#qrow branwen alter
an-overthroned-crow · 4 months
Qrow, over text: It’s fiiiine (Late continuation had to male lunch)
Rye: “Male lunch” 🍿
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lipeg · 9 months
The RWBY team and Jaune were in Nevermore made by the Glyphs of Weiss.
Thanks to the Semblante Jaune, Weiss's Nevermore was twice as big to support the weight of the five.
They were approaching the walls of the city of Vacuo.
Ruby was more excited than ever to see Atlas's ships.
But when she got closer, she saw far fewer ships than she had in Atlas' kingdom.
Weiss: It looks like we have a reception waiting for us
Jaune: I'm not so sure
Nevermore dived.
In front of the city gates stood Qrow, Winter, Robyn, Oscar where most of his hair was white, Theodore was also present.
Nevermore landed on the ground, Ruby ran off in the direction of her dear uncle.
Like a bullet, she ran out to hug her uncle. Qrow opened his arms to welcome his niece, tears falling from his eyes with happiness.
Yang ran to his dear uncle, Weiss ran to hug his dear sister.
Blake thought something was wrong, she looked back and saw Jaune with his hands in his pockets looking back.
Her cat ears heard a noise.
They were surrounding, Vacuo soldiers had their guns pointed at Team RWBY and Jaune.
Blake: Why are they pointing guns at us?
Blake and Yang and Weiss and Ruby drew their weapons.
Weiss: Winter tells them to put down their guns!
Winter: I'm not in command, Weiss
Weiss was surprised.
???: So those responsible for the destruction of Atlas are here in my kingdom
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Weiss: YOU!!!
Weiss pointed Myrtenaster at the woman who had just arrived.
Winter: Weiss put down his weapon
Weiss: You've forgotten who she is, sister! Killer number Atlas is in front of us
???: Young lady, you don't have any authority, I'm the authority
Ruby: Who is she?
Weiss: Eula Lawrence, she's the biggest murderer and traitor in Atlas!
Eula: And current ruler of Vacuo
Weiss: WHAT!!!!
Eula: Arrest them and throw them in jail, we'll hold the tribunal to convict those responsible for the fall of Atlas in a week's time
Ruby: We save Atlas...
Eula: Being "saved" means destroying an inner kingdom and losing a small percentage of its population. So, you saved a lot of people! So much so that we have several Atlas scientists and engineers missing or lost
Jaune: They're all dead Eula
Everyone looked at Jaune, who had his head down.
Eula: Are you sure
Jaune pulled his scroll out of his trouser pocket and threw it to Eula.
Jaune: Here's a list of the names of almost all the missing people, some of whom I couldn't find.
Ruby: Jaune what are you talking about
Jaune: The water in that place was acidic Ruby
Everyone kept quiet.
Ruby: what?
Jaune: The sea water there was acidic. For anyone without an awakened aura or with little aura is asking to die. You certainly don't explore that place much, do you?
Blake: No
Jaune: So you were unaware of the many dangers that this place holds. I don't think you've all been underground in that place
Jaune took his left hand out of his pocket and stared at it with a sad expression, then he closed his hand tightly.
Jaune: I tried to save people from Atlas but I didn't succeed either time Eula, I'm sorry
Eula: No need Jaune, I know very well what happened in Atlas was your idea
Weiss: Did you two know each other?
Jaune: Of course, after all, she's my girlfriend
Everyone's mouth dropped. Everyone was shocked.
Weiss's soul left his body.
Yang: WHEN! HOW! You caught a big fish
Jaune: On that mission, it was just me and a few other soldiers who ended up dying in the storm.
Eula: For the first time, someone in Atlas gave me a real duel. He's worthy of being my man
Jaune: Ruby surrenders
Ruby: BUT!
Jaune: There's nothing you can do to stop it, Atlas was destroyed as a result of your plan, the idea of evacuating Atlas using the staff was also your idea. You indirectly have blood on your hands
Ruby was frustrated.
Jaune: Eula is very honorable, she will let you have a fair trial so you don't have to worry
Ruby accepted, even though she didn't want to. The RWBY team was arrested, Qrow and the others followed the guards.
Jaune and Eula were in her office.
Eula: So Jaune, I don't know what you've been through but I know you're much older, so do you have anything important to share?
Jaune: Yeah, I have many important things
His eyes were shining.
Jaune: Very important
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I like this meme. I really like it.
But RWBY was in such a difficult situation after V9 that I wanted to finish Jaune without anyone. That he didn't stay with Ruby or Weiss.
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pupmusebox · 4 months
Tag dump 2/?
{ Blades Forged from Steel and Fire - Archer Emiya } { Shadowy Fire and Corrupted Blades - Shadow Emiya } { Golden Cracks on Steel and Gun Blades - Alter Emiya } { Young and Bright Light of a Wolf Pup - Setanta } { Hound of Ulster - Cu Chulainn } { Young Spear of a Pup - Proto Cu } { Guiding Light of a Druid - Caster Cu } { Thorns of a Mad King - Alter Cu } { Knight of Spears and Flowers - Diarmuid Ua Duibhne } { Honorable Blade Wielding Flower Knight - Saber Diarmuid } { Firespark of a Wolf - Aiden } { Wild Rose of a Flower Wolf - Aouregan } { Unlucky Corvid and Harbinger - Qrow Branwen } { Masked Blade and Wilting Rose - Adam Taurus } { King of Monsters - Omnicron } { New King of Monsters and Light Tyrant - Solus/Omnisun } { The Nexolord - Metta } { Life Giver Nature Tyrant - Deena/Nara } { Chaotic Electric Tyrant - Zetta/Luxa } { Hot Headed Fire Tyrant - Fenrir/Fona } { Merciless Water Tyrant - Merida/Arqua } { Cruel Wind Tyrant - Nadine/Ventra } { Mentor and Earth Tyrant - Ulrich/Grunda }
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Feel free to ask me about any number of my cloqwork AUs
We cloqwork posting today fellas
- altered chronicles au
- forthcoming au
- remnant heirs au
- young leaders au
- cloqwork familiar au (being currently reworked :D)
- cloqwork swap au
- kalopsia remnant au (formerly warped remnant)
- academy of death au
- recurring au
- (maybe a Selcouth au???? 👀)
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 9 months
You May Now Catch the Bride
Soft music fills the crisp, autumn air outside of the Xiao Long - Rose (now added Branwen) residence in Patch. The trees are bursting with color as two families sit on opposite sides of an outdoor aisle of golden leaves leading to a Menagerian style altar. On the left, Taiyang, Qrow, Raven, and Team ORNJ are sitting misty eyed. On the right, Kali, Ghira, Ilia, and Team SSSN are whooping and hollering (except Kali and Ghira, who are crying messes)
Blake and Yang stand at the altar with a small archway of vines intertwined over them. Blake is wearing a traditional Menagerian wedding dress. Weiss stands behind her in a blue and white bridesmaid dress and fanning her face to keep the tears at bay. Yang is wearing black slacks, yellow dress shirt, and black vest. Ruby is standing behind her in a black and red combat skirt, tights, heeled boots, red blouse, and black vest.
