#rainwing talks
rainwingmarvel7 · 6 months
Okay, because we are both using Holiday Grainger as an FC for something, & both sharing the name "Rhaella" for an OC I MUST know about your girl. Please info dump about Rhaella Targaryen to me
Oh my god, absolutely!!! You shall have ALL the lore about my lovely, somewhat deranged Targaryen girl! (Also I gotta say I love your Rhaella and your Holliday Grainger OC so much)
Technically, I have two versions of her, so I’ll share about both lol
Rhaella in the ATRF continuity:
Rhaella is the daughter of Alistair Dormaire and Daenerys Targaryen and the older twin of Alysanne Targaryen. She is named after Daenerys’ late mother (this is true in both continuities).
As the eldest child of Daenerys, Rhaella is heir to the throne of Meereen and is sent away from Westeros shortly after the death of her mother to learn how to rule. For a while, Daario acts as her regent. Grey Worm is also loyal to her and acts as the head of her guard, and both men teach her how to fight.
She becomes Queen of Meereen as soon as she comes of age, and she’s pretty damn good at it.
She’s very willful and headstrong and will do what she believes is right, no matter what other people tell her. She’s a lot like her mother in that regard.
She marries Garlan Hightower, her sworn protector, and they have two children together, Viserys and Rhaenys.
Still figuring things out for her in this version of her story, but she’s definitely more tame in this one.
Rhaella in The War of Two Queens (collab) AU continuity:
In this version, Rhaella is the daughter of Daario and Daenerys, who is now known as the Veiled Queen (she was revived by that one Red Priestess in Meereen but no one except for Daario knows about it). She is their only child and the heir to the throne of Meereen.
Her father also trained her to fight, and her weapons of choice are two Dothraki arakh. She is lethal in battle, but one would never know it just by looking at her. To most, she’s just a pretty face, but she hides much underneath.
Although known for her beauty and grace, Rhaella has quite the rebellious streak, much to the pride of her father and chagrin of her mother. It is not uncommon for her to sneak out of the palace to explore or vanish from diplomatic meetings she finds particularly boring.
She first comes into the story when one of Nadya and Jon’s sons, Theon, flees to Meereen from King’s Landing, seeking aid from Daario and the rumored Veiled Queen. He’s almost instantly smitten with Rhaella, by both her beauty and her rebellious nature, and she quickly falls for him too.
It is Rhaella who brings Theon to Drogon in order to tame him, as was the boy’s mission. She had already managed to hatch a dragon of her own, a wiry red she-dragon named Skydancer, after having failed to tame Drogon herself in her youth.
Not long after that, Rhaella and Theon are married (talk about a whirlwind romance), and after some time together (they also have two kids with the same names as her other version) and a lot of convincing, Rhaella pledges Meereen’s support of his mother’s claim to the throne of Westeros.
However, this is when the cracks in Rhaella begin to show. She is just like her mother. She’s got that Targaryen madness in her.
When she gets to King’s Landing and sees the Red Keep for the first time during the Second Battle of King’s Landing, something in her switches. This was meant to be her mother’s kingdom. It was stolen from her. It was stolen from her family. And she intends to avenge what was lost.
Riding on Skydancer, she starts to burn the Red Keep and parts of the city, with the intent of killing every single member of the side of the royal family who stands against her (which would be Nahia Dayne’s family for the most part) and razing the city. Realizing her sudden change, Theon and his twin sister Margaery, who had also acquired a dragon named Eddarion (long story), are forced to confront her.
Theon tries to get her to see reason, but it does not work. Rhaella refuses to be stopped. A dragon fight ensues, and Skydancer ended up being killed by Eddarion. Rhaella is able to jump free of her dying dragon onto the Red Keep and manages to get inside.
Although she fights against several members of the royal family in the Red Keep, her final confrontation is against Genna Westerling, Theon’s betrothed before he had fled and now a trained member of the Faceless Men. After a fierce battle, Genna puts a sword through Rhaella, killing her and ending her very brief reign of terror.
