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scottishcommune · 1 year ago
In Northern Syria, 2.5 million people are living in a stateless, feminist, religiously tolerant, anti-capitalist society of their own creation. They call their territory Rojava, and they defend it fiercely. They’re at war with the extremist group ISIS, and they’re doing better than anyone in the world expected — least of all the Western powers who seek to treat them as pawns.
It’s a complicated situation, but we in the rest of the world have much to learn from the Rojava revolution. To that end, we offer this long-form introduction to the history and the present struggle of the Kurdish people.
Long live the Rojava revolution!
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bajibitch · 1 year ago
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Do you have it?
Warnings: same violence from the manga
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     A few years ago when you graduated college, things were hard although you were told life would be easier with your degree in engineering. You had all the knowledge necessary to apply for the high paying jobs, like everyone wanted you to, but at the time no one accepted your applications. They didn't want someone new, it was comparable to a clique, you had to know someone to be welcomed in. It was a lot being at home after many rejections. Living in a town surrounded by people who trusted you to live out their dream. They didn't care for the details of what happened, or how difficult it was to achieve their goals. All they saw was disappointment and they never failed to mention it. Their encouraging advice was replaced with irritating reminders that you needed to try harder, after all, you were an adult, and suddenly it was too much to let you stay there doing nothing.
     It wasn't long before you started working any kind of job. You didn't care about the toll it took on your body, you just needed money. You knew that's what everyone was more upset about, so you figured if you had it then they'd be more understanding or kind, at least. But then problems started to come when they saw you as some big shot. People would come to you easily, unashamed to ask for money and of course you'd give and give and give. You had to since your parents' voice was always in your ear saying how it wasn't much, you had plenty. They were bleeding you dry, at that point you worked solely for your small town and it drove up the wall, until you broke. Even though there was no physical restraint, you felt as if you could never be happy as long as you stayed there, so you left.
     You had nothing but the six thousand dollars you pulled from your bank account. With the help of a work friend, you managed to get a small apartment in Tokyo. The landlord gave you the space without demanding a security deposit, but in return you had to help with repairs since you had trade skills; she'd pay you for the labor. It was a great deal, and for a while you were happy. You found yourself and enjoyed the fruits of your labor. Buying the things you always wanted and going to places you've remembered hearing people in your hometown discussing. The experience was worth it, but you knew it wouldn't last without money. During your time at home working trades, you'd get paid cash after you finished your job, but working part time was different. You needed your money to buy food but they held your check for a month. It wasn't long before your frustration took control and you were making desperate decisions.
     You were normally careful with your choices but at the time you didn't care to borrow money from the mafia. They gave you so much and with it you brought your food, then realized you needed clothes, and added some shoes since you only had a few pairs. Then you remembered that college was expensive and you had a lot of debt, but with the money you loaned from the mafia, you paid it off. Things were easier when you had their financial aid and with it, you could get that job you spent your life working for. You could make all that suffering worth it, and it was. Even though you had to get it through a generous donation to the company, it was nice to have been given a high position. It wasn't fair to the others but your work was unmatched, so their disgust soon became admiration. You've been through so much, and now you sit in your office updating your latest design, you were so into your work you didn't notice your boss standing in the doorway until he knocked on the wall.
     "Don't stay up late, smart people lose their knowledge if they don't sleep." He laughed but you knew he was serious. Unlike other bosses, he didn't want his employees to overwork themselves. Then again, since you bought the job you never figured when he was being genuine. You looked over your work and made a few notes before you left your office and started your trip home. Your hands were in your pockets as you walked down the street occasionally staring up at the lights. It was beautiful, but you couldn't focus on them for too long when you had this voice telling you to run. You tried to ease the feeling and told yourself it was nothing, maybe you're just hungry from missing lunch. You were doing good ignoring your gut until you spotted a fancy, large black truck. It stopped near you, blocking the walkway and a few men dressed in suits got out. The man in the center, leading the group, had white shoulder length hair and a Bonten symbol tattooed on the left side of his head. It was the executive, Kokonoi. When he said your name you sprinted and didn't look back. You knew what he was there for and you couldn't give it to him. They chased you through the alley way and down the streets but after a while you were able to blend in with the crowd. You took the long way home going through hoops to make sure they weren't pursuing you. By the time you made it home the sun was set and no one in the neighborhood had their lights on. You checked your driveway and made sure there weren't any cars, it was empty. So you went to your door and walked in the house, taking off your coat and shoes before you went further in.
