#neighborhood beautification
hometoursandotherstuff · 10 months
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artisticdivasworld · 11 months
The Power of Street Art: How Murals Can Transform Communities
In our visit with art forms around the world, this is #3 in the series.  #1 was Mexican Folk Art, and #2 was Japanese Kintsugi. Please feel free to revisit them or check them out if you missed them. In cities around the world, blank walls and empty spaces are being transformed into vibrant works of art through street art and murals. Far from being a nuisance, this public art form is having…
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ilguna · 4 months
☼ my tears ricochet pt2 (Finnick Odair) ☼
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summary; it’s been six months since you were banished from district four. since then, you’ve been trying to lay low and keep your nose clean. one night, you and gale go to the local bar to wind down after a long week, and he helps you come to a realization that changes everything.
warnings; swearing, prostitution mention, alcohol, arson, death mention, mental health talk, torture.
wc; 6.5k
part one.
notes; hints of Gale slander but fish are friends not food!!
The July summer breeze feels nice against your hot skin, causing you to close your eyes to enjoy it properly. It’s even better this way. You reach back to lift the hair off your neck, which is slightly damp from sweat after working all day in the sun. A chill goes down your spine when the wind hits the spot just right.
There’s a lot of similarities between District Two and Four that you've come to notice over time, but the heat is not one of them. It’s very dry here, there’s a lot of desert and very little rain to sustain any real plant life. Any that do exist have already evolved to live off of practically no water. For miles, all you can see is dirt and half-dead bushes, 
While back home, you’re located right on the coast, allowing for more rainy days than plain sunshine. The trees, grass and flowers are always fed and healthy. Even if it doesn’t rain, there are clouds to block the heat from beating on you, making every afternoon a pleasant one. 
This weather difference alone isn’t enough to make you feel homesick, but there are so many other factors at play that contribute to it. When you first moved to District Two, you had a feeling that you’d never be able to get used to living here. It’s been six months since then, and you’re still a stranger when you walk the streets.
The only familiar thing—or rather, person—here is Gale.
Except, he isn’t from home. He’s not one of your childhood friends, or a neighbor from your previous neighborhood. You can’t talk to him about what could be going on since you got banished. He’s from District Twelve. The only thing you have in common is the fact that you’re both rebels.
You can’t even use your banishment as a way to bond with him, because he deserved what he got, and you were wrongly accused. While Finnick had framed you for allegedly giving the Peacekeepers your next steps—Gale had actually indirectly got Primrose Everdeen killed through one of the ideas that he developed with Beetee.
He might not have been the one to send out the bombs, because former President Alma Coin had to approve that order, but he was the one to suggest using it. Gale was desperate to win the rebellion at any cost, until he paid the biggest price.
There’s a good chance that Gale will never be able to go back to District Twelve after what he did. Especially since Katniss, Peeta and Haymitch have decided to stay and continue living there. Although, with how well things are going in Two with the volunteer work, it probably hasn’t crossed his mind. 
It’s not exactly easy work. Most of the time, you don’t have enough time to be thinking about anything other than what your hands are doing. It’s mind-numbing in a good way, and usually you feel pretty accomplished by the end of the task. 
The work deals with a lot of construction and beautification. Usually, you don’t get paid for it. Sometimes they’ll give out free lunch if it’s going to be a particularly long day of tearing down bricks and planting greenery. There’s been a few times where you’ve been so caught up in the work, that you went all night.
It’s gotten you a lot of recognition from the people that are native to Two, which is not what you’re striving for, but it’s nice to not have to worry about the hatred as much. When you first arrived at the train station six months ago, it was pretty clear that a lot of people held prejudice against you. Over time, they’ve gotten curious and have bothered you to ask what happened.
It takes a lot of explanation and convincing, but eventually they believe you. Or, at the very least, they take a neutral standpoint and choose not to pick a side entirely. You know that it’s a lot of he-said, she-said. It’s hard to know who’s telling the truth in a serious situation like that.
On one hand, it’d be nice to believe Finnick, because he’s the one that first came forward with the story. Plus, he’s been Panem’s darling for so long that it would be heinous for him to do something so selfish and seemingly out-of-character.
On the other, you have never done something so snake-ish ever. Everyone should know that if a situation like that happens, you would take the hit of being taken for the greater good. It’s your one life versus several. As terrifying as it would’ve been, you could’ve handled whatever the Capitol had to offer for you at that moment. 
Of course, when you tell people the real side of the story, you take a massive hit for not telling the group when you had the chance before the sewers. The issue is that Finnick had been keeping a close eye on you, under the guise that he wanted to protect you, but also to ensure that your mouth stayed shut. 
If you could go back and change the situation, you would. 
“(L/n), (Y/n).” A woman calls.
You open your eyes, briefly being blinded by the sun while you turn to face Azalea. She’s the head director here in District Two for the volunteer work, she keeps everything very organized. It’s less stressful when she’s the one taking care of things for the day.
“Yes?” You ask, finding her at the front of the crowd.
She’s a short, blonde woman with tan skin. She holds up the clipboard, showing you the paper for a second. All you can gather is the fact that it’s a signup sheet, so you begin to move forward, carefully brushing past some of the workers in the process.
“What time did you get here today?” Azalea asks, once you’re in front of her.
“Um—“ You glance over your shoulder to search for Gale, because he’s the one with the watch. He keeps track of the time and when you go on break.
“Seven-twenty.” Gale says from beside you, making you jump slightly. “We both got here at that time.”
Azalea hums, writing that down in the time slot next to your names. You look over Gale, who you haven’t seen in a good fifteen minutes. There’s a smudge of dirt beneath his eye, so you lick your thumb, reaching to rub it away. He dodges your finger, face twisting in disgust.
“You look dirty.” You tell him, wiping the dirt off of his skin. “Stop being a baby, I’ve seen you eat a potato that touched the bar floor before.”
“It was expensive.” 
“Are either of you available tomorrow for a paid job?” Azalea interrupts. “I’ve got a house call from Enobaria Golding that needs to be done, and no one is signing up for it.”
“What’s it for?” You ask.
“She’s turning Victor’s Village into a memorial, I believe she just needs help moving furniture around in some of the houses. As well as cleaning up the neighborhood’s fountain, loose leaves, and pavement.”
You look at Gale with raised eyebrows, his lips are pressed together. “What time?”
“Whenever you can, she thinks it’s going to be a three day job at the very least. She’s paying over a hundred per hour, it used to be lower, but got raised because it’s urgent.” Azalea looks between you two.
“I’m in.” You tell her, “We could have it done in three days.”
Gale sighs, “Yeah, sign me up too.”
She begins to write your names down on a separate paper. “Will it be a big deal if I close it, then? I don’t think I’ll be able to find others. No one’s keen on Enobaria.”
“That’s fine.” You agree, “I know her, we’ll get along. Is it a contract?”
“I can make it one.” Azalea nods. “Swing by later tonight, I’ll have it ready.”
“Sounds good, Azalea. Thank you.” You nod.
“Are we good to go?” Gale asks, beginning to take a step back.
“Yup. Be good, you two.” She points the end of her pen in the middle of you guys, and then turns her attention back to the group that’s waiting to sign out.
Gale takes charge on leading you out of the center square. With how tall he is and the aggressive look on his face, he clears a path faster than you can. Besides, no one wants to be more than three feet near him. And yes, that has to do with his own reputation. 
“What’s your plan for tonight?” Gale asks over his shoulder.
