#quran reflection
lovelyprimroses · 2 years
Ramadan Countdown: 71 Days Left!
"If you feel like everyone’s dream is moving forward, and we just stay still on our path, just remember that Allah is Al Muqaddim and Al Mu’akhir."
from inspiredbysiti.com
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rahidelvi · 6 months
[2:24] And if you cannot do this,
and you will not be able to do this,
then beware
the Fire 🔥
whose fuel is people and rocks,
it has been prepared for the kafireen.
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suhyla · 7 months
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The Prophet ﷺ said: Allah the Almighty said: “I am as My servant expects Me to be. I am with him when he makes mention of Me. If he makes mention of Me to himself, I make mention of him to Myself; and if he makes mention of Me in an assembly, I make mention of him in an assemble better than it. And if he draws near to Me an arm’s length, I draw near to him a fathom’s length. And if he comes to Me walking, I go to him at speed.”
What this means is the way we choose to see Allah is the way we will find Him. The more we invest in our relationship with Allah, the more we find. Our relationship with Allah allows us to feel loved, seen, protected, supported, and healed. But only if we see our relationship with Him in that way. Like any relationship, it grows with regular conversation. With trust. With vulnerability. With effort. With consistency. And the best thing is Allah already knows us better than we know ourselves. So why don’t we approach Him while truly internalizing that? That He already knows what we hope for, the gentleness we need, and how we feel. Doesn’t that make it easier to be vulnerable with Him?
Our relationship with Allah is one of those things we have to experience for ourselves to appreciate. You can tell others to make duaa for you. But don’t you want to experience what it’s like to make a secret duaa and have Allah respond to you? To be sad about something and have Allah Himself cheer you up in a way that only someone who knows you deeply can? To secretly wish for something and have someone with the power to help you reach it and whose nearness to you means He is with you at every step of the process? All these moments fill us with love for Him.
If you don’t know how to approach Allah with love, ask Him to show you how. Put in effort every day and show up even when it’s hard to. It will be your most rewarding relationship. It will heal you in ways you didn’t know were possible. It will fill you with love and light, and make everything easier. It will make you more compassionate. One who has someone they can fully depend on, trust, and be vulnerable with feels able to take on anything that comes their way. Let that someone be Allah 🩵
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humanitypostsunrise · 3 months
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Reading surah Maryam I learnt something.
People questioned her chastity- and most likely shamed and questioned her.
Allah swt told Maryam PBUH to not speak to anybody
That is when baby Isa a.s spoke from the cradle and defended his mother, also explaining he was a messenger of Allah swt.
Allah swt knew Maryam pbuh didn’t do any adultery. And obviously if someone came to you today and accused you of committing a crime you didn’t, the first thing you would do is try to clear your name.
Yet Maryam PBUH was ordered not to speak to anybody. And look at the miracle. Her baby spoke for her!
Today we feel lonely- people say bitter things to us, we might be correct even, but be patient. God has a plan for you.
Surah Maryam (19:26):
“So eat and drink, and put your heart at ease. But if you see any of the people, say, ‘I have vowed silence1 to the Most Compassionate, so I am not talking to anyone today.’”
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b-lessings · 1 year
A couple of years ago, I forgot who actually said it but I was listening to a khutbah or something on YouTube, and the speaker said that once you reach a certain level it's like you unlock a channel with Allah swt and you start hearing what He swt is trying to tell you, you start seeing the signs, you sort of become in a constant communication with Allah swt even in the simplest of ways, etc etc. And that always fascinated me, the thought alone, like imagine being able to communicate with Allah swt in very simple ways without needing much steps or idk.. anyways, fast forward today, right now, I got on Tumblr and wanted to write a post about my struggle with music now that I am spending the summer in Tunisia, and how the culture, especially in summer, with all the festivals and the weddings and the parties, revolves around music and you find yourself exposed to that constantly, and most often unwillingly.. and how it was so much easier for me to control my exposure to music back home. But then, I discarded the mental notification that told me to write the post and kept passively scrolling.. a few scrolls down I am met with one of my most favorite verses from my most favorite surah :
و ألقيت عليك محبة مني ( سورة طه )
So I automatically smiled and was about to reblog it as my initial reaction to it, but then I felt like it was a message from Allah swt reminding me of the time of my life I was so obsessed with surat Ta Ha, I would listen to it religiously, on repeat, I even managed to learn parts of it just from listening, and it reminding me of those times where I would use the time I am commuting to listen to my daily Qur'an playlist, and it did feel that Allah swt is answering the post I haven't even posted, He swt acknowledging and resolving that only existed in my thoughts, and it gets better! He swt chose my favorite surah as a reminder because He swt - the All-knowing - obviously knows my attachement to surat Ta Ha and knows it would invoke such a positive emotional reaction in me. Now tell me this isn't a proof of this verse from surat Ta Ha as well:
وَاِنۡ تَجۡهَرۡ بِالۡقَوۡلِ فَاِنَّهٗ يَعۡلَمُ السِّرَّ وَاَخۡفٰى
20:7) Whether you speak out aloud (or in a low voice), He knows what is said secretly, and even that which is most hidden.
