culinaryplating · 9 months
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Latkes/Reiberdatschi/Rösti (Kartoffelpuffer/ Potato Pancakes) in airfryer
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morethansalad · 2 years
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Vegetable Rösti with Guacamole Cream (Vegan)
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frankveda · 8 months
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Gebraten ! Rohe Kartoffeln werden gerieben, und dann ausgepresst. Sie müssen ziemlich trocken sein. Dann mit Mehl und Eier vermischen und in der Pfanne braten. Herrlich ! Viel Spaß mit #veda_food !
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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National Potato Day
National Potato Day is celebrated on August 19 of every year. For centuries, potatoes are the favorite item of diets everywhere in the world. Potato lovers are found in massive numbers, and that primarily includes the children. With the soft, smooth nature, potatoes can be eaten in different forms like potato chips, mashed potatoes, gratin, hash-browns, baked potatoes, potato salad, hasselbacken, home fries, tater skins, potato cake, potato wedges, kroppkaka, and the list extends in number. They are just some of the amazingly tasty items which are made with the potatoes. Celebrating National Potato Day is worth noting as to let people know the nourishment it has. Potatoes are not only the savory, but they also contain high levels of vital vitamins and minerals that include vitamin C, iron, and potassium. Prepare your favorite potato recipe in a way to celebrate National Potato Day.
“My idea of heaven is a great big baked potato and someone to share it with.” – Oprah Winfrey
History of National Potato Day
The origin and the person who established the National Potato Day is still anonymous. However, the history of potato dates back to centuries ago. The English word potato has all the way came from the Spanish word patata. The word “potato” may indicate either to the plant itself or the edible tuber. Usually, the potato is a starchy, tuberous vegetable from the perennial nightshade Solanum tuberosum. The first region where the potato was first domesticated is the modern-day southern Peru and the extreme northwestern Bolivia between 8000 and 5000 BC. From then, the potatoes have spread throughout the world and is now a staple crop in several countries. Now it is an integral part of the world’s food supply, and that is marked as the one of world’s largest food crop which ranks the fourth position following maize, wheat, and rice. The smaller potatoes are named as spuds and are associated with the 19th century. There are millions of different styles of preparation is found in the American cuisine where potatoes are a favourite part and occupy a larger parts. Potatoes are used in making bread, rolls, and pancakes, and also found as a whole in the everyday meal. The production of potatoes world wide was more than 382 million tonnes at present. Potatoes vary in colour, texture, size and shape with reapest to the region they grow. There are currently more than hundred different varieties of potatoes available in the world. National Potato Day is one form of celebration to make people understand the nutritional values present in the potatoes. Raw potato consists of water, carbohydrates, starch, sugar, dietary fiber, fat, protein, and vitamins like B1 to B6, B9, C, E, K. The mineral contents like calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, and sodium are also available. It is one must have food for anyone with which almost all the dietary supplements are obtained. One most notable incident about the potato with the Ireland is the potato plague. It made the people of the entire country starve as they were reliant on the potato as their food crop. Celebrating National Potato Day highlights the note as one must have good health to live longer.
How to Celebrate National Potato Day
There are lots of interesting ways available by which you can celebrate the National Potato Day. You can add potatoes in small quantity in the daily meal you prepare. To make it spicy, prepare tasty potato fries, chips, mash potatoes with species, or cook hash browns with salt and pepper. To be more creative, you can try out a new dish yourself with potatoes and serve them hot to your friends and family. Buy Good Russian Vodka which is a distillation of potato to celebrate Potato Day in a unique way you want.
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helvetic-barbeque · 2 months
Smoked rösti with sausage and onion sauce - a Swiss classic
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justanothercookery · 8 months
Rösti mit pilzen
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Rösti-style potatoes with mushrooms and cheese, accompanied by caulifower and braised red cabbage on Friday 10 November 2023
A YouTube video for this recipe popped up on my mother's feed recently, and we both decided that we had to try it. I don't usually like YouTube recipes: they are too oily or too sugary. But this one struck a chord. We tried it and we were very happy that we did.
This served three people comfortably with vegetables. The red cabbage gave everything the perfect forest-like autumnal feel.
