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how to have motivation to workout ♡

you're reading this blog to stop procrastinating whenever you want to workout , or just get back on track in general. you are not alone as many others go through it too , but here I'll give you tips to avoid procrastination.
our plan : :
001 , push through
- in my eyes , procrastination is not a curse that randomly shows up in your life or something that pops up and runs away , it is something you bring up on yourself. let me explain it this way : :
imagine you are Sabrina , you love hanging out with your friends and playing with them. You stretch and study and read books in the morning everyday. One day , your best friend wakes you up early to go somewhere , meaning you forget to do your productive routine that day. Soon , one day of missing out of your productive deeds turns into a destructive habit. Eventually , you miss out on your routine and feel a sudden dread whenever you want to. That is procrastination.
It's okay to play with friends or watch a movie but don't let that get caught up in your life ! your routine should be like a ritual that you practise everyday , no matter the circumstances ! starting to do something once a day can slowly lead up to a repetitive habit whether that is lounging or being productive ! procrastination is just a re - embodiment of your actions.
002 , plan it all out
- don't workout or stretch or practise pilates by waking up and doing it at any time of day , depending on your mood. creating a repetitive habit means you need to do it at the same time of day for a scheduled time period. make sure to plan rest days to prevent burnouts !
003 , rest
- make sure to rest at least once a week to prevent burning out. remember that your muscles need to rest !!
004 , romanticize it
- romanticize moving your body to make it enjoyable ! listen to music , wear comfortable clothes , cute accessories , add candles - anything to make working out fun !
005 , find great workout channels // excercises
- find great workouts that aren't too // not intense enough for you ! find ones that work and are not just popular on tiktok !
♡ I extremely recommend hinafit for pilates , stretches and workouts !!
thank you for reading !
#raeniskaies#becoming that girl#wellness girl#wonyoungism#it girl#clean girl aesthetic#wonyoung#pink pilates girl#pink#pink pilates princess#pilates aesthetic#yoga pilates#pilatesworkout#guide#glow up#clean girl#procrastination#tips
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my goals ::

- goals I need to complete !
become an actress
lose weight
grow taller
learn different makeup styles
buy more cute clothes
eat healthier
procrastinate less
learn fluent korean
become THAT girl
#raeniskaies#wonyoungism#it girl#wellness girl#becoming that girl#clean girl aesthetic#glow up#pink pilates girl#that girl#pink pilates princess
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you need to fix your attention span ♡

- it is rumoured that human beings have an attention span shorter than a gold fish' . can you believe that such intelligent , amazing creatures as us can't even concentrate for more than 7 seconds ?
000 , just a short notice
- i apologise for taking so long to post ! life has been so busy and im sorry I left you guys ! also ty for 200 + followers ! i love you guys !
001 , don't have multiple tabs open
- stop having multiple tabs open ! this can cause frequent distractions and decreases your attention span !
002 , minimize multitasking
- just as previously stated , multitasking can help you lose focus on what you're trying to focus on !
003 , create no phone zones
- you don't need to take your phone everywhere with you ( at home ) , create no phone zones to reduce screen time and additionally regain more of an attention span ! no phone zones can be in your washrooms , kitchens & gardens , in those places you can focus on more important things other than your phone!
004 , say I'll do it after [x]
- if you had planned on doing something , do it. just because Jess or Ella asked you to call + play dress to impress + watch tik toks with them , doesn't mean you abandon your work. tell them you'll do it after [x] ( your work ) and just watch your attention span increase !
005 , automate school hours on school
- this chapter is just about using school for work and not for your phone !
006 , be okay with boredom and be curious
- if you're on a road trip or if you're waiting at a doctor's appointment , remember that your phone isn't your last resort ! for entertainment , try and look outside , imagine who has visited the area hundreds of years ago and how much it had changed or if you see any people , imagine their story ! be curious & imaginative !
007 , consume longer content
- watch long form videos til the end ; don't watch it on x2 speed ; don't read comments as you watch it ; don't skip past it ; watch it to its proper ending ! once you get used to focusing on long form content , your attention span will improve !
008 , consume to absorb , not skim
- when watching long - form content , don't skim past important details , watch it to absorb its content + not to get an uninformative gist !
#raeniskaies#wonyoung#wonyoungism#it girl#coquette#pink#wellness girl#becoming that girl#clean girl aesthetic#attention#attention span#helpful
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how to fix your mindset ♡