     "We parked a few blocks down." Kokonoi was seated on the sofa while his men blocked the entrance. You tried to go towards the staircase and guns were drawn. "I'm here for the money, but surely you knew that since you ran." He leaned forward and looked in your eyes even though they were shaking from the fear. "So either you have the money and you're being stupid, or you're dumb enough to believe you could skip town. Which is it?"
     "You got the wrong person." Your voice was so low he nearly missed it. He cupped his ear and moved closer and told you to repeat yourself. "Yo-" But he punched you in the face before you could. Blood poured out your nose and you clenched your face groaning.
     "Are done lying?" He pulled out a ledger and tapped on your signature. "You signed your name next to the amount you were given, and it's a lot of money. Do you have it?"
     "Please don't kill me." Your heart sank to your ass and you dropped to the floor with your hands folded, begging him for mercy. You grabbed at his clothes but he kicked you back.
     "You stacked up nearly five hundred thousand dollars, I can't give you a slap on the wrist. Especially not after you ran off and lied about it. Hell we could've sat and talked about monthly payments since you got your new job, but you went about it the wrong way." He snapped his fingers and you were being held up by two men while another stood in front of you.
     "Please no! I can pay you back! Please you said it yourself!" You yelled but he ignored you and prepared his equipment. If you weren't being held, you would've collapsed from the force of the punches being delivered. Memories you thought were long gone suddenly flooded your mind. It goes on for nearly fifteen minutes but for you it felt like hours. At one point you were on the ground trying to protect your face while they kicked and stomped on you.
     "Enough, hold'em up." You felt a cool chill over your wrist as Kokonoi cleaned the area, you were confused until you heard buzzing. You tried pulling your arm but the grip his men had was much stronger. "It'll look horrible if you keep doing that." He hummed as he started to pierce your skin with the needle. Getting a tattoo wasn't something you planned on doing since you knew it'd be painful, but in the moment you were more focused on the pain near your chest and wondering if you would die. The tattoo was similar to his own, but it wrapped around your wrist like a permanent bracelet. "All done." He freed your wrist and you were dropped to the floor. The men took his equipment and left the house, a few paramedics replaced their presence but Kokonoi remained. He followed the medics as they hoisted you into the ambulance. "You work for Bonten now, wait, work implies that you're getting paid. Property is a better word. When you're released from the hospital, there will be someone to pick you up. Don't do anything stupid in the meantime."
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lephenixkurde · 11 months ago
"Le gouvernement des Kurdes, le gouvernement partisan et ordres sociaux alternatifs", un livre recommandé par l'Institut kurde de Paris
Joyce Blau - cofondatrice de l'Institut kurde de Paris - ne tarit pas d'éloge sur l'ouvrage collectif "Le gouvernement des Kurdes, gouvernement partisan et ordres sociaux alternatifs" qui vient de paraître aux éditions Karthala, sous la direction de Gilles Dorronsoro. Un gage de sérieux pour un livre qui n'a pas d'équivalent jusqu'ici.
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Joyce Blau a introduit la conférence de Gilles Dorronsoro, Olivier Grosjean, Hardy Mède et Nicolas Ressler-Fessy. / Photo B. D.
Les nombreux auditeurs de la conférence donnée le 16 décembre à l'IKP ont été particulièrement attentifs aux propos de Gilles Dorronsoro, professeur de science politique enseignant à l’Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, et de trois des co-auteurs (1) venus présenter le livre avec lui, samedi : Olivier Grojean, maître de conférences à l’Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne; Hardy Mède, associé à l’Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne mais aussi enseignant à l’Institut catholique de Paris; et enfin Nicolas Ressler-Fessy, chargé de cours à l'Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales, par ailleurs membre du programme Turquie de Noria-Research.
Tous se sont penchés sur une période exceptionnelle depuis la fin de l'Empire Ottoman, les trois décennies qui ont vu "la pointe de fer des Etats régionaux" desserrer leur étreinte autour des Kurdes qui sont des dizaines de millions répartis sur l'Iran, la Turquie, l'Irak et la Syrie depuis le Traité de Lausanne signé en 1923. Comme le rappellent les auteurs dans leur quatrième de couverture, cela fait donc un siècle que les Kurdes "se mobilisent régulièrement pour obtenir des droits culturels, une autonomie régionale, voire l'indépendance".
