#ra’s al ghul is a creep
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ditzyredrobin · 3 months ago
Before and After
Chapter 1
For Whumptober 2024 Day 27, Before and After, Alternate universe
So, I guess I forgot to post this one here? Originally, this was just supposed to be one shot—Dick and Lazarus!Tim bonding but 4,613, chapter 2 is on the way. 😂
In a blink, the knife is out of his hand soaring across the living room, towards the intruder. All the while without dislodging the bottle from the fussy pup in his arms. After hours of crying—of soothing, and changing, and singing, and bouncing, and burping she had refused to go down until now and Tim was Exhausted™️.
If he didn’t know any better, he would have assumed the black and blue costumed vigilante was another assassin sent by the League—Nightwing moved with easy grace, easing his way through the window, movement flowing like water and air. But not even the best of the League had managed to crack his security without electrocuting the shit out of themselves.
The room was illuminated by Friends reruns and the Gotham skyline peaking in through the crack in the curtains.
Nightwing ducked and weaved, only narrowly missing a knife through the delt. He rolled back to his feet without a hitch, shocking blue eyes wide and wild with the whiteouts down. The knife stuck in the wall with a satisfying thunk.
Without missing a beat Tim uttered lowly, “Breaking and entering is punishable offense. At the very least it’s C felony, at least 10 years in prison, and upwards of a $250,000 fine.” Not that he could actually get a judge in Gotham to prosecute without a hefty bribe.
Nightwing held up his empty palms in surrender keeping his feet firmly planted. “I’m sorry, we haven’t heard from you and I wanted to check on you.”
Tim discretely adjusted the cashmere blanket across his lap over the pup with a silent prayer she didn’t wake up. “Well, you can tell everyone I’m fine. If I needed help, I would have asked.” He snarks, adding. “But I didn’t.”
I don’t need a keeper.
But that was the thing about bats—they had a tendency to be too nosey for their own good, to pick, and poke, and prod until you were on the verge of wanting to pull your hair out and scream.
Boundaries? I hardly know her.
If Nightwing noticed, he didn’t say anything, opting to remove his domino and tucking it away, his brows were furrowed.
Tim knew how he looked—gaunt, deep purple bags under his eyes, cheekbones sharper than they should be.
Welcome to being a single parent.
“I know you didn’t ask but it’s what family does. I want to help.” Dick sounded painfully desperate earning an eye roll. “No matter what you will always be my little brother.”
Tim scoffed, “If I needed help I would have asked.” What part of he’s fine was not getting through that thick skull of his? Maybe it’s just all the years of vigilante-related concussions. “Maybe in another life we were family but I’m not your brother, Dick,” not anymore , “you don’t even know me.”
Dick breathed a heavy sigh, moving around the overstuffed couch to sit. It took everything in Tim not to bare his teeth and growl. “Of course I know you, Tim. You will always be my little brother.”
“But I’m not!” Tim finally snapped, startling Amalia awake. Her little lip wobbled, her nose scrunched, and Tim went into oh shit mode. Her wails made his inside twist and churn with the need to fix it , as she shook her tiny fists in anger.
He set the empty bottle down and adjusted her so she was upright in his arms to burp her. “Shh, ya Rohee,” he crooned, patting her back.
My soul.
She was his everything—his sun, his moon, to the moon and to Saturn. The only good thing that came of his time with Ra’s after the Council of Spiders and the Pit.
He could feel Dick watching him but didn’t look up, opting to instead rock his infant. She was small, even for a babe of her age, he still had a hard time imagining her anything other than fragile.
He nuzzled her, her patch of almost black, whispy hair tickled his nose, purring softly. It was a little uneven with disuse but it soothed her enough to bring her wails down to whimpers. She smelled milky and soft and like his . He did his best to ignore the hint of spicy incense underlying in her scent from her other father.
She was his and no one else’s. It would change in a few months and maybe he would finally stop seeing him in the shadows.
There was no way she was going down now but he’d lost all hope of that when Dick disengaged his security and decided to sneak in (an issue he would be working on a patch for later).
His eyes felt hot but he ignored it. He didn’t need a nap anyways, right? He’d worked more on less after all. This should be cake , right?
Eventually, as the pup calmed down, Tim dared to glance up at his unwanted visitor. There was a complicated expression that Tim couldn’t quite discern despite all of his training. “You don’t know what I’ve been through. I don’t even know who I am.”
For a long moment, Dick sat with that, a complex flurry of emotions crossed his face before settling on something soft. A fondness, watching the small pup in his arms. “You have a baby?” Talk about understatement of the century.
Tim rolled his eyes, continuing to pat the pups baby. “Yes, last time I checked I did, in fact, have a baby. I have the stretch marks to prove it. You want to see?”
Dick shook his head, “That isn’t what I meant. I just…How old is she? What’s her name?” He sat forward with his elbows on his knees.
Tim had to think for a long moment, back tracking the dates. The escape had been four days following her birth, still sore and as unsteady on his legs like a newborn fawn. There hadn’t been a choice—it was escape or lose Amalia. She had been born weak, words like failure to thrive had been tossed around. Ra’s Al Guhl was gifted with another disappointing heir.
“Well, Timothy, we’ll just have to try again, won’t we? Surely you won’t disappoint your Alpha a second time.” The or else was implied.
He had still been on his back, bleeding from the long birth. His milk supply hadn’t come in and the tiny pup wailed across the room with the wet nurse.
“Tim?” Dick sounded concerned, snapping him back into the present. His grip on Amalia tightened just a hair, her warm weight against his shoulder grounding.
“Amalia,” he said remembering the question. “Her name is Amalia and she’s-“ If he had been in Gotham for nearly a month, days before being found out and the trek from the Cradle to Gotham had taken around two weeks… “Her birthday is July 19th.” He said instead.
Fresh out of the Pit, time was hazy, seasons and dates made little impact on his life and Gotham’s perpetually gray skies.
Dick had a worried look on his face. “What about her other the father?”
“Dead.” Tim said succinctly.
That he made sure of.
Dick made a soft noise of acknowledgement, continuing to watch the baby with a fondness in his eyes. He didn’t push the matter. “She’s beautiful. You did so well.” He croons softly, “I’m sure it was hard for you.” He didn’t know the half of it.
“It was hard,” Tim admitted softly, basking in the Alpha’s praise. Finally, Amalia burped. “I had a few people that helped—Talia and an assassin I saved after-“ before he died, after the Pit, and before Amalia. “After. They made it easier but Talia wasn’t around often. I don’t think she was overly fond of what he was doing.”
“What about the assassin?”
Tim bit his lip, his eyes felt hot. “I don’t feel her bond anymore.” There was a bone deep ache without her. Whether she had cut it herself to save him, or really hadn’t made it out after Ra’s death, was all up in the air. “I’ve looked for her but-“
“But she’s part of the League.” Dick filled in and Tim nodded. He was quiet for a long moment before promising, “We’ll find her.”
