#cloqwork recurring au
Feel free to ask me about any number of my cloqwork AUs
We cloqwork posting today fellas
- altered chronicles au
- forthcoming au
- remnant heirs au
- young leaders au
- cloqwork familiar au (being currently reworked :D)
- cloqwork swap au
- kalopsia remnant au (formerly warped remnant)
- academy of death au
- recurring au
- (maybe a Selcouth au???? 👀)
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bowl-of-shortness · 9 months
Recurring au fic, A Birdcage of Red Dahlias, is going to be returning here soon.
I am currently working on chapter 9 as we speak, not sure when I’ll be done with it.
However, I would like to ask you guys what y’all wanna see from the fic! I’m in the stage of the fic where things are a little up in the air, so I’m curious as to what interactions in the Recurring AU you guys wanna see!
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Hey little bean!! (Picks him up and tosses him in the air and catches him) How are you? -🐈‍⬛ Just saw Sing 2 and I highly recommend it. That is all I shall say.
(Oooh! I might watch it at some point, I still have to watch encanto but after that I’ll definitely watch sing 2!)
Oscar: *giggles* happy!
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(A bit of a shameless plug here, I just updated the second chapter to another au I made called the recurring cloqwork au! So if you’re interested in more of my cloqwork content, feel free to go ahead and check it out! It’s pretty angsty and deals with some heavier themes so fair warning. Bowl-of-shortness on AO3, the fic is called A Birdcage of Red Dahlias :D)
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Requesting prompts/questions
I wanna write for some of my RWBY AUs/answer some questions about my AUs
RWBY AUs I’m in the mood to talk abt:
Familiar AU
Altered Chronicles AU
Necromancer AU (Adult fellas and Child versions of the fellas)
All Legends Scatter Timeline AUs (Forthcoming, Remnant Heirs, Young Leaders, Predecessors of Remnant)
Academy of Death AU
Kalopsia Remnant AU (Formerly Warped Remnant)
Recurring AU
Feel free to ask about each RWBY AU and what they’re about!
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Because of what’s going on
And because I wanna spite Warner bros.
Gimme rwby prompts (general or dialogue prompts) for any of my AUs >:3c
- Altered Chronicles AU
- Young Leaders AU
- Remnant Heirs AU
- Forthcoming AU
- Familiar AU (new and revamped uwu)
- Academy of Death AU
- (idk what to name this one but it’s basically Oz is a librarian and Qrow writes stuff, feel free to ask abt it! :D)
- Recurring AU
- Lost in Limbo AU
- Cloqwork Swap AU
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bowl-of-shortness · 3 years
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“Eira please we can talk about this! I can figure out another way!!”
He leans on his arms against the door, banging on the door with his fists. Tears flood his eyes and spill down his
“I promise I’ll be more careful! I swear! I can keep myself safe Oz I was trained to, you trained me too for fucks sake!! Please!”
No response.
“Please just open the door Oz….we can figure something out. I just want things to go back the way they used to be…..”
Ozpin turns away from the door, whispering “I wish they could….” He then ascends up the stairs, leaving Qrow locked behind the door.
Becoming frantic, Qrow bangs on the door harder “Oz wait please!! Please open the door!! I swear I’ll be more careful, I swear I can protect myself Oz!!! Please! …come back…..”
He slides down, collapsing on the ground. Still gently banging on the door.
“….Please come back…..”
Hiiiiii so I drew it, enjoy the angst my friends. :)
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bowl-of-shortness · 2 years
A Birdcage of Red Dahlias, Chapter 8
Qrow learns the truth, and is left to process.
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So Ngl this isn’t my best work, constant monologue is hard bro. But I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!
Happy chapter 8! :D
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bowl-of-shortness · 2 years
A Birdcage of Red Dahlias, Chapter 7
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Making his way to Mistral, Qrow processes through what happened, and repairs a relationship that has been severed for a long time.
It’s time for him to get the answers he so desperately needs.
But is he ready?
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WOOOOO HELLO! Chapter 7 is here! I hope you all enjoy the chapter. I’ve been busy with a lot of stuff recently but it’s chill! You guys will see some more chapters for Vendetta of the Empty here soon too. But you’ll also see some fics for Ozqrowweek this June!
