#ra young ja
dilebe06 · 2 years
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My Top Female Characters 2022
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nunafilms · 20 days
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You should've kicked his crotch and thrown him some compensation. That's what I wanted to do, but I got scared when I faced him.
No Gain, No Love 손해 보기 싫어서 (2024)
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kdram-chjh · 1 year
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Kdrama: The Good Bad Mother (2023)
Make more handsome 🤩❤️ #thegoodbadmother #kdrama #leedohyun #shorts
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/q784sLtKTrw
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binging-asian-dramas · 5 months
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Successful Story of a Bright Girl/Bright Girl’s Success. 6
Story: 6
Acting: 10
Chemistry: 10
Comparable to: My Girl (kdrama); Shining Inheritance (kdrama); Fated to Love You (kdrama)
Misleading title, should read….girl not bright, naive as heck leads to success. It’s the same troupe cliche story found in most kdramas back then (and still today). Does it work? Sure sometimes, here however the last half took off in another direction (last episode was bonkers) and the whole slight spoiler here (murder forgive part) was giving what the hell are they on vibes. Nonetheless this drama showed how well both Jang Na Ra and Jang Hyuk chemistry were together. So glad they kept making more dramas together.
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visualtaehyun · 6 months
Names, particles, aliens and ghosts, oh my!
Disclaimer: not a native Thai speaker, still learning 🙏
Ongsa & Alpha
Last week's episode started with the trio talking about the sisters' names:
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Nunnapat Ampornsopon /Nan-na-phat Am-phaawn-soh-phohn/ Matthayom 4, class 6 (=10th grade) English
While we see this, Tin tells us Alpha's name too:
Napatsanun Ampornsopon นภัสนันท์ อัมพรโสภณ /Na-phat-sa-nan Am-phaawn-soh-phohn/
Her and Ongsa's first names have the exact same two words in them, just switcheroo'd:
นันท์ /nan/ = joy, happiness;
นภัส /na phat/ = sky, heaven
-> Quick pronunciation lesson: The final consonant in นภัส /na phat/ is called ส เสือ /saw seuua/ (= lit. S like the word for tiger) but in final position it's pronounced as a /t/. In Alpha's name, that same letter gets reduplicated to better link นภัส /na phat/ and นันท์ /nan/ so we get Napat-sa-nun!
Their last name Ampornsopon contains:
อัมพร /am phaawn/ = sky;
โสภณ /soh phohn/ = beautiful
Her club application form was only shown in a Next Break preview last week, not the actual scene, but I wanted to take a look at it anyway:
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Application to join the Astronomy Club Name: Aylin Kueaahree Grade: Matthayom 4, class 1 (=10th grade) Hobbies: Communicating with aliens Goal in joining the club: Searching for a friend/friends
Aylin is her first name, her last name is เกื้ออารีย์ /geuua aa ree/:
เกื้อ /geuua/ = to aid, do a favor, assist, lend a hand;
อารีย์ /ah ree/ = kind, generous
We saw her name properly this week, too, in the document she hilariously designed, wrote up, and filled out by hand:
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Permit for spending the night at S-TAR school Subject: Asking for permission to stay the night at school for the duration of 1 night To: Counselling homeroom teacher I, (young Mr./young Miss/Mr./Miss) Aylin Keuaahree, ID number 406123, student of Matthayom 4/1, need to stay over at school ... on the date of the 24th of the month of August in the year of 2566 (2023) from 20.00 o'clock until 06.00 o'clock. Please kindly take it into consideration. Respectfully yours Aylin Keuaahree (Miss Aylin Keuaahree) Student
I've mentioned before that the subs are a bit too generous and don't quite show how much Aylin limits her speech to the minimum she needs to get her point across. One thing that consistently gets subbed is how she differentiates between aliens and humans. But not every instance of human is the same. She does seem to differentiate between general observations about human behavior and specific humans she talks to, now even addressing them appropriately (albeit with the 'human' descriptor).
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1) มนุษย์ครูใจร้าย /ma noot khruu jai raai/ = [You] are mean, teacher human. 2) มันเป็นหนทางที่เอเลี่ยนจะได้เจอเพื่อนนะ /man bpen hon thaang thee alien ja dai juuhr pheuuan na/
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มนุษย์ชอบถามแปลก ๆ /ma noot chaawp thaam bplaaek bplaaek/ = Humans like to ask weird questions.
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1) มนุษย์พี่เคยบอกเอง ว่าเรื่องที่เชื่อไม่ใช่เรื่องที่ไร้สาระ /ma noot phi koei baawk ehng - waa reuuang thee cheuua mai chai reuuang thee rai saa ra/ = [You] said so [your]self, senior human - that what [I] believe in isn't nonsense. 2) ทำไมมนุษย์ชอบกลับคำพูด /tham mai ma noot chaawp glap kham phuut/ = Why do humans like to go back on their word?
