#random college au
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traf-gorbaf · 4 months ago
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questions-about-blorbos · 3 months ago
This request was sent to us and we made a poll in response to it. Send any Blorbo-related question you want to our inbox and we’ll make a poll on which people can vote with their own Blorbos in minds
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lalikeslichto · 1 year ago
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fishhateme · 1 day ago
so... Linkedin influencer au, anyone?
LinkedIn Influencer danny in the midst of the redbull breakdown™ made me think of like this random ass au
Imagine Max being an up and coming engineer or something along those lines, and he's a genius in his field but he's antisocial as fuck (if you'd ask him he'd just say he's intolerant to other people's bullshit)
ANYWAYS he sort of *has* to network because of the horrors of the capitalist world and as he's scrolling through LinkedIn he comes across this... dork? He isn't exactly cringe, not like this other engineer (ahem ahem aerodynamic engineer!lewis) who posts photos of his bulldog going to the office -which is supposed to be inspirational?? Somehow??- or quotes about being a unicorn
(i realize I'm getting sidetracked about how funny lewis would be on LinkedIn so I'll get back on track)
Unlike engineer!lewis, this other guy on LinkedIn isn't necessarily cringe - he's obviously a bit older than max judging by his very proper punctuation (although it is... yknow... linkedin) and his weird hyper fixation with cowboy emojis anytime he gets a promotion or anything like that, but he sort of makes max do that thing where you exhale out of your nose instead of chuckling, and since that's the first semi enjoyable thing max has ever experienced whilst on the hellhole that is linkedin, he decides to follow him
He's forgotten about it at first, but then he sort of start refreshing his feed to check if the guy has posted anything, and then he's commenting on one of his posts about hiding honey badger stickers around his physics faculty office (apparently he works in a university or something, not that max reread his career trajectory ten times or anything) with laughing emojis (who comments on LinkedIn posts? Who is he, his father?) and they get into this weird sort of always-interacting-with-each-other-but-also-y'know-it's-linkedin-not-tinder sorta vibe
The point is that his coworker/reluctant friend lando drags him to this stupid engineering event that's supposed to be perfect for networking.
Max will never admit it, but he agreed to go not only to get away from his horrible boss, because Marko creeped him the fuck out and would criticize his work even if he reinvented Einstein's theory of relativity, but also because the funny linkedin guy posted he'd be there
Except max wonders around and around the stupid aerodynamics convention and, while he runs into that fucking guy with the decked out bulldog more times than he could count, he doesn't think he sees daniel?
He's not about to humiliate himself and ask someone, though. That would be desperate, even if this daniel -danyul- is sort of well known in these circles because his LinkedIn posts are semi well known (max chuckles at the thought of falling for an influencer, but not an Instagram model, instead a LinkedIn physics micro influencer)
After a few hours he gives up, deciding the best course of action is getting shitfaced and therefore successfully forcing Lando to drive back home through the inevitable traffic the convention would bring to town
He goes to the bar and orders a gin and tonic, then another, then a third (he really shouldn't have gotten a third, he was supposed to be looking for another job in the first place and that toto guy from the germany factories seemed interested in his resume, this was a bad idea)
Flushed, frustrated and pleasantly buzzed, he rested his forehead against the coolness of the bar, closing his eyes when he heard someone sit on a stool, an amused Aussie accent right next to him
"What's got you down in the dumps, mate? An equation broke your heart? A lever system rejected your advances?"
Max closed his eyes and barely even chuckled out of courtesy for the stranger. Dork, a distant part of his brain supplied, and although he'd used that same word for someone else his buzzed brain didn't connect the dots
"I was looking for a guy I know from LinkedIn but I think he didn't show up" he admitted, surprising himself with his sudden burst of honesty. Maybe he shouldn't have drank so fast?
The guy next to him cackled, and Max didn't lift his head because the lights were too bright and they'd hurt him, but he was pretty sure he heard the scraping of the stool legs against the floor signaling this random Aussie guy almost ate shit laughing at the patheticness of his situation
"Screw him!" He said, way too cheerfully for Max's taste, and ordered himself a rose
Max lifted his head at that, if only to say how idiotic it was to order a rose instead of a real drink, and he almost gasped when he was met with dark curls and a dangerously toothy grin he'd seen before, on his LinkedIn home screen, on a tiny icon but definitely there
But before he could have time to react, Daniel was clinking his glass of rose against Max's half finished g&t, smiling mirthfully
"Don't worry, mate. People on LinkedIn are a bunch of cunts, anyway"
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duskyourlocalowl · 3 months ago
College Au fun facts:
• None of them are related(Biologically) Except for Apollo and Artemis.
