Fire Writes
2K posts
A fanfic sideblog for Firefright. Fic updates, recs and general writing thoughts. Sidebar art by Saturdaysky.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
firefrightfic · 2 months ago
I just reread "All Things in Perspective" for probably the fifth time. It's one of my favorite Essek/Shadowgast fics (your omegaverse is also right there at the top), and I absolutely love Essek having the nickname "Essie" -I fondly think about Caleb picking it up as an actual cute nickname for him, and the thought makes my heart feel like exploding lol.
Ahhh thank you! I love hearing people reread my stuff. Also yes, haha, I like to thing Caleb brings it out to tease him with occasionally when they're having friendly couple arguments or something, and Essek for the most only pretends to be annoyed about it.
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firefrightfic · 3 months ago
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CR Aspec Fest - Info & FAQs!
The Critical Role Aspec Fest is a month-long fanwork fest (with a prompt for each week) celebrating aromantic-spectrum and asexual-spectrum experiences!
Schedule and Prompts
WEEK 1 (Feb 1st-7th): Aro-spec
WEEK 2 (Feb 8th-14th): Ace-spec
WEEK 3 (Feb 15th-21st): Unconventional relationships
WEEK 4 (Feb 22nd-28th): Free week! Whatever your heart desires.
(if something isn't answered here, please feel free to send an ask or message!)
Can I make something about a character being demisexual or demiromantic or (insert other label)? Can I make something about a character who's straight?
Absolutely - please do! Aspec is a very broad umbrella term, and this event is all about celebrating a variety of experiences that aren't well-represented in media. If it feels right to you, go for it. I'm not going to exclude any works from the fest just because they aren't relatable to me.
What types of fanworks can I make for the fest?
Anything! Be that fanfiction, fanart, meta, gifsets, edits etc. - everything is welcome! If you're writing fanfiction, you're encouraged to post to the AO3 collection here.
Which Critical Role characters can I make fanworks about?
Anyone in anything they've streamed - so the main campaigns, EXUs, Candela Obscura, Daggerheart or other oneshots!
Do I need to be aspec to join?
Definitely not, as long as you're coming in with the mindset of being respectful of our experiences. For one, I'm aromantic but not ace-spec - so making works about ace-spec experiences is naturally going to be more difficult for me, but entirely doable with a little bit of research! I think it's a great way to learn about others.
Why February? Why a whole month?
Yes, there are plenty of aspec weeks hosted in other fandoms, which are great and the inspiration for this event! But personally, I am both slow and busy, so making just one thing per week is much more achievable for me. I chose February because Aromantic Awareness Week is the week after Valentine's day, and this fest was originally going to take place during that time. I'm also unaware of any other fandom events happening in February (although please let me know otherwise, just for my own interest!). The fact that February splits so nicely into 4 whole weeks is an added bonus!
Would you like people to share around the existence of this fest?
(Okay, maybe this one's a bit of a cheat.) Yes please! Even if you don't plan on taking part, getting eyes on the existence of this event would be wonderful. This is the first fandom event I've ever hosted, and I don't have a huge platform among fic writers, who are likely the largest contingent of nerds (lovingly) who'd be interested in taking part in an event like this.
Other Rules
Please don't bash any ships or headcanons you don't like! Part of the fun of fandom is seeing the broad range of possible interpretations, and I'd always rather foster a sense of community rather than opposition.
Suggestive, NSFW and whump content is fully allowed, but must be tagged correctly for whatever platform you're posting on.
Fanworks should be focused on aspec experiences or characters, but other topics or characters can totally be included, and these experiences don't have to be super clear or well-labelled in-text (gods know that real-life experiences are often opaque and confusing) - it's your intention that matters. This is up to your discretion, really. As with the rule of thumb for AO3 tagging - if someone was viewing this for aspec content, would they be disappointed? If so, you can always rework it, or post it outside of this fest.