Basically, she seems sweet and good-natured until she’s really not lol.
Ok damn that was a lot more lore than I thought I had lol. Rhaella’s kind of crazy (most of the time), and I love her for it. Thanks for asking! I love any excuse to talk about OCs!
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flawseer · 20 days
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#30 - "Your Choice"
Smaugust 2024
I am very fond of the second arc protagonists. They are my favorite collective of plot focus characters, which may be evident by the fact that I've been drawing them more than any other in this challenge. They are a very charming group, even if a few possible character connections are vastly underdeveloped (Moon and Turtle, Winter and Turtle, and Winter and Kinkajou could probably form very strong bonds if they were explored).
The flipside of fondness is usually the formation of strong opinions. I think about these guys a lot. One thing I initially thought was fine, but then struck me as strange on a revisit was the ending of Moonwatcher's book. You have the group (sans Winter), who previously struggled to accept Moon for her unintentionally invasive powers, ostensibly overcome their mistrust of her and solidify their respective bonds with her. Kinkajou in particular tells her that, because she makes no secret of her thoughts anyway, it doesn't matter to her that Moon can read her mind. Up to there it is all very wholesome and heartwarming. Moonwatcher then decides to give them an out, sharing the secret of Skyfire as a way to block her powers. This is a good and very noble gesture, really showing her trustworthiness and respect for their privacy here.
But then they actually take her up on that offer, right after stating they are over their misgivings. I get why they do it--Moonwatcher's uncontrollable power is really inconvenient and annoying to be around--but backtracking 5 seconds later makes their previous declaration of acceptance ring a bit hollow. If I could make a choice here, I would really have liked this to turn into a long-running character arc for the group, where they gradually learn to trust Moon and eventually decide that they don't need the Skyfire anymore, taking it off for good. And Moon in turn could work on refining control over her power so she can be around her friends without accidentally reading every thought. Maybe all of that could have been a scene in the arc 2 finale. But at the very least I would have liked for Kinkajou to stick with her original declaration and reject the Skyfire outright, signaling to Moon that--contrary to her mother's words--the powers are not a curse and that she doesn't need to be ashamed of them.
I guess here is an idea for potential fanfiction: Make them chuck the Skyfire in the bin. Let Moon see that her friends choose to hang out with her even if they can't block her powers.
Long comic today. Sorry it took a while to come out. I think this is the longest one I've drawn for this challenge too.
Just one more day and then Smaugust will be done. I hope you have been enjoying this so far. Thanks for sticking with me.
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3zethe3zr · 1 year
WOF marriage hcs:
Icewings: Marriage is absolutely expected and societally pressured for everyone, Marriage for political reasons is common, Monogamy is a must, children are raised by both parents
Skywings: Marriage is mostly for the rich, monogamy is common, children are often raised by only one parent
Sandwings: Marriage is for political leaders (Royal Family & Nomadic group leaders) only, Marriage for political reasons is the rule, polyamory is common, children are raised by whoever wants them
Mudwings: No concept of marriage, romance is stigmatized, Children raised by the fathers sib group and the community as a whole
Seawings: Marriage is for whoever wants to get married, Political Marriages are common amongst the rich, equal split between monogamy and polyamory, children are raised by parents and extended family
Rainwings: No concept of marriage, polyamory is common, children are raised by the community as a whole
Nightwings: Marriage is for spiritual reasons, Marriages for the right kind of fate or power are common, monogamy is very common, children are raised by both parents
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writer-room · 10 months
I personally like headcanoning Peacemaker as still being just a little too similar to Darkstalker in some aspects. He's obviously still a good dude, in fact he's an absolute sweetheart, but there's still some...characteristics. You know what I'll list them for the good of my inner child
Kid gets big. And I mean big. He's nowhere near Darkstalker's size, but he ends up really tall and heavy for a NightWing, let alone one thats supposedly half RainWing, which are not overly big dragons to begin with. This leads to most dragons trying to convince him to move into professions that require big guys, but his strength still helps him plenty with farming. It does make some people ask questions, though
He's not as narrow as Darkstalker was. As Darkstalker grew, his features became noticeably sharper, more IceWing in body type. Peacemaker has softer features, however his face never truly changed. It's not as jutting such as in the jawbone or horns, but he has a much more defined face that seems to stand out on a rounder body. He's terrified a few dragons on accident who saw him from a distance or as a silhouette and thought he was Darkstalker risen from the dead. He never understood why everyone was so scared