Velvet is taking photos of the wedding at the perfect vantage points with a little help from one of Whitley's drones. Behind the alter, Ozpin (freed from his curse and allowed to have his own body back with one final life) stands with a book in hand.
Ozpin: Blake Belladonna, in the tapestry of your lives, do you promise to be Yang’s constant thread, weaving a story of love, resilience, and unwavering companionship. Today, tomorrow, and always?
Blake: (holding Yang’s hands and looking into misting lilac as she places a ring on Yang’s finger) I promise.
Ozpin: Yang Xiao Long, do you promise to be Blake’s steadfast support, her partner in both stillness and motion, and take each step forward towards a future filled with love, laughter, and endless warmth?
Yang: (clears her throat so it doesn't crack as she holds Blake’s hands, her prosthetic thumb rubbing over the ring on Blake’s finger) I promise.
Ozpin: Then I now pronounce you wife and wife. (Claps the book closed and stares pointedly at Yang) You may now catch the bride.
Yang: (blinks in confusion) Wait. What?
Blake: (mischief glints in her eye as she pecks Yang on the cheek and sprints down the aisle with a trail of laughter in her wake)
Yang: (shakes off the initial shock before giving chase with a bark of laughter) Hey! Get back here!
The guests all cheer and shout as Yang closes in on Blake. The two run around the "venue" playfully. Blake does a few flips and jumps over tables and chairs while Yang cuts her off. Finally, Blake slows down just enough to spin around on her heel and be caught by Yang. The two topple into the largest pile of leaves and kiss as gold, orange, and red leaves slowly settle around them.
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strqyr · 1 year
Here are some dots for you to connect: 1) Raven guards the Relic of Knowledge, but her Amity Arena bio puts emphasis on Choice 2) Ozpin says he took extra precautions when hiding the Relic of Choice (there is a fan theory that it is not at Beacon) 3) the Relics attract Grimm 4) when Yang went looking for Raven with Ruby, she found an abandoned house full of Grimm 5) in the Fairy Tale of the Indecisive King, the Relic of Choice drives the King insane with knowledge of the future
okay, so. i have many thoughts on this so apologizes beforehand if i start rambling a lot and this all goes all over the place.
anyway, starting with the vaults: i'm assuming the vaults were made by the god of light to keep the relics safe until ozma found them, and thus originally ozma was the key to all of them via the four blessings he has, and by giving one blessing to one maiden each (the wizard summoned as much of his magic as he could, and bestowed it upon four maidens), the maidens became the key to their respective blessing (winter for creation, summer for destruction, etc.)
if this is the case, then i doubt that ozpin managed to do anything to the beacon vault that would necessarily alter the vault itself, bc it's not in the realm of his magical abilities; that is to say, if it's currently not at beacon, i'm doubtful it has ever been there in the first place—unless this can be filed under "who knows what else ozpin has hid from us over the eyes" in which case, well. what i just said goes out the window lol. anyway, thanks to the haven vault, we also have some level of understanding of what "more challenging" might mean: the haven vault had a secret elevator revealed by a pocket watch inserted into a slot meant for it in a statue. so whatever ozpins means by "more challenging", it needs to go beyond additional object as a key to reveal the entrance to the area were the vault resides.
so, let's talk about choice for a moment. every chance they get, choice is, to an extent, categorized as change. humanity was given choice, the ability to use the knowledge they had gathered and to choose between the paths of light and darkness. the shallow sea is a story about humans having the choice to join the god of animals on their island, to jump into the waters below and turn into what would become faunus. ascension is about change, but the tree doesn't force anyone to ascend; afterans can ignore the call, or in some other cases they can be stopped from ascending by someone else, and whatever they become afterwards is their choice to make, by using information they gathered in their previous life.
(perhaps it's interesting then, that no matter how much knowledge the cat has, no matter how much they learn, they don't have the choice to ascend.)
ozpin gave the branwen twins a choice to accept the gift he offered in form of shapeshifting. they accepted, just like the maidens did before them. the maidens became keys to the vaults... if an object as an additional security to a vault is out of question, what's the step above that? is it another person? perhaps.... two?
it doesn't surprise me that choice pops up so much with raven; she is the maiden of knowledge, and choice is to knowledge as creation is to destruction: they're two sides of the same coin. you really can't have one without the other. but it's the weight behind it—and how the crown in the story gives a glimpse of future and how sure raven was the ozpin would fail and beacon would fall—that gives it the air of "maybe there's something more to this", and based on what we do know, the safest bet currently is that the shapeshifting came with something extra that raven and qrow probably didn't agree to (and that maybe, raven found out.)
