#random ideas
ciaomarie · 3 days
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I hope so badly for a return to the lighter moments that The Bear season 1 and 2 had. From the ridiculous ball breaker line brawl with Carmy, Richie & Fak wrestling, Sydney stabbing Richie, Sydney falling through a wall, mold showering Richie, a wall falling down as Nat discusses keeping her pregnancy a secret, Ebra and Tina roasting each other, Pete passing out from the Xanax-laced ecto-cooler etc....Since Chris Storer loves paying homage to his favorite directors rather than moving storylines at acceptable pace, can he insert a little more Howard Hawks (Bringing Up Baby), George Cukor (The Philadelphia Story), or George Stevens (The More the Merrier)? Carmy and Syd ranting in the dumpster, breaking down boxes in Season 3, proves he can do it! I would love to see Carmy and Syd trapped on a rickety fire escape arguing about the Shapiro offer. They nearly plunge to their deaths, but Syd's brains and Carmy's muscles save the day 😆 Maybe one of Richie's Tuesday(?) Surprises go terribly awry, causing The Faks to leave forever 😈 Tina and Ebra hosting a roast for "team building" would be a dream. Just subtract the Faks and insert the OG cast up to their old hijinks, and I foresee another Emmy win for Best Comedy 😉
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flamingpudding · 2 months
Little Snippets #1
"Father, please do not scare the children."
Alfred let out a sigh at the children's reaction as well as his own fathers sheepish laugh as the man scratched the back of his head. Once more he couldn't help but marvel at how young his own father looked. But then again the fact that his father was by now a timeless being and rule of an entire realm likely contributed to it. He glanced at the still shell shocked children and stoic Bruce, a part of him took a bit of pleasure in their shock.
"Master Bruce, may I introduce to you my father." Alfred hummed indicating to the floating man with blazing white hair and glowing green eyes in regal clothing, well aside from the damned jumpsuit his own mother had never refrained from complaining about.
"Daniel James Fenton." The butler continued eyes crinkling with a smile as he watched his charges. "Ruler of the Infinite Realms."
"Just Danny is fine. Honestly it must be your mothers influence with how formal you turned out Al..." The man, Danny added reaching a hand out to ruffle Alfred's hair that Alfred sidestepped. Not because he didn't like his fathers show of affection, no because he had appearance to uphold and he didn't need to shock the children any more than he already had.
"T-that must be a joke, right Alfie...?" Jason spoke up being the first one to regain his ability to speak coherently.
"I am afraid not Master Jason. This man is indeed my father." Alfred hummed amused, he would think that with their near daily dealings with villains, aliens, supernatural and other beings they would be less shocked. But as it seemed his family didn't seem able to warp their heads around this. Surely they must have suspected some sort of supernatural connection to him, after all how do they think he was able to keep the entire Manor as clean as it is? He had his pocketwatch from his grandfather as his secret weapon after all.
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miss-conner3 · 5 months
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En Español: Aquí
¿Does the clothes make the lamb, or does the lamb make the clothes?
Some outfits and headcanons of my lamb while he looks great and remembers what modesty is, thanks to his older brother (owo)/
Since "it's just wool" is an excuse that, for me, only works when the other creature is not another sheep XD
¡I hope you like it!
Extra: An observation about a cat and a lamb...
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They are dancing (ouo)
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shivadh · 4 months
Portrait of a Royal
(Warning behind the cut for a full-length image of the new Jonathan Yeo portrait of Charles III, which is real startling if you aren't expecting it.)
"Having met Charles Windsor," Gregory said over breakfast that morning, "I can assure you, he really is exactly the kind of man who wouldn't notice an elaborate and expensive roasting."
They had a rule about reading smartphones at breakfast -- using a tablet was fine if they were talking business, and phones were permitted for scheduling or settling arguments about the lyrics to songs or movie trivia, but overall they tried to keep the devices face-down. On that particular morning absolutely nobody was following the rule, because Jes had walked into the dining room with Michaelis, propped their tablet against a juice carafe in the middle of the table, and said, "I want everyone's opinion on what the actual living fuck is going on here."