Tim looked up from the pup quickly, “What?”
“We’ll find her.” Dick repeated with all of the seriousness in the world. “For you. I promise.”
Tim held his eye for a long moment, gauging the whether or not believe his words but Dick’s resolve never faltered. He felt his pulse pick up and a bright blip of emotion he didn’t want to think about. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep. What about Batman? He doubt he’ll be a fan of having a member of the League in Gotham.”
“I’ll handle Bruce.” Dick promised. “Just focus on you and your pup. We will find her.”
Tim bit his lip nodding once. He didn’t trust it but maybe… maybe just this once he would try.
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lulurhythm · 2 years ago
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This sketch was heavily influenced by @nanigram 's DC fan-art of Tim with clone baby Kon. I didn't realize at first how much of the reference I'd used.
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emstheshortone · 1 year ago
I need some Tim hurt/comfort Fanfic recommendations, preferably with Big Brother Jason, but I'll take anything.
Have I already read an unholy amount of those... Yes, but that shall not stop me.
I've reread my entire Ao3 bookmarks on the topic like 50 times already, and I feel like reading something new.
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arandomao3user · 1 month ago
I can't get behind the "Ra's is a creep who likes kids." And I only acknowledge what he allowed to happen with his sister and Tim for angst, and like DC stands for, I DISREGARD CANON!!!! AS! I! SEE! FIT!
(I'm sleep deprived and haven't drank caffeine today and just wrote 6k words--)
Now, I want Ra's helping Tim during his Red Robin run mainly to get on Bruce's good side because, yeah, no way is he dead (Debatable if this is canon but I won't get into that because I haven't read Red Robin yet, so I'll leave the canon to y'all reading people who don't live on Ao3) AND NOTHING BAD EVER HAPPENS YAY--
Also, Tim just... Calling Ra's for help with basic math, or because he's bored, also he plays internet chess with him during meetings. Doesn't matter who's meeting. Sometimes Tim asks if Ra's can kidnap him for the weekend to freak his family out. Tim letting Ra's meet Bernard for his approval because grandfather privileges. Alfred thinks he's competing with Ra's over Damian, but no, he's competing over TIM AND DAMIAN!!!
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fandomfuntimem · 11 months ago
Dp x dc prompt #10000000000000000000000000000000000¹⁰
Bruce decided to foster this boy he had found. The kid's name is Danny, his parents were arrested for child endangerment and having an illegal lab in their basement.
At first the boy was curt and avoided contact with others. But now, they cannot keep their eyes off him. The moment they look away he is already halfway down the street running like a bat(haha) out of hell. No wonder Bruce had found him wondering the streets. No family could ever keep him in one place.
At first it was easy to catch him and bring him back, "hiring" the vigilantes to find him. But with time he only got sneakier, faster, and angrier. Everytime he got dragged back he was yelling and cursing. Calling Bruce a "fruitloop" he could only assume that was ment to be derogatory. Once he even punched poor Dick in the face. Duke swears that he must be a meta human, and Bruce can't help but agree with that sentiment.
Oddly enough though, Jason was the one to find him the most. At first it was just luck, but the more emotional Danny got, the more it became like a sixth sense to him. Danny disappeared, and Jason could find him. Hell, Danny was calmest with Jason. Still warry, but he didn't struggle as much, or search for ways out when he was set to watch him.
Now though, there were more reasons to keep an eye on him than before. One night he escaped, but he wasn't running from them, he was running to something. When Jason managed to catch him he swore up and down this wasn't an escape attempt, right before he pulled the vigilante down barely avoiding a bullet to the head. It was the Court of Owls. They were after Danny, and they led him into a trap. They barely made it out with their lives. Danny claimed he followed because he saw someone in trouble.
Then later, the League of Assassins made an attempt on his life. Claiming Ra's Al Ghul had plans for him. Ok. Ew. Yet another son of Bruce's the old creep was after.
Then more and more paranormal based groups and cults were gunning it for the poor kid. Now Danny had a new reason to run, and they had a new reason to protect him even harder.
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deadsetobsessions · 15 days ago
The first person who asked me to put my writing on AO3, thank you for your appreciation and I'm honored to have a piece of my work considered so highly... but also count your days bc I genuinely believe my life spiraled after posting that first chapter. The curse is real, and that website is like moldavite istg.
Tim made a miscalculation.
He wasn’t aware of the true nature of Deathstroke’s tension with his older brother until he witnessed it first hand.
Creep. He thought uncharitably, nay, spitefully.
No. Absolutely the fuck not.
He ruined Catalina’s life. Considering Deathstroke had no life, Tim will just have to go the extra step to end it. So what if the man was Ra’s former student and one of the best assassins around? Tim used to foil League plots for shits and giggles. Maybe the 8 year old Tim of old would never have considered going against a big baddie, but 24 year old Tim ran circles around bigger fish.
Tim scowled, stowing away his binoculars before shimmying down the fire escape. He counted at least three propositions! In the five minutes they were duking it out! His big brother was too bright for those losers! Maybe he could get Sandra Wu-San to do something about her fellow student? Or Tim could hit two assassins with one Robin and get David Cain to murder Deathstroke while nabbing Cass?
Ooo, he likes that idea. Maybe he'll get lucky and they'll kill each other while fighting and then Tim won't have to worry about how to keep Cain away from Tim's sister.
Bruce would have been disappointed about how cavalier his approach was in terms of preservation of life, but Tim had always thought that ideology applied to his days as a Bat-affiliated vigilante. And since Tim was an itty bitty civilian instead of an (older, taller) ass kicking vigilante, Tim has concluded that Bruce's mildly irritating morality didn't apply to him in his current state. Besides, it wasn't like he was an angel during his tenure as Robin anyways.
"Guess I gotta embezzle some more money." Tim grimly put his backpack to his front and ran to catch the first bus home. Too bad. Deathstroke had proven useful.
David Cain leaned against a transport cargo box, breathing heavily from wounds. His commission was done, and the amount promised would allow him to buy an island and then some. His fellow student laid at his feet. His bank account was fuller than Ra's, he was sure.
He never sees the tranquilizer dart coming.
And really, Tim’s had enough experience to hide the mark from the dart and more than enough to murder the man and make it seem like he bled out.
“Tell me about it.” Nightwing crouched, his sparkly costume hidden partially in the shadows. “Why’d they have to duke it out here?” He whined. Honestly, he’s been down in the dumps with what happened to Jason but having Deathstroke dead and gone for good was a balm to his soul.
“Hn.” It’s true. Bruce knew that it was weird Ra’s al Ghul’s students would murder each other like this. He searched the bodies, lifting up a burner phone and a bunch of weapons.
“Can’t you say something other than monosyllabic grunts, B?”
“Are you going to?”
“…No.” Bruce made a funny and seemed rather proud of himself.
Duck stared at him. He lifted a hand, watching Bruce’s face fall into dread.