• Hephaestus is an engineering/tech student. He's there to try to find a device that is not humongous, but small that can help disabled people walk.
• Athena, Ares, and Hephaestus are all adopted siblings.
• Athena, Artemis, and(surprisingly) Dionysus are the only one's who follow the dress code.
• Zeus is the principal of the(Really small) College. He is married to Hera, but he has a lot of flings(In this he knows what protection is)
• Out of the freshmen(2nd gen Olympians) Aphrodite is probably the richest out of them
• Athena and Apollo have the top two scores. Athena's Gpa was 1 point above Apollo's
• None of the students are dumb they all have normal or advanced Gpa's
• Aphrodite is definitely not trying to date both Hephaestus and his siblings(2/3 so far)
• Athena has a slight hyper fixation on owls. She also has an un-canny ability to rotate her head more than normally
• Athena has an earring from Pallas
• Artemis and Apollo are the only, biological, siblings in this Au.
• Ares gets dress coded the most. He couldn't wear any of his piercing except for his ear piercings.
• Hermes is the gossip spreader, and hands out the mail around campus.
• Artemis or Dionysus are the cooks.
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cafulur · 4 months ago
Modern / College AU Labru Snippets:
- Laios and Kabru meet as classmates who get paired together for a project, and although they initially clash at first, through the assignment they find themselves clicking in the most unexpected ways.
- After the project is finished, they still keep texting each other. Laios sends Kabru a photo of an opossum that was lurking right outside his bedroom window late one night. Kabru later texts him a picture of a fluffy stray cat that won’t leave him alone every time he walks up to his apartment. He initially acts as if he doesn’t like the cat and that it’s bothering him by always following him home, but Laios constantly enthuses over text about how he would love to meet this cat someday. Suddenly Kabru is sneaking this cat little pets and treats in hopes it’ll stick around for when Laios may eventually (hopefully) come over. Before he knows it, Kabru has formed a soft spot for the stray.
- Both of their friend groups mesh and the two find themselves wondering each day when they’ll get to see each other next. They instantly attach in group settings without a second thought, and everyone notices the spark they have going on but them. Laios is excited in a ‘wow this is the coolest, nicest, most interesting friend I’ve ever had!’ type of way, while Kabru recognizes & reconciles with the fact that he’s crushing pretty early on.
- Toward the end of the semester, Marcille hosts a house party, and there’s actually a moment where Kabru sits with Chilchuck on the rooftop ?? It’s an extremely rare occasion and odd for them to ever be alone together, but Kabru had wondered out onto the second floor balcony for some fresh air + a moment to think, and spotted Chilchuck smoking a joint by himself atop the roof shackles to the right of him, just beyond the balcony.
- They watch Laios and a few others down below do something stupid and party related, like chug a drink or eat something fast in one go. It’s mostly quiet between the two up top, save for the few awkward hellos in acknowledgment when Kabru first shows up. Until Chilchuck, of all people, decides to finally break the silence between them. 
“I’d just be straight up with him at this point, if I were you.”
Kabru jumps a little at the unexpected suggestion, glancing toward him with wary eyes. He does his absolute best in every interaction to present himself in a very particular way. Had he been that easy to read all this time?
“Straight with who?” Kabru questions as innocently as he could pretend with a smile, brushing a curl behind his ear.
Chilchuck takes a drag and blows smoke up toward the sky, slightly annoyed but not trying to bite this time around. “Laios. It looks like you want something so bad, but you’re holding back or something. He’s not going to pick up on anything unless you spell it out for him, y’know.”
Kabru covers one of his ears as he feels them burn, looking down into the plastic cup barely filled with beer in his hands. “It’s not— I don’t…” he starts, but feels dumb finishing any semblance of denial. Surprising himself, he caves in, swirling the drink. “It’s just… I don’t want to lose this. His friendship has become pretty important to me.”