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Gerald had almost choked on his coffee. Alanna, feeding Sera, had looked up at the tablet, showing a portrait of King Charles III of England done in raw-meat pinks and muddy browns, and missed Sera's face entirely with a spoonful of mashed banana. Joan's eyes went huge as Eddie went into peals of laughter, which the twins promptly imitated, slapping their hands on the trays of their high chairs.
Gregory had carefully set down his silverware and rested his elbows on the table, propping his nose on his clasped hands to try and maintain a poker face.
"It's satire, right?" Ger had asked, looking from Jes to Gregory to Alanna. "I actually liked art history at school, and that's a painting someone did in protest, isn't it?"
"This is the official royally commissioned portrait of Charles the third," Michaelis had said, helping himself to breakfast at the sideboard and settling in between Joan and Jes. "But yes, it is also satire."
"They paid for that?" Eddie asked, gesturing at the painting. "They paid for it. And voluntarily put it on display."
"So the press releases say," Jes said. "I'm taking soundings because we are absolutely dedicating at least one episode of The Echo to it. I might have to start an entirely new podcast about contemporary art just so I can do a deep dive."
"Satire," Gerald repeated, staring at the painting.
"Not explicitly according to the artist, but his description of it is…very dry," Michaelis said. Jes held up their phone and read from it.
"The vivid color of the glazes in the background echo the uniform’s bright red tunic, not only resonating with the royal heritage found in many historical portraits but also injecting a dynamic, contemporary jolt into the genre with its uniformly powerful hue…" they stopped to snicker.
"Oh that's good," Alanna said approvingly. "Calling raw-flesh red the royal heritage is a very nice touch."
"The butterfly approaching King Charles's shoulder in the portrait adds a layer of narrative depth, symbolizing both his known advocacy for environmental causes and his personal transformation."
"It's a lie," Joan said. The adults looked at her.
"What's a lie, hon?" Gregory asked.
"I mean -- " Joan frowned at the painting. "He says he's painting the king's portrait but he's actually painting his feelings about the king, right? And being paid to paint a portrait implies you're supposed to be on the subject's side. But he's definitely not. So it's kind of like a lie. Of a painting. That's cool," she added, thoughtfully. "He roasted the king and the king didn't even notice? That's so cool!"
"Having met Charles Windsor," Gregory said, "I can assure you, he really is exactly the kind of man who wouldn't notice an elaborate and expensive roasting."
"That's sort of what satire is," Gerald added. "It's saying one thing but meaning another in a way that's really obvious to almost everyone."
"Ooh," Joan replied, digesting this. "I've had European history," she continued. "Other royal families aren't like ours."
"Well, some," Michaelis said. "Most, perhaps. Because we elect our royalty, even if we do tend to…elect in families. If you're king one day, it'll be because Gregory trained you and the people think you'd be best at the job. If you were the kind of person he is," he added, nodding to the portrait, "You probably wouldn't get elected."
"I sure wouldn't want a portrait like that done of me if I did," Joan said.
"That reminds me, we really do need to have portraits done," Gregory said to Eddie.
"Well, I say hire this guy," Eddie replied, gesturing at the painting. "At least you know you'll get an honest opinion."
"Doubt he needs the work, given he managed to get paid to insult a king to his face," Jes said. "Maybe that's the angle -- he basically ran a con on the royal family."
"Is it a con if they pay you for something and you give it to them?" Gerald asked.
"To be clear, that was con-parenthesis-admiring-close-parenthesis," Jes replied.
"I should never have told them I have a Tumblr," Ger said to Alanna.
"Don't look at me, I warned you," she replied.
"His other work is very good," Gregory said, scrolling images on his own phone. "I wonder if we can afford him. Love to see what he'd do with you, Eddie."
"I don't mind. Whatever he does, can't be worse than the haters who didn't like my TV show," Eddie replied serenely.
"Am I going to meet the Windsors, ever?" Joan asked Gregory.
"Oh, sooner or later, probably."
"We used to have to go to the birthdays sometimes," Alanna said. "Gregory and Gerald and me. We used to immediately go find Mia and then spend the parties running around with her, causing mischief."
"That's Queen Amelia of Genovia," Michaelis told Joan.
"I should call her, she's going to love this," Gregory said absently.
"I owe her money, I think," Gerald added. "Don't play poker with Genovians," he told Serafina, who burbled.
