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maeselc Ā· 2 months ago
DS9 s2e11 ā€˜Rivalsā€™ underrated quashir episode. Why are your faces two centimetres apart while youā€™re berating him for trying to drug you. Kiss already
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krapuliina Ā· 10 days ago
Okay, I had a dream where I was having lunch/dinner with Quark. He got us take-out burgers with goat cheese and some sort of beetroot patties.
Also I was (in the role of) Dr. Bashir.
What was my brain trying to tell me?
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walkingstackofbooks Ā· 5 months ago
It doesn't even work; Ishka disapproves of Dr Bashir and the pestering increases. Quark finds himself defending his 'love' for Julian, forgetting that since they are just fake dating, therefore a fake break-up would absolutely be on the cards...
(On the other hand, much to Quark's frustration, Ishka absolutely adores Leeta :P )
post-canon Quashir fake dating fic where in a fit of desperation, Quark asks Bashir (who heā€™s been mutually pityfucking) to pretend to be his boyfriend in order to satisfy Moogieā€™s pestering aboutĀ ā€œmaking investments for the futureā€ while she visits the station
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jazzypizzaz Ā· 2 months ago
watching QLess.... Julian is immediately all over Vash, but Quark is the one that gets half of a handjob from her
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macabrecabra Ā· 7 months ago
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The other half of the End of the Line Pokemon AU are the characters who live in Viridian Village who end up getting involved in the plot!
Given Hauts is currently lying low in Viridian Village and working as a bartender at the Sweet Berry Tavern, these are co-workers as well as the silly anthropologist that he's dating c:
Frieda is the protagonist who's love of studying the mortal gods and her inability to become a raichu causes her some unwanted gang attention.
Read more below to learn more about each one! <3
One of the two main characters, Frieda grew up always fascinated by the mortal gods and was raised in a very religious household dedicated to deep respect of the ancient mortal gods. This would lead her to become an archeologist and anthropologist, exploring and looking to unlock the secrets of the mortal gods and their connections to pokemon and the "lost gods". She is currently working on her doctorate, hoping to become a pokemon professor!
On one of her outings into Viridian to study, she found Hauts near death and got him back to the village for medical treatment and the two became close friends, then started to date. Frieda is a rare pikachu that cannot evolve into a Raichu, even when exposed to the lighting stone at the Surge Shrine in Vermillion City. To the very religious, this means she has been blessed by the greatest of mortal gods, Ketchem, with a higher calling. She just finds it sort of demoralizing.... Design Notes: Wanted bright colors to make her clearly seem energetic and upbeat in nature, the sort of character that loves to talk and probably not stop. Her being a pikachu and gangs wanting to capture her is a joke on Team rocket wanting to capture pikachu... it is genetic. CHLO WEEDYEL (Oddish)
Chlo is one of Frieda's best friends and the two talk a lot when Frieda is hanging around the tavern. Chlo is an upbeat, laid-back sort that enjoys her work serving and also tending to the garden of the tavern. Her dream is to make it big as a writer and artist and be able to move to the city to work on big shows and movies as she wants to put the country life behind her and be the first of her family to be a city girl.
Loves punk music and aesthetics, but is a bit shy about going full into it and keeps saying she'll get there if she ever get to her Gloom phase in life. For now, she's happy with where she is and shares a passion about ancient mythology with Frieda that they can go on for hours. She also DMs Caves & Dragon Types games with friends. Design Notes: I had an oddish on my team I adored named Weed and Chlo gives homage to that little guy <3 Felt a more subdued design with some punk elements to show where she wants to go was nice and leaves more to let her design grow in the story!
Oli has lived in Viridian Village all her life with her very large family and they have been their generations fishing and just living a slow pace life and Oli is no different. She is happy where she is and not about to back down from trouble that comes to ruin the peace, that's for sure. She does most of the fishing for the tavern and is good friends with Chlo and Frieda, joining their weekly Caves & Dragon Types game. She is also a town gossip and always looking for the newest rumor and drama to hear about. Absolutely addicted to tabloids when she gets her little hands on them. She is one of the only water-types that hangs out with Frieda (other than the "weird fish kid" *affectionate) due to her type making lightning a little less concerning. She loves to go ramble out in the woods and is a bit hesitant about the idea of going to the city, but promised Chlo if she went, she would go with her and try her luck there.
