROKEN UP WITH AND THEN YOU GO BACK ALL WITHIN 5 MINUTES WE CAN WITHHOLD OUR DISBELIEF
And Lucanis' romance? Like don't get me wrong I really like it, I have non of the problems others have been having but that gondola scene is everything and we were robbed.
And TF you mean I can't talk to my companions unless specifically prompted? Finished Lucanis' romance in my first playthrough as fast as I could and then couldn't speak to him for 5-10 business days.
And also no fail states? What? I want to see the consequences of my actions for ONCE bioware why would you take this from me.
And no character deaths? (And no health bars in combat but thats a whole other issue) No potential to kill your characters through choices in their personal quests? No real and meaningful consequences for circumstances in which many people could die? There are in fact consequences (not within personal quests which I would've liked but I concede) for your actions I withdraw this statement.
I would've loved companion quest fail saves.
What would Hezenkoss do if Emmrich failed? Show me a sketch of a romanced!Emmrich and Rook entombed together just as Hezenkoss promises in the fight. Show me a sketch of a mindless berserker Taash captured by the Antaam? Show me a full abomination Lucanis or Lucanis fully controlled by Zara? Show me Neve being pupetted by Aelia? I want to see the consequences of failing.
Also on the companions, the ONLY romance break off I've experienced so far is Lucanis if you don't pick Treviso like?? First off it's a kinda dumb reason, I sent at the very least 3 perfectly capable people with you why is it specifically my fault but also I get it can be difficult to resolve those feelings so I'm not totally against it but no one else? No consequences for picking certain dialogues in the Emmrich quest? I want to have picked a dialogue 5 hours ago and then find out that because i picked it emmrich goes lich mode no matter what, I want to have to go "oh ffs and reload 5 hours just to stop pookie giving up on his skeleton son, I want to have the option to break up with Emmrich post lich bit. I want to have prior diologues impact future choices? Like in that other game oh what was it called DRAGON AGE INQUISITION?! No break up from Harding if you're an elf? Or encouragement to go anger mode? I retract this too, companion quest lines do have early dialogues that have far reaching dialogue consequences but other than Neve and Lucanis you can't really lock yourself out of an ending choice even if you made specific decisions early on, I also somewhat dislike the purple circle popping up telling me "because you said x character is now y" but I appreciate it is useful for some players so maybe just an option to turn it off?
Anyway, sorry for rambling, I'm overall having a blast, but you can have a blast and also critique.
These thoughts may have flaws, this is just an off my chest ramble, if you disagree/think I'm wrong I encourage correction 🙂
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da-shrimping-station · 5 months ago
about the current format of the event stages... (smol rant incoming)
im a little annoyed about it tbh 😭 im only at Day 4 im not joking
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like, PB probably doesn't want players to blast through the event stages right off the bat but for me i cant log in every day
not to mention that the stages make me feel like im running all over the place 😭😭 go here, do that, clear these stages (making the Auto Clear ticket thingies paid was a dick move btw)
although it's good that it's not as grindy to get the rewards cuz we don't have to save up for tokens but the time-gated stages tick me off 💀i wasn't able to finish Mammon's event cuz of it
1 guilty gem per node(?) is absolute bullshit by the way...that's what, 3 gems a day????? bruhhhhhh
but that's just me lmao
currently kicking my ass to do the damn stages so i can get the frame idc about the artifact, gimme the damn frame
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durgewyll · 1 year ago
3 years late rant incoming
it made NO sense that ppl hated EA wyll (well we know why--racism). his story just started like literally everyone else in camp. everyone has their own issues to deal with and there's zero character development to be found. they're all so cagey and shitty liars about their pasts! it's not just wyll!
and it also makes no sense when people say that they rewrote wyll to frontload his story in act 1 because he didn't have any in EA. THAT'S NOT TRUE!!! 😭 in EA he straight up tells you what happened to him and his pact on like, the third or fourth long rest! he says he wanted out of his pact and that's why he's so desperate to find mizora! he's possibly the most involved companion in the goblin camp which is the main quest in act 1! are you for fucking real!!!
