#quite literally i think this has happened only twice before ? so this is the third time
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wonderxshows · 1 year ago
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ch0k3herwithaseaview · 11 months ago
@jegulus-microfic | march 25 eyeliner | words: 819
tw: child abuse, blood, mentions of violence in the past
James was going mad, and it was all Walburga’s doing.
It all started when Regulus finally got out of this horrible imitation of a home. The boy was barely past his sixteenth birthday at the time; when he fell out of the Potters' fireplace, Regulus looked even worse than Sirius did the night he ran away. The older brother has been beaten up badly but could manage to stand on his own; on the other hand, the night the younger brother got out, he was fighting for a breath like a man drowning; his whole face was swollen and covered in blood.
When Regulus appeared in their living room, only James and Sirius were home. At the sight of him, they both panicked to the point where they forgot how to think. All Sirius could do was turn Regulus onto his back and hold his head so the younger boy wouldn’t choke on his own blood while crying and begging anyone who would listen to keep his baby brother alive. At the same time, James was running around the house, looking for something—anything—to help his best friend’s brother.
Thankfully, Effie and Monty arrived only a few minutes after Regulus, and as soon as they processed what was happening, they took all three boys to St. Mungo’s.
Not even a week later, Regulus looked like nothing had ever happened to him. At first, all he did around the house was eat, sleep, and argue with Sirius, but as time passed, the arguments turned into talks and helping each other. James didn’t have to ask to know the Black Brothers were trying to fix their relationship; he saw it in the way Sirius talked about Reggie and how he started bringing the younger boy with them on nights out and letting him into his own world. The change was noticeable in Regulus, too; he opened up a little, spent time with James’ parents, and started trying out muggle stuff like records, Polaroid, or cigarettes. Maybe James didn’t know him well, but he understood that those little things were important both for Sirius and Regulus.
In the first half of August, when Regulus was at their house for a little over a month, James found him sitting on a bench in their backyard. He was reading ‘Crime and Punishment’ Effie gave him, while James’ own copy waited to be read under his arm.
“Do you like it?” the Gryffindor asked, taking a seat next to Regulus.
The boy raised his head slowly, evidently reading the last few words on that page. When their eyes met, James literally lost his mind. Not only that, he also lost his ability to hear, feel, and think—everything except for seeing—because right there in front of him sat the boy he always found beautiful, yet at that moment James couldn’t come up with anything as mesmerising as Regulus’ silvery eyes outlined with heavy black. This mix must’ve outshined the star Regulus was named after. James felt like he could fly just by looking into those eyes; he started thinking of a son-
“Potter? Are you quite alright?” A gentle hand on his shoulder pulled James out of his haze. He blinked once, twice, and a third time for good measure before he closed his mouth (When did I even open them?), swallowed thickly, and mumbled something unintelligible. It was Regulus’ time to blink. After a second, the boy burst out into a loud laugh. “Oh god, Potter, come on! It’s just a little bit of eyeliner; Sirius wears it all the time!” Reg kept laughing, still holding James’ shoulder.
“Yeah,” the older boy managed to spit out when the other started calming down. “But he doesn’t look half as good as you do.” Regulus froze, the grin on his face turning into a sheepish little smile, a pretty pink creeping up his pale cheeks. “Oh,” James started, wondering why he’d said that. “I—I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable; I’m so, so very sorry, I—"
“That’s alright, James. I’m-“ The younger boy cleared his throat and ran a hand through his hair nervously. “I’m glad you like it,” he finished, biting his lower lip and still smiling a bit.
James, whose smile was normally big and bright, smiled shyly at Regulus.
“Do you mind if I-?” he pointed at his book. The younger Black looked over at him and shook his head slightly.
“Not at all; we can discuss the story later, if you’d like?” It came out as a question more than a statement, so James nodded once and started reading from where he finished last night.
The silence surrounding them was comforting—just a little buzz of bugs flying around and wind rustling leaves on an apple tree a bit ahead of them. Surrounded by all of it and still slightly nervous from earlier, neither of them noticed the glances they were stealing at each other.
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dear-ao3 · 1 year ago
Ask for f1 drama
i shall continue my tales of regaling you all
this edition: las vegas
so as it currently stands (november 14, 2023) there are two races left in the 2023 f1 season. one is this weekend in las vegas and one is next weekend in abu dhabi. we already know who has won the drivers and contractors (team) championship (max verstappen and red bull) but theres still some loose ends in the form of second third fourth etc place that need some tying up.
and the standings for the lower places of the championship are all quite tight:
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theres still a whole lot of action that can come there
which brings us to las vegas
vegas is a new race on the calendar, meaning no one has ever raced there on this track before (and likely no one will again based on how its going) and it is a street circuit, so they are literally racing on the las vegas strip.
now, prior to all the new stuff that came to light for this weekend, f1 royally managed to piss off las vegas by (probably) making tax payers (the people of vegas) pay for the strip to be repaved (several million dollars), wreaking absolute havoc on their town, shutting off the fountains, blocking things off, making traffic a nightmare and most terribly, saying that they would block off/put blackout on any stores or windows of stores or hotels who didnt want to pay a several thousand dollar fee to f1, basically making the race not viewable to anyone for free. (note that they have several other street circuit races in the calendar and they don't do this there). so it was already a nightmare.
now it gets more fun!
the race is in the middle of november in las vegas (which, for all intents and purposes, is a desert) and they decided for some unholy reason to make this a night race. i think it starts at 11 pm local time. and low and behold, the organizers just happened to forget (and they admitted that they did indeed forget) that it gets very cold at night in the desert. right now its projected to be 44-47 degrees f ( about 4/5 degrees c). f1 cars are fragile little machines that get grumpy in the wrong conditions and boy let me tell you, this is absolutely the wrong conditions. if it is indeed This Cold at the race, it will make it the coldest race in f1 history. last i heard people weren't entirely sure that the cars would work or that the tires would cooperate.
the track set up is woefully abysmally. to get the tires warm, the lads would need some good corners to zoom around to get the tires up to temperature where they can go vroom zoom fast, but, there are not too many corners. below is the track. as you can see, theres a lot of straights, and thus, not many good opportunities to get the tires nice and hot, further affecting car performance
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the pit lane (you know where everyone usually goes at least once or twice to change their tires) is quite possibly in the worst spot it could be. it is on the tiny straight right before turn 1. when you go into the pitlane, the tires lose a good amount of heat (or all of it if you're going in to get fresh tires) and they need to warm the tires back up. problem is, they're going to be zooming out of the pitlane basically directly into turns 1 2 and 3, on cold rubber, in a cold race. but it gets better, because of the way the track is set up, this positioning of the pitlane, if the exits are not timed correctly, will cause collisions because the pitlane exit it basically right where the cars on the track need to go in order to get the most speed (its more technical than this and someone else can fully explain the pitlane disaster better, but this is it in very simple terms i think). the pitlane is around where that arrow is.
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so not only will it be cold and the pitlane cause accidents and the cars won't work, they don't have names for any of the corners and straights. so right now the map of the track looks like this which is batshit hilarious
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and to top it off!! no one has raced here! no one knows how the cars will perform!! its going to be a shit show! god save the poorest little meow meows!!
and unrelated but there is a chapel in the paddock at the race, just for some spice, called race to the alter
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bestworstcase · 1 year ago
do you have theories about how the aura transfer machine is going to inevitably come into play
this is timely, because i’ve been chewing on it quite a lot lately.
let’s talk about the rule of threes!
the basic idea is that important things in stories often come in threes. narrative triads are a staple of fairytale/folklore in particular, which makes it very salient to the rwby narrative. often, you’ll see the rule of three described as a pattern where a thing happens a certain way twice, and then once more differently (aab); there are other configurations. abc/cba or abc/abc is pretty common in fairytales—think the “questing hero does a kindness to three entities and each repays with a favor later on” structure—and simple repetitions (aaa) or progressive triplets (a-A-A!) aren’t uncommon either.
the rule of threes gets cited a lot in discussions on the maidens and the ATMs in particular. this is a little thorny because maidens come in fours, not threes; i think rwby is taking advantage of this mathematical problem to develop multiple interlocking triads. we’ll call this the Fourth Maiden Exclusion Principle. 
our first set of triads occur within each season. the seasonal triads, if you will. all of them—so far—follow this basic pattern:
fragile -> false -> freed
where the first maiden is introduced in a vulnerable state, the second maiden is either literally false (not really a maiden) or perceived as illegitimate, and the seasonal arc ends with third maiden removed from ozpin’s hierarchy and separated from her vault. thus:
amber -> pyrrha -> cinder
(spring) -> vernal -> raven
fria -> penny -> winter
the last spring maiden is unusual in that she’s a posthumous character, but she’s described as having been “a child” who ran away because the responsibility was “too much for her” and raven says she was “weak” and “scared.” we also know that raven mercy-killed her.
so the question to ask here is whether the summer maiden will repeat this pattern. if i’m correct about the Fourth Maiden Exclusion Principle, the answer is “no.” our triad is [fall-spring-winter] and our excluded fourth, in this case, is summer. 
[SIDEBAR: the maiden arcs are following the gifts in reverse order (choice -> knowledge -> creation -> destruction). the seasons being “wrong” is a misdirection. thank u.]
our second set of triads interlace the maiden arcs. we’ll call them the perennial triads (laugh!). there are three Big Ones. 
the first is the presumptive ATM triad, which might be drawn in two ways: 
[amber-fria-(summer)] + (spring) 
[pyrrha-winter-(summer)] + raven.
the former being three maidens fed to the machines, the latter recipients of machine transfers. the triad is [fall-winter-summer] and the excluded fourth is spring.
the second is the triad of maidens cinder tries to Get. i will discuss my reasoning for bracketing it like this in a bit, bear with me:
[amber-raven-penny] + (summer)
and finally, the third is the triad of maidens who got eaten by the fairytale, as it were:
[pyrrha-(spring)-penny] + (summer)
note that these last two match the seasonal triad-of-triads: [fall-spring-winter] + summer. This Is Important.
but before we get into the weeds of the Machine Question, we first need to sketch out why i don’t think cinder is going to go after the summer maiden. for the benefit of newcomers and in case this breaks containment, Mainly. it boils down to:
salem’s going to beacon next.
it is established in V4 that a) the crown is still in its vault, b) salem believes the vault is at beacon, c) the vault is Hidden, and d) salem has someone [summer rose] stationed at beacon to search for it. in V8, salem notes that The Situation Has Not Changed; she is preoccupied with gaining access to the lamp so that she can use it to discover the crown’s location. (<- the first thing she asks oscar is where ozma hid the crown; she asks for the password to the lamp only after confirming that oscar doesn’t know.) having been frustrated in her effort to wring the location out of oscar and with the lamp now out of questions, her obvious next move is to go to beacon.
she is also two for two on relics swiped after someone else—not cinder—opened the vault, and two for two on cinder Almost Fucking Dying at the hands of other maidens. she’s realizing that her opponents will open those vaults if she squeezes them hard enough, and the sword presents an obvious temptation for vacuo’s defenders; she also won’t be able to access the crown at all if cinder dies. the skeleton-key plan is a wash.
and, with the coalition in vacuo galvanized by the imminent existential threat of another massive attack, the strongest next move for salem is to do nothing: quietly go to beacon, search for the crown, and run out the clock while her opponents wait. the longer she can draw this out, the shakier that coalition is going to get as people get complacent or start to doubt that an attack is coming at all. 