Next time, I would make two smaller rösti and make it more like a sandwich than an omelette, but this is the given method.
500 grams potatoes, grated and left to drain for at least 30 minutes
1 egg
2 tablespoons flour
Salt and pepper
500 grams sliced mushrooms
1 large onion, chopped
15 grams butter
Olive oil
Grate the potatoes and set them aside in a sieve or colander to drain.
Meanwhile, heat a large frying pan over a high heat and toss in the mushrooms. Cook until they begin to take on plenty of colour and release their liquid. The add a splash of oil and the onions, with some salt and pepper, and cook until the onions are soft and brown. Add the butter so that things caramelise.
When the mushrooms are done, turn off the heat.
Squeeze out the potatoes very well and then mix with the egg, flour, and some salt and pepper. In a lidded pan, heat a splash of oil. Spread out the potato mix across the base of the pan and cook, covered, over a low heat for five minutes.
Flip over the potato pancake and cook for a further five minutes on the other side, again with the lid on the pan.
Lay some Brie strips over one half of the pancake, followed by all of the mushrooms and top with a little more cheese. Turn the uncovered half of the pancake over onto the cheesey mushroom side, and cover and cook for about three minutes. Turn out onto a platter and serve.
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wildbeimwild · 8 months
Wolf: Bundesrat Rösti (SVP) umgeht Recht und Ordnung
Der Bundesrat handelt mit der per 1. Dezember 2023 in Kraft tretenden Jagdverordnung wider jegliche Rechtsstaatlichkeit. Bundesrat Rösti zeugt von fehlendem Verständnis für den Artenschutz und das Zusammenspiel von Alpwirtschaft, Wildtieren und Wald. Dieses Massaker ist gegen die Berner Konvention und den Entscheid des Stimmvolkes. Bundesrat Albert Rösti tritt Volkswillen mit den Füssen Die…
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magiskarp · 8 months
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Big latke
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greenbagjosh · 11 months
Sunday 9 August 1998 - prebreakfast TV - ride to Forch - Röstipizza for lunch - ride down the roller slide and the funny elk-light fixtures - train ride home and a ham focaccia for supper
Sunday 9 August 1998
Hi everyone, Hope your week is going well. It is supposed to be cooled down by today. Twenty years ago today I did a quick country train and bus ride around Zürich, after a long day in Zürich itself. Eventually I went back home to München.
watching Ottifanten and an Otto Waalkes sketch comedy show on TV
shower and breakfast in hotel
check out, walk to Rümlang S Bahn station, lock clothes bag in locker
take S Bahn to Stadelhofen, then S-18 to Esslingen via Forch
take bus from Forch to Uster, and S-Bahn from Uster to Zürich HB
lunch at the Brasserie Johanniter
S-10 train to Üetliberg, walk up to see the Uto Kulm observation area
train to Zürich Selnau, walk back to HB
take train with Sommer Spezial ticket to München Hbf
head home with U-5, U-4 and bus 37 home
arrive home and no one complains (thankfully)
make it to work for the final week And that was the summary of what I did on Sunday, 9th August 1998.
That was some noisy night last night, I am lucky to be back in my comfortable room with no roommates to have to listen to (loud music, snoring and so on), and I have my own TV set.
Breakfast was served until 10 AM at the hotel, so I watched a little TV before going. Since I am still such a big fan of Otto Waalkes since July 1991, I watched an episode of Ottifanten, which are anthropomorphic elephants, the main character voiced by Otto Waalkes himself. Then there was the live action sketch comedy show, with his "English for runaways" inexact English-to-German translations, plus the Kakao sketch.
After seeing Otto on TV, I took a shower, then had breakfast. The breakfast was better than at the hostel, the items were more delicious and the bread rolls were fresh. Well worth the extra 10 CHF I paid. After that I checked out with my clothes bag, and I took my day bag with the remaining sodas for the swig bottle. It was a twenty minute walk to the Rümlang S-Bahn station. My ticket was still valid for Zürich and Rümlang until 12:30 PM but I wanted to out of that zone for the day. In that case, what is the appropriate ticket to buy for all zones of the Zürcher Verkehrsverbund (Zürich regional rail district)? More likely than not, it would be the 9 AM ticket available daily and for about 18 CHF for all zones, valid only up to the last train of the day, likely just after midnight.