Hope you enjoy! Remember to leave a comment and kudos! Love you all /platonic
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bowl-of-shortness · 3 years
A hard decision
Ozpin had made more mistakes than any man, woman, or child on the face of remnant, but all paled in comparison to the ones he made with an old friend.
An old friend who despite his countless lifetimes, instances of lost memories, and countless deaths, still stays loyal to the wizard.
No matter how much it destroys Ozpin inside.
He didn’t want to have done it.
He really didn’t.
But it was to ensure his safety.
That’s what he had told himself after all, that it was for his safety. That this was for the better to make sure he wouldn’t have to get hurt.
Or maybe it was Ozpin being selfish again, oh how he was truly selfish, not wanting to see the man he cared so much about be brutally and ruthlessly ripped to shreds over and over and over again. Only for the man to come back with no memory of what happened.
With no memory of Oz.
He wouldn’t stand for it. He wouldn’t stand to force another person into the war he had created on his own. He wouldn’t stand for another instance of him to be murdered by her.
And thus, he did what he could to ensure that it would never happen again.
He sent Qrow on a mission, a long, dangerous, mission. One that would no doubtably take weeks or maybe even months to complete. He mulled over his thoughts while Qrow was away. And finally came to the decision to leave.
Vale was a big country after all, having 15 districts that felt more like their own individual countries rather than one singular country. He left Glynda in charge of Beacon, brothers know she was more fit for the job than he ever was.
He fled the great city of Cynosure. Not leaving a trace of his existence, outside of his ever so familiar office, behind. He owned a small cottage just on the coast of Cine, a quiet town, the population small but thriving.
Nobody knew about the cottage, nobody even recognized Ozpin there, only having seen him in his usual formal attire and not the casual turtleneck and jeans he was in.
He had ventured there three days after Qrow had left for his mission, and had gotten settled rather quickly. The cottage was in a very remote part of the district, you wouldn’t be able to find it on accident, and even looking for it was a struggle.
A struggle even for Ozpin. He had gotten lost a few times looking for it.
It wasn’t very big, only being a single room with a powder room located by the back of the cottage. There was a small, dusty kitchen located in the lefthand upper corner of the single room, the oak wood floors in that area was replaced by patterned white linoleum, completed with a small fridge and freezer, a stove, a sink, and some cabinets for dishes.
On the wall opposite to the entryway and slightly to the left was a stone brick fireplace, it looked to not have been touched in years, most likely having cobwebs that Ozpin had no desire to take the effort to clean out.
In the lower right hand corner there was a single bed, it had a white fitted and regular sheet, both slightly greyed from dust, and decorated green and yellow quilt laid neatly folded on top of it. There was also a pillow with a pillowcase matching that of the quilt.
There were other necessities, such as a table and chair, a couch by the fireplace, a washer, a dryer, and a closet. The walls were painted a deep sage color, hung from them were old picture frames, pictures that Ozpin had quickly thrown out when he had gotten settled in the cottage.
It was a cozy home, and it was quiet. Untouched, and unbothered, just how he had wanted it.
At least that what he had told himself.
The cottage was everything he loved, except something was missing. Something he had swore he would leave behind and refuse to think about.
The stove wouldn’t replace the smell of smoke Ozpin sometimes smelled in the morning whenever Qrow would attempt to make him breakfast, the fireplace wouldn’t replace the warmth he felt seeing Qrow’s face light up over something he was interested in, the quilt wouldn’t replace the embrace of the man he had learned to care about so much at night.
The quiet wouldn’t replace the carefully planned moments the two had together alone in silence.
But he wouldn’t think about it any longer. He couldn’t risk thinking about him any longer. If he went back, Qrow would only end up injured.
He thought back to the time where he had told Qrow everything. Everything about Salem, about how he reincarnates, even telling Qrow about his reincarnation cycle and the amnesia that comes with it. He thought Qrow would hate him, he thought he would be angry, he thought he would leave him.
But he didn’t. Qrow simply smiled and ruffled Oz’s hair, telling him that he was stuck with him. That he wasn’t going anywhere and that he was going to stay with Ozpin.