(it would also be funny if by "more challenging" ozpin really meant "good luck getting raven to cooperate lol")
as for the location of the beacon vault... i've discussed this to much detail and i've gone between "ozpin said the tower couldn't fall and all those (now destroyed) gears could probably do something fancy if the long memory with its gears can store kinetic energy" and "tai is sus for being so vague about his reasons for not going after ruby—"i've got to... look after some things."—and staying solidly on patch no matter what" and at this... in universe it's been over a year since the fall of beacon and whoever coughsummercough is looking for the vault at beacon is not succeeding at it even after all this time, so that does maaaaaybe give more credence to the possibility that is has never been there in the first place? but if it's on patch, then it probably wasn't a secret all of team strq was aware of—and i think it's interesting how qrow says "summer secret" so... casually? like, the summer rose who never lies? which makes it sound like keeping oz-related secrets from each other was the norm for team strq and this was understood across the board and trying to fish for more information was a no-go from the start—so it being a secret tai had to keep would make sense. and if that's the case, then the old abandoned building that was probably tai and raven's old home since yang thought she could find raven there would be the prime suspect.
but really, i have no idea where the vault actually could be located at. i'm more certain that raven and qrow are extra keys to its exact location, but the vault itself could be anywhere: could be at beacon, could be on patch, or forever fall, or somewhere in the ruins of emerald forest where new students choose a relic that puts them onto teams... could be mountain glenn.
honestly, if change is central to choice, then who knows, maybe it moves around between few select locations. could be all of the above. let the vault be free to choose lmao
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Propaganda is below the cut.
“They have such an amazing amount of tension and complex history and feelings, it makes their dynamic so fun and interesting. Plus y’know, who knows what happens in the Branwen Tribe.”
"they are doing it in front of their weird alter thing and they're bringing in a religion kink.
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supersaiyanjedi14 · 2 years
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“When she came for me, I killed her over and over again.  The longest she was gone was only a few hours, before she put herself back together.  When I couldn't lift my arms anymore, she showed me that, through her, I could have the vengeance I needed.”
At the time of his death in Atlas, two years after the Fall of Beacon, Hazel Rainart was a human male who appeared to be in his mid to late forties.  While much of his early background is unknown, the catalyst for his life would come with the death of his sister Gretchen, who lost her life during a training exercise at Beacon Huntsman Academy.  Although not initially cruel or violent, the grief-stricken Hazel blamed the institution of the academies themselves for putting her in that position, placing personal blame upon Beacon’s Headmaster Ozpin.  It was there where the immortal sorceress Salem found him.  Though Hazel initially responded violently towards her, his attempts to kill the witch proved unsuccessful due to her immortality, which, when combined with his growing nihilistic worldview, left him primed for Salem’s manipulations after pushing him to the point of exhaustion.  She convinced him that they could prevent the needless deaths of children by tearing down the Huntsman academies, in addition to giving him the opportunity to take his revenge against Ozpin in the most direct and violent way possible.  Hazel accepted the offer, loyally serving Salem as an enforcer while being kept in line through fear of her invincibility and power.
A beast of a man, Hazel stood at a towering 8 feet and was distinguished by his dark brown hair and beard, hazel eyes, and bulky muscular build, the latter heavily scarred through his frequent use of Dust infusion in battle.  Even compared to Faunus and enhanced humans, Hazel’s athletic performance levels were simply monstrous.  He possessed terrifying physical strength, casually ragdolling most of his adversaries with his grapples and sending them flying with the force of his blows.  Even without the infusion of Dust, he was able to catch Nora Valkyrie’s hammer strike with one hand before throwing her away, and a single bare-knuckle punch was enough to send Salem flying across the outside platforms of the Monstra.  Though I hesitate to classify his baseline strength level as superhuman, it is entirely possible that the aftereffects of the Dust he has injected himself with over the years has altered his body chemistry in some permanent fashion.  Despite his size and bulk, Hazel was surprisingly fast and agile, evading attacks from Qrow Branwen and dodging Salem’s magic energy strikes during their final battle with deft rolls and evasions.  However, he was definitively outpaced by Ozpin at Haven, more detrimental in that his current host body, Oscar Pine, was underdeveloped, making this feat one of pure muscle memory.  That said, Hazel was competent in the use of external propellants to enhance his mobility, using wind Dust to enhance his power jumps and cover great distance extremely quickly.
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Described by Qrow Branwen as “sheer willpower”, Hazel Rainart’s endurance and tolerance for injury was nothing short of inhuman.  Though his Semblance allowed him to ignore pain, he still had to contend with the injuries he suffered, and good God Almighty has he taken some hits.  At Haven, Hazel accidentally triggered Nora Valkyrie’s Semblance by supercharging her with electricity, giving her the strength to slam him through the outer wall of Haven’s auditorium and into the courtyard, and was shortly thereafter impaled by Weiss Schnee’s Summoned Lancer and yanked back to the arena.  This was soon followed by a flying kick from Blake Belladonna, all the while enduring the infusion of electric and fire Dust into his arms.  Despite all of this, Hazel was still on his feet and continuing to fight even into the late stages of the battle, only retreating when conclusively denied the chance to obtain the Relic.  When he defected from Salem in Atlas, Hazel injected himself with even more Dust, turning his body into a grotesque horror show of spikes and scar tissue.  In hi ssubsequent battle with Salem, he was slammed into the walls and had his face slammed repeatedly into the ground, briefly subduing him, yet followed this up by immediately seizing Salem and biting down on a fire crystal, setting the pair on fire while giving Oscar an opportunity to unleash the power stored within the Long Memory.  Though this obliterated the Monstra and killed Hazel, this last act served as a testament to his will to persevere and fight, even while he lacked the discipline of a true Huntsman.
Due to his ability to numb himself to pain, Hazel did not bother wearing protective clothing, and he instead choes to wear simple travel garb that allowed him to utilize his body to the fullest.  When the Monstra arrived in Atlas, he wore a green sleeveless vest with brown trousers, completing the outfit with heavy boots and armored gloves.  Holsters containing Dust crystals were strapped to his belt, giving him access to the tools of his elemental wrath.
