#raising children wrong
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astro-can · 2 years ago
remember when the LGBTQ community was like "please accept us?"
yeah, now its "accept us or else"
i support, but i don't like certain aspects of it. i also find it disgusting how people these days are raising their children as non-binary. "we're gonna let them choose their own gender when they grow up!" like wtf? if someone has a biological daughter that grows up and says "mom, i'm fine with being a girl and i'm fine with being straight", their gonna be like "oh sweetie are you sure you dont want to be a boy?????????? are you sure you aren't gay? are you sure you aren't blank?" why are you FORCING it upon your child?
a few years ago, homophobia was big. and it still is. however, back then, people who didn't support didn't want their child to be a part of the community in any way. when you look at that you think, wow that parent isn't letting their child have freedom in how they feel. people part of the lgbtq community were like thats bad and you should let your child do what they want YEAH WELL GUESS WHAT? this has gone WAY TOO FAR! the system has been completely switched! the same people who thought that people should give their child freedom are the same people who are raising their child as non-binary, therefore NOT GIVING THEIR CHILD FREEDOM. their child, whether it be a biological girl or boy, should grow up and be able to choose the path they want to take, not the path that the parents want them to take. don't raise them as non-binary, that'll just confuse the hell out of them. "am i a girl? am i a boy?" little kids should NOT be wondering about these things. little kids should enjoy their childhood WITHOUT having to think about these things. this is NOT a healthy way to raise children. when i grow up and i have kids, i do NOT want them getting influenced by these kinds of parents. i do NOT want my children coming home one day and going "mom, my friend says that i can be whatever gender i want! mom, my friend says that liking the same gender is the right thing! mom, my friend says that its bad to be straight!" NO. ABSOLUTELY NOT. i do not want my kids making any drastic changes in their life until they are adults and capable of making their own decisions.
the world we live in has changed so much. biological men claiming to be women are winning female beauty pageants and competing in female sports. people thinking they can transition from one race to another. teachers who should be educating their students on humanties and stem are now expelling them for using the term 'biological'. having to be asked what our pronouns are every single time. adding on ridiculous extra genders and various pronouns. like i'm sorry if i offend anyone, but even if you identify as a pansexual ze/zer non-binary alpha, at the end of the day, you are either a BIOLOGICAL MALE or a BIOLOGICAL FEMALE. and thats that. the end. not that hard. its very simple.
im going to get cancelled so hard but honestly idc at this point. i'm slowly losing hope in humanity.
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incorrect-upon-a-witchlight · 5 months ago
Gideon: Hey, Kremy, what do you think it would be like if we had kids?
Kremy: What would it be like? Inconvenient, mostly.
Gideon: No, I mean, what would they be like, the kids? You ever think about it?
Kremy: Can't really say I have.
Gideon: You know, for someone as eccentric as yourself, you can be boring as fuck sometimes.
Kremy: Sorry, Gid. For what it's worth, I'm picturing them now. A boy and a girl. Two perfect little freaks of nature raised by people who've clearly got no business bringin' up anybody.
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dark-elf-writes · 9 months ago
I feel like along with ADHD and Dyslexia biting people as a child would be another big hint towards demigod status.
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ladystoneboobs · 19 days ago
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i call this collection 5 highborn westerosi mothers worrying about and missing their sons + 1 wildling mother losing her son to a guy who never knew his own mother, a motherless son continuing the line of motherless boys and boyless mothers
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yah1dka · 5 months ago
i'm back in the fucking building again
so, even loving parents can treat you wrong and be bad. even when it's showed as "funny gig" it still doesn't have to be considered normal. yk, i love my mum and dad with all my heart, they definitely love me and wish only the best for me, but there's still things i'm gonna think about for the rest of my life cause this events greatly negatively impacted my behaviour and world perception.
and when mitsuki hits katsuki for the sake of joke and blames him for the kidnapping, and after that katsuki repeats this same things while crying to midoriya... that isn't right.
