#putting this here before we finish the raid quest
oreramar · 1 year
FFXIV recently released their latest alliance raids.
Spoilers May Follow.
The Twelve, gods of Eorzea, are involved, as is the revelation (predicted by some online) that these gods were once people of the world before it was sundered, specifically those who sided with the person who did the Sundering.
So on the quest leading up to the third and final raid, you can talk to the gods you've met so far.
I went through that while talking in voice chat with someone else who was also going through these little chats and we shared the lines to see if there were any differences, such as Byregot commending me (level 90 crafter) for being so devoted to crafting, and encouraging crafting to the level 1 crafter, or patron gods having an extra word or five to say to an adherant player character.
But then I got extra lines from Nymeia and Althyk referencing them having faded memories of my character being familiar, of saying something or hearing something from someone long ago.
My partner didn't get those lines.
The only difference in our experience we could think of that would relate to this was thus: I had done every single Elpis side quest. He hadn't.
We immediately started searching and we think we found the characters who were Elpis researchers once and who then became the gods. There is a longer than normal sidequest chain dealing with, ultimately, the transformation of the underwhelming "Io" into the overwhelming "Behemoth." This sidequest chain involves a sister and brother named Maira and Alkaios.
(Bonus knowledge: The lead-up to the boss fight against Nymeia and Althyk involves fighting three Io's and a Behemoth.)
What really got me in the end though, looking through the quest events, was the little tidbit of knowledge that Alkaios, the brother, is often called upon in Elpis to help deal with the corpses of concept animals by utilizing time magics.
Althyk is the god of time.
I really think we got them.
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pushing500 · 1 year
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You have no idea how upset I am that Wookshys is such a good partner to Albina. This proposal is the nicest one so far!! It looks like he planned it out and everything, set up a cute little hot-tub date for just the two of them before he popped the question! Baz proposed to Zonovo in the freezer!! Why is Wookshys so darn good at what he does? This is tragic!
also, congrats to the happy couple and stuff, I guess
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In brighter news, I have a quest that could give me a healer mech serum to cure Wendy's dementia! Huzzah!
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We left pacifist anxiety-ridden Vu at home to look after the kids, Andy and Henry, as well as Wendy, who is still in bed with resurrection sickness.
I like to imagine lil' Hussar Henry is upset that he doesn't get to go on cool raids despite being my third-most-competent melee colonist alongside Kawoo.
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Here's everyone heading back to the shuttle after finishing their "aerial assault". I did not get screenshots of the actual fight going down because I forgot about it in my panic, but basically:
Candlelight shot her T'au Rail Rifle at the wall until the Wasters came out to fight us
Albina used her bramble maze psycast to grow a patch of thorns and slow the Wasters' down as they advanced
Hazrov, the absolute legend that she is, used her long bow to take out two of four Wasters in less than a second
Brennan used her flameball psycast to kill another Waster, but not before he'd thrown a tox grenade which caused a bit of coughing for Albina, Zonovo, Debby, and Barghest
Tamarind used her skip psycast to pop Irwin and Xanxalbur next to the last Waster who was shooting at us with a bolt-action rifle, Irwin took him out quickly but got a bruise on his torso first
Irwin then destroyed the only turret and the door of the base to see if there was anything interesting inside (there wasn't)
Tamarind used her waterskip psycast to put out the fire from Brennan's flameball
Everyone piled back into the shuttle to head home while Vu and the kids gathered the rewards inside and waited for the returning heroes
So now we have a healer mech serum! Hooray! No more dementia for Wendy.
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eternalvault · 6 months
Granblue fans, WMTSB enjoyers - I wanna talk about Lucilius - or more specifically what could have been. I wanna talk about my thoughts because he's genuinely one of the most intriguing characters I've ever come across in media. (Please note: I have not finished GBVSR's story nor come anywhere close to where he shows up - thank you Story Mode update not working - so if I'm missing explanations for things by all means feel free to add it in the comments - I want to learn more.)
I've been sitting on a fic concept for a few days, and I've slowly started putting together a draft. It stems a lot from what we learn through raid quests and WMTSB - both Paradise Lost and 000. I'm not at all an experienced writer by any means, so I'm not sure the fic itself will ever truly get off the ground. But here's the concept:
An AU in which Lucilius, after his research is halted and the limiters are in place, turns against and actively undermines the High Council rather than God himself. Going right to the immediate source first before potentially upending the entire world. He's a scientist, a researcher first before anything else. I have a hard time believing that with the pragmatism he possesses that his descent into seeking oblivion within the events of WMTSB itself was nothing short of torturously slow. The kind of loathing that comes from watching your life's work be torn apart and reshaped into something unrecognizable by hands other than your own, while being forced to sit back due to someone else's fear. Sahar in 000 speaks of dreams, of fleeting thoughts with nothing to recall them by. Lucilius has encountered so much in canon that I imagine it would make any being - immortal or otherwise - dizzy and sick.
And I'd be pretty fucking jaded too if all of those things came together and landed on my head. Lucilius's current outlook had to start somewhere. No one is born with that level of hatred. No one is born so cynical. I fully believe that given the opportunity and the resources Lucilius would've been able to flip the High Council's entire world upside down without having to resort to dimensional obliteration. If any Astral we have met thus far would have the tenacity, it'd be him. Not right away though. Just as slow as his descent would've been. Sneaking around to look through records, hiding copies of his research in a million different places so even if the Council found one set they'd never find them all. Biding his time by using the Fallen Angels as a true information network, with ciphers and hidden travel routes and verbal codes to signal exactly what their plans are to each other and which hideout to use next.
To use the information gleaned from Lucifer's interactions with the sky to learn exactly where he has the best shot of not being found at any given time - by Astrals or skydwellers alike. Because god forbid a horde of skydwellers pre-War finds out there's a lone Astral and a bunch of primal beasts sitting in their backyard. And to not be afraid to leave the structure in flames before he goes, knowing he has everything he needs in the next one.
And Lucifer, dear Lucifer having to make the decision to stand against him once again. To be ordered by the Council to hunt Lucilius down after he goes on the run, to be the one to arrest him and carry out his sentence in a spectacle he never wanted to see. Belial, who narrowly escaped the conflict that erupted when they were finally caught on Lucilius's own orders and for once is powerless to do anything other than let it happen because he can't be seen. Who is well aware of the sorrow in Lucifer's eyes as the blade comes down and hates him anyway for it because why couldn't you just play along?
Sandalphon, who had heard months prior that there was finally a way that he could be useful, extended a hand by someone he never expected to receive more than dirty looks and harsh whispers from and practically bounding at the chance. The sheer betrayal striking through his core because when the operation goes down and he sees Lucifer on the battlefield surely the other wouldn't miss the wings and hair and armor he's been so familiar with?
Lucifer, who in the span of just a day lost everything. His confidante, his friend, and the light of his life when all the stress of his position makes the wings upon his back drag at his spine. And when Michael steps into the garden as Lucifer looks up at a sky that never felt so grey, giving the news that Sandalphon was there when the last hideout when down for a brief, short moment in comparison to his already long life (has it been so long?) he no longer possesses that shining brilliance he's so lauded for.
Anyway that's about as far as I've gotten in terms of planning and thought processes so let me know what y'all think. This is the first time I've done something like this so I'm interested in the feedback. As far as other writers and artists, if y'all wanna consider using any part (not the whole thing) of this just ask me first. My messages should be open and if not, leave a comment under this post and I will open them.
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justgenshinstuf · 4 years
Darknight Hero
This one is about Traveler(reader) becoming a witness to an aftermath of Diluc’s reckless Batman games ;3c 
TW: blood mention
Traveler(Reader) x Diluc implied 
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You’ve been staying in his mansion for a few days now.
Diluc offered it right after you’d finished your first quest together.
“Ordo Favonious Quarters is not the best place to stay at, trust me on this one”.
It was quite peaceful here, at the Dawn Winery. Only the sound of the leaves trembling in the wind behind your window.
But that night you just could not sleep. Different thoughts were clouding your mind as you stayed awake for several hours. And you thought the last mission tired you enough.
Too many servants and all kinds of workers circulating around the house have usually made you a bit uncomfortable, as well as this strong wine odour constantly filling the air. 
You could rarely meet Diluc here, he was mostly too occupied with his work and stayed at his office behind closed doors, or was gone, attending some other matters outside of the Dawn Winery.
The only person who could get in contact with Diluc most of the time was Elzer, the man left in charge of things, when the Master was absent. Diluc trusted him the most among his servants, you even learned he was the only one to know the true story behind the ‘Darknight Hero’.
This day at the Winery was a bit different than usual. Elzer and a few others left to deal with something important at Master’s request. The Mansion felt empty for the first time, especially at night, when all of the maids stayed in the opposite wing of the house. 
Dilluc himself was away for the whole day. You were used to the fact he could randomly disappear without notice and then come back in the same manner, greeting you the morning after, like nothing was wrong. Maybe the following morning will be just like that...
You finally gave up on sleeping and just sat on your bed. You felt uneasy for some reason, like something bad was about to happen. Stupid anxiety.
You stood up and went to the window. Floor boards creaked under your feet, disturbing the atmosphere even more. You couldn’t see any stars or even the moon, dark clouds covered the whole sky, swallowing all the light. Maybe the storm was coming? 
You turned your back to the window, settling dow, the back of your head resting beside the cold glass. Your eyes slightly adjusted to the dark, and contours of the furniture in your room slowly became more visible.
It was a big guest room, with a bed bigger than you probably needed, a wardrobe and a writing table. A picture was hanging on the wall, but at that moment you couldn’t quite make it out. Ugh, I’m so tired...
A loud noise pierced the silence, making you jump up from the window. You froze, only the sound of your heartbeat thumping loudly in your ears. What was that?!
Your room was not so far from Diluc’s bedroom, one long hallway away. Maybe someone broke in? Without much thinking you took off to where the sound supposedly came from, but stopped at the door in case you hear something else.
Someone was definitely in there and, by the sound of it, the window was wide open too. The maids would be no use in fighting an intruder, it was up to you to take the situation into your own hands. You worked up the courage and threw the door open.
There, in the dim light of gas lamp, a dark figure hunched up, sitting on the floor beside the bed. He threw his head of tumbled bright-red hair back, getting a better look at you.
There could be no mistake. It was Diluc! You rushed to his side, trying to examine him more closely. 
“What happened?! Are you injured?” You could now see some blood dripping from his head, some droplets of it on the floor. Instinctively, you grabbed his hand, pulling away instantly, as he growled from pain. 
“We need to take you to the hospital ASAP! You..”
“Hush!” He cut you off abruptly. “It’s fine. I can handle this”.
“You have blood on your face, this is serious!” You switched to angry whispering to match him.
“First drawer, brown box. There are some bandages inside. Could you, please, give it to me?” A short nod in the direction of the dresser. It seemed like your words had no affect on him what so ever.
You fulfilled his request, still irritated by his intentional neglect, but you were not going to let him do everything himself. 
The box was bigger than you’d expected, filled with all kinds of medical supply. You even caught a glimpse of a surgical needle and a thread. How long has he been doing that? Did his previous Darknight Hero justice-raids end like this? Why did’t you hear? 
You treated his injured head, stopping the blood, gently washing it off his face. You assisted him taking off his muddy coat and tight west, looking for more bleedings. Thankfully, there weren’t much more open wounds, mostly bruises. You also noted Diluc couldn��t move his right hand normally.
“Cryogunners working with hydrogunners. Those damned Fatui”.  
He was speaking through clenched teeth, slowly pulling off his glove. His hand looked almost white in color, nails turning blue-ish. You’d never seen a limb nearly frozen like that before. It was probably not the only part of his body injured like that.
He tried wiggling his fingers, but it seemed like it caused him much pain. He reached for the box with his working hand, taking a little flask from under all the bandages.
Before you could ask anything, Diluc swiftly uncapped it with his thumb and drank light shiny substance in one gulp.
“This should do”. He proclaimed, cringing slightly from the taste.
“This is a potion made with the use of alchemy. It can decrease damage caused by Cryo”. He blankly stared at the bottle he was fiddling in his hand for a moment, before looking straight at you. “It shouldn’t be used like that, per se, but I’ll probably be fine in a few hours”.
You sighed deeply, seating yourself more comfortably in front of Diluc. It wasn’t like you were planning on going somewhere before you could see him recover with your own two eyes.
“Tell me everything.”
A few more hours passed. Diluc had told you how Fatui Skirmishers tracked and ambushed him. They probably planned to take him on by numbers, but he still managed to defeat every single one of them. What you witnessed was just ‘an unpleasant result of poor planning’ as he’d put it. You were sure he left some things out of this story.
 The sun was slowly rising, first rays lighting up the bedroom. In this light it was visible how tired and worn out you both were. Things Diluc accidentally knocked over while entering throgh the window were still scattered on the floor. You eyelids felt heavy, but you still took some time to tidy up.
“Alright, I think I’m fine”. Diluc suddenly interrupted sleep-inducing silence that was going on for some time and carefully got up on his feet. “You should probably go back to your room and get some rest”.
For some reason, he was now avoiding your gaze. On a brighter side, he really did look better.
“Thank you for your help, y/n. I owe you one from now on.”. 
It seemed like he was being impatient. Was he worried someone would realise you spent the night together? You didn’t feel like you were done here.
“I know I can’t dictate you what to do, but I think you are taking on too much”. You tried not to make it sound rude, but it came out pretty straight-forward. He scared you, now you couldn’t help it but worry when he is gone for too long. Oh, who were you kidding, you’ve already been stressing while he was out playing vigilante. 
“You’re certainly right, y/n” You never noticed his fiery eyes looked so cold. “You can’t tell me what to do”. 
Why is he so dense?!
There was a moment of awkward silence. You gave him a simple nod and turned around to retreat back to your room. Something made you stop right in the doorway. You clenched your fists and sharply turned around.
A sudden determination overflown you, and you marched straight back to face Diluc. Without further hesitation you wrapped your arms around him, locking him in a tight embrace.
“Just promise me you will be more careful”. You demanded quietly but firmly.
Diluc was certainly not the one to openly show affection. These distant types of people rarely engage in touchy-feely things, so it turned out to be quite a surprise when he put his arm around you in return, gently pressing your head against his chest with the other one. You couldn’t see that, but his face turned slightly red.
“I can try”.
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miqo-tales · 2 years
Six Point One and done
Someday I'll put up my thoughts on 6.0, but till then, you'll have to settle for the new stuff.
As always, don't read unless you've finished 6.1.
"What are your plans?" Nod and then kill things, I suppose. Same as always.
OK, Tataru, first, why does this mannequin have hair? And second, why didn't you make any pants for this outfit?
Yea, it's a game and all, but sometimes it's a little ridiculous how WoL will need to find/do something, take two steps in one direction, and usually (and sometimes literally) trip over the exact thing they needed to find/do the thing.
Genuinely shocked that Estinien was aware that he might be getting tricked.
Poor little mammet has to clean up Y'shtola's mess.
Geez, that look on Y'shtola's face when the voidgate is revealed. I genuinely thought she was possessed or something and was gonna do something.
Do love that the general consensus after that dungeon is "uh, whoops?"
Vrtra loves his people and would do anything to protect them, but also loaded up the treasure island/vault with deadly guards to kill anyone who went there. Hm.
Oh, ok. I didn't think they'd keep going with FF4 stuff after 6.0. And even if I had, I don't think I would have expected Golbez to show up.