Doesn't quite like the RainWing part of himself. As a kid, he was never sure why. Sure, some dragons weren't very nice about it, but his mom loved him plenty, he had some really nice dragons like Moon and Kinkajou who who were really sweet, so he never quite got why he was upset about it. Maybe he was still mad at the dad who wasn't there? He wasn't sure why he was upset about that, either. He got better after having a lot of talks with his mom and friends, but that little piece of self-hatred never fully went away, and he can't for the life of him explain why
Had a lot of imaginary friends as a kid. They didn't always have names, but they were usually dragons he made up in his head. Like a scardy-cat SeaWing all the other dragonets accused of just being Turtle, or an actually scary SeaWing, or a super smart NightWing who knew all the answers to everything! Sometimes he made up a new NightWing queen or played a pretend war with the other dragonets. Occasionally, he said his friend that week was a big shadow. He said the big shadow seemed kind of angry and sad, but his shadow liked to listen. He slowly stopped after a while. Some of his older friends started looking worried. Imaginary friends were for babies, anyway.
He still has Darkstalker's horns. Those never changed, for some reason. Maybe a little less pointy on the ends, maybe a little thicker at the base, but they were still very much Darkstalker's Horns. Hope & the gang silently freaked out about this, but when some dragon brought it up in earshot of little Peacemaker, he loudly proclaimed he liked his horns, they were all funky and looked kinda like mister Winter's horns! Mister Winter is kind of rude sometimes, but he seems nice, so Peacemaker doesn't mind looking kind of like him! Winter was tormented over this for months
Sometimes he'll just...say things. That sound a little too similar to what some other dragon was thinking. Or make random guesses that are very close to what will actually happen. It's never by much, usually finishing other dragon's sentences or predicting the next thirty seconds, but it's enough to make Moon twitchy. He just thinks he has good luck
Once asked Hope if he could ever have a little sister. He never asked again. He'd never seen his mom cry before.
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railway-lands · 1 month
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i did some draaawiingggg
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prince-sawgrass · 5 months
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Luxaeterna, a participant in the first true battle of the war between the Rainwings and Icewings, the Battle of Stolen Light. Her venom-fangs were torn out by an Icewing poacher, and after surviving and avoiding capture, replaced them with harder gemstone teeth. She’s well known for the number of Icewing skulls she’s impaled throughout the war. She is Boomslang and Quetzal’s great aunt. Postwar, she has been reunited with her living grandnephew and accompanies him for scale retrieval in the Ice and Sky Kingdoms.
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Quetzal in his last moments before being murdered by an Icewing poacher. He had sold Boomslang’s egg to the Icewings in the hopes of gaining immunity from the scale trade- but he learned far too late that a bargain can’t be kept with someone who wants to wear your skin.
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ravewing · 1 year
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i think that they should be friends . tamarin could help him deal with his anger and he could like teach her how to kick pike or something
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wof-reworked · 1 year
whats ur opinion on dragons having different houses bc of class or tribe? i love dragon architecture </3
I'm such a fan of dragon architecture oh my god. One of my biggest worldbuilding gripes (besides the lack of clarity around food/cooking) is that the actual housing arrangements of the dragons are so vague????? Like towns are a thing but also Tui seems to imply most dragons sleep in caves even though it makes no sense for any of the other tribes???? like ma'am most of your dragons live in swamps, jungles, or deserts where the hell are they even finding them
Basically, we have functionally no point of reference for anyone who isn't royalty (Winter, Turtle) or grew up in such specific circumstances that don't reflect back onto broader dragon society to the point where their input is rather moot (Moon, the DoD, Peril, Qibli). Qibli is the closest thing we have but the Scorpion Den is a combination of a shanty town and refugee camp that makes it harder to draw conclusions for the rest of the population. (We're also not counting Darkstalker bc. well. 2000 years)
For my writing, my stance is usually that dragons are primarily nomadic. Dragons who live in/around towns stay there primarily for reasons like child-raising, business, injury, apprenticeships, or just laying low/blending into a crowd. Like with how dragons don't need to cook their food to eat it, dragons are not dependent on housing and are able to comfortably sleep and live outside (barring extremes such as the central desert or really the entire Ice Kingdom). So, the exact permanence of a dragon's stay in town is situational and tribe/job-dependent more than anything else.