Luna, Mawin, and Ton
Thanks again, Tin, for helpfully giving us all the names lol:
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Luna Lalita Chanthaboriboon ลูน่า ลลิตา จันทบริบูรณ์ /Luu-naa La-lee-dtaa Jan-tha-baw-ree-buun/
Luna is her nickname, her first name Lalita ลลิตา means pretty, charming, lovely, and her last name จันทบริบูรณ์ contains:
จันท /jan tha/ from จันทร์ /jan/ = moon;
บริบูรณ์ /baw ree buun/ = complete, full, perfect, abundant
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พี่เป็นดวงจันทร์ต่างหาก /phi bpen duuang jan dtaang haak/
Moving on to the boys-
Mawin Kow(a)charoen มาวิน โค้วเจริญ /Maa-win Khoh(-wa)-ja-reern/ -> the added 'wa' would be for the same ease-of-pronunciation reason I explained earlier with Alpha's name
Mawin isn't a Thai name but his last name โค้วเจริญ consists of:
โค้ว* likely from หมูโค้ว /moo khoh/? = a pork belly dish
เจริญ /ja reern/ = the same as Charoen's name, meaning to pray/chant, to prosper, to thrive
Edit, addition by @recentadultburnout:
Based on the usual pattern, the *โค้ว in the surname โค้วเจริญ is likely a Chinese surname that got incorporated into a Thai one. โค้ว is one of the top ten most used ones among Chinese surnames in Thailand. As for [his first name] มาวิน, while it was indeed not originally Thai, it did have a meaning—a borrowed word plus slang of sorts. A winner or to win.
Ton Thanakorn Khajornyoo ต้น ธนกร ขจรอยู่ /Dtohn Tha-na-gaawn Kha-jaawn-yuu/
His first name ธนกร /tha na gaawn/ = to create assets/capital; rich, wealthy
His nickname Ton ต้น might stem haha from the plant (ต้น)ขจร /(dtohn) kha jaawn/, a type of vine. ต้น /dtohn/ is a prefix used for plants but it can also mean leader, chief, leading, beginning, etc.
His last name ขจรอยู่ /kha jawn yuu/ = is spread/spreading, emanating, diffusing
An addendum about Ton
Last week, I wondered if maybe Ton was a closeted gay guy because of a handful of instances where AJ's delivery of the typically-female polite ending particles ค่ะ/คะ /kha/ sounded pretty sassy (and because he's Ongsa's ex aka the biggest lesbian under the sun lol). After episode three, I'm pretty sure he's just a huge flirt with everyone regardless of gender, he just adjusts his particle use (and also his height!) accordingly to sweet-talk them all:
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1) ว่าไงครับสุดหล่อ /waa ngai khrap soot laaw/ -> ครับ /khrap/ = typically-male polite ending particle 2) แต่คุณแอลคะ /dtaae khun Al kha/ -> คะ /kha/ = typically-female polite ending particle
And since he finger-guns his way into the student council room, I think we all know now that he's bi
"Filth-eating spirit"
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ใครจะไปล่าแสงกระสือกับพี่ต้นบ้างครับ /khrai ja bpai laa saaeng gra seuu gap phi Ton baang khrap/
If that sounds familiar to you, you either know your Thai ghosts or you've seen this or other movies like it:
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Inhuman Kiss or แสงกระสือ /saaeng gra seuu/, starring Minnie Phantira, Oab Oabnithi and Great Sapol
A Krasue is a type of evil spirit that possesses women and, when going out to hunt, leaves the body behind to be a floating head with internal organs still attached. It's translated as 'filth-eating' because a Krasue is cursed to feed on blood, organs, carrion etc. Ton calls the mysterious green light แสงกระสือ /saaeng gra seuu/ (=light of a Krasue) because sightings of a Krasue usually report them looking like a floating red or green orb. In that regard, they're comparable to will-o'-the-wisps!
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softplots · 10 months
MASTERLIST — female korean names !!
hi sweeties !! there are #50 (FIFTY) female korean names under the cut, they were all taken from kdramas. hope you guys like it !! please like/reblog if you found this useful !!
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Park Se-Hee
In Byuel
Go Yu-Na
Kim San-Ha
Na Joo-Hee
Han Song-Yi
Lee Mi-Yeon
Jung Jung-Won
Shin Ki-Won
Kwon Na-Ra
Ah Mi
Yoon Hee
Heo Soon-sim
Choi Sun-ah
Shin Ki-yoon
Baek Na-hee
Ma Ho-Young
Lee So-Yeon
Lee Hyun-ji
Yoon So-rim
Eun Tae-hee
Seong Mi-do
Ahn Ja-yeong
Hong Chae-ri
Oh Ha-rin
Baek Je-na
Kim Ga-yeon
Son Ae
Eun Ok
Kang Hye-young
Lee Yoo-ri
Choi Dong-joo
Kim Yeong-chae
Jo Hae-In
Bae Doo-rae
Jo Ki-bum
Joo Wol
Yoo Young-joo
Joo Wol
Lee Yoo-jeong
Mo Jae-in
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twentysnoir · 7 months
Especial KRP — Sobrenomes Coreanos
Cansado de Lee? Kim? Seo? Song? Choi? Hwang? Park? Abaixo do "Read More" você vai encontrar alguns sobrenomes mais incomuns que pode usar em seus personagens coreanos.
