#rand althor
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alverelover · 2 months ago
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ofthebrownajah · 11 months ago
Rand al'Thor:
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toastandjamie · 8 months ago
So as we know Rand and Elayne have a set of twins, one a boy and the other a girl- sometimes I think about if their son is just the spitting image of Rand as a kid. Both in looks and personality. He decides to get lessons from anyone and everyone about different ways to fight to be the best prince of the sword for his sister. So he’d of course go to Lan, Perrin and Mat who are all famous warriors in their own rights and imagining, Mat, Perrin and Nynaeve all facing this young boy who’s just exactly like the Rand they remembered from Emmonds Field. Brave and loyal and kind.
The brain rot, it’s kicking in.
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purplepotatobread · 1 year ago
The Wheel of Time but take a shot every time Mat, Perrin, or Rand thinks that they are bad with women and that the other two are better.
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the-best-bibliophile · 2 months ago
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In case anyone wanted an update on how this is going
This laurel crown is going to actually kill me (Yes I’m going to do the swords once the laurels are done)
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scarletkaoru · 11 months ago
rand while in an incredibly high stress situation: I wish i was a worm
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theoldshadow · 1 year ago
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iliiuan · 2 years ago
ofthebrownajah tagged Rand al'Thor and I choked on my breakfast.
I've been thinking, what if someone else *could* have battled the Dark One? Like, couldn't Logain show up at Shayol Ghul and be like, I got this? Or Nynaeve. She would have fixed it right up. IDK. For a series that's about breaking tropes, the final act was very trope.
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alverelover · 4 months ago
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ofthebrownajah · 10 months ago
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toastandjamie · 8 months ago
So Wheel of Time fans who are also Dragon Age fans… let’s put all our favorites into different dragon age factions! Now some of these are easy, like the Wondergirls being in the Circle or Galad being a Templar, but let’s get silly and goofy tonight.
Personally, I want to put Mat into the Lords of Fortune, Rand into the Grey Wardens and Perrin into the Veil Jumpers
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ravenking1771 · 1 year ago
I really don’t agree with this.
Rand and Anakin have similarities because they are both subversion or reimaginings of the chosen one trope. but they have such significant differences that such similarities come off as coincidences. For example , The whole virgin birth thing which is literal in Anakins case is not so with Rand both in that he had a birth mother and father and an adoptive father and mother. His virgin birth is based solely on a quirk of language.
Another issue is their trauma, Rand is shown as a good person steadily and remorselessly ground under by circumstance and his adversaries, this is emphasized by the narrative, in themes and text. Anakin has a two fold problem where he comes off as a violent sociopathic incell through subpar writing or as someone who actively chose his path through a combination of arrogance pride and selfishness.
These two characters dark night of the soul show how utterly different they are. Anakin willingly murders his his fellow Jedi, the young kings and enforces the will of the Emperor leading to 20+ of tyranny ranging from banal abuses to torture and planetary genocides with body counts in the billions.
Rand after confirming a high value target is preset in the mansion and knowing that people in the mansion are highly likely either darkfriend or brainwashed drones; kills them swiftly and probably painlessly; probably killing less than a thousand people probably closer to a hundred. Rand is able to pull himself out of this after a month or two; Anakin takes twenty years.
I feel that Anakin and Rand are not parallels but foils; Rand is what Anakin was meant to be but through Anakins actions and not circumstance he fell.
Rand al'Thor and Anakin Skywalker Parallels
Okay, I said I was gonna do this so let's go. Warning: this is full series spoilers for Wheel of Time so if you do watch the show and don't want Rand's arc spoiled, look away!
First thing's first, they're both the Chosen Ones of their perspective stories. Anakin being called the Chosen One, Rand with the titles the Dragon Reborn, He Who Comes With the Dawn, Car'a'carn, and Coramoor (all Chosen One in all those cultures)
Prophecies foretell that Anakin will bring balance to the Force (though afaik they're pretty vague on how he's supposed to accomplish this). The prophecies regarding Rand are complicated and unending and too much for this one post but the gist of it is that he will both save and destroy the world.
Anakin was born of Shmi Skywalker but has no father (the Force made him possible). Rand was born to Tigraine Mantear former Daughter-Heir to Andor and Janduin, clan chief of the Taardad Aiel. Tigraine was a Maiden of the Spear sworn to take no husband so that's where the Maiden birth fits in here.
Trauma is an ongoing theme here as neither of them can seem to catch a break. Anakin was enslaved as a child, loses his mother, is tortured a numerous amount of times (I've lost count the amount of times he's electrocuted in Clone Wars), and loses many soldiers under his command as well as the enormous pressure of being the Chosen One. He is constantly being told to suppress his emotions as anger will only lead to the Dark Side however he is never given the space or even any idea how to process his trauma. He loses Ahsoka due to her being kicked out of the Jedi Order due to the Jedi's own mistakes. Even after she is exonerated and very rightly leaves the Order, he's expected to keep his emotions under control and pretend everything is fine with this entire situation. Sidious groomed him for the Dark Side from a young age and ultimately ended up weaponizing his trauma.
Rand had a relatively normal childhood until Winternight when everything went to hell. Trollocs attack his village and he finds out he's adopted leading to the first of many identity crises. He's forced to leave the only home he's ever known and leave his adopted father behind who means everything to him. He and his friends are pursued across the world by Shadowspawn and Darkfriends who mean to turn him over to the Dark One, he's repeatedly tortured in his dreams every night by Ba'alzamon, and by the end of EoTW he discovers he can channel, which in this world means he's doomed to go insane the more he uses this magic.