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like, wonder why he's so determined to deal with everything by himself and his basic way to solve any problems is his fists. yeah, society as all formed katsuki's behaviour by constantly praising him, but mitsuki's personal impact also is very much there. ofc she wouldn't speak about it with aizawa cause neither kats nor mitsuki can easily admit they're wrong, but she's his mother. parents usually affect their kids the most.
notice how mitsuki is saying that everyone was putting katsuki on the pedestal and nothing about what she and masaru were doing with all of this. they definitely couldn't entirely change his world views but that's still somehow strange for me that she didn't take any credit for how katsuki turned out.
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like, we all agree that mineta's shit is entirely wrong even when horikoshi doesn't, so why can't we understand that mitsuki's ways of parenting aren't right.
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gxlden-angels · 1 year ago
Bro I hate fundamentalists and culturally-fundie parents they'll say shit like "spare the rod spoil the child am I right haha yea my parents used to have to beat my ass with a switch almost everyday but I sure did learn my lesson" but like??? no you didn't??? you were hit multiple times for something you very obviously did not, in fact, learn
Like studies about how harmful even lightly spanking children is aside, you're literally contradicting yourself?? Some even admitted they got worse as they got older cause they wanted to see how far they could push their parents before they got punished
And studies not aside, you're gonna get child raising advice from the same book that tells you to stone your wife if her hymen doesn't break on your wedding night instead of the decades of research we have now?? Just say you're a bad parent and move on my guy. Skill issue
#bro I had a coworker go 'unpopular opinion I think some kids really do need beatings' and I'm like????#unprompted???? what's going on there????#well anyways I ended up going 'yea so I plan on specializing in play therapy with autistic children so I've been learning about talking#to children and the ways their parents and environment affects them'#and they're like hmmm but beating this kid with a stick after they broke something or I upset them to the point of yelling is good actually#had a boss say it taught him and his kids respect cause they were hard-headed#and I'm like?? that's fear not respect! they fear punishment! they do not act out of respect for you!#he's a conservative christian black man tho so he's like 'But Authority!' like bro I don't even respect you what are you on about#'You don't respect police and their authority?' Nope! I fear them! I do not respect cops and every cop/cop-adjacent person I personally know#has reinforced that for me#'We'll agree to disagree' Cool! Doesn't mean you're not wrong! I could believe trees aren't real but that is in fact incorrect#then he pulled out the bible verse and I was like ah okay I forgot you like 'here's how to treat slaves' book you're so right bestie#I'm totally wrong now and so sorry for doubting you and your 2000+ year old book I don't believe in <3#They'd go 'well I turned out fine!' then say something that directly contradicts that#anyways I need christians to get their grubby little hands off the current state of Child Protection and Rights in the U.S.#So we can actually start working on helping kids without the force of christian hands suffocating them#cause homeschooling and child raising by evangelicals are so fucked up bro I'm tired of this shit#I'd only stay in my current state to help children get out of that cycle since I'm in the bible belt#ex christian#religious trauma#child abuse tw
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ad-astra-per-aspera-1389 · 2 months ago
"but donald forced them to eat pellets!" first of all, they seemed to enjoy the pellets while they had them, and guys...they probably continued to eat those pellets long after tasha and leo entered the picture. those bionics (especially adam and bree's) probably burn a lot of calories. their metabolisms are probably super high. the protein pellets were probably engineered specifically to provide enough nutrients and protein for them to grow and function well. yeah, real food is fun and tastes better, but in addition to not shocking their digestive systems, those pellets were probably essential supplements to ensure they were eating enough. and, since donald invented them himself, they're not buying suspicious amounts of food, either. it helps that the kids seem to enjoy them, though (they all cheered when donald brought up protein pellet smoothies in rats on a train)
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g1deonthefirst · 10 months ago
honestly i get very uncomfortable when jod stans talk about wake...they're always like "okay but it wasn't very nicies when wake impregnated herself in a desperate attempt to kill my fascist blorbo. did she ever think of that, huh??" and i'm like: okay some of the things yall say about wake sound like anti-abortion talking points & she's never done anything wrong, actually, so jot that down
eeexactly! we literally just had a whole convo in the server about the way that wake's pregnancy brings up a lot of the same themes as an abortion narrative (while also talking about how the coercive nature of imperialism removes the ability to give true consent), and so the way that people talk about wake ends up really showing their asses in terms of what they think of a woman's right to choose and how much they really value the lives of pregnant women vs. what's in their wombs.