Lire mon article : "Un génocide oublié, 100 ans de solitude pour les Kurdes"
Si la perspective d'un Etat kurde n'a jamais été aussi lointaine pour des Kurdes en partie lâchés par leurs alliés occidentaux après la victoire contre Daesh, toutes les années de lutte n'ont pas été vaines, que ce soit celles du PDK et de l'UPK à Bashur (Kurdistan Sud, au nord de l'Irak), celles du YPG/PYD au Rojava (Kurdistan Ouest, au nord de la Syrie), ou encore celles du PKK à Baqur (Kurdistan Nord, est/sud-est de la Turquie) et chez ses voisins.
Une date constitue à cet égard un moment de bascule, la résolution 688 du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies, adoptée le 5 avril 1991, qui crée une "no-fly zone" au-dessus du Kurdistan irakien victime d'un terrible génocide pendant les années Saddam, l'opération Anfal.
Commander mon livre "Un génocide oublié, la voix brisée du peuple kurde"
Protégés des bombardements chimiques et des crimes de masse, les peshmergas des deux principaux partis se livrent bientôt une guerre fratricide, jusqu'à ce que la guerre civile entre PDK et UPK débouche finalement sur un accord signé en septembre 1998 sous l'égide des États-Unis, prélude à la création de la Région autonome du Kurdistan irakien.
La guérilla du PKK qui s'étend de son côté au Rojava ainsi que les interventions américaines en Irak et en Syrie vont par ailleurs favoriser le PYD, fondé en 2003 par des membres syriens du PKK à Qandîl, dans les montagnes du Kurdistan irakien.
Résultat, pour la première fois, des populations kurdes sont gouvernées par des mouvements kurdes. Et c'est bien là l'objet du livre dont il est question ici.
A rebours d’une conception romantique et loin des clichés sur les tribus kurdes, les auteurs montrent la centralité des partis politiques dans l’organisation des ordres sociaux alternatifs en vigueur au nord de l'Irak et de la Syrie mais aussi en Turquie, notamment à Baqur qui va bénéficier entre 2013 et 2015 des bienfaits d'un cessez-le-feu entre le PKK et le pouvoir, au bénéfice du HDP pro-Kurde créé en 2012.
A partir de données originales tirées de temps longs passés sur le terrain en Turquie, en Irak et en Syrie, les auteurs analysent ces «gouvernements partisans» dans toute leur complexité. Un travail d'autant plus intéressant que les mouvements kurdes se trouvent confrontés à la gestion de minorités non kurdes, notamment en Irak et en Syrie, provoquant une adaptation du programme politique ou la mise en place de régimes discriminatoires, selon les cas.
Pour en savoir plus, il faut lire "Le gouvernement des Kurdes, le gouvernement partisan et ordres sociaux alternatifs", sous la direction de Gilles Dorronsoro, Paris, Karthala, 2023, 368p. Vendu au prix de 30€. Gilles Dorronsoro qui a annoncé que l'ouvrage allait être traduit en anglais très bientôt.
(1) Ont aussi contribué à cet ouvrage : Yohanan Benhaïm, Boris James, Sarah Guillemet, Patrick Haenni, Felix Legrand, Jean-François Pérouse, Cléa Pineau, Arthur Quesnay, Clémence Scalbert Yücel.
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kristinhelberg · 1 year ago
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Reden über Kurdistan
Analyse und Reportage aus Hasaka für Le Monde Diplomatique Oktober 2023
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etccsy · 2 years ago
Operation Claw-Sword
Four armored vehicles flying the American flag, accompanied by combat units of the Syrian Democratic Forces, headed on December 2, 2022, to the vicinity of the Al-Malikiyah "Derik" area in northeastern Syria, with the aim of monitoring the Turkish-Syrian
By, Issam KhouryThe Czech-Slovak Institute of Oriental Studies Dec 08, 2022 Four armored vehicles flying the American flag, accompanied by combat units of the Syrian Democratic Forces, headed on December 2, 2022, to the vicinity of the Al-Malikiyah “Derik” area in northeastern Syria, with the aim of monitoring the Turkish-Syrian border, and a similar patrol went to monitor the Syrian-Iraqi…
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revoleftsyria · 3 months ago
لقاء تشاوري حول تحديات الشرق الأوسط والحلول الممكنة
لقاء تشاوري حول تحديات الشرق الأوسط والحلول الممكنة
بتاريخ 31 تموز 2024، دعت اللجنة التحضيرية للقاء التشاوري للأحزاب والحركات المدنية في الشرق الأوسط إلى لقاء تمهيدي تشاوري عبر منصة ZOOM. حضر اللقاء ممثلون عن حزب الاتحاد الديمقراطي PYD وتيار اليسار الثوري في سوريا، إلى جانب قوى وأحزاب وشخصيات ديمقراطية من عدة بلدان. تناول اللقاء ثلاث محاور رئيسية: الأزمات والإشكاليات في المنطقة: تم تقييم الأزمات والتداعيات الاجتماعية والاقتصادية والتطورات…