As far as the tribes go, Icewings and Nightwings are the most home/town oriented tribes- both tribes have the rarest approach to housing in that almost all members of both tribes live and sleep primarily in one home location that they return to for the majority of their life. For Icewings, this usually looks like multi-generational families that split off into new homes/houses only once there's a real need for it. On the other hand, Nightwings living on the volcano lived primarily together in caves/dormitories divided by age- even though this no longer exists, most Nightwing towns and houses involve many shared buildings and resemble something more like tight clumps of houses or caves.
For the majority of the tribes (Skywings, Sandwings, Mudwings, Rainwings), most dragons will have multiple houses that they move between as needed or wanted. While outliers exist, most dragons have at minimum two homes/dens: one in a more populated area that might operate as a job homebase or a place to receive guests, and a more isolated, private home that exists for the dragon in question to stash any items of importance or valuables, as well as eat and sleep. For more nomadic dragons, banks exist in towns to hold treasure, freeing up their secondary/non-work den to be little more than a shack or burrow with sleeping arrangements. More houses usually equals more money/class power, up to a certain point, where you start to see buildings more akin to Vulture's mansion or even the Royal Palaces, where one building or collection of buildings is large/grandiose enough to host other people's jobs and living spaces (on a related note, gardening is a very stereotypical high class hobby to have, as it shows both an abundance of leisure time and of space).
Between these tribes, Skywings are the most town and home oriented- Skywings often live primarily in towns and only leave for what is essentially a nesting den, as without rudimentary flight skills, Skywing towns are borderline unnavigable and occasionally hazardous for dragonets. Even with their relative isolation, nesting dens in the past have often been located near other nesting dens, creating something of a nesting village for Skywings parents to socialize and raise their hatchlings. Queen Scarlet's reign did irreparable damage to this style of collective child-rearing and nesting dens as a whole. With her breeding programs, most Skywings were forced into partnerships for the sole reason of producing more future Skywing soldiers, and the majority of eggs were instead stored in mass hatcheries until their hatching day.
On the other hand, Mudwings are the most isolated and nomadic, in part due to the structure of sib groups creating a situation where most Mudwings hatch into life with a social network already established. The Mud Kingdom is also temperate enough that housing isn't always necessary, and most Mudwings only congregate in towns for business or seeking a mate.
Finally, Seawings are almost entirely nomadic, and will usually move between a territory, with small dens and hoards scattered within. These territories can hold many multiple families, or they can exist for a single dragon- Seawing property laws are almost nonexistent and mostly maintained by honor and frequent patrolling of the territory to maintain order and mark it as lived space. These territories aren't uninhabited land either- Seawings will grow seaweed and herd schools of fish on their territory, and many take a certain landscaper-esque role, shaping the terrain into something aesthetically pleasing or useful to the inhabitant and helping signal to other Seawings that the land is occupied. One of the few times Seawings will settle in one den or space is for a hatching den- this lasts from the laying of the eggs until the hatchlings become able to swim well enough to keep up with their parents.
I've been pretty burnt out on WOF writing for a while, but this was honestly a refreshing change of pace from what I've been working on recently. Thanks for giving me an excuse to ramble about dragon housing !! I'd love to hear what other ppl think, the more headcanons the merrier :>
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wof-inbox · 5 months
Hey Chameleon! What's your biggest regret?