It's funny that every reaction to hearing that Y'shtola wants to take a nice trip to the Void is just "OK, sure" and not "Are you fucking mad?"
I did the final role quest just before the Sharlayan stuff, so was amusing to see Fourchenault being pretty grumpy when he was actually sociable in the role quest.
I don't mind the "this person is following you" bits, but I don't see why they bother doing them if there's nowhere to get extra dialogue during it.
"What? Terrible forbidden knowledge? SIGN ME UP!"
I look forward to seeing that Nixie summoning in JP.
OK, that's Zenos' avatar, isn't it? That certainly stamps a big "YES" on him being dead, huh?
Course, if his avatar is gonna show up in MSQ, begs the question, who is they?
Anyone else get Nyzul Isle flashbacks from this place?
I don't think I have to worry about farming the gear from here. Don't really care for it.
(If the gear didn't have the light blue accents, I'd like it more.)
G'raha just having the best day ever, isn't he? Not one but TWO fantastic adventures with their best buddy.
Deryk is totally one of the Twelve, right?
Or maybe the opo-opo is?
Raid really doesn't mess around. It feels like older content in the sense that there's a lot of things that can very easily wipe the entire raid.
That last song though, damn!
"Oh we pretended to be evil conquering gods so we could have a fight with you." OK, have you not been paying attention to the WoL at all? All you had to do was just ask.
I really only want one thing out of this raid, and that's for it to involve Azem somehow.
It's funny that shortly before this patch hit, there was a some... discussion... on Twitter about how Y'shtola was boring and one-note and just the mascot (mascat?) character and everyone else got good development and she didn't and blah blah blah
And then this patch drops and it's the Y'shtola Power Hour.
I'll be honest, I was kinda expecting for SQEX to sorta retire Y'shtola, Thancred, and Urianger after 6.0? Not permanently, obviously, cause none of us are gonna deny that Y'shtola is pretty much the external face of the game. But I didn't think they'd have any focus or major interaction with any of those three till deeper into 6.x or maybe even till 7.0.
Now? Well, I'm kinda wondering if I've got it backwards and we don't see Alphinaud and Alisaie for a good while. And maybe by the time they show up they've, y'know, gotten taller? Probably not, but hey, who knows.
In any case, I dunno where this is going. How far into FFIV are they going to dig? Is 7.0 going to focus on the Thirteenth or is this a side story that will setup something else?
And most importantly, how badly is someone (possibly us or Y'shtola) gonna fuck something up?
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burningupp-replies · 4 years
Sleepless | Zuko x reader
A/N: this was requested like a week ago, i know :( school is kicking my proverbial butt at the moment, but i promise im working whenever i can to get new content for you all! i hope you will forgive me :( (also yes, i am working on another part for Teamwork, no need to worry)
13: I always sleep best when you’re next to me.
44: Why are you still awake?
Pairing: Zuko x reader
Word count: 3k
Warnings: there is a pretty steamy kiss at the end, but other than that, just tooth-rotting fluff :)
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The fire nation palace felt so… big and cold, especially at night. It made you feel small and alone, and you usually found yourself clutching your pillow to your chest for dear life. You had been with the others during the war, helping the cause in any way you could, and even six months later, you couldn’t shake the feeling of general uneasiness you got when seeing anything related to the fire nation – especially when you were trying to sleep.
When the war ended, Zuko had asked you to remain behind in the fire nation with him. He needed help understanding cultures other than his own, since his nation and culture had been romanticized for him his entire upbringing. He knew very little of rituals, rites of passage, linguistic differences, and so on. Even the question of climate could be difficult for him to grasp at times, which made you laugh.
When the fire prince first suggested for you to stay, you were hesitant at first; leave your family behind, get used to this new idea of the nation which had haunted your nightmares for so long, and being mostly alone in your situation hadn’t sounded appealing at all. However, once Aang agreed that you really could do some good by staying, you begrudgingly agreed – you hadn’t spent all that time trying to help the world just to back out now.
So now, two months since your move to the fire nation and since taking up your new position at the fire lord’s side, you were staying in a palace which gave you nightmares. Zuko had been very kind to you, doing his best to accommodate you in a way which made you comfortable and happy, but the general unease you felt was far from his fault – he was more or less the reason you were there to begin with.
Of course, the crush you had been harboring on the boy since he first joined you in the western airtemple had aided in your decision to stay; not that anyone other than Katara knew the truth. He was just so… cute. Spirits, he would kill you for even thinking that about him, but you honestly couldn’t help it. He was awkward, but not in a creepy kind of way. He was really sweet and caring, and extremely understanding. He did his best to keep the mood light, without going overboard (cough Sokka cough). He had taught you so many things, seen so many things with you and you could just feel your heart yearning for his whenever he crossed your mind.
So, staring up at the ceiling – completely sleepless – you huffed out a sigh and a groan. You tossed your pillow aside and sat up in bed, putting your head in your hands. If you didn’t start catching up on your sleep soon, you were going to lose your mind. You groaned out loud, sighing again, and staring at the ceiling again.
“Damn it, I need to do something,” you muttered to yourself, getting out of bed. You slipped into a red silk robe and a pair of red slippers to aid your feet in not falling off, and started tip-toeing out of your room towards the kitchens.
Since you couldn’t sleep while you were here, you  had made a habit for yourself to go to the kitchens and make a cup of tea during the night. You usually then brought your cup with you into the library, where you could read up more on fire nation culture, so as to aid the fire lord better in his quest to make peace.
You were so used to your routine at that point, you didn’t even need to look for anything; it all just flowed smoothly, and you didn’t even make a sound throughout the entire process. Heating up the tea would have been difficult if some of the servants hadn’t been non-benders who needed some assistance to heat the tea up without bending, but you were in luck. Grabbing the jar with the jasmine tea, you prepared a pot and grabbed a mug, placing everything on a tray before sneaking the rest of the way to the library.
The doors were big and heavy, so you had to turn around to push with your back, since your hands were occupied. Once the door had slid open, you turned around to walk in, only to find Zuko already in there, pouring over a book on the sofa. You stilled, not really knowing what to do. Had he heard you enter? You had become quite proficient at sneaking the past few weeks, but you knew the man had excellent hearing, so him not noticing your entrance seemed unlikely.
Just as you were going to turn around and leave, Zuko’s head snapped up and his gaze met yours. Your body immediately came alive, blood rushing to your face and ears, and your stomach erupting with butterflies. You smiled bashfully at him, and opened your mouth to speak.
“I-I’m sorry, Lord Zuko. I did not know you would be in here at so late an hour,” you stuttered. You wanted to facepalm, but both your hands were occupied, so you just stood there awkwardly. “Uhm, I can leave.”
“N-no! I…” he started, sucking in a deep breath before smiling and continuing. “I really don’t mind your company. And please, just call me Zuko.”
You grinned at him, and he grinned back. “Sorry I went all formal and weird, I know we know each other, I just… haven’t seen you since you became fire lord, I guess.”
There hadn’t been any meetings regarding other nations’ cultures yet, and so you hadn’t seen Zuko since moving in; he had sent you a few notes, just telling you that you could come to him if you had any issues. It had been very sweet, and you had always sent a ‘thank you’ right back. Still, you had been a bit unsure of how to act in front of him.
“Oh, yeah,” he laughed a little as you set your tray down on a table and went to shut the door. “I guess you haven’t, huh? I’m still not used to it, if I’m honest,” he grimaced, and you smiled.
“I hope it’s okay that I raided the kitchen for jasmine tea?” you inquired, and the boy smiled at you fondly.
“No problems at all, Y/N. I remember you used to drink a lot of tea, you said it was ‘good for your nerves’,” he teased, and you blushed again. “The staff informed me that a lot of tea seemed to be missing, I was suspecting uncle.”
You started apologizing again, but he just laughed and waved you off. After that, you both fell silent, and you decided to get up and find the book you had started reading earlier that week, but had never gotten to finish. You opened the pages delicately, searching for your place before finding it and settling into your usual armchair by the fireplace, which was lit for once. The entire time, you could feel Zuko’s gaze on you, studying your every move.
When you paused to pour some tea into your mug, you looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. “What?”
The boy blinked at you a few times, before shaking his head. “Oh, uh, nothing,” he mumbled, and you smiled back at him. “I was just wondering… why are you still awake?”
“Couldn’t sleep,” you shrugged. For a moment he looked as though he was going to inquire further, but then he seemed to let it go, and no more words were spoken until he had to leave so he could get some sleep.
The whole interaction had been weird at first, but incredibly soothing once all the awkwardness had dissipated. His presence reminded you of… not simpler times, per se, but happier ones. Ones spent laughing with the first friends you had ever really had, friends who you were now missing so dearly. But having the comfort of one of them calmed you down enough that once you finally went back to your own room, you slept more peacefully than you had in a long time.
After that night, the two of you met up in the library at night at least three times a week. He was a busy man, but he wanted to make time for one of his dearest friends – and long-time crush, but he still maintained that part was irrelevant. He never thought you would like him back, like ever. It was a concept he didn’t even dare think about, for fear of getting his hopes up only to get them crushed later.
Three more months later, you had met up in the library during sleepless nights countless times. It had become a routine of sorts; he was usually there before you, since you were busy making a pot of tea to bring (now with two mugs, of course), and once you arrived, you would exchange a few words before settling down with a book each in comfortable silence.
The more times you met up, the more comfortable you became with each other. The first night had been spent with him on the couch, and you in an armchair – two weeks later and you were both on the couch. At this point, you tended to lean back against him on the couch as he played with your hair, still silently reading your own books. It was the highlight of your time in the palace, for sure.
This particular night, you were very tired. You even contemplated skipping the library, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it, no matter how much your mind screamed at you for some rest. So as you sank down against Zuko’s form, his fingers running through your hair, your eyelids started drooping. You tried to fight against it, you really did, but it was no use; five minutes later, and you were out like a light.
It took a while for the fire lord to recognize that you were asleep – you were a very peaceful sleeper, no snoring or movement, and he was so content with you against his chest as he turned the pages of his book. Still, once he realized, he kind of panicked.
You were sleeping against his chest. He wanted to move you, carry you to your room or something, but he was scared to wake you. So for a while, he just stayed there, frozen. He didn’t even dare turn the page of his book for fear of stirring you from your – much needed – sleep.
After around 30 minutes, though, he realized staying like that wasn’t doing anyone any good. Your neck was at an awkward angle, his back was getting stiff, and honestly? The sound of your breathing was lulling him to sleep as well. He sighed, but carefully extracted himself from you before picking you up in his arms as though you weighed nothing. He decided to leave the tray with the mugs and kettle; you were more important. You slept soundly the entire way to your room, and only woke when Zuko carefully placed you on top of your soft bed. You didn’t open your eyes though, just stretched a hand out to get him to join you.
The gesture made Zuko freeze where he stood – were you really insinuating what he thought you were, or was it a dream? A hallucination born from the desire to be near you, perhaps? But when you sleepily whimpered his name, it was confirmed for him; you wanted him to stay and sleep in your bed with you.
“Are you sure, sweetheart?” he asked carefully, and at your huff combined with an intense nod of your head, he smiled.
Had he been less tired, he might have been able to resist. However, he was tired, and longed for your warm, soft curves to be pressed up against him. Maybe in your embrace, he could escape the nightmares that plagued him so. As soon as he was next to you and you both were under the covers, your tiny frame wrapped around his tall, muscular one, and you found sleep with a sigh.
He managed to kiss your forehead and wrap his arms around you before the darkness overtook him, his mind more at peace than it had been since early childhood.
In the early hours of the morning, the sky just burgeoning on a light pink, you suddenly woke. You were unbelievably warm, and even more comfortable. You were surrounded by the smell of firewood and pure manliness, which comforted you greatly. A few moments later, however, you found yourself nearly panicked; you were sleeping in the same bed as Zuko. How in the entire world had that happened?!
Of course you weren’t upset that he was there – if anything, it was like all your dreams coming true – but you had no idea if anyone had noticed his absence, if there was widespread panic, or, worst of all, what if he didn’t want to be there with you?  What if he was annoyed with you for falling asleep in the library?
You were broken out of your panic when the man in question groaned and stretched, automatically grabbing you and pulling him into you. You stiffened even further, not knowing how to react to the sudden affection he was showing towards you.
Once he realized he wasn’t dreaming, Zuko stiffened too. In his defense, this exact situation was very often part of his dreams; dreams where you were his wife, you had children together, and everything was more than perfect. It still felt that way when he had woken up, just as perfect as a dream, if not better.
“G-good morning,” you stuttered, deciding to break the silence.
“Morning,” he answered hesitantly, and the sound of his gravelly voice first in the morning damn near made you swoon.
After that, neither one of you really knew what to say. The sky was slowly brightening to include red, then orange, before yellow and white tones joined in, creating a beautiful gradient that signaled the start of yet another day. He didn’t want to break the silence, and neither did you. It was a thick kind of silence, and he was scared that breaking it would break the spell of just being together. Alone.
You both realized that you couldn’t stay like that forever, though, and after a while, you decided to bite the bullet.
“I’m so sorry I fell asleep yesterday.” Your voice was hardly above a whisper, but he heard you loud and clear nonetheless.
“It was really not a problem, Y/N. I’m just glad you finally got some rest, is all.”
His voice was still gravelly, but somehow felt smooth at the same time. He didn’t seem annoyed or angry, in fact he seemed perfectly content to remain exactly where he was. And he was.
“Well, I’m sorry you slept here. I didn’t mean to intrude on your resting time…” you mumbled, and he exhaled a breath.
You interrupted him immediately. “I mean I had no intention of falling asleep like that, especially on top of you! I just kind of, I don’t know, felt comfortable, and I’d had a really tiring day, and-“
“Y/N, I sleep better with you next to me,” he decided to inform you, interrupting your ramblings. When you gave him an incredulous stare, he laughed a little. “We used to sleep next to each other all the time. Granted, those were stressful times, but I think I got used to it. Even when the others weren’t exactly accepting of my presence, you always treated me with kindness. I guess I’m… comfortable around you. And I think… It may be because I like you. A lot.”
His words stunned you into silence. How could this perfect man, with more power than anyone would ever need, like you? He had always treated you kindly, and that was part of his appeal. Even when he was supposedly trying to capture the avatar, he had seemed a bit on edge, almost like he wanted to hold back. A few times he had held back, even though you could see how much it hurt him to do so. When he joined you, he’d had no issues carrying his own weight, even helping relieve some of the others’ burden. He had been so patient with Aang while teaching him firebending, and with all of you when it came to your slightly odd humor and hijinks.
In short, you loved this man, and in an effort to show him, you decided to kiss him.
Your lips seemed to meld with his perfectly. He took it slow and steady, caressing your cheek as he kissed you. Your arms seemed to have a mind of their own as they curled around the back of his neck, playing with the locks of hair at the nape of his neck and pulling him a little bit closer.
The kiss was everything you had ever wanted and dreamt of; he was everything you had ever wanted and dreamt of, and he was more. His lips were soft and pillowy, he responded so beautifully to your kisses and caresses, tugging you closer and grunting with pleasure.
Zuko himself felt like he was dying. Spirits how he loved to kiss you, touch you, make you feel good. The way you played with his hair drove him absolutely crazy, and the feel of your lips was the most exquisite thing he had ever felt in his entire life. You were everything to him, and now that he knew what you tasted like, he could never go back.