This account will be reblogging every fanwork made for the fest - just remember to tag us, and use the #CRAspecFest tag! If you don't have a tumblr account and want a post about your work to be included, send a message.
There'll be more posts on this account with ideas for how to approach the prompts, plus reminders at the start of each week, tagged #CRAspecFestPosts. All submission reblogs will be tagged #CRAspecFestWorks.
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firefrightfic · 3 months ago
Rating: T Relationships: Essek/Caleb Words: 1.4k
“Caleb,” Essek asks in an undertone, as they walk away from one window, its festive display festooned in so many colorful sparkling lights that the very sight makes Essek’s eyes water, “if there is something you want to buy, then why not just buy it?” “Too expensive,” Caleb demurs, the denial so prompt it cannot be anything but reflexive. “Besides, I don't need it.”
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firefrightfic · 4 months ago
I never read beyond the first murderbot novella but i'm suddenly very taken by an adaption where everyone is muppets except for murderbot who painstakingly looks like the most ordinary human you ever saw
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firefrightfic · 5 months ago
Verin Thelyss sensitive soul who like poetry is 100% the correct direction, I don't how we didn't predict it like everything else
But I will have that he absolutely does write his own and Essek was subjected to so much baby poetry where Luxon was somehow rhymed with buxom now, thank you Mr. Mercer
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firefrightfic · 7 months ago
Popping in to say i love ur omegaverse series!!
Thank you!
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firefrightfic · 7 months ago
Hey friends, I don't normally reblog stuff like this but Cake here does fantastic work caring for so many fuzzy babies, and if anyone among my followers can spare anything to help them save this silly little goofball, please do consider helping them out!
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Sour Cream, one of our 5wk old foster kittens, has had an upset tummy for a few days, and hadn't been wanting to eat, so @Xagave and I had been tube feeding to make sure she didnt lose weight. Aaaand last night, this spiteful little baby said 'fuck your milk, AND your tube'... and ate the whole entire feeding tube. (She ripped it off, bite guard and all!)
She now needs an endoscopic retreival to fish the tube back out, because it will not pass through her on its own. The emergency vet tried inducing vomiting, and just fishing it out, but neither worked. Because she is so tiny (1lb!), surgery would be risky, so this is the safest option.
The vet initially quoted us 2k, but was able to knock off some of the cost. A dear friend (who runs a senior dog and stray cat rescue!), Sandy, temporarily spotted us 1k so that Sour Cream can get the endoscopy today (as a baby, she needs to eat often, and CANT right now. So its urgent).
I hate asking for money online, but i would hate for this tiny baby to lose her life even more. If you are able to help us with the cost, even a little, my KoFi is the same as my username here, and I have a cash app:
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Or, you can help us pay back Sandy:
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here are more pics of Sour Cream & the Nachos 🥺💙 in case you want ur babby kitty fix.
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firefrightfic · 8 months ago
Every time this gets a fresh batch of notes I'm just like, solemn nod. We're really all in this together huh
to anyone missing my writing please know i am also missing my writing
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firefrightfic · 8 months ago
Can't believe that four years after I wrote a Slade-as-a-viking fic DC publishes a Slade-as-a-viking comic. Smh. Tom Taylor's Ao3 account where
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firefrightfic · 10 months ago
Heads up for this one, I'm asking this without the desire to pressure you or bother you because I know you are not having a good time in your life (and I hope you get better soon <3 )
I just would like to know if the fanfic "Brother mine" is abandoned or if you have future plans to update it? I love your writing! and that story is my favorite. I just bumped up with some of your work and I'm really in love with everything so far <3
So yeah, that's it! If the answer is no that's okay too, don't worry. I know sometimes we don't have enough inspo or grow out of certain things :) I just wanted to know.
Take care!