And a reminder of this verse from surat Qaf
وَلَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا الْإِنسَانَ وَنَعْلَمُ مَا تُوَسْوِسُ بِهِ نَفْسُهُ ۖ وَنَحْنُ أَقْرَبُ إِلَيْهِ مِنْ حَبْلِ الْوَرِيدِ (16)
(50:16) Surely We19 have created man, and We know the promptings of his heart, and We are nearer to him than even his jugular vein.
The point is, indeed Allah swt is closer to us than we can ever imagine or perceive with our human abilities, all we have to do is listen.
Alhamdullillah for such a beautiful religion 🥹.
- A. Z. 🤍🍃
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quranjournals · 6 months
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P/S: the more and utmost situation we go through in a nick of time or day by day, the more we grow into something beautiful but with a beautiful patience!! you need a beautiful patience to get through things and to get the reward most with Allah Azzawajal. not a thing is wasted. please remember this✨
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deenwoman · 9 months
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ameliabedilia · 30 days
Quran Reflect: Finding Relief in Trusting in Allah:
Imagine standing at the edge of a vast desert, feeling overwhelmed by the seemingly endless expanse of sand. Each grain represents the challenges and uncertainties that life throws at us. Yet, in the midst of this desert, there’s a hidden oasis—an unexpected source of sustenance and relief. This verse beautifully encapsulates the essence of divine providence.
The root word يَرْزُقْ (yarzuq), meaning to provide, is a testament to the unseen pathways of mercy that Allah creates for those who place their trust in Him. Life’s trials might leave us feeling alone and unsupported, but this verse is a reminder that reliance on Allah is like tapping into an inexhaustible well of support.
The word يَتَوَكَّلْ (yatawakkal) speaks to the deep act of entrusting our worries to the One who is more than capable of handling them. It's a spiritual surrender, a release of the heavy burdens we carry. In return, the assurance of حَسْبُهُ (hasbuhu)—His sufficiency—comforts our hearts, reaffirming that we are never truly alone in our struggles.
This verse inspires us to look beyond the immediate hardships, to recognize that with faith and trust, help often comes from the most unexpected sources.
This verse is a beacon of hope, reminding us that no matter how vast the desert of life’s challenges, the oasis of Allah’s mercy is never far away.
وَيَرْزُقْهُ مِنْ حَيْثُ لَا يَحْتَسِبُ وَمَن يَتَوَكَّلْ عَلَى ٱللَّهِ فَهُوَ حَسْبُهُۥٓ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ بَٰلِغُ أَمْرِهِۦ قَدْ جَعَلَ ٱللَّهُ لِكُلِّ شَىْءٍ قَدْرًا
"and provide for them from sources they could never imagine. And whoever puts their trust in Allah, then He ˹alone˺ is sufficient for them. Certainly Allah achieves His Will. Allah has already set a destiny for everything." (At-Talaq 3)
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alawahiyalqalb · 1 year
If you think about it, all Allah SWT really asks from you is to try. Allah SWT knows His creation. He knows that us humans- we aren’t perfect. So try. Try to lay out your prayer mat. Try to talk to him. Try to complete this fast. You aren’t a bad muslim for making mistakes in your past. No matter how bad it was, Allah SWT’s forgiveness and mercy and love is there to take care of all of it for you.
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eay1esha · 2 months
Regarding Piety :
Do you think by reading Taurat, Injil, Zabur,  Qur'an is going to make you pious in a short period of time?
You need GUIDANCE from الله to achieve piety. 