And somehow, that crushed Ozpin’s soul more than it would’ve if Qrow had said he hated him and screamed at him and left him.
It hurt so much more than that.
He was happy that Qrow wasn’t leaving, but he also hated that he wasn’t. Endangering his life again to fight for the same cause Ozpin knows can’t be stopped or destroyed. All for him, Ozpin, who is but only a man, and not a very good one at that.
He was avoiding and leaving Qrow for his safety. And in some twisted way, he hoped it hurt Qrow. He hoped him leaving hurt Qrow so much inside. Hurt him enough to not go looking for Oz, to be angry and resentful towards Oz and not want to protect him or stand by his side. Because that way, he wouldn’t have to force Qrow to stay behind, because it would be by his will, his choice.
And Ozpin had always wanted him to have a choice.
Months had now passed, and Qrow was most likely back from his mission. Ozpin had suspected that his intuition was correct, that he had hurt Qrow enough to keep him away.
He chest tightened at the thought of the other man hating him, but he pushed it down quickly. This was necessary. He was doing it for him.
Ozpin sighed, looking out the small window next to his bed. It was a gloomy day, thunder was heard rumbling and cracking throughout the dark grey sky, signaling the white hot lightning that was to come afterwards. It was pouring, each individual droplet of water’s sound being amplified by the steel metal rooftop on the wooden cottage.
Now was no time for a walk, but he decided to do so anyways, perhaps the loud thundering and raining could drown out the feeling of loneliness and emotional anguish he was in. Perhaps it could drown out the thoughts of a good friend.
He didn’t bother grabbing an umbrella, simply opening the door to the cottage with a quiet creak of the hinges and floorboards and stepping outside into the pouring down rain.
Instantly he was soaked, but he couldn’t bring himself to care much, despite how uncomfortable his turtleneck and jeans felt sticking to his body. He didn’t even bother to slick his hair out of his face, simply being too deep in thought to notice.
He had been in such deep thought that he hadn’t noticed the ever so familiar crow tailing him, equally as soaked.
Glynda had called Qrow off of his mission early, stating that Ozpin hadn’t been back to Beacon in months after leaving her in charge, something that was uncharacteristic of the man. When he had returned, he found no trace of Ozpin, not even a single fingerprint that would’ve told him where Ozpin went.
The only thing he knew was that it looked that Oz left willingly, given all of his stuff had been taken and everything was put back very neatly in that Oz way.
So he had begun to search, he searched for months, getting more and more frantic about Oz’s whereabouts. Until today, where he finally found him.
The bird flew down from the branch it was on, once it swooped down, it transformed back into a familiar face. Qrow’s shoes hit the mud with a disgusting squelch, alerting Ozpin to his presence. He didn’t look behind him, he simply stopped walking.
“Oz?” Qrow called out.
He didn’t respond.
“Oz, c’mon, what’re you doing out here?”
Still no response.
“……Look, I know you’re upset. But whatever you’re upset about you don’t have to deal with out here alone, I’m right here Oz. You can talk to me if there’s something wrong. I’m not gonna see you any differently than I did originally.”
“Please…….please don’t talk like that…..” Ozpin finally choked out quietly.
“Why not?”
“Because I fear I will not be able to trust my actions if you do.”
“Oz, it’s ok. Let’s go home, I’ll make you some of that special hot chocolate you like, make something simple for dinner. It’ll—“
Ozpin snapped, “NO. I’m not going back with you.”
Qrow was stunned into silence, what did he mean no? Why didn’t he want to go back?
Ozpin let out a shaky breath “Please……..just leave me be….”
“You know I can’t do that, I care about you Oz. And a damn lot, whatever you’re dealing with we can deal with together—“
Ozpin balled his hands into fists, quickly turning around to meet Qrow’s gaze.
“……for you.”
Ozpin violently shook his head, he looked down, sealing his eyes shut to avoid the others gaze “What a truly foolish mistake that is. I am but a man, Qrow, and not a very good one. You deserve to live a good life Qrow. One without any more pain or anguish after what all you have already endured.
I will not stand by and watch you get caught in the crossfire of a war you had no choice in fighting in, I will not stand by and watch you be ripped to shreds by her again.”
“But I am choosing to be in this war Oz.”
