#queer Buck is canon
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watchyourbuck · 1 year ago
As of April 4th, 2024, Evan “Buck” Buckley is officially a queer man.
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5secondsoffailure · 1 year ago
Wishing everyone a very happy Bi Buck 🥹🥹
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BI BUCK CONFIRMED FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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rimatsu · 3 months ago
obsessed with baby queer buck and the hang-ups he probably doesn't even realize he has, let alone acknowledge.. newly realized bisexual evan buckley who didn't stop once to consider long-term commitment to a man he dated for 6 months as a viable option until josh spelled it out for him. and we've seen buck navigate romantic relationships before. he didn't do things by half-measure or shy away from grandiose declarations with abby or taylor. he knew he loved them without the need for an outsider's perspective. i don't think the cautiousness displayed in 806 was linked to tommy as an individual/lover so much as it was about building a life with a man — still a foreign concept, still a bit alien. not something buck could really envision for himself and by himself, unprompted (just like he remained unaware of his attraction to men until he was made to confront it with a kiss). that moment of hesitation wasn't because he was unattached to tommy or their relationship, quite the opposite according to the follow-up questions: if buck wasn't in love already, he was at least willing to be. yeah, he needed a little nudge from josh to reassess his feelings, to jump over that last barrier, but the very moment things clicked in his mind, buck was ready to cement their relationship, ready to wholeheartedly pursue a future with tommy, serious enough that he brought up the possibility of marriage someday (another first! not just first potential husband, but first potential spouse ever!!) — because buck doesn't see much value in waiting once he figures out what he wants.
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thatbuddie · 9 months ago
"eddie isn't queer/gay," you say. "he is straight in canon, so him being gay is just a head canon. it's ok for others to think of him as straight because that's what he is."
let's ignore for a second the fact that eddie has never ever ever ever not even once, said in canon that he is a heterosexual very straight guy. seriously!!! he has never once said it!!! if i am "assuming" he's gay then you are also "assuming" he is straight even though he has never once said it!!
how do you think we got bi buck as canon? like i am serious right now, answer the question. how do you think we go bi buck canon? evan buckley was never conceived to be a bisexual man at the beginning of 911. the reason we have evan buckley as a canonically bisexual character today is because us, queer fans of 911, interpreted him and headcanoned him as bisexual. i would go even further and say that it was us, BUDDIE FANS, who interpreted him and headcanoned him as bi. even before the writers were explicitly writing him as bisexual. we read his actions and his story and his identity and said: "this is a bi character!" and the writers looked back and realized that it made sense! and so they started writing him explicitly and canonically as bi.
was it wrong of us to headcanon a character as bisexual then? like for all intents and purposes we were reading a "straight" character as bi. were we doing something wrong? how come you are not complaining/chastising us/shaming us for how we took evan buckley, an otherwise straight character, and saw him as bi? is it because it now serves a purpose to you that he is bi?
also, taking characters that aren't confirmed queer and reading them as queer is what the queer community, and specifically the queer fandom community, has been doing for DECADES. look up the history of queer coding, i am begging you. it has been through the means of queer coding and the perseverance of people that are engaged in it that actual queer representation in media has increased. and let me tell you right now, eddie diaz is, undoubtedly and undeniably, one of the most queer coded characters there is. whether you think this queer coding is conscious by the writers or not. eddie diaz is queer coded.
and i want everyone who says things like "eddie diaz is not a queer character. he is straight in canon. it's wrong to assume a character is queer without the character saying so" to know that this is exactly what straight and homophobic people say. you are using the SAME rhetoric that has been used to shame queer fans for decades for seeing themselves and their experiences in fictional characters of all types. in fact, us, queer fans (and again BUDDIE FANS), were told so many times by straight fans that we were wrong for reading buck as bisexual. and where are we now? where did reading buck as bi take us? oh yeah, to having bi buck in canon.
so please just stop with the "eddie isn't queer in canon" comments. if you don't want to interpret eddie as queer then that is your prerogative. i will be judging why that is, for sure, but it is your right. but be honest about it. it has nothing to do with whether or not he is straight (which hasn't been said) or queer coded (which he so obviously is seeing as so many of us can very easily read him as queer). it's a personal preference and you're not engaging with canon better because of it.
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whatsourmotto-whocares · 10 months ago
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Happy Pride! 🧡💛💚🩵💙💜🩷
I drew Buck x Tommy to celebrate. 🏳️‍🌈 🩷💜💙
You'd never be able to convince me that Buck isn't absolutely weak for Tommy manhandling him. 🥵
I wanna do more art of these two for Pride Month... What should I do next?? 👉🏽💌 (spicy reqs welcome 🌶👀)
I also want to do some Henren art ❤️‍🔥 And maybe a Josh portrait too bc he is adorable and deserves more love.
(also please be nice, I have RSD and posting art feels very vulnerable, if you don't like it just keep scrolling)
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shinrin-w · 1 year ago
I love him so much, and I am so fucking proud, look that face. Tracking Tommy's face, his mouth as he moves and talks, the absolute disbelieve and joy that is so visible in his eyes. This scene is everything.
The fucking acting, Oliver I am in your walls. Tim Minear I see your influence in the writing and I love you for it, thank you and ABC for giving us this so early in the season and ABC's run of 9-1-1.
Also I know this is definitely going to make a lot of people jump straight (ha straight) to Buddie in their minds (don't get me wrong it's definitely an afterthought for me too because this means there is actual real hope for them in the future) but in this moment I genuinely completely forgot about Buddie until Tommy mentioned Eddie. BECAUSE THIS IS MOMENT IS BUCK'S MOMENT. And I am just so fucking happy for him.