- your mindset is one of the most powerful things in the world . how you depict the world , what you believe , can absolutely change it all . .
001 , respect yourself
- so most of you attend school , right ? whenever you talk to the teacher , you call them by their honorific titles or speak to them with respect . or if you meet a stranger , you greet them and ask how they are. now , forget about teachers or strangers , imagine you are greeting a member of the royal family , you curtsy or bow towards them with a great amount of respect. you are a member of the royal family. every single morning , look in the mirror and tell yourself you deserve a great amount of respect and you deserve the freaking world . don't expect anybody to love you if you don't even like yourself ! look at your room. is it messy ? if so , go clean it right now because having the place where you sleep , study and lounge be messy is extremely disrespectful to yourself. not having the respect or even a frick to clean after yourself is disrespectful to you and you might not even realise it. treat yourself like you're the most precious thing in the world because honey , you are .
002 , stop being lazy + pathetic
- you may be still searching on how to stop being lazy or how to get back up. do it. I don't care if you're tired because whose fault is that ? some people can not afford to be lazy. the financially struggling can not afford to be lazy. the single parents can not afford to be lazy. the workers can not afford to be lazy. you sit around on your butt all day watching tiktok or reading tumblr blogs or whatever to do absolutely nothing. God has given you the gift of life , out of billions , you were the one to be placed on this earth and you spend your life doing nothing ? don't say you're unlucky or your life is terrible. that's absolutely pathetic. let that be your motivation. it's okay to take breaks or rest but please get back on track. only the privileged can afford to be lazy.
003 , don't follow people around - you're not a dog
- have you watched ' mean girls ' ? had you seen gretchen and karen ? did you notice how they follow regina ? don't be like them , don't waste your time , your life on following someone like they own you. don't seek someone's attention like you live off of it ; you don't ! it's also disrespectful to yourself because you're lowering yourself to the position of a dog or any other pet , following it's master to the end of their time. life is only once. use your time on something more important.
004 , idgaf
- please don't care if somebody hates or dislikes you. they are just jealous. no seriously , they spend most of their time obsessing over you and your life just to " hate on it " , they're jealous , hun. also face it , we are all going to die , life is too short to care about it , you are way more important to just worry your pretty little head on some obsessive parasite !
" so and so said this about you - " okay.
" they said this - " okay.
okay. idgaf.
005 , life is survival of the fittest
- your future matters. your teen years go way too fast and before you know it , you're already grown up. get a decent education. get to the top.
my mother always tells me I am pretty , I am smart , I have potential and I actually do. at the age of 10 she would already know what private university she would attend and she would have that as her number one goal. 5 years later , she travelled away from all of her family , her friends , her home to reach her dream ( the uni ) and she did. she knows others who have done the exact same as her who are billionaires and others who haven't who are financially struggling. throughout her parenting ( the first couple years were an extremely tough time for her ) journey , not one person , not even her bestest friends had come to our home offering gifts or money , not even for her kids. everybody else is focusing on their own families and their lifes ! if you have an opportunity , take it , like my mother had + be prepared ! because at the end of the day , in 10 years , your " friend " will not pay your rent.
006 , your mind is blind but not deaf
- your brain has no eyes of some sort that can lookout and know what's happening. whatever you tell your brain is happening , that's what it will believe , e . g ::
♡ " I'm ugly " then you'll be ugly. you'll perceive yourself as ugly.
♡ " I can't achieve anything " then you won't. you'll get nothing done in your life.
instead , tell yourself affirmations in the mirror , remind yourself that you're absolutely stunning ! it will come true !
007 , every setback is a blessing in disguise // see the bright things in everything
- now I do not care how bad something was , or how much it had impacted you , that is a blessing in disguise from God. God has your back. God is with you 24 / 7. He is greater than everything in the entire world. Don't ever erase that from your mind if something as small as not being able to go to your bestie's bday party or having strict parents. When I moved to the other side of the world , I felt like my life was over. 2 months later , I realised how toxic some of my old " friends " were and I got amazing opportunities where I live now. " When a door closes , another one opens " that is one of the most truthful sayings ever.
008 , don't wallow in your own self pity like a pig
- did you lose a competition or your partner broke up with you ? its okay to feel sad and you can cry about it but afterwards , get up. Move on. im sorry but nobody really cares. "oh my life is so unfair" so is everybody else's ? Get over it , please ! you can try another competition and your ex was clearly not for you so move on. nobody will care because they have their own problems to deal with. they may say sorry or give you a pat on the back but that's it. It won't change anything. they will be a whole lot ahead of you whilst you're still in the same spot in life , wallowing in your own self pity. whether you like it or not , life moves on and nobody cares , ml ♡
009 , set boundaries
- do you not like it when someone makes fun of you or touches you in a way you don't like ? you do not have to endure that , honey ! set your boundaries and if someone breaks them , take a break / leave them ! if they cannot respect your boundaries , they don't deserve you ! ♡
010 , drop toxic people
- it doesn't matter if you've been friends with them since kindergarten , or you don't want to seem mean. drop toxic people. this includes "friends" who just talk about themselves and say things like "oh , my life sucks" all the time , put everything in a negative mood. they don't deserve you. don't ruin your mental health over someone else , ml ! ♡
sorry if I sounded mean , I'm just trying to be honest !! ♡
#mindset#thewizardliz#song jia#wonyoung#wonyoungism#raeniskaies#tips#how to#guides#jang wonyoung#girl blogger aesthetic#aesthetic#pink#pink aesthetic#how to fix your mindset#becoming that girl#wellness girl#it girl#coquette
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be grateful , please ♡