Unfortunately, you had to pull apart eventually. You were both gasping for breath, lungs burning from the lack of oxygen, but you were both smiling like idiots. Everything was about to change, but neither one of you minded in the slightest.
Being sleepless had never resulted in anything better.
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storytellingdreamer · 4 years
Mandalorian AU - role swap
In a Discord I’m part of, someone suggested the idea of a role swap AU, where Grogu is an adult and Din is a child. Premise: Grogu rescues Din after his covert is destroyed, and they go on a quest to find Mandalorians. The prompter was thinking of something that stuck a little more closely to The Mandalorian series’ story-beats & time-frame, but I came up with something different. (Long post.)
The story begins in 15 BBY. It covers Grogu rescuing Din, then Din growing up with Grogu as they try to find other Mandalorians, and slowly growing into the family they both need. 
Grogu - 
Was a young Knight in TCW; led a search-and-rescue recovery group that followed behind major battles as a clean up crew. 
Formed a strong bond with his clone battalion; knowledge of Mandalorian culture informed by them, including Mando’a. 
Escaped Order 66 with the strength of his skills while trying to harm as few of his vod’e as possible (e.g. using a strong sleep suggestion or something).
Spent the next few years travelling alone, hiding his powers, very confused and hurt. 
Found it difficult to trust others; it had been well-known that he was one of only two known living members of his species, both of whom were Jedi.
Became a hermit figure, following the Will of the Force across the galaxy, and trying to avoid populated areas. 
Got itchy feet after too long spent hiding in the one place, which led to “accidental” exposure through him listening to the Force a little too much and interfering in some injustice or other. 
So instead, he travelled through the galaxy in his little ship; helping where he could, then disappearing again.
Din - 
Growing from a child to a pre-teen, had slowly begun integrating into the Aliit. 
Had been given a training helmet, and learnt the stories, and the risks of the Way. 
These risks meant that most stayed hidden; while they weren’t as completely underground as they would become after the Great Purge, they still kept to themselves. The Empire had put a high price on beskar, after all. 
The Tribe were careful, is what I’m saying. But it wasn’t enough. 
Story's beginning...
The Imperials uncovered and raided the covert, with flimsy excuses – any Mandalorian in beskar’gam, especially those found so far from Mandalorian space, were potential insurgents. 
The Tribe scattered; some trying to flee with the ade, while the others stayed to fight to buy them time. 
Grogu - 
Travelling nearby when he got a distinct shove from the Force, directing him to head towards the city. 
On his arrival, sees a couple of ships punch their way to hyperspace, and wonders; then sees other ships shot down, and a district of the city explode into flame. He heads towards the firefight.
For a long time after, Grogu would feel like he arrived too late.
The place appears deserted, save a few Imperial troops picking through the rubble. Grogu subdues these, picking his way through the area with lightsabre in hand.
Finds Din in the wreckage of one of the ships that had been shot down; the only survivor.
Realises it’s a child pointing the blaster at him from the wreckage, and is moved to help even more than before. 
Decides against revealing the whole “the Force led me to you” thing for the moment, though.
Din -
Scared of Grogu at first, thinking he's some sort of creature sent to finish him off. 
Listens as Grogu patiently explains he means no harm, and eventually, reluctantly, is convinced to go with him. 
“You can’t stay here. For one thing, the stormtroopers will be back soon. I wasn’t exactly discreet when taking down the ones outside. And while I’m sure your aliit taught you how to survive here by yourself if you have to, I can help.” (Spoken in a mix of Basic and Mando'a - may edit more Mando’a in later.) 
“Tion jorhaa Mando’a? Tion Mando-?” ([You] speak Mando’a? [Are you] Manda-?) Din’s posture changed, leaning forward, helmet tilting slightly to the side.
“Some. I travelled with a group of Mandalorian verde some years ago. They considered me one of their vod’e… until we were betrayed, at least. I’ve... lost contact with them since.” (Again, may edit more Mando’a into this later.)
On the way back to Grogu’s ship, they’re cornered by more stormtroopers. Grogu has to use his lightsabre. Din was impressed, and very curious. After they’ve escaped into hyperspace, he asked: 
“What is that?” 
Grogu showed it to him. “A lightsabre. The weapon of a Jedi.” 
“Weapon of a what?” 
“That’s... quite the story.” He began, then explained - including mentioning he’d been given to the Temple as a youngling. 
“You were a foundling. Like me.” 
“… Yes, that’s right.”
Story continues: 
Din - 
Initially quite firm about following the Way (overcompensating after his losses), wearing his training helmet all the time. 
Is prepared to be Annoying about his needs, but then is surprised when Grogu accommodates him easily, including buying/ stealing a med-droid to assist. 
Also has to deal with losing his home and family twice; first his birth parents, now his adoptive Aliit.
Droids aren’t his only fear/ hate anymore...
Grogu -
Initially isn’t sure about his ability to be a parent, which he thinks Din needs. 
The life he leads, running from planet to planet to help as he can while staying one step ahead of the Inquisitors - that’s no place for a child, even one as skilled as Din. 
Plus, the last peoples he cared for as family – well, one betrayed the other, leading to death and strife. 
Those that still live do so in soulless blank armour - which his new ward hates and fears with a passion.
They each have things to discover about themselves, and each other, on the journey. 
Story/ character arcs: 
Din - 
Growing up (including Mandalorian rites of adolescence, the verd’goten or equivalent) and figuring out that what he knew about being Mandalorian isn’t all that there is out there. 
Confusing and painful at first, because he holds onto the covert’s teachings with tight fists in his grief, even as that threatens the growing familial bond with Grogu.
Dealing with his emotions about being orphaned twice, including accepting that not all droids are evil, and that some troopers had no choice in their actions.
Grogu helps him, at times antagonises him, and protects him as he figures out what sort of Mandalorian he wanted to be. 
Less mid-life crisis, more teenage angst/ identity development. 
Grogu -
Negotiating caring for Din while being a Jedi still – realising that they’re not mutually exclusive concepts;
Finding out why his vod’e betrayed him (Order 66), deciding what he wanted to do about that, and dealing with Din’s reaction;
Learning about Mandalorian culture, and developing a place for himself in it, as (eventually) a Mandalorian Jedi.
Rex and Ahsoka guest-star as big-name foils for Grogu’s Jedi and Vod’e connections, while the bigger emotions would come from a member of Grogu’s battalion vod’e and a fellow O66 survivor and old friend of Grogu’s.
Joint arc - 
Eventually get involved in the fledgling Rebellion through efforts to rescue and de-chip Grogu’s vod’e, and other clones. 
Maybe cross paths with the Spectres at some point. 
Towards the end of the story, Din claims Grogu as his parent (Ni kyr'tayl gai sa’buir), and Grogu becomes a follower of the Way (armour scenes). 
Building their own family comprising of Mandalorian (incl. Vod’e) and Jedi connections.
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golden-barnes · 4 years
Divinità I: Musa
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Bucky Barnes X F! Reader
Description of the series: Divinità. A deity. A goddess. One that Bucky has only seen 3 times before and now he can’t get Y/N out of his head. So he decided to put an idealized version of Y/N in his books. But what will happen when he gets to meet the real Y/N? Will you still be his deity?
Summary: (Muse) Bucky was shocked when he saw his muse at his book presentation. 
Warning: Cursing and some self-deprecating remarks because of Bucky’s inner monologue , mentions of anxiety, some suggestive comments. 
Word count:.1.6k
A/N: I’m sorry for the slow updating schedule. But I have some things planned for this break, including for Divinità. I am also having a taglist for this series.If anyone is interested send me an ask. 
6 years later, 
“Thank you all for coming to the release party of my new book “Daybreak”. Yeah. Uhm I am not a speaker, I am more of a writer.” The crowd laughed at his little joke. Bucky let out a little chuckle.
“After I released Longing, I never expected it to be such a hit. I just thought this was gonna be swept under the rug. But that wasn’t the case. Anyway, I hope everyone has fun reading Daybreak. The same amount of fun, it was to write it. Thank you for the support and enjoy the party.” Bucky handed the microphone to Steve who patted him on the back. Steve smiled at his friend, proud of his achievements. Hell, even Bucky was proud of how far he has gotten. Who would have thought a veteran with a metal arm would end up in the New York Times bestseller? 
A year after leaving the Rehabilitation Center, Bucky found himself writing everyday. But it wasn’t his thoughts anymore. He found himself constructing another world. Different from the one he was living. It wasn’t that his life was bad. He had Steve and Sam as his roommates. He helped Steve with his bookstore. He got really good at baking (Sam would often call him Betty Crocker when he got into his baking mood). Steve talked to his friend Tony Stark and got him to make Bucky a metal prosthetic, which was a great help in his quest to establish a sense of normalcy. But he still had some anxiety. Some days were worse than others. Some days he was a little bit of a social butterfly, some he won’t leave his room if it isn’t to raid the fridge and go to the bathroom. 
But writing Longing made it easier for him. It was his little happy place that he had created, controlled and decorated to help him escape. The story of a man who gets lost in the forest then is rescued by a woman that resided in a cabin in the middle of the woods. Long story short, she saves him from dying alone in the forest and helps him feel a lot better with himself. 
“Is Longing biographical?” He was often asked. And he would always say it wasn’t. Because explaining that he wrote it about a woman named Y/N who he saw three times and never talked to her but she was constantly invading his thoughts would be very difficult. It was hard to explain to his best friend. Sam and Steve looked at him as if  he was stalking her but in their defense, it was really weird. But writing about her calmed him down. Even remembering her voice could soothe him when he was having an anxiety attack. It was like nothing he has ever experienced before. If he focused enough, he could still feel her warmth overtake the room. 
Was writing a second book about her and her being an angel, healthy? No. Did that stop him? Absolutely not. Did he regret it? Maybe, once he saw Y/N walking into the coffee shop.
Why was she doing here? Does she know about the books? Oh my god, she knows and she is going to sue him and curse him out. Damn it Barnes, you knew this wasn’t a good idea. Why the fuck did you do this? Idiot.
Bucky felt his hands getting clammy. But he also felt calm. Again, it was her presence. It soothes him, but also makes him anxious. She walked in with the biggest smile. The heart melting smile that was brighter than the sun and all the stars. She was walking but Bucky swore he sees her floating with every step. He saw her smiling towards one of the patrons of the coffee. Her friends maybe. Y/N ran towards the other woman and gave her a hug. Yeah , they were friends.
“Ay Tinman. What are you looking at?”Sam snapped him out of his little day dream. Sam noticed where he was staring and gave me a smirk.
“C’mon. I’ll introduce you. They are really nice. ” Before Bucky could protest, he was being dragged by Sam. Bucky made a sound of annoyance but he knew it wouldn’t stop Sam from possibly embarrass him in front of Y/N.
Bucky found himself in front of her. I hope she doesn’t recognize me. I mean she won’t. After his first book premier, Bucky’s manager was pretty adamant of him getting a change of look. His long locks were cut and his beard was trimmed. Back when he was living at the Rehabilitation Center, he kept his hair long and usually in his face and he also barely did anything to his beard. Change. Bucky didn’t really enjoy change. If it wasn’t for Natasha, he would still look like that.
Y/N turned her head and looked directly at him. Warmth spread across Bucky’s chest. If her smile could melt Bucky, her eyes were like rays of sun. Why is she so warm? Why does it feel like I am burning up? Oh can she see me sweat?   
“What are you two professor doing here? On a school night? Aren’t we in midterms? Out here partying when you should be grading.” Sam teases. Both women laughed. And oh how she laughs. Contain yourself Barnes. You don’t need to be more of a creep for fuck’s sake. 
“Could say the same to you, Professor Wilson.” Y/N joked. The brunette that was with her rolled her eyes at her two colleagues. It seems like this was the dynamic between them. Bucky couldn’t help but feel his chest tighten up a bit.
“Y/N wanted to come here to get her hands on the book. And she decided to drag me along.” The brunette said. It was Y/N’s turn to roll her eyes. Sam let out a chuckle but also nudged Bucky in the ribs. Which prompted Bucky to give his attacker a pointed look.
“Bucky, this is Wanda Maximoff, psychology professor” Sam said pointing at the brunette who gave him a small smile. “And this is Y/N Y/L/N, literature professor.” Y/N gave Bucky a big smile and extended her hand towards him. But Bucky just stared at her hand, stuck just like the second time he saw her. 
Fucking Barnes, as always. Freezing up. She might think you are a weirdo. Just shake her hand you fucking idiot. Bucky extended his hand and shook Y/N. He felt a jolt from where their hands joined. They both looked surprised. Maybe she felt it too.
“Nice to meet you, Bucky.” Y/N said softly. She looked Bucky directly in the eyes. Bucky felt time had slowed down and everyone had disappeared. All his focus was on her. And it felt right for him. 
“Nice to meet you too.” Bucky let out in an even softer tone. Her smile widened at his words. Bucky noticed Sam smirking at them.
“Y/N, did you know that Bucky is the author?” Sam said, still smirking at his buddy.
What is he planning? Y/N looked at Bucky with wide eyes. She looked shocked. Oh no, did she hate my book?
“Oh my. I -uhm- was expecting to meet the author but I didn’t…. I- I love Longing.” When the words left her mouth, Bucky’s heart started to soar. If she only knew the truth. Bucky cleared his throat nervously. 
“I am glad you did.. I uhm. Yeah” Bucky put his hands inside his pockets. Sam and Wanda shared a look. And Wanda decided to set up.
“Oh she is down playing it. She even added it to the syllabus of her class.” Wanda stated. Y/N slapped her friend’s arm. And shushed her. Wanda then looks at Sam.
“Yeah, you should have seen her when she finished it. She didn’t shut up about it.” Sam added. Y/N looked embarrassed. Bucky froze again from what he was hearing. She liked what he wrote. About her.
“I just really like unrequited love stories.” She said looking at the ground. As if she was scared to see Bucky’s reaction. But it actually snapped him out of his frozen state.
“A lot of people don’t think it is an unrequited love story.” Y/N looked up at Bucky when he said that.
“I mean it is though. The man does fall in love with the woman from the cabin but she later tells him to leave once he is healed. He is still in love with her and yearns for her. But she doesn’t seem to feel the same.” Y/N rambles. Bucky looked at her with awe. He never expected anyone to get that. Especially the muse of the book. Obviously telling their story. Well an idealized version of their story.
“See Buck! You should hear what else she has to say about your book.” Sam said.
“I would love to hear it all.” Bucky blurted out. Oh fuck, that was so quick. Dumbass. But she didn’t seem to mind. She just smiled at him. Wanda gave her a nudge. Sam had picked pocketed Bucky and grabbed one of his business cards. Before Bucky could get it back, Sam handed it to Y/N. She gave them both a smile and looked at the card. 
“I would love to tell you all. Here’s my card. Maybe after I read Daybreak, I can talk about that one too.” Y/N replied.
“He doesn’t work. He’s more of a freeloader. Y’all can meet up any time.” 
“Sam!” Bucky punched Sam in the arm while Sam, Wanda and Y/N laughed. 
“I’ll take you up on it.” Y/N said winking at Sam. Bucky felt as if his head was in the clouds. He felt light. But also he couldn’t  help but feel an overwhelming sensation of dread in the back of his head. But if I can push it down, I’ll finally get to meet up my muse.