Dick pulled the zipper down on the top of his costume down to his navel, flaring the collar and exposing his mesh covered chest.
“Fuck you.” Dick flips away, leaving a despondent Batman behind with two dead bodies.
In the distance, the girl who would be come Cassandra Cain took the hands of a boy who would become here brother.
Tim Drake grinned, like an adorable, blood frenzied baby shark.
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satoshy12 · 1 year ago
Danny Fenton and his Aunts bad taste in Man.
Jack Fenton is the son of Ra's al-Ghul, who left the league.
Jack made sure the family stayed a big family! with family meetings! Between him, his siblings, and his father
Danny and the rest of Amity Park have no idea about Heroes and Justice League. They never cared to know the names of S-Man, swimsuit women, or Red Blur.
Ra doesn't need a Heir, I mean he wouldn't die, his grandson Phantom body and amity park showed him that.
Jack al Ghul would still talk a few times with his father and baby siblings. So Jack would force Talia, Nyssa, Dusan, and the rest to join them for dinner with the Fentons.
While at one of the dinners, Danny heard something from his uncle Dusan.
And all started when Danny heard something he had never heard about. His two aunts were dating a creeps!
All Danny had to learn was that his aunts were dating a billionaire; the first thing was to look and make sure they would be okay. And they wouldn't try to change his aunts, like Vlad did in the Alternative Time Line. (The Masters of All Time).
And to make sure they aren't like Vlad, Danny has to look after his family after all.
They seem to fail, as both have a secret base in their house.
Yeah, Danny is totally against his poor aunts dating them, and he would talk to them about it. They can do much better!
Ra had a good laugh, as he learned the boy had pics to show how creepy they are with a secret base! And made it worse by saying how both tried to change his aunts. (Talia with bruce)
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therandomartmaker · 1 year ago
DPxDC, of dead hearts and brothers.
danny is damian’s older brother au; reincarnation type. danyal is the soft-hearted but still exemplary heir, but convinces ra’s that it is better to have him be the right-hand to damian, losing his heirship. ra’s, having danny as his favourite (cough danny and his inability to not be involved with old creeps lmao) allows him this; thinking that it’d allow danyal to be protected and also give him another option for youth (taking over damian’s body, afo-shigaraki style /hj)
this is all fine and dandy until ra’s decides damian has reached an equal skill to danyal’s stagnant training, and sets up a fight to the death. the lazarus pits are always there for the al ghul family, after all. he expects danyal to win. he expects damian to learn that all of his children are disposable. precious, but tools for ra’s’ use (all except precious danyal, the heart that kept giving).
danyal dies, damian’s sword stabbed into his heart, his last advice to “drive it in harder.” and his last words, “congratulations, brother.”
they bring him to lazarus pit, but it takes him. he sinks into the pool of acrid green and they wait; hours. a day. a week. he doesn’t resurface. they continue waiting because what else are they to do? they are al ghuls, not danal. not precious danyal who could mourn.
this proceeds, a sigil at the pit’s edge once a month, waiting for the lost son to return; but eventually damian is brought before the bat (far less dramatic, ra’s was tired of damian’s growing frustration without danyal to soothe him but no assassin’s had the same emotional state as danyal to provide a pseudo-sibling to play the same role; thus the bats’ family was the next option)
the bats only find out abt danyal when damian sets up for a day of fasting, facing the direction of the pit.
it’s dick who asks why he is fasting, and damian explains calmly. They learn of the boy who knew kindness, of the al ghul’s heart, of the prodigal heir turned advisor to damian. they learn of damian’s brother. when they find out why he’s dead, horror drips down their spines, at damian being forced to kill someone who’d only done good for him.
damian has one thing to say; “Danyal’s advice was not ‘how to kill’. i killed far better than he, after all. i was efficient, but danyal worked cleaner. Danyal’s advice… was ‘to kill your heart.’”
time moves on; damian is adjusted to ‘outside life’ far easier, danyal taught him how to interact with others and understand that words are rarely literal. the lazarus pits are quiet, madness unlikely in those brought from it, and jason affected far less in the long term. until one day there is a knock at the manor door.
alfred opens it, to see a dark haired young adult, assassins’ garb, injured. he does not seem conscious. alfred brings him in; calling the rest to reach a decision on how to treat him, and what his intentions are.
Damian wakes up to the sight of his brother in the moment that damian killed him.
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ditzyredrobin · 3 months ago
Before and After
Chapter 2
Let it be known, I had zero intentions on making this into a WIP, but 4,613 words later, I’m a little obsessed. Do I need another WIP? No. Do I have a new one now? Yes, yes, I do. 😂
For Whumpcember 2024 - Day 10 - “Let me help you.”
Chapter 1
Dick’s visit opens the proverbial floodgates for Bats to drop by unexpectedly and without warning (which rude).
When the doorbell goes off, Tim is up like a shot, heart roaring in his ears, chasing the tail end of a particularly grizzly nightmare, the metallic tang of blood and smoke just on the edge of his senses.
By rote one hand goes to his collapsible bo-staff under his pillow and his phone with the other.
No one was supposed to know about his apartment aside from Dick (if there was anything to be said, manners and personal space weren’t it and Dick? Was the walking, talking, personification of a word vomit).
He blinked blearily at his phone, opening the security feed of the front door, a sense of dread filling his gut. The apartment wasn’t rented in his name, utilities another, and packages were all directed to the Postal Annex in downtown Gotham under a third alias (Key word: contingencies).
But, when the security feed finally opens, it takes a long moment to process what he’s seeing.
It wasn’t ninja at his door or some other baddie flavor of the week it was—it was an elderly man dressed down in a well tailored suit, balding with a thin mustache and two very heavy looking grocery bags hanging off his shoulders.
Alfred, his brain supplied. It was Alfred.
Memories were still muddled and murky but there was something about Alfred that stuck out in his mind—a chuckle, a smile, a proper English accent, the scent of freshly baked biscuits and earl grey tea.
Tim glanced over to the sleeping pup still in the bassinet attached to his bed. She was swaddled just right, somehow still fast asleep at—he squints at the clock—11 am. She never sleeps this late—he never sleeps this late, normally too racked by nightmares and insomnia to get more than a few hours at a time.
What should he do? If he didn’t answer, would he eventually give up and go away? Odds are, if he let the door go unanswered, more Bats were sure to follow (because if Alfred knew, the rest of the Bat Clan would find out, if they hadn’t already). But the thought of going back to bed while he still had the option was tempting—just a little while longer, while Amalia slept before the cycle of change-feed-burp-soothe began again.
Tim breathed a heavy sigh and pressed the button for the intercom on his phone, “I’ll be right there.”
Alfred visibly perked up, glancing up to the security camera in the corner. “It is no problem, dear boy, do not rush on my account.”
His voice is like a balm on a wound that has been oozing, refusing to heal, soothing his inner Omega, settling his racing heart just a touch, his voice radiating safesafesafe.