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Ah, A (아 - A)
Ae (애 - É)
Ban, Bahn, Van, Vahn, Pan, Pahn (반 - Ban)
Beon, Bun, Buhn, Veon, Vun, Vuhn (번 - Bón)
Beom, Bum, Buhm, Veom, Vum, Vuhm (범 - Bóm)
Bo, Vo (보 - Bô)
Bok, Vok (복 - Bôc)
Bong, Vong (봉 - Bông)
Boo, Bu, Voo, Vu (부 - Bú)
Bi, Vi, Bee, Vee (비 - Bi)
Bin, Been, Bean, Vin, Veen, Vean (빈 - Bin)
Bing, Beeng, Ving, Veeng (빙 - Bing)
Da (다 - Dá)
Dam (담 - Dam)
Dan (단 - Dan)
Dang (당 - Dang)
Dae, Dai (대 - Dé)
Dok, Dock (독 - Dôc)
Dokgo, Dokko (독고 - Docô)
Don (돈 - Dôn)
Dong (동 - Dông)
Dongbang (동방 - Dôngbâng)
Deung (등 - Dûng)
Deungjeong, Deungjung (등�� - Dûngdjóng)
Eogeum, Uhgeum, Ugeum (어금 - Ógûm)
Eun (은 - Ûn)
Eum (음 - Ûm)
Hak, Hahk (학 - Rác)
Hae (해 - Ré)
Hyeong, Hyung, Hyoung (형 - Rióng)
Ho, Hoh (호 - Rô)
Hwa, Hwah (화 - Ruá)
Hwangmok (황목 - Ruangmôk)
Hwangbo (황보 - Ruangbô)
Hoo, Hu (후 - Ru)
Ja, Jah (자 - Já)
Jeom, Jum (점 - Djóm)
Je, Jeh (제 - Djê)
Jegal, Jekal (제갈 - Djegál)
Jeo, Juh (저 - Djó)
Jong (종 - Djông)
Jwa, Joa, Jua (좌 - Djuá)
Jeung (증 - Jûng)
Kangjeon, Kangjun, Gangjeon, Gangjun (강전 - Gangdjón)
Ka, Ga (가 - Ga)
Kal, Gal (갈 - Gal)
Kam, Gam (감)
Kan, Gan (간 - Gan)
Kae, Gae (개 - Gué)
Kyun, Kyeon, Kyoun, Gyun, Gyeon, Gyoun (견 - Guión)
Kyung, Kyeong, Kyoung, Gyung, Gyeong, Gyoung (경 - Guióng)
Kye, Gye (계 - Guiê)
Kok, Gok (곡 - Gôc)
Kwan, Gwan (관 - Guân)
Kwok, Gwok (궉 - Guóc)
Kyo, Gyo (교 - Guiô)
Kuk, Guk, Kook, Gook, Kuck, Guck (국 - Guc)
Kung, Koong, Gung, Goong (궁 - Gung)
Kwok, Gwok, Kweok, Gweok (궉 - Guóc)
Keun, Geun (근 - Gûn)
Keum, Geum (금 - Gûm)
Ki, Gi, Kee, Gee (기 - Gui)
Kil, Gil (길 - Guil)
Lin, In, Rin, Leen, Een, Reen (인 - In)
Man, Mahn (만 - Man)
Mangjeol, Mangjul (망절 - Mangdjól)
Mae (매 - Mé)
Maeng (맹 - Méng)
Myung, Myeong, Myoung (명 - Mióng)
Mo, Moh (모 - Mô)
Mok, Mock (목 - Môc)
Myo (묘 - Miô)
Moo, Mu (무 - Mu)
Mubon, Moobon (무본 - Mubôn)
Muk, Muck, Mook, Moock (묵 - Muc)
Mi, Mee (미 - Mi)
Nan (난 - Nan)
Namgoong, Namgung, Namkoong, Namkung (남궁 - Namgung)
Nang (낭 - Nang)
Nae (내 - Né)
Noi, Nwe (뇌 - Nê)
Ok, Ock (옥 - Ôc)
On, Ohn (온 - Ôn)
Ong (옹 - Ông)
Pan, Pahn (판 - Pan)
Paeng (팽 - Péng)
Pyeon, Pyun, Pyuhn (편 - Pión)
Pyeong, Pyung, Pyuhng (평 - Pióng)
Po, Poh (포 - Pô)
Pyo (표 - Piô)
Pung, Poong (풍 - Pung)
Pi, Pee (피 - Pi)
Pil, Fil, Peel, Feel (필 - Pil)
Ra, La, Rah, Lah (라 - Lá)
Ran, Lan (란 - Lan)
Rang, Lang (랑 - Lang)
Ryeo, Ryuh, Lyeo, Lyuh (려 - Lió)
Roe, Loe, Roi, Loi, Rwe, Lwe (뢰 - Lê)
Sa, Sah (사 - Sá)
Sakong, Sagong (사공 - Sagông)
San, Sahn (산 - San)
Sam, Sahm (삼 - Sam)
Sang, Sahng (상 - Sang)
Seomun, Seomoon, Suhmun, Suhmoon, Sumun, Sumoon (서문 - Sómún)
Seonu, Seonwu, Seonwoo, Seonoo, Sunu, Sunwu, Sunwoo, Sunoo (선우 - Sónú)
Seob, Sub, Seop, Sup, Suhb, Suhp (섭 - Sób)
Sobong (소봉 - Sobông)
Soo, Su (수 - Su)
Sun, Soon (순 - Sun)
Seung (승 - Sûng)
Si, Shi, Xi, See, Shee, Xee (시 - Xi)
Tak, Tahk (탁 - Tác)
Tan, Tahn (탄 - Tan)
Tang, Tahng (탕 - Táng)
Tae (태 - Té)
Uh, Eo, Eoh (어 - Ó)
Wan, Wahn (완 - Uán)
Wang, Wahng (왕 - Uáng)
Wun, Un, Woon, Oon (운 - Un)
Wi (위 - Uí)
Ya, Yah (야 - Iá)
Yeop, Yeob, Yup, Yub, Yuhp, Yuhb (엽 - Iób)
Yeong, Young, Yung (영 - Ióng)
Ye, Yeh (예 - Iê)
Yo (요 - Iô)
Yong (용 - Iông)
Yook, Yuk (육 - Iúk)
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doodling-doodle · 3 months
an idea that @kings-out-of-pocket-hell had while I was writing the other mini fic
The Traveler going to hug Wanderlust after getting him back
And The Traveler stabbing him because now "The Chosen One" can't defeat Night Swan the way the prophecy intended
So everyone say "Thank you, Kings"
Wanderlust groaned as he sat up, looking around in an empty room. It looked like Swan Tower? What happened?