Eddie, who had apparently already thought of someone to call, had his phone to his ear. "Hey, Gee," he said, to whoever answered. Gregory looked at him curiously. "Yeah, it's Ed. Oh, don't give me shit, I married for love. Have you seen the new Yeo painting? I know! Yeah, I thought you might. Can I get his number? Oh, great. And do you know what his rates are? Well, yeah, and I want to be top of the waiting list. Okay. Huh, that's…affordable."
The entire table was silent. Eddie grinned at them.
"Oh, would you? You are the best, my man. Yeah, absolutely. Hey, next time you're in Europe, book a few days here, huh? Okay. Okay -- yeah, here it comes -- ciao, darling!" he said, and hung up.
"Who do you know who can quote you Jonathan Yeo's fees?" Jes asked.
"Gordon Ramsay," Eddie said casually. "He had a portrait done. I don't know what the royal budget is but his going rate, at least pre-Windsor, is not going to dip my bank account uncontrollably."
"You married for love?" Gregory prompted.
"Oh yeah, he likes to make fun of me for marrying into royalty, he calls me King Golddigger. I think you'll like him, I'll introduce you."
"What if you have Mr. Yeo do a portrait and it ends up like that, though?" Joan asked, gesturing at the painting. Jes picked up the tablet and blanked it, setting it aside.
"Then I will have deserved it, don't you think?" Gregory asked. "We should never try to pretend to a face that's better than the one we actually have. One reason art is so important is that it reminds us of that. That's why we spend so much government money on the arts. Now, finish your eggs, we are definitely going to have to have some conversations about that painting with several of the MPs, it's going to be a rowdy morning."
I think this is more or less extracanonical, but I couldn't get out of my head the idea of the Shivadh royals reacting to Yeo's portrait of Charles III. I don't think he's actually done one of Gordon Ramsay, but I think Ramsay's the kind of guy who would enjoy his work, for sure. Yeo's statement about the portrait is here; it's well worth clicking around his site, his other work is equally fantastic. I can only imagine what he'd do with a portrait of Gregory or Eddie (or Michaelis).
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whumpster-fire · 2 months
"Medieval" fantasy setting that has its "plate armor at a level of advancement that IRL was developed when guns and cannons were a thing but warfare is almost entirely pre-gunpowder" stasis maintained because of dragons. Not generic magical threats or "magic is better anyway," but dragons specifically.
More specifically, the world is in the aftermath of a catastrophic war where dragons were hunted to near extinction, and humanity came pretty close to being wiped out as well. As a result of this, one of the few things that can actually get dragons to cooperate with each other is a country getting serious about firearms development. In some cases there are explicit nonproliferation treaties, in others it's just a general threat of "look what happened to the last guys," but regardless, almost nobody has anything beyond very primitive firearms because to a species that lives for many centuries, a human nation coming within 50-100 years of mass-produced flack cannons is an existential threat. The red line technologies aren't even weapons that are particularly effective against dragons on their own, they're just precursors to things that are.
(And just to be clear, this isn't a "dragons rule the world and want to keep humans in their place" setting, this is a "dragons mostly want little or nothing to do with humans but humans are bad at minding their own business" setting.)
Half of human-dragon conflict is a result of agricultural/herding societies expanding into dragons' territories and replacing prey animal populations with cattle, which dragons would generally be fine with as it results in abundant and easy to kill prey if the humans didn't believe they had an exclusive right to eat said cattle. Even if you come to a reasonable, mutually beneficial agreement there's no guarantee that in a hundred years the original humans' descendants won't change their minds and declare you to be a tyrant, then try to kill you. Most of the other half is a result of humans actively hunting dragons because their body parts are valuable and/or because dragon eggs need strong ambient magic to incubate which usually means building a nest out of enchanted objects and/or magic-amplifying materials. Also from a dragon's perspective a 'peaceful' human society can turn into an aggressive, colonizing, genocidal empire really goddamn fast.
If dragons see humans as insects, they're regarded as the equivalent of an aggressive, invasive, really annoying and sometimes deadly kind of wasp that might create desirable resources if you have them around but they're more trouble than they're worth because they'll build massive nests in your yard and then it's only a matter of time before you get stung for existing in your own home, and also they can chew holes in the walls and swarm-attack you and your children in their sleep. Combine all the worst fearmongering about africanized honeybees and asian giant hornets and you'll have a good idea of how dragons see humans. The reason dragons trying to coexist in proximity to humans are a small minority isn't because most dragons are going "You soft hearted loser, caring about such meaningless creatures," it's because they're going "You fucking idiot, you can't share territory with humans, they'll turn on you as soon as there's a famine or their population gets too big for the land to support you and them. Individual humans can be okay but if you let them build a city on your turf it's a matter of when, not if, it becomes a problem."