(it is also something of a toss-up whether salem plans to launch another assault; she hit beacon and atlas with overwhelming force to take ozpin off the board, but for haven she planned a covert infiltration.)
so salem has a lot of compelling reasons for going to beacon, and none for rushing to vacuo. further, the end of V9, the epilogue storyboard, and the second rwby x jl film collectively indicate that at a minimum, salem will not be in vacuo at the top of V10. a V7ish scenario where salem doesn’t arrive until the end of the volume is not out of the question (although i do think she’ll be in V10, just at beacon). 
and she will, of course, want to keep cinder close, both for the purpose of opening the beacon vault and because she will need to manage cinder’s ongoing rebellion very carefully. cinder may not Like This, but a) she she swanned away from the winter maiden without a backwards glance because she Doesn’t Care About The Power That Much, she just wants to Win The Power Struggle With Salem, and b) the vault and the relic of choice and being The Only One Who Can Do This are going to appeal to her too, again for power struggle reasons.
and since the skeleton key plan is a wash, it’s likely that salem will try to ease cinder off the idea of Getting the summer maiden so as to avoid risking a repeat of what happened in atlas. that, plus the nascent villain->hero arc developments involved in returning to the choice arc, taper cinder off the maiden hunting such that i do not think she’s going to be a central player in the summer maiden arc. (or obsessed with winter, for that matter.)
the summer maiden arc, sans cinder
okay. here we go!
in order for the ATM triad to eventuate, as i believe it will, someone in vacuo is going to need a reason to pull that trigger. at beacon and in atlas, the reason was cinder. cinder is also the reason both of those transfers failed. because cinder is probably Not In Vacuo, the ATM triad is almost certainly the a-a-b pattern; the negated pair both failed because cinder deliberately provoked them for the purpose of gaining access to the maiden, so i think the likely reversal here is that a machine transfer initiated in a non-crisis situation will succeed. 
this is a puzzle, because the ATMs are unequivocally Not Good. every single character in the story is on the same page about this; even ironwood regards it as a necessary evil. there is an asterisk here for pietro because the only person harmed by his use of the machines is himself and he made the choice freely. but in any other circumstance, using the ATM is wrong, because That’s Murder. so the decision to use an ATM in vacuo to transfer a maiden is not one that can be made lightly.
thus we have to consider what circumstances could lead to that decision, and to do that we need to zoom out a little.
let’s assume the CFVY novels are both canonical and relevant to the narrative of the show proper, as RH was to V9.
i submit that there are two (2) possible summer maidens hinted at in before the dawn. one of them is sun’s cousin, starr sanzang, who appears briefly at the end of the book and has an “uncanny sense” for the weather.
the other is gillian asturias.
she and her twin brother, jax, are the leaders of a virulently xenophobic nationalist movement called the crown; they believe themselves to be direct descendants of the defunct vacuan monarchy, all the way back to malik the sunderer, first king of vacuo. their “evidence” (such as it is) is a crown-shaped birthmark supposed to be had by every member of the royal lineage. gill’s, however, is actually a brand,implied to have been done to her by her father when she was an infant.
gill is the power behind the crown. her semblance siphons aura; in the novel, she uses captives as batteries to make herself virtually invincible. on the battlefield, she glows with a brilliant iridescent light—brighter than the moon. 
their mother—luna asturias—developed some sort of sickness during pregnancy that caused her aura to rapidly deplete and gradually waste away; she died due to complications during an emergency c-section. jax was born with the same condition; gillian’s aura was “elevated” from birth. their father believes that her semblance manifested before she was even born and ate her mother’s and brother’s auras. 
right before the climactic battle, there is a brief skirmish with gill and her lieutenant, carmine, in an abandoned dust mine, which ends with the kids deliberately triggering a cave-in by blowing up a vein of dust. this is the result:
“Did it work?” she asked Octavia. Octavia shook her head. “I think we got Carmine, but just before everything came down on our heads, Gill flew backward and out of the cave.” “Carmine’s telekinesis,” Velvet said. “She used it to save her friend at the last second.”
then, during the actual battle:
He heard gunfire and then Dust bullets exploded against Gill, amped by Coco’s Semblance. Gill stepped back, swatting at her face as though the explosive rounds were no more annoying than bugs.
if you wanted to hide a maiden in plain sight in a canonical ancillary novel, this is how you to do it. 
gillian is extraordinarily powerful. flying, being surrounded by visibly glowing haloes, and banishing bullets with the flick of a hand are all Maiden Things—and also Gillian Things carefully given plausible deniability through the eyes of POV characters who don’t know about the maidens and interpret what they see as effects of a semblance. 
gillian herself is stridently opposed to the use of dust for reasons; if she is a maiden, she has compelling political and ideological reasons not to use the dust-like elemental magic that comes with being a maiden. if she started lobbing fireballs, everyone would assume she was using dust to do it, and that would make her look like a raging hypocrite. but covertly using magic to augment what she can do with fifty people’s aura? sure.
and the summer maiden is the maiden of destruction. the asturias family identity revolves around descent from a man named malik the sunderer. her fanatic of a father BRANDED HER with the mark of this legacy as an infant. her dead mother who sickened and died in childbirth is named for the moon. 
when ozma ended the great war, he did it in vacuo, the crown on his head and the sword in hand. jax asturias is the leader of the crown, the twin with the real birthmark, the mind of the operation. gill is the power—very literally the source of his strength, because she lends him some of her own aura, and metaphorically his shield and his sword.
and furthermore, the lesson taught by the summer maiden in the fairytale is “don’t view the world at a distance; take an active part in it and the events around you.” gill’s backstory very closely mirrors salem’s in one key way—their mothers die in childbirth, and their fathers see them as the cause—BUT. where salem’s father locked her in a tower about it, finn asturias  chose differently:
“[Gill’s semblance] had caused us so much pain, but I couldn’t blame her, an unborn baby, doing what we all do: trying to survive. Over the years, I taught her to control her Semblance, and over time we unlocked her true ability—she doesn’t just sap Aura from others; she can transfer it, too. It turned out her power, which had seemed like such a curse, could be a force for good as well. She had a large reserve of Aura already, and so she shared some of it with her brother. And he began to thrive.”
throughout the novel there is also a recurring thread of other people (theodore, finn, rumpole) remarking on how much promise gill had and how she could have been a great huntress—if only she hadn’t stuck with her brother. once jax’s mind-control semblance is found out, everyone assumes that he’s using it to keep gill under his thumb… but he isn’t. his semblance straight up does not work on her, possibly because her aura powers it. 
so gillian embodies the summer maiden’s lesson in two different ways; her father made a Huge Point of making sure she could take part in the world (instead of isolating her as salem’s father did), and gill bucked everyone’s assumptions about what she should do, actively following her own ambitions instead of passively accepting the expectation placed on her. 
gill is alive and in custody at the end of the novel. (jax likewise, although his memory was at least temporarily wiped.) if she’s the summer maiden, that ticks the box for summer being the excluded fourth in the seasonal triad-of-triads; she is not, in any sense except moral, fragile.
and gill as the summer maiden throws an interesting curveball at the Machine Question: what to do with a maiden who can also absorb the auras of fifty people to turbo charge her abilities, when that maiden is a reactionary nationalist who led a violent insurgency a few weeks ago and the only thing keeping her in jail is that she loves her brother and he’ll die without her? what do you do with her when you expect salem to rock up with another legion of grimm any day now? 
maybe you look at a machine meant for ripping aura out of a person to put in somebody else, and then look at her brother who has almost no aura of his own, and see a way for everyone to win? it isn’t like gillian asturias has any objection to transferring her own aura to her brother. she’s spent most of their lives doing exactly that, because she loves him.
the only difference is that the ATM can make that transfer permanent.
it won’t kill her: partial transfers are possible, and she’ll still have her ability to siphon aura. 
it might strip her of the maiden power, and—because the magic will only cleave to a woman—there is at least a chance that something like what happened with amber, pyrrha, and cinder can be deliberately triggered with gillian’s willing cooperation. transfer half gill’s aura to jax while gill focuses on an eligible candidate (cough, starr, cough), and maybe you can convince the magic to separate from gillian’s aura, leave her and jax, and hop into the chosen heir instead, just as it would if gillian died.
the reasoning is sound. gill would probably agree to do it for her brother’s sake; she and jax already share her aura, a permanent split between them would give them both an average amount of aura, and the transfer being partial would keep their consciousnesses separate, thus avoiding the Ozma Problem. all the thorny ethical problems involved in using the machines are avoided, and the magic’s rules are bent (gill lives) but not broken (the machine triggers an ordinary transfer), which reduces the risk that the magic will resist or break free. 
and if it does go wrong, the most probable outcome is that the magic ends up split between the asturias twins—which is not ideal, but you’ve also earned some goodwill from both of them by helping jax and you can maybe pitch them on an enemy-of-my-enemy alliance to defend vacuo from salem because they sure as fuck aren’t about to join her.
this is a) the only scenario where i can plausibly imagine RWBYJNOR et al deciding to use the ATM to transfer a maiden, and b) the only one i can imagine succeeding without having dire repercussions. 
the other possibility—one i think is all but guaranteed if gill isn’t the summer maiden—is that a villain uses the ATM to steal the maiden power, with dire repercussions. 
and in either case, as long as we’re prognosticating interminably on the summer maiden arc, we might as well think about what the shape of the V10 narrative arc might look like if salem isn’t in vacuo. 
the first point to address here is how inadequate tyrian is for the job of leading the operation in vacuo. he is extremely good at indiscriminate killing and quite bad at everything else; watts was in charge in V7 because watts is a competent strategist. tyrian lacks focus and discipline. in the short term, he’ll start and spread fires; in the longer term, if salem intends to bide her time, she needs someone reliable.
summer rose has been holding beacon against vale’s huntsmen for the last year or so whilst searching for the vault. she’s been with salem fourteen years. there is no question that salem both trusts and relies on her. even if it weren’t a binary choice between her and cinder, she’s the obvious pick. once salem arrives at beacon, she can take over the operation there, send summer ahead to handle vacuo, and keep cinder safely away from any other maidens.