and again, the whole frontloaded story still isn't true in release because he doesn't tell you about his pact until literally the end of act 2. he has plot relevance and quests in every act![1] are we even playing the same game!!!!!
also it's so interesting (not!) that he still gets the same """criticisms""" of being a hypocrite even in release... lmfao... and ppl STILL also hate that he's trying to hide that he's a warlock when it's obvious because of his eldritch blast. like first of all, where's your suspension of disbelief. and second of all, shadowheart does the same thing with her shar worship and i don't see you racists saying anything about that. fuck off
[1]: that's not to say that he isn't "underdeveloped". he is. but it's not an excuse to not engage with his character and it's also not an excuse to say stupid untrue racist shit about him. 8 hours of voice lines is still a lot of character content and yes while he deserves more and better quests that actually focus on him (*cough* ansur *cough*), it's not a good enough reason to just... ignore him and call him boring. lmao
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ruffffffing · 1 month ago
ummmd titan x titania rant. big yapping incoming so ye ah and umm. warning. eyestrain art
titan to me is very clingy and possessive to titania bc of how saturn treated him. titan kind of just assumes that hes just loving her and doesnt understand how shes uncomfortable with this behavior. hes just appreciating her, whats wrong? doesn't she understand that he truly cares? his "love" isnt really authentic, he just views her as an extension of his cause, and is trying to show gratitude in the only way he knows how. he feels that ordering titania's obedience is justifiable because hes used to getting what he wants if and when he asks for it, despite other's emotions being negatively effected in the process.
titania, though, sees titan very differently. the first time they met, it was hard for her to trust him but when he showed to slightest hint of affection, titania was desperate for more anndd fell for him. all the dissmissiveness coming from him at first was brushed off from her because she couldnt shake off the opportunity for a trusted bond from an equal. buut things got kind of bad quickly and titania realized after a while her worth in titan's eyes, but only ever had the confidence to speak out about it in the moon club
titania DESPISES titan but also sometimes fears him? its weird and titania hates the fact that it is. though, titania feels bad for having these thoughts, shes SUPPOSED to love him, hes her better half, is she being ungrateful? after all shes been through, isnt this enough?
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no, hes supposed to be there for her, hes the one at fault, one at fault for not trying hard enough, for acting as if that if she doesnt agree with every statement of his and isnt okay with being objectified that means SHES being an unreasonable prick, right? their relationship to me is very unheathly an d it took a whilefor her to even suggest breaking up with him lalalaa
anyways. i reallyy hate the girlboss x malewife trope that titanic is always made into mostly bc it justs undermines the potential of her and her thoughts on their relationship being actually. i dont know? INTERESTING? alsoo dont like the lovergirl/hopeless romantic thing w her either just cause it doesnt really fit her and is just boring asf. dont hate it just think it could be better. (also shes a closeted butch lesbian ITS CANON IM SOLARBALLS TRUST)
TLDR I REALLY REALLY LOVE TITANIA MAYEBE TOO MUCH. thats why i have to give her the toxic relationsjiip divorce blast ITS TOUGH LOVE OK. leave me ALONE.E,
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ikamigami · 9 months ago
Rant incoming, I apologize in advance for the length
I still see people trying to say Moon was never loved, that everyone gave up on him, or that saying New Moon is worse than Old Moon is a bad accusation since New Moon doesn't have a body count, or that he's "suffering" and "everyone ignored it" or "nobody tried harder after he said no once"
Like, first off, Moon was loved, Sun has not stopped loving him and refuses to make the choice as to whether or not to either lobotomize or KILL Moon because he doesn't want Moon hurt or killed, in that one episode if you cut out the flashback it is just Sun crying non-stop in his home alone, and when Puppet tried to force him to decide he immediately burst into tears, Earth made it clear in the newest episode that had Moon told them about any of this they would've helped him, she said that nobody really expected him to fix Solar because they all accepted his death, HECK! She even said "I was thinking about forgiving you for what you said" referring to him insulting her in P&S, her comment about him being like the Creator was a bit yick cus the only person that can top the Creator on the villain meter is Ruin but whatever, Lunar was also a bit whatever but he's also dealing with Tauros, the closest thing this world has to a god, and the one who's apparently been gunning for his death up in space court, is coming to earth which FUN