He shakily stood, leaning on a wall as he looked around and at himself.
Oh yeah. They went to save Sara, and... And this happened.
"Oh no..."
What had he done? He just put both Brezz and Mihaly in danger- where were they? Where was Jack? What happened after they were taken?
Where was he now?
"You're awake...?"
He looked up, finally steady on his feet.
"Wha..." He blinked, "Father...?"
He tried to step closer, but felt his knees buckling. Why was he so weak?
"She wasn't feeding any of you... giving you any water." His father said, stepping closer to him, "It's only hitting you now."
"How did you...?"
Jack got him free...
"Where is he?"
"Working on the others."
He nodded, "Night Swan?"
"Tied up. Dying."
The relief he felt in that moment.
"Father, I..."
"Don't. Just... don't."
His father stepped closer to him, softly holding his face, "It's okay... You did what you could."
"I was stupid..."
"You were like me. Young. Thinking that you could make a new friend, show someone what it's like here... Mistakes were made. That's okay. You did what you thought was right to fix it."
He nodded, tearing up slightly.
"Come here." His father said, pulling him close to hug him, and he held him as tight as he could.
"It's okay. Your still my son..."
He felt one of his father's hands move off of his back.
"You'll always be my boy..."
He let go slightly... He heard a small pop, and metal scraping something.
He gasped, feeling something sharp pierce his skin and the muscles in his stomach, and he felt blood on his clothes.
"I'm sorry." His father said.
He felt whatever he was impaled with being pulled out of his stomach, and he leaned on the wall again, putting a hand on his stomach, looking down, seeing his golden blood leaking through his fingers, and he shakily pulled his hand back to see just how much he was bleeding, and fast.
He breathed heavily, trying to pack his shirt into the wound as he looked at his father's hands... knife. His father's knife.
"This wasn't how it was supposed to go." His father said, "The Chosen One was supposed to die while fighting The Night Swan. I have to make sure that it works."
He was gasping for air in between coughing, and he tasted blood in his mouth. He shook his head, feeling himself sliding down the wall, his father gently setting him down with his back against the wall, cleaning his knife off.
He didn't even look sad.
"Night Swan will die. Because of your sacrifice."
No. This was a murder.
"Fa-father..." He tried to choke out, "Why..."
"I'm sorry, son. It has to be done."
His father stood, putting his knife back behind his cloak as he turned.
He stopped, turning back to face him.
"Pl-please don't... make m-e be al-alo-one..."
He didn't want to die, but if he was going to, he didn't want it to be alone...
His father shook his head, turning back around as he opened a portal in front of him.
"N-No! Pl-please! Dad, Ple-!" He went into a coughing fit, falling over as he reached for his father, his dad...
The portal closed, and he choked out sobs, trying to scream, trying to cry out for anyone.
"J-Jack! Bre-Brezz!! Sar-ra!!"
Please don't let him be alone...
He tried to crawl closer to the closed door, trying to open it.
Please don't let him be alone...
He had to stop, his vision blurring as he breathed heavily. Sounds were drowned out, but he was pretty sure he was screaming in pain.
He was alone.
He was going to die alone, looking down at the small trail of his own blood, feeling it drip under his face, and in a pool of his own blood, though he felt it slowing.
He was alone.
He was alone.
"Please... anyo-one..."
He was alone.
He felt his eyelids getting heavier, and he could hear his own breathing as it slowed.
He wanted to be able to say goodbye. But he wasn't able to. Because he was almost dead.
Maybe he was going to be a ghost, able to visit his friends in their dreams. Maybe the afterlife was nice. Maybe it was peaceful...
He could only hope that, one day, he'll see his friends again. All of them. He could relax with Mihaly. He could work out with Brezz. He could dance with Sara...
He could kiss Jack. He could write songs with him. He could be held by him while falling asleep.
Maybe one day... He'd hear all of their voices again. Because now, he could barely hear anything, and he couldn't feel anything.
As he felt himself taking his final breaths... He heard a door being broken open.
As he felt his breathing stop... he heard a scream, and a voice saying his name. He had a feeling it was all of his friends, as he only knew one person able to break down a door with a single strike, and it was Brezz. But he heard Jack screaming his name.
As he felt the sensation of touch stop, he knew he was rolled over, and that someone- or all of them, he couldn't tell how many hands were on him- was holding his hand. He could swear he also felt a kiss to his lips.
And as his hearing stopped... He heard two sentences said in near unison.
"We love you. Goodbye, Wanderlust."
Yeah... He hoped he'd see them again in the next life...
If there was one waiting for him.
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kaythedumb · 6 months
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As of now, I mostly write OC fics for Asian media like dramas and movies with the exception of Street Woman Fighter 1 and 2. There are some outliers, but I'll mostly focus on these fics. I'll also mention the dynamics in the relationships to see what attracts.
NOTE that some of these haven't been published yet. However, I do intend on going through with all of these concepts at my own pace.
These fics can be found on my wattpad account local_garden!
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• Bad and Crazy
° Boss Yong x fem!OC (boss x righthand)
• All of Us Are Dead
° Choi Nam-ra x fem!OC (introvert x extrovert/opposites attract)
° Han Gyeong-su x fem!side!OC (friends)
• Ballerina (2023)
° Jang Ok-ju x fem!OC (partners in crime ?)