That’s…unexpected. And not definitely something he wanted to prod with a hundred-foot-pole, Alfred in the hall or not.
Tim grabbed a pair of sweats from the pile on the floor, sniffing to make sure they smelled clean enough for company, and a faded Green Day tee. Good enough.
His industrial (read as: vigilante) grade scent patches were on the dresser nearest the door. He slipped on his slippers and shuffled over to riffle through the nearly empty box.
(Note to self: pilfer more from one of the many Bat-stashes the next time he’s out.)
He delicately peels one off the sheet and presses it to the scent gland to the soft meat of his neck, adding an additional to the scent glands on the inside of his wrists.
When Amalia woke, not being able to scent him would make her fussy, but he didn’t trust his emotions when dealing with Bats. And Alfred? Was a wild card.
Tim shoves his collapsible bo in his pocket before pocketing the baby monitor. Something about leaving her alone made his stomach churn. She was alone without someone to protect her. What if something happened? What if someone gets in and takes her?
…what if someone gets in and takes him? She would be alone for who now’s how long, starving and crying and his eyes feel hot.
His chest constricts. Nope, nope, not happening. Not right now.
She’s sleeping peacefully, her little chest rising and falling, deep in slumber, a hint of a smile on her chubby little cheeks.
His apartment was the most secure location outside of the Bats. In fact, since his last patch after Dick unceremoniously and unwantingly broke into his home, he would say his apartment is more secure than the Bats, second only to (maybe) the clock tower.
He could do this.
He could do this.
(In through your nose one-two-three, out through your mouth one-two-three, come on Tim, one foot in front of the other)
His eyes lingered on the pup for a moment longer before he finally forced himself to move, leaving the door open a crack.
He felt like a mouse caught in a glue trap, trudging his way to the front door, doing his best to ignore the piles of clutter and baby supplies scattered throughout the living room.
There was a pile of clean laundry yet to be folded, taking up the majority of the well-loved sofa and a mountain of dishes in the sink. If he’d known he would have company, he would’ve put in an effort to tidy, or at least shove things in the closet until Alfred left.
Tim made quick work of disarming the security protocols trying to pretend like his hands weren’t trembling. He still had time to change his mind—he didn’t have to let the elderly man in. In all actuality, he could go back to bed right now and pretend this whole thing never happened.
But Dick, he reminded himself.
Tim took another measured breath before inching the door open and with it, the warm scent of Beta hit him like a ton of bricks, filling his chest with a warmth he had only felt in his dreams. It was like drinking a hot cup of tea, the way it pooled in his heart, warming his chest and for a moment he felt like he was choking.
He couldn’t move, staring at the elderly man like he was a ghost, liable to disappear at any moment.
It seemed like Alfred went through something similar, a complicated mix of expressions crossing his face—disbelief, astonishment, sorrow, grief, anguish, before settling on something akin to relief.
“Master Timothy, I’m pleased to see you’re doing well. I’m afraid we had far too many leftovers at the manor and thought perhaps you would be open to helping us before they’ve spoiled.” The English accent was soft and comforting and it felt… it felt like coming home. “May I come in?”
Tim fisted the baby monitor in his pocket, a little part of him hoped that now, right this moment, his pup would whimper or cry, and give him some sort of out, but she didn’t. Damnit.
Slowly, he backed away from the door, allowing Alfred to come in, but said nothing. No hi, hello, or even, it’s good to see you, thanks for dropping in but, y’know, a call would’ve been nice. He had zero trust in what would come out of his mouth, so he stayed silent, watching.
With the Beta inside, Tim glanced out around the hallway for any unwelcome visitors, but the hallway was empty. Judging by the overabundance of Chinese takeout menus the past few months, most of this floor had been empty since he moved, back when he was newly back in Gotham, the tiny pup strapped to his chest.
Reassured they were alone, Tim shut the door and busied himself with reengaging the security, trying to ignore the way his hands were now fully, without a doubt, trembling. By the time all was settled and they were locked in, Alfred had already found his way into the kitchen.
If he noticed the dishes (let’s be real, when he noticed the dishes), he didn’t say anything, his sole focus on unloading the “leftovers”, which was beginning to look like a whole lot more than just leftovers. Multiple casserole dishes were carefully stacked, slowly but surely filling his fridge
“Thank you for helping us with these. I’ve grown accustomed to large family meals, but with master Damian out of the house more and more, it seems we have an overabundance.”
Tim knew Titan duties and university had Damian out of Gotham more and more. He had his choice of Ivy League schools and had ended up with early placement in the Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine after graduating from GA a year early (as valedictorian, no less).
Dick was still in Bludhaven, social worker by day, Nightwing by night but came back to Gotham most weekends (or when he wanted to see Tim on random Tuesday nights).
Jason, on the other hand, from what he’d garnered, was with the Outlaws more often than not these days, back periodically for his heats.
Life had moved on without him. He didn’t blame them—couldn’t blame them—but there was still a bitter tinge in his chest.
Tim blinked and when his brain picked up again, Alfred was still talking.
“-thing is labeled with the ingredients and how to prepare each meal, I hope you don’t mind. It is a force of habit with master Dick and master Bruce. You know how they are.” Alfred mused, moving onto stuffing the freezer. “You wouldn’t believe it—the one time I left them alone for the weekend without enough instructions, I came home to a house full of builders.”
You know how they are.
Maybe he did, sometime in the Before. But now?
Alfred glanced over his shoulder and frowned. Tim isn’t sure what he saw but the Beta had a deep look of concern.
“Oh my dear boy,” slowly he closed the freezer, giving Tim his full attention. “Perhaps I should have called but I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to see you.” I didn’t want you to run.
Which, fair, but it made the ordeal a whole lot more complicated. The way Alfred spoke to him, it was like he was expecting the old Tim, the one who hadn’t been lost to the Pit.
“Did Dick tell you I was here?”
“He did not. In fact, he has warned others not to seek you out, including master Bruce and myself but-“
“But you came anyways.” It wasn’t a question. Alfred opened his mouth to respond but Tim was quick to cut him off, “You being here puts me at risk. How do I know you weren’t followed?”
By Bats, by what was left of the League, pick your poison.
“I assure you, I was not followed.”
“But how can you know?”
“Just because I’m not Batman, does not mean I’m oblivious. I do have a few special skills of my own beyond being the butler for the Wayne family.”
“That’s the problem—you can’t.” Bat or not, there was no way to 100% guarantee. “If you really cared, you would’ve listened to Dick and stayed away. I know you miss Tim but I’m not him.”
“Master Tim, I understand-“
“No, I don’t think you really understand, I don’t remember you. I saw you and I remembered your name, that’s it. Things are a little,” a lot, “hazy, after coming back. I didn’t choose to forget you—I remember blips, but memories are just, not there.” It was like someone had taken a scalpel and cut the out—really, there’s no telling Ra’s hadn’t. “I’m just not him.”
A smile, a stifled chuckle, the clank of fine china cups and saucers.