RANKING: Tier 2, Peak Human Fitness
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Any long-term after-effects of the Dust Hazel injects on his body is purely speculative, and as such I cannot officially describe him as a baseline superhuman. Despite that, he was about as close as one could get, combining exceptional athletic performance with a tolerance for injury most opponents can’t even conceive.  Hazel is not only the tallest character on the show so far, but his levels of strength and endurance are, even on his worst day, comparable to the greatest heavyweight Huntsmen, and his use of Dust can make it even greater. Hazel is still mortal and does have his limitations, but considering what it took to finally kill the bastard, he is not going to go down easily no matter who he faces.
Hazel Rainart was an oddity among his peers in that he carried no weapon.  Instead, Hazel relied on his own flesh and blood fists in battle, using his body as his weapon while infusing himself with Dust.  Given his opposition to his sister attending Beacon, it is very likely that Hazel did not attend any form of combat school, possibly developing his Aura and Semblance merely out of necessity.  Despite this lack of training, Hazel was still a powerful warrior, and had clearly been in enough fights to know how to conduct himself.  When Hazel was first approached by Salem, he regularly struck her with what should have been fatal injuries, going at her for hours before collapsing from sheer exhaustion.  Though Salem’s immortality left Hazel’s efforts in vain, as well as it being entirely likely that Salem put up no fight in order to flaunt her invincibility, the simple fact that Hazel was able to power through in such a way provides a powerful glimpse into this man’s savagery and raw output.
As far as his actual means of battle was concerned, Hazel was less a martial artist and more of a brawler, utilizing simplistic yet brutal full-body movements to utilize his weight and strength to their fullest.  His basic fighting style consisted of brutally direct punches, arm sweeps, kicks, and grapples, all these movements performed with single-minded aggression aimed at overcoming the opponent as directly as possible.  When defending, he favored simple arm blocks to intercept incoming attacks, while his Semblance and Aura allowed him to simply ignore projectiles.  Though this single-mindedness made him somewhat predictable, it didn’t matter most of the time due to his sheer output being enough to either overwhelm his enemies immediately, or else get them backpedaling in retreat.  However, despite his general savagery, he was by no means crude, and often his strikes were performed with calculated control to produce the desired result.  Furthermore, Hazel was not a lumbering glacier, and could be quite mobile when forced to evade.  By keeping his range of techniques to a simple yet reliable set, Hazel could function well against just about any adversary to great effect, emphasizing different movements to adapt to the situation.  When factoring in his raw physical power, this simple general style also served as a great equalizer to make up for his lack of skill, contending with superior martial artists by being a stronger fighter.  This domineering style was heavily reinforced by his integration of Dust-based attacks, utilizing elemental fury through both active projections and enhancing his already monstrous strength.
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In terms of strategy and tactics, Hazel was an interesting case in that his conduct was radically different depending on his frame of mind in the moment.  Day-to-day, he typically composed and measured, keeping his cool and often being a voice of reason among his allies.  He eschewed violence where it was not needed, perfectly willing to call out Adam Taurus for his decision to assassinate Sienna Khan when it could have been avoided.  He proved his capacity as a strategic planner when he orchestrated Oscar Pine and Emerald Sustrai’s escape from the Monstra, even getting the drop on Salem by concealing his defection until the opportune moment.  However, in live combat, Hazel’s conduct was far more blunt and direct, and made even more erratic depending on the state of his body.  When he was clear of Dust, he was methodical and defense-oriented, holding his ground against incoming attacks and utilizing his superior strength to retaliate.  When Dust entered the picture, though, he tended to devolve into a mindless brute, catapulting himself into a violent frenzy of savage intensity.  Even while the Dust in his system enhanced his attack output and made him harder to get a bead on, it also badly undercut his self-control and left him open to retaliation.  The greatest displays of this disparity were during his participation in the Battle of Haven.  Hazel opened by sealing the auditorium closed, trapping Ozpin’s party while leaving the White Fang free to rig their bombing.  When Cinder Fall’s taunts triggered a brawl, he was attacked by Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren, whose attacks he was able to almost casually fend off, even throwing Nora bodily across the room before immediately repelling Ren.  However, after Oscar Pine was outed as Ozpin’s latest host, Hazel’s latent grief over his sister’s death triggered a berserk outburst, stabbing electric Dust into his arms and promising to murder the two on the spot, only failing due to Qrow Branwen’s intervention.  Oscar’s attempts to talk Hazel down proved pointless, prompting Ozpin to forcibly take over Oscar’s body to fight back.  Despite unleashing a terrifying onslaught, Hazel was definitively outclassed, the wizard able to trip him up by targeting his joints and keeping him at bay with his superior agility.  Hazel managed to turn the tables with area effect Dust strikes and the aid of Leo Lionheart, even managing to overpower Qrow with a punch to the back.  Nora and Ren eventually came to Ozpin’s aid and reengaged, and while Hazel was able to subdue Ren, Nora’s Semblance allowed her to turn Hazel’s Dust against him, turning his electrocuting grapple into a supercharge that allowed her to launch him out of the building.  Hazel responded by adding fire Dust to his arms, eventually slaying Weiss Schnee’s Summoned Lancer before being knocked back by Blake Belladonna.  Ultimately, the battle was a failure, as Ruby Rose, Weiss and Blake were able to fend off Hazel, Emerald and Mercury Black long enough for Yang Xiao Long to return from the Relic vault and force a retreat.