“Does Laios come across as someone who would make things awkward?” Chilchuck asks, snuffing out the nub of his joint into the roof and turning to Kabru. Kabru furrows his brow at him.
“Not typically, but I somehow can never figure him out when it comes to things I’ve never tried with him before. Risks with him are truly unpredictable.”
He hums in disagreement, watching the last of the smoke escape the joint before it completely fizzles out. “Eh, I don’t know. Think about it like this. If he doesn’t reciprocate the feelings, do you think he’d have trouble still being friends with you? Laios, being the way that he is, I mean.”
Kabru thinks about it for a minute. Laios really was different from other friends he’d made throughout his life. He didn’t waste time putting up fronts just to save face, and he can’t really pick up on things being awkward for either party. If Kabru confessed and got denied, it would hurt himself mostly, but it wouldn’t rapidly change the air between them. Laios probably wouldn’t want to stop being friends or need time apart just out of awkwardness, which is what one would normally expect after rejection. “I think I get what you mean. I suppose not.”
Chilchuck put the burnt out nub into his pocket to save for a final short smoke later. “I don’t know exactly what all goes on in that guy’s head, but being an observer, I’d think you’d notice by now when he’s actually looking back. I guess it’s easier as a third party.”
Kabru takes a sip of his beer as he carefully considers Chilchuck’s words and watches Laios down below. In that moment, Laios happens to look up and catch Kabru’s gaze, immediately smiling and giving him a friendly wave. It feels like it’s just between them, save for the audience member right next to Kabru witnessing the whole thing. Chilchuck sighs and stands up, dusting his pants off.
“You guys do you. I barely understand my own feelings and how to go about them these days, but if you already know yours so confidently, then there shouldn’t be much stopping you from sharing them. Bottling up seems a lot more painful. It’s hard to watch, anyway.” He stretches before crawling down from the roof shackles onto the balcony. He offers a small wave as he passes by to head inside. Kabru turns to watch him go, saying a soft “Thanks Chilchuck,” as he disappears into a hallway, presumably toward the stairs.
When Kabru turns back around and glances down, Laios is in fact still looking up at him. His face heats up a bit, unsure what to say or do in response, and then Laios is grinning brightly and motioning for him to come and join them. Kabru nods, downs the last of his drink, and then hurries inside, heart pounding in his chest.
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kissboybyler · 11 days ago
being loved by a writer is being sent messages like “i wrote another poem for you” at 2AM and having to read through the most soul-baring piece of poetry ever
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m1ckeyb3rry · 5 months ago
sometimes it’s so obvious when a fic set in college is written by a person still in high school
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michimonie · 2 months ago
I've been casually working on a College AU
...and I'm so sorry for those who are over these kind of AUs.
I have a Discord server where I write little fanfics and stuff for myself, and have been adding to it for years. One of the repeating ones is a College AU that involves characters from a few different shows.
Since I've been feeling down, I figured I'd make a little post about it in case anyone is interested.
Check below for character art and blurbs.
This whole thing started with the fearsome four, so I'll start there.
Fearsome Four
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They've been friends since the beginning of college (and some longer). While they don't always have a lot in common, and may bicker often, they do genuinely enjoy being around each other. They like to meet up sometimes to share a meal and complain about their lives or talk up a recent project.
Reggie (Reginald Bushroot) Plant Molecular Biology & Plant Sciences
Shy, lonely, kind, gets bullied. He spends most of his time in the nature center and greenhouses. Students in his (and similar) degrees/programs have reserved spaces around there, and his happens to be in one of the greenhouses. He spent a long time working out a special process that could give people plantlike qualities, and eventually succeeded (on himself.) For the sake of keeping him in the college storyline, he has the ability to believably make himself look "normal," but it's not something he likes to maintain for too long.
Bud Flud (Or is it Flood?) Business Administration & Management
Manipulative, stubborn, selfish, still cares about his friends. He's the sole heir to his family's company. When his mother died, she left the company to him, but his father has been finding every delay or loophole to keep it all in his own hands. One day he's invited on a full tour of the main building for their biggest earner: bottled water. An executive (or at least someone hired to look like one) takes an excited Bud around and they eventually end up in the lowest basement floor, where he's pushed into one of the vats. Bud's father ran stories in all forms of media asap saying Bud was dead. Just outside the city, he reforms on the side of a river and sneaks back to his dorm. similar to Bushroot, I wanted him to be able to actively participate in college things, so he can hold a more "normal-looking" form that takes advantage of his watery abilities (and maaaybe makes himself look a bit stronger/beefier.) Eventually, he does get revenge on his father and takes over the company, but attempts to stay in college, because he doesn't want to leave his friends.