(I want to remember you—I need to remember you but I can’t)
Tim swallows hard, trying to shove down the sharp fear of rejection, of letting him down, or not being trusted that this is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. It makes his chest ache, and his eyes hot.
“Look I-“ and, the baby monitor finally goes off, giving him the perfect out—the soft whimper of his pup waking up alone without her bearer makes his inner Omega stir. “I’ll be back.” Please be here when I get back.
He doesn’t give Alfred the time for rebuttals, rushing off down the hall where Amalia is waiting, trying to pretend he isn’t running away with his tail between his legs.
“Computer, lights at 70%,” Tim called to the AI of his own design. The lights go on as Tim pushes into the room. His pup isn’t crying just yet, the soft whimper, a call to her bearer, a cry of changemeholdmefeedme.
“Shh, good morning, ya rohee,” Tim croons in League dialect, carefully lifting her out of her crib. She scrunches up in his arms like a little inch worm and yawns a yawn much too big for such a little thing. It makes him want to coo, and scent, and snuggle her forever in his nest, never letting her go. This is the best part, his favorite part of the day. “How did you sleep, my love? I’m sorry you woke up alone.”
She answers by blinking up at him with wide, deep violet-blue eyes, all his own. There’s still time for them to change from blue to vibrant green, just like her other father, but he hopes they stay. Just like this. All his own.
Tim just smiles trying to tamp down the thought. He—Ra’s—couldn’t hurt them anymore—he was dead, for good this time.
A sword, sawing through sinew and bone, severing his head from his body, the taste of metallic tang on his teeth as he ripped into his throat and the burn of smoke in his lungs.
There’s only so much the Pit could do and what he’d done? That was way beyond even its capabilities.
He just hoped that when the Bats found out, they took care of her, his life, his heart, his soul.
Logically, he knew the daughter of a vigilante and the former leader of the League was a vulnerable asset that needed to be protected. In the wrong hands—a chill ran down his spine.
Batman didn’t harm innocents. His choices weren’t hers so, by all intents and purposes, she was innocent. She didn’t choose her heritage.
Tim tucked her into his neck where normally his scent would be strongest. He just hoped he would keep her safe in his absence.
Amalia snuffled and nuzzled against his skin searching for his scent currently patched over. When she couldn’t find it, her little lip wobbled and clenched her fists.
Pups needed scent to help regulate their delicate nervous systems and they only left the house a few times a month for diapers and formula or groceries (and the occasional Bat safehouse break-in) so she was used to it near 24/7.
The fact that Dick caught him was a fluke.
Just before laying her down on the changing table, Tim breathed out, trying to still his beating heart, and lifted the scent patch up just enough for her to catch a whiff. Almost immediately she went lax in his arms, letting out a huff of air. Any chance of her crying was snuffed out in an instant.
Crisis averted.
Tim took a breath to calm himself and held her there, gently rubbing her back. He guessed, for just a moment, he could have this.
Alfred could wait.
Changed out of her swaddle and sleep clothes, Tim shuffled back into the kitchen, the same bitter fear of rejection in his gut. Amalia was settled in the cloth pack on his chest, smacking her lips, making it known that she was ready for breakfast. He, on the other hand, was not.
Breakfast meant facing Alfred but there was only so long he could keep putting it off—put off their conversation.
When he rounded the corner, it was to a clean kitchen. In the time it had taken to get the pup up, most of the laundry was folded and ready to be put away, including pairs of socks he hadn’t seen in months (how Alfred did that, he’ll never know).
The mountain of dishes had been diminished to a clean sink and the dishwasher running. Crumbs and spilled formula had been wiped away and Tim… all Tim could do was stare, a wave of shame is like cold water.
Thank god he’d reapplied the scent patch because this would be embarrassing. Luckily, the carrier smelled enough like him, that, for now, Amalia was settled.
Alfred finished folding a faded band tee and turned his attention back to Tim. Eyes were immediately on his pup and Tim waited for something. Shame? Disgust? But Tim found none of that.
Instead the elderly Beta’s expression softened. “I apologize, I seem to have gotten a bit carried while you were away. A bit of a habit, I’m afraid.”
Tim swallows hard, wrapping a protective hand around the pup, eyes drawn to the unimpressive greige carpet. “I’m sorry it’s been a long week and she’s been so fussy. If I’d known you were coming over I would’ve cleaned up.” His eyes were hot. He was not going to cry—he was not going to cry.
“Nonsense,” Alfred’s voice is gentle and insistent. “It is one of my joys in life to care for my charges. Trust me when I say this is nothing compared to young master Dick’s room, a few dishes and clean laundry is nothing in comparison to the ecosystem I have found on occasion.”
He could tell Alfred was trying to be humorous but it did nothing to ease his conscience. “I shouldn’t need to get caught up. I should’ve just handled it when it happened but I’m just…” Exhausted? Overwhelmed? Missing the pack he doesn’t even remember having?
“I understand and I mean this when I say, I pass no judgement.”
Tim risked a surprised glance. “How?”
Alfred smiled, “I wasn't always just a butler. I was a parent too once upon a time before coming to work for the Wayne’s.” He continued, “Believe it or not, I, too, have a daughter.”
“…you do?”
He nods, “I do, back in England—Julia. We don’t have the best of relationships. It seems the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, I’m afraid.” He chuckled a bit sadly before changing the subject, “Now then. How would you feel about some breakfast?”
Almost as if at the mention of food, Amalia started to wriggle, very obviously done with their dilly dallying. Tim breathed a sigh and nodded. He didn’t normally eat breakfast but it was nearly lunchtime and his stomach was starting to make its presence known in a feed me or else sort of way. “Breakfast would be nice.”
Ding ding ding. By the look on his face, Tim answered correctly. Go him. “Will scones hold you over while I prepare something more substantial?”
“Scones sound…nice.”
Which is how they ended up in the kitchen, a plate of scones with clotted cream and tea in front of him while Amalia went to town on her bottle, ravenous. One little hand was on the bottle and the other fisted in his shirt.
Tim was sitting at one of the bar chairs glancing up at Alfred every so often, watching for something, anything to go wrong, (a dash of poison, or paralytic, Alfred disappearing into thin air) as he cooked up a proper English breakfast.
Before Alfred, his fridge had nothing more than some flaccid celery, a weeks old pizza from Rao’s a few blocks down, and half a bottle of ranch. Now, it was stuffed to the gills with fruits and veggies, eggs, and other household staples.
(No wonder his bags looked so heavy. How he carted them up five stories and a broken elevator was beyond him. Bats, am I right?)
“Her name is Amalia.” Tim said awkwardly after a few minutes of silence. “I don’t know if Dick told you.”
“Master Dick did not mention it but there was some…speculation, that something more was going on, on master Bruce’s part.”
An arch of dread runs through him, “Bruce knows?”
Of course Bruce knows. Why wouldn’t he know? He’s Batman. Alfred being here all but confirmed he knows about his apartment, too. And if that thought doesn't make him want to high tail it out of Gotham.