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syriamonitor · 1 year ago
مسلحان نفذا هجوماً بالقنابل.. وزير الداخلية التركي يكشف تفاصيل حادث الانفجار في أنقرة
مسلحان نفذا هجوماً بالقنابل.. وزير الداخلية التركي يكشف تفاصيل حادث الانفجار في أنقرة
كشف وزير الداخلية التركي، علي يرلي كايا، تفاصيل الحادث الإرهابي الذي وقع صباح الأحد 1 أكتوبر/تشرين الأول 2023، في العاصمة التركية أنقرة، وقال إن إرهابيَّين نفذا هجوماً بالقنابل على المديرية العامة للأمن التابعة لوزارة الداخلية. المسؤول التركي أوضح في بيان، أنه “في نحو الساعة الـ09.30، نفذ إرهابيان جاءا بمركبة تجارية خفيفة أمام بوابة مدخل المديرية العامة للأمن التابعة لوزارة الداخلية، هجوماً…
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rojinfo · 2 years ago
Le président de l’UPK Bafel Talabani en visite au Rojava
Le président de l’UPK Bafel Talabani en visite au Rojava
Le président de l’UPK Bafel Talabani s’est rendu dans la région autonome du nord et de l’est de la Syrie pour des entretiens avec le commandement des FDS et le comité directeur du PYD. Bafel Talabani, président de l’Union patriotique du Kurdistan (UPK), s’est rendu dans la région gérée par l’Administration autonome du Nord et de l’Est de la Syrie (AANES) pour des entretiens. Ses premiers…
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taxi-davis · 6 months ago
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scottishcommune · 1 year ago
To all supporters of the Kurdish liberation struggle, anti-fascists, socialists, feminists, anarchists, communists, environmentalists, and those dedicated to a better world: Turkey has launched probably the most widespread bombing campaign North-Eastern Syria has faced so far. Since October 5th, Turkey has conducted over 30 airstrikes, primarily in the Cizîre region and Kobanê. These airstrikes have targeted vehicles, villages, and especially critical civilian infrastructure, including oil- and power plants & gas stations, resulting in civilian casualties and casualties among internal security forces. Large areas experienced a total power blackout, with many hospitals, bread factories and other critical public institutions without electricity. The attacks continued this morning when a Corona Hospital & a power station were targeted. Despite the obvious war crimes, no reaction has been heard from the international community so far.
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selcandy · 3 months ago
Haberlere yeni bakma fırsatım oldu, Meta ve TC arasında sağlanan anlaşmanın bazı maddeleri şunlarmış:
*Türkiye’nin hukuk sistemine uygunluk sağlanacak ve yasa ihlali söz konusu olduğunda hızlı ve etkili müdahale gerçekleşecek.
*PKK, PYD ve FETÖ gibi terör örgütü propagandaları Instagram’da yapılmayacak.
*Türkiye Cumhuriyeti yasalarına aykırı olan gönderiler Instagram’dan kaldırılacak.
*Türk kullanıcıların hakları ve hesapları güvenceye alınacak. Hesaplar herhangi bir uyarı yapılmadan kapatılmayacak.
Peki şimdi bana söyler misiniz, ben nası’ bi’ karıyım ya dödmföd. Şu yazıda gayri ihtiyari verdiğim terör örgütü örneğine kadar da nokta atışı olamaz yani. Milli değerler dedim, mesele hukuki dedim, ihtilaftır çözülür dedim. Hatta diyeli bir hafta olmuş, öpücükleri direkt alnıma alayım 🤍
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rhiezus · 10 months ago
i can't believe you have that picture on your wall. // zyian x sobin
bringing a guy to her room wasn't on her first list of doings when dating this so-called guy, not because she was ashamed of the pictures on her walls or the stuffed animals and comfy cushions on the bed but because her parents wouldn't allow that to happen if she wasn't at least married to him. and this wasn't even her room anymore, for a long time now actually. it was the room of the girl she used to be and tucked inside a backpack and some luggage to live a in dorm with a thousand other girls who might as well have a room just like hers — full of dreams and ambitions to be on someone's wall to someday. these decorations didn't even compare to the ones in the dorm, but it wasn't like zyian would ever be invited to see them. maybe he could catch some glimpses in a video on youtube or a live of theirs if he ever saw one, but she wasn't going to give him any hope of that knowing how strict their managers are.
