sionisjaune · 4 months
Top 5 fics? Top 5 f1 fics?
Non f1: idols and dead men by sath (kylo ren/hux), take the heat out of me by quipquipquip (dick/jason), foreign languages by fabularasa (bruce/hal), grounds for divorce by tepre (harry/draco), and go astray by liesmyth (damen/laurent)
F1 (not necessarily my top 5 but fic that i particularly like): season of the times series by bestliars (seb/lewis), caught my reflection in the mirror by c (mark/seb), come on star boy by yekoc (max/daniel), made a hundred good stories by kane (seb/lewis/alex), bulletthestars’s entire princess cake catalogue
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flamevbirdv · 3 months
my favorite podfics: jaydick 💙❤️
Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc by victoria_p (musesfool) read by Aliteralgarbageheap
In which Dick convinces Jason to give up killing people through the power of hugs. No, seriously.
Ducklings on the Freeway by pentapus read by frecklebombfic
Jason worries about the younger Robins. He doesn't worry about Dick -- Dick's untouchable, and even if he wasn't Jason wouldn't care. (Or Dick gets hurt, and it freaks Jason out more than he expected.)
What Do You Mean Jason Todd is Dead? by orphan_account read by litrapod
Jason was sent to the past and needs the bat clan's help, but it turns out he had just died. Not wanting to stir up any bad emotions for the family by revealing his identity Jason has to find a way to return back to his time. And did Dick just flirt with him?
here is my downfall by kuro49 read by mistbornhero
Dick laughs faintly, and Jason knows this as his Achilles’ heel.
Sensory Endings by Arsenic read by CainPods
There are a number of aftereffects from the Pit, of course, but none are so hard to deal with as the way Jason's nerves want to react to EVERYTHING.
ghosts and gods by perissologist read by Cass_Caelis
If Jason is a ghost, then Dick is a supernatural force all his own, one that tears worlds apart in search of better ones. As a side effect of coming back from the dead, Jason is a bona fide paranormal phenomenon. Dick seems to be a little too caught up in mooning after him to notice. Their siblings aren't amused. (Or, Jason is a supernatural presence after his resurrection, but the poor fool in love with him thinks the freaky feelings are just the butterflies in his stomach.)
Partial podfic of Take the Heat Out of Me by Quipquipquip read by Annapods
Lost Days!Jason trolls Officer Grayson!Dick in Blüdhaven. Dick counter-trolls with the power of love. (It's super effective.)
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jaydick-week · 2 years
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JAYDICK AWARDS 2023: Alternate Universe Category!
It’s time to announce the second set of awards from our Superlative event! These imaginative works feature Jason Todd and Dick Grayson in alternate universes, from dorm rooms to outer space! 
Check out the awesome fics below the cut and let your imagination run wild.
And don’t forget to submit your prompts for Jaydick Week 2023!
