The BC Wildfire Service has reported that seven wildfires ignited in B.C.’s Cariboo region Saturday afternoon. The only wildfire deemed to be burning out of control is at Burgess Creek. The fire is burning between Quesnel and Williams Lake and is an estimated 1,600 hectares, up from the 50 hectares reported on Saturday. Strong winds have led to the growth, according to the wildfire service.
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rabbitcruiser · 2 months
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British Columbia joined the confederation of Canada on July 20, 1871.
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history-of-fashion · 2 years
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ab. 1584-1588 Attributed to François Quesnel - Portrait of a lady with a pearl necklace
(Private collection via Koller Auktionen AG)
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oldshowbiz · 4 months
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December 1976.
Nestor Pistor, a vulgar dialect comedian who told racist street jokes, bombed at the Quesnel Volunteer Firemen's Association Stag Dinner at the local Legion Hall.
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sconesfortea · 1 year
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Countdown to the 60th anniversary rewatch | 6.00: A Christmas Carol
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ilwolf · 5 months
Tagged by @engelsschwert
to make my OC and their sword of choice in these picrews!
Quesnel My precious Plague Doctor kinda being girly
and her sword would be ornate and useless cause she went for pretty. Swords are useless for medical uses
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nicascurls · 1 year
Something about this photo makes me happy.
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Headcanon: Sometimes, when Sarah was doing a bit better and Barb could visit, Nica and Barb would take her to the movies for a girls' night.
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moviehealthcommunity · 11 months
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Curse of Chucky (2013)
This is a Movie Health Community evaluation. It is intended to inform people of potential health hazards in movies and does not reflect the quality of the film itself. The information presented here has not been reviewed by any medical professionals.
Curse of Chucky has multiple extended scenes with bright, harsh strobes of lightning. In one scene, the camera looks directly at the strobe lights on top of one police car, and the spinning lights on another.
All of the camera motion is either stationary or very smooth. There is some brief peril at dangerous heights.
Flashing Lights: 10/10. Motion Sickness: 1/10.
TRIGGER WARNING: The violence is less bloody in this film than its predecessors, but there is one moment of sudden gore.
Image ID: a promotional poster for Curse of Chucky
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hardcockcafe · 1 year
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June 2023!! ☀️
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taraxacum-vulpes · 2 years
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oh i am LOSING IT rn no one look at me NO ONE LOOK AT ME.
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There are growing calls for Quesnel Mayor Ron Paull to resign after revelations his wife has been handing out a book that, according to promotional material from its publisher, questions whether residential schools were fundamentally harmful to Indigenous communities and people who attended them.
More than 200 people marched outside city hall Tuesday evening before packing into an emotionally charged council meeting in the city of roughly 23,000 people, located in B.C.'s Cariboo region about 400 kilometres north of Vancouver.
"We can no longer work with this mayor and we will not work with the City of Quesnel until [the] issue has been resolved," said Lhtako Dene Chief Clifford Lebrun. 
"We can't have a community that hands out hate literature and expect people to listen to us and to take it seriously."
The meeting also heard from the mayor's wife, Pat Morton, and one of the authors featured in the book who had travelled to Quesnel to speak to council. [...]
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rabbitcruiser · 7 months
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Pi Day
Pi Day is on March 14, and any day that combines fun, education, and pie is a day worth celebrating! Pi, also known by the Greek letter “π,” is a constant value used in math that represents the ratio of a circumference of a circle to its diameter, which is just about 3.14….15…9265359… (and so on). Not only that, but the fourteenth of March is also Albert Einstein’s birthday, so all together it’s nothing short of a mathematician’s delight.
When is Pi Day 2024?
The beautiful constant pi (π) is celebrated by mathematicians around the world on National Pi Day on March 14.
History of Pi Day
To learn about pi, we need to go back a few thousand years and learn about this elusive number. The value of pi was first calculated by Archimedes of Syracuse (287–212 BC), one of the greatest mathematicians of the ancient world.