From Rümlang, I took the S-Bahn via Glattbrugg and Oerlikon to Zürich HB, where for 6 CHF I could store the clothes bag away for the day until it would be time to take the train home. I had until 5:15 PM that day to explore the Zürich region. So I thought, why not take the S-18 all the way to Esslingen ZH? To do that, I had to take the S-Bahn from platforms 21 to 24 to Stadelhofen, and change to the S-18 at its own stop near the theater (which on 24 July was playing The Truman Show). In 1998 I did not know about the Tram museum at Burgwies, close to Balgrist, which would be open at 11 AM. That would have been interesting. I made it a point later to visit, and between September 2011 and December 2016 I have since visited twice. Going further, the S-18 ran on the same tracks as the tram line 15 up to Rehalp, and after that, it went on a surface route up to Zumikon-Waltikon and went underground for Zumikon and Maiacher, before coming out of tunnel for Forch. After Forch and up to Esslingen, the train route was mainly single tracked. The day was nice, mid 70s and had interesting scenery, not too hilly. At the end was Esslingen and I had to take a bus, line 842, through Mönchaltorf ZH to Uster. I had been to Uster on 4th of July 1997 but only by accident. That incident was due to the fact that I did not alight the S-Bahn train at Stettbach as I should have. But this time Uster seemed familiar and I knew where I needed to go and where to alight.
The S-Bahn from Uster to Zürich, goes northwest past the Greifensee.and Dübendorf, before it goes into tunnel at Stettbach and emerges at Stadelhofen. Then there is another tunnel section from there to Zürich HB which is platforms 21 to 24. I alighted at Zürich HB and it was time for lunch. I wanted to go back to my favorite restaurant at the time, the Brasserie Johanniter, on Niederdorferstrasse 70. They were not so full as the previous night and they offered me a table outside. I had a Hürlimann 1 Liter, and on the seasonal menu, they were serving Rösti as a pizza. I could order a "quattro stagione" (four seasons) pizza on a bed of the hashbrowns. It was actually quite delicious, too bad I did not take a photo of it. With a full liter of beer, you have to take at least an hour to enjoy it. I think it was about 2 PM that I paid the bill and left for Üetliberg.
In 1998, the SZU, Sihltal-Zürich-Üetlibergbahn used the same platforms as today, but instead of platforms 21 and 22, the platforms were called just 1 and 2 back then. I took the S-10 the entire distance to Üetliberg via Triemli. It was a four-zone journey and my 9 AM ticket covered it with no problem. When I arrived at Üetliberg terminus, I left the train, walked up the steep pedestrian trail to Uto Kulm, and for the first time I saw the most bizarre light fixtures around, namely the Bruno Weber Hirschlampen. These were four lights on the antlers of giant elk. Also there is some planetary display on the trail. The Uto Kulm resort hotel is at the top, and costs around 200 CHF per night, which I could not afford then. The observation platform and tower are still open to the public. From there you can see from north Zürich into the Albisgütli where there is the late summer Knabenschiessen event, and further along Lake Zürich towards Rapperswil SG and Pfäffikon SZ. I had to take about twenty minutes to get a good view of everything and appreciate the many years I had known Zürich (my first visit was 1976 when I was about four).
It was getting close to 4 PM and I had to go back to the rail station. I thought I would have some time to walk from Selnau to the station, it was not a long journey, and being Sunday, the traffic would be light. I arrived about 4:45 PM and searched for some place to buy Victorinox knives but I could only find cheap store-brand replicas. They would have to suffice. I managed to collect my clothes bag, get to the train to München Hbf and board the right train car, as stated on my Sommer-Spezial ticket. My seat was in an open area of the first class compartment and with a window all to myself. At 5.15 PM the train left Zürich HB, I left seeing the Zürich insurance billboard just outside the station, and away it went. I took a few photos here and there, particularly getting close to St. Gallen. There was a bistro wagon going through the cars, and I could not pass up the ham and cheese sandwich on a focaccia-shaped bread roll. The train reached Bregenz about 7:45 PM. That was the only time the border guards were on the train, and the rest of the way it was uneventful. I think I took a nap between Lindau and Buchloe. As you might expect, the electrification did not start until the train passed Geltendorf, which is kind of the imaginary border of Oberbayern and the Ostallgäu. The sky was getting darker and about 9:50 PM the train pulled into München Hbf. There was no point remaining in the station so I headed home, first on the U-5 to Lehel, and caught the U-4 to Arabellapark, then the bus 37 to my apartment in the Freischützstraße. I entered quietly and no one told me off about my alarm clock.