Despite his tendency towards tactless and vengeful attitude towards Ozpin, Hazel disliked misplaced retribution and blaming others for his own failures, fully willing to take the fall for the failed mission even as Salem tortured him with summoned Grimm arms in her castle.  Obviously aware of his conduct while jacked up on Dust, Hazel likely refrained from injecting himself if he could avoid it, knowing full well the kind of monster he could become if he overloaded his body.  As such, I would argue that Hazel’s typical tactical approach was based on calculated risks and incremental escalation, starting off with his bare knuckle brawler’s style to get a feel for the opponent and working in Dust only if and as needed.  The risk came in the form of the amount of Dust injected, as every additional crystal runs the risk of degrading his composure and tactical awareness further.  Despite the disaster at Haven, Hazel remained in Salem’s good graces and joined his master in the conquest of Atlas several months later.  When the Hound captured Oscar Pine, Hazel initially welcomed the chance to torture the one he blame for Gretchen’s death, but both wizard and host managed to talk the brute down, deconstructing his defeatist outlook and encouraging him to rebel.  The final straw came when Ozpin gave Hazel the name of the Relic guardian, Jinn, as a final bid for trust, prompting him to finally turn his back on the Grimm Queen and allow Emerald Sustrai to free Oscar.  When Salem attacked Oscar’s escape party, Hazel initially pretended to keep serving her, only to return the Long Memory to Oscar and blindside her with a surprise punch after she threatened to torture Emerald for her betrayal.  His newfound conviction overriding his restraint, Hazel infused himself with numerous Dust crystals, turning himself into a terrifying physical and elemental juggernaut and boldly declaring that he would no longer insult his sister’s memory.  Hazel attacked the witch with a series of projectiles to contend with her magic powers and overpower her direct defenses, brutally slamming her into the ground and literally beating her into a pulp.  However, this act only served to aggravate Salem, and though he managed to defend from her magical energies, he was thrown against the wall and battered into submission.  However, Hazel recovered quickly and seized Salem in a bear hug, giving Oscar the opportunity to obliterate the Monstra.  Though this conclusively killed Hazel, he never faltered, his last act being to turn himself into a living funeral pyre in a final effort to put the witch down for good.
RANKING: Tier 4, Advanced Application
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Despite his ability to contend with several high-caliber Huntsmen, Hazel is not a true combat master, and his technique demonstrates a severe lack of polish.  Instead, Hazel’s effectiveness in battle is tied to his ability to supplant skill with raw performance, bullying through more developed fighting techniques with sheer brute force.  His capabilities easily qualify him as an expert fighter, but his strategies are fairly straightforward, and even as he bolsters his performance with Dust, he becomes just as undisciplined and savage.  Regardless, Hazel’s output still makes him an incredibly devastating combatant, his gambit of canceling out skill with overwhelming force usually paid off, helped along by the fact that he is an unyielding aggressor who can, will, and did go kamikaze if necessary.
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Hazel Rainart’s Semblance was a Numbing Agent that allowed him to cancel out the sensation of pain.  While this power did not make him immune to injury, it did allow him to ignore it and focus through battles without any noticeable toll on his performance.  In most situations, Hazel’s Semblance was simply a useful utility tool that helped in the field, mitigating the infirmities of pain and allowing him to persevere in his endeavors.  However, he took it to the next level with his heavy, in some ways excessive, infusion of Dust into his body.  The injection of raw Dust obviously has detrimental effects on the body, causing systems to break down and leaving agonizing pain (to say nothing of the fact that you’re literally stabbing a magic combustible crystal into yourself).  Thanks to his Semblance allowing him to ignore pain, Hazel was not held back by the agony of the Dust in his body, allowing him to not only fight as if he didn’t have sharp magic rocks sticking out of his back, but also to escalate by adding more Dust than should have been possible to do reliably.  However, Hazel was no sadomasochist who could afford to be stupid because it doesn’t hurt.  As previously discussed, Hazel was clearly aware of how fragile his composure was when jacked up on Dust, so he understood the risk of relying too heavily on his Semblance.  His gradual inclusion of Dust over time was likely a way of balancing out his Semblance’s practical benefits with the long-term risks.  Furthermore, I believe Hazel’s Semblance doubled as a regenerative healing factor, as his Aura was able to recharge at an abnormally fast rate during the Battle of Haven.  The degree of this is even more impressive considering that Hazel’s Aura had to contend with both the intrusive substance in his bloodstream and the mounting injuries he was sustaining.
As has been brought up multiple times, Hazel Rainart’s primary tools in battle were his collection of raw Dust crystals that he would inject into his body.  One of the more unorthodox and dangerous applications of the substance, the user would directly stab the Dust into their muscles, greatly enhancing their physical strength and giving them the ability to channel the properties of the specific Dust as elemental powers.  Though the full extent of his loadout is unconfirmed, Hazel is known to have carried electric, fire, earth, wind, ice, and even hard light Dust by the time of his death, his horribly scarred torso serving as a testament to how heavily he had utilized this power.  Already a physical heavyweight, Hazel’s strength was pushed to absurd superhuman levels when using his Dust, having sent both Qrow Branwen and Lie Ren catapulting through the air with a single incapacitating blow and reducing the pillars of the Haven entrance hall to splinters.  The elemental aftereffects of the Dust in question factored quite heavily into Hazel’s overall fighting style.  When using an electric infusion at Haven, he functionally turned his hands into flesh and blood tasers.  Furthermore, he could leverage his Dust as ranged projectiles, incapacitating Ren with a blast of electricity and shooting several fireballs at Salem during their final battle.  Additionally, Hazel was talented at mixing and matching the effects of different Dust types, notably combining fire and electricity at Haven and killing Weiss Schnee’s Summoned Lancer with an electric fireball.  Easily his greatest display of both his power and this combination tactic was during his final battle with Salem, utilizing the earth, fire and electric Dusts in his body to form a volatile spiked boulder that broke through Salem’s defenses and forced her to the ground.  Though he favored direct offensive applications, Hazel has been seen using his Dust for utility and defense as well.  Wind Dust allowed him to form contained tornados to traverse the battlefield, and he could use hard light Dust to form a protective barrier strong enough to resist direct hits from Salem’s energy beams.
Hazel’s use of his special abilities were surprisingly varied and flexible despite his emphasis on brute force.  Instead of utilizing his Semblance simply to run into situations with reckless abandon, he used it to maintain his composure under duress and replenish his energies.  Instead of only using his Dust to blast his opponents to pulp with nature, he utilized specific elements for specific purposes, carrying a variety of tools that he could use to adapt to and control the flow of the fight.  Where Hazel’s weaknesses manifested were when he went overboard, as his need to balance out the strain of the Dust with maintaining his Aura badly undercut his self-control, something he was clearly aware of given his reluctance to utilize more Dust than was necessary.  When he rages, he regresses to physical combat, and while his abilities still made him a terrifying juggernaut, ramping up his attack output, it also meant that he ran the risk of failing to make full use of his powers.  Furthermore, Hazel’s use of his powers could also backfire if the opponent was capable of turning his chosen elements to their own advantage.  At Haven, Hazel used his electric hands to try and subdue Nora Valkyrie, but Nora’s High Voltage allowed her to soak it up and overpower him.  Against Salem, Hazel gained a solid advantage at first, closing the distance and brutally beating her down, but her immortality and vast magical might allowed her to subvert and beat him at his own game.  For all his versatility, Hazel is bound to come up short if he is unable to overpower his opponent.  Regardless, Hazel’s last act served as a testament to how far he is willing to push his abilities to achieve victory, showing zero hesitation to igniting himself in a last ditch effort to stop Salem.