And for the accusation thing, Old Moon was an awful person, hurt his family, Sun especially, killed a lot of people, did lots of unethical things, yes, in the sense that he doesn't have a body count and committing random acts of terrorism New Moon is better, but the closest Old Moon ever got to killing anybody from his family was threatening Sun or punching him, meanwhile New Moon fully went for the kill because he didn't care and had Puppet not intervened she would've fully died
Even if Moon was having a problem, New Moon promised to not make some of Old Moon's worst mistakes, mainly lying about his problems, going behind people's backs, doing things impulsively, and pushing people away, New Moon had the full support of his family and Earth said so, yet he started lying he was okay and not hallucinating, which we all know Sun would've helped him with since Sun suffers from hallucinations, he went behind their backs and started making plans, pushed them away with insults and its clear now by how much he clearly doesn't care about his family that those weren't just bluffs to get them to leave but actually how he thinks about them, and is willing to weaponize what hurts them most to get them out of his way
I get being annoyed at Earth for not pushing harder, or Lunar for just not getting involved, I do not like it either, however, Lunar is currently distracted with the Astral thing, and Earth, who was there from the beginning to nurture and care for Moon and who helped fix Sun and New Moon's relationship, having Moon take her worst insecurity and stab her with it, and we now know he fully meant it, imagine being as close as they were, with Moon doting on her and her offering 100% of her support and allowing him to be vulnerable about his deepest insecurities, to him straight up trying to obliterate her and when she said "you're going to kill me too?!" HE SAID "I don't care", and she was still going to forgive him for what he said before, she told him Moon still had a chance to fix things, Moon still had his family, right up until he decided to murder his own sister who he claimed to love so much because she just happened to be in his way, he didn't even bat an eye and go "wait what have I done?" when half her body got damaged in the blast he was just angry Puppet denied him the satisfaction of blowing up Bloodmoon It wasn't just that "Moon said no and they gave up", he lied to them, broke their trust, took their insecurities like "you aren't a real therapist" and "oh look your Eclipse is showing" and shoved it in their face, and refused help or a better alternative multiple times, and now this
The final point is the reason why I am the most angry, because both Old and New Moon have/developed this problem, it is the impulsivity, when they get an idea in their head they go forwards with it consequences be damned, we see it here, it wasn't just that people didn't want Moon going with this plan because he had to kill someone, also ironic he was so torn up about having to sacrifice somebody only to turn around a few weeks later and do this, but Puppet, Monty, Eclipse, and several people some of whom would know because they are a dimensional entity or who went to a world where someone else did the same thing and it failed, all told him there were many serious consequences for doing the plan, like the Astrals bringing down their wrath, cutting the universe's life short, Moon bringing some monster back instead of Solar, some residual nonsense from whatever Dark Sun did to Ruin or Eclipse carrying over and killing Solar, heck when Ruin pointed out using Bloodmoon would only bring half of Solar back Moon went "Huh, didn't think of that", it is this blind impulsive desire for a goal and getting furious when denied despite being given a hundred reasons not to is so frustrating, part of the reason he tried to kill Earth was that she just so happened to be in the way of what he wanted and he didn't care if she was collateral damage, he was given other options to bringing back Solar, options that as far as we know completely lacked any of the drawbacks, but he refused, I am not going to say ego because I don't think that's it is, it is just single-minded obsession
Also, if Solar does come back, I doubt he's going to see Moon the same way anymore, because his Moon was so single-handedly obsessed with bringing his own Sun back he kept tearing Solar down for parts and putting him in worse bodies, and when Solar fled, Solar's Moon burned everything down, Solar had to deal with his Monty, who blamed him for Moon's rampage, and Moon, who he had to put down himself, how could he look at our Moon now and not see the same thing?