Jackie (Quackerjack) Mechanical Engineering & Robotics
Chaotic, fun, kind, impulsive. All he's ever wanted was to make toys and games (not the electronic kind) for people of all ages, but every time he had ever proposed his prototypes or ideas to companies, they had shot him down. Every time they'd become more and more harsh about it. During the final presentation the representatives he was presenting for told him he'd never get into the industry, and that's when he snapped. With his skills in engineering (and sewing), he created a toy army in secret as well as his signature costume, and proceeded to take down the companies that told him he'd never succeed. After his revenge, he is the first one to lead the group into becoming supervillains and tends to take on the leadership role more often than not (although, Bud takes charge in a few instances.)
Elmo Sputterspark (Megavolt) Electromechanical Engineering Technology
Socially anxious, guarded, has a hard time showing emotions, but genuinely cares for his friends. He started off college as the smartest one in class, always participating (even if he hated his fellow classmates), and doing extra credit often, even though he never needed it. He proposed his ideas on electricity and generation of it, and his professors laughed him out of the room. That's when he knew he was going to prove them wrong. Once he started making some real progress on his life's work, he stopped doing it in his reserved space in the science wing and started working on it in his dorm (which is against the rules, but no one's stopped him yet.) As he continued his work, he started getting into tunnel vision, his friends occasionally dropping by to bring him food and things. After an experiment, he found that he's become a living battery. Instead of his brain immediately being fried by the process (like in the show), his brain gets more jumbled as he continues to use his abilities. At some point he shows his new successful invention to his professors and they refuse to acknowledge his work, but still look into what he did. At a later date, he found out that they stole his work and put it out as theirs. Jackie suggested getting revenge so they go get back at them together.
The Theater Kids
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While not a particularly tight-knit group, they do end up spending a decent amount of time together. They all are in majors in the Theater wing of the college, but Jim, Drake, and Duckula tend to get put on projects together (generally to Duckula's dismay.) Meanwhile, Drake, Duckula, and Daffy are all major players in the Event Planning Committee, mainly because they all want to host and be the center of attention.
(Warning: there's a lot of "and he's the son of..." in this part)
Jim Starling Acting
Selfish, guarded, standoffish, but serious about his work. He's secretly the son of the actor who played Darkwing Duck in the old show, but hates Darkwing for that exact reason. While it's a secret, Drake knew immediately and wanted to meet him, only to find Jim threatening him to never tell anyone. Before Drake showed up, he used to get every hero/protagonist role in major productions from the college, but now he only gets villain/antagonist roles. It angers him to no end that his roles are being "stolen" by this new guy. Through one means or another, he ended up meeting the actual Negaduck (90s) and while they're trapped together for a bit, Negaduck helps inspire him to play the best villain he can.
Drake Mallard Acting
Kind, stubborn, arrogant. One of the founding members of the college's Darkwing Duck Fan Club (the other being LP, but he doesn't actually go to college there.) His dorm room is filled with Darkwing merch of all kinds. As a member of the Event Planning Committee, he's the only one willing to do the paperwork and early prep for events. While sitting at a computer filling out forms and doing expense sheets isn't the most fun, it does give him more freedom to slip in a few Darkwing events and episode showings without running them by the rest of the committee. At a later point, Negaduck stalks the college campus and another character (Buck) suspects Drake and Jim. It's revealed soon after that Drake is the son of the actual Darkwing (who existed alongside the show.) His mother is Morgana Macawber and his older sister, Gosalyn, is Quiverwing Quack, local beloved superhero. His parents retired from superheroing and are traveling the world (though we all know DW is likely still running into problems, lol.) His father left him all of his old gear so Drake could take up the superhero mantle, but he's been too scared of ruining DW's legacy and being in his father's shadow. During the investigation, they find out Negaduck had put a tracker on DW's old suit and was back for revenge. Drake tried to pretend to be his dad to trick Negaduck, but it didn't work. Afterwards, they confide in Jim and get him to play DW, and he successfully convinces Negaduck long enough to get him trapped. Once Negaduck is turned over to the police, Drake rethinks his situation and slowly learns to be his own Darkwing, eventually making his own suit to fit.