RANKING: Tier 2, Flexible Combat
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While infusing Dust into the body is not an unprecedented feat, Hazel’s Semblance gives him the power to take this capability further than any other person reasonably could.  Numbing himself to the pain of direct infusion allows him to continuously add more power and ability to himself, providing him with layers of tools that further his ability to adapt to situations, even against opponents more powerful than himself.  Like any conduit, Hazel will eventually burn out, be it through the sheer volume of Dust or his inability to maintain his composure, but his unparalleled force of will and varied used of his Dust abilities makes him so powerful and flexible that most opponents would only be able to contend. While he is resistant to going overboard on the Dust, more will be added the longer the fight drags on, and he always has the option to escalate.
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Hazel was easily one the most physically dangerous characters in the RWBY setting, and he brings with him a level of intensity and output nearly unmatched by the standards of his contemporaries.  He is a towering, heavily muscled giant who will fight to the death, a ruthless and vicious unarmed fighter who will not hesitate to snap his opponents like a twig, and he wields tremendous ethereal might in a way that only magic-based combatants have been able to replicate or surpass. However, Hazel is held back by his lack of development as a martial artist, having spent his career coasting on power rather than properly building his skill set.  Despite his physical might, Hazel does not have any significant permanent enhancements or traits.  He’s just a bodybuilder who occasionally roids himself up.  While his fighting skills are potent and strong, his lack of subtlety and polish can lean to oversights that weaker adversaries have taken advantage of, and his special powers are often reliant on the type of Dust he is using at the time, and overdosing cripples his ability to think strategically.  Hazel’s primary attribute as a fighter is the direct application of power, and his greatest difficulties have come when he cannot properly leverage that power, either when the opponent stays out of his crosshairs and keeps him at bay, or, more disastrously, when the opponent is more powerful than he is.
All that being said, Hazel’s threat level is not to be underestimated, as his reliance on power is not an oversight but a calculated risk.  Unlike Cinder Fall, Hazel does not zealously claim power for the sake of it, as he is fully aware of how that would turn him into a mindless beast.  Despite his own hypocrisy in certain areas, namely his claims about his sister despite serving everything she hated, Hazel was consistent in the use of power to achieve his ends and nothing more rather than subjugate the lesser. He only unleashed his unrestrained might when bereft of other options or personally provoked.  Whenever presented with a better alternative, both in life and battle he took it, this attitude ultimately coming to its logical extreme in his final defection from Salem.  Furthermore, Hazel is a great example of how placement in a lower tier does not translate into automatic inferiority, as he was able to overbear the definitive Tier 2 and pose a serious threat to the two quintessential Tier 1s purely on the back of his raw intensity.  His problems arise when brute strength simply isn’t enough, and if his strength fails him, he has nothing to fall back on.
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*originally posted on RoosterTeeth Community page on 03-6-21*
*all images taken from RWBY Wiki*
RWBY Combat Analysis
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stabby-potato · 1 year
RWBY headcanon time!
You know how the characters are very multicoloured? Hair and eyes that just don't happen on earth but are seemingly natural on Remnant? I have an idea on why this could be.
What if a persons Aura can alter their colours? So if you have a red aura, you may find stuff like your hair, eyes, and nails starting to change colour to match. Not guaranteed, and not necessarily all 3 or completely, but it can happen. It starts out individual but aura changed colours can also be passed down to children.
Some character examples:
Ruby's red highlights. Summer could've had white highlights before her (she doesn't in canon but whatever).
The Schnee family's white hair. Every member, just like their semblance.
Lie Ren's pink eyes(inherited) and pink highlights.
Qrow & Raven Branwens red eyes? This one comes with a bonus angsty headcanon. They were born with a different eye colour, but a bandit leader kidnapped them to be her own kids. When their aura happened to change their eyes to match her own, they found they couldn't remember who they were before.
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rubyfunkey · 3 years
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no in-betweens just reuinions. nothing else we dont need anything else
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an-overthroned-crow · 4 months
Hi. I’m Qrow. I’m an introject of Qrow from a RWBY AU which I will not outwardly name. I have side source from HTTYD’s Toothless.
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renabe4life · 2 years
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Uhhhh... I blame @whatacartouchebag for this, so Hoppy Easter y’all! :D
Drew the lads in some spring outfits from FEH (Spring Narcian and Spring Bartre, for reference), because the colours were entirely too perfect not to. And in proper FEH fashion, I bastardised their weapons to go along with the theme pfft.
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bowl-of-shortness · 3 years
If you could even begin to comprehend where I've come from. You would be terrified of me.
Thought maybe for Necromancer AU but you can choose 👍
(I couldn’t see where this would fit in the N! Au HOWEVER, altered chronicles works well 👀)
“If you could even begin to comprehend where I’ve come from, headmaster, well, you’d be terrified of me.”
The voice was mocking, cocky, and gravelly. Ozpin sat tied to a chair, rope binding him tightly. He was inside of a tent, well furnished with necessities and more.
He was inside the tribe chief’s tent.
The former headmaster stared hard and coldly at his kidnapper, a tall man in tribal wear, black hair, tawny and scarred skin, and a nevermore helmet disguising the man’s identity. The tribe chief was crouched in front of him as he taunted and mocked Ozpin.
Ozpin scoffed in response to his comment, “As if.”