“Well, since we’re probably going to get a late start tomorrow, I wouldn’t mind going to the bar tonight.” You raise your eyebrows.
He hums, “Right now?”
“Sure, why not?”
With that, Gale changes direction, heading for the good bar on the other side of District Two. When you first came here, you spent a lot of time bar hopping. In those weeks, you figured out that the fancy places were not, in fact, better. They were just more expensive. 
It wasn’t until you found the dirty place on the corner of Upper Heights, did you realize that they charge less for better quality. The only perk of going to those higher-end places is the fact that you can brag that you went there. You don’t talk to many people outside of Gale, and he was the one you took with you.
Well, that’s not entirely right. You didn’t take him with you—he tagged along, despite knowing that he was unwelcome. You didn’t like him very much to begin with back in District Thirteen because you thought what he did to Peeta’s family was pretty shitty, so you tried to steer clear of him as much as possible. The way he acted during the Capitol storming just solidified your ideas.
When Gale heard that you were going to be staying in District Two, he attached to you. You tried several different ways to get him to leave you alone, ranging from practically verbally abusing him to flat out ignoring. He didn’t care, he was ready for whatever you had to throw at him.
It eventually hit the point where you figured that you might as well deal with him. At the time, it would’ve been easier to put up with Gale than to try and convince someone that you were worthy of a conversation. He was an ass to put up with, and you caught yourself wondering how Katniss hung around him for so long.
In the end, it worked out. You and Gale can talk to each other without arguing. You two have a lot more in common than you originally thought, too. Although, some of his ideas are questionable, and you usually have to stop him from talking to keep that peaceful state.
“I’m surprised you want to drink so early.” Gale remarks.
“It’s almost eight o’clock.” You reason, motioning to the sky. “It’s not my fault it’s still bright out.”
The sun is slowly setting on the horizon, getting ready to say goodbye for the night. Which is good, because you’re tired of the heat. Unfortunately, it’ll still be warm out, even with the flaming ball in the sky gone. At least the bar has air conditioning. 
Gale reaches for the handle, pulling the door open. He holds it for you as you enter first, allowing you to choose where to sit tonight. You head for the table in the corner, the one that lets you have a perfect view of the entire room, and a quick escape for the door. 
Gale begrudgingly takes his jacket off and sets it on the chair that has its back to the room. “Your usual?”
“Yes, and water, please.” You tell him, reaching for your wallet. “I’ll pay for the first round. We can alternate tonight.”
Gale holds his hand out, watching as you drop the cash in his hand. He counts it as he walks away, heading for the bar top. You watch as he and the bartender go back and forth as the drinks are made. A minute later, Gale comes over, placing the glasses on the table. 
You start with the water, parched. They provide water, but they keep the bottles to recycle them, even if you aren’t finished with what’s inside. Once half the cup is empty, you start on your mixed drink, watching as Gale takes a sip of straight brown liquor.
“Do you remember what Azalea was saying about next week?” You ask, watching as Gale’s face twists.
“You mean the beach clean up?” Gale asks.
“Yeah, she said District Four, right?”
“I think. And whatever else is beside it. They’ve got their own coordinators over there, so they aren’t taking volunteers. Trust me, I tried.”
“They would’ve denied me, anyway.” You roll your eyes.
“I don’t know, Azalea hesitated. She said that we’d be useful, but the deadline passed a couple days ago.”
“Any victors going?” You ask.
He scoffs, “No, the last I heard, everyone’s hands off.”
You hum, resting your head on your hand. You get about the same information that Gale does when it comes to the victors, usually in snippets. 
Enobaria’s here, obviously, in District Two. You didn’t know that she was doing a memorial for the Two victors until today, which is nice of her. You can’t imagine how hard it is to be the only surviving victor of a district. Especially since Lyme was alive for the rebellion, but got killed during the storming of the Capitol.
Speaking of which, Beetee’s working in the heart of it under Commander Paylor. You’re not sure what he’s doing exactly, likely something with electronics or the defense system, if you had to guess. All you know is that he was able to resume basically what he had been before, this time for a better cause.
As for Katniss, there’s a lot of mixed news on her. Some say that she’s doing over-the-phone therapy appointments with Doctor Aurelius, mandated by Paylor to assess Katniss’s state of mind periodically after the assassination of former President Snow. Others tell you that she’s been skipping calls and hasn’t been out of her house in who-knows how long. 
After everything that happened, you just hope that she's doing okay. 
Peeta is doing his own sessions, also with Doctor Aurelius. Except, he’s not in Twelve, he’s still stationed in the Capitol for the time being. There’s a lot of progress regarding the hijacking, but it’s hard to know for sure if permanent damage hasn’t been done. And they can’t really test that out, either.
Haymitch… could honestly be anywhere. You heard he was forced to attend rehab in District Thirteen a second time, getting him completely sober. He’s fallen off the map since then, so your best guess is that he’s still there. You know post-war that he began to struggle with his sobriety after losing so many longtime friends.
This brings you to the few people that you could care less about. Starting with Johanna, she’s in District Seven, enjoying her life. She isn’t doing anything of importance, just wasting away in her own victor house, letting people wait on her. They tried to get Doctor Aurelius to rope her in, but she’s resilient. She doesn’t care about bettering herself, even though it’s pretty needed after the torture.
Annie Cresta is living in District Four, right alongside your ex-boyfriend and traitor, Finnick Odair. You don’t get much information on them, and it has to do with the fact that you get pissed off at the sound of their success. From your understanding, they live guilt-free and happy in their mansions, sleeping in their own beds.
When you ask for updates regarding Four, it’s a hit or miss if you get anything of importance. For example, they could tell you that fishing’s down, and it has been for the past couple weeks. Or, they’ll lay it on heavy, by telling you that your childhood home and your victor home are nothing but foundation.
You remember how dark the world became when you heard the news. Finnick told you on that runway in City Circle that they’d burnt your victor house down, something that you’d be able to live with. It didn’t have the prized possessions of your parents and siblings, or the pictures that captured you growing up. The only physical memory of the family you once had.
Apparently, not long after Finnick returned to Four, they’d set your home ablaze, too.
A part of you wonders whether or not that was encouraged by him. God forbid if you ever find out that’s the case. You might not be very threatening now, but nothing will stand in the way between your fists and his face if he told them to take away your last safe haven in Panem.
Anyway, when you were told the news about your childhood home, it almost became your breaking point. You’d been in Two for about three weeks at that point, and you were in no sound state to hear something so heavy. Especially on top of everything else that had been happening in the last year.
“Tomorrow’s July fourth.” Gale says, kinda changing the topic.
“Reaping Day.” You agree, nodding, taking another sip of your drink. “This will be the first year where a Hunger Games hasn’t taken place in Seventy-Six years.”
Gale stares off at the bar for a couple of quiet seconds. “What was it like being a victor?”
“Was?” You repeat. “You act like that’s a title that’s been taken away. I am a victor.”
He rolls his eyes. “You know what I mean.”
“Still.” You mutter. “I don’t know, what was it like being a worker in the mines?”
Gale’s face scrunches up. “You’re really comparing my district work to victor life?”
“I’m not saying district work isn’t hard or dangerous, especially with the mining stories that you were telling me. However, only one of us has been reaped twice and fought in both Hunger Games.” You remind him. “I have killed more than six people on purpose with three indirect kills following that.”
“You act like that’s something to brag about.” He squints at you.
“I’m not saying it is. All I’m saying is that victor life isn’t easy, either. And if you need an example, take Annie Cresta.”
