#rachel Lowe
spnstillstudies · 5 days
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114/327 (KO-FI♡)
S6E10, “Caged Heat”
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vtachvfib · 2 months
Jason when his BFF Nick dies: RIP Nicky 🥺
Jason when the enemy soldier he met a few hours ago dies:
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shinyfair · 9 months
Raven art bcs i was bored + some damirae wips
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metaleffigy · 5 months
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young rachel and regent margin doodles (on interlude 11f)
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demeterdefence · 5 months
i had some time to chill i took a walk i drank some water i still hate this sequence
fastpass spoilers and sexual assault references ahead
i mentioned a few weeks ago how much i disliked persephone's last interaction with apollo and how the narrative wants to insist that persephone has moved on / healed from her assault, and with the last chapter and fastpass spoilers, it has genuinely just gotten worse. like at this point i can't even fault the characters or their choices, this is 1000% a rachel thing, and i hope her computer crashes in the middle of an eight hour drawing that she hasn't saved ANYWAYS
i don't think it needs to be said that rachel sexualizes her abuse victim. like, there's a reason that hera is naked during her fight with kronos despite kronos being clothed; there's a reason persephone was alone and apollo had his shirt undone when they spoke on the phone before the press conference. it's masquerading as feminine empowerment, but it just seeks to emphasize how rachel sexualizes abuse, and how she will still try to redeem these male characters.
it's very telling that while she's having kronos monologue how sad and abused he was, and how he was ruled by fear, we cut to a shot of apollo and eros with the love arrow - another plot point that drove me absolutely bonkers but we'll get to that. the placement is not random, for all that it feels it; she's trying to draw a connection between apollo and kronos, how they're both ruled by fear.
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apollo is planning to assault persephone again. this is not me being dramatic or exaggerating - he knows what the arrow does, he knows persephone hates him, he is absolutely planning to assault her again for his own purposes. whether kronos' apology was intended to be sincere or not, placing apollo in the visual middle of it sets a tone. he has abused persephone in the past and he will abuse her again.
the next time apollo and persephone interact, persephone has figured out how to make spring again (somehow, without explanation, one trainwreck at a time i guess.)
i don't love her plan, and i don't love how it came about, but on the top ten list of crimes in this webcomic, it's not the worst. persephone plays up her "weak, damsel in distress" image to apollo so he'll underestimate her - fine, whatever, not the end of the world. it's how rachel depicts this that i take issue with.
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it took me a couple of minutes for that last picture to realize they're supposed to be struggling because it genuinely looks like they're making out lmao thanks rachel i hate it
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not entirely related but the way the lineart becomes minuscule except on the face and chest rachel really shows her priorities
i'll skip a few more panels of apollo manhandling persephone with her doing pretty much nothing to fight back - she alternates between pleading with him to listen to her when he has historically never done so, and threatening to expose him for the rape, which also historically has never worked, but that's about the extent of her fight back. this is all before she knows about the arrow, so i'm hesitant to say she's playing him with her distress; this is genuinely the extent of her fight back.
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a clear callback to the assault, which in another author's hands might have succeeded in being harrowing and traumatizing for the readers, but just filled me with visceral anger.
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[narrator voice] fucking yikes!
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ties her up, but don't worry! her chest will be on prominent display no matter what.
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unrelated tangent once again but i love! how rachel has retconned the narrative so that ouranos was manipulating apollo all along! instead of apollo owning up to being a shitheel, we've got a master manipulator in the background, who can take some of the blame for apollo's actions! cool!!!
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anyways persephone's plan is to make apollo fall in love with her, so he'll feel bad about raping her.
that's it.
we don't get persephone defeating apollo. we don't get persephone getting actual justice. it takes apollo being under the control of magic to admit what happened - it's a cheap cop-out, a lukewarm offering at best. i'm not joking, either, in the fastpass apollo quite literally goes on live television and admits he raped persephone, because he's under the magic of the love arrow. not because he genuinely feels bad, or because persephone got justice - it's a deus ex machina to wrap up the assault plotline. rachel never figured out if apollo was a master manipulator or some idiot tool, so she swerves between both, and then tosses the plot out to make room for something else.
it's such a miserable, cheap conclusion to a storyline that so many women have dealt with. years of waiting for apollo to be brought to justice, and he goes out with a little whimper, and persephone's assault gets swept under the rug again.
what a disappointment.
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pakgirls530916 · 8 months
When is he never NOT moaning and groaning with the sour face! HE is now getting everything he deserves and MORE! Rumors are this is when he went to ask for better seats and got DENIED!
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jamesbutnotreally · 3 months
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marscia · 10 months
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November so far
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lemonadedits · 6 months
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reginageorge icons;
like/reblog if you save or like it.
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shesnake · 1 year
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Westworld season 1 episode 4 // episode 8 (2016)
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skullsandcorals · 1 month
HAPPY BIRTHDAY @apiratefellinlovewithastar 🤭💜💜💜 !!!!
I hope you like it ;)
(click for better quality if you're on the mobile app. do not repost.)
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charmwasjess · 23 days
the thing I do occasionally in my fics that is privately hilarious to me and probably to no one else is let Sifo-Dyas occasionally drop an subtle earth literary allusion or reference, like who knows, he clearly has streamed the Prequels on his mental Disney + and the limits of his visions aren't really explained, why not? None of the other characters notice; everyone else just thinks he's being cryptic and mystical.
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darudedogestorm · 7 months
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chart i made about what LPS each undersider would be (criteria being if i was 10 and i was playing worm which LPS would i choose). can and will be changed at any time on account of too many of them
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agent371 · 5 months
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They’re bullying him
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Round 3: Rachel "Bitch" Lindt (Worm) vs. Kohaku (Tsukihime)
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(rachel art by @lizardinkart)
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