“You take me as a fool, how ignorant of you. I have seen more bloodshed and death in a days time than you have seen in your entire existence.”
“Hmmm, and how would you know? How would you know that you’ve seen more than I have.”
“Because I am not most people. And it has been proven time and time again that I am the only one who has seen that much decimation. So tell me, how do you know that you aren’t like everyone else, Chief?” The title rolled off his tongue with venom and purposeful emphasis.
“Oooo.” The chief laughed, “I knew you trained hunters but I never knew you were as feisty as some of them. Who knows, keep it up and I might just not kill you.”
Ozpin raised an eyebrow at this, questioning the others intent
“See, here’s the thing councilman, people would pay millions to have your head, and my tribe needs money.”
The chief sighs, Ozpin can hear his smile through the mask, “However councilman, we’re thieves after all, selfish. And you’re adorable. I mean, I thought the headmaster of Beacon Academy was a cutie when I saw you on the media, but lords you are way cuter in person. So, I might just keep you to myself if you’re good.”
He clenched his jaw, did he really see him that way? “Adorable” wasn’t a word that Ozpin would describe himself as but it’s what this man thought, it gave him mixed feelings.
But, if this man truly likes him, it could be his one chance of being let go.
“So if I pay you a fair sum of money, you will do something for me?”
The noirett cocked his head to the side, chuckling deeply “You makin’ a deal? What’s the deal?”
“I will tell you and your tribe about everything you need to know about the war, you will agree to fight in it if you see the price fit.“
“And in return for us?”
Ozpin swallows hard, “I will pay your tribe any reasonable amount you want, and……you can make any attempt you want to try and ‘woo’ me into your favor…..”
He laughed, “What a deal! Well then, deals settled. So, councilman, if my men and I are gonna be working with you and the kiddies, we should get to know each other. So, let’s start with introductions.”
The chief takes off his nevermore mask, revealing long, messy, black hair, two large scars across his face, and crimson eyes. He gives Ozpin a sharp and crooked smile.
“My name is Qrow Branwen.”
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pupmusebox · 20 days
[ Final Fantasy ]
Zack Fair Sephiroth Cloud Strife Genesis Rhapsodos Kuja Vincent Valentine Noctis Lucis Caelum Prickly(Cactaur/OC) Skylar(OC) Nicholas(OC) Tobias(OC) Rafael(OC) Prompto Argentum Ignis Scientia Gladiolus Amicitia Cecil Harvey Luneth Arc Ingus Kefka Palazzo Zidane Tribal Vivi Locke Cole Edgar Roni Figaro Sabin Rene Figaro Cyan Garamonde Gau Shadow/Clyde Setzer Gabbian Squall Leonheart Zell Dincht Irvine Kinneas Vaan Rufus Shinra Tseng Reno Rude
[ Pokemon ]
Togekiss/Hibiki(OC) Gallade/Shinobu(OC) Mimikyu/Tabb(OC) Mewtwo/Vero(OC) Lugia/Calin(OC) Ho-Oh/Kasai(OC) Arceus/Kadavul(OC) Lunala/Artemis(OC) Solgaleo/Apollo(OC) Necrozma/Lux(OC) Dialga/Ruka(OC) Palkia/Rozovo(OC) Giratina/Izael(OC) Latios/Taylor(OC) Latias/Quinn(OC) Rayquaza/Daven(OC) Groudon/Reese(OC) Kyogre/Kaiden(OC) Jirachi/Nova(OC) Deoxys/Alec(OC) Shaymin/Sage(OC) Victini/Flynn(OC) Genesect/Briar(OC) Volcanion/Rex(OC) Magearna/Cleo(OC) Diancie/Blair(OC) Melottea/Wren(OC) Wes Ethan Silver Red Green Adaman Rika Piers Allister Gladion Drayton Crispin Giovanni Archer Petrel N Harmonia Maxie Archie Volo Cyrus Brendan Wally Steven Stone Wallace Lucas Barry Saturn Lucian Flint Buck Riley Hilbert Cheren Nate Hugh Calem Lysandre Elio Guzma Chase Rei Kieran Arven Atticus Giacomo Ortega Grusha Larry Hassel Jacq Salvatore Saguaro Prof. Turo
[ Persona ]
Naoya Toudou Tatsuya Suou Makoto Yuki(P3 MC/Protag) Ryoji Mochizuki Jin Shirato Takaya Sakaki Shinjiro Aragaki Akihiko Sanada Yu Narukami(P4 MC/Protag) Yosuke Hanamura Naoto Shirogane Kanji Tatsumi Tohru Adachi Teddie Akira Kurusu/Joker(P5 MC/Protag) Yusuke Kitagawa/Fox Goro Akechi/Crow Futaba Sakura/Oracle Ryuji Sakamoto/Skull
[ Golden Sun series ]
Issac Garet Ivan Alex Saturos Felix Piers Agato
[ Legend of Zelda ]
Link Zelda Sheik Ganondorf Midna Zant Kafei Vaati Shad Auru Sidon [ Sonic series ] Sonic Tails Knuckles Dr. Eggman Rouge Shadow E-123 Omega Silver Victor Espio Charmy Emerl Chaos Metal Sonic E-102 Gamma Black Doom
[ Animal Crossing ] Tommy Timmy Isabelle Tom Nook [ Vocaloid ] KAITO MEIKO Len Kagamine Gakupo [ Megaman Series ] Megaman.EXE Lan Hikari Eugene Chaud Protoman.EXE Baryl Colonel.EXE Iris Zero(Rockman Zero) X Zero Spider Bass.EXE
[ Fire Emblem ]