• Squid Game
° Kang Sae-byeok x fem!OC (opposites attract)
• Pyramid Game
° Myung Ja-eun x fem!OC (opposites attract)
° Sung Soo-ji x fem!OC (partners/friends to lovers)
° Kim Da-yeon x fem!OC x Seo Do-ah (exes + opposites attract)
• Alice in Borderland
° Ryohei Arisu x fem!OC (friends to lovers)
° Yuzuha Usagi x male!OC (established relationship)
° Shuntaro Chishiya x fem!OC (opposites attract)
° Hikari Kuina x fem!OC (one fell first, one fell harder)
• Sweet Home
° Lee Eun-yoo x fem!OC (opposites attract)
° Cha Hyun-su x fem!OC (monster x human)
° Park Chan-young x fem!OC (friends to lovers)
• Gap The Series
° Lady Sam x fem!OC (boss x subordinate/office romance)
• The Uncanny Counter
° Do Ha-na x fem!OC (grumpy x sunshine/partners in fighting crime)
• 23.5 The Series
° Ongsa x fem!OC (loser x popular)
° Sun x fem!OC (grumpy x sunshine)
° Aylin x fem!OC (introvert x introvert)
° Luna x fem!OC (introvert x extrovert)
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sladez · 6 months
Au Ra April & Vierapril 2024
IV. Conflict & Clash
[This is a short excerpt from a fic I'm working on, but the Au Ra April and Vierapril prompts mesh so well together and for this scene!
In which Bertram and Styrnrael throw a Coliseum match to pay off her contract.]
Deafening cheers broke out from the crowd as the announcer’s voice boomed through the Coliseum and the gate opposite Styrnrael groaned upward. The din only grew louder as the chains clanged to a stop and the door finished its ascension, and the form of Bertram stepped through the gateway, his silhouette illuminated by the torches in the staging area until he stepped into the lights of the ring. His posture and mien were relaxed and unfazed, never looking up at the audience, as he slowly sauntered forward and came to a stop across the ring from Styrnrael. His hair and tall ears were bright as flamelight against the dark of his armor. His head was cocked casually to the side, and he tapped his fingers against the plate where they rested on his hips, the quick rhythm of metal ringing out joining the cacophony. After a minute, as the cheers of the crowd lulled, Bertram finally looked up at Styrnrael and his gray eyes met hers. They brightened into a soft smile for just a moment, imperceptible to any but her, and his earlier words echoed through Styrnrael’s mind as a balm to her nerves: Just follow my lead, ja?
“May the best fighter leave the arena alive!” the announcer shouted to the roar of the crowd. A gong rang out, its deep brass echoing across the arena floor. “And… begin!”
Immediately the energy in the arena changed, like a gas light switched on. Bertram’s face darkened as he drew his sword in a single fluid motion that Styrnrael could barely see. He twirled the blade in his hand and held it loosely out at his side, metallic noise singing and hovering in the stadium as though he had sliced through the aether itself. He narrowed his eyes and his hair seemed to rise from his shoulders like a gathering inferno, wild and untamed. His shoulders tensed and slumped, his posture pushed forward, a tiger stalking and ready to pounce. She had seen that dark light in his eyes before, intense and watchful, hot coals against black night, but never directed at her.
Styrnrael closed her eyes and took a deep breath, once again remembering Bertram’s words and their plan, betting against her own nature and trusting in him. Once her heartbeat settled, she drew her sword and opened her eyes to match his intensity, and lowered her stance, light on the balls of her feet as the Adarkim warrior had taught her at the Naadam in another world, another life.
In her time in the Coliseum Styrnrael had seen a variety of opening moves in the ring. Most fighters, especially the young and overconfident, would rush headlong at the starting bell. That suited her just fine. Her reflexes were sharp and her counterattacks quick, and those fights were over fast. The timid or tentative preferred to wait, fists or shields up, for her to probe their defenses. She learned those matches were more fun, like maneuvering and breaking an opponent’s position on the Kharaqiq board. But Bertram's Black Flame nickname was apt; his movements were unpredictable, like a flame flicking on the wind, fierce and dangerous, and difficult to anticipate.
Bertram began pacing to his right, tracing the blue cobblestones of the perimeter counterclockwise like a tightrope, never taking his blazing eyes off her. His arm was slack at his side yet looked like it could whip out at any moment, as though his sword hung upon a taut spring. Styrnrael mirrored his movements at the same pace, keeping the diameter of the arena between them. They were as moving pawns around the board, staking their positions and claiming the first spaces of territory. Bertram’s steps slowed as they reached the opposite side of the ring from their starting positions, and Styrnrael had only just enough time to see him shift his hip and pivot toward her on his heel.
He was on her in a flash.
Blade rang against shield as Styrnrael stepped onto her back foot, deflecting his lunge to the side. He traversed the yalms between them almost instantly, and his swift strike had enough momentum behind it that had she blocked it directly her arm might be broken. But she swung her shield and knocked his blow away to her left, lowering her frame against Bertram’s larger one for leverage, and followed her movement through with her blade, catching him off balance. But Bertram was quick, and he twisted on his heel and she caught only air. Styrnrael had only a fraction of a second to readjust to a ready position before he spun back around and his sword came at her in a downward arc. Reflexively she ducked down and held her shield above her head to block, tensing her arm as Bertram’s blade rang hard against it. Her bones quaked like thunder under the impact. Ignoring the buzzing in her arm and taking advantage of his recovery time from the attack, she lunged forward like a cobra from behind her shield. But again Bertram recovered quicker than she expected, moving like fire twisting on a wick, and he parried her strike and lowered his shoulder and shield like a ram, knocking her sprawling to the ground.
