randumb-dork · 3 months
Daycare boys? Very >:)
Finally getting into the daycare attendants ehehehe >:D I’ve really gotta draw more of these goofs. They’re so fun to draw, and yet, I haven’t drawn em as much as I want to. I blame being distracted by my own dca ocs and the fact I’ve been in a huge art block for 2 months qwq But anyways- Sun and Moon y’all! :DD First two were just little drawings I wanted to do of em, for the first time. Last two are Sun, Moon, and Eclipse redesigned for my own au, which include my dca ocs! Won’t be posting tomorrow as it’s a Sunday, but Monday y’all will finally meet my boys! And my favorite menace ehehehe >:D
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randumb-dork · 1 month
Finished my first commission! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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This was honestly pretty fun! Imma have to start opening commissions some time soon- Just gotta create a commission sheet first pfft. If any of y’all are interested in commissioning me, and would like to be tagged/mentioned when I post about my commission prices, let me know!
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randumb-dork · 4 months
Howdy howdy! :D
Day three of posting old art! This time featuring my Changeling oc! Y’all got a sneak peek of him in one of my posts from yesterday, with Maxwell. I realize while going through my art folder that I don’t have a lot of art of him, which is quite sad cuz he’s a pretty cool character qwq Maybe I’ll draw him again some time, if any of y’all are curious about him!
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randumb-dork · 3 months
More art of the boys! :D
So, we’ve got Virus Abyss (before I redesigned him a bit to fit more with their ✨lore✨), some Quasar facial expressions (ehehehe… Bald), Quasar meeting Sun/Moon for the first time (before I redesigned Sun/Moon for my au), a near impossible sighting of Critical being flustered (he was darker initially, which is why he may look a little different), an animation showing how I kinda imagine their transformations between each other look, and Magma doodles of Crit when I was drawing with friend! That Magma drawing session was what made me lighten his colors a bit, cuz I really liked how it looked pfft. Man, I needa draw some of their lore 👀 I have a whole document on em y’all >:)
Tomorrow will be my last day posting every day, as it will be of my latest drawings! Unless I somehow manage to finish a drawing in these next 48, or so, hours pfft-
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randumb-dork · 3 months
Y’all I’ve been so excited to show you these boys. I love em so much- Hope y’all will as well! I have a bit more art of em (mostly Crit cuz I totally don’t have a favorite 👉👈) but I decided to put their refs in their own post so y’all can get to know em a bit before more art of em are posted.
Just like Sun, Moon, and Eclipse, they share a body. It’s kinda confusing, I know, but I tried my best organizing the refs so hope it makes enough sense PFFT. The refs contains a lot of info, so sorry if it’s too much to read, but I just couldn’t stop myself from sharing some stuff about em 💀 If y’all can read it all, please do! And let me know what you think of em! If you don’t have the time to read, don’t worry about it! Just looking at their beautiful selves is enough for me :D
Oh and, I have no idea what to call this “post security breach au” (which I may redesign the other animatronics for, Sun, Moon, and Eclipse already redesigned in my previous post), so if any of y’all have any ideas, please let me know! Thanks!
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randumb-dork · 4 months
Asper art dump time!! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Meet Asper! He’s an oc I created in the game Sky: Children of the Light! He’s one of my comfort characters as he’s just so goofy, and I’ve spent a lot of time in-game with him and friends. Plus, he’s one of few characters that has ✨𝐿𝑜𝓇𝑒✨ figured out. His outfit has changed a lot over the four years I’ve been playing Sky, but I think he may be reaching his final design, that being the ref of him. Unless they add in some cool pants or other little details I like pfft.
The other characters you see with Asper (third and fourth image) are his friends, and they were not created by me! :D They are ocs from my small Sky friend group! Asper and Phiro love to cause chaos around Kiaze and Solsi (haven’t drawn yet), mainly Kiaze, their favorite form being constantly flirting with each other 💀 Platonically, of course pfft XD Asper is very much single and is just living his best life with his buddies/found family! :D
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randumb-dork · 4 months
Art dump of another old oc I love! He’s a human turned half troll through experimentation, originally for the Tales of Arcadia (Trollhunters) universe, but I’ve also put him in his own little world pfft. Even started writing a little story bout him but didn’t get very far 💀
The other characters you see in the fourth drawing with Max is Eliphas (top character who is a changeling oc you will meet a little later) and a friend’s changeling oc!
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randumb-dork · 3 months
Last post till I start drawing again! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Y’all I wasn’t joking when I said that Critical was my favorite- I never create aus off of my own ocs, and yet here we are! After reading @naffeclipse’s “Cryptid Sightings” on ao3, and seeing some art on it, I just had to make this menace into even more of a menace by drawing him as a Cryptid. I took some inspiration from other Cryptid drawings, as well as a suggestion from @lost-at-534, but he’s my own design. And Lost didn’t help in my obsession of him 💀 With Siren Crit, I kinda had the same motivation to make him as I did with Cryptid Crit, so not much so say except he pretty :D Oh and, don’t be surprised if I draw him as other creatures too. Like perhaps, a dragon? 👀
Geez this is getting too long pfft. My bad o7
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Welp- Finally finished posting all of the art I’ve done over these past couple years. The ones that I’ve liked, at least. After this, my posts will be pretty sporadic and inconsistent, it may even take me a month or two till I draw something again. Just thought I’d let y’all know cuz been pretty consistently posting these past 2 or so weeks 💀 Drawing is one of many hobbies, so I may be too focused on a different hobby for a good while, at times. Till next time! o/
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randumb-dork · 2 months
It is finished \o/
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My gosh, this took so long but I’m so happy with it q7q I’m glad I really pushed myself with this one cuz I very rarely add shading and lighting to my pieces, pfft. This is Miyu! She is a One Piece oc with a Devil fruit called the Fish Fish fruit, model: Ryuto (light dragon). I do plan on designing her as a human later, but for now, have a look at her noodle form! This most likely will make it into her ref once I get around to it, so don’t be surprised if you see this again later on XDD
Oh and, I included the flat colors too, if you were curious :D
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randumb-dork · 4 months
Random character art dump time again!