the strategic end of salem’s operation in vacuo is to retrieve the sword from the vault under shade academy. she is undoubtedly prepared to deliver a siege and capture shade by force, but as with haven it’s more likely that Plan A is to do things quietly.
summer also has an immediate personal interest in accomplishing this goal without an open assault (her daughters are leading the defending coalition) and, given the level of autonomy implied by salem handing off beacon to her for a year+, probably broad latitude to make the tactical decisions she deems best.
so summer’s priority is finding the summer maiden and getting her to open the vault. she herself is probably not an eligible maiden candidate—she’s in her forties—so maiden-killing is out. her options are to persuade the summer maiden, or capture her and steal the magic if she can get her hands on an ATM. 
meanwhile, the crown is in shambles with the asturias twins in custody and the vacuo coalition holding strong in the face of the assumed-to-be-imminent threat, plus morale bolstered by team RWBY and jaune’s return. but the cracks still show. vacuans have always been hostile to outsiders, and the refugees are putting an enormous strain on the already-impoverished kingdom, even with aid pouring in from vale and mistral. the crown’s core supporters are people who believe that allowing refugees into vacuo will weaken its defenses, and the longer this drags on, the more they can capitalize on tensions to stoke dissent. 
gill and jax are bound to escape or get broken out by their loyalists sooner or later. if gill is the summer maiden, and summer identifies her as such, then getting the vault open might be as simple as posing as a huntress disillusioned by the “weakness” of the powers that be and telling gillian about the sword. 
the tricky part is getting the sword away from gillian, because a summer maiden who can drain aura and wields the sword of destruction is a walking nuke. summer might be able to pull it off if her semblance is along the same lines as ruby’s: have gill open the vault, rush the sword, cut her down before she can react. otherwise, cutting a deal—the sword in exchange for salem leaving vacuo alone—might work, because salem’s stated motive in the broadcast is to destroy the huntsman academies and that is also what gill wants, so summer could make a credible argument here that salem is a potential ally to the crown. 
if gill is not the summer maiden, then the crown is still potentially useful—a nascent civil war will distract the coalition and if the crown rebels again and wins, they’re probably going to be easier to persuade or manipulate into opening the vault (and jax can control the summer maiden, if it comes to that). also, adding the imminent threat of a civil war to the imminent threat of salem attacking puts more pressure on the coalition to risk using the sword.
the other thing summer might do is eschew the cloak-and-dagger routine altogether and take a gamble on approaching her daughters to open negotiations; this is, to put it mildly, a risk. but a very high-reward risk.
gillian asturias -> starr sanzang. probably.
summer rose is here and she’s not going to, at any point, Be the summer maiden but she is going to Cause Problems On Purpose.
one of the ways the summer maiden arc will be Different is that summer rose has some things to unpack (what happened to the last spring maiden That Night)
the vacuo ATM is either for the asturias twins OR someone (summer or jax) is going to do a murder OR there is no ATM, there’s just gill and her ability to (temporarily) steal the maiden power via aura, in which case it’s starr -> gillian -> starr and we might see magic-thieving conflicts between gill and winter or raven also.
if the ATM gets used for any other purpose than making gill’s and jax’s aura-sharing deal permanent it is going to be Very Bad. 
maybe the real crown was the reactionary insurgents we foiled along the way?
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mysteriouslyjovialcolor · 1 month ago
Tuscany 2020
-Please let nothing bad happen to Max in this race cause I can’t keep doing that to myself
-First time racing in Mugello, pretty cool
-“Kimi Raikkonen who partners his old teammate, Sebastian Vettel” I need to watch a race where they’re teammates again
-Love when teammates qualify next to each other, makes things super fun and also they look super cool when weaving during the formation lap
-“Max Verstappen who’s had a few little issues” Shut up, I will kms
-Oh wow just noticed the Ferrari livery, very pretty (although it is a little jarring to not see the bright red)
-Oh hell no- I’m not doing this to myself. I’m coming back to this later
-Okay I’m still here cause I love torture
-Lap two and I’m dying
-“Max was being super careful, just minding his own business and got rear ended” Two days in a row!! Whyyyy?!
-Sebastian had damage, Pierre has damage (actually he’s DNF-ed too I think), Kimi has damage, Carlos has damage, why am I still watching?
-GR: “Ocon needs to box, his rears are on fire, literally”
-So… this race has started off lovely, I’m just going to watch cars weaving and check out now
-“We’ve got a race on our hand here” Oh you think?
-Did all the cars just decide to quit racing this race??
-What is going on??
-Latifi, Kevin and Carlos???
-Why is Carlos crossing the track
-Maybe the theme of this race was “chaos and damage and more damage” and the cars decided to commit
-Red Flag
-Oh wow I didn’t even realize Giovinazzi is out as well
-This is all so crazy
-The pit lane is in chaos
-I think only a total of six cars got away unscathed in all that
-Are we sure we want to have a standing start again and risk inviting more drama?
-Maybe we (i.e. I) should just stop here?
-Hey, there are actual people in the stands this race
-Esteban has retired as well :/
-“What odds do you place on the safety car winning this race?” Ha
-“Formula One’s greatest survivor so far this afternoon is Kimi Raikkonen” Let’s go! We have a win!!
-“Light’s out and away we go” pt2 with 13 cars remaining
-You guysss!!! Kimi Raikkonen is in the points!!!!!
-“Somehow we haven’t really seen Daniel, in any kind of incident” I swear if that’s just jinxed him
-Oh come on George, let Kimi have that point, why don’t you??
-“So good on the breaks isn’t he?” More of people praising Daniel please
-Ferrari: “And we are going Plan A plus 8”. Yes sure, let me remember the plan and do math while driving a rocket ship
(Genuinely don’t know how the drivers do it, I’m always in continuous awe)
-Woah, the way Lance just swooped past Charles just now??
-Daniel Ricciardo!! That was beautiful!!
-That move from Alex?? So smooth
-“We’re on lap 21 and Sergio Perez decides, he doesn’t really want to see the Ferrari ahead of him anymore”
-Is everyone about to overtake Charles now?
-“And what do you think about plan C”
CL: “I’ve got nothing to lose now. We are so slow”
-Maybe not?
-Yes! Now we see Charles overtake
-VB: “For the second tire set, I want opposite to Lewis”
-I did not just witness Kimi having a 29s pit stop. I did not.
-Charles p7!
-VB: “Front left isn’t finished. Vibration is really bad”
-Not only have the cars decided to quit this race, the pit crew seems to have as well because at least three teams now have had slower stops than usual
-Not from Racing Points and Red Bull though
-Haven’t seen Daniel in p3 in ages. I might just sit here and cry
-Kimi making moves>>>
-Wasn’t expecting Charles to pit again so soon
-Aaah no way, another car has gone off
-Safety car no.3
-There are going to be just two cars on track now that will be out of the points
-Ayy it was Lance, that looks bad
-Of course those two cars are probably going to be the Haas and the AlphaRomeo :/
-Red flag again?
-Are we about to have a third standing start?
-Lance’s car is smoking like crazy
-Oh wow, this red flag just gave me an animated Kimi
-Apparently three standing starts in the same race have only happened twice before, in the 1970s
-This is effectively a sprint race now
-They keep talking about Daniel’s boss getting a tattoo once he makes podium. They’re about to jinx this so bad, I’m about to scream
-“He’s just applauding his potential shoey I think, on the podium”
-DR: “Let’s finish what we started”
-I will have a complete breakdown if he doesn’t make podium now
-Aaaaah Daniel p2!!! Ohmygodd!!!
-Kimi back in points 😭😭 (crying cause he has a five second penalty)
-Ah can’t even be annoyed at Valterri, he made that look really easy
-Ah this is so stressful
-I’d love so much for Alex to get a podium here, but does it really have to be at the expense of Daniel??
-“Okay Kimi we have a five seconds time penalty that we will serve after the race”
KR: “For what?”
“A five second penalty-“
-ALBONO!!!!! (A moment of silence for Daniel Ricciardo)
-GR: “Mate I’m driving my socks off! Leave me to it!”
-George would be a pretty good elementary school teacher because he has so many creative ways to avoid actually cursing
-Let’s go Alex first podium!!!!
-I was right btw, about the two cars that will stay out of the points
-“Third time lucky for Alex Albon!!”
-Ohmygod, wait, Kimi stays in the points!! It’s the Williams and Haas out of the points
-Daniel driver of the day 😭😭
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mettywiththenotes · 2 years ago
Okay okay okay
So Hawks clearly isn’t giving up, right? He’s just not. That’s not who he is, so of course he’s going to keep fighting. With the panel of Hawks holding the sword, with the sounds of the Twice rampage in the background, it really seems like he’s not going to go down that easy
Hawks saw “Twice” come out of the portal and his reaction was this
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Total panic, right? He killed Twice for a reason - to prevent mass destruction from happening because, knowing Twice’s quirk and what side he was on (what side he was sticking to), he knew how chaotic the war could get. So seeing Twice come back? You can see the panic inside of him. This is not what he wants. We know he’s willing to kill “Twice” again
Fast forward to this chapter
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All other threats are gone. AFO is gone. There are no Villains or Noumu in front of him. Dabi has been taken care of. Yet Hawks still stands because there’s one more Villain that hasn’t been taken care of, and that’s “Twice”/Toga
While we could say he’s only standing here to protect Tokoyami from the oncoming Twice’s that will surely attack them once they spread further, there’s no way he’s not going to be involved with the Twice clones anyway. And I don’t think Hawks would just stand there and wait for someone to take down Toga - he’d probably try to do it himself
So I think there’s a possibility that Hawks could go after Toga and try to kill her before the clones can spread further. I also think there’s evidence to Hawks joining the fight and attempting to repeat history
Hawks has already been through killing Twice. There’s a chance he’s willing to do it again based on the fact that he’s done it before. Something along the lines of “I’ve done it once, I can do it again. Only I will bear the burden of it”. It’s not farfetched at all for Hawks to do so because he wants to spare anyone else from having to kill. “I am willing to be corrupted” and all that
(He’s probably ready to face Twice, to deal with the image of taking him down again, but could he do the same with Toga? With the reality that he wouldn’t just be taking down the image of Twice, but a young girl too?)