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purpleenma · 3 months
✨The Spirk eyeshadow palette✨
A double palette set of 4 colours each where Kirk's is one palette and Spock's is the other. You can use them separate or you can put them together and you have the 8 colour ✨Spirk✨ palette.
You can also get an even bigger palette by combining the ✨Spirk✨ one with McCoy's palette and make a ✨ Mcspirk✨ one. You could really make all the combinations for your triumvirate ships!
So for Spock's palette we would have his signature indigo, a nice purple with blue shimmer for formal wear, a dark bronze with a touch of shimmer to do some fierce cat eyes and a deep black with black glitter for his dramatic goth ass.
For Kirk's palette we would have a warm tan for the daily, a beautiful soft orange with gold shimmer to wear at important events, wrap-around green with coppery shimmer for dating Spock and intense yellow with gold glitter for the diva inside.
And for McCoy's palette we would have his modest blue, baby blue with silver shimmer for being fancy, a cold grey to frame the judgy eyes and champagne with baby blue glitter when feeling bold.
Paramount hire me when.
I could revolutionise their merchandising department if they let me.
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hurdy-girly · 4 months
Okay what if I made a dc au but the only difference is that Jason Todd wrote a (mostly joking) will for himself before he died that included his wish to be buried holding a real sword and Bruce honored that wish so when Jason wakes up from his extended nap he crawls out of his grave while wielding a super ornate sword that he refuses to let go of and so. Everything is the same, mostly, same character progression and all, he also just has this sword that he refuses to let anyone touch
And maybe there will be something with them realizing he’s Jason cause he has the sword but I’ve not gotten that far yet lol
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amadwinter · 10 months
modern au where Obikin are roommates and best friends, but like. They're also them and so most people give them the side-eye when they say that they are roommates.
Cue Padmé, Anakin's new girlfriend, who is a little fed up with Anakin inviting Obi-Wan everywhere (including on what was meant to be dates on more than one occasion). In a fit of exasperation, Padmé unthinkingly accuses Obi-Wan of being gay and in love with Anakin.
Obi-Wan just looks at her calmly. "I'm bisexual, not gay. And definitely not in love."
Anakin doesn't hear the last part, because the first is way too interesting. "You're bi? Would you ever fuck me?"
What Anakin means is, "Do you think I'm attractive?" because he's never thought about having sex with a man, but he wants to keep his options open, and it's best to know ahead of time if another man would even find him attractive, so why not ask Obi-Wan who is, undoubtedly, a man.
But that is not what any reasonable person hears.
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aureentuluva70 · 8 months
Random idea but what if Olorin originally served Melkor. What if he originally served the "Dark Fire", before at some point repenting and later coming to serve the Valar in Valinor. What if it was his own guilt and regret that drove him to the House of Nienna, where he learned pity and patience. What if his past as a servant of Melkor was the reason he was so afraid of Sauron; he didn't want to fall onto the paths of evil again, afraid that he'd become something even worse than he was before, like Sauron became.
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reirakurenai · 7 months
The latest funny scenario idea I got while writing some Durgetash fluff (and smut):
Karlach: “Soooo, who is she?” 😏
Gortash: “Karlach, we are not having this conversation.” 🙄
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flamingpudding · 10 months
Danny, the 'twig' Bouncer
The job was just a temporary solution. It was a means to an end. To help him handle his obsession until things were better. Until it was safe to be out again. Until he could roam around freely without fear. Until he no longer needed to lay low or be on the run. Until he could return to being Phantom.
This job helped keep his obsession somewhat sedated. Sure, it was a shady bar, but it beat working out in the open in some other way or becoming a non-ghost vigilante and risking his human persona too.
Besides people tented to underestimate him because he was a 'twig' in their eyes. The bar owner nearly didn't hire him until he easily flipped a human truck over his shoulder and threw the guy out the back door on his interview day.