“Annie Cresta is an anomaly.”
“But Katniss isn’t.” You raise your eyebrows. “I bet she had PTSD following her Games, and couldn’t hold a bow without remembering what she used it for inside of the arena.” 
Gale makes a face, tilting his head. “You’re not wrong.”
You raise your hand in his direction, because you knew you weren’t wrong. “Anyway, to answer your question—before the rebellion, there were hard parts and there were easy parts. Especially when it came to mentoring.”
His eyes land back on you. “How was that?”
“A nightmare.” You tell him. “There’s a reason why a lot of the victors ended up like Haymitch. Or addicted or morphling.” You swish the ice around in your glass.
“I’ll grab the next round.” Gale reaches for your cup, you move your hand.
He slides off his chair, heading away. With the questions he’s asking, you’re going to be drinking the entire night. He’s never been interested in victor life before, but you suppose there wasn’t a lot of opportunity to ask questions with Katniss. Besides, she’s not nearly as experienced as you are in that area.
He could ask you anything about the Capitol, and you’d have an answer for him. There was one point in your career where you had to be studying their mannerisms because Snow was getting ready to put you on the chopping block. Your victory almost completely outshone Finnick’s, you were going to be his ticket out of the prostitution industry, but your popularity died quickly.
For what reason, you’re not sure. All you know is that Snow sent you an ‘I regret to inform you…’ letter, telling you that you’ve been shelved. As if that was supposed to be upsetting, instead of relieving. You even remember crying in your room, praising whatever intervened and saved you.
When Gale comes back, he’s got more questions, “Wasn’t there good aspects about it, too?”
Your face twists as you take the first sip of your drink. “I guess. Besides the money and the house, we were free to do basically what we wanted in the Capitol, in moderation.”
“You weren’t trapped inside of the Tribute Center?” He asks, eyebrows raised.
“No,” You scoff, “We were anything but trapped. We were encouraged to enjoy what the Capitol had to offer, we were walking advertisements of the Hunger Games. I didn’t take advantage of it though, I’d only been on them a couple times before the Quarter Quell.”
“They couldn’t just set us free, obviously. They had to keep an eye on us somehow, and that was done through the street cameras. They’re everywhere.” You shake your head. “I mean, you can’t go a single block without them.”
Gale pauses, putting his glass back down on the table. “Were they on the street when we were passing through?”
“Yeah, of course. The cameras are less frequent on the outskirts because there’s not a lot of crime in the Capitol, but they exist. It gets more difficult around the President’s Mansion because that’s a huge security risk.”
Gale stares at you, unmoving.
You look over his face, and then down to his drink. “What?”
“Are you hearing yourself?” He asks.
Gale smiles a little bit. “Never mind. What was your favorite thing to do in the Capitol?”
“It had to be the bars, or the clubs. I couldn’t go to very many of them, though. Which meant that I spent a lot of time in cafe’s.”
“Why couldn’t you go to clubs?”
“Finnick, mostly. He was a darling.” You rub the rim of your glass. When you look up at Gale, you raise your eyebrows. “You know, the whole prostitution thing. They always knew where he was because of the cameras. I’m lucky I never got pulled in. I came close several times.”
Gale presses his lips together. “They’d watch the street through the camera?”
“Yup, and they’d send high officials to our location to steal Finnick for the night, because he couldn’t say no. They could even play the footage back to see where we were coming from.”
“How far back?”
Your eyes wander away from his face. “I’m not entirely sure.” You lean back in the chair. “I mean, the Capitol used to pull footage from a year before of the victors to prove there were fashion trends.”
“So you’re telling me that they have footage of the streets from a year ago? Or at least, six months ago?” Gale presses.
“They should. I don’t know what good it would do now.” You tell him, locking eyes with him.
Gale doesn’t say anything, staring at you intensely. You open your mouth to ask what’s wrong with him, but end up sealing your lips, eyes narrowing in his direction. He does this to you sometimes when you’re missing a piece of a puzzle, and he’ll refuse to tell you what it is because he wants you to work it out.
It has to do with the cameras in the Capitol, because that’s what he’d been asking about. It’s such an insignificant detail, you’re not sure why he’s hung up on it. He had to have known there were cameras, that’s how they kept track of where you were in the sewers. If they hadn’t already known where you’d be going, of course.
The Peacekeepers found you on the street, thanks to those cameras. They probably even planned it down to the second to make sure that you were out of sight, in case any of the others came out of the apartment complex to look for you. Just like how they’d done to you and Finnick before…
You jerk upright, eyes widening as you watch Gale break into a smile. “Oh my god, there might be footage of Finnick and I on the street. And it might even have audio.”
“I was wondering when you’d get it.” He laughs.
You look around the bar, searching for the clock to find the time. It’s almost nine o’clock, the Justice Building closes at nine-thirty. Since it’s Friday, it’ll be closed through the weekend, unless there’s an emergency. And they won’t count your situation as one.
“I need to go.” You tell Gale, sliding off your chair, pulling your jacket over your arm. “I have to speak to Mayor Sybil.”
“Right now?” Gale asks, face twisting.
“Yes, right now.” You tell him. “I’ll meet you back at the house.” 
You head for the door in a rush, just barely getting the gap open wide enough for you to slip through before you’re running down the street. The Justice Building is on the other side of the town, where Azalea organizes the volunteers. You know it's a fairly long walk but you’ve never had to run there before.
You clutch the jacket to your chest, one arm pumping viciously at your side. You try your best to maneuver through the main and side streets of Upper Heights. Unfortunately, it’s not late enough for the town to be empty, especially not since it’s leading into the weekend. You receive several stares, people fully stopping to watch you run by, and heads turning at the sound of your feet crunching against gravel and cobblestone.
You try to keep your breathing as even as you can, remembering the rigorous training for the Quarter Quell that Mags put you through. She knew better than anyone what to expect. If it weren’t for her, you would’ve been unprepared.
The run feels like forever, but can’t be anymore than fifteen minutes—maybe twenty at the most. The second you see the Justice Building, a smaller boost of energy enters your system, and it’s the last push you need to make it to the doors in time. Right before the receptionist tries to lock it.
Her key is in the door when you push it open, gasping for air, wiping the sweat from your eyes. The cool air from the vent hits you in the face, easing the burning pain in your face. 
“Excuse me.” The receptionist says, her face is twisted. “We’re closed for the night.”
You shake your head, breathing through your mouth as you look up at the clock on the wall, which is right above a bench. Good, you need to sit down, or you’re going to lay on the tile floor. You bet that it’s cold.
“You don’t close…” You manage to get out, trailing off for a few breaths. “For another ten minutes.”
She presses her lips together. “We’ve had a slow day, so we’re closing early today.”
“This is urgent.” You breathe. “I need to see Mayor Sybil.”
“You can come back and visit her on Monday.”
“Respectfully, that’s not happening.” You tell the receptionist. “We can waste time arguing, or you can just bring me to her.” 
She glares at you, but starts walking down the hallway, presumably to the mayor. You get off the bench, following her. It’s a fairly quiet walk, if you tune out the stomping of her heels against the floor. And the occasional annoyed sigh.
She stops in front of the mayor’s door, knocking on the wood next to the crystal glass as a courtesy, before swinging the door open without permission to enter.
Mayor Sybil must be used to this, or doesn’t care. She looks up from her rectangular glasses with raised eyebrows. She looks between you two for just a moment, and then a little smile comes to her face as she gets to her feet.