He finds out he's the Dragon Reborn and the pressure of that adds onto his ongoing trauma of being pursued by Forsaken, being used and abused over and over and over again by people who are supposed to help and protect him, having the voice of his previous life in his head, losing people under his command and he blames himself for every last one. Everyone around him gaslights him into believing his trauma isn't real and that his very real PTSD symptoms are a result of him using the corrupted side of the magic system.
Rand suppresses his emotions as a coping mechanism and outwardly presents a mask that he feels nothing. These emotions he is not allowing himself to feel otherwise he would not be able to function he is funneling over to the voice of his previous life as Lews Therin. We as the reader experience his true emotions via Lews Therin. And I can't end this without mentioning when a group of Aes Sedai kidnap him and force him in a box to take him to the Tower, only to take him out to beat him with the Power, an extended torture that takes place for two weeks.
Both have lost a hand. Anakin lost a hand when Count Dooku cut if off with his lightsaber in Attack of the Clones. Rand lost a hand when Semirhage burned it off by channeling a fireball at him in Knife of Dreams.
Both of their falls I think are incredibly similar. Anakin kneels to Sidious begging him that he'll do anything just help him save Padme. In the Gathering Storm, Rand kneels to Semirhage and begs her that he'll do anything, just stop hurting Min. These end differently as Anakin ends up swearing to Sidious and becoming Darth Vader. Semirhage refuses to stop hurting Min, so Rand breaks the one line he won't cross and kills her with Balefire, but not without briefly channeling the True Power to escape his bonds; a Power only those sworn to the Shadow can wield.
After his fall, Anakin kills the younglings. For Rand an equivalent would be Natrin's Barrow, where he balefires an entire city out of existence just to get at the Forsaken Graendal.
As far as their return to the light goes, both is accomplished by a family member. Anakin is brought back by his son Luke. In Rand's case, it's his father Tam.
The Jedi and the Aes Sedai both have significant roles in both their arcs which includes losing trust in them after a certain point. They're both orders of magic users that did good in the world at one point in time but at some point lost their way or became corrupted.
The Jedi become majorly involved in the Clone Wars despite their vow of being peace keepers. They're aware of the origin of their clone army by the end of season 6, yet they decide to do nothing. Ahsoka being kicked out of the Jedi Order is Anakin's last straw. She's invited back in, and yet the Jedi refuse to change despite recognizing that they did Ahsoka wrong.
The Aes Sedai get involved in things that further their own ends or "Control the world with puppet strings" as some put it rather than their purpose of being "Servants of All". They deny the existence of the Black Ajah and pretend they haven't infiltrated their ranks. A faction of Aes Sedai kidnapped and tortured Rand for two weeks and the rest of the Aes Sedai refused to hold them accountable.
Both Anakin and Rand are Chosen Ones who cracked under the pressure and experienced persistent trauma.
I'm gonna end with a quote by Rand that seems pertinent to both of them.
"My life isn't my own. I'm a puppet for the Pattern and the prophecies, made to dance for the world before having my strings cut." -Rand al'Thor, The Gathering Storm
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wot-tidbits · 1 month ago
Stats for the period of 22.01.2014-22.01.2025
And here they are, the stats of the blog after 11 years of sharing my WOT love with you. 
Thank you for your support and still visiting the blog and enjoying its content.
Let the Light keep you safe.
And now the numbers
Followers  –  4386
Average number of followers per day/month – 1.09/33.23
Visits – 96,605
Average – 24.04 visits per day
Countries – 159
Here are TOP 10 of WOT art and photos posted by my blog.
Heron-Marked Warder Sword made by Brendan Olszowy by Fableblades
Various awesome art pieces by Gal Or (lightwaved)
Rand, Mat, Perrin, Nyneave and Egwene by Ariel Burgess
Bobby and banana for scale
Don’t share your secrets Randlanders! (Graph of conflict in WOT)
Rand alThor by reddera
Share a coke with Nyneave
Dance with Jak o’ the Shadows - Mat Cauthon by endave
Bela’s Garden
If you needed one more reason to love Brandon Sanderson
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writingsofwesteros · 1 year ago
Okay but wait this is soo my faceclaim for Alysor:
Him and Laena with their children:
After being in the second war of the Stepstones for a time, he returned with his hair shaved, she teased that she had half a mind to demand an annulment if she didn't get his curls back by the end of the year lol:
Oh look at him with the babe; the complete awe in his stare! Bless him!
Gods, he is hot !! You know why she loves his curls ;)
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aidenwaites · 2 years ago
"If I wanted a man I could do better" Rand althor bisexual agenda!!!!!!
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toastandjamie · 7 months ago
The two rivers is a tight knit village who all help out eachother. No doubt any one of the boys could do any type of job someone from a small village may need to do at any given time. Whether that’s milking cows, mending clothes, knitting, cooking, collecting water, shearing sheep or harvesting tabbac.
Gender roles aside, the productivity of the community comes to down to everyone being able to pitch in. Sure some jobs will be more often than not be done by men, or done by women, but everyone would at least Know how to do it!
Has anyone even considered that Rand al’Thor would well be able to spin and knit/weave? While yes, knitting and spinning are female activities in the gender roles of the Two Rivers but Rand and Tam are actual sheep farmers and it’d be economic madness for them not to be able to process their own product just because there’s no female presence in their household
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