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darkpoisonouslove · 3 years
The Decay of Secrets
Summary: Faragonda’s quest of uncovering secrets leads her to depths she never imagined she could be forced to face over a past that’s dead and buried. Pirate AU.
CW: body horror, gore, mentions of death and murder, graphic depictions of violence, vomiting
Written for @writersmonth Day 5 - word: secret/setting: pirate AU
If you’re wondering what’s going on here, my skin is shedding after the worst sunburn in my entire life so you get this. If there’s anything that’s incorrect, just know that I had to limit the research I did for this because I was trying to stay sane (aka avoid the really graphic stuff).
Soundtrack: Everybody’s Scared by Parah Dice, Holy Molly
The sword trembled in her hand as the amethyst and obsidian crystals dug deep into the soles of her boots. Some of them pierced right through to draw blood that mixed with the trail her target had left behind, walking barefoot like it was no feat crossing the carpet of jagged edges. It was hard to see in the illumination of the candles that grew out of the stone niches like stalagmites.
The dim light curled around a kneeling figure at the end of the cave near a small lake. The shadows clung to the purple hair, dragging across the floor, like an aura, like they were tangled in the woman’s soul. She had yet to see Faragonda, her head bowed, spine bent as if it were broken. There was barely a trace of the fierce pirate captain–and merciless murderer–that she was. Almost enough to fool Faragonda with the quiet stoicism of the place and make her turn on her heel to leave.
“What do you want?” The tension in Griffin's body peaked, the strain in her muscles visible in their murky surroundings. Her hands dug in the ground like she didn’t spend most of her life at sea, like she needed to anchor herself in her own body.
“You can’t escape justice, Griffin.” Her crew was too fast in their raids to be caught but Griffin was alone now. Faragonda couldn't let her get away with all the bodies she’d left behind. Not after the way Griffin had broken Daphne’s body and forced Marion and Oritel to use a forbidden spell to separate her spirit from it just to keep their daughter alive.
“I’m actually looking for justice,” Griffin's voice pulled her in like a siren’s song. There was something so fatal in it that called to her to end this now and find rest for both of them. “You’ve come just on time to help.”
Faragonda shuffled over the cave’s dangerous floor. Griffin may not have turned to acknowledge her as a threat but she was fast like lightning. And if she failed to strike her gravely, the fall on the sharp crystals would finish the job. The terrain advantage was Griffin's but she didn’t take the opportunity.
It was the headstone that hit Faragonda in the chest as it sat in the middle of the cave with the same motionlessness Griffin had adopted. She was standing on a small grave. The source of her crimes. Each letter burned in Faragonda’s mind like the brand of her failure to stop Griffin. How was she supposed to look at Marion and Oritel and tell them she had put Griffin's pain over theirs? How was she to explain the poison in her own veins with no dead tissue in her chest?
Faragonda sheathed her sword, the sound echoing around them like a herald of doom. “Your secret’s safe with me.”
Griffin chuckled but the tears were audible in her voice. “You have too much heart for your own good. You know that, don’t you?”
“I believe it’s the right thing to do,” Faragonda made it to the dried up soil beyond the crystals. If Griffin moved, she could find her own grave in the small cave enforcing proximity on them.
“So you understand I can’t let go?” Griffin looked at her with calm eyes. The calm before the storm in the shining suns her irises were.
“You’ll go down eventually.” Marion–and the rest of the Company of Light–wouldn't settle for Griffin's disregard for the law or any human decency. They would put her in the ground if they couldn't put her on trial. Faragonda was becoming the perpetrator of Griffin's death by refusing to bring her in while it was still an option. But Griffin would much rather lie in the grave herself than be unable to come back to it for the rest of her life.
“Sooner than you think.”
The shot echoed in the cave, the bullet ricocheting off the walls after the clean in-and-out through her shoulder. Her sword was drawn in the blink of an eye in Griffin's hand and aimed at Griffin's own chest. The clamor in Faragonda’s ears blocked out any hope of summoning her magic to stop this madness or heal herself.
“Sorry about that but you’ll live. I had to make sure you wouldn’t interfere as I knew you’d try.” Griffin looked back to the tiny grave. “Such a pure heart you were given the choice to have.”
Faragonda’s blood froze at the smile curling Griffin's lips. There was no soul in it, no humanity left. Just cold bitterness.
Pain exploded in her knees from their collision with the rough ground, the scent of blood overpowering the salt carrying from the lake. She could taste the bits of Griffin's heart on her lips, on her skin, sticking to her body except for where her life was still oozing out of her wailing wound but she pushed herself to her feet, her lungs burning and her vision swimming.
Maybe it was her scream that came first but there was just a burst of light–fire–in her eyes. Griffin cried out before metal clunked against the cave floor. The sword had fallen from her hand, blasted out by a huge explosion that left her clutching the wounded limb to her chest. Smoke was rising from where her hair had been singed.
“You really are the cruelest monster of all,” a male voice and its echo boomed around them making Griffin crouch, her forehead pressed against the ground. “You took yourself from me once already and now you’re trying to avoid my revenge by taking your own life?” His steps crushed Faragonda’s heart over and over again as he hovered over the razor-sharp crystals, nothing slowing him down on his quest for Griffin's head. “That’s low even for you.”
Faragonda gritted her teeth to hold her magic between them. She had to find a quiet moment on a school break or a wild sleepover to revive her positive emotions and her powers.
Her body protested as she stumbled, forcing it in the way of the threat with barely sparks of magic at her fingertips and a torturously slow improvement in her shoulder. Her shot arm was still hanging limply at her side and the other was free to press against the wound in the absence of a weapon to use in defense. “Stay back, Valtor.”
“You’re bleeding brains from that betrayal in your shoulder, Faragonda.” He raised his hand, the cold of the cave retreating from his magical flames. “Move if you’d like to keep the rest of yourself at least.”
Faragonda stared him down before stepping away to direct his gaze to the headstone.
The flames flickered out, his hand shaking as the vile grin crumbled from his face. “What is this?” he roared, his own body trembling harder than the walls that barely resisted a cave-in. “What lie have you strung together now, Griffin?”
Griffin was shaking, too, all the cold in the tense atmosphere piling up on her back to wrack her body with shivers. Her stifled sobs were louder than a waterfall and pulled Valtor’s trigger.
Faragonda halted his murderous march. “Does she look like someone who’d create such a deception?”
Valtor spun around, the grimace on his face shoving her back down on her knees in a heap of pain. His face was in hers, the heat from his skin burning her breath out of her lungs. The scorching air around him cauterized her wound to leave her grunting behind her bitten tongue. He could cremate her on the spot but he wasn’t after her. “You’re telling me,” he materialized next to Griffin and grabbed a fistful of her hair shoving her face into the stone, into the words “beloved daughter” and the date of birth and death, “this is the truth?” he yelled under the sound of Griffin's nose smashing into the cold headstone. His hand wrapped around her throat when he pulled her to her feet by the hair. “You did this! That’s why you used the spell for aging up. You wanted to get rid of my daughter as soon as possible instead of carry her in your womb.”
Faragonda gaped at them. There was a lot more powerful magic at play than what she’d thought Griffin's hidden treasure would turn out to be. They could do unspeakable things to the world after what they’d done to each other. She had to press a hand in her mouth to subdue the bile rising at her own weakness.
Griffin blinked back tears, blood running from her bruising nose and into her mouth when she spoke. “I was afraid your mothers would find her.”
Faragonda’s heart clenched inside her chest as if trying to curl up in the fetal position. Tears fell from her eyes and soaked into the cracked ground for the unfortunate baby that had been doomed from the very start. It was only recently that Griffin had surpassed the Ancestrals when it came to plundering and they still ruled the seas with terror.
“I wanted to hide her from them. But instead, they killed my mother and the baby died a couple hours after her birth,” she choked, on her own tongue.
Valtor let go of her and she slumped on the floor, a hiss of pain escaping her. “You should have told me! How could you not tell me, you fucking bitch?” His leg twitched as if he was straining against kicking her.
Griffin held his gaze despite the unequal ground they were standing on. “Is this genuine outrage or is it just your possessiveness?” she bared her teeth. “Was she yours to kill, too? Like I am?” Her eyes were full of venom, wafting through the air all the way to where Faragonda was sinking further into madness she hadn’t expected.
“She’s dead now, Griffin!” Valtor yelled, flinching the same as Griffin. “We all are.”
“I didn’t know...” Griffin coughed, snot blocking her nose. “I couldn't be sure how much I could trust you against them.”
Valtor collapsed next to her. “You should have told me,” he punched the ground and his magic fissured it. The cave shook again but refused to fall on them and bury the horror they were threatening the world with.
“Please,” Griffin whimpered, fingers digging in the soil again. Her nails cracked to let streams of blood color her fingertips and the black ground red before her hands sank deep in with help from her magic.
The sword Valtor pulled out of the sheath on his hip was what snapped them out of their joined trance. “How would you forgive that, Griffin?” His eyes were cast downward like the weapon in his hand. If Griffin couldn't get his attention, Faragonda didn’t stand a chance. But she had to try despite barely being able to crawl with all the dread stuffed down her throat and in her veins.
Griffin was faster. “Please... kill me.”
Valtor’s sword was slipping from his fingers, his eyes wide like suns as he looked at Griffin to wrap his mind around her. It was her who took his hand and pointed the blade at her chest. Faragonda didn’t even have enough strength to crash into them and break them apart before life could be lost.
“Kill me. I was hoping Faragonda would,” she looked at her, her clear eyes piercing through Faragonda like the shards of a broken message bottle. There was no clouded judgment in the gold, only a self-centered agenda. “But now that you’re here, I won’t have to do it myself, after all.” Griffin pressed the tip of the sword against her chest. “Right here in my heart. Slice it open,” she let go of Valtor’s hand that was steady, whether out of concern or the lack of it. “Trust me.”
A shadow swallowed Valtor’s face. “I should kill you just for asking that of me after everything.”
Faragonda geared up to pounce.
“Then do-”
He shoved the blade through Griffin's chest forcing a gasp out of both women.
Griffin keeled over, her weight falling on her arms with her palms still buried in the ground. “Possessive beast,” she gurgled, red painting the words as blood dripped from her mouth and the flood from the clean slice of her heart soaking her clothes.
Faragonda wasn’t fast enough to even cover her eyes before Griffin's fingers left the soil and pushed a small bundle of necrotic tissue into the cut. The baby’s heart. She’d put it inside her own body, inside her own heart after it had rotted slowly in the ground for years under a spell. Like an anti flower in the darkness of the cave. That was what had sucked the ground dry despite the nearby lake.
Faragonda bent over and vomited, her retching barely reaching her own ears over Griffin's screams as her body ruptured and shattered. Valtor barely missed Faragonda’s head when he tossed the sword to the side to catch Griffin.
Wiping away her mouth, Faragonda pushed her hand on the nearest crystal. The pain reverberated through her to remind her of her own strength. Whatever sin Griffin had turned into, she could face it. She had to to make sure no one else would.
Looking overcame her with a new wave of nausea. Griffin was no longer a woman but a living corpse. Large portions of her luscious hair had fallen out to reveal a scalp covered in bite marks and  blisters. At least in the places where her skin wasn’t stretched so thin that the skull was visible right underneath. Her fingertips had been bitten off and the rest of her skin was rotting right on the bones. There were holes in her body through which her organs could be seen floating inside like dead fish in an aquarium. Seaweeds and shells were lodged painfully under her skin and in her joints. There was nothing left in her body that was good for life, yet she was still moving as if her parts were controlled by someone else’s mind.
Faragonda’s voice was gone. If she ever spoke again, she would be the one bringing that horror into the outside world. Griffin's secret loot had turned out beyond her worst nightmares and she had only herself to blame. She’d refused to see the grand scheme connecting all the stolen spells and magic instructions and now she was witnessing it bearing fruit.
“I knew you were lying,” Valtor rasped, clutching Griffin desperately to his chest. His nails dug in her inhuman flesh but no blood spilled from the colorless mass of cells. “You fucking liar.” He’d break her if she bowed to the laws of physics.
“I am not dead.” Griffin's voice ripped tears out, both from Valtor and Faragonda. It was hoarse from the screams of her soul echoing in it and chilling everything to the bone.
Faragonda’s teeth chattered as she huddled in on herself. She was only alive thanks to Valtor’s body heat drifting through the cave.
“You’re not alive either.” He ran a finger over the parts of Griffin's lips that hadn’t been bitten off. It was so intimate it punched Faragonda in the gut. If they could still feel, what would it take for her to stop sympathizing with the abomination of nature and magic they’d become? “What are you?”
“You can’t tell?” The softest touch of her bony fingertip clawed a wound in his cheek like she’d forgotten how to be around life. It cried blood that Griffin pushed herself up to lick off, the crimson flashing through her gray hair for a moment before it ran out of steam and was lost in the graveyard of her body. “I am a goddess.” Red swirled in her eyes as she tore off her own shedding skin. “I can do anything I want.” She turned to the grave behind them, her body stiffening as if death finally caught up with it. “Except bring our daughter back.”
“You’ll never be yourself again either.” Valtor’s body moved of its own accord. It would just drop her and walk out but he regained control and pushed himself back down to the ground.
“I am not weak now.” Griffin reached inside her chest wound and pinched her sliced heart closed around the little heart inside it. She broke off her own fingers and stuck them in the tissue to hold it together like overly large needles since it wouldn't heal. It was dead. But she wasn’t.
Her bones regrew back, contrary to all logic, and her body twisted as if the new matter was squeezed out of it. She felt all the pain of the living decaying corpse she’d become but she hadn’t cried out once. She was a monster.
“You were the most human person I knew,” Valtor stroked her gray hair like he wasn’t afraid of it swallowing the rest of his life, too.
“Now I’m strong enough to defeat your mothers.” A tear fell from her eye – white like milk. “They killed my mother. They killed our daughter because I couldn't stop them. It’s all my fault.” Her voice died in her hollow throat.
“You should have told me,” Valtor crushed whatever was left of her stomach in his fist and Faragonda made a break for the lake. She would rather drown herself than be stuck with the two of them any longer. “But you kept your damn secret... like we always do.”
Griffin cupped his cheek, her flesh not eating through his to Faragonda’s and Valtor’s surprise. “No more secrets. The world will know its goddess and the treasure it lost.”
The ground shook, water erupting from the lake like a geyser and flooding everything. The salt stung Faragonda’s eyes but it was the smell of death that had poisoned it that made her lose her footing. A ship burst through the bed of the lake that was far too small for it. It was Griffin's Cloud Tower that she’d summoned magically.
Seaweeds and barnacles adorned the decaying wood as if it had spent the last century underwater. The distinct spiderweb-patterned sails were ripped and fatigued. The crew was on deck, wet to the bone and missing one body part or another that had been present the last time Faragonda had seen them. If she indulged the worst case scenario, they were affected by their captain’s condition but there was no need for hasty-
Her heartbeat hit her as a shockwave from outside. The mermaid figurehead swam into her spinning vision and Faragonda gasped for air. Its chest was pried open and inside was a charred heart that was beating with her pulse.
Griffin met her gaze head on like she’d been waiting for it. “Only my blood wouldn't work once I’d  completed my transformation.” The crystals. They’d poked through both their feet and their blood had mixed into the ground underneath them. Griffin must have enchanted it beforehand to make the magic flow straight from the cave floor into the ship. She’d planned it all beforehand. “I am no longer the girl you knew.”