Thank you for the lovely message! I really appreciate it <3
Honestly at this point all I can say is I would like to finish it, the same as I'd like to finish all my fics. However, I'm very sure that it won't be any time soon. One day the Jason bug will probably bite me again, but not right now. Best bet is to stay subscribed to the fic and hopefully one day you will get that magical email in your inbox ^^;;;
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firefrightfic · 10 months ago
to anyone missing my writing please know i am also missing my writing
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firefrightfic · 10 months ago
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Happy Wednesday all! After an impromptu break, we're back this week with eleven Hurt/Comfort fics! As always, you can find them below the cut and if you check any of them out, I encourage you to leave kudoes and comments to spread the rarepair love 💕
Distraction by DEV0URMOUS (1,574 words, Explicit) Pairing: Eadwulf Grieve/Verin Thelyss (Verinwulf) Warnings: None
Verin finds his mind restless and can’t sleep. Wulf helps distract him.
Reccer Says: I love Verinwulf and this is very sweet <3
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Reprieve by likeseriouslyellie (2,718 words, Mature) Pairing: Thorn/Vax'ildan Warnings: None
While on the way to a Clasp job, Vax pays Thorn a visit, seeking comfort amidst fear.
Reccer Says: The angst is sooooo delicious, the way they try to make it okay, even just for a moment, while knowing that that feeling isn’t going to last in the end.
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Unbroken vows by CrownZero, Elk_rider (11,540 words, Explicit) Pairing: Shaun Gilmore/Vax'ildan (Vaxmore) Warnings: Safeword Use, Un-negotiated Kink, Wax Play
Vax pays Gilmore a visit after a while on the road. They have some fun with roleplay and things don’t quite so right, but it all works out in the end.
Reccer Says: It’s incredibly hot and tender and such a good take on their relationship 🖤💜
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a dangerous game by jaskofalltrades (1,458 words, Teen) Pairing: Mollymauk Tealeaf/Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widogast (Shadowidomauk) Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Past Abuse
Preparation for an Empire-Dynasty ball leaves Caleb, and in turn Essek, in a rough mental place. Molly helps.
Reccer Says: It’s very sweet!! Ludinus is a Bastard but Molly is a very good partner who knows just how to help!!!
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as in a mirror, dimly by yelenavasilyevna (4,563 words, Teen) Pairing: Eadwulf Grieve/Caleb Widogast (Widowulf) Warnings: Canon-typical discussion of child abuse
In the present, Eadwulf heals Caleb's bruises after a violent reunion with Astrid. In the past, Eadwulf tends to Bren's wounds after a mission where his hubris almost got Astrid killed.
Reccer Says: What if you had to be the only healer between your two crazy wizard lovers who think they're indestructible.
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The Self in the Other by fjorests_of_wildemount (1,010 words, Teen) Pairing: Astrid Becke/Eadwulf Grieve (Blumenduo) Warnings: None
Eadwulf and Astrid in the aftermath of dealing with rogue volstrecker
Reccer Says: Something something the ones left behind in the bloody aftermath
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To Repay What You Have Suffered by firefright (2,814 words, Mature) Pairing: Astrid Becke/Essek Thelyss, Astrid Beck/Eadwulf Grieve/Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widogast (Blumenshadow) Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Implied uncomfortable advances (the extent of which is left vague)
Astrid's concerned that Ludinus took advantage of Essek during their deal, and tries to talk to him.about it
Reccer Says: What's more Astrid than saying, if you need it I can and will spend myself to enact a bloodier vengeance?
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A Hundred Gold (Don't Fuck It Up) by Clare_Hope (2,412 words, Teen) Pairing: Ashton Greymoore/Milo Krook Warnings: None
After the Solstice, Milo is overwhelmed by work, trying to fix things for everyone. Ashton makes them take care of themself before leaving again.
Reccer Says: It is sooooo angsty and sooooo good. Milo being completely overwhelmed with work and trying to help and just being a wreck because of it is way too relatable. All their feelings about who Ashton’s become since last they saw him are so juicy, as are their feelings for Ashton in general. And Ashton trying his best to get Milo back on their feet before leaving again to save the world… the dynamic between these two is just delicious. And if I had to be honest, I don’t think Milo’s crush is entirely unrequited.
