#rainbow neighborhood
madalenadrops · 8 months
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How come I haven't heard of this masterpiece before...??
Always late, always late...
Anyway, clap your hands neighbor!
Welcome home belongs to @partycoffin
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nassie23 · 8 months
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La chanson viens de là: https://youtu.be/CXqsG56s1mM?si=dT55dAWHPfwZi0HS Je me suis déguisé en Wally Darling pour Halloween 🛑Costume fait par ma mère et son mec! car je voulais respecter Clown a ne pas acheter de produits Welcome home qui ne viens pas de lui.🛑 j'hésitais a le montrer car je me sent pas encore à l'aise de tout puplier ici car je sais pas comment les gens sont sur Tumblr mais j'ai décidé de prendre mon courage à deux mains. Après tout le bus c'est de s'amuser😅 juste pour info il on pas tout fait a 100% la veste a bouton bleu je l'ais acheté dans une friperie et ma mère a cousu le Jeune et pareille pour le pantalon. Pantalon gris trouvé dans la même friperie et son mec a coupé les tissus de chaque couleur droit et ma mère a cousue à la machine. Et c'est très long et dure à faire donc le pantalon étais pas fini il rester du gris mais assis comme ça ça ne paraît pas. La paruque on a pris une peruque bleu foncé et on a essayé la coiffer du mieux qu'ont pouvait mais elle etais trop cours 😅 bref trop gené d'identifié Clown dans ce poste 😅 (surtout que je sais pas parler englais) Si un jours Clown vent des costumes de Welcome home (de Wally) je l'achète!😆
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morganbritton132 · 11 months
Eddie is filming a reminder to his fans about Corroded Coffin’s limited edition merch but gets interrupted when Steve storms into their bedroom and starts digging through the closet.
Eddie, mid-promo: What are you doing?
Steve, pulling the nail bat out of the closet: I’m going to kill our neighbor
Eddie: Diane?!
Steve: Wha- No, Dan.
Eddie: Oh… why?
Steve: I know that fucker popped Ozzy’s swimming pool
Eddie: Steve-
Steve: No, that asshole has complained every time I’ve blown that pool up for Oz. I go inside for ten minutes and suddenly it has a hole in it? It’s the middle of fucking summer, Eddie, and a hundred degrees outside. If I want my dog to be able to cool down in some water while I do yard work then he should be able to!
Steve: I know he popped it so I’m going to *twirls bat* pop his head off his goddamn shoulders
Eddie, reluctantly because Steve’s kinda hot when he’s seething with rage: …why don’t you cool down and let me talk to Dan.
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fandomshatewomen · 2 months
You Can Now Watch ‘Reading Rainbow’ and Old PBS Shows for Free | Lifehacker
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yesterday's rainbow | 06.14.24
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lgbtqtext · 3 months
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paper-starz · 10 months
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SO GUESS WHO FIGURED OUT HOW TO GET BRUSHES IN KRITA????? ME THATS WHO! So, I did a LOVELY lil crayon sketch of Arnold! I wanted to do the minimalist approach and only use blues, reds, and whites (So no yellow for his nose sadly...)
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I also did this Ricky and Pearl Sketch! (I wonder what Pearl is talking about)
This was based off of a head canon that Ricky can understand all of the neighbors! Idk, I feel like Pearl and Ricky LOVE to gossip. Pearl gives me such WINE AUNT energy!
Last but not least, LOOK!
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I found a GENUINE MFN storybook page! Definitely not made by yours truly! NOPE! No sirree!
Sadly, this was the only page that I found....
Im having some fun with Krita! Its taking a bit of time to get used to, but hey! I FINALLY FOUND THE BRUSH STORE! HECK YEAHHHH
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madmachaca · 11 months
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I choose to believe that Gordon's words at the end were yet another reference to the Muppets.
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eve-pie · 2 months
Wait Wait hold on I remembered why I was here! *Reaches into tophat and holds this up* tada! Here are your Goober's
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Ace of Spades: @the-rainbow-neighborhood
Minty and Syrup: @silky-silks
Betty pretty: @idk2085
Malory fedora: @night-terrorzz
Akasuki Kocho: @blueberryflower23
Evie minx: @z0mbieparty
A splendiferous display of welcome home OCs! I like how some of they're names are puns in a way like Ace's name is just a card and Betty pretty kinda sounds like "very pretty" which is the point I guess
And I had one more slot opened so I just hand picked Evie to fill in that space
Until then don't forget to wave up!💐
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HEY EVERYONE! Here are some designs I have for my au right now. Og art is by @partycoffin the creator of welcome home :D. I hope you enjoy these designs and feel free to ask questions
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milkycrystalway · 2 months
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Trying to put all the references in the tags in case you want to find them!
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tatersgonnatate · 2 months
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I saw some bricks painted to look like children's books
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misterlemonzmen · 2 months
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05-02-24 | poroussoul. MisterLemonzMen.tumblr.com/archive
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aerkame · 4 months
Sometimes I feel too afraid to express myself through writing fanfiction or artwork online, and sometimes I end up not posting anything at all, this will also reflect to my personal life outside of this. I know it's not healthy to do since it hurts my own mental health. I understand how happy I get when I become more expressive, but I get scared into hiding sometimes and I don't know why. Sometimes I have so much on my mind, but when I go to speak, I won't talk. It might be shyness or anxiety, but I wanted anyone reading this to know that even as an adult, I also have struggles sometimes and that's okay. It's okay if you're struggling too.
I think it's important to just remember you aren't alone in something and there's always the fact that you're doing your best and you'll be okay.
I wanted to share some of my biggest idols for me as a kid, maybe they might help you too like they did for me. I know these people aren't as famous as influencers today, but their words impact me to this day more than anyone else's words do. I believe they might have something to say that you need to hear.
Obviously Spider-man is not an actual person, but as a kid, he taught me a lot about responsibility.
I may not have known about Hayao Miyazaki as a kid, but I do know how much the movies of Studio Ghibli impacted my art and mental state growing up though. Movies from a studio like that is what helped me become emotionally intelligent when I struggled to understand something, all without words, and that's beautiful. And the artwork he does is what really clicks to me as well. I have always liked colorful and detailed things and I still do.
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andrevasims · 7 months
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Artemisia Isles
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selkra-souza · 6 months
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I finished the crochet tulips 💐 ✨
(Pattern by Juliiapyha)
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