But again this was just meant to be temporary. He got to fight the trouble makers and protect customers from the rowdy crowd.
At some point, the people even started cheering whenever Danny was on the clock, his coworkers even leaving the heavy hitters to him. It was kind of fun always seeing the sound looks of the big guys that didn't think Danny could throw them out the door with one hand. The owner had said something about getting more customers ever since Danny started working for him.
Danny even recognized regulars now. Tho there was this one guy with a red helmet that gave him a weird feeling. But the guy wasn't making trouble so Danny left him alone.
Besides the Bar Owner always pet his shoulder after he threw someone out. That meant he did a good job right?
Though Danny did wonder how long this temporary job would last.
Yea his Fenton luck struck again. Danny didn't know faces. The bar was a shady place but neutral zone according to the owner but there was the golden rule of not messing with Joker. Danny had agreed even tho he didn't know who that guy was.
Soo the day came a clown made trouble in the bar and no one else appeared to want to do something. So what did Danny do? His job. He punched the guy, knocked him out and threw him right out the door a little too hard into a brick wall. He might have broken a couple of that clown guys bones. Hello trauma, Freakshow greets you.
The bar was dead silent right after, everyone staring at him like he had just signed a death sentence. The owner had then pushed him out the door and muttered something about sending Danny on vacation and to return in a month if he was still alive by then.
Did that mean he was fired or got a weird kind of promotion?
Why was that guy in a furry suit staring him down now?
Also why was the red helmet regular suddenly trying to hire him for his gang?
Really Danny just wanted a simple job that sedated his obsession, this was not what he expected to happen for a job well done.
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What if…
What if Sebek had hanahaki disease.
Like hanahaki disease doesn’t always have to be about your crush or what even not liking you back, it could be about unrequited familial love. I mean Sebek would probably feel left out already. He joined Mallus, Lilia, and Sliver later on after the three created close bonds.
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shivadh · 2 months
Have you described in any of the books or shorts what a Shivadh bow looks like, yet? As in, like, bowing out of courtesy, not a bow and arrows. I'm rereading Twelve Points again and I realised I don't know what to imagine for that. I would very much like to know, for reasons.
(Also I just realised, curtsy and courtesy are the same word. Performing your courtesy to the king. Performing a curtsy to the king. Wild, the leaps we make at midnight-thirty.)
Honestly it's one of those things where I kinda stumped my own brain. I mean there really are only so many ways to bow. And we know that the depth of the bow matters and also how it's executed because it's distinct from just Any Old Bow. (And curtsey as well of course.) So I've kind of been letting people imagine their own. :D
Realistically, I think what makes the most sense is for the curtsey to be a sort of Regency style, where you bend at the knee and bow your head, rather than bending from the waist. That's fairly distinct but still elegant. For the bow, what makes the most sense is to make it more melodramatic, like an actor's bow -- you put one leg back, bend at the waist, and sort of wave one hand outward. It's not necessarily the flamboyance of the movement, but the distance your leg goes back and the depth of your bend, that would count.
For both, the depth of it doesn't just show respect but also indicates rank, so you might bow deeply to someone you're very familiar with, but if you were the same two people who didn't know each other and you outranked them socially or culturally, you wouldn't bow nearly so deeply. That's why occasionally someone is surprised when one of the kings bows deeply, because most of the time the kings are barely nodding their heads, since it's acknowledged that they hold a particular rank. It seems like it would be a weird power trip but I think of it as the king acknowledging "Hey, you're a person, we're in this particular social configuration, I'm showing you respect by not treating you weirdly or trying to puff you up." And of course it's all contextual -- like most people you would meet in a day are basically your social peer because the Shivadh aren't highly stratified or rigid about class, but even Gregory would bow more deeply to an elder to show respect for their age. And you can imagine how much room there is to play with how you might snub or slight someone.
All of this said, most of the time it's considered a bit archaic. The royals do it more often because one, most of them are old nobility, and two, it's kind of a marker of someone whose job or duty it is to preserve culture. Gregory bows because he's king and it's expected of him, but also because his mother was the duchess presumptive of Askaz and it was just instinct on her part to teach him "proper" (old) manners. And someone like Caleb or Noah or Ephraim might bow more often because they weren't raised in Askazer-Shivadlakia, so it's both novel and aggressively Shivadh of them, like "Hey I definitely can do this and it's sorta fun." But most Shivadh usually just shake hands or say hello, bowing isn't something you'd do very often in a day if at all.