💙❤️ The Fantasy/Sci-Fi Award ❤️💙
Our Hallowed Knight by empires
Captain’s Privileges by Skalidra
E.T.I.A.: Alas de Cristal by lerylulu
When You Move I Move by anidear
Limbo by moonfox281
Children of Prometheus by join_the_conga
Born Under A Bad Sign by Mikimoo
trust not in the darkness, trust in my outstretched hand by victoriousscarf
💙❤️ The Canon Divergence Award ❤️💙
we were just kids when we fell in love by stainedredhands
Take the Heat out of Me by quipquipquip
El Misterio de RedWing by lerylulu
you were a thief, you stole my heart by stainedredhands
Rooftop Perspectives by kiera_wesley
An Unexpected Find by firefright, pentapus
lit the fuse and missed the candle (i love you and despise you) by lostandlonelybirds
Johari Window by ivebeenbamboozled
💙❤️ The Soulmates Award ❤️💙
Mauve-7 Medical Designation by pentapus
Hyperobjects by stevieraebarnes
Catch You On The Flipside by kate882
A New Taste Of Love by empires, salvadore
What I Want Most by Chrystie, kate882
All Soulmates Final, No Refunds by empires, salvadore
What Souls Are Made Of by Nightwing_Mar
Se suponía que era mentira by lerylulu
💙❤️ The Academic Award ❤️💙
To All Dicks I’ve Loved Before by hedgebelle
Red Is Also A Color by morimaitar
The door we left open of Apartment 602 by moonfox281
You and Me (Could It Be Meant to Be) by stevieraebarnes
catch me when I fall by Zillabird
💙❤️ The Historical Award ❤️💙
Parallax by stevieraebarnes
The Young Bride by sarriathmg
Scents & Sensibility by empires
Bite Me to the Bone by elwon
💙❤️ The Fusion Award ❤️💙
Electric Loving by Nerd_by_Definition
Make 'em Turn Their Heads Every Place We Go by bitterleafs
Captain’s Privileges by Skalidra
💙❤️ The Domestic Award ❤️💙
The Official Gotham City Bat Cafe by epistemology
Where I Want To Be by dnawhite76, Prubbs
Everything I Know by epistemology
💙❤️ The Uniquely AOB Award ❤️💙
Vendetta by Walor
Good Intentions by Imafilthycasual
Street Rat by Garpie64
A Funny Thing by morimaitar
Sex Addicts Anonymous by CinnaTwist
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disasterbatfamily · 3 years
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"Family Game Night" by quipquipquip
"Boys," Bruce warned, which momentarily simmered the Robin in-fighting. "Let's just start the game and try to enjoy ourselves. Monopoly can be a game of strategy just as legitimate as chess."
"Yeah, a game of corporate strategy," Tim agreed, because he tended to do that whenever Bruce said anything. "If everyone would just cool it for five minutes, this could be fun."
"Fun?" Jason repeated, and Cass and Steph exchanged a look that said here we go... "Fun? You think that it's fun to be controlled by the bank, to prey on your friends and family? Let's discuss endgame here. The aim of this game is to be rich as fuck, to own everything, and to bankrupt everyone else. So no, dickwad, I don't think that this is going to be fun."
"Jason," Bruce sighed. "We talked about this."
"YOU AREN'T MY REAL DAD," Jason bellowed, and flipped the table. "YOU OWN PARK PLACE, BUT YOU DON'T OWN ME!"
"This is why we can't have game night," Damian told Dick, crossing his arms over his chest.
"No," Dick sighed as a rainbow of paper bills fluttered to the ground around them. "This is why we can't have nice things."
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minuiko · 7 years
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Quick Jack + Roz
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ambientmagic · 7 years
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The Posterchildren Fancast (12/?) Nightshine
Annabel G.k as Mitsuko Maki
Click here to read The Posterchildren by Kitty Burroughs
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monterigatoni · 7 years
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my face when trying to connect the events in the posterchildren @quipquipquip
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spite-and-waffles · 3 years
I really enjoy JayDick and JayTim as ships but the fandom is....is uh...really something.
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mercy-misrule · 7 years
quipquipquip replied to your photoset: Apologies if these pictures three times the tumblr...
You look radiant. The world is lucky to have another year of you. Happy Birthday!!!
Thank you!  You are a gem and a star and its so good to see you around!
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whats your fav stephanie brown fic youve read? can be multiple!
Thank god you said multiple because I have SO MANY
hit 'em up style by TheResurrectionist
in this town of halloween by @nokomiss​ 
Hanging Around by Sohotthateveryonedied        
time slip by AlmondRose      
war of the robins - missing scene by @drakefeathers
Where the Asphalt Flowers Grow by Nokomis        
Crisis of Infinite Batgirls by adventuresofcomicbookgirl       
Put All Your Faults to Bed by hauntedlittledoll      
Just Another Kid by @shobogan         
aegis by inkteller
Adventures in the Elevator of Despair by quipquipquip
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firefrightfic · 3 years
top 5 fics you've read?? for your most recent ask game
This was super hard, first of all. My favourites tend to change a lot depending on what I'm most into at the time, so I tried to base this mostly off stories that spoke a lot to me or I've found myself coming back to time and again. I also decided to only include one from each particular canon, as well as pick from only fully completed works. That said, I have so many more amazing favourite fics that what are listed here, so check out my bookmarks page for them (also not included are the many wonderful fics I've lost or forgotten to bookmark over the years and now only recall in shreds of memory).