However, it was first baptized with the Greek letter as its name when William Oughtred called it as such in his works dating back to 1647, later embraced by the scientific community when Leonhard Euler used the symbol in 1737.
But how did Pi Day end up in a country-wide phenomenon? For that, we need to travel to the Exploratorium in 1988 San Francisco, where it was thought up by physicist Larry Shaw.
Shaw linked March 14 with the first digits of pi (3.14) in order to organize a special day to bond the Exploratorium staff together, where he offered fruit pies and tea to everyone starting at 1:59 pm, the following three digits of the value. A few years later, after Larry’s daughter, Sara, remarked that the special date was also the birthday of Albert Einstein, they started celebrating the life of the world-famous scientist.
Pi Day became an annual Exploratorium tradition that still goes on today, and it didn’t take long for the idea to grow exponentially, hitting a peak on March 12, 2009, when the U.S Congress declared it a national holiday.
Now, celebrated by math geeks all around the circumference of the world, Pi Day became a pop culture phenomenon, with several places partaking in the activities, antics, observations and all the pie eating they can.
Pi Day timeline
March 14, 1988
The Inception
Larry Shaw celebrates Pi Day for the first time.
March 12, 2009
It’s Official
The U.S Congress declared March 14 National Pi Day.
March 14, 2015
Super Pi Day
The first ten digits of pi were achieved on 9:26:53 a.m. (3/14/15/92653)
August 19, 2017
Legacy That Lives
Larry Shaw passes away as Pi Day leaves its mark on pop culture.
Traditions of the day
Pi Day gives math enthusiasts the opportunity to celebrate their love for numbers and the enigma that is the infinite pi.
Since 1988, the day has been celebrated at the San Francisco Exploratorium. The first celebration was organized by Larry Shaw, who worked as a physicist at the center. The staff participated by marching around the exploratorium and consuming fruit pies. This tradition has lived on since. Math lovers talk about math, host get-togethers, and have pi recital competitions. In schools, teachers arrange scavenger hunts, pie bake sales, and even Pi Day workouts to stimulate more interest in learning and practicing mathematics. Those folks who work in food marketing also love to get involved, so keep your eyes peeled for some discounts, deals, and freebies on pies, it’s going to be an extra tasty day. 
By the Numbers
14th – of March is also Albert Einstein’s birthday
31.4 million – the world record held by Emma Haruka Iwao for calculating the most accurate value of pi.
4 – the number of months it took Emma Haruka Iwao to calculate the most accurate value of pi.
70,000 – the number of decimal places of pi memorized by Rajveer Meena in 2015.
10 – the number of hours it took Rajveer Meena to make the world record.
3.125 – the original number used for pi by the Babylonians.
22.4 trillion – the number of digits calculated by Swiss scientist Peter Trueb, using a computer.
24 – the number of hard drives on the computer used by Peter Trueb for calculating pi.
700,000 – the number of years it will take to recite the 22 trillion digits of pi.
15,000 – the number of digits of pi memorized by Mark Umile in the U.S.
Pi Day FAQs
Why is pi important?
Pi is very important for calculations in math, engineering, construction, physics and space exploration. Many often consider pi the most important number in all of mathematics.
Which pie should I bake for Pi Day?
Any you’d like. We do not play favorites when pie is concerned. Pies are really simple to make and can be made with several sweet or savory fillings. Apple Pie, Chicken Pot Pie, Pizza pie, be our guest!
Are there any places that give Pi Day deals?
Check restaurants, supermarkets and bakeries over on the Internet for special Pi Day deals. Places like Whole Foods, Boston Market and several pizza chains across the country have special day-long sales.
Pi Day Activities
Enjoy pie of course: Pi is a homophone of pie: the 2 words are pronounced similarly, but are spelled differently and mean different things. Celebrate Pi Day by eating lots of pie! Pizza, cherry, apple, you name it!