Design Notes: I LOVE WOOPER. OF COURSE a character is going to be made based off Wooper! <3 I just felt lazy and overalls was just the look for this character and it took a long while to get the face and eyes just right <3
A newer person in town, they moved in from the Pewter area to the north after the destructive earthquake hit the area and caused huge damage. They needed a new lease on life and have a job at the inn and are a bit shy about serving, but still getting their feet under them. They are easily impressed though by the wild stories Oli and Frieda will tell about things but finds others, like Hauts, to be a bit scary and intimidating. They are really afraid of doing a bad job and thrive on praise.
They have become fast friends of Oli, Chlo, and Frieda and likes to watch them play their weekly game, preferring to make cookies or tea for the game than participate as they don't feel they are very creative and too shy. However when push comes to shove, they can be a fearsome individual, all bristled up to try and intimidate.
Design Note: I always keep a sandslash on my team if I can, I just like this little pokemon so much! Decided I had to add sandslash to the roster and work with making this pokemon more animal than humanoid to show how different designs can look across the board <3
VERN (Weedle)
Nothing much is known about Vern. He is a pokemon of few words if any at all, and just minds his own business, cooking and cleaning up in the kitchen of the Sweet Berry Tavern. Rumors are he was a champion bug fighter. Others say he was part of some mafia. Still others say he is a secret agent. To most in Viridian Village, he's just Vern, the cook, who watches things go by and never bothers anyone about anything, but seems to have a sixth sense for when trouble is near. He never bothered to evolve, preferring to live his long life as a weedle.
Design Note: I just wanted a bit fry cook weedle in my story and no one could stop me. Also wanted to show evolution is NOT tied to maturity or age, but rather to just increases in power/prestige. Evolved pokemon/rarer pokemons tend to be treated with more respect and higher class than those who are lower or common.
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startrekvsfaceapp Ā· 1 year ago
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captaincrusher Ā· 2 years ago
The real fandom challenge is to imagine a way a character is shippable with every other character.
I say as I think about how to make Quark/Bashir work in my head.
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oomoxforfunandprofit Ā· 7 years ago
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Dax is exasperated that Bashir and Quark have spent this long staring into each othersā€™ eyes, talking about her instead of making out with each other.
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planetaryrings Ā· 5 years ago
quashir is real
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the-last-dillpickle Ā· 4 years ago
Dukat/Sisko (one-sided)
what are your worst star trek ships. like just the most awful cursed ones. i'm bored
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3x03spring Ā· 4 years ago
people probably say quashir or something if they say it at all. but jark is funnier
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the-last-dillpickle Ā· 1 year ago
I think the appeal of Quashir for me is much the same as Sloanshir... These dudes just don't get along, don't respect each other, and they are going to be vocal about it
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jazzypizzaz Ā· 4 months ago
got a comment on a rarepair fic from five years ago, reread it on a whim... the feels.... discovered there's a handful of fics with good characterization for the rare pair since I wrote that... the FEELS.... remembering the otp.......... tag diving once more
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the-last-dillpickle Ā· 4 years ago
This one here:Ā https://the-last-dillards.tumblr.com/post/624117178079330304/oatbandit-the-last-dillards-anybody-else
Yes, I am aware of my lies :)
Where's that post about Quark and Julian going skinny dipping together? Bc I just rewatched the episode and they did NOT
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joelletwo Ā· 4 months ago
anyways whole fucking cast's in this one i forgot this was also a bareil i begrudgingly find hot ep. sub bashir in for kira subbing in for odo. yeah ill still be into bashir awkwardly trying to play bad cop with quark [still carrying my quashir torch]
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jimkerk Ā· 6 years ago
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who wants an awful new ship? iā€™m calling it quashir
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