Count Duckula (or just Duckula) Drama / Dramatics / Theatre Arts
Arrogant, dense, vaguely evil, but also very lonely. Unlike most students, he doesn't live in a dorm. Like his previous incarnation, his castle can warp wherever he wants to go, so he just warped near campus and set up his castle so that it wouldn't leave (for Duckula fans, I assume he just had to remove his cuckoo clock.) Out of the Event Planning Committee members, he's the best at event prep and technical stuff. You need a projector? You need a fog machine? You need a DJ setup? He can get it and set it up easily. He doesn't even seem to be aware of his skills in prepping sets and equipment. That being said, as they were deciding who got to host the biggest party of the year, he won and was super excited to host. It was definitely his favorite part of the year and made everything else worth it. Meanwhile, his skills in acting could definitely use some work. He once had to play a damsel in distress for a group exercise and Duckula's work was so bland, Jim came out with a chainsaw and scared him into saying his lines right. This mainly worked because his only lines were basically "help" and "save me!" One problem for Duckula is that he's a vampire, which is one reason why he wants to do theater so much, no cameras required. There are cameras that can capture his image, but they are unbelievably expensive. His dream is to get a bunch of those cameras and fulfill his family's dream of becoming famous. (For Duckula fans, this version is based on the 18th, who can show up in cameras, but this was added for more drama.) At one point he gets it in his head that animation would mean he doesn't need cameras, but he decided to hypnotize the entire animation wing to make him an animated pilot he wrote (and not a very good one.) After the hypnosis wore off, they chased him down, ready to stake his heart with styluses (styli?) and pencils until he agreed to bring them snacks for a year and donate to the animation wing.
Daffy Duck (Jr?) Musical Theater
Arrogant, aloof, chaotic. He's the son of the original Daffy, and a big Duck Dodgers fan. Since he's rarely paired in a group with Jim, Drake, and Duckula, he tends to tease their group a lot and give them grief when they use the stage too often for their practice. As a member of the Event Planners, he focuses on the decor and aesthetic for events. He also bothers Drake often about doing Duck Dodgers showings and bugs him about Dodgers being "better" and "more beloved." He'll slack off sometimes during event work when it comes to actually putting things up, but his decorating plans are actually pretty solid and eye-catching. He'll occasionally do social media stuff for events, too (especially if he's the one who gets to host them.)
The Rest
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Other characters I didn't really have a group for, but are still important.
Buck McDuck (Aka Young Scrooge McDuck) Business Administration & Management
Stubborn, clever, impulsive. He took on the alternate name of Buck because he thought it would sound cool and give him the chance to separate his college life from his family life prior. His first year at college, he decided to take on a job as a part-time security guard, which he soon found was going to be very high stress. Catching small time security stuff was easy and boring, but soon a costumed villain (Negaduck) showed up and started causing problems. He never watched Darkwing and wasn't in the area during Darkwing's time as a hero, so it wasn't until way later on that he found out Negaduck was the criminal messing with campus (and constantly escaping him.) Eventually he had to work with Drake (and later on, Jim) to catch Negaduck and turn him over to the police. Buck was already becoming worn out from this madness, but it wasn't until a later incident involving Birch (Badboy) Goodman that made him quit his job and instead focus his efforts on selling homemade study guides (similar to Azul Ashengrotto of Twisted Wonderland) and doing odd jobs around campus (like helping the event committee) for extra cash. Luckily, these jobs also ended up paying better. Sometimes he likes to do his schoolwork while hanging out with the animals in the veterinary area, but he'd never tell anyone about that. I had an idea for his brother (from Italian comics) Gideon McDuck to show up and jumpstart the newspaper / reporter club, but that wouldn't happen until Buck was at least in his second or third year. Also, the possibility of Glomgold meeting him during some kind of international competition, losing, and transferring just to be able to beat Buck at things in his own classes.