But the frightening thing was that she was still the same girl that had broken all the rules and offered no respect to the limitations imposed on her from others and from her mortal form. And Faragonda would have to explain to Marion and Oritel why she’d put a long-lost childhood friend over the rest of the world, why she’d kept a secret as big as the one Griffin had buried in the cave. She’d have to explain why she and Griffin shared the same weakness that would bring down the whole world.
“You’ll leave me behind again,” Valtor’s voice trembled from the rage spilling in it and Griffin’s arm under his palm caught fire but neither of them moved, tangled in each other like they were life and death.
“I wasn’t expecting you,” Griffin pushed her hand into the flames as well and covered his to snuff them out with no effort. “But without death, there is nothing to leave behind,” she grinned and Valtor pulled her closer with just as much fervor as she was holding him with as they kissed.
How could Faragonda rob them of something so desperate and deprived?
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ye-bloodeh-liar · 3 years
I just finished AC Valhalla – A résumé.
I finished the "main story" of Assassin's Creed Valhalla. These are some thoughts of mine. (This was saved in my drafts for two weeks or so. But my stance hasn't altered. Actually, I'm even angrier now.)
Disclaimer: This obviously contains some spoilers here and there. You've been warned, but tbh, who even cares about the story at this point. Also, I know I don't have many followers, and I suspect none of the few that will come across this post will actually be interested in it. That said, if you like reading people's rants about things, regardless of your interest in video games, this might be something for you. I just needed to get this out of my system somewhere. This is a rant (well, vent? I'm venting, I guess) written as it came to my mind. There's no real structure, I think. Sorry for that in advance.
After Origins, which I thoroughly enjoyed and actually played again between Odyssey and Valhalla, and Odyssey, which's name was perfectly fitting since it felt like a fucking odyssey to grind through, I hoped, actually, I was convinced, Valhalla would right Odyssey's wrongs. You see, Odyssey had one big problem for me: It did none of the things that made and still make me love Origins. In short: The world was massive, but felt copied and pasted, uninteresting to explore and lifeless. Basically, it was a lot of green sprinkled with some olive branches. A lot of the times the only way to know roughly where I am was pulling up the map because based on my surroundings, I could've been anywhere. Compared to the intriguing world of Origins, where you always knew in which area of the map you currently were, this was a shitshow. I mean, just walking through the desert in Origins had more atmosphere than the whole city of Athens (the main fucking city) could ever muster up. (Oh, remember the times of AC Brotherhood, where Rome actually felt like a city even though it wasn't actually humongous like the new games are? Or how atmospheric the whole of AC II was? I mean, Venice? Hello? M a s t e r p i e c e) But I can overlook that. The combat didn't feel heavy, or to put it better, "impactful" like it did in Origins, but more like poking the enemies to their deaths with something that made sword-y sounds. But I can overlook that. The loot system improved a bit, in the sense of giving the option to modify your loot and being able to combine different armor pieces, however, Origins outfit-system was more up my alley. But I can overlook that. Funnily enough, compared to its predecessor, Odyssey looked worse. In Origins the fabric of your outfit look like actual fabric and, I can't stress this enough, waved in the wind. In Odyssey everything felt more static and somehow "fake". But I can overlook that. To me, Origins' story was masterfully done. Personally, I'd say, that this is the closest we've ever gotten to the Ezio-Trilogy. The voice acting was top notch. Bayek was a great character, and the side characters like Aya/Amunet were equally intriguing. I still remember the first time I saw the first confession cutscene after killing Medunamun. It gave me shivers and goosebumps and got me excited for what was about to come. What I want to say with this, is that Origins made me care; care about its characters, care about their backstory and motives, care about the world, etc. After I had finished the DLC The Hidden Ones I felt like I had actually witnessed the igniting spark of something epic, namely the Assassin Brotherhood, in such a chilling way, even though they basically were just chillin' in a cave. Because that's what character building gives you: payoffs. Well, Odyssey did none of that. All it did made me care about was to get all the loot, because that's what my mind always goes for in any game (I'm that kind of stupid ape). I didn't care about what would happen in the end – I just wanted to get there. I wanted to know how the story would end, but in whichever way it would, I knew I wouldn't care for it in the sense of being disappointed or yearning for a different outcome for the character I was so invested in, because, as I said, nothing got me invested in the character(s) in the first place. That's what bugged me the most about Odyssey. Not the flimsy feeling combat, not the husk of a world I found myself in, not the downgrade in design and animation, etc., but the lack of care it invoked.
Now, when Valhalla was originally announced, I was excited as I could be for a video game. Ubisoft was clearly aware of their mistakes with Odyssey and tried to show that they're willing to listen to their fanbase. A world where every area has its own identity? Sounds great. Heavy combat? Hell yeah. Gear and loot that actually matters and is special (unlike in Odyssey where after a few hours of playing you find yourself carrying the same fucking bow 25 times)? Oh my. Choices not for the sake of choices, but story? Yes please. I mean, if you have to implement choices. Even though choices don't really make sense in Assassin's Creed, but that's another topic.
Well, did it deliver (for me)? No. And to be completely honest, I prefer Odyssey, even as the grindfest that it is, over Valhalla, and me replaying Odyssey seems a lot more likely to me, than going through all of Valhalla again. I'm not going to list all of the points mentioned above again in full detail: The world is a bit more intriguing than Greece, but a shadow of what Egypt was. The combat feels heavy, yet every weapon looks too big (????) and it still feels a bit off. My biggest grudge of the minor points is actually the look/the graphics: How on earth does Valhalla manage to look less real than Origins? The fur and pelts on the armor, every piece of cloth, i mean just e v e r y t h i n g looks somewhat plasticy (at loss for a better word here; just compare Origins' outfits in motion to Valhalla's) Anyway, let's get to the real problem here, because all boils down to the point I've mentioned before: Invoking care.
This became very apparent to me after forging the fourth (?; was it the fourth? They all blur together. That's how e n t i c i n g they are. Great.) alliance or so. I didn't give a single fuck about the characters in those arcs. It was very clear that they'd be soon replaced by other characters in the next alliance's arc, which I probably wouldn't care for either, especially, since they all felt somewhat the same: empty. Alliances felt like checklists to do. Even Wincestre, which had an interesting beginning, somehow managed to loose all of its "darkness" after the first two quests. But I could overlook the dreary sidequest-like alliance arcs, if they served the main storyline in some way or form. Now you might ask, what main storyline? E x a c t l y. Looking back, there is none. At least not really. And there where a lot of times playing the game where I found myself wondering, if this alliance-arc-thing I was currently dragging myself through was in fact meant to be the actual story. But it shouldn't be. Was it? I have no fucking clue. My conclusion on what Valhalla's main overarching story is, is what follows:
Eivor's parents got killed when he was a child (never seen before lol), got adopted, and is now part of the Raven clan with his "brother" Sigurd//Sigurd comes home from some raid with the Assassins Basim and Hytham//(Eivor gets the Hidden Blade; I mean, this is an Assassin's Creed game. Big moment. Done in 2 seconds.)//Sigurd and Eivor aren't happy with the new King of Norway.//Sigurd and Eivor fuck off to England (with Basim and Hytham) to set camp there.//Eivor starts to forge alliances throughout England to make his clan's hold on England stronger.// Sigurd and Basim do their own thing.//Eivor meets Sigurd and Basim two or three times throughout his alliance forging.//Basim seems a bit off.//Sigurd says that he was told (by Basim?) that he is a descendant of the gods.// Sigurd wants to "pursue his destiny"// (sidenote: the last few things are all within one (!) short cutscene in a small house. d e v e l o p m e n t.)//Sigurd gets captured and tortured and loses his hand.//Eivor rescues Sigurd.// Sigurd is back in the settlement.//Sigurd distrusts Eivor because Eivor doesn't believe Sigurd and Sigurd thinks Eivor wants to take his title as the jarl (jarls are the bosses of settlements).// And then the end sequence hits. This is where I want to go into somewhat detail again. We go from Sigurd distrusts Eivor to "Eivor, I don't wanna be the boss of the town, so I don't hold a grudge anymore, let's go back to Norway and I'll show you I was right all along" like it's nothing. It's literally just that: You walk up to Sigurd, he says this (more or less) and you sail away. Again: development is taken very seriously in this game. Honestly, at this point I didn't even know that this was going to trigger the ending. My genuine thoughts were "Oh my, finally, after all this grinding, the story is going to start." when in reality of course, ironically, it was going to end. Absolute belter. So you sail to Norway with Sigurd, which takes fucking forever, because OF COURSE you have to sail (for everyone who didn't play the game, yes, sail, that means looking at a viking longship while occasionally moving the stick slightly to change its directions slightly) to your original settlement in Norway, for what feels like far too long, only to say Hi to your dad. Fucking lost it. I thought we were going to assassinate the King? Nah bruv let's just have some quick family talk instead. Some action? Nah. Just get back to the longship. A N D S T A R T S A I L I N G A G A I N. Where? Just around the curve of our settlement in Norway. Yes, they pulled the old trick of the ending is literally just right around the corner of your starting position hehe. Absolute belter. Is this to make it seem like something is about to happen? The calm before the storm? It doesn't work like that. Well, then you actually sail through a storm (lol), which doesn't matter, because Sigurd just says "Let's keep going" and, well, you keep going. Also, to this point the weather conditions have never affected neither Eivors health, nor the ship in any way whatsoever, so why should I be impacted by a storm now? Like, it's a nice thing for atmosphere, but at least make the ship harder to steer or something. Then you walk up a mountain. Funnily enough Sigurd walks in manner that shows that the walk against the storm isn't easy, whereas you, hah, you can just yeet yourself up that mountain like nothing. I could sprint up there. Fucking sprint. Anyway, Eivor and Sigurd enter the Isu temple, because of course, we had to throw an Isu temple in there, I mean, i t ' s A s s a s s i n ' s C r e e d. Was it hinted at before in the story? Not really. Were we chasing or searchig for it? Nah, better get that next alliance going. It just suddenly was. Again: development. So we walk to the main platform of the temple and activate the machine and bam we're in Valhalla (because at some point Ubisoft realised that maybe they should include what is literally in the name of the game). Again, were we looking for Valhalla? Like not in the sense that every viking was, but more in the sense
of was it the main objective of the game? Did Eivor look for a way to Valhalla? Was there anything that led us here other than Sigurd having had a few dreams (that only got mentioned, like, twice?) and being influenced into thinking he was a demigod or something? Nope, Eivor was looking for that next alliance to forge. So, Eivor realises that his experience of Valhalla is fake and he wants to get out. But fake-Odin doesn't want to let him go. In a really weird cutscene (jump to 6:30), Eivor eventually escapes Odin and enters a door with his settlement-family (look, I'm all here for metaphors, but this, this is just utter rubbish. It just doesn't make sense, and there is no payoff whatsoever). Odin actually had a build-up of some sort. In every assassination sequence he's there and talks with Eivor. I actually thought there would be some cool payoff/ending/reveal here. But nah, this ain't it chief. Yet somehow, until here, I had hope. I thought maybe now, building on all this confusion, there's gonna be a relatively good ending. Something enticing. Something that made everything somewhat worthwile. And Ubisoft went: Lol nah. So, you're out of the Isu machine again (for all the non-AC-peoples here: basically like the matrix. Eivor gets hooked up to the machine and experiences alternate reality: Valhalla), and Basim is there. What a twist. The guy that showed up like three times and went from friendly in the first time to super suspicious (like glaring-in-your-face-suspicious) in the two-or-so other major cutscenes he was in, has now been revealed as the enemy. Congrats to that. What a twist. The thing is, and this bothers me a lot actually, it could have been anyone there. It didn't need to be Basim. It wouldn't have felt out of place if it wasn't him. Why? Because Ubisoft failed terribly at making you connect to any character and at building any actual story (or character). It could have been Gunnar, the friendly black-smith in our settlement, and it would have been as fitting as Basim. Then Basim says that this is "for his son". Ah yes, the lost son of Basim, which was mentioned once. Right. Eivor defeats Basim by hooking him up on the Isu machine and gets back to the settlement with Sigurd (in my ending at least. There seems to be a possible ending in which Sigurd doesn't come back.) Cut to the modern day, where Layla now knows the coordinates of the Isu temple, goes there, hooks herself up to the machine, becomes the overseer of time with the other overseer of time which already was hanging out there (I mean yeah, great idea, terrible execution. Build it up, then you can have a payoff. This was just straight outta nowhere, and who cared about Layla anyway.) Anyway, meanwhile Basim, who was still hanging on that machine a fuck ton of years later, pops off, and is now living in the modern day. The idea here is, that we lost the hero (Layla) which caused the (just established) vilain (Basim) to do his fuckery in the modern day. But why should I care? Basim was basically nonexistent in the basically nonexistent story and suddendly I should feel sad or shocked, because he's in the modern day? Is this supposed to be intriguing? And yeah, Layla is "gone". Layla, who had no character building over three fucking games. Why should i be bothered? Why should I care about anything that just happened? Remember when a side character (Lucy) died in AC Brotherhood? That was intriguing. Why? Because they built her as a character we (Desmond) trusted, even though it was in the modern day (which no one really cares about in AC). And this is why Valhalla broke me and Odyssey didn't. Valhalla failed to make me care on a much deeper level. It's just a lot of nothingness. Empty characters in a nonexistent story. And by nonexistent, I mean non-built at all. When I play the game now, I have no actual reason, and throughout the game never actually had any actual reason, to continue. It was a chore. I didn't bother if after three hours of grind I would eventually get a mini-snippet of a husk of a story, and neither do I care now. Everything in
this game is so devoid of sparking curiosity and screams of lacklusterness to the point where I don't even know what I have actually expierenced. For fuck's sake Ubisoft, make me care again. At least once in 40 hours.
May I sum up Valhalla's "story" and content in the glorious words of Catherine Tate: Am I bovvered? The answer, sadly, is a holistic no.
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9thbutterfly · 3 years
I wanna know about all your projects! they sound so interesting! but if I have to chose tell me more about goblins please? or nettle patch?
One of my many Kivailo world stories - how do I quickly explain the Kivailo world? Teenage/early twenties me grappling with the question of “could something like the nazis happen today?” and creating the most fucked-up country I could come up with. (And later mostly losing my interest in it because I realised the real world is at least that fucked up, if not more.)
I think plot-wise Goblins is the most interesting of the Kivailo world stories - it has “overcoming a lot of internalised homophobia and falling in love with another woman” and “rapist going from being an utter asshole to somewhat decent and saving some people’s lives (but still being a rapist because you can’t make that un-happen)” and “cute little girl and kindly old grandpa hide a person from genocidal government”.
Unfortunately it is an unedited and unfinished NaNoWriMo story... let me see if I can find a good bit that isn’t a complete mess of typos and notes to myself...
The little girl, standing in the hallway with her arms wrapped around the old man’s middle, was crying now. “But the goblin!” she sobbed into the man’s stomach. “They’ll see the goblin.”
Jonathan had already opened the door, and Julius followed him through before he had fully processed what the girl had said. But as soon as he had stepped onto the stairs leading to the attic, he understood.
He didn’t need to see – he knew as soon as he smelt it. The faint stench of urine and sweat, the smell of a human confined in a small room. Without thinking, he pulled the door shut and grabbed Jonathan’s jacket to spin him around and pin him against the wall. “You’ll keep quiet.” He whispered. “You won’t breathe a word, to anyone, or I’ll – I’ll tell everyone you’re gay.”