And the next morning? It would be the final week of my Werkstudenttätigkeit, so all loose ends had to be tightened up, and paperwork had to be filled out for end-of-project, and I had to also take care of my apartment rental and last three nights in Paris for Summer 1998 before flying home. And buying this and that. So the next story may not be until Wednesday the 15th August. The 18th August is the "grand finale" of this saga.
Hope you enjoyed so far, Gute Nacht and bonne nuit!
PS Desirée is afraid of the dark, especially when she's in a park… (that was one song I heard repeatedly in Summer 1998, she had "You gotta be" in 1994)
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gargamel1961 · 1 year
Kartoffelpuffer mit Champignonsauce
Kartoffelpuffer mit Champignonsauce Die Kartoffelpuffer mit Champignonsauce sind schnell und einfach gezaubert und perfekt für ein herzhaftes Mittag- oder Abendessen geeignet. Kartoffelpuffer mit Champignonsauce Zutaten für 4 Personen: 1 kg Kartoffeln 400 ml Milch 2 Eier 2 Tl Salz 2 El Sahne 200 ml Sahne 50 g Butter 1 Dose Champignons 250 ml Gemüsebrühe Salz und Pfeffer Zubereitung: Die…
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syntronica · 1 year
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#Abendessen #Rösti mit Käseeinlage #käse #rösti @sabine.schneidewind (hier: Schneidewind Flughafen) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn49LLlIlWB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Lyxmiddag såhär på Nobeldagen! Till förrätt blev det skagenröra och rösti från @matbutikencajsawarg. 😋 Och ett glas vitt vin hade jag hemma. 🦐🍷 #skagenröra #rösti #matbutikencajsawarg #vittvin #förrätt #mums #nomnom #nofilter #middag #dinner #lyxmiddag #lyx #nobeldagen (på/i Bromma, Stockholm, Sweden) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl_3sv1MdAz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rabbitcruiser · 10 days
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National Turkey Lovers’ Day
Turkey Lovers’ Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June — on June 16 this year. It is dedicated to turkey lovers across America. For those who believe that Turkey is something they can only have on Thanksgiving, this day is quite an eye-opener. There are plenty of exciting and mouthwatering recipes you can make with turkey throughout the year. The fact that it is rich in protein and low in fat also makes it a healthy option.
History of Turkey Lovers’ Day
Compared to other national days, Turkey Lovers’ Day is relatively new. It was founded by the National Turkey Federation, an organization that has been promoting the use of turkey as part of America’s cuisine for the past eight decades, and Turkey Lovers’ Day was an important step in that direction.
There are many reasons why the National Turkey Federation decided to commemorate this day. Firstly, more turkey is consumed outside of Thanksgiving Day than during this festival. Secondly, more people are opening up to having turkey because of its nutritional value and rich taste. The NTF also feels that it has a responsibility towards turkey farmers and the industry in general since turkey is an important part of the American food industry.
Even though the commemoration of this day is not recognized by any law, the event has become quite popular simply because people love to have turkey and want to try out different recipes that they can prepare with turkey in the summer.
Turkey Lovers’ Day timeline
1621 The First Thanksgiving
With the first Thanksgiving Day, turkey meat becomes an integral part of the American diet.
1940 The NTF is Established
The National Turkey Federation begins to raise awareness about the turkey industry.
1990 Industry Diversification
The turkey industry becomes more diversified with new meat products being marketed aggressively.
2016 First National Turkey Lovers’ Day
The first National Turkey Lovers’ Day is celebrated in the U.S., as announced by the National Turkey Federation.