Marth Ike Soren Sothe Ranulf Tibarn Naesala Reyson Volug Zelgius Robin(M) Chrom Morgan(M) Gerome Inigo Corrin(M) Byleth(M) Claude von Riegan Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd Hubert von Vestra Seteth Rhea Shez(M) Arval
[ Splatoon ]
Kit/Captain 3 Drey/Agent 4 Zeke/Agent 8 Kyte/Neo Agent 3 Agent 1/Callie Agent 2/Marie DJ Octavio Pearl Marina Shiver Frye Big Man
[ Stardew Valley ]
Sebastian Sam Shane Elliot Alex Harvey
[ RWBY ]
Adam Taurus Qrow Branwen Salem Cinder Fall Winter Schnee James Ironwood Penny Polendina Weiss Schnee Whitley Schnee Blake Belladonna Yang Xiao Long Ruby Rose Lie Ren Ozpin Jaune Arc Sun Wukong Mercury Black Neptune Vasilias Fox Alistair
[ Fate ]
Ritsuka Fujimaru Ozymandias Gilgamesh Caster Gil Proto Gil Kid Gil Setanta Cu Chuluiann Proto Cu Caster Cu Alter Cu (Culter) Archer Emiya Shadow Emiya Alter Emiya Diarmuid Ua Duibhne Saber Diarmuid Aiden(OC) Aouregan(OC) Arthur Pendragon Immaru(OC) Izar(OC) Lugh(OC) Connla(OC) Achilles Chiron Romani Archaman Bazett Fraga McRemitz Asterios Fuuma Kotaru Merlin [ Fullmetal Alchemist ] Edward Elric Alphonse Elric Roy Mustang Envy Greed Maes Hughes [ Black Butler ] Sebastian Michealis Claude Faustus [ Devil May Cry ] Dante Nero Vergil [ Resident Evil ] Leon S. Kennedy
[ Trigun Stampede ]
Vash Nai/Knives Nicholas D. Wolfwood [ Homegrown Pet ] Hector Eli Pierce(OC) [ Elevator Pitch ] Protag Coworker [ Dead Plate ] Vincent Charbonneau Rody Lamoree [ Diabolik Lovers ] Ayato Sakamaki Laito Sakamaki Kanato Sakamaki Shu Sakamaki Reiji Sakamaki Subaru Sakamaki Yuma Mukami Ruki Mukami Kou Mukami Azusa Mukami Shin Tsukinami Richter Karlheinz Kino
[ Mystic Messenger ] Zen Yoosung 707 Jumin Han V Unknown/Ray [ Piofiore ] Dante Falzone Nicola Francesca Henri Lambert [ Fandomless OCs ] Draco Noire (Vampire) Aristaeus (King Bee Demon) Leo Cooper/Chase
[ Genshin Impact ]
Zhongli Venti Aether/Traveler Kaeya Diluc Albedo Tartaglia/Childe Itto Alhaitham Gorou Tighnari Cyno Xiao Wriothesley Neuvillette Il Dottore Pantalone Il Capitano
[ Honkai Star Rail ] Caelus/Trailblazer Blade Boothill Adventurine Dan Heng Gepard Gallagher Dr. Ratio Jiaoqiu Jing Yaun Luka Loucha Moze Sampo Welt [ Jujutsu Kaisen ] Satoru Gojo Yuji Itadori Sukuna [ Dragonball series ] Goku Gohan Android 17/Lapis Cell [ SpyxFamily ] Twilight/Loid Forger
[ YGO ]
Yugi Moto Yami Yugi/Atem Seto Kaiba Joey Wheeler Dartz Rafael Mahad/Dark Magician Jaden Yuki Syrus Truesdale Chazz Princeton Bastion Misawa Zane Truesdale Atticus Rhodes Aster Phoenix Jesse Anderson Jim Crocodile Cook Yusei Fudo Jack Atlas Crow Hogan Astral Kite Tenjo Trey/Micheal Arclight Quattro/Thomas Arclight Quinton/Christopher Arclight Reginald Kastle/Shark/Nash Rio Kastle/Marin Ray Shadows/Vector
[ Digimon ]
Tai Kamiya Yamato ‘Matt’ Ishida Koushiro ‘Izzy’ Izumi Daisuke Motomiya Ken Ichijoji Takato Matsuda Lee ‘Jen’ Jianliang Takuya Kanbara Koji Minomoto Koichi Kimura
[ Obey Me!/Nightbringer ]
Lucifer Mammon Leviathan Satan Asmodeus Beelzebub Belphegor Yuki(OC MC) Xavier(OC) Diavolo Barbatos Simeon Solomon Luke Raphael Thirteen Mephistopheles Michael Mael(OC) Dante(OC) Caius(OC) Silas(OC) Ignatius(OC) Samuel(OC) Belial(OC) Raguel(OC) Theodan(OC) Neo(OC) Zephyr(OC) Kuro(OC) Asura(OC) Meagera(OC) Astraroth(OC) Gardonus(OC) Lilith(OC) Cerberus
[ Twisted Wonderland ]
Azul Ashengrotto Vil Schoenheit Riddle Rosehearts Malleus Draconia Idia Shroud Leona Kingscholar Jade Leech Floyd Leech Jack Howl Ruggie Bucchi Kalim Al-Asim Jamil Viper Ortho Shroud Ace Trappola Deuce Spade Trey Clover Cater Diamond Epel Flemier Rook Hunt Lilia Vanrouge Silver Sebek Zigvolt Divus Crewel Dire Crowley [ Undertale/Deltarune ] Sans Paparus Mettaton Frisk Kris
[ Nexomon ]
Omnicron Ulrich/Grunda Nadine/Ventra Fenrir/Fona Merida/Arqua Deena/Nara Zetta/Luxa Nexolord/Metta Solus/Omnisun
[ 7th Dragon III: Code VFD ]
Yuma Kisaragi Yamato Mishiru Jet Sakaki Yuujin Nabaru Bastian Renstu Kirino Kirika Mei Nami Aogiri Urie Nio Misha Azerin Katanako Chelsea Citorin
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flufferbakura · 3 years
Okay so normally I don't ship Qrow and Ozpin but the more I thought about it the more it became a thing in this au. Along with Glynda simping for Oz too. Blood warning I guess. Rip Oz
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And a glimpse of Oscar the day Oz appeared in his head. Noticing a small change in his appeance. Farm boi is confused for sure.
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northforwinter · 6 years
Qrow: The tribe said Raven was born lucky. They said I was lucky to be born. I guess my luck stopped there
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