“Miss (L/n), to what do I owe this pleasure, tonight?” She asks.
“I’ve been wrongly accused.” You tell her, stepping inside of the room. You drop your jacket onto the chair in front of her desk. “And there’s proof.”
Sybil winces, beginning to tilt her head, which means she’s going to start doubting you, and you don’t necessarily blame her. For the longest time, you’d come to the Justice Building and beg for them to reconsider. Sybil knows your routine by now.
“Listen, (Y/n), you know—” She starts.
“No.” You cut her off, glancing at the receptionist. “I need to speak to Sybil in private.” You tell her, just before closing the door in her face. “Sybil, the Capitol has cameras on the street.”
When you look at her, you can see that she’s placed her glasses on the top of her head, rubbing her nose. “Go on.”
“The cameras should’ve caught the conversation between Finnick and the Peacekeepers, and there’s going to be audio to go along with it.” You pull out the chair, stepping around the arm to sit down. “Will you please get Paylor on the phone?”
���Promise me this isn’t a waste of time.” She says, sighing.
“I promise I’m not wasting your time.” You tell her.
“If I were you, I’d put the guns down.” Finnick advised in a calm, collected voice. “It wouldn’t be a very good idea to kill us on the street, unless you want to alert the people we’re with, of course. It could give them a good running head start.”
There was a tense silence that passed between you and Finnick and the Peacekeepers that had just evacuated the truck, large guns in their hands. Although, it’s not entirely obvious through the playback, because your faces are hidden from the camera because of the angle it’s sitting at. You have a perfect view of the Peacekeepers, though. 
“Who says we have orders to kill you?” The Peacekeeper shoots back. “We have orders from President Snow to take you by any means necessary.”
“That’s not a good idea, either.” Finnick’s voice is smug. You remember the smirk that was on his face. “If you try to take us by force, we’ll make sure our companions are aware you’re out here. Same cards dealt.”
You watch your past self shift nervously on her feet, shaking her head. Finnick doesn’t move from where he stands, arms still raised in the air. The Peacekeepers begin to create a half-circle around you two, because it was more important to bring some back to the mansion, instead of being empty handed.
“We can make a deal.” Finnick offered cooly, “If you’re willing to make one.”
“Like what?” The Peacekeeper humored him.
“I can tell you where you can catch all of us together.” He told them plainly. “We figured out there are too many Pods here on the street, because we have a device. We plan on going down into the sewers to evade the Pods. The best time to come and get us would be then, because it’s going to be a maze down there. And you’ll have the advantage.”
There’s a few gasps that fill the room you’re sitting in. Your face begins to twist, eyes focusing on the screen. Your past self lowers her arms, in the middle of realizing that Finnick is selling your group of friends out to save himself. And less importantly, you.
If only the people around you could see the horror that crossed your face in that moment. As you stood there hopelessly. It was too late to stop Finnick or save the situation. What could you do? Kill the Peacekeepers all by yourself? Claim Finnick was lying? 
For six months, you’ve been blamed for being a bystander if what you were claiming about Finnick was true, but it was never that simple. They would stand there dumbfounded, too.
“As long as you don’t interfere before we get to the apartment and down in the sewers, we won’t tell the squad about this encounter.” Finnick told them, keeping control of the situation. He lowered his arms, but you didn’t dare to move, watching as he held out his hand to shake the Peacekeeper’s, wanting to seal the deal.
In complete silence, they shake hands. “Let’s pack up and roll back to Headquarters.” The main Peacekeeper told the others, not bothering to acknowledge the conversation he’d just had with Finnick.
The two of you stood there and watched as they all got back inside of the armored truck, before driving down the block. They took the soonest left, and disappeared out of sight completely. It wasn’t until you were sure that they were gone, did you lower your arms.
Finnick began to lead the way back to the apartment, a gentle hand on your lower back to guide you down the sidewalk. After five minutes of total silence, he cleared his throat. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”
The camera angle changes because you’re leaving the view of the first one, and the audio is getting quieter. There’s a gap of silence as the microphone struggles to pick up the conversation, meaning it misses your entire response. Which consisted of something snarky and along the lines of, “What about them?”
The audio comes back in time to catch Finnick. “Don’t say anything to them about what happened. It’ll screw everything up, and put us back into danger.”
You tear your eyes from the television, swiveling around in your chair to find Finnick sitting across the room. All the color has been drained from his skin, face dropped entirely as his truth spills out. And this is only the beginning.
Finnick’s eyes flicker over to yours, you see that they’re watery. A smile comes to your face when you shake your head at him. This won’t work on you. You have no sympathy for the man that lied and got you shunned from the community of your home district. 
“What the hell is wrong with you?” You snapped at Finnick, disgusted. “They’re our friends, we’re supposed to be a team! We wouldn’t have made it this far without them!”
“This is what has to be done if you want to make it home.” Finnick told you. “We don’t have a choice. Now that they know where we’re going next, there’s no point in changing plans. The sewers are our best bet.”
“That’s not true anymore.” You seethed. “We’re over, Finnick. I can’t be with you.”
You raised your hand, waving him off when he tried to grab you. He let you take the first couple of steps away, and then loosely followed you from a distance to make sure he wouldn’t set you off. The camera follows you back to the apartment complex, where you go inside, and the feed ends.
You look around the room from person to person, finding most with solemn faces as they realize they trusted the wrong victor. President Paylor inhales, as if she’s going to speak, and then she lets it go with a shake of her head.
Even Plutarch has a grimace on his face, because this is not how they want to picture their darling Finnick Odair. After the sacrifice he made by telling Panem about his trauma, he should not be painted in this light. 
“It’s not tampered with.” Beetee breaks the silence, adjusting his glasses. “If any of you were wondering. It couldn’t have been, this is raw footage straight from the Capitol’s systems.” He laces his fingers in front of him on the table.
“I want this aired.” You tell Paylor, she locks eyes with you. “I want the entirety of Panem to know that Finnick is the heartless asshole that sold out the Star Squad, and that it wasn’t me.”
“I don’t think that’s necessary.” She tells you.
“Why’s that?” You ask her, eyebrow twitching upward briefly.
“There was no harm done.” 
A scoff leaves your mouth as you get to your feet, trying to be the same eye level as her, since she refused to sit in a chair. “No harm done?” You repeat. “Are you sure? His lies were aired on Katniss’s trial. Everyone in Panem was tuned in to hear it. He humiliated me, and none of you would fucking believe me when I told you the truth.”
“Unfortunately—“ Plutarch begins, trying to help Paylor.
“I got cast out of District Four, the place that I—“ You tap your fingers to your chest multiple times, “was born and raised in. My people think that I’m some monstrous traitor. They didn’t feel safe with me there. This whole time they’ve been sleeping beside a killer.” you spit.
“That’s enough.” Finnick says.
You point at him, eyes sharp. “You don’t get to decide when it’s enough. You’ve had plenty of chances—plenty of time—to come clean, and you know what you said? You told me, ‘It was the right move to make’. You make me fucking sick.”
Finnick raises his hands defensively. “You could’ve said something, yourself.” 
“If I wasn’t so afraid that you were going to turn on me, too, I would’ve.” You snap. When you turn back to face Paylor, you tilt your head. “You sent me to District Two, where all your castaways go. There, I learned that my childhood home was burnt to the fucking foundation because they believed him.