She somersaulted over the cobblestones, rotating her body to land in a kneeling position. His ferocity had caught her by surprise. The blow knocked the wind out of her, and as she caught her breath she looked up at Bertram’s looming figure, his black armor a blacker silhouette in front of the hot coliseum lights. The noise of the crowd at first blood was deafening. Bertram looked down at her, all blazing hair and burning eyes, and then his lips curled into a smirk. “One-zero,” he said so that only she could hear.
Styrnrael climbed to her feet and rotated her shoulders to loosen them. “Follow your lead, huh?” she grinned. She raised her shield and slowly stepped counterclockwise, cross-stepping left foot over right, then behind, keeping her body level and low to the ground, her tail raised for balance, leading now, ready to take the advantage for herself. Bertram stepped back and followed her movements, in perfect symmetry to the start of the match, though closer now, only a couple yalms separating them. The din of the spectators had lowered in anticipation of the next move, and in the vacuum of the silence the two pulled together like gravity.
As Styrnrael’s left foot touched the ground behind her, she leaned forward and rocketed off the ball of her right foot, whipping her sword out in front of her. Bertram’s eyes widened as he stepped back to parry her sudden flèche, knocking her sword away, and she advanced past him to avoid his riposte. She turned and pressed further, and Bertram could do no more than block, her ferocity preventing him from the counter, the call of their swords chirping like heavy birds. One-two, one-two they danced, her footwork driving him back, her bladework cornering him, a series of forcing moves on the gameboard, until finally Bertram parried her thrust in a wide circle and she pressed in and glided along and down his blade and planted a foot behind him to knock him off balance. Bertram tumbled heel over head, and this time it was Styrnrael standing over him, pinning him with her grin and the tip of her sword. “One-one,” she said, and the crowd was stunned.
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tenuuchlegch · 3 months
❃ A sigh escaped the au ra, as form stood on the outskirts of what she surmised was Alexandria's old locale.
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- "To think that bastard would have a child of all things..." Zarool ja did not particularly strike Odtsetseg as someone who even desired familial relations, if his past interactions with kin was to be considered. Auri could only assume the mother was the only other Mamool ja stuck in the dome, as his personality probably curried him little favors. The austere ruler must have also been INCREDIBLY intoxicated, as well. Not that au ra had in mind to air these theories in front of a young one.
- As they delved deeper into Alexandria, its shining facade began to crack underneath scrutiny. Souls being reduced to mere currency in order to persevere... It sickened Odtsetseg to think about it. Then again, what COULD they have done, when the rest of their world was clearly destroyed? That being said, since they had merged with another world now, surely such practices were not needed anymore? Then again, people could be quite stubborn when it comes to change.
- Shaking her head auri woman unsheathed her weapons, best not linger on such things and just hunt for now.
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nunafilms · 14 days
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A handwritten apology letter won't excuse you from trying to kill me with those hate comments. I didn't write them with such malice. So you meant for the comments to be hurtful, not fatal? Am I supposed to respect your intent and forgive you while licking my wounds? Don't send me apology letters. I have no intention of forgiving you, or settling.
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kdram-chjh · 1 year
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Kdrama: The Good Bad Mother (2023)
Suddenly she became a grandma 🤗 💞 The Good Bad Mother kdrama #shorts #thegoodbadmother
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/RuJh-wknBS4 
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rosyfingered-moon · 2 years
2022 roundup
Watched less tv this year than probably any other year in my life because I was mostly pregnant and queasy beyond belief, but here’s a roundup of the stuff I did manage to cram. Not only kdramas, though mostly that. (I’m probably forgetting some but these are all that come to mind rn.)
The Red Sleeve: Didn’t actually finish this because of the pain, but it was so well-made. Ambitious cinematography, great storytelling and acting. Lee Se-young really gave us the range; having only seen her poised and regal in The Crowned Clown before, I loved watching her goof off in between the angsty bits. A serve.
Hyena: I normally dislike law dramas, but the leads are so mesmerizing (and so attractive) that you root for them even when they do objectively evil work. Have never seen such palpable yearning between two characters. Jung Geum-ja is the Most.
Into the Ring: Goo Se-ra my beloved! I want more romances like this: haggard social worker and the social justice gremlin whose daily complaints he has to resolve. Enjoyed every second.
Rewatch of Kingdom and Ashin of the North: Just as brilliant as the first time around. Come on Netflix, now that HBO Max is collapsing in on itself, get with that blood and gore and get to work on season 3 already. I want to see Ashin go apeshit!!
Jodhaa Akbar: Seven months later and I still get tingly thinking about this romance. Akbar dueling Jodhaa to win her back, and showering her with jasmine petals mid-fight. Hrithik Roshan and Aishwarya Rai both looking so hot it should be illegal. A soundtrack to make the sun rise even in the bleak midwinter. This was my first visit to Mughal India but not my last! (Thank you @rain-hat for the recs, you are a gift to tumblrkind!)
My Liberation Notes: Okay I was so into the first half that I cannot even tell you. It burrowed into the darkest, weariest part of me and lit a match. But I did not care for Mr. Gu’s backstory and the ensuing foray into the criminal underworld, and somewhere around there it lost its heart.
Love Between Fairy and Devil: Jam packed with tropes. A surprisingly touching and very entertaining fantasy for the Hades/Persephone girlies. Great visuals, too!