Moon was struggling with grief, yes, but if he had made a single better decision along the way things would've turned out better, at any point he could've told his family "I am hallucinating", "I am not doing well", "I am having angry, bad thoughts", there is no doubt in my mind they would've dropped everything to help him, when Moon cried himself to sleep in Sun's arms Sun took care of him, it wasn't that they didn't try hard enough, Moon became so obsessed with this idea that he cut away everything else, he even ignored the hallucinations of Old Moon and Solar, both of whom told him to stop, and even if what Solar said made him upset, clearly it wasn't enough, not even Solar is enough Moon says they left him no choice and now "he's the bad guy", he always had a choice, and he didn't have to be
This arc is frustrating for all of the above, everyone being out of character, Moon especially as it is so baffling that New Moon, who was so kind and had love and integrity, would become this, it's sad as I loved New Moon even when he got angry or sad before, seeing him be happy with his family, helping Sun and Lunar heal after the past, giving Solar a home, and his family caring about him in return, joking, watching movies, getting up to nonsense together, playing games, supporting him, but this? The needless angst and character assassination, and feeling like a hole has been dug so deep there's no way out, even if they reveal something like a virus, some things were done that cannot be taken back
Anyways…I had a lot of thoughts this rant was so freaking long, if anybody has other ideas or thoughts feel free to add or contradict
You're speaking facts, dear anon 👏
The only thing I disagree with is that you said it isn't an ego.. but I think it is..
Egoists often act like their ideas are the best ones and they don't want to listen to anyone else..
From what we've seen Moon seems to be doing this only because others said him "no".. and egoists often act like that..
Moon even wants to be a villain rather than admit that he was in the wrong and take responsibility for his actions..
And also you're right that Moon proved in these eps that he's worse than Old Moon cause he hurt his sister even though he could've easily just let Ruin help her get out especially considering that Bloodmoon didn't plan to run away..
So what was the point of being so so stupid? But Moon like typical egoist doesn't care about anything other than "I'll do what I want and how I want"..
I personally think that if Moon is infected with a virus which I'm sure he is he still has a chance to get back to his family if he'll decide to take responsibility for his actions if he'll try to atone for what he did..
Maybe I'm too hopeful but idc.. until VAs will prove me wrong I can still hope that things will change for better..
And you're right that what Moon told Earth hurt her so much because they were really close with each other just like you said..
And with Lunar it's the same, he's occupied by a threat that is hanging above their head.. and who would be able to function normally in such situation? I bet that it'd be hard for anyone..
And also Lunar is hurt by Solar's death as much as Moon, I bet.. but he just can't let the emotions to cloud their mind because he needs to control themselves in order to control their powers.. because if he won't he'll die..
And I think that you're right about what Earth said that Moon is like creator.. but I think that she was hurt and tried to hurt Moon as well but also I think that she also thinks that Moon is egotistic just like their father.. and because she doesn't know too many people she just said the person she knows and knows that they're egotistic..
And not surprisingly even that didn't work on Moon.. he just doesn't care.. the only thing he cares about is that he's hurt that no one let him do things like he wanted them to do and that others constantly told him what he can and can't do.. like typical egoist..
And about Sun.. yeah you said that right.. he was crying almost non stop from just thinking about the possibilty of Moon being dead.. and for whole this time - three days that's what Sun told Puppet.. and we know that he was crying a lot because even when Dazzle came to him he was crying beforehand.. he even sounded on a verge of tears..
I'm scared to see how Sun is doing cause such excessive crying isn't good for anyone.. Sun can barely function.. it already doesn't seem good but what will happen when he'll find out that Moon didn't care that Earth would die from the blast of star's power! Sbksnsksksjs
I can't imagine Sun being okay after this.. he'll most definitely spiral.. things will only get worse..
I don't have much to add to what you said..
I just really wish for Moon to finally take responsibility for his actions.. this is all I want..
I feel you, dear anon and I understand your frustration about what's happening in these shows 🫂
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clericofshadows · 4 months ago
wip wednesday!
