writerrobinarnett · 3 months
Okay, one more because this is somehow one of my most popular posts lol.
AO3 is a parasaurolophus. A little weird but still majestic and beautiful. It's also mercilessly attacked by every other dinosaur on this list except the ankylosaurus (tumblr), who it's usually pretty chill with.
Social Media as Dinosaur Types
Tik Tok are compies. Slightly acidic bite that is usually just a nuisance, but if you get enough of them together they're more of a nuisance.
Tumblr is an ankylosaurus. An herbavore, generally overlooked, but will fuck you up if you try to mess with them.
Twitter is a dilophosaurus. It spits poison that causes people to lose vision, become drowsy, and move less.
Instagram are genetically modified velociraptors. Basically just a vanity project, but if there's one creepy lady with a whistle, you're fucked.
Facebook is a T-Rex. If you go there it will eat you, and we'll never see you again. Also, two of their limbs are vestigial.
@archetypeofanarchy helped me put together this list. If any of these made you mad, blame him.
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writerrobinarnett · 3 months
Social Media as Dinosaur Types
Tik Tok are compies. Slightly acidic bite that is usually just a nuisance, but if you get enough of them together they're more of a nuisance.
Tumblr is an ankylosaurus. An herbavore, generally overlooked, but will fuck you up if you try to mess with them.
Twitter is a dilophosaurus. It spits poison that causes people to lose vision, become drowsy, and move less.
Instagram are genetically modified velociraptors. Basically just a vanity project, but if there's one creepy lady with a whistle, you're fucked.
Facebook is a T-Rex. If you go there it will eat you, and we'll never see you again. Also, two of their limbs are vestigial.
@archetypeofanarchy helped me put together this list. If any of these made you mad, blame him.
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writerrobinarnett · 4 months
Morning People at 7am:
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Me at 7am:
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writerrobinarnett · 4 months
I wrote the STUPIDEST fanfic crossover ever
Interested? Cool. Welcome to story time.
Our story starts with the wonderful and amazing artist who I commissioned to do some portraits and my coverart for my upcoming book, Alina Lalik gave me this super awesome keychain. It's the justice arcana characters from Persona 3, 4, and 5. Here's a pic of the keychain:
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Great, right? Right! Now, I've got this keychain hanging on my purse, and my dad sees it and says (jokingly), "Oh look, it's the Powerpuff Girls!" I go along with his joke and realize that these three have perfect personalities to be the Powerpuff Girls! Ken is Blossom, Akechi is Buttercup, and Nanako is Bubbles!
So, what do I do with this miraculous discovery. I immediately write a crossover fanfic between Powerpuff Girls and Persona. It is by far, the STUPIDEST thing I've ever written. But I cannot stop laughing about it. Anywho. Thought I'd share that lengthy story
TL;DR I wrote a Powerpuff and Persona Crossover based on this keychain
Link to Alina Lalik's Art:
Link to The Personapuff Pals fanfic:
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writerrobinarnett · 4 months
heres my advice to any followers i have who are young. Don't delete things when you think you've outgrown them or they're cringy. If you make youtube videos just private them don't delete them. Save your files, you can bury them in multiple sub-folders if you think they're cringe now but DON'T DELETE THEM! It doesn't feel like it now but years in the future you will look back fondly at who you were and wish you still had those things.
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writerrobinarnett · 4 months
I really love this best video I found in Instagram
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writerrobinarnett · 4 months
and what if I told you nine was less afraid of love than ten. what then.
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writerrobinarnett · 4 months
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writerrobinarnett · 4 months
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writerrobinarnett · 5 months
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writerrobinarnett · 5 months
DMs Hate Her: 5 tips to make your Gamemaster's life a living nightmare
1. Seduce EVERYTHING (not everyone, everything)
2. Shout, "Insight Check!" whenever an NPC speaks
3. Bypass their meticulously crafted story and focus on a mundane and obviously unimportant detail
4. Use Stunning Strike™
5. Learn the spells: Travel via Plants and/or Teleport
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writerrobinarnett · 5 months
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writerrobinarnett · 5 months
It definitely is both for me lol. The vast majority of my stories are overly meticulous worldbuilding that almost no one cares about, but sometimes when I'm writing, characters just pop up and randomly insert their own lore. And I just gotta be like, we'll okay then. I guess I gotta rewrite an entire section now
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I probably put way too much thought into it but I do enjoy making a more in depth story rather than winging it. I like to actually think about the worldbuilding, make sure things actually connect and make sense. I am a big history nerd and I feel like it's the closest I can get to writing my own history.
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writerrobinarnett · 5 months
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writerrobinarnett · 5 months
*the gang steps into baldur’s gate*
halsin: they’re making people pay for flowers?? for fruit?? things that silvanus gave to us for free?!
astarion: omg why are you yelling at me? i didnt make the system
astarion: wait
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writerrobinarnett · 5 months
Enchantment spells only work if the target consents to being mind controlled.
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writerrobinarnett · 5 months
A plan actually working as intended in a D&D campaign is as rare as divine intervention succeeding. Maybe rarer. We had ONE plan in my 3 and 1/2 year campaign that worked: a super complicated scheme to take down a religious sun cult by making their batshit head cleric think that the sun told him there was a traitor in their midst. When it actually worked, it was the coolest shit ever and probably the only reason the party got out of that end game encounter semi-intact.
Few things beat the feeling of an exquisite D&D session. We just had a great one.
Took on a boss with an elaborate plan, the plan worked, we all had our own cool part to play and the day was saved for now. Love it.
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