Alchemy of Souls: Speaking of great visuals! I will admit that I hop skipped my way through much of part 1. The world-building is claustrophobically boring, which is a shame because it is so charmingly costumed. I adore the premise of a villain body-swapping into a nobody. There is some good acting in this and there is also some very bad acting. I am upset with part 2 for filing the fangs off my darling Naksu, but I do admit that the dark fairytale vibe has got me hooked. (Evil mothers sewing golden thread into the bare skin of their daughters! Our hero tormented by the furies of hell! A marriage of convenience to the resident goth! I am eating it up by the spoonful.)
Stranger Things: I feel like I am in the minority here so this is probably on me, but I thought this was the least scary and also least emotionally engaging season. I think the problem horror-wise was Vecna and that they showed him too soon and too often in his campy monster makeup. All the Russia stuff was boring af, and I didn’t like that the kids were separated all season. Eddie was however a most delightful addition to the gang. Rest in power, babygirl.
First Love/Hatsukoi: I hate amnesia plots, and I don’t understand why the characters deal with it the way they do here, or why it is never resolved or even treated as something in need of resolving. However, the leads are delightful together and their chemistry is out of this world. Would happily have watched many, many more episodes of this. (I ragged on the color-coded families to my husband, before we realized we both wore the exact same shade of burgundy. So now I’ve decided that it’s cute and not weird at all.)
Things I didn’t finish, but might pick back up some day:
Business Proposal: Chaebol heirs are such a turn off that I couldn’t even finish it for my girls.
Bloody Heart: I only saw a few episodes of this because it was so difficult to find a good stream anywhere online. Goddamn Mouse gatekeeping Jang Hyuk from me!!
Under The Queen’s Umbrella: Too many princes.
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otakusmart · 2 years
Top 7 October K-dramas that you shouldn't miss this winter
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Hey, you! 'Cheer Up!' as a 'Glitch' will happen to your planned schedule. Because from the next month onwards, quite a few of the much-anticipated shows of your choice will be in your planned schedule. Ready to change your schedule but haven't yet done it? Look at these upcoming K-dramas in October and pick up one on your list. 
Top 7 upcoming K-dramas in October 2022
Cheer Up! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyJky5dyf9U A Korean Drama series focuses on the character Do Hae-Yi, who joined a 50 years old cheering squad, Teyia, at Yeonhee University. Her entry into the club is to lessen the severe economic crisis that their family is facing. Being an academic and bright student, she continued her studies even after facing financial problems at home.  However, many things change for her, in fact, especially for her after going there.  She meets Park Jung-Woo, Jin Sun-Ho, Tae Cho-Hee, Joo Sun-Ja, and Bae Young-Woong (former member and alumnus of the university).  Starring Han Ji-Hyun, Bae In-Hyuk, Kim Hyun-Jin, Jang Gyu-Ri, Lee Eun-Saem, and Yang Dong-Geun, this show will surely be going to win the heart of teens.  The drama will be released on and from October 3 on SBS. ALSO READ: 12 Korean Drama OSTs That Every Kdrama Enthusiasts Know By Heart The Witch's Game  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m82rKVlQ28M The Korean Romance Drama glorifies motherhood and women in general and depicts revenge.  Directed by Lee Hyung Sun, the story of the drama revolves around a psychological concept, i.e., a confrontation. It is the confrontation of two mothers and daughters who have sacrificed to a great evil.  The plot then continues to depict how those characters manage to punish the great evil.  This show will be aired on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday for 35 min from October 3, 2022, to March 17, 2023.  Love That Will Freeze to Death https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYAao9-gyWw Also known as 'Icy Cold Romance' or 'Love Is for Suckers,' this rom-com stars Lee Da-hee and Choi Si-won.  Two 30 years old people unexpectedly meet each other after 20 long years.  They meet on a reality dating show, and it shows that both have romantic feelings for them.  Choi Gyu-Sik directed drama, distributed by SkyTV, will be released on October 5, 2022, on Wednesday and Thursday at 21:00 (KST). Bad Prosecutor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QigJC9b1Ft8 Starring Doh Kyung-soo and Lee Se-hee. Bad Prosecutor is about the Prosecutor who punishes the corrupted power with trickery and practical help. Doh Kyung-soo can be seen to be the prosecutor as Jin Jung and Lee Se-hee as Shin A-ra, the senior prosecutor, along with the suporting actors Lee Si-eon, Ha Jun, Kim Sang-ho, Kim Tae-woo, Yeon Jun-seok, Joo Bo-young, Lee Hyo-na, Choi Gwang-il, and Yoon Jung-seop. This show is planned to be released on KBS2 on October 5, 2022, every Wednesday and Thursday at 21:50 (KST). Glitch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inGM8RB6H00 Hong Ji-Hyo is a girl from a well-to-do family. She has a balanced life with a steady job and a boyfriend.  However, unstable events begin to occur in her life from the night her boyfriend disappears. While searching for him, she discovers the covered secret with the help of the UFO watchers' community.  Roh Deok directed show stars Jeon Yeo-been as Hong Ji-Hyo and Nana as Heo Bo-ra. The show is scheduled to be aired on October 7, 2022, on Netflix. ALSO READ: 10 Korean Dramas With No Romance To Kickstart Your K-drama Journey Vengeance of the Bride https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHPtWKlnYGI Eun Seo-Yeon, a pleasant woman, leads her healthy life by running a business producing cosmetics and selling them online. In a make-up salon, she also works as a staff.  One day she learns that their family friend Kang Baek-San, who runs a large cosmetics company, is actually held responsible for her parent's death. To avenge her parent's death, she marries his son Kang Tae-Poong.  The show with suspense has booked to be released on October 10, 2022, and will continue till 2023 on Monday - Friday at 19:50.  The Queen's Umbrella https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAlyRsCAJQ8 Aside from the rom-com and suspense, this Netflix K-drama has made its ground.  This historical drama talks about the troublemaking princes for whom their mother or the Queen lives in misery.  However, for the sake of her children, she accepts all the pain. However, this Queen is not like any other; she is very hot-tempered.  Directed by Kim Hyung Shik, the show stars Kim Hye Soo. The 16 episodes drama will begin on October 15, 2022, and will be continued till December 4, 2022, with 60 mins approx runtime.  ALSO READ: Best Kdrama on Netflix: Most popular South Korean Dramas on Netflix Today (2022) Read the full article
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dramascoop · 2 months
Beauty and Mr. Romantic (K-Drama): Episodes 33 & 34 Review | kdrama review | The Drama Scoop
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Episodes 33 and 34 of Beauty and Mr. Romantic cover the events and aftermath of Soo-yeon’s husband Jin-taek and in-laws learning that she is Pil-seung’s biological mother. Mi-ja, on the other hand, manipulates Ji-young and forces her into a compromising situation yet again, asking her to date Jin-dan. Ji-young is struggling because she has feelings for Pil-seung. This weekend’s episode also suggests a connection between Ae-kyo and Sun-young’s new tenant. Our article “Beauty and Mr. Romantic (K-Drama): Episodes 33 & 34 Review” contains major spoilers.