Oz’s eyes snapped open as he looked up at the man with confused and surprised amber eyes.
“You told me about everything. You told STRQ about everything. And what happened? Tai left, Raven left, Summer left to fight in the war. You told me about my role in the war. And I didn’t leave did I?”
Ozpin simply stared at him, stunned. What was he talking about?
“If I didn’t want to be in the war, then why didn’t I just leave like Raven or Tai did? I’m here because I want to be Oz. Because I want to protect you, and I want to see you be happy because you deserve it. And you can’t stop me from doing that. You weren’t able to the other times, why would that change now?”
He was right. No matter how many times in the past Oz attempted to seal himself away in hopes of not endangering any of Qrow’s incarnations, he failed every single time. They always found him and they always were loyal to him anyways.
It wouldn’t be any different this time.
It wasn’t in his nature to be disloyal to Ozpin, no matter how much he hated it.
Oz’s legs gave out beneath him, falling to his knees instantly and hitting the soft ground below him hard. He hunched over, shaking violently and sobbing, covering his face with his hands.
He heard footsteps approach him, and then felt a gentle but strong hand rub his back soothingly. No doubtably Qrow.
Qrow gently helped Oz up on his feet, mostly carrying him as they walked out of the forest.
“Let’s go home Oz…..”
Ozpin didn’t have the heart or energy to fight the overwhelming warm and bubbly feeling in his chest from being near and being held by Qrow again, and he didn’t have the heart to argue with Qrow about taking him back to Cynosure.
He couldn’t stop Qrow from being near him, he had already tried too many times before and it was becoming more torturous each time he tried.
Perhaps it was time to let go of that fear and make the best of their situation.
No matter how bleak it may seem.
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bowl-of-shortness · 3 years
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: RWBY Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Qrow Branwen/Ozpin Characters: Qrow Branwen, Ozpin (RWBY) Additional Tags: Angst, How Do I Tag, Trapped, idk man Oz just basically traps Qrow in a house bc he’s terrified of him getting hurt, Recurring AU Summary:
I will make you the most beautiful of bird cages, my love, coated in luxury and Red dahlias for you. You will not see the light of day again my dear, you will no longer need to fear. She will no longer harm you, hunt you, or kill you. However, you will be disgusted with who you view before you. A man who had tried to run before, only to trap you once more, like those from your past.
I pray this will be the last. And I pray that if you escape, you hate me enough to never come back.
I am sorry, Qrow. This is for the best.
Did you know that Red Dahlias represent dishonesty and betrayal?
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bowl-of-shortness · 3 years
Chapters: 5/? Fandom: RWBY Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Qrow Branwen/Ozpin Characters: Qrow Branwen, Ozpin (RWBY) Additional Tags: Angst, How Do I Tag, Trapped, idk man Oz just basically traps Qrow in a house bc he’s terrified of him getting hurt, Recurring AU, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, eventual angst, I’ve gotta butter y’all up before I hurt you so that it hurts more Summary:
I will make you the most beautiful of bird cages, my love, coated in luxury and Red dahlias for you. You will not see the light of day again my dear, you will no longer need to fear. She will no longer harm you, hunt you, or kill you. However, you will be disgusted with who you view before you. A man who had tried to run before, only to trap you once more, like those from your past.
I pray this will be the last. And I pray that if you escape, you hate me enough to never come back.
I am sorry, Qrow. This is for the best.
Did you know that Red Dahlias represent dishonesty and betrayal?
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bowl-of-shortness · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: RWBY
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Qrow Branwen/Ozpin
Characters: Qrow Branwen, Ozpin (RWBY)
Additional Tags: Angst, How Do I Tag, Trapped, idk man Oz just basically traps Qrow in a house bc he’s terrified of him getting hurt, Recurring AU
Summary: I will make you the most beautiful of bird cages, my love, coated in luxury and Red dahlias for you. 
You will not see the light of day again my dear, you will no longer need to fear. She will no longer harm you, hunt you, or kill you.
However, you will be disgusted with who you view before you.
A man who had tried to run before, only to trap you once more, like those from your past. I pray this will be the last.
And I pray that if you escape, you hate me enough to never come back. I am sorry, Qrow.