“Would you consider that ‘no harm done’?” You ask her. “I didn’t get any of my belongings after the war, because you told me that my valuables weren’t urgent or important and that you’d ’get around to it’. I don’t have any pictures of my dead family, Paylor!”
The room is silenced again as you breathe heavily, trying to blink the rising tears from your eyes. You will not cry over this. You will not cry in front of any of them. They can’t see how desperate you are.
“I have the right to a trial.” You tell her, once the lump has left your throat. “And I want one. I want Finnick to be put on trial. His guidance murdered several members of the Star Squad.” You look at Finnick. “Messalla, Jackson, Castor, Homes and Leeg were lost in the sewers because of him.”
Haymitch, who’s standing in the very back corner, looking worse for wear, lets out a loud sigh. “She’s right. Finnick needs to be held accountable.”
“Thank you, Haymitch.” You relax.
Paylor looks down at the ground, closes her eyes and says, “Finnick Odair is now in the custody of the Capitol for his interference with Project: Mockingjay.”
“Paylor.” Finnick tries to reason, but her guards move forward immediately, cuffs in hand.
“I told you that you’d regret this.” You say to Finnick, his face twists. “Your actions have consequences, and it’s time you learn that.”
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thatssosussex · 2 months
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Colombia Day 2- The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Vice President Márquez paid a memorable visit to Colegio La Giralda, a local public school in the Las Cruces neighborhood of the town of Santa Fe. Their visit was a celebration of education, emotional well-being, and community spirit, highlighting the remarkable initiatives and the dedicated people who make Colegio La Giralda possible. ⁣
⁣They were welcomed by Serafin Ordoñez, the Head of School, who led them on a thoughtful tour of the campus. They were then taken to La Giralda’s urban garden which aims to promote a culture of peace and respect for the environment. The garden promotes sustainability, cooperative work and beautification of the school together with students, families and the community. The Duke and Duchess planted a walnut tree alongside the Vice President to mark their visit and leave behind a lasting impact on the school community. ⁣
⁣And in adorable fashion, Meghan and Harry met with kindergarten students, working on puzzles and having conversations, with Meghan showcasing her Spanish skills. (8/16/24)😍🥰🥹
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dorkvania · 1 year
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Neighborhood beautification in Portland
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themakeupbrush · 1 year
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Miss Supranational Curaçao 2023 National Costume
Kaya Kaya is a community building tool in Curaçao, focusing on the clean up & beautification of the 'Otrobanda' district. Kaya Kaya is a one day festival, however in the months leading up to the festival we engage and work together with the neighborhood to transform the area with art, colorful murals, music, culture and more. The Festival also aims at boosting the economic, social and cultural opportunities of the district by providing a platform for vendors and artists from- and outside the district. Celebrate 'Kaya Kaya' in Curaçao
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brostateexam · 1 year
"I'm definitely not thinking about death any more!"
I was heading in to BART when I noticed that there was a moth in our car. For reasons I can't quite explain, I was consumed with the feeling that I had to get it out of the car to somewhere safe. My stop was going to put me (and maybe the moth, if I managed it) just three stories underground, though, which is not markedly better than being on a subway car. At least on the subway, there was a shot that it could get out in one of the open air stations and get to like some trees or something. I did nothing. I feel guilty about it.
When I was making plum butter, I noticed there was a parakeet outside on my back steps. He was little and green, and he did not look thrilled to be out and about. I didn't have anything I could use to catch him, and even if I had, bringing a bird into a house with my cat who thinks killing birds ins her life's purpose (note: she has never actually done it, she just obviously really wants to) did not seem like a good option. I was trying to get him some bird seed and water when a loud noise caused him to fly off.
I got a failed delivery notification for a package when I wasn't expecting anything to arrive and the pickup spot wasn't that far from my house, so I thought I'd just walk. It was in Eastmont, only 1.5 miles away. It was not, shall we say, the most pleasant walk, but it made me think about what it means when people say they hope neighborhoods "improve," because I found myself thinking that at times. What would it look like if the neighborhood improved for the people who live there now, instead of the neighborhood itself "improving" by accruing in value? I didn't have an answer for that, and I still don't, other than to say that I think sometimes people focus on neighborhood beautification projects because it's a lot easier to plant flowers in the medians than it is to solve systemic poverty.
I keep thinking about how my grandmother could have died of dehydration if the parking lot outside of her condo complex hadn't been due for repaving. I keep thinking about how if it won't be that, it will be something else, and it will be soon.
Every time I see my mom these days, I am starting to see how she has aged. She is in her seventies, and it's not like she is experiencing severe cognitive decline or anything. She's just not quite as energetic or as strong or as sharp as she was ten years ago. This is scary to me. I'm not really ready for a world where I take care of my mom, but I know it's coming. My sister has two kids and she and her husband are like inches away from divorcing (have been for the last 3-4 years), so she's kind of got enough going on. I just have to convert my garage into a place my mom could live if she needed a little help, and be ready.
That stupid quiz said that what I needed was to break a leg, and I completely understood it. What I need, it says, is to lose control and find out that things will be okay if I don't have it. That isn't how this is going to work, though. No one else is going to do all the shit for me that I have to do just to tread water. I can feel bad about that, I guess, but I don't see how that helps anything, and the thing about treading water is if you stop, you drown.
When I'm doing innocuous, banal stuff, I can't stop thinking about how everything is going to end. Age, decay, entropy, heat and smoke are consuming my thoughts.
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memecatwings · 6 months
so the hoa can make up rules for you? do they work for the local government? or how are they allowed to do that
HOAs have to be registered as corporations with the local county government but they are not part of the government and they can enforce their own rules as long as they dont contradict local laws. think of them as evil unions. everyone who lives in the neighborhood pays them a monthly fee (the fee depends on the size/location of the neighborhood) and they use that money for community projects such as pools, parks, trash pickup, beautification, expansion, etc. their job is essentially to keep the collective property value raised. for example, my HOA has rules about what color youre allowed to paint your house and how many trees you can have in your yard. if you want to do rennovations that impact the outside of your house you have to clear it with them first. my HOA also recently put heavy restrictions on rental houses to stop too many Airbnbs from popping up here. We get notices from our HOA all the time for not mowing our lawn often enough its a whole thing really. you could definitely find a ton of nightmare HOA stories out there theyre probably fascinating if youre looking at them from a non-american perspective.
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tonybannerblog · 1 year
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Neighborhood beautification. 💜💜💜
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ericgunther · 8 months
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Palm Beach Island Takes Over as the Top Ultra-High-Net -Worth Property Market in the United States!
“Palm Beach is a niche market that consistently has the highest concentrations of appropriate properties and lifestyle for ultra-high-net-worth individuals,” says Eric Gunther President of Greenfield Waters Florida Realty on Worth Avenue Palm Beach.
Ultra-high-net-worth “UHNW”, is a level of ultra-luxury residential properties that trade for $50,000,000 or more. The market for these eight and nine-figure estates has significantly increased in the past ten years. 
New York, the Hamptons, Malibu, Los Angeles, Aspen, and Miami have all seen a sudden and profound transformation in the value of the most coveted properties. But nowhere in the U.S. compares to the small Island of Palm Beach which currently has 13 properties listed for sale asking over $50,000,000. This 16 mile long barrier island is a fraction of the size of its UHNW market peers, making the concentration of luxury real estate sales staggering over the comparatively small area. 
Over the last year of 2023, Florida’s two most expensive home sold on Palm Beach Island.  $170,000,000 was in first place at 589 North County Road Palm Beach, FL 33480 and $155,000,000 in second place at 1495 North Ocean Boulevard Palm Beach 33480 combined into a compound with 108 Mediterranean Road Palm Beach, FL 33480.