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sanasanakun · 9 months ago
Maybe I’m stupid (likely) but I feel like Gojo resembling Toji in his battle with Megumi!Sukuna is trying to show that he is a paternal figure in Megumi’s life. Like the two different sides of Megumi’s male paternal figures (or I guess the two most consistent male adult figures in Megumi’s life)??? I don’t buy that Gojo was a father figure for Tsumiki and Megumi (to me he was more like Spencer from ICarly lmao) but like…i feel like the outfit similarity is trying to say something about their relationship on a familial or paternal scale…but im too dumb to fully phrase this how i want so maybe just ponder on this for me hahaha
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procrazedfan · 8 months ago
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"...Theirs and their bastard children's legacy ensures infinite tortured blackness... "- Ishnifus Meaddle
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pennyserenade · 3 months ago
i am the way i am because my family not only allowed me to be so incredibly weird about the things i cared about, but encouraged them. when i was five and discovered that the love of my life was zac efron, my mother bought me a backpack with his face on it so i could attend kindergarten with it. she also bought me a subscription to those teen magazines because he was in them a lot. when i liked wrestling, my great grandmother would watch it every monday night, and my mother bought me everything: shirts, tickets to live matches, action figures. everything. when i liked the beatles, every single one of my family members would gift me beatles stuff, and when i was 17 my mother took me on vacation to san francisco just so i could visit the park george harrison went to in 1967. there’s literally no way in hell i was ever going to grow up to be even mildly embarrassed about being passionate
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ninkaku · 5 months ago
i could talk all day about mori's treatment of dazai and the way he abused his power over him but i'd rather talk about the ways in which he is still doing it, despite dazai having left the mafia. as we know, dazai left the mafia under oda's instruction, a promise he made to his dying friend in which he said he would become a good person, and be on the side that saves people. oda said, the sides make no difference to you, so he knows for a fact that dazai has no reason to do these things, when good and evil are mere concepts for him and not something he feels drawn to either way. a take i've seen often and one that i quite like is not only did mori have oda killed for the mafia's own personal gain (the deal struck so that they could operate under legal means), but it falls back on mori grooming dazai to one day take his seat. up until this point, dazai has never had anything worth protecting, has never lost anything, has never grieved anything and never experienced the emotional call to despair.
odasaku's death and thus dazai's push into the light, which ends up being with the ada, is the final piece that mori needed to solidify that dazai would one day be able to take his place. they talk about it, dazai says you were afraid of me, weren't you? and in more ways than one, the statement is true. mori had always known that he would and always wanted for dazai to surpass him, but the husk that dazai had become by never wanting anything, never protecting anything scared him if dazai was to dispose of him and assume his seat, because although dazai is a genius, he was callous and didn't value anything. he wouldn't value the mafia like mori does, he wouldn't protect yokohama like mori does. during the guild arc, mori says if dazai was still my right-hand man, the guild would stand no chance. dazai inside of the mafia and outside of it exists as a powerful adversary to whomever he stands against, and i think this is one of many reasons why the ada and the port mafia exist somewhat in tandem. the port mafia and the ada overstep their boundaries from time to time with each other, but the truth lies in mori knowing that dazai could ruin them if he intended to.
in something of a tldr mori aims to push dazai out of the mafia just as much as he intends to keep him within it. he needs dazai to experience loss, needs him to experience what it feels like to protect something, what it feels like to want to protect something. the fact that after dazai left, mori has not replaced his seat as an executive. has not replaced dazai as his right-hand with someone else, continuously offers him his position back means he fully intends to have him back under his wing again, someday. means he fully expects, once dazai has experienced what he needs him to, that he will take over his position, and he will drive dazai back to him. yosano and dazai serve as two prizes that mori currently does not have on his mantle, and in the deal struck with the president of the agency, those are the two he is most likely to pluck out of their ranks to put right back into his own.