and this guy was different for two reasons. first being that he was practically part of the family since her sister and her brother decided to unify in matrimony. which explains why no one would give them a scolding for hiding in her room for a few minutes to get out of the craziness of the gathering once their families got together. second and most importantly (and equally embarrassing) was he being one of the guys in the pictures on the wall. right there under the two big pyd posters, was one of his group as well. she might argue that he was one of their best as a group, they never did have that teammate essence just as the other groups on her wall but damn they look good. they have a different kind of essence that's hard to find in a kpop group like ever and she used to be obsessed with their dance's as well. sobin lost count of how many nights she used to put her headphones on and her phone on the group, catching every move. her mind was as alive as her memory, she could still perform it just as well as she did when she first decorated them probably even better than the owners of the movements themselves — honestly, it wasn't that hard.
"well, it is undeniably the best comeback. just the concept, the title track... and that shot! like who is doing this? no one." she teased, but she was sincere and letting just a taste of the fangirl that she is. sobin couldn't hold back who she was just to appeal to a hot guy, especially if this hot guy in question was one of your favorite idols and probably the most handsome guy you ever met in person. — except maybe for dino and pilkyu, oh and hyuntae! definitely hyuntae. they bonded over her admiration for him and her overall necessity to know everything about him. saying it like that it might as well say she was crazy and annoying, but there was an adorable concept behind that interest that made zyian fall for her inquisitive talks and her quirky and not-so-subtle flirting. "you can't even compare it. it's unfair." unfair in the sense that they had a shitty company and a half-baked dream of making easy money, but she wouldn't touch that scar unless zyian brought it up and he did constantly, pointing out that picture was already arguing how ridiculous she was for believing it. yet she didn't care, if she didn't wish on a group like theirs she wouldn't have trained to be on a group of her own and wouldn't also have the opportunity to kiss his lips instead of the cold paper on the wall. the reality was far better than the fantasy, that's why sobin would never stop dreaming.
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jewkbox · 1 month ago
Thd Kurdish women fighting ISIS
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All-female battalions of Kurdish soldiers have been instrumental in fighting ISIS
"In Syria, the women of the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) have been recognized for their all-female fighting force. This force, known as the Women’s Protection Units (YPJ) have been heralded for their bravery on the battlefield. Al Jazeera reported that Kurdish soldiers from the YPJ had singlehandedly killed over 100 Islamic State fighters.[1] In the defense of Kobani, it was reported that up to 40% of the resistance fighting force against ISIS was made up of Kurdish women."
By the way, 98% of Kurds are Sunni Muslims.
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yazan-kalem-siyah06 · 25 days ago
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-ANAYASANIN İLK 4 Maddesi ne muhalif olan her unsur;
Ya PKK lı,
Ya PYD li
Ya İŞİD ci dir.!
Yani VATANA İHANET içindedir.!
177 maddesi olan anayasanın 134 maddesini değiştiren, onu da tanımadığını söyleyen AKP MHP ve paydaşları neyin peşindeler.!
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nevzatboyraz44 · 10 months ago
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Inhumane decision from the Israeli minister. Anyone who gives too much food to Palestinian prisoners will be dismissed.
Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir announced that he will dismiss prison officials who do not reduce the food of Palestinian prisoners.
Itamar Ben-Gvir is also among those who seriously support the PKK/PYD in Iraq and Syria.
قرار غير إنساني من الوزير الإسرائيلي. سيتم طرد أي شخص يقدم الكثير من الطعام للأسرى الفلسطينيين.
أعلن وزير الأمن القومي إيتمار بن جفير أنه سيقيل مسؤولي السجون ال��ين لا يقللون من طعام السجناء الفلسطينيين.
إيتامار بن جفير هو أيضًا من بين أولئك الذين يدعمون بجدية حزب العمال الكردستاني/حزب الاتحاد الديمقراطي في العراق وسوريا.
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saidaslan1 · 11 months ago
Cübbeli Ahmed Hocam;
- "Kim Kur'ân'a inanıyorsa şeriatçıdır."
- "İsviçre'den bir kanun alır, İtalya'dan, Avrupa'dan, Amerika'dan aldılar, yamalı bohça gibi oldu, şimdi yönetemiyorlar"
- "Kısas yok. Kısas olsa PKK-PYD mi kalır? Bak, Apo'ya benden iyi bakıyorlar. El bebek, gül bebek bakıyorlar. E sen bu adam böyle davranırsan, dışarıdakiler ne yapar?
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