Also, the narration says that the Heroes cannot falter
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Who’s someone who won’t falter, no matter what the task? Who is willing to corrupt himself, willing to cover himself in blood for a brighter future? Hawks. I feel that the text is practically calling his name for him to enter. Also, the Todoroki’s are out for the count, Iida looks like he’s done too. The only Hero shown here willing to stand up and not falter is Hawks
There’s evidence for this Toga-Ochako fight paralleling with the Twice-Hawks fight
Firstly, Toga is on Twice’s side. She is quite literally Twice in this parallel. Someone who looks like him right now, someone who activated Sad Man’s Parade, someone who has shown care for members of the League in these moments
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Someone who, as chocolate-biscuit has pointed out here, has the same hole in her mask just like Twice did
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And what does this fight also have in common with the Raid one? A third person is shown ready to fight
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Dabi was the only one shown running towards the fight, and Hawks is the only one shown so far who is actually up and still willing to fight
The red sparrow dream
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That dream has always reminded me of Hawks, because of the specificity of the animal. It’s not just a bird, it’s a red bird. Red like Hawks’ wings. We know Hawks doesn’t have his wings right now, but also notice that the wings aren’t important to the dream - the type of bird is mentioned specifically, but the bird specifically uses its feet and its beak. Also notice that birds can represent the freedom to fly away, to escape, but this bird doesn’t use its wings and do that. Instead, it chooses to stay and inflict harm
I know this may just be a small coincidental thing, but still, I think there’s a potential for it to be connected to Hawks somehow
Finally, Horikoshi has said Ochako and Hawks are both “beacons of hope” in the final war arc. Hawks, who didn’t give up fighting against AFO and protected Tokoyami from getting his quirk stolen, and still refuses to lay down. Ochako, who won’t give up on Toga. She wants to save people from the Villains and the war but she can’t ignore a Villain’s cries either
How interesting would it be if we had both “beacons of hope” clash in their fights to protect and save people?
Of course, this is only a possibility, though I think it does have the potential to happen. I would personally love to see Hori dive into Hawks’ character involving Twice again, and putting him up close and personal with someone Ochako wants to save would be so interesting to watch
But, let’s remember that I’m theorizing based on 2 panels of Hawks lol. We’ll have to see what happens next, but again, it’d be really cool to see them all come together this way and fight against ideals and saving vs killing
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miss-holloday · 1 year ago
For boredom’s sake!
Let’s do this:
Singer: (Ghost!?)Jenny
Subject: Ted Spankoffski AND TINKY??
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Jenny loves Ted… the younger Ted, not who he has become. He is both far from her temporally and emotionally. He has become someone she no longer knows. A bastard. Who time travels.
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Ted is no longer playing the love game. He is playing the, as Richie would say, ~hit it and quit it, bro~ game. He’s a womanizer without shame. But he still thinks he can fix himself and be the kinda person he thinks Jenny wanted to make up for losing her.
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It’s Ted’s destiny to lose Jenny, become a dick, and die in every timeline. She wants nothing to do with him.
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NOW! Here is where I think Jenny starts referring to another person. A. Ted is not a criminal mastermind of any kind. He literally stumbles into another timeline. Who IS the mastermind of this misadventure? TINKY. 2. Even if “you” refers to Ted, why then switch to “the bastard” instead of “you bastard” again. This is a third person address. Another - tinky. He’s the one with the time to fall, Ted has already lost all control over his own timeline. Now it’s THE BASTARD OF ACTUAL TIME AND SPACE’s adventure (also, I would like to point out I think the term “bastard” in T’noy Karaxis’ title actually refers to him being a product of these two forces)
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There’s two of them. Two Ted’s - younger and elder. And two bastards.
Now, Idk what “I followed once or twice” means at all in this sequence of events or in Jenny’s story. If someone has an idea please enlighten me.
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OKAY! SO if this section is about Ted than 1. The student is either Ted’s younger self become a douche and ruining Ted’s chances at a good life, or 2. Jenny, the student, his beloved, dying. OR 3. What if… hear me out… Pete is the only crack in Tinky’s armor. Tinky wants both of them SO BAD but only one! (1)! Ever joins the box. Tinky’s weakness IS THE OTHER SPANKOFFSKI!
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Finally. Someone said on Genius lyrics that the first line here references Jenny’s letter. Maybe because she signed it “forever and always”. Ted thinks she wants to erase him from her life and leave him forever but he doesn’t know that truth. She loves him no matter what, she doesn’t need to know where he has been (aka what he has been up to all these years, all the bad things he’s done since they knew each other) she just wants to know what TIME he is in. Not what he has done, but what has happened TO HIM. What IS HAPPENING to him.
They’re the only Hatchetfield couple we’ve seen truly FATED TO BE APART. Jenny died in 2004, aka very likely before the timelines split. She dies right in front of him. In every timeline. And it breaks him apart.
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aita-blorbos · 1 year ago
AITA for not trusting my daughter’s evil counterpart?
…Maybe ‘evil’ isn’t the right word to use. I’m not sure. This will take a lot of explaining.
Okay, so! Hi! This is my (30s F GNC) first time posting to ‘Am I The Asshole,’ but my wife (30s F) has used the site before. You might remember her from her posts about growing our daughter in a test tube and her hating her dad.
Recently, the two of us had an… I don’t want to call it an ARGUMENT, but something came up that we haven’t been able to see eye-to-eye over, and so we decided to post here to get a third opinion.
For some context, though:
We come from a world with multiple parallel universes. One of these parallel universes is the… Mirror World. This world is a twisted reflection of our own; a dimension in which counterparts of every person in this world exist, derived specifically from what we most dislike about ourselves.
For example, my Mirror counterpart is a too-prideful troublemaker who’s loyal to a violent fault. I’ve met him once or twice, and all I can say is I am not a fan.
But that’s not the only reason I don’t like the Mirror World or people who come from it. You see: many years ago, something truly awful happened to me because of that place.
My wife at the time (different from my current wife; I’ll refer to her as my ex-wife from hereon out) (20s F) came into possession of an artifact connected to the Mirror World. And although neither of us knew it at the time, this had a horrifying effect on her.
Forces within the Mirror World conspired against our world, and seeking to gain power, they slowly began to corrupt my ex-wife. They drove her, quite literally, to the point of evil insanity. Not only did she become abusive towards me, but she began to subjugate and oppress innocents; all of this culminating in her needing to be killed just to save thousands of lives.
Needless to say, I was heartbroken. I didn’t even know what happened at the time. I only learned about this ‘Mirror World’ and the dark forces conspiring within it later, and I’ve hated them ever since.
Thankfully, though, I was able to…
I don’t want to say ‘move on,’ because that’s not it. I will always, ALWAYS love my ex-wife. But I… was able to heal a bit. I found someone else who made me happy, and although I well and truly thought I’d never love again, I somehow did. As such, I ended up with my current wife, who I love more than the world. She’s everything to me.
As is my daughter, who I mentioned she grew in a test tube. Said daughter, who I’ll call P (9F) is a very smart, talented girl. I’m very proud of her and love her so, so much.
Which is why I’m so worried.
Recently, P found out about what happened to my ex-wife (who’s a close friend of hers. Long story, but she has spirit medium powers), and she was extremely upset. She wanted to punish the people responsible. And as such, she made an extremely journey into the Mirror World to try and find them.
She didn’t, THANK THE STARS, and she also thankfully wasn’t hurt, but while she was in the Mirror World, she met her own Mirror Counterpart, and her reaction to the doppelgänger has been… disconcerting, to say the least.
Inexplicably, she’s decided they’re friends. Mirror P is rude, standoffish, and impulsive, but P doesn’t care. She’s decided she’s like a little sister. According to her, Mirror P’s parents (Our Mirror Counterparts, I suppose) aren’t nice to her, and so she thinks we should take her in so she has someone to love her.
I… get the gesture, but I just cannot condone it. P is my everything. I cannot let something happen to her. The Mirror World is dangerous. If she continues to interact with it, I may very well lose her. I will NOT fail her like I failed my ex-wife. Mirror P needs to stay the hell away.
I know not all Mirror Worlders are plainly evil. A friend of mine (4M) manages to get along with his Mirror World counterpart. But this is exceptionally rare. More often than not, Mirror Worlders are conniving and cruel. They are quite literally based on everything we don’t want to be.
And not only that, but apparently Mirror P is close to a person who I’ll call ‘Mirror M.’ Mirror M is a monster. He is one of the people responsible for what happened to my ex-wife. He served the dark forces that drove her insane and ultimately killed her. If she trusts him, then she HAS to be bad news.
My wife disagrees, though. She’s suggested I’m being an asshole and says it seems to her like Mirror P is just a scared child in need of support and a home. “Yes, she’s difficult,” she agrees, “But as a reflection of our daughter, it would be cruel to turn her away.”
I can’t NOT though. Not knowing what the cost would be. Please tell me I’m right. Please tell me that Mirror P needs to go. I can’t let her hurt P. If I did, I would never forgive myself. I’ve already lost so, so much. I can’t lose my daughter too.
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theonlyadawong · 2 years ago
idk how much you know about re8 but as someone who is soso correct about ada wong, if ada had been in re8 how do you think her being there would have played out? (could either be what you'd liked to have seen and/or what you think capcom would have actually done with her lol)
The prospect of seeing Ada in a game without leon is something so beautiful and so pure and that's I know capcom would never have delivered that to us.
OK so first going off what I think capcom was trying to do! I think the reason she was even put in re8 in the first place is because to get information about Mia and the connections, and to get a sample of the mold. And her saving Ethan from the four Lords would have really just been her getting her foot in the door with him so he feels safe and is willing to talk to her.
In my ideal version of re8, she would have never used the name ada wong, there's no reason for it. Her ultimate goal would have been to keep Rose (moreso the mold and whatever the mold is attached to) out of the BSAAs hands, and to get information on Mia. Keeping in theme with not using her name, I don't think we should hear her actual voice, it should be distorted by the mask, AND she should keep the mask on until the very end. As the game goes along you have ada in the crow mask saving Ethan, and slowly, he starts opening up about what he's doing in the village.
At around the halfway point, someone (the Duke probably) tells Ethan that the person in the crow mask is not a villager, and Ethan is like????? What the fuck??? And from then on he is very wary of the crow, because even though this person has helped him, he doesn't know them, and finally at about 3/4 into the game, he confronts the crow about who they are and what they're doing, and then ada just kind of. Dips. No explanation given.
The game continues and we do not see ada again until the very end (though in Chris' portion of the game, we find that he is aware of a third partys presence in the village, but he doesn't know who it is.)
At almost the end of the game, we see the crow handling a piece of rose, and Ethan is like??? Give me my daughter??? The crow turns, now maskless, and we finally see ada wong. Also Chris is there (don't ask me how this would work, he just is I guess) and he's like, "Oh fuck. This woman whose clone killed my men twice is here" and they start having a shoot out, and something happens (idk what) and ada is separated from the piece of rose and also chris and Ethan. We don't know if she's alive, but also she's ada wong, so she's alive.
Ethan and Chris have a minute to talk before the game ends, and Chris goes into a fit of rage, asking Ethan what he told ada, trying to figure out what she might know, and unfortunately... Ethan said quite a lot. Chris is, of course, upset, and the game continues as normal.