p.s Again, these are in no particular order other than me finding the links for them when going through my bookmarks on Ao3
1) A thousand fingerpints on the surfaces of who I am by SkyScribbles, Critical Role campaign 2, mostly Essek focused with developing Shadowgast
Summary: 'Changing is hard. For most of us, it happens little by little in in the smallest moments and we don’t notice it, we don’t choose it. But looking yourself in the face and deciding to be different – that is hard. You are unpicking threads of who you are that were put in place more than a century ago.'
[This is a series rather than a single fic, but I figure that's really just the same as including a multichapter here. Very much an AU of canon from episode 97 onwards, as it was written during CR's forced hiatus through the first covid lockdown, but still an excellent character study of Essek and the first Shadowgast/Essek focused work I binged through, so of course it holds a special place in my heart.]
2) How River Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Moon by Oriflamme. Books of the Raksura, Moon/River, plus others
Summary: Chime is, apparently, useless. No one else seems to notice or care that their first consort wears almost the exact same jewelry to every formal event.
Really. It's been years.
So River takes matters into his own hands.
[Playing off the rivalry between River and Moon in the books and adding foe-yay/rivals-to-lovers into the mix. I absolutely love the thought and detail put into this. Plus I gotta shout out this author's Transformers fics as well]
3) Eversion by thespectaclesofthor. Detroit: Become Human, Hank/Connor
Summary: Connor, a postgrad taking a semester off from forensic science, liaises with his father’s police station, occasionally working cold cases. When he picks up a cold case conspiracy that indicates a plot to revert all Deviant androids back to their original state, he realises he’s onto something huge, but his bad habits and drinking have made his father annoyed enough to get the HX800 – Hank, one of the only reverted once-Deviants in the world – who serves as bodyguard, nanny and curfew enforcer. Connor, frustrated that he can’t properly work on the case and looking to get Hank off his back, decides what better way to do that, then to make him a Deviant again?
[Look, DBH is not a great game, it's full of plot holes and clumsy racial allegory, but it's appeal lies in the potential it could have had, and this fic reverses two of the primary character roles in a super interesting way. It's also extremely heavy on BDSM themes, sex, non-con and trauma, so please make sure you look through all the tags thoroughly before reading]
4) Blood and Darkness by felinefelicitations. Hades, ThanZag
Summary: Zagreus stops in front of him, head tilted up to look at him. There’s a cut on his face, and without thinking Thanatos reaches out, runs his thumb over it to soothe it shut so at the least he does not bleed.
Zagreus is still looking at him, quiet.
“You came,” Zagreus finally says. He smiles; it makes all the flames that curl around his laurels spark. There is such a soft and tender pleasure in his words. “After all this time.”
[I really love the way this one plays with the idea of the nature of gods. Thanatos/Death in particular in this case. Deviates from the actual plot of Hades quite thoroughly by the end, but a lovely read]
5) The New Hire by starkraving. Blade Runner 2049, gen, K focused.
Summary: Officer KD6-3.7 is brought onboard to replace the LAPD's most recent dead blade runner. It's a steep learning curve.
[all of this author's Blade Runner fic is great, as is their CR stuff. This one stuck with me particularly for the worldbuilding aspects, though. Big warnings for themes of dehumanisation of a sentient artificially created being, threats of violence etc. Blade Runner is not a happy canon and this is not a happy read.]
6) (when you just can't seem) to shake the weight of living by WingedQuill. The Witcher, Geralt/Yennefer/Jaskier
Summary: Geralt's muscles heave backwards, flinging him down against the bed. He tries to struggle upwards but it feels like he’s been buried beneath a mountain. Every inch of him is pressed completely still. His eyes close, and he’s left in the dark with nothing but his racing heart for company. He’s not tired, he’s never been less tired. But the curse wants him to sleep, it seems. It’ll force him to lie here until he does. How much of his life will it start to control, now that he’s declared war against it? Now that he knows it’s lurking in his bones, now that it doesn’t have to be subtle?