Throw a potluck party: Everyone loves to show off their family pie recipe. Make it a potluck and everyone will be inclined to bring their favorite pie to Pi Day, whether it's a pizza pie, a pot pie, a savory pie, or a sweet pie. Make a playlist that features songs like "I Like Pie, I Like Cake" and "American Pie.”
Try making a new pie: Ever tried to make a pie before? Now's your chance to bake your very own. Not into the sweet stuff? Don't worry, there are various savory pie recipes out there so that everyone can enjoy the warm buttery flakiness that comes with a fresh baked pie.
5 Facts About Pi
People compete in memorizing it: Rajveer Meena has the record for memorizing the most decimal places of pi at 70,000.
It’s used as stress tests for computers: Computing pi is a kind of “digital cardiogram” for computers.
A Givenchy men’s cologne is named pi: So you can smell like pi too if you are the intellectual and visionary kind.
It has other names: Pi can also be named “Archimedes’ constant,” or “Ludolph’s number.
It has been used by heroes: Spock foils the evil computer by having it calculate pi’s value in Star Trek’s episode “Wolf in the Fold”
Why We Love Pi Day
Pi is infinitely cool: Pi (π) is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter — and amazingly for all circles of any size, pi will always be the same. Pi is an "irrational number," meaning its exact value is completely unknown. Scientists have calculated billions of digits starting with 3.14159265358979323…, but no recognizable pattern ever emerges. We could continue on and on until infinity and we'd still have no idea what digit might emerge next.
Pi sounds like pie: If you are a nerd that likes pies this holiday is pretty much the best combination of the most interesting things in life: pie and mathematics. And of course that means that in order to celebrate abstract mathematical items that are somewhat irrational the obvious solution is to incorporate pie into the holiday.
Pi links mathematics to the real world: Maybe when you were in math class, you stared off into space wondering why on earth 'logs' or 'proofs' mattered so much. Pi is the answer, well at least, one of the things that links math back to real world uses. Because pi is linked to circles it is also linked to cycles, things like calculating waves, ebb and flow, the oceans tides, electromagnetic waves and much more. In addition, many natural world phenomena can also be calculated with pi — like the shape of rivers, the disc of the sun, the spiral of DNA and even the pupil of an eye.
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oldshowbiz · 1 year
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Paddy Wing was a dancing nightclub star from Quesnel, British Columbia who became successful in New York City in the 1950s.
He appeared on an episode of The Phil Silvers Show while his family was operating a convenience store next to the Ovaltine Cafe in Vancouver.
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bdqg · 12 days
Québec Rock
Gerry et Marjo Offenbach vs Corbeau Québec Rock
Le passé tend à être relégué aux oubliettes. Un chouïa de son influence se fait sentir, mais son apport à la civilisation demeure bien dissimulé aux générations futures, et ce, dans toutes les sphères. Un exemple probant nous vient du monde de la musique où tout est un copié/collé arrangé au goût du jour. Le Québec n’est pas épargné même si son héritage est plus modeste. Réduit au gaminet de…
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famousdeaths · 3 months
Joseph Quesnel was a French Canadian composer, poet and playwright. Among his works were two operas, Colas et Colinette and Lucas et Cécile; the former is consi...
Link: Joseph Quesnel
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ilwolf · 1 month
For Ques:
🎮 VIDEO GAME CONTROLLER — what are three of your oc's favorite hobbies?
🎶 MUSICAL NOTES — what type of music does your oc like? do they listen to music very often?
🔱 TRIDENT EMBLEM — can your oc swim? do they enjoy swimming?
🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?
🍝 SPAGHETTI — what is/are your oc's favorite food(s)?
Sewing, Causing problems on purpose, reading
Shes not a fan of tavern music unless shes drunk She would rather listen to the birds or people screaming in pain (however she'd probably listening to anything that she can bounce up and down to)
Quesnel cannot swim, she is terrified of bodies of water. She would rather die and become an abomination than get into a boat
Boston Massachusetts (because Arkham was too on the nose)
She left as soon as she could and has absolutely no plans on going back.
Rabbit Stew followed up by apple pie
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