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Leverage is great because in one episode they steal a potato and teach a child how to do Crime(TM). What other show lets you say that?
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sabrondabrainrot · 16 days
Random Idea but with what I know about current spoilers I have two ideas. One is that Sun will somehow becomes the Witherstorm (I AM BANKING ON THIS) or he's going to be relevant to the Witherstorm of their dimension and be scattered through dimensions.
One of my most favorite series of all time is "Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicles" and the crux of that series is they need to put someone back together and to do so, they have to travel to various dimensions to find the missing pieces of the person's soul. I totally see that happening to our Sun? I don't know why.
Even to this day, Sun still hasn't quite opened up about himself. Not to Old Moon, New Moon, Solar, Earth, Lunar, etc etc. I think the most he's been open towards thus far is probably Dazzle ironically?
I'm still getting caught up but I can tell Dazzle actually wants to get to know him so she's asking about him and he's honestly telling her. (also loving how Sun is spending more and more time with the kids in the show, He spends so much time with FC, Dazzle, Jack, etc. It's so wholesome) I'd say Earth and Lunar are in second place of knowing him best but they also still sometimes are kept an arm's length away.
Solution to this? Scatter parts of his 'soul' into the multiverse and make it the family's responsibility to find him! Heck he could even be in a coma the entire time they do this! When they find a Sun fragment they get to see his memories or feel and hear his thoughts.
In Tsubasa the fragments are called 'feathers' and they can warp reality, break time and space, or even gain sentience. I think it'd be so neat if one of the fragments of Sun became Dark Sun but I know it's not likely.
"I am doing this for Sun, Because I am Sun" vibes
Just an Idea but it'd be so cool if it happens!
My second Idea, has to do with a sketch I did a bit ago (still working on more sketches for it) but basically I know Sun's currently gathering power. He's a fighter and wants to help! His family is still keeping him away from the action though. It's not malicious and comes from them wanting to protect him but it's going to ultimately leave him more vulnerable and a target.
Dark Sun I know is tampering with dark energies, he's raising a dragon? He's associating more and more with Witherstorm energy and he still hasn't quite confessed what his motive/plan is besides the fact this is "all for Sun"
So wouldn't this mean Sun is going to ultimately becomes a Witherstorm? It's what the creator studies and the one of the main dimension is different from others so who's to say our Sun and Moon aren't also built different with different fates?
Creator created something specifically just to torture and wear Sun down but when you think of it, that's also what Old Moon was until they split. I don't think that was the intention but the fact Old Moon just decided to point blank torture Sun? Sus, like it was meant to happen.
Dark Sun I think needs Sun to be his pet Witherstorm, and he's maybe planning to use Nexus to make that happen? I just got to the point in the series where he just picked up New Moon from space and took a chip out of his brain. Bruh...he needs him but won't say for what.
I love it. Dark Sun my beloved what are you evil little plans <3
Hoping Sun doesn't fall into a Coma but it'd be so sexy of him aha~
I really like when Sun spends time with Earth and Lunar too it'd be so cool if they have an adventure to save him.
BTW I've been listening to Aurora's song "The Seed" and it literally gave me a big brain AU idea for tsams but idk if I should try to write it.
I really hope Sun ascends to some kind of God-hood like being especially involving destructive energy like Witherstorm stuff. It'd be so neat and sad if one of the nicest people ever became the ultimate judge, jury, and executioner-like being. It's especially ironic since Nexus/New Moon can't decide what's real anymore and just decided to frick off and become God so it'd be realllyyyy funny if Sun was the one to become a reality altering being.
I'm just Madoka-ifying Sun at this point
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maributterfly104 · 8 months
Sooo, just a thought. Maybe an idea.
What if we take the Batfam, that knows Danny and stuff, to meet or encounter some different versions of Danny's from alternative universes and various fanfics.
Either a travel fic or a reaction fic.
Maybe even add some JL to the mix. idk.
I'm just really curious on the interactions and shenanigans it will cause.
If anyone will have more ideas or additions to this, please tag me. 🙏
Would be cool if we also add canon danny to this.
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