I haven't been writing much lately, but I have been poking around on a longer project that writes up ME1 in the form of emails between regis, kaidan, and zaeed so that my ME1 writing is more in-line with my masshenko canon, so here's a few snippets of a chain I enjoyed writing :)
also the character Dove is a shoutout to my friend @kaidanalenkosprmanager's shep Sophie, since I adore her writing and her canon and decided to make her a part of Regis's canon as well... :)
From: Kaidan Alenko ([email protected]
To: Zaeed Massani ([email protected])
Subject: Incoming
Hey, figured I give you a quick heads up for another rant from Regis.  Let’s just say the council meeting didn’t go well, but we did get some interesting leads.  A turian C-Sec officer seems to have more information about the rogue Spectre, but Regis wasn’t impressed by him, to say the least.  And we just got finished talking to a volus Shadow Broker agent of all things that gave us a lead into a krogan merc… Interesting times indeed.
And the Citadel, despite everything, is a hell of a sight.  Was about laughed off by our new Chief when I called it a “Big place” and then Regis swooped in and came out about our relationship to her.
I’ll call you about it later.
There’s been some other asides we’ve managed to get on our plate–Regis helped a widower get his wife’s body back from the Alliance, and we’ve been tasked to help out with an asari consort… who doesn’t seem to understand the meaning of personal fucking space.
I’ll probably… also call you about that one.
Seems like we both might have some things we need to rant about.
Kaidan Alenko
-- --
From: Zaeed Massani ([email protected])
To: Kaidan Alenko ([email protected]
Subject: Re: Incoming
Haven’t gotten his message yet… should I be worried?  Think it may have gotten hit by my spam filters with all the repeated "Bullshit" titles. You know I give a shit about keeping my inbox clean.
Serves him right for not being more creative.
But now I'm pretty goddamn interested in whatever shit you have going on.  Regis already coming out to your new recruit?  Must already trust her not to blab.  And Kaidan?
Calling the goddamn Citadel “Big place!” deserves a bit of ridicule.
Full offense.
But you know damn well Regis ain’t about to be swayed by some asari bitch consort.  Although I’m surprised he didn’t blast her off of him from the way you’re talking… 
Oh shit, you’re the biased one now!  Can’t wait to get that story out of Regis.  For once, he has the real goddamn story. You have no idea how much I’m fucking laughing at you right now.  Thanks for the story fuel for when I meet up for drinks with Dove later today.
Keep up the stories.
-- --
From: Regis Shepard ([email protected]
To: Zaeed Massani ([email protected])
Subject: So Fucking Goddamn Tired
I know Kaidan’s been warning you.  Goddess knows why.  You love my rants, don’t you?  And this time, I decided to emulate you and use your typical language.  
A long story short, the Council more or less laughed us off and the Spectre motherfucker that got us in this mess is your stereotypical human hating bastard and gloated the whole time.  My fucking CO decided to mention my goddamn visions in the hearing, which went as well as you can imagine, for fuck’s sake.  Sometimes I wonder how he got to N7 with idiotic ideas like that, and now humanity has made utter fools of ourselves thanks to him and his bullshit.
But along with a few various tasks we’ve picked up, admittedly, my CO and our human ambassador on the Citadel have given us a few leads and as long as we get actual evidence, we have a shot of meeting back with the Council over this.  
So far, I’ve talked to a volus Shadow Broken agent who has led us to a Krogan merc.  Urdnot Wrex ring any bells?  
Not saying you know every name out there, but I’m always vying for information.  Seems like a decent enough guy when he has enough credits for his work, so we’re on our way to deal with some asshole who double crossed a quarian with some information that connects our asshole Spectre to the geth.
I feel like that’s a brand-new sentence. How the hell is this my life?
Oh, and Kaidan may or may not be a little jealous of an asari consort we were able to help out. I don't know why. I looked at her like she was scum of the earth, and she kept her fucking distance from me. Did get a weird trinket from her. Some kind of retro-futuristic pendant thing? I don't know.
Talk later. I have a club to shoot up, apparently.
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eaglesnick · 4 months ago
“The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses.”