- this is a gentle reminder that you need to be grateful. no matter what you're going through , remember that you're extremely lucky . . I love you.
note 001 , take a look outside in the morning . .
- please take a look outside. most of you will see grass or cement or pavement. you can hear birds tweeting to each other and smell the freshness of the air. be grateful you are able to look outside and experience the world
note 002 , are you able to be happy ?
- do you remember the last time you laughed really hard ? how you hold your stomach and tears roll out of your eyes. do you also remember the last time you could not stop smiling ? when your mouth could not stop moving and your face lights up . . be grateful that you have something to be happy for
note 003 , are you alive ?
- you live in a world where you have freedom , you don't live in constant fear of being in danger , you have an education and are safe in your comfortable homes. out of billions , you were the only one to be born. billions could have experienced the amazing life you have today but you are. even the fact of being a human is absolutely incredible , you don't have to hunt or hide in fear like other animals , you can run and jump and skip and walk and sing and scream and whistle and learn and play and do almost anything you set your mind to. be grateful you are alive. be grateful for the very fact of your existence. Be grateful.
#be grateful#grateful#gratitude#becoming that girl#wellness girl#wonyoungism#it girl#wonyoung#raeniskaies#pink#lucky#reminder#reminders
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how to romanticize studying ♡

to me , studying is like a gracious opportunity , having the right to education is an absolute gift. i enjoy doing it a lot but sometimes , it gets boring or just tiring - these tips will help prevent that from happening !
001 , music
- having music playing in the background whilst studying is so helpful , so grab a pair of headphones and let's go ! make sure the music is instrumental because vocals can distract you ! I recommend listening to lofi music !
002 , cute stationery
- this may not seem like much but having cute items can impact your motivation , ( at least for me ) my recommendations are rosy posy stationery , I use them and they are just so aesthetic !
003 , quiet surroundings
- whilst studying , distractions are one of your greatest enemies ; finding a quiet place like a small cafe , your basement or even applying noise - cancelling headphones can make a difference !
004 , studying schedules + plans
- studying seems like a simple thing to do but you need to plan ahead , not having a study schedule , not knowing what you're studying and when you're doing it is going to affect you ( could burn you out etc ) don't study spontaneously ; have a study planner !
005 , studying methods
- you have your music , your stationery , your quiet space & your planner yet you need your study method. search and discover a method that fits you and your attention span or your academic goals !
006 , keep focus
- keep focus. remember your goals. don't just quit because you think your bestie texted you or you want to watch a quick movie , focus on winning , my love !
007 , less socials
- let go of tiktok , instagram , snapchat etc for one second . . don't let social media distract you whilst you study !
008 , take breaks
- remember that you're not a machine , take occasional breaks and rests , but don't forget to get right back on track !
#raeniskaies#clean girl aesthetic#wonyoung#it girl#wonyoungism#wellness girl#becoming that girl#study motivation#study blog#learning#academics