People might be mad that it's Tommy who he kisses because last we saw of him he was a jackass but I don't even care about him in this moment, it could have been anyone who ignited the sparks of jealousy and emotion this episode, I don't care because THIS IS ABOUT BUCK! 7 SEASONS AND WE'RE HERE AND I'M SO FUCKING HAPPY
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like this is the face of someone who’s entire life just opened wide into a thousand shining possibilities. he can’t believe he just kissed a boy and that he’s allowed to kiss boys and his heart is pounding and he wants more. and im so fucking happy I could cry.
gif from @eddiediaaz
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bucktommyboned · 6 months ago
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runsonmatcha · 6 days ago
Average 9-1-1 viewer watching the fanficifcation of Buck and Eddie as they eyefuck each other in every episode of 8b:
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daddykinkkinard · 9 months ago
using "bummy" to describe a ship of two canonically gay men, especially in the context of degrading it, is extremely derivative of the gay slur "bummer" and thus makes the former categorically anti-queer rhetoric.
if you choose to still use this language, i am no longer interacting with you. i've been as civil as possible when interacting with people in light of choosing to educate. but i cannot do it anymore, knowing there are people out there who believe spreading homophobic rhetoric is okay—regardless of fandom associations.
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gaydinosaurrr · 1 year ago
"Shut the fuck up about your fucking weewoo weewoo canon bisexual bi guy show, no one cares" ~ my friend, a destiel veteran
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buddiesmutslut · 2 months ago
There’s a couple a/b/o fics about Eddie “bitching” Buck, but where are the reverse fics??
You cannot tell me that Eddie “I’m a nester” Diaz doesn’t want it. Hello, giving up this tightly held control and this persona that he’s spent so many years trying to do “right” but never feeling like he’s got it fully figured out?? Depriving himself of things that would bring him joy bc they’re not “normal” or whatever for alphas? Literally he & Buck can have babies that look like them and Eddie can be a dad and we KNOW Eddie being a dad is like, hardwired into his bone marrow. He’d love it.
Also the whole Jealous Buck vs Possessive Eddie also fits in here, in some way, I think.
Idk, Omega Eddie is always always always on my mind
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faramirsonofgondor · 8 months ago
Both Dean Winchester and Jamie Tartt have said “I’m flattered” with a homoerotic connotation. Now all we need is for Evan Buckley to say it and the bisexual trinity will be complete.
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rainbowskittle · 7 days ago
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Season 8 and episode 12 is the 118th episode!!! Maybe that’s when Eddie comes out, Buddie goes canon and Chris with Eddie comes home (LA!!) and Buckley Diaz live together in a new place that is just for them.
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Ryliver are both captains of Buddie (they literally named the ship) and been on board and ready to sail to be canon.. let’s goooooooo! They both blush so much when talking about them aww! Love when the actors for characters talk about the ships in such a positive way too… instead of brushing it off like haha no. If I was an actor for my characters they each have a Spotify board and I’d talk about the ships with the fans since I already do tbst anyway haha. Be cool way to interact with the fans about the characters.🥺❤️‍🔥
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ednygmasbowlerhat · 12 days ago
first of all have you seen evan buckley? that man is the most aromantic bisexual human I have ever seen I will not be elaborating that is simply a fact. jkjk I could write a dissertation on this clearly the bisexuality is very much canon and we know he is sexually attracted to all genders but whenever he's in a romantic relationship he doesn't seem to like it. as an aromantic who has been in several relationships that i absolutely hated but didn't know how to express that or felt like i had to force myself to like it, maybe i'm just projecting, but i see that in buck. he dates so many people throughout the show but he never seems to want to be in those relationships. he moves them forward because of external pressures not his own feelings. even with tommy when he decided to ask him to move in for example he was doing that because that's what he thought he was supposed to do not because he was in love with tommy. i could say more but i digress.
let's talk about the most aromantic asexual firefighter the world has ever seen: edmundo diaz. this man doesn't like dating or sex or any of it. bro got married because he was supposed to and like i know there are people who say it's because he's gay and i'm pretty sure that's what the writers are going for. they're implying that he doesn't like women because he's gay and you can find a bajillion tumblr posts with all the evidence of the fact that he doesn't like women so i'm not going to present it all here. however, unlike buck, we never see him be attracted to men. we see so clearly that he doesn't like women but we never see him crushing on guys (unlike buck clearly thinking guys are hot even before he knew it btw we can see that for sure). for those of you who think he's just crushing on buck that's fine and i see that interpretation too i'm just saying i think he could also just love buck so deeply but not in a romantic or sexual way and to people who haven't experienced that (allos i'm talking to you) they might see it as romantic but it's different because i'm fully projecting onto him because he is me and i am him and that's just how it is broskis.
that was weird anyway buck and eddie are already in a committed partnership. buck is in eddie's will. buck literally broke off his lease to take subletting his apartment off of eddie's plate without even consulting eddie first because even though they were in a fight they have such a basis of trust that buck knows eddie wouldn't say no to him. they do everything together. they are attached at the hip. they facetime when they're apart even though they see each other every day. they're raising a son together.
i feel like if, instead of a romantic buddie confession, we had them talking about the nature of their relationship and recognizing that they were in some sort of non-romantic partnership and it was just explicit it would work so well in the story. it would also be amazing representation but that's besides the point because the point is that it's good for the story not that they should do it for any other factors. like i sort of picture that they have some heartfelt conversation about eddie leaving and then they're like "you know it's weird i don't like you in a romantic way but i feel like we're more than just friends" and it's just an acknowledgement of the fact that there are so many different types of relationships. i would literally die from joy.
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blazeturbo102 · 9 months ago
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Happy (belated) Pride!!!🌈❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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ohithankyou · 17 hours ago
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