Hearing the hoarseness of his voice, Alfred looks up, “I am truly sorry. I should’ve listened to master Dick. This was your secret to share and I forced your hand.”
Tim shook his head, “I should’ve known, it makes sense, I just-“ he wanted to pull his hair out and scream. It makes sense. It’s just—he wasn’t ready for a boatload of Bats invading his nest.
Amalia was still so little. Being taken from her at this age… if birth trauma and the subsequent fallout hasn’t hurt her, this will. It could kill her.
“It isn’t alright.” Alfred sounded genuinely remorseful as he pushed mushrooms around in the pan. “I was being selfish and did not take into account the trauma you’ve been subjected to.”
Tim mulled over those words trying to tamp down his inner Omega stirring, wanting to reassure the elder Beta that it was okay, the wanted to bask in the feeling of being cared for. There were whispers of pack at the back of his mind.
Alfred had brought him groceries and meals—he was providing for him, showing he cared, but no, no, no. His arms tightened around the pup.
The old Tim may have been pack but that was Before and this is now—the After. Who wanted a broken murderer of an Omega? One that had broken the Bat Code of Conduct whose number one rule was don’t kill.
Alfred turned off the burner and slid the mushrooms onto the plate beside the eggs and sausage just as the toaster popped. Tim looked up briefly when the plate slid in front of him. After a terse moment, Tim said, “Thank you.” The weariness on his tone almost makes him flinch.
“My pleasure, Master Tim.” His inner Omega preened at the title. “Is there anything else I can get you?”
Tim glanced down at the pup in his arms, finishing up her bottle. And, before he could think the words slipped past his lips. “…do you want to hold her?”
Safe, the Omega crooned. He wouldn’t let Dick hold her but Alfred… Alfred was different.
At those words, Alfred’s face lit up like it’s Christmas. “Are you quite sure?”
No, Tim wanted to argue, while the Omega practically screamed, yes.
It would make eating easier and here, in his apartment, he was in control. The collapsible bo-staff was heavy in his pocket. In just a few steps, he could have him neutralized if he dared to do anything to harm her, but part of him just knew he wouldn’t.
Tim bit his lip and nodded, “Can you burp her? She isn’t rolling over just yet so she still needs to be burped.”
Alfred gives him a gentle smile, seemingly genuinely happy at the offer. “I would be delighted too.”
There’s a smile on Amalia’s chubby cheeks, kicking his little legs in delight when he leans down and nuzzles her. She laughs in delight, warming his heart and making it that much harder to let go. She smells content and full, making a grab at his too-long hair. “Just a few minutes, hayati, be nice for Alfred, alright?”
In true baby fashion, she squeals when he rubs his nose against her cheek. He finishes off with a a long kiss to her forehead, lingering on the scent of his pup.
It was getting stronger the longer they were in Gotham. She was getting stronger.
Tim carefully untangled her fingers from his hair, pressing a kiss to each finger before looking to Alfred who was standing in front of him, eyes soft. “I am honored you’re allowing me this opportunity. I promise, I will take excellent care of her.”
He didn’t trust himself to answer so he nodded and slowly passed her to his waiting arms, trying to remember to breathe.
At first, realizing she was changing arms, her little lip wobbled, but Alfred murmured something soft in her ear just for them, holding her close and she was all his.
He didn’t stray far, grabbing a burp rag from the pile of carefully folded laundry, staying in Tim’s line of sight. Close enough that if Tim suddenly needed to jump in, he was right there.
But she didn’t fuss. In fact, by the time Tim had plowed through his breakfast, she was burped and settled, her face pressed into his neck, milk drunk and content. It made his heart ache, wanting her back all the more.
He made quick work of rinsing his plate and dropping it in the sink for later. It was the first time in months his belly felt full and he felt like his battery wasn’t running on 5%.
Rushing back into the living room, Alfred had moved to the gliding chair, rocking the cooing pup.
He smiled up at Tim. It was all he could do not to make grabby hands for his pup—his baby. “You’ve done well with her. She is lovely.”
“Can I-?” Without needing to finish the sentence, Alfred carefully passed her back.
“You need not ask, my boy. I am grateful for the moment with her.”
With her in his arms, he could breathe again, squeezing her just the right side of tight to his chest. She was safe, he had her, she was his.
“She will always be yours. I would never dream of taking her from you.” Alfred assured standing up from the rocker. Oops. “I assure you, neither would Master Bruce.” Until he finds out about Ra’s. “Now, I believe you both have had quite the afternoon, perhaps if best you retire to your nest? I have a few things to finish up here and I will be on my way.”
His nest sounded nice but- “You don’t have to do that.”
“As I stated earlier, it’s no chore helping you with these things. Please, let me help you.” Let me help you. Tim’s eyes felt hot again. (Translated to: Let me take care of you)
He was not going to cry… not now, at least.
Okay. This was okay, this was, “Okay.” Tim’s voice is strained but Alfred doesn’t say anything about it.
Instead, he tentatively reaches a hand out, giving Tim enough time to pull away, but he doesn’t. He placed it on his shoulder and squeezed. It’s a warm and reassuring touch, grounding, and now Tim is actually going to cry. Damnit.
Tim has to blink quickly, trying to stave off the tears that will inevitably fall once he’s back in his nest and able to be vulnerable. His instinct is to lean into the touch, to sink and melt, and let himself have this one moment, but he can’t.
He can’t get close.
Tim goes rigid under his touch but doesn’t pull away and Alfred? Alfred smells…happy. Happy in a way that forces Tim to choke down a purr.
“Very good. I know that my coming here was unexpected but it was so good to see you.” He is not going to cry. “You don’t need to make a decision now, but it’s alright, I would like to come back, this time on a day of your choosing. It’s perfectly alright to say no but I’ve missed you so much.” His eyes are wet when he says, “Between you and Master Jason, I have never regretted anything more in my life.”
He has an out, the ability to say no, but what comes out instead is, “How does Tuesday sound?”
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brucestalia · 2 months ago
batfamily content is so unreadable sometimes. can everyone please (and i really mean this, PLEASE PLEASE pretty pleaseeeee) stop the villainisation of bruce and talia? no, talia isn't an overly strict, regimenting, uncaring mother. she doesn't force damian (or jason) to train or kill five thousand background npcs.
bruce is damian's father. dick is NOT. jason isn't his father either. bruce is present in his children's lives and he tries his utmost best. he isn't unfeeling. he does literally everything he can??
on that note: ra's isn't a borderline paedophile slash creep either. he is ra's al ghul. the demon's head. the leader of the league of assassins. he has better things to do. he has a world to fix.
jason todd doesn't have lasting pit madness. he does not get sudden bouts of LPM. his life's purpose isn't solely to eliminate his "replacement".
can we actually start reading the comics?
i don't understand why (or how) something that has happened ONCE in the entire history of a character (probably ooc too...) becomes permanent in their fanon characterisation.