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ada mei ' s wonyoungism library ♡

- welcome to my wonyoungism library where you can find self care guides + tips !
001 , mental activities & well being ୨୧
- you need to fix your attention span ♡
- little things that aren't so little ♡
- why it's important to socially rest ♡
002 , pink pilates princess & health ୨୧
- how to have motivation to work out ♡
- how to have an everything shower ♡
003 , manifestation diaries ୨୧
- how to manifest . . ✩
- manifestation tips . . ✩
- manifestation isn't a progress ; it happens instantly . . ✩
- the beauty of manifestation . . ✩
004 , mindset ୨୧
how to fix your mindset ♡
how to be magnetic . . ☆
the " this that pretty girl mantra " effect . . ☆
005 , beauty & fashion ୨୧
- how to smell heavenly . . ✩
- how to put together cute outfits . . ✩
006 , pink academia ୨୧
- how to romanticize studying ♡
text . . ✩ = loading !
text ♡ = complete !
#raeniskaies#wonyoung#wonyoungism#it girl#coquette#pink#wellness girl#becoming that girl#clean girl aesthetic#girl blogger#girlhood#pink pilates princess#pink pilates aesthetic#health and wellness#kpop#kpop aesthetic#aes#pink aesthetic#pink girl#fluttershy#cutie#pale pink#masterlist
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little things that aren't so little . .

moving your bed to the other side of the room
hugging your self
having a mini concert by your self
making a bed nest
re - visiting old photos
saying affirmations
#raeniskaies#wonyoung#wonyoungism#it girl#coquette#pink#wellness girl#becoming that girl#clean girl aesthetic
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why it is important to socially rest ♡

- as you may have noticed , I have been inactive for 14 days , aka 2 weeks . This is because I socially rested & I recommend you should too . .
001 , what do I mean by " socially resting " ??
- what I mean by socially resting is by taking a break from social media and focusing on yourself. It should be necessary especially if you like to post on social media .
002 , why is it necessary ??
- if you post on social media , you often recognise that it must take a lot of time and effort to do so. I find it fun and nice , making cute guides for my angelic followers ( you guys !! ) but it becomes unbearable to do for a long period ; it burns you out.
interacting on socials for a long time can also affect your attention span , damage your mental health ( depends ) & cause you to procrastinate ( some of the things you want to avoid ) !!
003 , what can you do whilst socially resting ?
- you can perform sports & hobbies , focus on your studies , interact with family and friends , go on trips etc etc ! it is not impossible to do these whilst using socials but it is easier when not.
004 , are there any benefits from socially resting ??
- the benefits I've gotten from socially resting is being able to do daily activities without worrying about posting + notifications. My sleep schedule has improved more & I felt a bit more " free " ^^
005 , conclusion ㅡ extra things you want to know
- you don't need to feel forced to post on your account or interact with anyone , as well as you don't need to feel forced to take breaks when not wanted. you can rest for as long as you want to + post again whenever as well ! in my opinion , take a break from tiktok and go out with your friends , it's way more enjoyable !
#raeniskaies#wonyoung#wonyoungism#it girl#coquette#pink#wellness girl#becoming that girl#clean girl aesthetic#rest#mental health#socially rest#resting#self care
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how to glow up this summer ♡