This is for the best. Did you know that Red Dahlias represent dishonesty and betrayal?
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bowl-of-shortness · 3 years
Little blurb abt recurring au:
So Ozpin actually hates Decaying Future with a passion. To the point where he is responsible for Qrow’s version of Decaying Future not being the first Decaying Future there was.
So, Decaying Future does the opposite of what Long Memory does in terms of how they use magic.
Long Memory stores kinetic magic over lifetimes.
Decaying Future sucks the life and magic out of it’s surrounding area to use in that very moment. This means anything that has magic or life in it.
This is why Qrow is literally bonded with Decaying Future.
The first time Decaying Future ever killed one of Qrow’s past incarnations, Oz’s incarnation was beyond enraged at what happened.
Going as far as to break the first Decaying Future into a thousand pieces.
Qrow’s next incarnation was able to mend the sword using a different sword and his magic but they never found out why it was broken in the first place.
Qrow himself nearly ends up being killed by Decaying Future again when caught in the middle of a battle with one of Salem’s goons, causing him to be knocked unconscious for a couple weeks and struggling to recover.
During the period where he is passed out, Ozpin takes Decaying Future and proceeds to smash it again out of pure wrath towards the sword, destroying it even worse than the first time and going as far as to hide the pieces this time.
So essentially, he absolutely despises the sword. But he never tells Qrow because he sees how much Qrow seems to like it.
Qrow does pick up on his distaste of Decaying Future and doesn’t have it out in open when around Oz
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bowl-of-shortness · 3 years
Ok but I’m just saying
Girl in the tower, right?
Overprotective dad locks his daughter in a tower to prevent anything bad from happening to her.
Kk, now, put that in the context of the recurring au.
I’m just saying. It wouldn’t be above one of Oz’s past incarnations to lock one of Qrow’s incarnations somewhere or lock themself away somewhere in order to try and prevent Qrow’s incarnation from getting hurt.
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bowl-of-shortness · 3 years
A familiar face
(Recurring AU)
A beautiful day calls for some relaxation, and maybe an accidental afternoon nap. Hopefully nobody minds too much that Ozma is gone for little bit.
The careful breeze blew across the rolling hills of the kingdom gently. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining brightly, not a cloud to be seen in the blue sky, and all was at peace.
Ozma enjoyed days like these, days where he didn’t have to worry about his duties as a wizard or knight. Where he could just lay on the rolling hills of his home and relax.
He had accidentally fallen asleep on a hill somewhere away from the busy parts of the kingdom, he didn’t mind though, rest was nothing but good.
Perhaps he may have accidentally fallen asleep a few times when he did so. Ok maybe he fell asleep a lot when he did so, but he enjoyed it nonetheless.
Ozma awoke to the sound of grass rustling nearby, heavy footsteps following in its wake along with the sound of jingling metal.
He cracked an eye open to see what had caused the disturbance. There, stood a tall man. He wore a plague doctor mask, shaped to the head of a crow, a large dark red cape decorated with silver embellishments and patterns draped over his shoulders, a cream colored and tattered tunic, simple black pants, and boots. He took off his mask to reveal the oh so familiar face underneath.
It was Void, a good friend and a good doctor. The taller man’s tawny and scar littered features were graced with a friendly smile, his crimson eyes full of amusement at the shorter man’s carelessness.
“Really? Again? You fell asleep out here again?”
Ozma smiled back “What can I say, I enjoy a calm day.”
“The day won’t be so calm when you get back home and realize how much Salem has been worrying about you.”
“Relax, I wasn’t in any trouble. Honestly, I think you need to learn to take a break once in a while, let yourself breathe. All that Doctor work has got to have you tense.”
Void scoffed “As if, I don’t have time to mess around and fall asleep on grassy hills Ozma. I’m a magic doctor and a medical doctor, I have patients I need to take care of.”
“Yes yes.” Ozma waved a hand at the man.
“What will you do when I am not around to wake you up?”
“I guess I will just have to wait and see.”
“Reckless fool.”
“Uptight bird.”
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bowl-of-shortness · 3 years
Do I wanna write a fic about the recurring au that is most likely gonna hurt the cloqwork communities souls bc angst
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