Now. I dont know how theyd put this into the game, but I want this to happen. Ada wasn't able to keep the rose/the mold out of the hands of the BSAA, but she is able to keep the BSAA from making more, so she kills Mia. This keeps with Adas throughline of being morally gray, as she is killing Rose's only living family (even though Mia is literally a bad person).
🎀 The End 🎀
Now, this was my idyllic version of 8, and if we'd gotten this it would have been amazing. That being said, despite how desperate I am to see Ada seperate from leon... I am actually very happy she wasn't in that game, actually! I think to bring in even more people to ethans story would have made it very clunky. The leap from the Baker house to the village and the four Lords huge, and I feel any more elements, especially ada wong, would have detracted from ethan. Like. They had to give Chris the tiniest part in 7 and 8 because his name alone would overshadow Ethan, so to have Ada in the mix as well... it would have been very muddy.
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theknittingshadow · 2 years ago
A Shadow’s Scattered Thoughts
Part 2 of my reaction to “Journey to the West”
I’m at Chapter 35
TW: murder, genocide, abuse
-Okay so Zhu Bajie seems to defer to and respect Wukong quite a bit at first BUT this changes quickly.
-Wukong called him out when he talked about finding a nice home to take shelter in for the night going “you just want to go back to your cushy married life!” I don’t this was true. Old Monkey is getting a bit ahead of himself. Seems like Bajie gets defensive for a REAL long time after this.
-There’s a lot of instances where Bajie wants to give up and go home, actually. It’s kind of nice to see someone who struggles like this. Changing one’s habits can be HARD.
-On that note, Wukong’s supposed habit of going straight for murder isn’t…really….there. Sure, he’s itching for a fight but he’ll gladly let bygones be bygones if the person in the wrong tries to make amends.
-Introducing Sha Wujing! I like him! He’s very chill and already pretty disciplined, humble, and kind. Even Tripitaka notices this straight off and nicknames him “Sha Monk.”
-Oh Oh Oh! They are all monks now! Every single one of them has a shaved head, even WUKONG! Wow, that is an image.
-The fight between Wujing and Bajie when they first meet is actually pretty interesting. Wukong can’t go underwater, he can only part the water or turn into a fish so Bajie has to step up. He’s very willing!
-Guys, the Bodhisattva Guan Yin literally told you guys to mention that you are escorting the Tang Monk to retrieve scriptures whenever you introduce yourselves. You could have avoided the WHOLE fight with Wujing if you did that.
-There are several opponents they face that are too strong for Wukong to take on alone. He easily fights them to a standstill, don’t get me wrong. Just, he rarely beats them with his sheer strength. Usually, he either has to use his wits, or get help from Guan Yin or someone. I thought he would be OP and mow down anyone in his way. I like this better though.
-There’s a whole thing where they visit a monastery or pagoda and the elder priest really wants Tripitaka’s fancy robe Buddha gave to Guan Yin to give to Tripitaka. They legit decide to trick the pilgrims into lending them the robe and try to burn them all, locking them in a room at night.
-Wukong, why did you go to the trouble of fetching a magic fire-proof blanket to protect the sleeping Tripitaka when you could have easily just carried him out or WOKE HIM UP?!
-There’s also the monastery with the immortal ginseng fruit. Trip, my guy, you’re hilarious. The fruit happens to resemble newborns and he freaks out thinking they really ARE newborns. The two monks there are like “he still has impure mortal eyes and can’t tell what these are”
-Again, Wukong, why must you jump through ALL OF THESE HOOPS?! SURELY THERE IS A SIMPLER SOLUTION?
-Guan Yin comes in clutch yet again. I like her. They even have a party together. Now all the pilgrims will live at least another 47,000 years, Trip included.
-Bajie keeps on doubting Wukong’s loyalty and intentions, thereby making Trip suspicious of Wukong and/or ruining Wukong’s plan to rescue them.
-The White Bone Spirit Arc hurt me guys.
-The Bone Spirit (LBD to Lego Monkie Kid fans) knows she can’t beat Wukong to eat Tripitaka so she decides to mess with them instead. Disguising herself three separate times, she approaches the Pilgrims. Wukong sees through her disguise, tries to kill her, she escapes the body before he can destroy her. Boom, dead body of what looks like an innocent person.
-Bajie uses the opportunity to throw shade at Wukong. Trip forgives him twice but the third time banishes Wukong.
-Wukong actually calls Trip out on his favoritism towards Bajie a few times. Good for him! I’m wondering if this might be a degree of xenophobia? Bajie has lived around humans recently and knows how to act like them. Wukong doesn’t.
-However, it could also be that, being only in his early to mid twenties, Trip is instinctively deferring to one of his elders in this situation. I’ve struggles with this too. When you are a very young adult put in charge of adults older than you, it feels weird and wrong at first. Since Bajie (and Wujing) were in the Celestila Realm during Wukong’s rage, I wonder if they are older than him?
-Conclusion, I am conflicted about Tripitaka. On one hand, he uses the tight fillet spell on Wukong despite him providing proof that the White Bone Spirit was, in fact, a yaogui. On the other hand, he’s a young, sheltered, inexperienced adult trying to lead a group of immortals thousands of years older than him. One of said immortals has a reputation for violence that frightens the other immortals.
-Huaguoshan was burned. My heart 😭
-Wukong is having a bad time here. Falsely accused, punished, banished only to find his home in shambles and over half his people killed.
-He’s a good king. In only a few days, he rallies his people, defeats a verifiable army of hunters, and uses the loot from said hunters to clothe and arm his people. Then, gathers all kinds of trees and plants and starts rebuilding Huaguoshan. I salute you, sir!
-Seriously, there was practically an army of hunters coming.
-Kui Mulang, the Yellow Robed Yaogui, comes up. Bajie is VERY confident in his ability to lead and protect the Pilgrims. Proceeds to get his tail handed to him.
-Ao Lie breaks out of horse form and DOES STUFF IN THIS CHAPTER. THIS IS HUGE!!!
-Kui Mulang is more violent towards his wife than I had been led to believe. When he suspected she sent a message back to her people, he nearly beat her. Wujing, bless his soul, convinced him otherwise and he dotes on his wife to make up for his outburst.
-Bajie has a time convincing Wukong to come back and help. Monkey’s shockingly happy to see him and cordial and everything despite their arguments.
-…they actually killed Mulang and the princess’s kids. What.
-People regularly refer to Tripitaka as handsome and well-mannered. I can’t help but this Tolkien elf vibes.
-The aforementioned leads to an interesting lesson on judging by appearances.
-Wukong and the others make amends. Not before he holds them accountable. Even Wujing has to admit to standing back and doing nothing.
-THE GOLD AND SILVER YAOGUI ARE HERE!!!!!!!!! They are both amusing and heartbreaking.
All of the characters are more complex than I initially expected. None are ever fully in the right all the time. Each have strengths and weaknesses, good and bad.
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whistlingstarlight · 2 years ago
I would very much like to hear about your trip to the U.S.
Okay buckle up this is gonna take a while-
I can't quite do it justice as it really was a "had to be there" experience and several years ago, but I'll describe it the best I can
So it was me, my dad and my uncle going out to see one of his friends. He's a DJ, they both like DJing, etc. The plan was to spend the first week in this really beautiful little coastal town they live in, then road trip the second week up to Sacramento where we'd get the plane home.
That did not happen at all.
So the first two days were spent in a BnB with this guy who was constantly hungover, and a much more chill couple. Pretty alright, had a nice view of the sea. The building was ugly in this really posh way, like we had an en suite bathroom but there were sconce lights on the mirror
My uncle's friend and his wife were pretty rich. And they didn't necessarily rub it in our faces, but my dad (who's very much a working-class "done everything for himself" kind of guy) did not appreciate the tour round the neighbourhood of all the cars this guy had sold.
And then The Fight.
This "friend" got absolutely hammered during a DJ session and just went off on my dad over nothing. My uncle was pretty mad and got us out of there. We met a couple of his friends who were arriving as we were leaving, as when they heard what happened they just took us out for dinner instead kskdks
So on the third day it was discovered our BnB had been double booked so we were literally just- being moved into someone's house. Like they let it out as an air BnB but they left a bunch of their personal belongings and it felt really weird, I felt like some kind of squatter. Also you could literally see the ex-friend's house at the end of the street, which my dad wasn't pleased about. Also the house owner's dog hadn't yet been picked up by the person who was gonna be looking after it and it has escaped twice, so before we were even unpacked we had the police on the doorstep (dog was fine, dw)
So the big downside of my uncle and his friend falling out was it put the kibosh on the roadtrip plan for the second week, and the BnB was only available until the Sunday so we were kind of panicking about where we could go.
Now we'd previously met this ex-friend's sister, and without hesitation she was apologising profusely for her brother's behaviour (her and their mum were both lovely so idfk how he ended up such an arse), and she offered us a place to stay free of charge.
And her place was tiny, mind. Like she didn't even have proper doorways between her bedroom, living room and kitchen, but she still put us up as best she could.
Now the good parts of the trip were that this town was gorgeous. Deer wandering around gardens, hummingbirds everywhere, so so beautiful. We went whale watching and saw humpbacks and sea lions co-hunting together, and I got to visit Monterey Bay Aquarium three times which is one of my favourite places I've ever been.
Tbh I think I've blocked some of it out because it was such an emotional rollercoaster. I kept a diary of the first week and that's really the only way I remember it, aside from the good parts like the aquarium and seeing hummingbirds in the flesh. ALSO one of the nice people we met there gave me a genuine oyster pearl, which is pretty cool.
Also people were constantly offering me alcohol on this trip even though I was like fifteen??? Bruh I can't even legally drink in my own country let alone here, and I don't drink anyway-
So yeah, pretty wild ride X)
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bbyboybucket · 1 year ago
So i see you reblog a lot of marvel stuff, and there's a lot of stuff i want to ask you, as a sort-of marvel fan myself.
for one, what's your favorite marvel movie? (for me, this is like asking me to choose a favorite child, and i can't pick just ONE, but some people manage to do that) and if you can't pick just one, top five?
second, do you read the comics? and if so, which ones?
third, are you aware of the upcoming thunderbolts movie, and if so, are you excited for it?
essentially, that's it. sorry if the wording for this is a little weird.
have a nice day! :)
Omg hey!!! I’m so happy you sent this you don’t even know
Okay you’re totally right that it’s hard to pick a favorite, especially because I feel like I switch up so much lmao. But I’ve gotta say, my number one is prolly GOTG 3 because literally everything about it was just perfect imo and I’m not even really an emotional person, and I cried like a baby both times. Like that’s the only movie I’ve ever went to see twice in theaters too, but it was just so damn good.