#abuse /#like we don't need to talk about how yes - dazai explains he exposed HIMSELF to violence and death and gore in order to feel#but who was the first person to expose him to these things? who was the person that implicated him in a murder labelled a death by illness?#“you will be my witness” - that night mori signed dazai's name on a contract dazai had no clue he had even drawn#mori made a fifteen year old boy the head of the port mafia's guerrilla squad ...#dazai was a child that needed guidance and he got the WRONG kind .. and im actually tired of people calling mori and dazai father/son#in a serious sense ... or in a GOOD sense. in a lot of ways you can pin that kind of DYNAMIC and not RELATIONSHIP on them#in the way a father raises his children to one day take over his own legacy. in the way a father moulds his children in his own image#in the way a father takes away the things his child loves most to punish him. to teach him a lesson.#mori wanted dazai to experience loss and grief and wanted to push him out of the mafia so that he would come back stronger#there are so many instances in which mori could have had dazai killed after he left and joined the ada and he didnt#dazai is an OPPONENT ... he is IN THE WAY if he isn't with the port mafia and so it serves that mori has and#HAS ALWAYS HAD more planned for him than this.#also like haha WEEIIRRRDDD that mori is allowed to take one member of the ada and he sends chuuya to mersault to .. some would say#to collect dazai. take it as a favour owed. your boss said i could have you AND the port mafia just saved your life.#and if not you - WHO? (if people survive this post arc) like WHO ELSE? is fit for the mafia?#dazai is self sacrificing. and it serves the GOOD side of him to go back. so that someone else doesn't have to suffer it.#anyway ramble over sorry everyone :p
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auntieoneandauntietwo · 1 year ago
All I want for Christmas is for Jaxom and F’lessan to be more distinct foils of each other
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this-is-me19 · 2 months ago
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I had a traumatic childhood living in a dysfunctional family with parents who couldn’t stand each other but due to there childhoods we’re taught that having both parents raising kids was good. While it is technically true, having a hostile family home negates that.
I compartmentalized my childhood memories; I didn’t realize it until much later as an adult.
Having my own children allowed me to sort of relive my childhood through them. I got to give them what I didn’t have and/or what I thought I deserved.
It’s sort of like reparenting yourself with the help of your child (even though they have no idea about it).
Being able to deal with conflict or trouble your child acts out or experiences in a healthy manner allows you to also help deal with your own childhood trauma. It is not easy by any means, but it is worth it. 
My 14-year-old is more emotionally mature than I was at that age because of how I and my husband/their dad have raised them.
I think my favorite thing that I have done to teach my child is they will ask me to stop yelling at them, stop being loud or aggressive with them, and won’t ever tell me to calm down.
Because I did that with him when he was younger. I would ask him to stop yelling and I would ask my husband/his Dad to stop yelling.
I sat down and explained to them my triggers, how it makes me feel, and how I react and why I react that way in the way he could understand. My eldest is very aware of mental health and how important to be in good mental health.
It’s ok to tell the truth to your children.
They have parents who are trying to improve theirs with medication and therapy, and they know this.
There’s nothing wrong with being honest to your children.
There’s nothing wrong with saying “I’m not comfortable talking about that right now” to your children or anyone else.
It’s ok to tell people that you’re triggered and having problems that you can’t explain right now.
You’re allowed to try to heal and try to deal with your past.
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neredoesnotfail · 3 months ago
❛ do not forget what i am.  ❜ // @lcftyambiticns
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"And what is that?" the drow questions with a mocking not-quite-smile, that telltale [ patronizing ] sing-song to his voice.
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His head canted slightly to one side, he continues, pondering the potential answers aloud.
"A ne'er-do-well? A cad? A wizard of... questionable renown? A mere mortal hoping to cast off his mortality? What, precisely, is it that you wish us to remember that you are?"
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meaningtotellyou · 1 year ago
why are we getting mad at teachers for pointing out these kids can’t read or write or do math. these kids can’t read or write or do math! oh well! and i blame the parents anyway. not the teachers
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