During the closing credits of episode 34 of Beauty and Mr. Romantic, we see the staff protesting against the drama’s cancellation. Ji-young appears to fall during the process. Furthermore, Sun-young and Hyeon-cheol pay a visit to Jin-taek to ensure that Pil-seung is not fired from the drama. However, Jin-taek appears determined to pull the plug on GOGO Entertainment following Soo-yeon’s betrayal.
Highlights Of Episode 33
Ae-kyo becomes suspicious of Soo-yeon after discovering that she has been hiding a childhood photo of Pil-seung.
The debt collectors kidnap Mi-ja and threaten to kill Do-sik and Do-joon if she doesn’t repay the money or kills herself to avoid paying them back.
Mi-ja goes to Jin-dan’s office and practically manipulates him by using Do-ra’s name to extort money from him. However, he refuses to help her this time around.
Pil-seung takes Ji-young and Ji-young’s grandmother out, rekindling old feelings between them.
When Pil-seung drops Ji-young home, he assures her that he will always be by her side. Jin-dan, on the other hand, spots them together and grows envious.
The debtors begin to press Mi-ja into paying the debt, and she receives an offer from Jin-dan to pay her debt in exchange for being with Ji-young.
Mi-ja manipulates and persuades Ji-young to date Jin-dan in order to save Do-sik and Do-joon.
Ae-kyo has Soo-yeon and Pil-seung’s DNA tested, which confirms that they are mother and son.
Ae-kyo proves that Soo-yeon and Pil-seung are related to Jin-taek and Dae-sook.
When Soo-yeon returns home, Jin-taek, Ae-kyo, and Dae-sook confront her about the situation.
Highlights Of Episode 34
Jin-taek confronts Soo-yeon about Pil-seung being her son, and she accepts. Following this, Jin-taek asks that she leave the house.
Ma-ri struggles after Soo-yeon leaves the house. Following this, Pil-seung and Geum-ja reassure and support her.
After Mi-ja manipulates her, Ji-young reluctantly starts dating Jin-dan. She doesn’t seem interested in him, though.
Soo-yeon goes to Jin-taek’s office and apologizes to him. She goes on to explain her situation to him, but he suggests a separation.
We then see Soo-yeon faint in the office building, after which Pil-seung takes her to the hospital and Sun-young looks after her needs.
Following the major revelation, Jin-dan steps in and does everything he can to remove Pil-seung from the position of drama director at GOGO Entertainment.
After seeing Pil-seung drinking alone, Ji-young joins him and consoles him. When Jin-dan sees them together, he gets furious.
Jin-dan pays a visit to Ji-young’s building and asks that she stay away from Pil-seung.
The drama’s staff protest the APP group’s decision to halt production.
Beauty and Mr. Romantic (K-Drama): Episodes 33 & 34 Review
In episodes 33 and 34 of Beauty and Mr. Romantic, tensions are at an all-time high. On one hand, Soo-yeon is about to get divorced, and Pil-seung is about to lose his job as director at GOGO Entertainment. Mi-ja, on the other hand, manipulates Ji-young into dating Jin-dan in order to repay her debt. These plot twists will definitely keep you on the edge of your seat.
The kdrama has a reputation for presenting outrageous situations, which works well for the show and, ultimately, keeps us coming back for more. In some ways this kdrama is similar to a toxic relationship; the extreme highs and lows act as a drug, keeping you engaged.
While the episodes keep you hooked, they can also be frustrating. The kdrama currently has nothing pleasant going on, which is certainly upsetting to watch. We can only hope that the resolution is worth going through these unpleasant plot twists.
Beauty and Mr. Romantic Episodes 33 & 34: Our Verdict
Overall, episodes 33 and 34 of our favorite K- drama Beauty and Mr. Romantic are entertaining, albeit somewhat unpleasant. The kdrama has also teased some fascinating developments during its credits, so it will be interesting to see where the show goes from here.
Do you agree with the views and predictions in our article “Beauty and Mr. Romantic (K-Drama): Episodes 33 & 34 Review”? Who do you think the new tenant is? Will Ji-young recover her memories while she was Do-ra? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
Thank you for diving into our latest KDrama review at The Drama Scoop! We appreciate your time and passion for Korean dramas. Stay tuned for more exciting reviews, news, and insights. Happy watching, and see you in the next article!
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