Malcolm X
I’m no fan of Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves but the deliberate lies and distortions concerning her budget both before and after the event are derisible. For a society to flourish successfully the media must adhere to a certain degree of honesty. Different opinions, backed up by evidence and logical argument, are fine, indeed, welcomed, but the continual peddling of untruths and half-truths by the media is an existential threat to the very democracy many of these media outlets pretend they are defending.
Before the budget the Financial Times, one of the most respected mainstream economic newspapers in the UK had this headline:
“Bankers fear Rachel Reeves is preparing UK Budget tax raid on sector” (11/09/24)
 On the day after the budget we have this headline:
“Reeves spares banks from tax raid after lobbying”  (City AM: 30/10/24)
This glaring headline from the Express is another example of our dishonest media:
“Labour blasted as 'anti-motorist' as Rachel Reeves ‘set to raise fuel duty in budget." (18/10/24)
After the budget we get the true story.
“Rachel Reeves announces fuel duty freeze as motorists spared from Budget tax rises."  (Independent: 30/10/24)
The Financial Times spoke of the “fear” our honest bankers felt concerning Reeves pending budget. Quite why bankers were “afraid” is unclear, especially as Reeves had already promised:
“Banker’ bonuses: No cap under Labour. Says Reeves." (BBC: 31/01/24)
After the budget, when it was clear there would be no tax raid on bankers, it was because she had “spared" them. Spared them from what? She had already promised there was to be no cap on their bonuses. Despite record profits at the six largest British banks (£48bn) Reeves decided not to increase the bank levy introduced by the Coalition government in 2011, or the corporation tax surcharge imposed by a Conservative government in 2016. In short, the banking sector has been left untouched by Reeves budget and this whole notion of “fear" and bankers being “spared" is a non-story.
The same non-story concerning her "anti-motorist" policies was also described as the motorist being "spared" when the prediction she would raise fuel duty just didn’t materialise.
Since the budget Reeves has come under repeated attack for raising taxes. Her budget will result in less wage growth, fewer jobs, an exodus of businesses abroad, the closure of care homes and doctors surgeries, higher mortgages and rents, the collapse of British farming, etc, etc.
The sad fact is we all know our public services are on their knees, homelessness is endemic, child poverty is rising, the NHS is on the brink of collapse, and our children’s schools and some of our hospitals are quite literally falling down around us. UK absolute poverty has hit an all-time high, life-expectancy is actually falling and the nation is suffering a mental health crisis.
While her British critics continue to rant against Reeves budget it is  worthwhile, even enlightening, to see how other countries view her plans for the Britain.
“Britain targets the wealthy as it hikes taxes by $52 billion.” (CNN Business: 30/10/24)
“Britain’s Reeves targets wealthy and foreign income with big tax rises” Reuters: 31/10/24)
The question British media outlets have to answer is what do they think should happen to our failing public services and the continuing economic plight of so many working people?  Should we continue as we were under the Tories and just let a huge sector of our society  go to the wall as happens in America? Or should we, as a nation, try and repair the damage done to our public services thereby improving the lives of many ordinary citizens?
If the latter answer is the way forward then who is going to pay for the repairs that are so desperately needed to mend our broken society?  The fair and moral answer is, of course, those who can afford to pay a little extra in tax – the already wealthy.
This is what Reeves is attempting to do and this is what is recognised by foreign observers. We can argue who among the already wealthy should be paying the most in additional taxes but it is the rich who have to pay. After all, Statistica inform us “the UK’s rich are getting richer” (23/05/22) so it is only morally right they should pay a little extra towards the welfare of those less well off than themselves.
The blind loathing that the vast majority of the British media display towards the Labour party is truly worrying. Their genuine fear when Jeremy Corbyn was Labour leader is understandable as his policies were truly transformative in nature. But social democrat Reeves budget is a far cry from the socialist plans of the Labour left. Yet the British media has this negative knee jerk reaction to all things Labour. The danger is that the day-after-day invention of “problems” that don’t exist will , over time, have a drip, drip affect on our perceptions, whereby we all buy into the lies being peddled.
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i-dont-work-here · 3 months ago
What if the Sole Survivor was a ghoul?