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devine-fem · 10 months ago
Stop calling Ra’s Al Ghul a creep.
Weirdo writers made it so Ra’s Al Ghul had a disturbing ‘obsession’ with Tim Drake because there was no other villain they wanted to ruin for their precious Tim Drake.
All evidence supports the contrary; That Ra’s Al Ghul would think of Tim Drake as a little bit less than a used boot.
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ellestrade · 4 months ago
What do you think makes a good Damian Wayne fanfic ? Like what are your standards and red flags when you're reading one
Usually, I would first look at the 'Damian Wayne-centric' tags on ao3 and go from there. I don't think I hold any fics up to a certain standard, though being able to read any is important to me— that means proper paragraphing, grammar, etc.
I know that most, if not all writers on ao3 are amateur writers, novice at best and, if I'm lucky, have been writing since the dawn of Wattpad, so it's not fair for me to expect top-tier writing/characterisation. Everyone always has some kind of trope to fall back into, myself included. It's just a matter if said trope is annoying or not to consume.
"Good Damian Wayne fanfics" are, itself, subjective— because good fanfics, for me, means that there are no attempts at butchering his character, along with his loved ones, and that includes Talia, Ra's, Maya and Mara, etc. If I open a fic and it's all just a grandiose of people putting down Talia (making her a bad/abusive mother) just to have Bruce hugs his son, then I'm closing the tab.
That being said, here are my red flags/pet peeves when it comes to reading a fanfic:
Any, and I mean any variant consisting of bashing the al-Ghuls.
"Talia al-Ghul is a bad mother"
"Talia al-Ghul is a rapist"
"Ra's al-Ghul is a creep"
"Damian is a bad sibling"
Usually, any fics that consist of these types of fics often came out as xenophobic or straight up racist— taking Grant Morrison's run (primarily Talia's character assassination) as gospel, or never reading canon material as a whole.
Of course, credits where it's due, there are some, and I mean a very small some, fics that don't transpire that image— using the tag that to simply convey Damian's time in the League, or phrasing it in a way that Talia/Ra's were an abuser once victim. However, making them bad in comparison is just a no-go for me.
Also, making Talia a rapist is a one way ticket for me to block you— because not only that it is wrong, but it also shows that you don't care enough to do thorough research and just take it as it is; Talia, pre-Morrison, was depicted as this kind and loving woman. She was studying medicine when she met Bruce. They genuinely have Chemistry together. She was also a victim of abuse herself, and she would rather die than inflict harm upon others on purpose. She loves her son, she loves her husband, she loves her family and she also loves herself.
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Also, the al-Ghuls are also some of the most affectionate family there are— at least, of course, prior to the whole character assassination for the sake of making Bruce seem like the better parent in comparison. They aren't afraid to show genuine affection to one another, becoming physical and shows their devotion beyond what words could measure— which, is , unfortunate, since they're presented in Western media, and God knows how bad someone would interpret a relationship if 'I love you's aren't being exchanged regularly like therapy talks.
Dare I say, they might actually be better than the BatFam 🤷🤷 but then I might get hunted down for sports so I'll keep that opinion to myself, for now.
I'm also going to redirect you to this one lovely account, @rasalghul777 and read their take(s) on Brutalia. Here's a starting post and this one if you'd like to start. This person makes wonderful posts regarding Brutalia and the al-Ghuls as a whole than what I could ever conspire and I applaud them for it.
White savior complex
"Damian got his love for animals from [insert any BatFamily members here]"
"Damian learned to love through being with BatFam"
Again, this could also be read along with my first point, but can also be seen separately— I genuinely cannot stand when Damian was written in a way that he was a 'feral, stabby boi' prior his transgression into the BatFamily since it conveys distasteful perception of the Arabic people as a whole; them being uncultured or even uncivilized.
It's gross, I hate it, get it away from me.
Also, Damian inheriting his love for animals from anyone else other than the al-Ghuls is just pure fanon bullshit— because that means you have no perception of what the League of Assassins really are and just takes everything the fandom writes at face value; the League (including Talia and Ra's) aren't some 2-dimensional villains who kills. Reducing a villain to a mere trope just to prop up your white boy isn't going to make me like them. It just takes away the fun of it.
People just love to forget the 'eco' in 'eco-terrorist', which Ra's is.
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If anything, Damian would inherit his genuine and deep love for animals and nature from him.
It's worth mentioning that the League of Assassins doesn't kill people just for the sake of violence— there's a reason why they're being categorized as eco-terrorists, and not the other category people love to associate Arabs with; they kill with reason. Similar to Poison Ivy, they specifically target any organisation that brings ruins to Earth and nature as a whole.
On another note, writing Damian as 'uncivilized' or 'feral' is just plain wrong. While it certainly can be cute, in a sort of gremlin-esque, little brother way (Lord knows how much I love my little brother, but simultaneously wanted to (subliminally) throw a chair at him) but depicting him as this one child that goes around stabbing everyone unprompted rubs me the wrong way.
This goes along with my first note, but Damian was raised as a prince when he was in the League; there were some instances where soldiers who came to pick him up refer to him as "Young prince". He has manners. He knows what to say and what to do when being confronted by the media. If anything, Damian would adapt 'Gotham's Darling Boy' facade faster than BatFam girlies mischaracterise the next POC character.
Damian does love his mother and grandfather and his family back in the League very, very much. Just because he doesn't convey it in a conventional, traditional way, doesn't mean he doesn't know how. He has his own ways of saying 'I love you's of his own.
People that clearly consume more fanon media in comparison to canon.
Tim Drake stans. Like, as a whole.
Let me begin by saying I actually do not care on how you plan to enjoy your nice little character trope, but believe me when I say that there are some weights to what's famously transpired in the fandom spaces.
It's the "fandom affects canon space" phenomenon all over again.
It should go without saying that what goes in the fandom stays in the fandom, and vice versa. Like I said before, people tend to fall back to their favourite trope— writing characters in a certain way, conveying certain messages, etc. However, in the midst of your 'creative freedom', it's easy to forget that these characters are not yours.
Fandom is derived from the canon substance, that's why it's so flexible and allows creative freedom in the first place. The consumer can decide what's canon in the fandom space (rejecting what's real), though it's important to remember that canon is still the blueprint and shouldn't be thoroughly ignored in favour of your dumb little incorrect quotes. Rejecting everything just means that you're creating an Oc, which, atp is what you should be doing instead of DTI a canon character.
It's why we got gems like these:
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(I have reached tumblr maximum capacity for images, but know that there's more)
Again, do what you want, I don't care! But remember that when you're depicting certain character dynamics like these, it also affects other potential fans' views and first impressions of said character.
I don't want to go off tangent longer than necessary— but I actively avoid any variants of, "Hurt Tim Drake" tags on ao3. Mostly because mischaracterisation awaits me. The rest are because his fans are genuinely obnoxious and (more often than not) have little to no comprehension to actual canon substance.