He was grasping at straws, voicing the one threat that popped into his mind, the one that might scare someone even if it had no basis in fact. Jonathan had full five months of military service left, and to spend these five months with everyone believing him to be gay would be a nightmare, perhaps even worse than what Julius had lived through when Daniel’s existence had become known.
But it seemed his random threat had hit home. In the dim light of the bare light bulb, Jonathan gasped, “No, please -! How did you -?” He snapped his mouth shut and bit his lip as if he had just realized that he’d all but confirmed Julius had been right. Julius himself nearly let go of Jonathan’s collar and stepped back, so shocked by the discovery that he almost forgot what was at stake. But the wave of sudden disgust, the disturbing idea that Jonathan might think he’d grabbed him to kiss him, still didn’t wash away the knowledge of what they would find at the top of the stairs – what the little girl had been crying about.
“Never you mind,” he grated. “You just keep your bloody mouth shut. And your hands and eyes off me, just so that’s clear.” He loosened his grip for a moment, then tightened it again. “Is that clear?”
Jonathan nodded, his eyes wide, his mouth working silently.
“You’ll stay quiet?” Jonathan nodded again, and Julius let go  of him and continued up the stairs.
The attic was filled with a jumble of old furniture and cardboard boxes. A dusty wardrobe and a stack of boxes formed a wall next to the stairwell, with just a tiny bit of space to crawl to the other side. Julius got down on hands and knees to slip through. There was a mattress there, with a tangled nest of blankets and quilts, a covered bucket in the corner, an all too familiar sight for him, and balls and bits of string littering the floor. In a swift movement, he pulled the wardrobe door open.
The Kivailo cowered inside, shrinking back into the corner at the sight of Julius. At first glance, he seemed to be a middle-aged man, but as Julius put a finger to his lips, signalling for quiet, he thought he was probably not all that old, thirty at most. The Kivailo stared at him uncomprehendingly until Julius shut the door.
“Well?” he called to Jonathan. “Are you going to come, or what?” The other soldier quickly hurried up the stairs.
“The girl’s play room, I’d say,” he commented as Jonathan stuck his head through the gap in the boxes. He made a show of opening the wardrobe again and peering inside, catching another glimpse of the Kivailo’s terrified face, then shrugged, closed the wardrobe and poking a couple of boxes.
“It smells…” Jonathan started, but Julius wasn’t going to let him finish. “She probably left some snacks up here until they rotted. You know how children are. Come on, let’s check the other side.”
“Julius,” Jonathan said quietly as they poked around between the odd pieces of furniture on the other side of the stairwell, a crib, a rocking chair, some dilapidated cabinets, with a sewing machine and a typewriter standing on top. “There’s got to be…”
“I said, not a word,” Julius cut across him. “And I mean it.”
Jonathan’s eyes went wide, as if he just now understood what Julius had meant. “You’re…”
“Not a word,” was all Julius said, and he turned and clattered down the stairs, waiting for Jonathan to follow before he opened the door.
They had only just closed the door again when Officer Needs-A-Name came up from the cellar.
“Nothing to report, sir,” Julius said. “Just junk and a play space for the girl.” He jerked his head at the child and her stony-faced grandfather.
“I got nothing, either. On we go, then.”
He was as bored with these endless raids as the soldiers were, Julius suddenly understood. And he didn’t really expect to find anyone. He shot Jonathan another warning look as he followed the officer, then, when the older man was out the door, dropped to his knees next to the girl, just for a moment, just to whisper, “Don’t worry about the goblin. I used to have one in my house as well.” Before she or the old man had time to reply anything, he rose and followed the others out of the house.
Nettle Patch’s full title was “Out of the Nettle Patch into the Brambles” (no connection to The Bramble Prince, though), and it was supposed to be a fantasy story in which a bunch of farmers and craftspeople (just normal people, who do not turn out to be secretly royalty) save the world from some sort of supernatural threat... except I never really figured out what the threat was supposed to be, so it didn’t really go anywhere. So the whole thing is kind of a mess consisting of lots of backtracking and notes to myself and typos (again, unedited NaNoWriMo) but I liked the bit where a very shy teenager who is totally not a self-insert gets volunteered for the Quest.
His mother sat down beside him, and poked him with a sharp elbow. “Sit properly,” she reminded him sharply but quietly, and he slowly unfolded himself from his preferred posture, with knees pulled up to his chest and arms wrapped around them, and crossed his legs like everyone else was doing.
“Well, Denneb,” his mother said. “These fine folks here are heading off across the mountains to find some lady that stole something from the temple, and they are going to need some help – they don’t speak the language, of course, and they also don’t know much about finding food in the forest, or about sleeping out of doors, like you do, so I thought it would be lovely if you went with them to help them. And it would be good for you to see a bit of the world, too – you can’t spend all of your life up here with your grandfather. I mean, I would prefer it if you just came down to visit us all a bit more often, and went to the village like everyone else, instead of sending you away, but if that’s what it takes to get you to come out of your hood a bit, then so be it. And how will you ever find someone to marry, if you always hide up here? You can’t marry a bear or a tree or something. And you’re really of an age to start looking for a nice girl, or a nice boy I suppose, Mother knows this family produces enough children that there’d be a few for you and a husband to raise, if you’d rather have one of those than a wife. But a wife would be lovely, of course, so you could have babies of your own.”
“Wait, what is this? Why does Denneb get to go over the mountains and look for a wife?” Nonnol suddenly appeared around the corner of the house again, skewers with marmot meat in her hands. “I want to go over the mountains to look for a wife.”
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jungle321jungle · 4 years
Ten of Swords- Level Five: Good and Bad Ideas
The world of Swords of Power and Conquest was one Virgil dove head first into, giving his soul and life to the game. He would play whenever he could, and had even decided he wanted to go into game design. At times he had even dreamt of how wonderful it would be to be inside that world for even a moment- until that world became his reality.
The familiar world he had come to love was now a foreign prison, one with no way out.
Taglist: @angels-and-dreams @ollyollyoxinfree @gattonero17 @chumo-cookie @dreaming-always @anxiety-ismy-name @mrbubbajones @janustheliar @why-do-you-care
Ao3 - Masterlist
Level Five: Good and Bad Ideas
To be quite fair a duel was probably the dumbest idea he could have possibly ever had. If they were just talking swords themselves Logan had the upper hand. Sabers were fast and quick, the complete opposite of Virgil’s dadao. Sure he had practiced with it and he certainly was fast enough to fight a monster, but against a skilled player like Logan, he wasn’t so sure. Then there was Logan’s ability to read him on top of all of that- and he was a higher level too. So really the only thing Virgil had on his side were his skills. His skills... his skills which he was still perfecting... this was truly really a horrific idea wasn’t it? Why had Dee let him do this?
Virgil’s gaze glanced over to Dee who was meanwhile still convincing Patton this was a good idea.
“Backing out?” Logan hummed.
Virgil shook his head, “Just wondering if they’re too close.”
“I see. And your assessment?”
Virgil resisted the urge to call the older man an ass in reply.  “They’re fine. Traditional rules?”
“Traditional rules are fine. I wonder if the game still has the duel feature or if we’ll need to time it ourselves.” As Logan paused to scroll through his menu Virgil was still trying to determine how the hell he could beat Logan.
He was also failing at determining how to beat Logan.
Virgil gave a mental scream of frustration. He had proposed this idea to get Logan to loosen up and work with the rest of them, and maybe better understand skills- but he wasn’t sure he could draw the match out that long.
“Ah! It is here.”
Virgil forced himself to take a deep breath as he got into a ready stance and drew his weapon. He could do this. Being evasive was his specialty. He knew how to avoid mobs of players to steal from under their noses, so he could avoid Logan long enough for the other player to be pissed off. Somehow he would manage to be okay. He had escaped the tyren pack on the way to the Tavern with nothing (with Dee’s help) he could definitely do this! Well... maybe. Probably. Most likely...  hopefully.
The moment the duel began Logan was rushing him. Virgil held in a screech as he dodged and god did he hate that smug look on Logan’s face. Dodging would do him no good. He jumped back to put some distance between them but as Logan lunged in he quickly stepped and turned. Logan didn’t hesitate to pivot and strike again but this time Virgil had turned his large blade on the side to act as a shield as he moved. It was a risky thing, holding a two handed sword with one in this manner- but the only advantage Virgil could possibly have over Logan was his strength stat. Given his naturally heavier weapon he needed to put his points into strength, while Logan had focused elsewhere. He backed up again holding the sword in one pained hand while touching the flat part with the palm of his other. And this time when Logan pressed in, Virgil shoved back with all his might. It wasn’t much- not at all. But it was enough to catch Logan off guard causing him to stumble and give Virgil an opening.
His arm was straining from the weight but even so Virgil swung towards Logan’s unguarded torso. For a second Virgil thought he could land a strike. For a moment he thought he could at least land a single strike on his perfect opponent. Just for an instant.
Just as Virgil’s blade should have been smashing into Logan’s ribs- a forceful parry sent shockwaves down his arm causing the weapon to slip from Virgil’s fingers. He didn’t even have time to draw his back up knife before Logan’s sword tip was at his throat. “I understand now,” he said simply. “it is very much like muscle memory.”
“I told you!” Remus shouted from the side.
Virgil bit back a retort. “Congrats.”
“Your strength stat must be quite high,” Logan commented sheathing his blade. “But it could be higher, as could your stamina.”
“I’ll win next time.”
Logan's face didn’t change. “No you won’t.”
“Hello sir, would you like to browse my shop?”
Roman gave Virgil a glare. “You know I hate you right? You know well I just left to get something.”
Virgil blinked. “Hello sir, would you like to browse my shop?”
“Yes!” Roman shouted in annoyance.
Virgil wasn’t fazed as he unlocked the door to allow Roman inside the meeting room but he stayed out. While he did truly want to know what was going on with the intel Dee had gotten, more people had found their way to the Tavern in his absence and they needed to be sold weapons.
“Anthony!” Someone called. “I’d like to shop!”
“I'm very sorry, but the Owner has closed my shop for a private meeting.” He gestured to his right. “But I have some of my new items right here. Would you like to browse?”
“Hell yes.”
Virgil was quite frankly thankful when he was allowed to stop playing NPC for the night. The moment he was through the shop door he sunk into the nearest open chair. “Why is this more exhausting in person?”
“Because when it was on the computer you could multitask,” Dee answered easily.
Virgil gave a sigh, “Where’d you send the others to?”
“Patton’s asleep upstairs, Logan is checking on a loose thread to our lead, and the twins are coordinating with some other players to see if it’s even possible to move forward with construction.”
“For what? I wasn’t here during your little meeting, remember?”
“I want to go all in on a new business venture,” Dee started. “We take this from a tavern, to an inn. But to do so we need more space. We could pay other players for construction, and then when it’s up and running we can charge less than the game inns. And we can also encourage trade.”
Virgil gave a frown, “How long have you been thinking about this?”
Dee gave a chuckle, “A few days. But I had been thinking before that if we are going to do raids for the swords we will need a whole lot of money to fund that and we aren’t a guild with that sort of reserve. So I came up with this idea. I figure we get started with our lead and we have people building while we are gone. I’m sure the players who have been sleeping on the floor will help in return for a bed too.”
“You are always doing so many things at once.”
“I guess,” he shrugged. “If this works out we can expand your shop too. I can hire people to work in your place while we travel. But...”
“I guess I should ask if you’re okay with all of this. We built this together after all.”
Virgil rolled his eyes. “Of course I’m fine with it. Why wouldn’t I be? Your crazy scheme to build this place worked so why would I protest expansion? I mean you’ll get a ton more secrets to sell this way.”
“By the way... why did you agree to this in the beginning? This could have very well been a horrible mistake.”
Virgil gave a shrug, “Well initially we had just been looking for a place to build a house for us instead of paying for an inn so I didn’t care. But then when you came to me with this scheme I thought it was crazy. But I also thought if there’s any chance in it working, that you’d be the one who could do it. So, I just trusted you.”
“That’s insane.”
“I guess. But it’s not like we spent a ton of real world money on this so I didn’t mind. Finishing the quests to get the materials we needed was fun all in all.” Virgil gave a slight smile. “And I still remember how you used to scream at the NPC who built things because it didn’t customize right. You kept going on and on like it could understand you.”
“I wanted things to be perfect,” Dee grumbled.
“I know, I know. But you know to this day you still haven’t told me how you managed to get your hands on a guilds teleport point for this place.”
“I’m still sworn to secrecy on that.”
Virgil gave a chuckle, “Sure whatever.”
They lapsed into a comfortable silence just listening to muffled the sound of talking from the main floor.
“Did it really hurt that badly?” Dee asked him suddenly.
Virgil raised an eyebrow, “Hm?”
Dee gave a sigh as he hung his head to look at the table. “Dying I am mean... I know it’s been a while since, but- but I never knew how to ask.”
Virgil hadn’t realized he had been smiling until it slipped from his face at the question. He looked back to Dee’s concerned gaze and gave his friend a slight smile. “Yeah... it did, and then some.”
“Are- are you okay? You... you did die.”
Virgil took a deep breath and looked at the ceiling above him. “I... yeah. Yeah I am.”
Without looking Virgil could tell Dee didn’t believe him, but it was true. Dying had been the worst thing he had ever experienced and yet... somehow he was okay. He wasn’t great or even good, the pain has shaken him to his core. He wasn’t bad either, he didn’t have nightmares or think much of it strangely. So yeah in this moment at least, he was okay.
Logan didn’t come back till early morning, but apparently his news was important enough that Virgil found himself being woken up. He sat up blearily and rubbed at his eyes as Logan spoke before he shook Dee beside him.
“We now know for certain which group has the Sword of Stone,” Logan started when they were all sitting on the bedroom floor.
“Who?” Patton yawned.
“Shadow Dawn.”
“Fuck no,” Roman said loudly.
“Roman,” Patton chided. But the other player didn’t seem to have heard.
“Let’s start elsewhere. I don’t want to deal with them at all.”
“We don’t have any other leads,” Logan frowned.
“Ignore him,” Remus said, rolling his eyes. “They’re one of the many he fucked over.”
“I did not!” Roman yelled back. “They screwed me over!”
“Didn’t you try to steal a commander’s armor after claiming his play style wasn’t fit for it?” Virgil asked in confusion. “And then when he did change it they lost a war because he longer had the underlying skills for it?”
“I-I mean yeah! But- but they left me stranded in a mine!” Roman yelled back.
“After you did all of that to them.”
“W-what do you even know!?”
Virgil gave a slight shrug, “Well I’m a fan of yours... and I used to have a friend in the guild.”
“I’m not doing this,” Roman declared.
“No one is asking you to,” Dee replied. “You don’t have to do anything other than be a good diversion.”
Logan nodded in agreement. “Agreed. I suggest we start with diplomacy and send the twins to speak with them. If it doesn’t work we move to the second part. Virgil, Patton, and I can offer services to them.”
“You three should go ahead of Roman and Remus. Might seem too suspicious otherwise.”
“Wait Virgil can’t go,” Roman put in. “Won’t he be recognized? Anthony is pretty easy to remember no? Won't people make the connection to the NPC?”
“I use a different avatar skin as an NPC and I hide my level and player icon with a few glitches I’ve fostered,” Virgil assured him. “So people usually just assume I’m boring because of it and leave me be.”