He swallows. Takes a long, deep breath, gathering every bit of courage he has to stop himself from slipping back into panic. He still has control over his lungs. He still has that.
For now.
(Or: Witchers don't retire. They stay on the Path until it kills them. They hunt monsters and they want nothing from life. This isn't exactly by choice.)
[Yes I'm cheating including this one, but it was so hard to choose and it's so good just like all the rest. This fic absolutely broke my heart and put it together again with idea of all Witchers being forced to operate under a curse that never lets them retire and essentially traps them in their own minds when they try to fight back against it.]
Bonus shout outs to:
Everything by my lovely Skalidra (shush, I'm biased and you can all deal with it) Take the Heat Out of Me by quipquipquip, the JayDick fic that thoroughly influenced all my DC comics writing Ouroboros by bedlamsbard, if you want incredibly detailed worldbuilding Star Wars fic, featuring universe hopping by the prequel characters, this is the series for you (I particularly recommend Queen's Gambit)
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jaydick-week · 3 years
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Take the Heat Out of me by quipquipquip
Rec’d by @meaninglessblah-writes​
Talk about JayDick Greats — this fic single-handedly introduced me to all the gritty, messy, obsessive dynamic of Jason and Dick's relationship and got me hook-line-and-sinker. No matter how many times I return to read this fic, there's always something new to undercover, something understated whispered underneath the absolutely incredible plot and compelling build of Jason and Dick's unconventional relationship. If you only ever read one JayDick fic, let it be this one.
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disasterbatfamily · 3 years
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"Family Game Night" by quipquipquip
It was either a dream or a nightmare. Damian hadn't decided which yet, and his decision was mostly contingent on when blood started being shed and how much blood it ended up being.
Bloodshed, he felt, was only inevitable. There was no two ways around it. The gathering of seven had not been in one room together before, though they all flew---or had flown---under the same banner. He knew he was dreaming, because the combination was too surreal to exist in the waking world. How or why his subconscious had dredged it up was beyond him, and in any other case he would have lodged a complaint with the management.
He, Tim Drake-Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, and Bruce Wayne were all seated around a small table. In the center of the table was a board game: Monopoly, with its neat sheafs of garishly-colored paper money and inane property names.
Someone was going to get stabbed. He could just feel it. If no one made the first move, Damian would be forced to do it himself. The only question was, Drake or Todd? And what were the odds of making it look like he'd just...slipped and put a knife between their ribs?
"Isn't this just the best," Dick gushed, his smile wide as he doled out paper money. "All of us together, playing a board game like a real family?"
"Family," Jason deadpanned, lighting a cigarette. "Right."
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minuiko · 8 years
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Zip/Cindy for C3!
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ambientmagic · 7 years
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The Posterchildren Fancast (13/?) Empress
Christina Hendricks as Doris Riley
Click here to read The Posterchildren by Kitty Burroughs
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incoherentbabblings · 4 years
TimSteph FanFic Recommendations (2020 Edition)
Because my original one was put out two years ago. This includes much of the same stories as before, as they are my personal favourites, plus some ones that have been written in the past two years. These fics are where the pairing is the main subject, not just one feature. 
Under the read more due to length.
Favourite of Favourites
Rainy Nights by aravistarkheena 
Tim has to walk home in the rain, feeling miserable until Steph cheers him up with bed snuggles
All The Ghosts That Bring Us by Downmimosaeyes
“It’s been a rough night,” he says, then after a moment’s pause clarifies delicately, “You’re hurt. Let me help.” Set at a handwavey point sometime after Steph’s return from Leslie faking her death.
Mosaic Hearts by fightforyourwrite
In an odd way, they found each other once more after falling apart. It wasn’t a matter of starting again on the holy grounds of their past, but rather, picking up the pieces of their broken devotion and hoping that an artist, or someone, could create some sort of mosaic masterpiece out of the mess.