Turkey Lovers’ Day FAQs
Is every type of turkey meat safe?
You can be confident that your turkey meat is safe to eat if it carries the USDA-grade mark, which says that the U.S. government deems it safe for consumption.
Does age affect the flavor of turkey?
Younger turkey has a milder taste compared to older turkey and is generally used for frying or roasting. Older turkey meat is also quite flavorful and can be used for heavier and slow cooking.
Is frozen turkey meat less tasty?
There is absolutely no difference in taste between frozen and fresh turkey. Which one you prefer is based on convenience and whether fresh turkey meat is available in your local stores.
How to Celebrate Turkey Lovers’ Day
Organize a barbecue
Have a cooking contest
Create a social media page
Having a turkey barbecue with family, friends, and neighbors is a great way to celebrate Turkey Lovers’ Day. There are so many things you can make with turkey meat, including burgers, drumsticks, sandwiches, sausages, and more. The great thing is that you don’t have to worry about problems like cholesterol or high-fat content because turkey meat is very healthy. You can even make it an intimate family event if you do not want to invite a lot of people.
If you are like most people, you probably have not experimented with turkey meat a lot. Why not break that habit today by organizing a turkey cooking contest? Invite over your friends and try making some really fantastic new recipes with turkey meat, such as a turkey sandwich or even turkey tacos. You are sure to have hours of fun making these recipes and sharing them with your friends. You can even try selling your new turkey recipes to your local deli.
You can make a fun social media page dedicated to Turkey Lovers’ Day. It can be something as simple as uploading pictures or videos of you making a turkey recipe or even pictures of various turkey dishes. You can make your page more informative by sharing health facts about turkey meat, such as its protein and fat content, calories, and so on.
5 Facts About Bird Farming That Will Blow Your Mind
The impact of bird flu
More than 10 billion chickens slaughtered
A cause for mental stress
Supporting the farming industry
Poor hygiene standards
In 2015, a massive bird flu epidemic spread across the U.S., resulting in the deaths of 10% of poultry birds.
Each year, more than 10 billion chickens are slaughtered across the United States.
Working on poultry farms, especially slaughtering birds, causes mental stress in some workers.
Poultry manure is a useful material for the fertilizer industry.
The poultry industry is known to have poor hygiene standards because of the way birds are fed and handled.
Why we love Turkey Lovers’ Day
It lets you try a healthier alternative
It recognizes the efforts of turkey farmers
It makes our food richer
Turkey is known to be a highly nutritious and healthy option for red meat. Given that so many people are conscious of their health, cholesterol, and blood pressure, it can be quite beneficial to explore how turkey can be made part of your regular diet. It is widely available and is very easy to prepare.
The turkey industry is an important part of the American economy, both in terms of local consumption as well as exports. There are almost 2500 turkey farms in the U.S. that grow different varieties of turkey throughout the year. Our support is essential for them to continue production and contribute to the economy.
People are always looking out for new recipes and flavors. Celebrating Turkey Lovers’ Day is the perfect time to explore how new meals can be prepared using turkey meat. It is high-quality meat due to its high protein content and it is known to absorb different herbs and spices more readily than other meats.
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helvetic-barbeque · 2 months
Rauchgeküsste Rösti mit Bratwurst und Zwiebelsauce - Ein Schweizer Klassiker
Lass dich entführen in eine Welt des rauchigen Genusses mit unserem Rezept für “Rauchgeküsstes Rösti mit Bratwurst und Zwiebelsauce”. Ein Gericht, das die urige Schweizer Küche mit einer Note von BBQ-Rauch würzt. Ideal für Outdoor-Enthusiasten und alle, die ihren Gaumen mit einem Hauch von Abenteuer verwöhnen möchten. Zutaten: 4 große festkochende Kartoffeln 1 EL Salt & Pepper Rub von Helvetic…
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nummymuffin · 2 years
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#dinnerisserved #purplecabbage #rösti https://www.instagram.com/p/CjGayQAsF6x/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ochikeron · 2 years
Rösti (3-Ingredient Crispy Potato Pancake) ロスティ じゃがいものパンケーキ スイスの伝統料理 | O...
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