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“And losing that scroll.” -Chameleon
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sparknightdrawing · 9 months
why the light be like that tho-
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Cause it does
cause it be
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equinoxartz · 11 months
A WoF dragonified version of tony from dhmis!
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He's a nightwing/skywing/Rainwing! Nightwing and skywing because of their generally snappy personalities (and also because nightwings are British), and Rainwing because of the bright colors he has!
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rainwingmarvel7 · 3 days
Gotta finish writing a script tonight but then I shall get to the rest of the asks and such!
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flawseer · 1 month
#18 - "Fire"
Smaugust 2024
The last few submissions have been mostly visual, but today I want to do something more text-based. I'm always looking for opportunities to ramble ad nauseam about my headcanons and thoughts, but am usually hesitant if I don't think I can make a subject interesting or particularly insightful.
A few months back I was playing with the thought of publishing a speculative analysis on Pyrrhian dragon breath weapons, and how they might differ between tribes. I got up to the conceptualization stage, but then @sidyashchiy-na-plakhe came out with a better and more put-together version of what I was thinking about and touched on some similar points, so I filed those plans away to not step on any toes. If you're enjoying this type of deliberation, I recommend that you check out his take, as it is very thoughtfully put together with some cool visuals.
But, seeing as I have no other ideas for this prompt, and since it's been a while since then, I'm going to air out my scrapped draft here. I guess this is a mixture between canon information and headcanons, with a bias toward the latter.
General Information
Each of the seven Pyrrhian tribes is capable of using a kind of orally-discharged means of attack. For the purpose of this deliberation, I am going to refer to all of these as "breath weapons", even though not all of them are activated via exhalation. It will make things easier to talk about.
There are three general factors to each type of breath weapon, those being potency, range, and start-up time. In the case of fire breath--the most ubiquitous type of breath weapon on the continent--these would roughly correlate to the temperature of the flames, how far they can travel from the source while maintaining their shape and intensity, and for how long the fire must be stoked inside of the user before it can be expelled.
How developed these factors are differs for every dragon, but the two biggest determining modifiers are constitution and age. Being physically fit will make your breath weapon more efficient--and thus stronger--because you have better control over your breathing after exertion. As a dragon advances in age, the three factors all increase proportionally. A Mudwing hatchling can produce a puff of flame very quickly, but it will barely heat up the surrounding air. An elder meanwhile might take several minutes to get their fire going, but when they do, the result will be fearsome and devastating.
Fire is the most common element on the continent, with four of the seven tribes being able to command it. I will go through those first and then follow up with the other variants .
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Nightwing fire is a dark purple in color, due to a slight variation in the gas component that fuels the flames.
The flames have no particularly outstanding properties strength-wise, but they emit comparatively little light, meaning they don't stand out as much against the night sky. This makes them ideal for low-profile ambushing, but very unsuitable as signal flares.
If a Nightwing ignites an object, the flames will gradually lose this characteristic as they will begin to consume the air around them and turn into ordinary, orange fire.
Nightwing flames are sometimes colloquially referred to as "Moonfire".
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Sandwing fire is, on average, the least powerful among all the fire-breathing dragons. In terms of potency and range, flames emitted by a Sandwing of 20 years will be roughly equivalent to those of a twelve-year-old from the other fire-breathing tribes.
Their unique advantage is that Sandwings can produce these flames extremely quickly, usually within seconds. If readying fire takes a dragon 30 seconds, an equivalent Sandwing can do it in 5.
While for most other dragons the use of their breath weapon is a deliberate and calculated affair, the severely reduced start-up time allows Sandwings to "shoot from the hip" without having to commit to the action, making them less predictable in combat.
A popular Sandwing combat technique is to open a fight by blowing a quick plume of weak fire into an opponent's face and then using the resulting distraction to strike with their venomous tails.
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Skywings command the strongest and purest variation of fire among all tribes. Their flames come out very straight and can maintain their shape over vast distances.