After it tho, I’d say TWS and Civil War are tied at second because I can never decide which I like better. Like as Bucky fan I wanna say TWS (and because it’s excellently written and has top tier action) but also Civil War is just so fun for me and the way it handled/introduced (especially introduced!!!) so other characters is just something I really really love. Then third is prolly endgame, most would disagree but it just holds a special place in my heart. And then 5th is prolly across the spiderverse, ik it’s not mcu but it’s another one from this year that was just so insanely good and that I’ve already watched more than once.
I do read comics sometimes, not as often as I’d like to bc I don’t wanna pay lol but I’ve read a few Bucky ones, I’ve read some spiderman and Wanda comics, just a little bit of everywhere I guess, mostly at random. Right now I really wanna start reading more fantastic 4 because I love them but I just need to get my hands on some lol. But I do try to at least keep up with what’s happened even if I haven’t read comics for it, bc I like to know that extra background info and know what’s accurate for what’s being adapted into live action. And I also like knowing characters that haven’t been/may not be adapted because there’s so much interesting stuff.
I am too aware of it. You probably don’t even want me to go into bc I violently hate what’s happening with that movie, every leak, scoop, and announcement on it fills me with rage bc not only are they doing Bucky dirty (I could write a ten page essay about that) but literally every other choice they’re making for it is also HORRID. Like the team lineup, the villain choice, the fact that the void is going become another dimension in the third act instead of just being personified (idec if it’s comics accurate it’s just not needed for this movie). Literally everything going on with thunderbolts is such a mess. And it’s kinda sad bc when I first realized they were setting it up, before any actual announcements were made, I was excited because I expected so much better than this. But basically I’m praying on its downfall and cancellation lmao. They’ve already had two actors quit and they cut the movie’s budget so I’m thinking there’s a chance. But yeah I’m sorry if this isn’t the answer you expected but if you do wanna see any of my rants on how much I hate they’re putting Bucky in this, just search my page 😂
Anyways, sorry my answer is so long, I didn’t mean to give you a whole book 😂 but thanks again for asking ♥️
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complexgods · 4 years ago
Thinking about which Haikyuu characters would hump you in their sleep
Haikyuu characters x gn!reader
Warnings: 18+, consensual somnophilia.
Minors stay away and eat your greens so you can grow big and strong. Leave my blog be there is nothing to see here.
A/N: shoutout to my friend Alex who has brainstormed with me over this all evening and endured me during my h-word hours.
Hinata: He has an incredible libido and is always so so needy, just feeling your warm body so close next to his makes him want you even in his sleep, so he subconsciously rubs himself on your thigh, letting out small, happy sighs. He doesn't wake up, but he has definitely cum all over you and/or himself in his sleep quite a few times. He gets embarrassed the next day but tells you that he just can't help it, he wants you so bad all of the time, it's only natural he tries to fuck you even in the depths of his subconscious.
Nishinoya: Just like Hinata, this man can go for rounds and rounds. Even if you literally just had sex before going to sleep, a few hours later, Nishinoya will be hard again and rub against the small of your back and/or your ass because he is just so needy for you. However, he would probably wake up in the middle of his ministrations and very gently nudge you awake, pleading you to just fuck your thighs because he's so close already and it only takes him a few thrusts before he's cumming all over your thighs.
Bokuto: This man is needy needy needy. If he wants you then he wants you now. He would probably also wake up once he gets too horny, realising he's been humping you for what looks like a while, his cock leaking through his shorts. Since you are in a long-term relationship and you have both discussed and consented to situations like these, he decides to give you some attention, gently plucking at your nipples or nibbling at your sensitive spot(s) until your arousal becomes more apparent, that's when he gently puts your legs over his shoulders and starts going down on you, all the while grinding his throbbing cock on the mattress below him. Once you wake up he greets you with a lopsided grin before making you cum from his mouth alone.
Kenma: He does not nearly have as big of a sex drive as the others mentioned above, and he doesn't get horny as often either. However, in the night when he's cuddled close to you, feeling the warmth of your body and inhaling your scent, he can't help but want more, getting hard and grinding his aching cock against your stomach. He doesn't wake up, but lets out tiny whimpers and sighs before he cums in his pants in his sleep.
Daichi: OKAY hear me out. He doesn't do it often. Only when he had some really long shifts at the police station and didn't get to spend time with you for days. He finds you already asleep in your bed when he comes home way after he usually does for the third day in a row, and he just kinda sighs as he gets ready for bed. He's missed you so much during the long work hours and he's sad that he won't be able to spend quality time with you until the weekend. Not to mention that he needs to feel you clenching around his cock, screaming out his name. But alas, there is nothing to do about that now, so he just gets ready for bed. He sleeps soundly as ever, snuggled up against you, his dick hard against your clothed ass. He wakes up to soft whispers and touches, confused.
"You were grinding against my ass" you whisper in amusement once he hums questioningly, still groggy with sleep. He pulls away in embarrassment once he realises what you said, but you keep a steady hand on the arm looped around your waist.
"Hmmm don't stop. I missed you." He grins as he grinds against you with earnest, eliciting a sweet moan from you. He will have to call in sick the following day.
Hanamaki: He is canonically the horniest motherfucker in the entirety of Haikyuu. I know it because he told me. Anyways if you sleep in the same bed as this man you are 99% certain to get humped, and he never ever wakes up either because he sleeps like a rock. He just keeps on grinding into you until he cums, but when you wake up with cum all over you he is so shameless about it. He knows you love each other no matter what even if you have to wash your pyjamas more often than most people. When you do wake up you try to push him off you, but he just holds you closer, grinding down harder so you just accept your fate.
Asahi: He's usually more of a pillow humper when he misses you when you're not around for a few days, but he definitely has done it once or twice before at the very beginning of your relationship, when he was too nervous to initiate anything with you but stayed the night. He apologised profusely when it happened and you both noticed it, but you found it cute and you both were able to laugh it off.
Yachi: I don't care I don't care she is needy and horny and sometimes she happens to have a wet dream and rubs herself on your leg and she is vocal even in her dreams and you can't help but wake up from her sounds and you just coo at how pretty she looks, so you decide to give her a helping hand because you discussed situations like these and both agreed somno is on the table for the both of you. She does not wake up even when she clenches around your fingers, coating them with her cum.
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thefanficmonster · 4 years ago
Power Couple
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing 
Genre: Fluff, Humor
Summary: Sean, Felix, Dave, and Joel welcome Corpse’s girlfriend to a game of Party Animals. It’s her first time playing and she has to deal with a lot more than just the controls and objectives - her boyfriend being a cute, cuddly sweetheart with ulterior motives to his clinginess.
Requested by @susceptible-but-siriusexual. Thank you so much for your request! Hope I captured what you wanted and how you wanted. Feel free to send any other requests you may have XOXO
It’s been one hell of a day. Had to correct twice as many documents as I was originally supposed to at work; found my car with a flat tire in the parking lot as I was about to go home; argued with my boss over the phone while stuck in a traffic jam. It’s been a rough twelve hours, but it has led me here and that’s what I’d rather think about.
By ‘here’ I mean I’m sitting on the couch in Corpse’s recording room, my computer in my lap, my screen displaying the screen to the game Party Animals. The suggestion was Corpse’s. He immediately picked up on my below par mood and wasted no time finding a solution to bright up the remainder of the day, shadowing the shitty portion of it. I am not what you would call a gamer. Sure I’ve played Among Us with Corpse and his friends a few times. Even that I struggle to do because I’m internally fangirling over all the people in the lobby. Yeah, dating a youtuber doesn’t mean you automatically stop gushing over the many content creators on the platform you’ve been watching for quite some time now. Corpse knows how nervous I get so he’s always near me when we play with Sean, Felix and the other. All he has to do is give me that encouraging smile and wink of his and I’m good to go. Side note: massive props to him for going easy on me in Among Us, getting teasingly called ‘simp’ by his friends in the process.
“You’ll love it.“ He promised me over and over again as the game was downloading on my computer.
“I don’t doubt that, Corpse. But I am going in completely blind and I seriously don’t wanna embarrass myself.“ I mumble a quick ‘nor you‘ under my breath, hoping he doesn’t catch it because I’m in for a pep talk if he does. 
To my dismay, he does, “Listen here, you couldn’t embarrass me even if you actively tried to do something outrageous. Most likely scenario, I’d join you in the act.” He ducks in front of the couch so we’re at eye level, his hand coming up to cup my cheek in the sweetest, most comforting gesture ever. “We’ll show em who’s the boss at stealing candy.”
I can’t help but laugh, feeling unable to express just how much this man means to me. Words can’t do the feeling justice.
“Corpse Wife has arrived!“
Hearing all the greetings lights a flame in my chest, the warmth spreading all the way to my neck and cheeks. “Hi guys! Missed playing with you!”
“We missed you too!“ Dave, the only one of the gaming gang I’ve actually met in person, replies to me, his words along with all the others’ wrapping around me like a comfort blanket. Despite them knowing I’m a fan of theirs, they’ve always made me feel welcomed, comfortable, nothing less than them.
“You know anything about this game?“ Felix asks me.
I shake my head, almost forgetting he can’t see me, “Corpse told me it’s funny and cute. It sounds like the perfect game for me.” 
“Oh no, this is a game of survival. Survival of the fittest!“ Sean shouts excitedly, a bang following his shout I can only assume was him hitting his desk.
“I’d like to think I’m pretty fit.“ I shrug my shoulders, laughing along with the guys.
“This is the only way to find out if you actually are.“ Joel’s voice comes through my headphones in the form of a tease.
Sean mumbles quietly to himself as he’s deciding how to separate us in two teams. “Guys, a little help here. We all suck at this game, it doesn’t really matter who’s in which team.”
“Actually...“ Felix trails off, “Corpse and Y/N are the ultimate power couple in Among Us. Chances are they will be in this as well. So, the only logical move would be to...“
“I’m taking Y/N, you take Corpse.“ Sean declares. “Joel, Dave, who do you guys wanna be with?“
And the game starts. Sean, Joel and I are the Meowfia while Corpse, Felix and Dave are yet to choose a team name. We throw around snarky, cocky comments at each other, taunting the opposite team as we struggle to take the candy to our respective sides of the map.
“Don’t you dare pull that lever, Dave!“ I launch at Dave, knocking his cute avatar away from the lever, buying Joel and Sean some time to steal back the gummy bear Corpse and Felix took from us.
“Y/N! Joel is out! Help me!“ Sean is freaking out now. I ditch Dave’s unconscious body and run to Sean’s aid. 
As I’m helping him push it towards out area a member from the opposite team latches onto my avatar, weighing me down and hindering me from doing anything.
“Hug!“ Corpse laughs as he has literally turned into a koala, holding onto my avatar.
“Corpse, you know you are actually supposed to hinder Y/N, not hug her. It’s cute though, don’t get me wrong.“ Felix laughs as him and Sean continue to struggle over the gummy bear.