As the balance in middle market property prices and interest rates struggle to find common ground across the general U.S., solid activity in the Florida market and in the UHNW market of Palm Beach is understandable for emotional reasons but also backed by qualitative data. 
Buyers of properties in excess of several million dollars aren’t as affected by volatility in interest rates or the stock market like other buyers. Often paying in cash versus financing, these buyers see their real estate as tangible assets to be enjoyed but also bought, sold, and traded at the right times. 
Meanwhile, just across the Intracoastal waterway, select bordering neighborhoods of West Palm Beach are becoming “Palm Beach Island adjacent” with sales in excess of several million dollars being very normal.  Areas in West Palm such as Marina Park, El Cid, Howard Park, Phipps Park, and South of Southern (SOSO) are emerging in a very big way. As major financial firm and accompanying industries such as consulting, accounting, legal, and more keep moving to West Palm Beach, we expect these neighborhoods to continue growing in value and the beautification of Mediterranean revival and modern styled new construction homes. 
Palm Beach owners naturally enjoy the warm winters of our busiest season, when residents with multiple homes return for the climate. Many visitors come prepared to shop for real estate during this season making it ripe to sell for more. Spring and summer balance out the year as owners often list after enjoying a last winter season and demand to buy exits all year long in the Florida UHNW market. Typically, buyers even appreciate the downtime after buying so they can renovate and bring in the finest upgrades and décor of their personal choice which can take time after buying. 
This year more incredible properties are on the market and selling for more than anywhere else in the United States. Currently, the Island’s most expensive listing is 2.3 oceanfront vacant acres of land listed at $200,000,000 at 1063 and 1071 North Ocean Boulevard Palm Beach, FL 33480. They have 360 feet of width across the beachfront which is a rare luxury opportunity on The Island. These are owned by cosmetics heir William Lauder who listed the land on the market after buying the late Rush Limbaugh’s property. Both properties were torn down to achieve their amplified land value together. 
Traditionally, Palm Beach was perceived as a multigenerational closed circle. Today, this is no longer the case and sellers are aware of the vibrant new audience which needs to be reflected and focused on for marketing and advertising to sell a property of these price points in the economy of today. The Island does still maintain the exclusivity of high society, yet it's much more inclusive of people from a broader range of affluence, industries, and backgrounds which is very healthy.   
Here are five of our favorite finest properties on the market as of today on Palm Beach Island:
10 Tarpon Isle Palm Beach, FL 33480
Listed for $187,500,000
In 2021, Todd Glaser and his business partners made waves in the real estate world by acquiring the 2.3acre man-made Tarpon Island for a $85,000,000. After an extensive renovation, showcasing their commitment to luxury and opulence, they listed the island in 2022 for an eye-opening $218,000,000. Taking a strategic pause from the market which created incredible desire from real estate buyers, Glaser reentered the fray in November with an adjusted price. Originally designed by Howard Majors in 1930, the mansion underwent a dramatic transformation under Glaser's vision. Its footprint doubled to nearly 24,000 square feet, now boasting 11 bedrooms, 15 bathrooms, and 7 half-bathrooms. The property is a veritable oasis, featuring two pools, a dock, a lighted tennis court, a cold plunge, steam room, sauna, salon parlor, massage room, gym, and a catering kitchen. This embodiment of luxury living epitomizes the pinnacle of exclusivity and grandeur.
101 Jungle Road Palm Beach, FL 33480
Listed for $59,950,000
The oceanfront mansion of the late Gerald and Elaine Schuster has emerged on the market. Gerald Schuster, renowned as the founder and CEO of Continental Wingate, a prominent real estate investment and development firm now recognized as the Wingate Companies, leaves behind a legacy of industry excellence. Notably, the Schusters shared a longstanding friendship with political powerhouses, adding to the allure of their estate. Constructed in 1955 on a sprawling 0.9 acre plot along Jungle Road, the mansion encompasses an impressive 10,000 square feet, comprising 5 bedrooms and 8 bathrooms, according to property records. The price reflecs its prime oceanfront location spanning 200 feet of beachfront. With its rich history and unparalleled coastal charm, this estate represents a rare opportunity for discerning buyers seeking a slice of coastal luxury intertwined with prestige and influence.
315 Chapel Hill Road Palm Beach, FL 33480
Listed for $59,500,000
This waterfront estate, formerly owned by the late William Flaherty is an incredible property. Flaherty, a notable figure in the business world for founding the Horsehead Corporation, now recognized as American Zinc Recycling based in Pittsburg, passed away last year, leaving behind a remarkable legacy. Built in 1987 upon 0.8 acres of prime waterfront land, the estate boasts a 5,600 square foot main house adorned with 4 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, and 1 half-bathroom, along with a charming 3,300 square foot guest house featuring 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. With its enviable position spanning 200 feet along the picturesque Intracoastal Waterway, this property presents an unparalleled opportunity for luxurious coastal living.
200 S Ocean Boulevard Palm Beach, FL 33480
Listed for $59,000,000
Earlier this month, David and Becky Gochman just listed their stunning oceanfront parcel. David Gochman's entrepreneurial journey includes the successful sale of his family's renowned sporting goods empire, Academy Sports & Outdoors, to the private equity firm KKR for a staggering $2,100,000,000 in 2011, as reported by Forbes. Following this achievement, he established Inclenberg Investments, based in Palm Beach, in 2012. The Gochmans' connection to luxury real estate began in 2014 when they acquired the South Ocean Boulevard property for $15,400,000 million, according to records. Demonstrating their commitment to refinement and elegance, they embarked on the construction of a new residence on the expansive 0.9 acre parcel in 2018. The resulting masterpiece spans 5,800 square feet, boasting 6 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, and 1 pool, offering an unparalleled blend of coastal splendor and modern luxury.
690 Island Drive Palm Beach, FL 33480
Listed for $52,900,000
Situated on the picturesque Everglades Island, Diana Barrett has unveiled her exquisite waterfront residence, designed by the esteemed Marion Sims Wyeth. Constructed in 1949 on a lush 0.8 acre parcel, the house epitomizes timeless elegance and sophistication. Spanning 6,300 square feet, the residence boasts 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 1 half-bathroom, and 1 luxurious pool. Notably, Barrett's illustrious background includes tenure as a former professor, while her husband, Bob Vila, is renowned as the star of the beloved renovation show "This Old House." Furthermore, demonstrating their affinity for Palm Beach's charm, the couple recently acquired a 4,300 square foot house for $12,500,000 million in December, further solidifying their connection to the area's prestigious real estate landscape.
About Greenfield Waters Florida Realty
When it comes to navigating the intricate world of luxury real estate, Eric Gunther and Greenfield Waters Florida Realty located on Worth Avenue Palm Beach stand out as the premier choice for buyers and sellers alike. With a profound understanding of the market dynamics and a specialization in properties exceeding several million dollars, Greenfield Waters and their Realtors possess the intelligence, sophistication, and unwavering commitment necessary to cater to the discerning needs of high net worth individuals. Whether it's meticulously scouting for the perfect property or orchestrating seamless transactions, Greenfield Waters ensures a tailored experience that exceeds expectations, making him the trusted ally in Palm Beach's elite real estate realm.