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keep following the heartlines on your hands by floralprintshark (8,014 words, Teen) Pairing: Fjord/Mollymauk Tealeaf/Caleb Widogast (Widofjolly) Warnings: None
Five times Molly tries to set up Fjord and Caleb with each other and one time Molly gets set up with them.
Reccer Says: Pining!!!
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Vivere, Ridere, Amare by kidzbopmallcop (20,189 words, Mature) Pairing: Yeza Brenatto/Veth Brenatto/Caleb Widogast Warnings: None
Bren, recently escaped from Vergesson, ends up hiding with Veth and Yeza Brenatto under the cover of being their new boyfriend.
Reccer Says: I think there's an excellent balance between Caleb's paranoia and guilt and the peace and joy he feels as he grows closer to the Brenattos. This fic may never update again but I will always come back for these five chapters.
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And we have two reccs for; she said "take care", but i take more than i bring by MouseInTheCastle (3,385 words, General) Pairing: Mollymauk Tealeaf/Essek Thelyss (Shadowmauk) Warnings: None
Essek comes down with a fever. Molly takes care of him. Molly and Essek are with Caleb but not with each other (yet). Essek gets sick and, unasked, Molly takes care of him
Reccer 1 Says: It’s super cute and sweet!!! I always love developing Shadowmauk in the midst of established SG and WM and this is such a lovely example of that 🥰 Reccer 2 Says: <3 <3 <3 warm soup on a cold day fic
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Thank you for joining us this week’s recc list! All the love to everyone who submitted a fic 💕 All enclosed recommendations were submitted by the community via our submissions form, which you can find here. All fic information is as it was provided by the reccer, so it may not be accurate to the author’s intent or the precise contents of the fic itself. Please assume good intent from all parties 💕
Submissions for next week’s list are already open! We’ll be featuring PC x NPC. If you have any you’d like to highlight, you can send them in here. The week after that, the theme is Proposals & Marriages and the weeks after that we’re taking recommendations for Oneshots and Laudna Rarepairs! Submissions for all of these themes are currently open.
If you want more rarepair fic, check out @cr-summer-wildflowers and their event collections on ao3! If you want some friendship after all this romance, take a look at @critter-genfic-events and their recc lists! And if you’re interested in everyone’s favorite wizards, you can’t go wrong with the lists at @aeor-is-for-reccing !
Thanks all and have a lovely day/night/timezone! 💕
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firefrightfic · 10 months ago
CR cast pls know I appreciate your commitment to always having your PCs dress hot, no matter the risk of frostbite.
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firefrightfic · 11 months ago
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Sign-ups will be open from now until the 31st!
1. Check your schedule. Sign-ups are open from May 17th to May 31st. Assignments are due July 22nd. The no-penalty default date is July 8th. A complete list of dates can be found here.
2. Read the nominated tags. You can only request ships from the nominated list. Make sure there are a few things you want and that you would want to write.
3. Sign up here. You must make 4-10 requests (things you want to receive) and 4-10 offers (things you want to write or draw), which must each include: fandom, relationship, rating, additional tags, and an (optional but strongly encouraged) “Dear Critter” letter. “Dear Critter” letters are a way of letting your gifted know your personal preferences for fic and what you like about your requested pairings. See an example from a few years ago here.
4. If you have questions, message us. We are available on Dreamwidth, the Haven Discord Community, Ao3, and here on Tumblr.
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firefrightfic · 11 months ago
Hot boi's back with a hot new do. Living, thriving; finally better at his disguise game as he greets his partner's ex-girlfriend in the most (unintentionally?) threatening manner possible. Truly, no one else is doing it like him.
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firefrightfic · 1 year ago
there's only one thing worse than an awful book, and that is an awful book with ONE tantalisingly compelling element
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firefrightfic · 1 year ago
One does not simply boop into Mordor
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