Sylvester Pussycat Graphic Design & Illustration
Creative, sneaky, aloof. He's an ex-delinquent with a love for graffiti, who wants to become a muralist. Instead of a dorm, he saved some cash by renting a studio apartment nearby. It's a bit run down, but he knows a guy so he gets it at a steep discount. He's definitely butted heads with Buck on a few occasions (when Buck worked security), especially when he got a hold of Black 4.0 paint — he painted cartoonish holes in parts of campus, which really messed with people (imagine walking into a room that's now just a black void.) After he was forced to clean it all up as punishment, he promised not to paint all over campus again (but the city is fair game.) As one of the best resident artists who also is strapped for cash, the Event Planning Committee hires him often for poster, banner, and flyer designs. As an extra bit of fun, if he sees Duckula trying to hypnotize someone, he'll jump in and stop him— usually by pushing his beak up towards the ceiling. Duckula obviously gets annoyed at it, but Sylvester tells him that's what he gets for hypnotizing people.
Birch Goodman (Badboy) Neurobiology & Behavior
Kind, sweet, polite, cinnamon roll who must be protected. (Rude, selfish, uncouth, punk rocker)
Thee original Birch is transformed by his machine (and a thoughtless Danger Mouse) into a villain, but this version is instead semi-transformed through an accident while testing it. Through that accident, he gets stuck in a sort of Jekyll and Hyde situation where both versions of him share the same body (For Disney Comics fans: Think Gyro Gearloose / The Mad Ducktor.) Birch wanted to make a machine that could help the world learn to be more polite and peaceful, while Badboy wants to use it to make everyone embrace rudeness. Birch has a reserved space towards the back of the science wing, so he doesn't talk too often with others, especially since the accident. Whenever Badboy takes over, he avoids classes in favor of causing chaos around campus with a smaller, more temporary version of the machine, in the shape of a megaphone. To Buck's dismay, Badboy always slips away without leaving a clue as to who he really is. Birch wants to finish the main machine in hopes it can undo his situation, and he hopes he'll be the first to use it. Unfortunately, Badboy is the one to finish it and immediately unleashes it on the campus (with plans to unleash it on the world.) Luckily, Buck and the Fearsome Four were off-campus during the initial blast. They come back and realize they're likely the only ones unaffected, which leads to them working together to take Badboy down and deactivate the machine. As Buck, Quackerjack, Liquidator, and Bushroot distract Badboy (who ends up being more of a challenge than they expected), Megavolt works to rewire the machine. Once reactivated, everyone on campus returned to normal, including Birch. Though, even with Badboy gone, he sometimes falls back into his ruder ways.
If people like this, I can do occasional run throughs of other AUs and things from my Discord.
Also, for anyone wondering "why these characters?" I picked a few of my favorite characters at the time, and since this was written over the course of a few years, it ended up being a random assortment. I also run through a certain rule that characters must be from the same generation, if that makes sense. Since I had added Buck, I didn't feel comfortable just bringing in Donald, Della, Daisy, or other characters from the younger (duck cousins) generation. Another application of this was picking which generation Gosalyn and Launchpad would be a part of, which is why I went with Gosalyn is from 90s DW, so she's an adult (who is only ever mentioned, tbh), but LP appears occasionally at the college as a friend (or more) of Drake.
Sorry for any spelling or grammar errors, I typed this up real quick before bed.
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waitineedaname · 7 months ago
something that will never fail to be amusing to me is when an mdzs college au needs the name of a professor, and then suddenly shen qingqiu is there
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waywardsou2 · 3 months ago
I have a few big arcane projects in the works that I am excited to get working on but since it's almost new year I've decided to put them off until January 1st rolls around. So what big project would you like to see in the new year from me?
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year ago
Thinkin' of WOF Au for DC, but like, it's a Gothamite and Fawcett thing. (And Amity Park if crossover)
Like those are the most magical areas in the world, even if Gotham is cursed as fuck. An unspoken secret of sorts that while they present themselves as human to outsiders, they are all Very Much Not.
Which means hilariously in the league, when everyone expects Batman to be suspicious and short with the new guy- even made bets on it- they are then shooketh when both visibly relax and start talking. And half the shared complaints don't make sense!