summer has arrived and school is out , which means you have 1 - 3 months worth of opportunities !! suprise your classmates , friends , families or even yourself as you glow up and enter the new school year absolutely changed !
our plan : :
001 , eat healthier
- try and enjoy the hot , summer day with some mangoes or watermelons as a snack ! make sure to drink lots of water + occasionally treat yourself with some fast food !
002 , stretch // workout
- as soon as you wake up to the beating sun , treat your body with some nice relaxing stretches and pilates ! try and find workout channels
e . g : : hinafit , shirlyn kim etc to change your body ! remember that workouts will be ineffective if you don't eat properly !!
003 , hygiene
- hygiene is a must as most of you will start to sweat due to the sun's heat. remember to apply deodorant & shower properly
004 , mindset // mental health
- you can only truly glow up if you change your mindset, don't pity yourself for your past mistakes and forgive yourself. don't have a victim mindset.
examples of channels to help with this are : :
♡ thewizardliz
♡ freezia
- don't let anything stop you from you being you. you are pretty , gorgeous & unstoppable !!
005 , self care
- try journaling , dancing in the sun , rewatching your favourite movies etc, take care of your body as it takes care of you and you will be amazed with the results !
006 , skincare
- taking care of your skin is an absolute must in this dry , hot weather. apply sunscreen everyday , find out your skin type & shop for whatever benefits your skin the most ! Don't just buy any that is popular on tiktok !!
007 , less screentime
- you can obviously use your phone throughout the day for necessary things but do not waste all of your time on it ! you only have one life ( depending on your belief ) and you can live it in two ways : :
♡ as the earner
♡ as the spender
the spender spends all of their time , their money on playing games or buying unnecessary objects etc that will hardly last them. All of this will benefit the earner who has dedicated their time , their money into education , necessary objects etc instead. So who do you want to be ? The earner or the spender ??
008 , study , study , study
- be like Rory Gilmore or Elle woods , someone who spends their time for education. They did not waste their life by doing so , the result of their sacrifice gave them a bright future ! Find out your studying method , find a quiet place , whatever you need to do , just study !!
thank you for reading !
need more tips ?? join my discord server ::
#raeniskaies#coquette#pink#self care#glow up#girlblogging#girlhood#girl blogger#girl blogger aesthetic#wonyoungism#aestethic#wonyoung#summer#clean girl#clean girl aesthetic#wellness girl#it girl#becoming that girl
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hey, it's cher! i just wanted to tell you that your whole setup is so cute and feminine🫶
- tysm girl !! this is literally one of the best compliments i've ever received like your account is to die for ! i'm literally about to steal your july moodboard !! lysm !! ♡
#girl blogger#love you#raeniskaies#vs#victoria secret#nana hachi#message#i love you#it girl#wonyoungism#wonyoung#coquette
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hiii!! i love your account🫶🏻
awww , tysm , nagmis , im really glad ! I pray you'll have a beautiful week , luv you ㅠㅠ ♡
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how to have an everything shower ♡

an everything shower is a weekly necessity for all. let me give you an ultimate guide on how to do it . .