“Nah, his tactic’s great. I can’t do shit.“ I desperately try and shake him off, “Babe, this is unfair. I can’t even be mad at you!“ I whine, staring to panic now that Dave is back to life and Joel is nowhere to be seen.
The round is won by Felix, Dave and Corpse who, if I might add, didn’t let go of me for the rest of the game.
We switch maps, now every man for himself. We’re on the submarine, recreating the Hunger Games with cute fuzzy animals. The thought passes through my mind, causing me to giggle.
“Y/N, you sound exactly like I’d imagine your avatar to sound. You’re so cute.“ Sean’s avatar circles mine a few times as he laughs.
He’s not wrong, my pale blue puppy is indeed cute. Apparently immortal as well.
“How is Y/N still alive?! Holy shit, her and Corpse really are a power couple.“ Dave shrieks when he sees me pick up the freeze gun. “NOOO!“ He shouts, devastated by the fact I shot him, sending him straight to his death.
“Chill, Dave. It’s all cool. Nothing personal.“ I struggle to hide my laughter, “No hard feelings, right?“
“Of course not, love.“ I can tell he grits the sentence through clenched teeth.
“Aw Dave, you are such an ice guy.“ I giggle, now shooting Joel with the gun.
“Someone take that gun from her!“ Sean cries as him and Felix race up the submarine.
Suddenly, the avatar of my boyfriend again wraps itself around mine. I hadn’t seen him in a while, considering Sean knocked him into the ocean earlier in the round. 
“How are you still alive?!“ I try to spin my puppy to get him to let go but he holds on tightly. “Babe, I swear, you are cute and I love you, but this is ridiculous. How and why are you alive?”
“That’s his superpower! He never fucking dies.“ Felix laughs, letting out a yelp when he briefly slips while climbing.
“Immortals!!! Immortals!!!“ Sean breaks out into a song, a song I really like, breaking the restraints I had on my laughter.
“Drop the gun or we’re dying together.“ He says almost seriously. Even though I can only see the back of his head I know he’s grinning.
“A Titanic/Romeo and Juliet mashup? Why not? I can live with dying a double historical death.“ Even though I appear accepting of his offer, I’m still trying to set myself free.
In the end, Sean claims his first win of the game and the rest of us are dead at the bottom of the ocean. Corpse and I did indeed die a Romeo and Juliet/Titanic death, getting everyone in their feels. We make a deal to get together and play again as soon as possible and we all go our separate ways, exiting the Discord call.
*Later that night* 
After a dinner consisting of takeout and two thirds of a shitty romantic comedies, Corpse shifts from next to me, starting to get up from the couch. I am surprised to feel jolted out of a half sleep as the room is now completely silent, the TV being turned off.
“Hey where’re you going?“ I ask groggily, rubbing my sleepy eyes.
“I have some editing to do. Don’t worry, I won’t stay up too late.“ He kisses my forehead before grabbing his phone from the coffee table.
Just as he’s about to walk away, I wrap my arms around his legs. He laughs, catching onto what I’m insinuating. His chuckle brings a smile to my face and butterflies in my belly. No matter how long we date for or how much time we spend together, some things never change. 
“Payback, huh?“ He asks, the smile audible in the question. I keep my eyes shut but nod, my arms still around his legs. “Alright, you koala. You’re coming with me.”
In his recording room, he settles in his chair placing me in his lap in a way that my legs dangling off to the side, my side leaning against his chest, my face hidden in the crook of his neck. We’re both comfortable, content and relaxed.
I don’t know when exactly it happens, but all my mind has registered is a quiet ‘I love you’ and the soft touch of Corpse’s lips on my temple. I manage to reply with an ‘I love you too’ before my sleepiness consumes me, my body completely relaxing against his, the warmth of his body, his scent, the sound of his breathing making me feel safe and loved: the two feelings I want him to feel with the same intensity when I’m in his arms.
Something tells me he does.
@simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @hacker-ghost  @itsminniekat  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17 @chrysanthykios  @annshit @i-cant-choose-a-username-help
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empty-blog-for-lurking · 2 months ago
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Exactly!!!! Exactly!!!!
Like both Honerva and Voltron the robot are the driving force of everything that happens in this series and quite possibly The Most Important Characters of the narrative (along with Allura). And yet it's a crime how much they both as characters and as concepts are just completely ignored.
I have said this before (link added) that vld as a story needed more metaphorical narrative ghosts in its story, especially for the themes and timespan it was going for, but one "ghost" that haunt the story was Honerva, not Haggar but this idealized pre-everything version of Honerva that was loved and missed by her son and husband, who couldn't accept that she came back changed. She haunts everyone and everything Including Haggar who can never be her again. Honerva was truly dead and what was left was an empty evil shell of a woman who named herself Haggar.
And I agree with everything you said about Zarkon!!! Guy was wasted in the first 2 seasons. Like dude goes from legit fucking threat and the Main Villain to getting killed by his twink son and when he comes back again the narrative just absolves him of everything. Not even an attempt for a redemption arc, but just "he's uncorrupted now so it's ok and if you are angry that means you are bad and wrong." Which is just so???? I can't even begin to describe how annoying this is.
Like vld has two sets of characters,- one the writers really really like so they don't change At All because they did Nothing Wrong and even if they did do something wrong it's because they have tragic backstory, and the other is the characters writers didn't care about outside for supporting their favorites and they are all in the wrong All the Time even for reasonable reasons so the writers pet can be seen in the right (third is Shiro who is in his own category for reasons).
Zarkon is in the first category while Haggar is in the second, which is why her character seems much more fleshed out then Zarkon's, even if there could be lot more added to her (i love the idea of her and Voltron the robot being connected. Hell i even had an au where Honerva is the one who made the robot specifically for the galra empire but one of the lions and the chosen paladins got "stolen")
At times i often end up comparing Zarkon with King Bradley from fma brohood, a character which has very similar beats to him but ended up being much more fleshed out, badass and terrifying. And it's directly because the writer treated him as the villain he was till his death.
Honestly the only "villain" In the canon who deserved the "they did nothing wrong ,🥺🥺🥺uwu" treatment is Kuron, and we all know what happened to him. So it's really jarring to see them being more sympathetic towards a war mongering genocider over an abused character literally being used as a puppet. It really was stupid thing
Also! You are right about Allura and Zarkon should have been much closer. It has been my hc for a long time that before everything Allura used to look up to Zarkon and Honerva like a cool uncle and aunt (it just makes sense to me, like Alfor was close to both of them and they were there when she was born) so yeah i wish they could have had a closer bond, it would have made the story and their conflict genuinely so much more interesting. (I think they should have had more snippets about Allura's life from Before in general, unfortunately the only character they bothered giving flashbacks to was Keith and once or twice Shiro and Pidge cause apparently the writers genuinely hate me personally/j)
And just ughhh there could be so much interesting stuff they could have done with both of them ://. Anyway love the tags!!!
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Tried drawing haggar from memory and it turned into a redesign on magma
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idy-ll-ique · 4 years ago
See You Tomorrow On The Other Side.
Pairing: Vampire!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Smut
Warnings: unprotected sex
Requested: nope
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based on this prompt.
Summary: Nothing wrong with just wanting a taste, is there?
Author's Note: Hiya peeps! enjoy!
Wait, why is it so cold?
Y/N blinked her eyes open, flinching when she felt blinding pain in the side of her neck. Touching it, she found out that she was bleeding. What in the world…? "What the fuck?" she mumbled, moving to turn on the night-light but instead, she heard loud gagging noises coming from next to her on the floor.
She froze. I live alone. And then her instincts kicked in. She started screaming, only for her mouth to be clamped shut by a cold, freezing hand. "Shut up! Don't scream!" a raspy voice hissed. "Who the fuck are you?" Y/N demanded, though her voice came out muffled. "Forget that— why the fuck does your blood taste so gross?" the man asked instead.
Y/N's eyes widened with fear. "My— you— who are you?!" she yelled. "Shush! It's the middle of the night!" the man groaned, "My name is Bucky Barnes, happy?" Y/N huffed, clutching the side of her neck. "And what the fuck do you mean by your blood tastes so gross?" she questioned. "Did I stutter? I mean exactly that. Why the fuck is it so disgusting?!"
Y/N froze for the second time that night. Her first thought was that it was a dream, but the very real pain in her neck and the blood on her fingers suggested otherwise. The man— Bucky— he bit her neck. And that had only one reasonable explanation. "Are you a vampire?" she blurted out.
"Aye, see? Knew you were smart," he beamed and she stared at him, shocked. "Vampires aren't real." His face dropped and he rolled his eyes. "Then how do you explain me?" He flexed and Y/N scrunched her nose in mild annoyance. "First off, you're too annoying. Second— what the hell are you doing in my house?!"
"What do you think I'm doing?! I was hungry! Now answer my damn question— why is your blood gross?" He tapped her on the forehead twice. She blinked. Well, since this night couldn't get any crazier… "I have anemia? I guess that's why. Now you answer my question! Why did you select me to be your food?"
"Because you look like a snack?" he offered sheepishly but she only raised an eyebrow. Bucky blushed a bit; he very well couldn't tell her that he had had a crush on her ever since he had seen her— that was a few months ago. Nothing wrong with just wanting a taste, is there? "Okay wait, come back to you— you have anemia?"
"Uh, yeah? Why do you care? Go away, dude, you got your taste, you didn't like it, now leave me alone!" Y/N scoffed, turning to lay back down but Bucky put an arm around her, pulling her back up. "No, we gotta talk about it. Are you taking anything for it? Supplements, Vitamin D pills…?" Y/N stared at him.
"No," she replied flatly, "Medicines taste bad and I've already come to terms with my condi—" Bucky scoffed harder. "Really? You are a dumbass, you know that? I'm bringing you the medicines tomorrow, and you're gonna take them every night in front of me, got it?" Nothing wrong with being worried about your darling's health.
"Do you usually get this involved with your prey/food?" Y/N deadpanned. "You're not— don't argue! If you're not going to take care of your health, I'm going to have to do it for you," Bucky huffed. "As sweet as the sentiment is, I think the fuck not. Goodnight, Bucky, I will not see you tomorrow." She gave him a sweet, fake smile and lay down.
This time, Bucky didn't stop her. "Dumbass," he muttered under his breath as he stood on the window sill, promptly turning into a bat before flying away into the night.
"Hey, welcome home!"
Y/N screamed, almost dropping her bag of groceries on the floor as she whirled around to see Bucky sitting on the couch in the living room, flipping through the pages of a magazine. "Couldn't figure out how to turn on the TV," he muttered as Y/N eyed the magazine. She couldn't help but snort. "Ancient."