#forgive #pardon #overlook 
#realize #reflect #reason #growth #roots
#beforeislam #afterislam #people
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dedi-ashour · 2 months
{وَلَقَدْ زَيَّنَّا السَّمَاءَ الدُّنْيَا بِمَصَابِيحَ}
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suniah · 7 months
إِنَّا جَعَلْنَا مَا عَلَى ٱلْأَرْضِ زِينَةًۭ لَّهَا لِنَبْلُوَهُمْ أَيُّهُمْ أَحْسَنُ عَمَلًۭا ٧
We have indeed made whatever is on earth as an adornment for it, in order to test which of them is best in deeds.— 18:7
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suhyla · 6 months
At the height of his calamity, after losing two more sons upon the already painful loss of Yusuf, Yaqoub makes a conscious decision to exercise patience. Not just any patience, but beautiful patience. A patience that made him expect only the best from Allah. A patience that made him say, perhaps such a painful calamity is happening so that Allah can reunite me with all my sons. Perhaps behind this tragedy is what I have longed for all these years. Perhaps this is the beginning of my relief. Allah is the Most Knowing, the Wise. This cannot be happening without a purpose.
It does not befit a servant of Allah to know the vastness of His mercy and assume that anything other than tremendous good awaits in the most seemingly tragic moments. Allah does everything for a reason. But we need to practice beautiful patience. We need to assume only the best of Allah because whoever knows Allah knows that He is the Most Merciful. So surely, every pain will be followed with great relief. Every sadness only exists because an even greater happiness will come out of it. Everything we go through is to prepare us for the good that will inevitably come. It is part of the process. When you know Allah, you hear patience knowing that what is to come out of your calamity is greater than anything you could dream of.
Yaqoub was so sure of Allah’s mercy that he not only expected only good from Allah, but he told his sons to go look for Yusuf, whom he lost decades ago. The sons were focused on the brothers they just lost. Imagine their incredulity when Yaqoub tells them to look for Yusuf and his brothers. Not just the brothers in Egypt. They did not take him seriously.
But what followed Yaqoub’s great expectations of Allah and his certainty in Allah’s mercy? Allah soon gave him glad tidings of Yusuf not only being alive and a Prophet, but becoming the Aziz of Egypt. His son, who was overpowered by his brothers, has been given power over a kingdom by Allah. His son whom he lost in the most heart-wrenching way was under Allah’s care and achieved even more than he would have had he remained in his father’s arms. Every little detail was accounted for. Every harm was followed by an even greater reward. Every pain was followed by an even greater happiness. The generosity of Allah was manifest. Allah gave Yaqoub more than he expected of Him.
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seobtwwi · 11 months
“…And whoever fears Allah - He will make for him a way out. And will provide for him from where he does not expect. And whoever relies upon Allah - then He is sufficient for him…”
- Quran [65 : 2-3]
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revealingcontentment · 6 months
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unimiff · 2 months
Tentang Juli 2024
Alhamdulillah, bulan Juli ditutup dengan kenangan manis bersama Al-Qur'an: terbitnya antologi Mozaik Cerita Mahasiswa Penghafal Qur'an bersama teman-teman dan asatiz di Indonesia Qur'an Foundation dan belajar banyak di sebuah lomba Qur'an untuk abdi negeri: MTQ KORPRI VII tingkat Sumatera Barat 2024
Sesungguhnya, jujurly kalau kata anak Jaksel, ini adalah lomba tahfiz pertamaku yang untuk umum (dulu palingan kan IQF Olympiad untuk internal asrama). Dan dari sebelum memutuskan untuk ikut, ada yang aku takutkan dari eksposur ini. Aku takut, nantinya tidak bisa menjadi "duta Qur'an" yang baik. Entah itu di dunia kerja ataupun di dunia sehari-hari lainnya. Di mana ketika diri ini yang tentunya masih banyak kesalahan dan pasti akan pernah berbuat kesalahan di masa depan, akan ada pandangan negatif kepada Al-Qur'an dan orang-orang yang berusaha untuk menghafalkan dan mempelajarinya. Maka, jika ada kesalahan dari kami, salahkanlah perilakunya, oknumnya saja. Sementara Al-Qur'an, ia adalah kalamullah yang begitu mulia dan sempurna.
Mohon doanya agar kita semua selalu dalam penjagaan-Nya. Mohon doanya yang banyak, selalu.
20240730 - Simpang Empat
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