I think that's all that I could muster up. Sorry this post is long, lol, but I got carried away.
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moon-ayyye · 3 months ago
if you could make one comic run, what would the premise be?
Imma give a top 5 because I can't pick. No particular order:
1. Stephanie Brown solo run. Have her spread her wings a little.
2. Jason and Rose centric run. No slade, no bruce, no nothing. I want a buildup for their relationship and i want canon jayrose content. I'm not watching the titans show fuck that shit.
3. Cheshire and Lian centric run. Black and white parenting is boring as fuck, Cheshire has the potential to be one of the most complex parents in comics but she's widely known only as the sexy assassin that has a kid with a hero. Ironically enough, that's also the general consensus for Talia!
4. More Eddie bloomberg. He's an interesting character, but generally, whenever he's brought up, it's either as Rose's boyfriend or Jason's old pen pal
5. Ra's al Ghul centric run that has nothing to do with any of the bats. None of them. Not a mention, or a flashback, or an easter egg. I want bleeding heart Ra's back, the one that loved animals and cried when his pet died, whose goal is the betterment of humanity, not the weird creep that haunted Tim during the BruceQuest.
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frownyalfred · 1 year ago
Re: The Worst Wedding
Hear me out. Tim Drake and Ra’s Al Ghul.
Because!!! 1) There is some unhinged plan in Tim’s mind. And he’s faking this, but is absolutely committed to the bit. He’s created a wedding registry at Best Buy and everything. 2) Talia would absolutely refuse to be related to this gremlin child and would protest. 3) Damian would be catatonic. 4) Bruce is going through plans A-679.65ab trying to game out what is happening and stop this. 5) Conner is showing up to murder Ra’s. 6) Clark is showing up to stop Conner from becoming a murderer and Bruce from going insane. 7) Bernard is just curious at this point and goes along with it and has a string board with yarn in his closet. 8) Young Justice. 9) Stephanie. 10) Alfred refuses to let them use Martha’s rose garden. 11) No one invited Hal Jordan, but he’s there anyway and is eating his weight in amuse bouche. 12) Dick wants to be supportive, but is hospitalized for an ulcer. 13) Jason comes to the wedding just covered in weapons, but also invited himself to the cake tasting. 14) Ra’s is the only one serious about this and is a fucking creep about it. 15) Martial Law is declared in Bristol of all places.
This is the most compelling one I’ve heard so far!
Nothing like shock and hatred to get both sides of those families showing up in full force. The question is, would they even manage to get through the ceremony without disaster?
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bats-and-birds-24 · 5 months ago
Chapter 16
“So you’re absolutely sure about this choice?” Dick asked Jason one last time. Jason simply rolled his eyes. “Yes Dickhead, I’m not coming back to Gotham anytime soon. I want to complete my training.” 
As expected, the batclan didn’t take too kindly to the fact that he wanted to remain in the League of Assassin. He had lost count of the number of times Bruce tried to convince him otherwise. 
Tim arrived alongside Damian. A part of their agreement with Talia. His mind flashed back to their discussion in Talia’s office with everyone from Bruce to Tim to Damian present. 
The room was every bit as opulent as he had expected it to look. It had to be befitting of the right hand of the league of assassins rank, after all. 
“You’re aware that by sending Damian with us, there will be harsh consequences for you?” Bruce questioned. As ecstatic as he was to have his youngest come back with him, he worried for her safety. After all, he had loved her at one point, and it seems that some of the affection had carried over to their present relationship.
Talia leaned back in her chair, tilting her head as she smiled, a telltale sign that she had something more planned. “Do you really think so little of me habibi? You know that I already have other plans in motion. 
Bruce simply sighed, “Talia, I’ve known you for years, you never do anything in halves, but I want to make sure that you’ve really weighed every choice, is this really the best choice for you? For all your flaws, you’ve taken excellent care of our son and I know that separating from him will be difficult for you.”
Talia sat up and feigned outrage, “My flaws?! I’ll have you know that I’m flawless!” She grinned at him, only to sober a moment later. “It will not be easy to separate from my heart,” She leaned over the table to pat Damian’s cheek. His face reddened and he pouted at being babied in front of everyone else, including his father, the Batman, but leaned into the touch regardless. “But I have run every outcome through my mind, him leaving is for the best. As he grows older, there will be more attempts on his life, he has many enemies within these walls and the time has come that he would be safer outside.”
Bruce sighed again, but this one was of understanding, of the sorrow of a mother separated from her son and the trust placed in him to carry out his duty as a father. “Then so be it.”
A moment of silence passed only to be broken by Jason. “So what’s our cover? Damian vanishing is going to raise a lot of eyebrows in the league.”
Talia crossed her legs and spoke, “We can’t hope to fool Ra’s, but the official reason we will be giving for Damian’s disappearance is that he was taken by Batman when he came to retrieve his Robin.” 
Jason nodded, “That’s understandable, Ra’s can’t be fooled, but how will we placate some of the higher ups? They will be clamoring to get Damian back, not out of worry for his safety, but because it would throw a wrench in their plans to get power.”
Talia simply smiled, “Don’t worry about that habibi, I’ll handle that part.”
Bruce raised his eyebrows at that, worry creeping into his mind, but he decides that that’s enough for one day, he’ll let future him deal with that can of worms when it's opened later.
“You should head out now, it would attract too much attention otherwise.” Talia replied, getting up to lead them to the courtyard, the sooner they leave the better.
Both the Dark Knight and the right hand of Ra’s Al Ghul didn’t notice the black shadow trailing after them.
As all of them boarded the batplane, save for Jason and Talia, no one noticed an extra shadow that had managed to slip in unnoticed.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 3 months ago
holy shit he's a creep
by sleepy_cat80 Tim's in the middle of a family meeting when a comment from ra’s is remembered. From not paying attention to physically gaging causing everyone to look at him giving an excuse he dashes to the restroom. Also maybe something positive happens to Tim in the end Words: 1522, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 5 of sleep deprivation is making Tim's life difficult, Part 2 of omg timbers mission Fandoms: DC Extended Universe, Batman - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Tim Drake (DCU), Bernard Dowd, Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown Relationships: Bernard Dowd/Tim Drake, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson, Batfamily Members & Alfred Pennyworth Additional Tags: idk how I got from the beginning to end, it wasn't supposed to happen, Past Sexual Assault, Tim Drake Needs a Hug (DCU), Tim Drake Gets a Hug (DCU), Feral Tim Drake, Bernard is taller than Tim, Bernard Dowd Knows Tim Drake is Robin, Bernard Dowd Loves Tim Drake, Good Significant Other Bernard Dowd, Bruce Wayne is So Done, Chaotic Tim Drake, Tim Drake Needs a Break (DCU), Good Sibling Dick Grayson, Tim Drake Deserves Happiness, Tim Drake Deserves Love, Creepy Ra's al Ghul, Tired Tim Drake via https://ift.tt/yjKO5ae
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