They can "cook" their fire by holding it inside themselves for longer than necessary. While this becomes unpleasant or even painful if done for long, it will increase the temperature and purity of the resulting flames far beyond what any of the other tribes are capable of.
Flames emitted after doing this for long enough will come out with an intense blue color that can cut through stone.
For dragons afflicted with firescales, all of the fire they breathe will be like this, as their bodies are already channeling flames at all times to fuel the burning scales.
Because Skywing fire is so intense, it is at times difficult to control. Skywings who become emotional will often start smoking from their nostrils involuntarily.
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Mudwing fire, sometimes referred to as "moody fire", is very temperamental. Its strength will vary widely based on a number of different factors, not all of them fully understood, making it appear random at times.
The most commonly understood factor that influences a Mudwing's fire is the ambient temperature. Mudwings will struggle to produce flames in environments that are too cold (close to freezing weather, very cold water, etc.). This can be partially mitigated by ingesting hot stews, soups, or beverages before fire usage.
A factor that isn't as well documented is that the Mudwing's fire breath and their uncanny healing factor are fueled by the same source. This means a Mudwing's fire will be strongest when they are healthy, and begin to diminish if they become injured, as their body will divert resources away from the breath weapon to prioritize keeping itself alive, functioning, and mobile.
Mudwings hatched from blood eggs have a tendency to develop poor breath weapons, as their super-charged healing factor--while potent enough to outpace most damage sustained from fire--is even more resource-hungry than that of a regular Mudwing.
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Icewings don't breathe fire. Instead, they are able to exhale a stream of frost magic. There is nothing I can think of to scientifically explain all the properties of frostbreath as they are presented in canon, especially with regards to Queen Battlewinner. Ice that makes you lava-proof? Nah, this is straight-up magic. All Icewings are born with a small piece of magic and this is how it expresses itself.
Contrary to popular belief, frostbreath is not stronger than firebreath. In terms of general characteristics, Icewings and Nightwings are actually roughly equivalent.
What makes frostbreath more overtly lethal than fire breath is the magical component. When frostbreath comes in contact with living tissue, it will form ice crystals on and inside the surface. All flesh in contact with these crystals will gradually turn necrotic. This process is very painful.
The crystals are very persistent and it requires sustained exposure to intense heat to melt them. The best way to accomplish this is via prolonged bath in warm water (close to boiling). This method, if applied quickly after the injury, will usually result in recovery after a few hours of bathing.
Getting hit while in a situation with no access to warm water is very dangerous and potentially lethal. If treatment does not begin soon after, the crystals will begin to spread, killing more tissue and making recovery increasingly less likely, especially once the injury spreads to internal organs.
It is not uncommon for soldiers who get hit by frost breath and are caught out in the open with no treatment options to cut off the afflicted body part to minimize tissue loss.
Icewings are more resistant to frostbreath than other dragons, but not fully immune. They can succumb to the same injuries.
If an Icewing suffers an intense burn, particularly in and around the face, they become completely unable to exhale frost until the burn begins to heal.
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Rainwings do not have a breath weapon. Instead, they produce an acidic venom within their bodies, which can be administered through biting, or launched at targets through a pair of collapsible, hollow fangs.
The gland that produces this venom needs sunlight to develop properly. Once the Rainwing has been exposed to sufficient sunlight, venom production will begin, and may even continue without further exposure, but it is recommended to sunbathe for at least 5 hours a week to keep the gland healthy and the venom potent.
The venom is strongly corrosive and able to dissolve most organic materials like wood, plant matter, and flesh. It is potent enough that, if it enters another creature's blood stream directly (via bite, an open wound, or the eyes), that creature will die within seconds.
The venom's lethality will rapidly decrease once it separates from the user. If it hits surface tissue and has to burn through layers flesh, it will usually lose too much of its toxicity before it reaches the blood stream (though it will still function as acid and be excruciatingly painful).
Rainwings are immune to their own venom, but not the venom of other Rainwings. Mixing a sample of venom with the venom of a close blood relative will cancel out the destructive properties of both.