Sorry That I Bruced You by quipquipquip
He tied a purple ribbon around a brick and left it on her windowsill with a note that said: Want to catch a movie on Friday? - Alvin. Post Batgirl #24, Tim/Steph fluff.
Un-Bottled Thoughts by TBPOnTheSide
Tim accidentally ends up drunk at a Wayne event and calls Steph for help. He turns into an over-confident flirt and confesses more than he's aware of.
Drabbles and One Shots
We'll Make it Right For You by Sohotthateveryonedied
Tim’s reflection stops in the doorway, taking in the scene before him. Steph’s shirt is still rucked up, showing off her ugly C-section scar. Tim insists that every part of her is beautiful, scars and all, but Steph knows better. She sees how people stare on the rare occasions in which she dares to wear a crop top, wondering what kind of a slut could have gotten pregnant so young. “Steph? You okay?”
“Do you think she hates me?” She doesn’t need to clarify who she’s talking about; they’ve had this conversation enough times for Tim to know by now.
Adventures in Death Traps by faile_neume
Tim and Steph are stuck in a trap and shenanigans ensue.  
Hallways by fightforyourwrite
Things would be a lot less awkward if Stephanie wasn’t wearing a dress shirt and shorts.
Photograph by redbirb
A lazy morning with Tim & Steph
Don’t Wake by MeRascalJoy (DarkQuill)
*Spoilers for Detective Comics #940* This. THIS was Tim. Solid, warm, breathing, alive. Not disintegrated on some clocktower’s roof.Just a dream. It had only been a dream. (A nightmare.)(Pre-52 Steph and Tim’s “death.” Alternatively, Steph has a nightmare and Tim comforts her in his own awkward way.)
Spoiled Again by WanderingJane
Tim would like everyone to know that he really hates catchphrases. (Please make her stop.)
Brick to the Face on Tumblr    
Little Black Bird (Help Me Find My Way) by butterflyslinky
Steph would do anything for Tim.
Especially when he's in this much trouble.
It Takes Two by inheritanceofgeek
Stephanie and Tim have been back together for eight months, and everything seems to be going wonderfully! They're young and in love, and couldn't be happier. Yet the pain of the past is still taking its toll, and if they don't deal with it soon it might just destroy their future.
Meanwhile, all across Gotham Homeless kids are going missing, and there's a new designer drug hitting the market that the Crime Families of Gotham seem particularly interested in. It's a case designed for Batgirl and Red Robin, but they'll need to be working in perfect unison if they want to save the day.
Take Back the Cake, Burn the Shoes, and Boil the Rice by IncoherentBabblings 
I know I know I know but I had to let me be obnoxious
Within two months there have been two murders of Gotham newlyweds moments after the ceremony. The only connecting factor was both brides wore the same designer's work. Needing to establish who exactly is behind the crimes, Bruce enlists Tim and Stephanie to have the biggest wedding Gotham high society has seen in decades, putting a target on their heads not just for the killer, but Gotham society too. It goes about as well as you'd expect.
It goes without saying but please only check these out if you’re of age. Please. 
Make This Go On Forever by boywonder_iii
Stephanie thought she was just imagining things when she saw the darkness in Tim, but the more and more she was with him, the more she realized he was slipping further towards the point of no return. Unbeknownst to him, she had something up her sleeve to keep that from happening.
Learning By Doing by iesika
“There’s a first time for everything.”
Countdown to a Bad Idea by Nimravidae
Stephanie has that feeling in her gut that says she’s either about thirty seconds away from making a bad decision. It’s the feeling she gets right before she jumps off a rooftop or into a den of criminals. Or when Tim Drake is standing too close.
Slick by Merit
Why stop at one?
Ready or Not? by AHaplessBystander
Tim and Stephanie have a close relationship but have yet to have sex. After years of being together and having their romance interrupted Tim finally feels ready but is Stephanie? He wants their first time having sex to be perfect so he decides to head to the one person he trusts most for advice: Dick Grayson.
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