Now Gotham technically has no Queen, nor does Fawcett, but Batman and Captain Marvel are the closest things. Not in the traditional sense of back when they were in separate tribes (& maybe from a different dimension but shh that was millennia ago) but in the sense of, they're the ones patrolling and protecting the cities along with calling the shots in disasters.
Which does sort of change the dynamic they both have in their city. If one of them calls to arms, the city would follow them. They could declare war, and their cities (begrudgingly in Gotham's underbelly's case of strongest is in charge) would follow. And while Billy is oblivious, both Marvel-the-not-hivemind and Batman are. They know they have to be very careful.
I'm sure we all want Nightwing Bruce but no. Bruce, like both his mother and father and father's father and so on before him, is actually an Icewing. The Waynes however, have a case of melanism running in their bloodline. Thomas Wayne? Only his quills and part of his back were darker, but Bruce? Practically pitch black scales that shadow his eyes.
Now Alfred on the other hand, is a Nightwing. No special powers there, though you would hear many a child protest with how he seems to know everything.
Commissioner Gordon is a Mudwing, big stocky and very tired, which translates to his human disguise as a large trenchcoat. He finds this very amusing. Barbara similarly, is half Mudwing. Her mother was a Hivewing, making her a hybrid between both. Which does ironically mean that Batgirl does in fact have insectoid wings. Though that does ponder the question on if they'd all go by their original vigilante names.
Dick is a Silkwing. Wingless as he watches his parents fall and unable to do anything despite this place supposedly being safe for beings like them. He grows into his own, and his wings, when they come in, are dark Gotham colors through and through, with the deep blue of the sky he's come to crave.
Jason is a hybrid between a Mudwing and a Skywing. He's also an animus- not that he knew that. He doesn't find out until he's dying, telling himself to not die, to get back to Gotham, to his dad, his family- And then he wakes up in his Coffin, alive.
Now Cass, raised to be the perfect killer, is also a hybrid, just one between a Nightwing and a Rainwing, egg set out under the moon. Which succeeds, partially. She can't straight up read minds, but combined with her talent in reading body language on both human and inhuman bodies, it's a near thing.
Tim is a Seawing, borderline abandoned by his parents who seek treasures and more wealth as he's trapped back in a city where the water is dark and poisoned. But he's Gothamite, through and through, and he adapts. Scales darker than the original blues he was born with, and glow shifting to that sickly white of the Gotham's Bats.
Now Steph, is a full-blooded Rainwing, and can in fact change her scales, but can mostly be found in purples and golds. Though for a short time she was in another set of colors, thought dead before she slithered out of the shadows older and wiser than before.
Damian is his father's son, but he's also an Al-Ghul. The not-quite dragonet is half Icewing, and half Sandwing. And struggled to adjust at first, to a place so different from his first home where the only other dragons were blood related. But like any Wayne before him, he adjusts, and he adapts.
Billy wasn't a Beetlewing originally, and perhaps he would have hesitated if he'd known it would change him, would change his body and the last thing he had of his parents. But his friends, his Team and new family help. And he can pass as a Silkwing like their sort-of foster mother. All six of them can do so now, even if the others look more like hybrids themselves thanks to not being the Champion. They might not be, but they're his family. And that's enough.
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i am in a romantic relationship with your son. @imbackbilly
- @sixfingrs
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duskyourlocalowl · 3 months ago
Give me some more headcanon about this AU
Got you :)
• Ares has a stray dog he feeds that stays on campus. The teachers have hired animal control multiple times, but they haven't caught it.
• Aphrodite sucks at long division. The one time she did it right she read to the problem wrong and had to redo it again.
• Artemis, Dionysus, and Athena hang out in Artemis room and play uno.
• Ares accidentally killed someone(Based off the story of when he killed Posidian's son) Athena had to help hide the body.
• Hephaestus and Hermes are dorm-mates.
• Hermes and Apollo both have slight dyslexia.
• Hestia is the adult on their floor. On halloween she turned on the fireplace and told "scary stories"
That's a lot of the hc for now! I am working on a relationship chart and other dorm-mates a them moment! :)
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quietwingsinthesky · 5 months ago
it’s why i like writing my own smut because it means im allowed to put in details for me and talk about hairy tummies and stretch marks and fat rolls and all the things that make human bodies so fantastic to look at and think about
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velvserum · 3 months ago
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