Are you curious what your Florida property may be worth right now?  Feel free to try our complimentary special Florida specific valuation instantly online at https://www.greenfieldwaters.com/home-value/
Here to advise as always, 
Eric Gunther
President – Broker – Realtor
Greenfield Waters
Florida Realty
205 Worth Avenue #125
Palm Beach, FL 33480
Thank you for sharing our blog posts, articles and for your referral business! 
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cymlea · 1 year
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Williamsburg Bridge Community Art and Beautification: Local artists and community groups often engage in art and beautification projects near the bridge, adding to its cultural significance and contributing to neighborhood pride.
Civic Activism: The bridge has also been a gathering point for civic activism, where residents and advocacy groups have come together to voice concerns, promote change, and highlight important social and political issues.
Urban Symbolism: Beyond its practical function, the Williamsburg Bridge symbolizes the dreams and aspirations of countless individuals who have crossed it in pursuit of opportunities, dreams, and a better life in New York City.
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on hostile architecture and the housing crisis in hamburg, germany.
(german with subtitles, english translation below)
What's up? My name is Disarstar.
In Germany, on of the richest countries in the world, around 50.000 people live on the street according to official statistics. The number of under-reported cases should be significantly larger, because people who are cooped up in emergency accommodation under inhumane conditions are skillfully subtracted from those numbers.
The number of unhoused people who are not living on the street is many times higher than that. Up to 1.600 crimes against unhoused people are documented per year, many more are not being recorded.
Last winter, at least 23 unhoused people froze to death on the streets of the republic. Stress is on 'at least' and the people dying from heat, who dont make it through the hot summers, don't make it into the statistics.
((phonecall) Ok, no, were coming, and then? Then we're really doing this. See you.)
"No one has to be homeless in Germany," the enlightened neoliberals like to say, drinking sparkling wine with their breakfast. However, the life crisis of homlessness can strike almost anyone. There is no right to accommodation in Germany, and those who can't pay their rent end up on the street.
Without an apartment, you hardly find work, and without work, hardly an apartment. And as everyone who ever had to search [for an apartment] knows: Even under the right conditions it is hard to find one. Despite there being vacant apartments for speculation on every corner.
Living on the street means falling through the cracks, being in a downward spiral of stress, which takes over the day and all capacities, and from which, if at all, it is very difficult to find a way out.
Living on the street, you are much more likely to become a victim of violence, a victim of exclusion and expulsion, a victim of harassment by the police. For those affected, the state only acts as a barrier.
I have been living in Sankt Pauli [a neighborhood of Hamburg] for over ten years, and in this time alone, I have witnessed the massive development / beautification of the city center for investors and tourists, that leaves less and less space for the homeless.
This is why 'resourceful' democrats come up with things like one-way rubbish bins, to make people collecting redeemable/returnable bottles disappear from the cityscape. They run loud, annoying music at train stations, so no one will stay there longer than necessary. And they attach brackets and other tools of harrassment to benches and lying surfaces, so that no one can get comfortable there.
Unhoused people who - according to neoliberal ideology - are solely to blame for their own situtation, disturb the urban idyll.
Of course, all of this is deeply inhumane / misanthropic. And of course this is not about solving a problem in a solution-oriented way. It is solely about repression and expulsion. Out of sight, out of mind.
Unhoused people aren't even granted the dirt under their fingernails. And this action isn't even the least.
(donation information for cafeemitherz.de)
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okadaizoirl · 2 years
choose your own adventure! by alex!
you come to a crossroads. there are three paths.
the leftmost path is an overgrown mess. the path is trodden dirt, but it leads into an impossible brush anyone else would likely take a blade to. but you don't have a blade. you have hands! there are thorns, the vines tangle often, but you can make your way, right?
the middle path is a sidewalk. it's the sidewalk you're on now, in a neighborhood you feel like you grew up in, but you didn't. it just feels that way in a nagging part of your brain. it takes you down the rows of houses, trees haphazardly strewn about from the remains of a beautification project. the houses look just distinct enough to pick out if you know someone who lives in the neighborhood.
the rightmost path is the road itself. you can cut across and just run down the asphalt and head directly into town. nobody's awake, but the stores are open. there are no cars even parked in lots, but a cursory search shows every nearby business as being open. in fact, it says everywhere is now open 24 hours. the only placed closed is the local waffle house.
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dothanfencecompany · 2 days
Finding the Best Fencing Dothan AL: Your Guide to Choosing the Right Contractor
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When it comes to protection of our compound, security, and beautification, putting up a good fence is one of the best decisions we can ever make. If you need an old-fashioned wooden fence, a new-age vinyl or a strong metal one, deciding on the right fencing Dothan AL is critical. In this blog post, we will explain why it is crucial to choose the right contractor, the advantages of hiring professional fencing contractors, and why you should choose Dothan Fence Company.
Why Invest in Fencing?
Fences have several purposes as follows. They offer privacy, enhance security and bring value addition to your property. Whether it’s to secure your pets or your compound from intruders or to beautify your compound, a good fence will do the trick.
When it comes to fencing needs in Dothan, Alabama, which has both residential areas and neighborhoods, as well as business properties and large plots of land, the requirements can be quite diverse. It is for this reason therefore that one has to be very careful when selecting what type of fence to use as well as who to hire to do the installation for you.
Why Choose Professional Fencing Contractors?
There are many homeowners who prefer DIY fencing installation because of the costs that are involved. However, getting a fence is not as easy as it sounds. That’s why it takes careful measurements, knowledge of local requirements, and the right equipment and materials. Hiring experienced fencing contractors like Dothan Fence Company comes with several benefits:
1. Expertise and Knowledge
Professional fence contractors have adequate information concerning the type of fencing material to use, the designs to apply and how to install the fences. They are able to suggest which type of fence is most appropriate to your situation – whether it is for privacy, security, or aesthetic reasons. For instance, wood has that traditional aesthetic appeal; on the other hand, vinyl is easy to maintain and has increased life span. Composite fencing may be characterized by wooden, vinyl, or chain link or metal fences as for security and industrial facilities.
2. Compliance with Local Regulations
Fencing structures in Dothan are governed by the local construction codes and regulations governing property. These regulations are well understood by professional contractors and they will guarantee your new fence is legal and does not breach any regulation.
3. Quality Materials and Tools
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The Benefits of Hiring a Local Fence Company in Dothan, AL
When choosing a fence company in Dothan, it's always a good idea to go with a local contractor. Here’s why:
1. Understanding Local Needs
A local fencing Dothan AL company like Dothan Fence Company knows what it takes to address the needs of the region. They know what kind of soil is in your area, what kind of trees are in your area, and what kind of local architecture you like, so they can build you the fence you want.
2. Fast Response Times
Local contractors provide quotes, begin work promptly, and solve problems since they are close to you. You won’t have to wait weeks for a contractor to travel to your location.
3. Supporting the Local Economy
Local contractors are always beneficial to hire since they are part of your community. It is important to note this, when you choose Dothan Fence Company you are helping your local economy by putting money into a private business.
Choosing the Right Fence Type for Your Needs
You should know the type of fence that you want before you make a phone call to a fence company. Here are some popular options:
1. Wood Fencing
Wood is one of the most traditional materials for many homeowners in Dothan. Wood is private, has a natural look and gives an opportunity to change the color with various kinds of stains or paint. However, this material needs to be protected from moisture which means sealing and staining is necessary on wooden doors.
2. Vinyl Fencing
Vinyl is the best choice if you do not want to spend much time on maintenance. It does not necessitate painting or staining and is immune to insects and moisture, making it suitable for the region’s humidity. Vinyl fences are available in a number of types such as privacy and picket fences.