(This might just be terrible. Also, spoilers for those who haven't played Fallout 4.)
One of my buddies (my little hobo) and I were talking over lunch, and we thought up this exact question. What if SoSu was a ghoul? Well, here's my take on it.
If we go back to Vault 111 and remember when Kellogg and crew killed our husband/wife, he just... up and left. He yoinked Shaun and dipped. But, what if something different happened? What if, before they came for Shaun, SoSu's cryopod broke open, along with the main vault door, and got irradiated from the blast while everyone else was safe in their pods?
I'd say that the first quest wouldn't be to exit Vault 111. It would be to find somewhere to get away from the rads or embrace it and potentially die. If you take the hide route, you could probably open another cryopod, kick them out, kill them, then freeze again until 2087. If you embrace the rads, you'd just... well, die. (I dunno. I haven't figured it out yet.)
I don't really feel like adding onto this more right now (I'm usually asleep by this time), so I'll put a poll up right after this (at the bottom) and see if anyone's interested in seeing how a ghoul Sole Survior would do out in the wasteland, and how quests and interactions would be different.
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shit-enmu-says · 9 months ago
Mini Rant Incoming
My roommates are all out of town and I am alone late at night in the creepiest most liminal back rooms-looking-ass building I’ve ever set foot in. I am too spooked to sleep because since summer started most people have left the complex and the area. It’s just me, myself and I for several city blocks right now.
I don’t like this one bit. I have occasional short-lived auditory and occasional visual hallucinations. I rarely have them except when I’m alone for long periods of time. I know the faint echoey opera-seque singing I heard in the hallway isn’t real, nor was the shadow figure that looked just like me I saw standing by my arm chair. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t startle me. As a matter of fact I’d say it’s worse because it happens so infrequently I haven’t desensitized myself to it.
Usually on nights like this I leave the tv on. Unfortunately I don’t have one, so I’ll just have to blast Ghost songs because apparently listening to Tobias Forge sing about the devil is calming to me. Don’t ask.
The upside to this is that this eerie atmosphere is in the process of inspiring the fifth chapter of my drabble. I suppose there’s a silver lining to everything.
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Tumblr media
Really your ass-kissing is showing. (Rant incoming)
Few corrections: "kiss his ass* or fuck off"
Entitlement = refusing to accept his racist sh*t any longer. Or even just trying to explain why something can be offensive to people. Or heck, even being a new buyer from Australia. Or even being a new buyer who lives in the same city as a banned buyer while you have never met them. Or being someone with a disease that makes you unable to remove the doll's arms. 
Also Americans are not "especially bad". Just because you are not american and only look at the bad in people doesn't mean you get to bash an entire country. Every country has their loud obnoxious people. (Not american myself either but dude. Look at yourself before pointing a finger.)
Slightest hissy fit = standing by your beliefs that something is less to your liking (aka DC was being racist, or wrong, or discriminating)
I am just so done with every Smartd0ll stan defending DC while he pulled some serious sh*t and is a pretentious guy who thinks he is untouchable. Not happy with the bad quality shoe? Here's a ban and I will blast you all over the internet. Can't remove the arms because of a disease? How dare you buy my doll? Ban! The wig I sold with a doll that's way worse than Chaos quality? WABISABI! Ban! Think this uniform pose entitled text combi is off? Ban! From Australia? They ALL always complain about customs so now you're all banned! 
And don't think the ban is even the end of it. He will keep tabs, he will stalk your social media accounts and ask your friends about where you get your Smartdolls because how dare you still like his dolls. And then he will ban your friends. 
He is NOT the best at handling the entitled. He IS the entitled.
End rant. *goes to sit in a corner with tea and cookies to calm down, feel welcome for cookies*
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walkingchemicalfire · 1 year ago
Mild rant incoming:
Does anyone else on Tumblr mobile get those ads that just immediately blast the audio? Like I’m just scrolling through and all of sudden an auditory nightmare is playing through my speakers…not great for being out in public and also I just despise sounds I’m not prepared for.