"Hey, rude." He narrowed his eyes at her and she narrowed hers right back. "Okay, had your fun reading the magazine? Now get lost or I'll call security," Y/N threatened him and stood in front of him, her arms crossed. He smirked and rose to his full height, causing Y/N's resolve to crumble.
He was much, much taller than her. "Go ahead, do it, baby girl," he whispered tauntingly, leaning in so that their faces were inches apart. Y/N whimpered involuntarily at his sweet scent, slapping a hand to her mouth in horror when she realized what she had just done. Bucky burst out laughing. "See? You want me here."
"Flatter yourself, Barnes," she mumbled but the truth was, she did want him there. The previous night, she had failed to notice just how beautiful he really was; now, she found out. He was also funny, charming, caring and sweet— not bad company. "So, am I cooking dinner for one or for two?"
"You? I'm cooking dinner! And you're gonna eat whatever the hell I'm going to make. Go take a bath in the meanwhile, I'll handle it." Bucky ushered her towards her bathroom and she blinked. "What, I— hey! Wait!" He stopped pushing her. "Why are you cooking for me?"
"Because your dumbass doesn't eat shit it should be eating and instead eats what it shouldn't! You're anemic, and yet I never see you eating food that has high levels of iron in it. You just don't care about your life, do you?" Y/N laughed, pinching his cold cheeks. "You're really cute, you know? Dude, I'll be fine—"
"Okay, how about this? I'm doing this for myself because your blood tastes gross and I gotta fix it," he suggested. "I have a solution: why don't you go find someone else to be your food? Look, my blood tastes bad, so why waste all your time trying to fix it? Get someone else, kill them!" Bucky pulled a face.
"Kill them? You think you'll die if I bite you?" Y/N nodded slowly. "Um, no, sweet pie, you won't die if I bite you. You'll… maybe get sick for a few days, but then you'll be fine," Bucky explained. "What if I don't want to get sick for a few days either? Just go away, find someone else, make them sick!" Bucky pouted.
"You really don't want me to be here?" he whined. "I— Fine! Fine! Cook whatever the hell you want, stay, but on one condition." A huge smile bloomed on the vampire's face as he nodded. "You don't get to bite me, ever." His face fell. "Not even a little…?" Y/N shook her head. He pouted harder. Y/N stared back, unwavering.
"A little, small bite…?"
"Bucky, don't push it," Y/N warned and Bucky immediately raised his arms in surrender. "Now go take a bath, I'm making food." With a small smile, Y/N entered the bathroom, starting to fill the tub up with water as she sat on the toilet seat, thinking back a few hours.
How did this even happen? First, she wakes up to find a stranger on her bedroom floor gagging on her "gross" blood; second, he reveals that he is a vampire and third, he wants to take care of her and wants her to get better. Teenage her, who was quite fond of Twilight, would've loved this dude.
But now? Y/N was still skeptical, but at least Bucky hadn't pulled any sketchy shit. So far, he had been nothing but sweet. "Maybe I can give him a chance," she whispered to herself. She had no doubt about the fact that he was a vampire; he was always cold, had sharp, pointy teeth and she had practically seen him turn into a bat last night.
So yeah.
Y/N was going to allow a vampire to take care of her.
"Oh good, you're here," Bucky called out when she finally walked out of her room in her pajamas. "Smells good, what did you make?" Y/N smiled, sitting down at the kitchen island. Bucky placed a plate in front of her. "Beans. We'll start small. Do you eat meat?" Y/N nodded, eating a spoonful of the beans.
"Mm," she groaned, "These are so good! You're a great cook, Bucky." He rubbed the back of his neck shyly as Y/N beamed at him. "Thanks. My ma taught me, back in the 1500's." Y/N's eyes widened. "How old are you?" she asked with disbelief as she picked up the bread he had prepared along with the beans.
"A few centuries. You kinda lose count after a long time," he laughed. "Were you born a vampire or were you turned into one later in life?" Bucky pondered for a few seconds. "I was born one. My ma and my pa were both vampires." Y/N nodded before looking at him with a curious look. "What do you want to ask?" he teased upon seeing her expression. She chuckled.
"Can I become a vampire too?"
Bucky froze. "Do you want to be one?" he spoke slowly. "I mean, sounds cool, don't you think? Of course, I'm not completely sure, I just— wanna know how you turn someone into a vampire. Can you turn someone into one?" she blurted out. Bucky gulped hard; God knew he had been dreaming about turning her into a vampire ever since he had seen her.
Vampires having relationships with humans wasn't uncommon but he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. And with vampirism comes one boon— immortality. So, if he turned her into a vampire, they could be together forever and always, literally. "I— I can turn people into vampires. All it takes is a neck bite."
Her brows furrowed. "But you bit me last night, am I—" Bucky shook his head. "You aren't a vampire, Y/N. There is a specific spot on a person's neck that you have to bite in order to turn them into a vampire. I didn't bite you there." She nodded and exhaled. "Good. I don't wanna be a vampire just yet, gotta think more before making a decision."
"So in the future maybe, you'll be open to becoming a vampire?" Bucky asked, his hopefulness shining through in his voice. Y/N laughed. "Wanna turn me into a vampire that bad?" she teased and Bucky looked away, an embarrassed look on his face. "I'm not desperate," he muttered. Y/N finished eating her dinner, did her nightly routine and got into bed.
Bucky soon approached with two pills in his open palm, his other hand holding a bottle of water. "Just gulp it quickly and you won't have to taste the pills," he reassured her as she eyed the pills with disdain. Putting her doubts aside, she quickly downed the pills, pulling a face as she did. Bucky ruffled her hair.
"Good job, sweet pie! See, easy, wasn't it? Now get a good night's sleep, I'll see you tomorrow evening." Y/N lay down on the bed, pulling the covers on top of her as she smiled sleepily at Bucky. "Goodnight, see you tomorrow," she yawned and Bucky gave her a huge smile before jumping out the window like he had done the night before; flying into the night as a bat.
"Bucky! Are you here?"
Y/N walked into her dimly lit house, confused. All the lights were off, the house lit by candles placed strategically here and there. She could smell roses too. "Hi, sweet pie." A gasp escaped Y/N lips when Bucky walked out of the kitchen. He was dressed in an all-black suit, a suave smile on his face. She stood frozen as he approached her, taking her hand.
He pressed a kiss to her knuckles and Y/N found her voice. "What is this, Bucky?" she chuckled. "Our six month anniversary, sweet pie. Did you forget?" he pouted. Y/N laughed harder. "We're not dating." His smile stayed confident. "Would you like to?" She paused mid-laugh, staring at him through wide eyes filled with disbelief.
"Are you… asking me out?" she whispered and Bucky nodded. "Oh my— yes! Yes, Bucky!" She ran forward and jumped into his arms, ignoring how cold he was as she hugged him tightly, burying her face in his neck. As he stated, six months had passed since Y/N and Bucky became friends and Y/N was quickly falling for him.
He was literally perfect. There was nothing she didn't like about him; she had even gotten over the fact that he was a vampire. "Oh, fuck, I thought it was gonna fail," Bucky laughed as he pulled her flush against him, one arm wrapping around her waist as she other cradled her head. "No way, Buck, I've liked you for a while now."
Both of them walked into the kitchen, where Y/N got another shock. The floor was covered in rose petals; they formed the shape of a heart. There was a bouquet of roses sitting on the dining table as well, between two plates of delicious-looking food. Next to the vase were two bottles of expensive champagne, and two glasses.
"How long did this take?" she whispered, snuggling further into Bucky's arms as she admired the scene in front of her. "A few hours. But all worth it." He pressed a quick kiss to her temple. "The rose heart looks awesome," she grinned, thanking Bucky when he pulled out her chair for her. "Ha, thanks," he laughed.
They maintained a light-hearted conversation as they ate dinner; afterwards, Y/N took a relaxing bath, took her medicines and got into bed. "Bucky," she called out tentatively and he turned to her. "Yes, my love?" She smiled shyly. "Will you stay the night?" Bucky grinned broadly. "Thought you'd never ask."
He stripped down; only in his boxers as he got into the bed with her. Before he could lay down Y/N pulled a pro-gamer move on him and straddled his lap, rendering him speechless. "Sweet pie," he groaned when her lips came crashing down on his. He grabbed the back of her head and pulled her close, kissing her deeper.
Somewhere in the kiss Bucky's hands reached the hem of her t-shirt and he broke the kiss to pull it off of her. Another few minutes in, Y/N found herself laying on the bed stark naked under Bucky, who was equally as naked, his hard length poking at her tight entrance.
"Bucky," she whimpered as he slid home, a deep moan leaving his lips. "Fuck, sweet pie, so fucking tight," he praised, one of his hands toying with her breasts as the other grabbed her headrest, using it as support as he thrust into her repeatedly. Y/N's hands fisted around her bedsheets, the pleasure in her abdomen becoming too much to bear.
"I'm close," she announced breathlessly and Bucky dropped his head, pressing kisses to her face. "I'm close too, just a minute more." Y/N tried her best to hold the pleasure in as Bucky's thrusts started becoming sloppier. "Such a good girl for me," he grunted as he felt himself inching closer to the edge.
"Let go for me."
Both of them let go at the same time, Y/N cumming around him with a soft whine as Bucky shot his load into her with a guttural snarl. "Oh, fuck," he panted as he fell on top of her, both of them out of breath. "Bucky, I— I wanted to ask you something," she whispered shyly as Bucky rolled off of her, only to pull her closer to him. "Yes, darling?"
"I wanna be a vampire."
Bucky turned to look at her, wide eyed. "Are you sure?" She lowered her eyes and nodded. "I— I love you, Bucky, and there's no one I'd rather be with than you. So please, make me— make me immortal." Bucky blinked back tears and cupped her cheek, tilting her chin up. "All mine. My beautiful girl. I love you too," he whispered, leaning in to press a soft kiss to her lips.
He then strayed to her jaw, peppering it with kisses until he finally reached her neck, nuzzling into it for a few seconds, breathing in her scent. Soon, he found the spot— the one that would turn her into a vampire. "It'll sting just a bit," he warned her, "Then you'll go to sleep. When you wake up, the transformation will be completed. Are you sure you want this?"
"I have never been so sure of something in my entire life." Bucky smiled and pressed a quick kiss to her spot before sinking his teeth into her neck; Y/N winced a bit at the sting but overall, felt fine. When Bucky pulled away from her, he was wiping blood off his lips. He then reached down and picked up her t-shirt.
Y/N smiled sleepily as he cleaned her neck, admiring the mark for a few seconds. "Looks good. And tastes much better." Y/N giggled and slapped his bare chest, making him grin. Both of them then lay down on the bed, arms around each other as they closed their eyes.
"Goodnight, Buck."
"Goodnight, princess, see you on the other side tomorrow."
A/N: Thanks for reading, leave a like if you enjoyed!
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