“...You make that sound like a good thing.”
“And if anyone figures it out I can usually just offer them a good deal to pretend they don’t. It’s easy really.”
“Why was this so time sensitive again?” Remus yawned.
Dee gave a frown, “Isn't it obvious? We aren’t the only ones after the swords.”
“Who else is?” Patton asked worriedly.
“Not sure just yet. But other people have been poking around and soon enough they’ll make the same connections we are. We need to get the Sword of Stone first.”
“But then is it really a good idea to ask Roman and Remus to talk to them? Isn't a surprise better?”
“But if they say yes and join us Patts then we got a whole ass guild on our side,” Remus answered, laying down. “We might only need to sacrifice Roman.”
Roman opened his mouth to most likely shout at his brother, but Remus had already fallen back to sleep. He gave an eye roll. “This is still a bad idea. SD will shoot me on sight.”
Logan didn’t bat an eye, “You have enough gold for revival.”
Roman gave a groan and collapsed onto the floor. “This is gonna suck.”
Level Four - Level Five - Level Six
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alchemist-shizun · 4 years
Word Count: 7058
Characters: Virgil, Janus, Roman, some original background characters
Pairing(s): Anxceit, platonic prinxiety
Warning(s): self-loathing, fire, death mention, wound mention, crying
Summary: It wasn't that exasperated move they did back in the woods, but more of a caring one, like they were carrying the most precious thing in the world to them. He did feel like he was, to them, their tenderness made him believe it with one quick glance.
A/N: Just so you know, the depiction of the mythical Hamingja is partly accurate, 80% completely made up for plot point. Basically most of this has been invented. I don't know if the hamingja title is an exact translation from Norwegian so I apologize, I tried. Anywho this is a super late present for @deetheimposter 's bday because I'm v slow and this took surprisingly a huge amount of time. Hope whoever decides to read it likes it! (Janus uses neutral pronouns here)
There had never been a better time.
A low translucent mist still hovered above the dark blades of grass during the passage between night and day; the towering moon was lending some of its light so that the two lone heroes could continue their journey.
« According to the directions we were given in the last village, the so called “Molten Stone” should be just ahead. » Roman indicated right in front of himself, glancing back to his journey partner, Virgil, who was a few steps behind checking for any unwanted surprises.
« How does a molten stone even look like? »
« That's the take, friend. » he offered with a grin. « Don't think with your mind. »
Virgil started to ponder what else could there possibly be that he could think with as they ventured further in the forest.
He could see the mist quickly attaching to his boots and becoming tiny droplets of condensed air.
His feet followed Roman relentlessly, yet there was other stuff in his mind: less than an hour earlier or so, he had felt like something had been off. Virgil kept looking around for proofs and, with every turn, it was as if he caught a glimpse of some kind of entity following them.
Trying to shake the feeling off, he couldn't help but hear his  family's voices reprimanding him in his head.
You're just paranoid, they would say, you're being overly vigilant, loosen up your shoulders.
His body tried to relax at best, releasing the tension in every reachable muscle, until the two friends stopped in front of a large body of water.
« This is it. » Roman trustingly affirmed.
Virgil glanced at the scene and slowly nodded, pursing his lips. « Yeah. A huge lake. Cool view, where's that rock now? »
His friend chuckled. « Right here! Don't you get it? »
Roman gestured to the water, so that the other could indulge further in his own inspection.
Virgil observed the water and realized what an odd optical illusion the lake's surface made mixed with the fog and the light shining from the- what?
Why were there warm coloured lights coming from the water?
Then he saw it.
A yellow eye disappeared behind a tree on the other side of the lake; Virgil took Roman's arm without breaking eye-contact from the tree. It was their silent understood signal to maintain carefulness, looking at each other's back.
« I don't trust this place. » Virgil murmured, his eyes wider than ever. « Are you sure they gave you the right- »
« Have at you! »
Virgil turned around to see his friend with his arm extended and his sword drawn, the pointy end right under their probable adversary's chin.
They didn't look … confident. Rather, they looked absolutely terrified, maybe even panicked: they held their hands up, their body slightly drawn backwards, eyes fixed on the blade and teeth bared. There was especially a sort of aura surrounding them, glowing in the same yellow pigmentation he had seen on their eye previously.
He only offered an intimidating expression as Roman did the rest.
« State your presence. Why were you following us? »
The person sighed and shook their head. « You have my entire purpose horribly mistaken- »
« Cut to the chase. » Virgil ordered.
They shifted their look onto him, as if they had just noticed him. « Alright then, if that's what you want. » they took some steps back and opened their arms, locking eyes with the other boy.
« It's an utmost delight to finally meet you as well, Roman Kallis. They call me Janus, I am the Hamingja that has been assigned to your generation years before your birth. You have reached the proper age for me to manifest to you and accompany you through your journey. » Janus bowed theatrically and rose only to be met with Roman's aghast expression and Virgil's … well, one thing for sure, the guy didn't trust people that easily.
« I had heard about you. » Roman recalled. « My relatives used to tell a surprising amount of tales of their quests and they would always mention you. »
« That doesn't mean we can immediately trust this … » Virgil hesitated.
« Oh, I'm an angelic being. »
« … That doesn't mean we can trust this angel. » he finished, glaring at the guardian as they smirked.
Roman pushed his friend's arm slightly. « Oh shush. So! » he approached Janus with stars in his eyes. « Are you about to take me towards important victories? Lead me to some conquerings? »
They blinked and took one step back as the boy started to invade their personal space. « More like accompany you. I normally manifest in your dreams, but I can show up here as well now. Just remember: the Norns take the final choice. »
Roman nodded seriously, while his friend wasn't yet entirely convinced.
« How are we sure you're who you say you are? »
« Virgil- »
A bright light started glowing around the angel as they levitated a few inches off of the ground. As they opened, their eyes shined a similar light.
You know anyone else that can do this?
The words echoed in his head while Janus's expression didn't change, his face still and blank.
They fell back on the ground after a few seconds.
« Are you in need of any more demonstrations? »
Virgil averted their eyes and turned around, silently resuming their journey as Roman sighed and apologized on his behalf.
That was going to be fun.
Roman fell to his knees as the umpteenth village fell victim to an enemy's raid.
Flames rose from every possible surface, burning both everything to its roots and Roman's eyes; he turned, his expression dull, then he nodded at the glimmering wolf by his side.
« Let's carry on. » he murmured, trying to get back on track while having constant flashbacks of the fight he'd just lost, not caring of any wound, although minor.
Janus shifted back to his anthropomorphic form, about to disappear from the human eye, when a hand grabbed their wrist and they were forced to slow down and stay out of Roman's hearing.
« Doesn't Hamingja mean happiness? » Virgil looked right ahead of himself. « Because I'm not seeing any kind of happiness ever since you came here. »
« Please keep in mind that I do not choose the course of events, I only make sure that Roman's luck functions the way it should. »
He exhaled deeply through his nose; they mentioned luck plenty of times, but he sure as hell didn't see any fortunate events happening.
« Why isn't it functioning then? »
Janus looked over to the boy. « He looks alive to me. »
Virgil stopped dead in his tracks and stared at them. « You can't be serious. »
« I work with what I have. » Janus's eyes furrowed. « I'll have you know I do not find it pleasing to have my ways questioned. » with that, they were gone, leaving Virgil fuming with rage and yet repressing it for the sake of his friend.
He did not like them. Or their ways.
Something was wrong.
It was getting ridiculous.
Roman had never been the luckiest man alive, but once he had been made aware of his conditions, he had started to become more careful about his every decision, and thus his every consequence.
So he noticed all his failures ten times more than usual.
What was the purpose of a guardian if there was no way to protect him? Was he overthinking it?
Or … had he expected way too much out of Janus?
He put his face in his arms which were resting on the wooden table of his parents' kitchen. He had come back for a scheming meeting between other relatives, but he couldn't keep his mind off of the numerous defeats he had been bearing for a while.
« There needs to be a way out of it. » Virgil stepped away from the kitchen's door and turned back to Janus who was standing in front of the fireplace, nourishing the fire with a spell. « Some sort of magic? An enchantment? »
The hamingja pondered the question.
A way to deviate the Norns themselves …
« It is highly risky. » they admitted, stepping closer to the other. « But not impossible. »
« How risky? »
« Deadly. » they looked into his eyes and detected both fright and curiosity. « It's technically quick and painless- »
« I'll do it. » Janus raised an eyebrow at him. « Whatever it is, I'll do it. »
Such determination for a mere friend.
They raised a hand towards his chest and pressed against it, Virgil felt like they were trying to take something from him like they could take his soul out of thin air.
Was he about to die? The famous life for a life deal?
Then, like nothing happened, Janus stepped away.
True, he felt slightly more tired, but nowhere near the deadly zone.
Seeing his appalled look, Janus provided an explanation.
« The only way to change someone's life is to make room for more time. What I did was take away a portion of time from your life for me to modify and add onto Roman's. »
« How much did you remove? »
« One month so far. »
« Make it a year. »
Virgil's look in his eyes didn't relinquish a slight bit of doubt. He stared and waited expectantly, ready to assist his friend with his own life more than needed.
« If that is what you wish. »
And so on.
Times upon times, their little unspoken secret grew behind Roman's back as events needed to be changed.
As time itself ran out, they kept adding a new amount, until little to none remained and the cycle repeated again.
If Virgil was willing to give his life for someone who saved his own, Janus was more than okay to satisfy both ends and make their protege as secure as possible.
Not that he knew any of that.
« May I ask you something? »
Another victorious battle had them exhausted and resting in the safest place they found in the woods: Roman's hamingja had offered to keep an eye out as they slept.
Virgil nodded to them as they got further away from the royal.
« Why do you give your life away so easily? » Janus studied him with deep interest as it was the only thing he didn't understand about him.
Only a couple of months had passed since their appearance, yet that guy still filled a big question mark in their mind.
« Well, I wouldn't have one if it weren't for him. » Virgil leaned back against a tree as the memories surfaced. « He just so happened to be around when my village caught fire during a raid and he saved my entire family. »
« This happened some years ago, I remember I told him I would've done anything since I owed him and he simply took out his sword and named me his fellow knight. »
Ever since then, they would have gone on journeys together, becoming the inseparable battling duo they were to that day, despite the many lost fights and the very little body count.
« So yeah, all those years you took off of my life to help him, I do owe him those, thus I don't mind dying prematurely. »
« Those what? »
The two turned around abruptly and found the subject of their conversation right behind them, one thing only to be read on his face: dolence.
Roman scoffed. « I should've realized. Everything was going just too good. » he looked down and murmured. « Too good to be true. »
« Ro- »
« I can't believe both of you kept it from me. » he brushed his face with his hands as the others stayed silent. « You know what? If you really like to do things by yourselves, then so be it. »
He picked up his gear from the ground as Virgil approached him and reached out to him. « Roman, please. »
He turned around and backed away. « Don't you value your life?! Have you ever thought about how I'd feel about this? Can't I get a say in what happens to me? »
Virgil withdrew as well, too ashamed to add anything else.
« This isn't how I wanted to be guarded. » he added, he then stepped closer to Janus. « I hereby pass you up onto Virgil from now on. »
« Excuse me? »
« That's a thing that can be done, right? Like that time my uncle passed it onto my mum. »
Janus stammered in their thoughts. « Y-yes it can be done. »
Roman nodded before whispering a “then do it” and turning his back on both of them.
« I don't want you anymore. »
Without sparing them a last single glance, he ventured back into the opposite direction and disappeared like they had never met before.
Janus and Virgil shared a look, their entire purpose broken into little shards of failure.
« Just, » the latter pinched the bridge of his nose. « Do your thing. Vanish into thin air, whatever it is. I don't want to deal with you right now. »
Janus simply glared at him and started ascending, their eyes glowing a yellow light.
« Don't act like it's entirely my fault. » they said and then, in a second, they were gone.
And Virgil had never felt more alone.
He came to realize he was actually glad about loneliness.
Nothingness was the perfect place to hide from the significance of anything around you, the importance of whatever grieved your shoulders.
It blended into the quiet gratitude of acknowledging you can rest after a week-long journey in the loudest place on earth.
There was a single downside to that kind of attitude: averting.
Sure, the night sky told you all you needed was sleep and your issues would vanish in a tomorrow thought.
And so the cycle repeated until you ignored parts of yourself.
Virgil had been lost in the empty reality for as long as he’d started travelling alone. He knew it was getting unbearable for his stress, so much that it plagued his surroundings and his dreams as well.
It was during one of these that Janus decided to show up and set things right for once.
Not that it went exactly how he imagined it.
He had been able to trap Virgil inside a repetitive path of the all so familiar woods and, as he tried to wake up, he noticed he couldn’t. That’s when the snake that had been following him all that time shape-shifted into the hamingja.
« Are we going to talk about it anytime soon, or do I have to lurk in the shadows? »
It was already too much.
All Virgil could see was the pained expression on Roman’s face every time he looked at Janus, he was reminded of all his errors.
He couldn’t stand it. He hated it. He hated them.
Probably even himself.
« It would be far better if you just left. »
« Left? » Janus took a step forward, their eyes squinting. « You think I can simply disappear out of your life? »
« You seem to have been doing that pretty easily lately. »
« I have only tried to lessen your pain, » they followed as Virgil walked past them, into the unknown of that dream’s reality. « Yet you don’t let yourself be healed and keep bearing a grudge. »
Virgil halted and scoffed. « Bearing grudges? » he said « To me it’s always looked like, ever since you stated your presence, everything has been going horribly. Would you blame me for a grudge? »
As he turned away, he didn’t notice Janus not following or clenching their fists.
They just wanted to do something good for once. Why did that always happen?
« If you so much wish and intend on hating me, » the scenery changed, the two were now by the edge of a cliff. They reached Virgil and grabbed a handful of his clothes. « Then do it silently. » Janus pushed him off and the last thing Virgil saw of the dream was the hamingja staring down at him.
He woke up with a yelp and had the same scene in front of his eyes, only that it wasn’t a dream anymore, there, in the woods.
« Because, much to your chagrin, I’ll always be with you. »
Janus turned, walking away from his interlocutor.
Sure, run off like you always do.
Virgil heaved himself up with his elbows. « Like I ever even needed you. » He picked up his bag and let the sword rest at his side. « You came here, watched my friend be miserable, » he abruptly cut some bushes standing in his way. « Fucked up my life. » Another clean cut on plants around him. « But I should stay quiet. » He raised his voice. « I don’t need you! »
Virgil started marching toward an unknown destination, just like in the dream.
« I don’t need anyone. »
It had been a fairly uneventful week.
Virgil woke up, provided himself food, and carried on with his journey home, where he hoped he could’ve started anew, back to his family.
The truth was, he had no idea where he was going, he could’ve been walking in circles and he wouldn’t have known at all. He wanted to seek shelter in the nearest village, yet in a week there had only been the infinite forest.
Virgil kept walking, marking his surroundings so he could recognize them, were he to cross paths with them again.
There was a small clearing, where he felt drawn to the light of the day, it was almost a perfect circle on the ground drawn by the sun, a perfect place to lay down during that rather cold day.
Why not? It was so inviting.
There were mushrooms all around. Kind of like it had been there for some kind of purpose.
Virgil tilted his head to the sound of chirping birds. He was in the middle of taking a step forward when he felt a hand yanking him backwards from his cloak.