3. Chain Link Fencing
Chain link is commonly used in business buildings and in places where security is of great concern. It is hard-wearing, cheap, and can be fitted rapidly. Chain link fences are somewhat less private than other types of fences but privacy slats or some landscaping can be added on top of the chain link fence.
When it comes to finding the best fencing Dothan AL, choosing the right fence company is essential. Whether you're in need of a new privacy fence, a durable chain link for security, or a decorative vinyl option, Dothan Fence Company has you covered. Our team of experienced fencing contractors is ready to provide you with high-quality, reliable service to ensure your fence not only looks great but stands the test of time.
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evawillyspage · 10 days
Mulch Sale
Community Mulch Sale: Enhance Your Garden and Support a Good Cause!
Is your garden in need of a refresh? Looking to keep your plants healthy and soil rich while also contributing to a meaningful community cause? Look no further! Our annual Mulch Sale is here to help you achieve a thriving garden while supporting local projects that benefit everyone.
Why Mulch? Mulching is a simple yet effective way to improve your garden’s overall health. Mulch provides numerous benefits such as:
Moisture Retention: Helps the soil retain water, reducing the need for frequent watering. Weed Control: Suppresses weed growth, saving you hours of weeding. Temperature Regulation: Keeps soil cool in the summer and warm during cooler months. Soil Enrichment: As mulch breaks down, it adds organic matter to your soil, improving its fertility. Enhanced Aesthetics: A fresh layer of mulch gives your garden a clean, well-kept appearance. High-Quality Mulch at Affordable Prices We offer premium organic mulch sale sourced from local suppliers, available in various types to meet your gardening needs:
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Shredded Hardwood Mulch Pine Bark Mulch Colored Mulch (available in natural tones like brown, black, and red) All proceeds from the sale directly support our community programs, including local school activities, park maintenance, and neighborhood beautification projects.
How to Order Date: Mulch orders are open from [Start Date] to [End Date]. Pricing: $X per bag or $Y per cubic yard (bulk delivery available). Delivery/Pickup: Convenient home delivery is available for an additional fee, or you can choose to pick up your order at [Location]. Volunteers Needed! Want to get involved? We’re looking for volunteers to assist with mulch deliveries and sales. If you’re passionate about gardening, community service, or simply want to lend a helping hand, reach out to [Contact Information].
Keep Mulch Away from Plant Stems: Avoid piling mulch directly against plant stems or tree trunks, as this can cause rotting or attract pests.
Limited Time Mulch Sale – Don’t Miss Out! Now that you know how mulch can transform your garden, it’s time to grab some at a great price! For a limited time, we’re offering special discounts on all mulch varieties:
Buy 5 Bags, Get 1 Free Save up to 15% on bulk orders by the cubic yard. Plus, we offer delivery and installation services, so you can sit back and enjoy a beautiful garden without the heavy lifting.
Ready to Revamp Your Garden? Stop by our store or call us today to take advantage of this amazing mulch sale. Your garden will thank you, and you'll love the results!
Hurry, the sale ends soon! Make your garden stand out this season with fresh mulch that protects and nourishes your plants while enhancing your landscape’s beauty. Community Mulch Sale: Beautify Your Garden While Supporting Local Causes!
Looking to spruce up your garden this season? Our annual Mulch Sale is the perfect opportunity to give your landscape a fresh, polished look while contributing to a great cause! By purchasing high-quality mulch from us, you’re helping support local community initiatives like school programs, park maintenance, and neighborhood improvements.
Benefits of Mulch for Your Garden Mulch is an essential element in garden care, providing benefits such as:
Moisture Retention: Reduces evaporation, keeping plants hydrated longer. Weed Control: Blocks sunlight to suppress weed growth. Soil Protection: Prevents erosion and regulates soil temperature. Nutrient Enrichment: Organic mulch decomposes over time, enriching your soil. Improved Aesthetics: A fresh layer of mulch enhances the appearance of your garden. Order Your Mulch Today! We offer a variety of mulch options, including:
Shredded Hardwood Mulch Pine Bark Mulch Colored Mulch (natural colors like black, brown, and red) To place an order and learn more about our pricing and delivery options, visit our Mulch Sale page today!
By purchasing through our sale, you’re not only improving your garden—you’re helping to grow our community projects as well.
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dkaufmandevelopment · 1 month
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$12 Billion Plan Unveiled for Manhattan’s Hudson Yards
A New Era for New York City’s West Side
The next phase of the Hudson Yards mega-project on Manhattan’s West Side has been revealed, promising to transform the area with a $12 billion investment. This ambitious development, spearheaded by Related Cos., Oxford Properties Group, and Wynn Resorts, aims to add 1,500 new housing units, including 324 affordable apartments, significantly enhancing the neighborhood’s quality of life and economic vitality.
Introducing Hudson Yards West
Dubbed “Hudson Yards West,” this latest addition will rise atop the undeveloped western rail yards between West 30th and West 33rd streets and 11th and 12th avenues. If approved by city and state officials, the mixed-use development will not only provide much-needed housing but also create substantial economic opportunities.
Wynn New York City: A Game-Changer
A key highlight of Hudson Yards West is Wynn New York City, a resort and casino expected to generate 5,000 permanent jobs. Wynn and Related plan to apply for one of three casino licenses being considered for downstate New York by the New York State Gaming Facility Location Board. However, they face stiff competition from proposals in other prime locations, including Times Square, Citi Field in Queens, and the Nassau Coliseum on Long Island.
The resort will feature approximately 1,500 hotel rooms and suites, 238 residences, and a variety of dining options, bars, spas, and lounges, many overlooking the expansive Hudson Green. This 5.6-acre public park, comparable in size to Manhattan’s Bryant Park, will serve as the centerpiece of the Hudson Yards West project.
A Vision of Green Spaces and Community Amenities
Designed by Hollander Design and Sasaki, with a master plan by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, the public park will offer stunning views of the Hudson River and include open lawns, gardens, playscapes, a dog run, and over 300 trees. The park’s design emphasizes contiguous green space accessible to all, enhancing the urban landscape.
Adapting to Modern Needs
The new phase of Hudson Yards will uphold and enhance commitments made in the 2009 plan approved by city officials. Notably, the housing units will be rentals rather than the luxury condominiums initially envisioned. The public park has been slightly expanded from 5.45 acres to 5.63 acres, providing a more cohesive green space. The number of new buildings has been reduced from six to three, maintaining a balance between development and open space.
Key components from the original plan remain, including a 750-seat K-8 public school, 10,000 square feet of daycare, and 16,000 square feet of community facilities. The developers emphasize that the new vision for Hudson Yards West aligns with the approved uses in the 2009 zoning but has evolved to meet the city’s current landscape and economic needs.
Connecting the Community
The new park will seamlessly connect to both the High Line and Hudson River Park, ensuring easy public access and better sightlines. Additionally, the proposal includes the Wynn Neighborhood Improvement Fund, developed after two years of meetings with local stakeholders. This fund will support public safety, sanitation, beautification efforts, and local artists, addressing key community needs.
A Transformative Future
Hudson Yards West represents a bold vision for the future of Manhattan’s West Side, promising to bring significant economic benefits, enhanced quality of life, and a vibrant community space. Stay tuned as this exciting project progresses and reshapes the New York City skyline.
What do you think of this new phase of Hudson Yards? Share your thoughts and join the conversation!
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