body : :
- what to do with your body in your everything shower !
001 , dry scrub ( daily )
- once you have hopped into the shower , get your loofah // brush // scrub and start scrubbing your body. this can get rid of dry skin !
002 , soap bar ( daily )
- now , use a bar of soap to wash your body !
003 , shower gel ( daily )
- next , pour a decent amount of shower gel on your loofah // brush // scrub and wash your body !
004 , exfoliator // scrub ( weekly )
- grab your exfoliator and apply it to your skin , this helps remove dead skin cells and makes your skin smoother !
005 , body wash ( daily )
- apply body wash to your skin , it is less harsh than shower gel but both still needed whilst showering !

post - shower : :
- this is what you need to do after taking your everything shower , as soon as you leave the shower !
001 , apply lotion ( daily )
- apply lotion // cream on your body , something like cocoa butter or the kwailnara milk body lotion may help !
002 , baby oil & vaseline ( daily )
- afterwards , rub baby oil and vaseline on your body to make it softer !
003 , body oils ( daily )
- now , put on body oils on your body !
004 , fragrance ( daily )
- add body mist , deodorant , perfume etc !

hair : :
- disclaimer : : this is what helped me with my african // curly hair but you anyone can follow too ( p . s I wash my hair every few days ) !
001 , wash ( on routine )
- turn on the tap and let cold // lukewarm water run in your hair , massage your scalp as you do so !
002 , massaging ( on routine )
- make sure to massage your scalp with a scalp massager but optionally , you can use your hands ! this can help promote hair growth !
003 , conditioner ( on routine )
- apply a sufficient amount of conditioner to the ends of your hair !
004 , shampoo ( on routine )
- add shampoo to the scalp of your head. make sure to massage your scalp as you do so !
005 , relaxer ( occasionally )
- if you want to add relaxer , you need to have added the ingredients before the shower but if you have , wash it out of your hair !
006 , hair masks ( weekly )
- apply the hair mask of your choice ( I use the tsubaki hair mask - if you have low porosity hair I do not recommended it for you ) and leave it on for 5 - 10 minutes , once you're done , rinse it out !
007 , hair oil & other products ( on routine )
- once you're done , dry your hair and start to brush when dry. separate your hair and apply hair food , oils etc. once you're done , I'd like to have heat protection on my hair before I straighten it.

skin : :
- this post won't go into full detail about skincare but here is my routine : :
001 , prep ( daily )
- start by washing your hands , add your skincare accessories , light some candles , play some music and washing your face !
002 , double cleanse ( daily )
- apply your oil - based cleanser then your water - based cleanser after !
003 , toner ( daily )
- now you can apply your toner pads or regular toner !
004 , serum ( daily )
afterwards , apply serum !
005 , moisturiser ( daily )
- then add a moisturiser of your choice to your face !
006 , additional things ( on routine )
- after my routine , this is the time when you can add lip scrubs , lip masks , eye masks , face masks , etc !

hope this helps , my love !! ♡
#raeniskaies#wonyoung#wonyoungism#coquette#clean girl aesthetic#it girl#pink#glow up#everything shower#self care#skincare#haircare#body care#ultimate guide#guide#wonyongism#tips#princesscore#clean girl#cleancore#hygiene#helpful
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ㅡ heyy , welcome to my blog ! 🎀
♡ a princess' digi diary
my name is ada mei but you can call me ada or mei ! I am 11 years old and I adore aesthetic things !!
wonyoungism , pink pilates princess , self care , academics , pink , cute girl groups , shoujo anime , skincare , kpop , krnb , wave to earth & food
my mbti is an infj ( 1% in the population ) , meaning I am introverted but I still like socialising . . I go by she / her
masterlist ♡
nsfw , ed promoters , satanists , homophobes , racists , copy - cats , anti - christ ㅡ dni
extra ::
♡ @rosewony :: my digi diary !
#welcome to my blog#raeniskaies#pink#pink pilates girl#wonyoung#clean girl aesthetic#it girl#wonyoungism#wellness girl#coquette#tumblr fyp
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