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pjunicornart · 1 year ago
Long Rant Incoming
So I woke up pretty happy today, right? Well, a couple hours ago I just got the worst news imaginable. My new job (Kaiser) let me go after only a couple of weeks because the job "wouldn't be a good fit for me."
I take issues with this. But, because I was raised right, I will explain why with tact.
One - At no point did they try to meet me in the middle. So, I recognize that my condition still goes un-diagnosed, but I still feel like this point is worth bringing up. I have no idea what my condition is, I just know that noise overwhelms me, I get upset over seemingly minuscule things, and I go non-verbal sometimes. At no point did they ask me about it or present me with an opportunity to tell them about it. Granted, I should've mentioned to them that I may need to be accommodated for, that's on me. But they should've at least brought this up in the orientation/training stage, right? Nope... they just threw me into the process without further discussions. Forgetting about me for a second - I worry about someone who ACTUALLY has a diagnosed mental condition that affects their working abilities. Would Kaiser do the same thing to them? Or is it a case of, "this employee didn't specify it in their application but this one did so we're gonna make sure we cater to them"? I don't know which option is worse.
Two - They were not clear on what training would be like. I mentioned earlier that Kaiser just threw me into training without explanation. They never ONCE said something like, "Okay, for this week we train you on this subject, and for this week we train you on this one." Nothing like that. They didn't even properly tell me which things I needed to be conscious of. For example, when cleaning up a patient room after a patient has been discharged, there are a couple things you need to remember in terms of what gets disposed of and what doesn't. Certain bed tarps are disposable, but some aren't. You'd think this information would be the first thing they teach trainees before they throw you into the mix... but, no. They left it up to the employee training me to teach me that stuff. Which they only told me when it was brought up in a room... if it got brought up at all. Plus, all of my formal training (i.e. policies and benefits and stuff like that) was all done online. With no supervisor supervision. I was just left to browse through 16 boring hours of word vomit that I have no way of remembering on a first pass. Not to mention the potential for malpractice this could cause. Without a supervisor, they would have no idea if I had just blasted through the courses without actually listening or reading to them. Old Navy, my previous employer, sat down with all new employees for two days to explain their important policies and rituals, to make sure we could discuss if need be. Kaiser basically said, "You're on your own, and we trust you to not have questions." They need to cater to slow learners and not just provide a "one size fits all" approach.
Three - Potential malpractice. Going back to cleaning up patient rooms for this point. We all know that IVs, bathrooms, makeshift toilets, and medicine are all apart of the hospital environment. Right. However, why are people like me - who have no knowledge of medicine and medicinal equipment - in charge of cleaning it up? Hell, one of my co-workers even said, "[referring to a dirty portable toilet] Technically the nurses are supposed to deal with that." Let me make one thing clear here: I don't have a problem with cleaning up shit like bodily fluids. It takes a lot to gross me out as an internet veteran. However, if the nurses are supposed to take care of things like leftover IV medicine and stuff with bodily fluids in them, then why am I doing their job? I'm not sorry when I say this. This is inexcusable and unacceptable. A person with no knowledge of the equipment should not be expected to do a job the nurses should've done prior. I would go as far as to say that this is laziness. Also, a couple of my coworkers decided to let the leftover medicine in the IV bags drip into the sinks. That is how you end up with contaminated drinking water. This is malpractice, and I will not be convinced otherwise. As a healthcare facility - especially one as large as Kaiser - they should know better.
Kaiser failed me. If they would've been more competent, I probably wouldn't have been let go. Or, was the problem me? Did they have a problem with my non-verbal episodes? Did they have a problem with the fact that I'm not the type of person to trust people easily - that I'm not just gonna warm up to someone right off the bat? Would I have been let go anyway because I have an "issue" that's not going to work in their workplace? Am I the problem because their work environment doesn't allow people like me to thrive? Either way, I had high hopes for this job. Because it was cleaning, and cleaning is my free therapy. The high pay and benefits were just trinkets to me, honest. However, it appears the world has other plans for me. Ones I fear.
Kaiser. Do better next time. Not for me. But for other people in the future who are like me. I'm not mad. Just disappointed.
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