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Seawings are amphibious dragons who prefer to live in water, but can also go on land and exist there in relative comfort for a decent while. Their body contains an organ that stores water, from which it periodically draws to keep the Seawing's skin from drying out.
When under duress, a Seawing can forcefully expel the contents of this organ through their mouth as a pressurized jet of water. While this is not very destructive, it can momentarily stun aggressors and allow the Seawing to retreat to the safety of a nearby lake or river.
If the blast is held inside and charged up similar to the fire breath of other tribes, the Seawing is able to draw from their body heat to increase the water's temperature to scalding degrees.
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writer-room · 10 months
Since people really liked This post I made of my silly little ideas on how Peacemaker still has these little hints of Darkstalker in him, I decided, yeah, I'll throw out my other, more specific ones! Why not. I'm free
Peacemaker's a VERY charming little lad! At first to everyone else this was really cute, why, they just wanna gobble him up! He's such a big dork who always knows just the right things to say, it's probably why most dragonets get along with him so well! His mother isn't so thrilled, though. Her son is quite charming, isn't he? A little too purposeful with his words. A well-placed compliment, seemingly giving up on a subject he's now implanted into someones head, a casual comment that sounded too detailed to be thought of on the spot. He's never malicious (or, at least, nothing more than annoying when dealing with rather rude dragons), but it makes Hope paranoid to know that, well, they never truly erased Darkstalker's personality. That little dragon is still in there. And that boy could talk the very queen off her throne if he was just given enough time. He's not a big, stupid brute. He never was. And he knows it.
He's far from guilt-free. In fact he's usually the kid encouraging troublesome behavior. When he's little it's usually nothing more than stealing some extra strawberries or rallying a few RainWing dragonets to melt a wall so they could listen in on adult conversations Moon seemed to have a lot. But it gets a little concerning as he ages. Pushing dragons to use their abilities for whatever they wanted, because it was their powers, they should use it as they deem fit! He didn't get why older dragons scolded him when the new NightWings born under the moons kept reading everyones private thoughts or RainWings would sneak away for long periods of time who-knows-where after they got good at camouflage. He wasn't bothered by it, why should everyone else? It's not like it would turn them evil or anything.
He's very good with younger dragonets! When he was little it got him a lot of friends, and a way for the younger generations of RainWings and NightWings to connect, literally and metaphorically through their shared hybrid! When he was a little older, it made him a popular village babysitter, especially since he was really good with dragonets that had different or specific needs. He was particularly encouraging of the new NightWing dragonets being born with powers due to being under the moons again. Parents were relieved he wasn't weirded out or jealous, just quietly listening to them talk and offering advice they found oddly very helpful, even more than Moon's.
On that note, he was so excited when the SilkWings showed up! Sure, the new dragons were really weird, and he'd never seen ones without wings, but that was okay! Flying wasn't really needed in the rainforest, anyway, maybe they'd be even better! He was one of the first dragonets to openly walk up to the new kids, and he asked a lot of questions, but he was generally quite curious and super proud to boast about his home, friends, and, of course, himself. Eventually he got along with little LeafWings and HiveWings as well, particularly Bumblebee, although...he was rather twitchy when he heard about the HiveWings ancestor Clearsight, how she loved an old version of them, creating the tribe that is today. Odd.
The only thing dragons will consistently say is unnerving about him, aside from how many find him intimidating on size and shape from a distance, is his eyes. Nothing inherently odd about them, they just look like dark, silvery NightWing eyes. But everyone always swears theres something off about them. Like they were placed in the wrong head. Uncanny. Eyes, they say, that feel like they belonged on someone much older, and far sadder. Everyone in the rainforest says that, at least. If you asked that IceWing by the mountain Peacemaker and his friends picked berries from, she'd swear his eyes weren't sad. They were enraged. Compared only to the soldiers she fought in the War of the SandWing Succession, compacted together on the face of a young, smiling dragonet.
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kinkajouwof · 2 years
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lionblaze03-2 · 2 years
If Tui ever does a fourth arc it better open with a mudwing village POV or so help me god
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