I didn’t know what groups to put all of these in, so decided to put all of em together. It’s a bit more then I’d usually share, but I do wanna speed this up a bit and finally share my Daycare Attendant boys >:D Just a post or two left! Ehehehehe. Anyways, we’ve got a Spider-Man oc, Spider-Sona, Wyvern, character of if I was a harpy (may be the closest you’ll get to a reveal), original Cryptid species, and a school project featuring my Nightlight oc, Nova! Phew, that’s a lot pfft
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randumb-dork · 4 months
Quick post before I head to bed!
Nothing too fancy. Just a species I was thinking of creating for the Trollhunters universe a year or two back. Thought I’d share it cuz I liked the design :D Didn’t really get far with it but who knows, I may visit it again some time. And I may just take em out of the Trollhunters universe if I feel like they don’t fit with it anymore ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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randumb-dork · 4 months
Nebula art dump!
Just some small drawings I did now and then of my sona, Nebula, when I was in the mood of drawing but didn’t want to draw anything too detailed. First three were created before I redesigned her a bit, which is why she looks a little different in the last drawing pfft. Pixel art of her was for a school project :D
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randumb-dork · 16 days
Redraw time? I suppose :D
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Redrew a drawing from 2020 cuz I wanted to draw this dude pfft. He’s an oc named Kazuya Sato, and he’s a high schooler who’s secretly a demon. I just randomly remembered him and really wanted to draw him, so voilà! I’ve really gotta make a ref of him q7q I want a reason to draw his tail pfft
The drawing below is the old one from 2020. Which is technically not in my style cuz I tried incorporating someone else’s style with my own. At that time, my human style was doodoo, so I wanted to experiment 💀
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randumb-dork · 4 months
A little late posting again oop. I’ll still post a second today, just may be a little later.
Anyways, this is Raziel, or Raz for short! He used to be my Minecraft skin before I changed it to my sona, but still have it saved in my files. He’s half Enderman half Enderdragon :D Don’t ask how he has hair cuz I have no idea 💀 Looking back at old art of him makes me wanna draw him again q7q I miss this bean.
Also, really gotta redo that model of him. Or at least edit it cuz I, for some reason, didn’t give him eyelids. He just stares into your soul 👁👄👁 No thoughts behind those eyes BWAHAHAHAHA
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randumb-dork · 4 months
Howdy howdy! o7
Welcome to my page! My name’s Ran, and I do digital art in my free time! I may not post too often, as I get distracted with other things like games and anime quite often, but I hope y’all like what I have to share! I mostly draw animals/creatures, humanoids, and characters/ocs from whatever anime, movie, or game that has decided to kidnap my brain. You will know the moment something has caught my interest 💀 Thank you for checking out my art and ocs! 🫵🫶
✨About me✨
I love designing characters, so sometimes… Okay a lot of the time, I create characters I don’t even use 💀
I am a Christian!
Lvl 22
My favorite color is blue 💙
My favorite themes/aesthetics are space, nature, fantasy (yes, fairy lights are included), and a bit of cryptidcore (as in monsters or anything mysterious really)
I have loads of favorite animals, but to name off a couple I’d say foxes, wolves, orcas, and barn owls. My favorite fantasy creature is dragons. Sirens are also pretty cool :D
The sound of bells make me really happy… I don’t know why ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
✨Anime/Movies/Series I like✨
In no particular order
One piece
Dreamworks Trollhunters
Miraculous Ladybug
Howl’s Moving Castle
✨Games I like✨
In no particular order
Sky: Children of the Light
FNAF Security Breach (never played it but Sun and Moon 💕)
Ori (haven’t played Will of the Whisps yet)
Undertale (very slowly finding interest in it again after years away from it)
✨Comfort characters✨
Includes characters from movies/anime/games and my own personal ocs. No particular order
Nebula (sona)
Uriel Ai Miyu (oc)
Sun, Moon, and Eclipse
Critical (oc)
Asper (oc)
I’m unsure if I’ll be reblogging anyone else’s art- or if I will, it’ll most likely revolve around friends’ art or things I really like- but if you want to easily find my art, it’ll be under #randumbart
Oh, and before I end this little get-to-know-me post, have a ref of my sona, Nebula! 💙 Will make a new one at some point. I hope she will be the most recognized character here some day!
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✨Thank you for checking my page out! Feel free to ask about any oc that catches your eye! Would love to talk about my babies 😌 Hope you stick around! Have a happy day! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ✨
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randumb-dork · 2 months
*Drops wip and runs* o7
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I’m finally drawing? And once again creating a new character? Crazy. Anyways- Thought I’d share a bit of what I’ve been working on! Since I haven’t been able to share anything as of late 💀 This character is a One Piece oc! Of course, she’s not actually a noodle dragon (more specifically, a Ying Long), she just has a Zoan type Devil Fruit- which allows her to transform. I’ll go into more detail once I have her finished, but ye. New character alert! :D
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