As he fell down, the image of Janus’s eyes piercing through him was displayed before him yet again.
Are you serious?
« What is your deal?! »
« Get up. » He looked as they had the audacity to simply walk away without another word.
Virgil was already fuming. « Would you mind providing an explanation to your sudden visit? » He asked, clearly annoyed, after catching up with them.
Janus stopped and turned with a smug look. « You said you don’t need me. You were about to get killed. »
« Killed? »
« That you were about to step into was a fae circle. Once in, you’re doomed. Never dare to do so. »
What a stupid move, how could he not remember? He had always been extra vigilant about this sort of thing.
Janus saved him?
« Don’t think too much of it. » It was as if they had read his mind. « I’m looking out for you to fulfill what Roman asked me to do. »
This time, the hamingja had decided to stay.
Their journey together had been silent. Way too silent not to seem impossibly awkward at first.
Virgil couldn't just stop replaying what had happened in his head, how Janus had been right there to stop him from certain death, how they had probably been watching him the whole time.
If that had been the case, why didn't they point him towards a useful direction?
Hours passed and they were already leaving the sunset behind themselves, not stopping until they had found the perfect spot to rest for the night; weren't it for humans' weakness, Janus would've travelled for the entirety of the night.
Virgil was still wondering why they hadn't left him to die yet. They could've gone back to Roman, after pretending his death had been wanted by destiny.
« Why are you so keen on guiding me if you detest me as well? » he was sitting against a tree, like any other time he stopped for the night.
« You really don't get it, do you? » Janus sat down in front of him. « I have to follow what the Norns have in store for you. If they did not intend on you dying so soon, I have to protect you. I'm bound. Or else, I'll go against them. »
« What happens if you do? »
Janus had their eyes fixed on the ground, frowning like an unpleasant memory had resurfaced in their mind.
« I get thrown in the Ginnungagap for daring. »
So they were stuck together, huh?
« Don't worry, I'll pass you up onto someone else as soon as I find a village an- »
« You want to get rid of me so badly, don't you? » Janus shook their head, exasperated. During his time alone, Virgil hadn't changed an ounce.
The boy tried to reply, rephrase at best, thinking those were Janus's actual feelings, but he was cut off rather quickly. « You want me out? I'll leave you out. »
Virgil caught himself asking them to wait, not exactly sure as to why he was.
Just as they left, the fire they had made had been put out, any light flicker ceased. Everything that felt nice left him in the complete void, alone and miserable.
« Okay. » Virgil quietly got to his feet trying to adjust his vision to the dark he so much hated. « Okay, I'm sorry. » he rapidly looked behind his shoulders as he heard the creaking of leaves way too close.
Fright and anxiety pervaded him: he disliked the dark, he hated it. Void was part of the quiet and peaceful nothingness, but it was no refuge for him, rather one of monsters that his mind created. He wanted out.
A glimmering of hopefulness.
« Janus? » he called, eyes darting in every direction. « It's not funny, please. » he retreated back to the tree trunk, arms folder close to his chest forming some sort of shield.
And so hope came.
He was lifted off his feet, suddenly mid air and watching down as an unidentified creature jumped out of the bushes in an attempt to catch a new prey.
When he looked up, still wide-eyed, he was met with the hamingja's face again, who was holding him close and away from certain death. Again.
« The truth is, Virgil, » it was only then that he noticed how his glowing spirited eyes actually sparkled up close. « You're going to get yourself killed if you stay out here alone. »
Virgil pondered their words for a short minute as they descended and he was finally put down. « What if you told me of all the possible dangers then? I won't bother you. »
How stubborn could one be?
Janus put their hands on their face. « Stop making this only about you. I'm here and we need to work together. »
That … actually was a good point.
« I just … don't want to be perceived as an inconvenience. » they confessed; Virgil had no idea where that opening up to him came from, but he decided to accept it nonetheless.
« I guess I'm going to make an effort. »
They nodded, prompting that the conversation was over so he could go back to sleep.
« It's not that I hate you. » Virgil murmured, his eyes already closed. « I only didn't want to forcibly take away something from Roman along with our friendship. »
Janus stared at him only to go back to stand guard a few feet away.
« Sleep. » they repeated, voice softer. « You're going home tomorrow. »
« Could you stop walking so fast? »
« When you stop being too slow to catch up. »
« Excuse you I am not the eldritch being that learnt the paths by heart. »
Janus stopped walking at once, making their journey companion crash onto them, trip and fall backwards.
Virgil held his face which had hit the other's back. « What the Hel was that for? »
Janus chuckled and kept walking. « Stop complaining. »
I'm going to murder them.
Very regretfully, Virgil got back to his feet and made the other roll their eyes at his heavy mad stomping on the grass.
They could see an opening not too far away from them. Just a few more meters and …
A vast grey-ish blackness stood before them, any solid shape remaining from the boy's village was crumbling down to ashes, white and black and grey again, flying around and falling at Virgil's feet, almost accusatory.
Why weren't you here?
His legs felt heavy as lead, dragging themselves forward in hopes to find what he had lost without return. He was standing in the middle of the burnt down village, of what was left of his only home, the place he knew he belonged, the family he left without protection.
Janus waited, not wanting to interfere with his emotions but still feeling a sharp heart-clench with every move Virgil made in the middle of that decaying necrosis.
They strongly intook breath as Virgil sat down facing them, their eyes locked only that his were dull.
« I'm home. » he said on the brink of tears, aware that his voice was about to get crushed by the weight of his silent crying.
He hid his face between his arms, slightly shaking. Why did he not prevent that? Why wasn't he noticed? He had just been wandering around with his nonsensical issues while his family had been defending their village from an attack, probably dying by it.
He didn't want to think about the worst scenario yet.
As Virgil sorted out how to cope with the sky falling on top of his head, Janus went to do a quick scan of the area: no bones, no charred corpses, a good omen of everyone fleeing before it was too late.
They slowly approached Virgil, making their presence clear before sitting down by him. They rose their arm, their hand almost touching his shoulder, then decided against it.
The real issue was finding the right words. Even when so many disgraces had happened already throughout Janus's experience as a hamingja, it was always hard to console their protege at best.
« They're alive. » they announced, unsure of what else to properly add. « I … I could take you to the nearest village to figure this out. »
That took a reaction out of Virgil, who lifted his head enough to look at them, still hurt.
« Whenever you're ready. » they reassured, letting silence fall between them.
« Just give me a minute. » Virgil murmured.
Janus nodded, expecting him to sit there, simply waiting.
Instead, Virgil leaned on them, a silent ask for support, and they couldn't help but give it, slowly raising and arm to encircle him in a half-hug.
« Give me a minute … »
With the second week of travelling coming to a conclusion, Virgil's doubts started to rise.
« Are you sure this is the nearest village? »
On his side, Janus brought their hands together, in theatrical dismay. « Oh, Norns, I'm busted. My secret evil plan has been uncovered! »
He could kind of see why he had been paired with Roman's dynasty.
« Janus. Where are you taking me? »
They sighed in annoyance. « Can't stand surprises? »
« Not after the last one. »
And there it was, the grim aura laid back on their heads.
« We're going to an elven town I know. I deviated our actual course a little. » there was a beat of silence. « I know they're very friendly with strangers there and we could also take a small break and rest. After everything that happened. »
Virgil didn't have any complaint to make against that.
« Then, by all means, lead the way. »
Not even five minutes had passed, that Janus increased their pacing and started dragging Virgil by the arm, pointing towards an arch out of the woods.
« Look! »
The banner read “Faarion” and the town looked on with nature, while still being nicely urbanized.
A swarm of little elf kids immediately greeted them. « Mx. Janus! You brought a new human? » their attention was averted to Virgil, all curious wide eyes and expectant faces.
« Uh- »
« Yes, we're possibly going to stay a few days. Now, care to show him around while I go announce ourselves to Aerith? »
They unanimously nodded and brought Virgil along with them, introducing themselves as they took him places.
Virgil looked back at him with a single murderous glance that said “I'll get back at you”, while the hamingja smirked and waved goodbye.
It didn't take long to find the town hall.
« Glad to have you back, Janus. » a smiling long-haired elf had been checking out documents at her office table. « Taking your hero here already? »
They had been remembered for how they would bring their hero to the elven town when they knew the soul was about to head to either Hel or Valhalla.
« Lovely to see you Aerith. » they unceremoniously dropped on the opposite seat. « It's actually kind of complicated this time. »
She raised her head from the documents and looked in their yellow eyes with desire to know more. « An intriguing tale. Do tell, dear. »
Janus tried their best to summarize the last few months: they mentioned Roman, the mess they made along with Virgil, how Roman passed them onto him and left without any way to trace him back again.
And then the whole contrast with Virgil, how they couldn't get through to him.
« We got to his old village, but all we found were ashen ruins and burnt down houses. That's why I decided to take him here. »
« A wise choice, indeed. » she agreed, solemnly. « Although I must say, it doesn't sound like he dislikes you anymore, does it? » Janus tilted their head. « To me, it's more of a fear of losing you as well, thus he pushed you away before he could develop something. I'd say he found himself too late. »
They didn't quite comprehended what she meant by developing anything, but they had noticed Virgil had been less hostile, if not in a teasing way, during the past few weeks.
« I suppose so. » they muttered as their thoughts drifted away. « I only … I wish to not make a mess, now that I have the opportunity to do something good. »
« You mean … »
« Yes. » they cut her off. « He's my first hope so far in millennia and I want to take the chance. »
Aerith gifted them a fond smile. « Have you told him? »
« Not yet. » they shook their head. « But I plan to, here. »
She remembered there was a place reserved to them, they used to take their souls there and explain the tragic destiny they were bound to and its reason why.
All in all, it was always Janus's fault.
Aerith gave them a small group of keys. « Go then, dear. Get settled for the night. »
It was nearly completely dark outside when Janus got back to the town centre, only to find it fully decorated for the Rising Moon Festival they had forgot about.
« Mx. Janus! » one of that morning's kids took them by the hand and pulled them on the dance floor, simply swirly around.
« Hey Andiron. » they greeted. « Have you done your duty? »
« Yes! Virgil is a great listener! »
« Say, where is he? »
Andiron pointed to a spot in the back of the main plaza, where Virgil was hanging around by himself as everybody else had their celebration.
He did notice Janus reaching him.
« You survived. »
« I didn't know you lived here. »
They shrugged: it was typical of the kids to take everyone to the outside of their home. « Do you want me to show you around? We'll be staying here for a while. »
Janus sensed Virgil's discomfort with big crowds of people he didn't know; the boy acquiesced and together they keft the plaza and approached Janus's former habitation.
« Welcome to my humble refuge. » Janus bowed dramatically, which got a snort out of the human.
« You call this humble? I don't know why you would leave this. »
« Well, my parents used to live here, really. I'd be travelling around just like you. » they stepped toward the stairs.
« They … don't live here anymore? » Virgil tried, unsure of where eh was stepping with the conversation.
« They don't exactly live anymore. » they said, reaching the second floor and looking back at his companion. « It's not that bad, they're in Valhalla now. I could visit them if I wanted. »
He noticed the odd phrasing. « Do you want to? »
Janus breathed slowly, leading him to another room: it used to be their bedroom as a child, but what really enthused them was the terrace's view on the vast forest.
« I do. Kind of. But I know they'll ask me of my duties as guardian and … »
« You'd rather not? » Virgil followed them on the balcony and rested his arms on the railing.
Janus nodded. « This is why I should apologize. »
« To them? »
« No. To you. »
Virgil blinked repeatedly before turning his head to the hamingja, his eyes narrowed in confusion. « I thought we kind of settled it. »
« I don't mean our initial contrast. » they averted his eyes, rather looking down at the street lights adorning the darkness of the town. « My name isn't really Janus. I have a hamingja title that covers up what type of guardian I am and what type of destiny my humans are usually tied to. »
« My title is Sørgesang. »
They waited for Virgil to get it, they could almost hear the gears turning in his head. « Sad song? »
« Funeral chant. » they sighed deeply. « The meaning was explained pretty early, after the first few heroes that died horribly with me leading them towards inevitable death. » their body stiffened. « I … I'm apologizing because I ruined Roman's life simply by being destined to his dynasty, I'm like a curse among other hamingjas. We're usually protectors of good luck. I … don't know what went wrong with me. » they were gripping tight at the railing.
Virgil felt the urge to take their hands away, but decided against it a moment later. Maybe it's too anti-climatic?
« Didn't you tell me back then it's the Norns' work you're following? »
« Yes, but by assigning me to a family, my luck will affect the destiny they'll have once alive. » Janus started fidgeting, believing that, now that he knew he would keep trying to pass them onto someone else the quickest he could.
« So what you're trying to say is you're apologizing for your existence? »
That was the last thing they expected; they tried to retort something, but no argument felt good enough against his.
« Because that's what it sounds like. »
« I- Maybe I am, but what I really want to get to, is that I had never been lent or passed onto anyone else before. » they put their hands on his shoulders. « Virgil, you were never predestined to end up with me. This means my luck does not affect you and is not tied to your future. You're my only hope to prove I can lead someone to success. » they took his hands in theirs, trying to underline whatever they were getting at. « Just give me the opportunity. »
The moonlight illuminated the faint blush across Virgil's cheeks. « I … I will, okay. I'm sorry I misjudged you so easily at first. I hardly trust anyone. »
« That is a good quality. » Janus slowly let their hands fall at their side again, turning to look at the landscape.
I wouldn't trust myself either.
« Are those the woods we came from? » Virgil pointed towards the mass of trees that seemed to engulf the town.
They were about to respond, when instead Janus jumped off of the balcony and floated in the air in front of him, glowing like a firefly.
« Want to see for yourself? »
Virgil took the hand they offered, uncertain, and he got easily pulled up in the seemingly void. « Is this safe? » he asked, staring wide-eyed at the ground a huge amount of feet under them. « This is safe, right? » he gripped the other a bit tighter than needed.
Janus genuinely laughed as they flew to the roof of their home, placing them both on the gutters. The boy didn't stop hanging on their arm.
« If you look around yourself, you can see they're actually all around town. The one you're seeing now is the opposite direction from where we were going. »
« Mhm, definitely interesting. »
« Virgil, you're not going to die. »
« Says the one with flying powers. »
Janus got up and lifted the other by his arms. « You're not going to fall. »
« Yes I am. » Virgil blurted out, eyes darting between his only handhold and the garden they were above. Very much above.
« Don't look down. » Virgil was squeezing their hands like they could drop him any second. He obliged and was met with a soft smile. « There. You've got nothing to fear. »
Rather than dwelling on his concerns, Virgil was now lost in their expression and words, like he had been living in the dark and a new door had been opened up to him.
He took a deep breath and everything was lighter.
Perhaps because he had left all of his burdens on that roof for a while, or maybe because Janus had lifted them in the air again and they were holding him close, so they were sure he wouldn't fall.
It wasn't that exasperated move they did back in the woods, but more of a caring one, like they were carrying the most precious thing in the world to them.
He did feel like he was, to them, their tenderness made him believe it with one quick glance.
Before he knew it, his feet touched the grass, but one of his hands didn't leave the hamingja's as they walked.
« Let's get back to the festival. »
Virgil came to realize elf kids were actually the epitome of smartness, the type of cunning intelligent perfect to architect schemes.
On the other hand, Janus had already understood their intention, yet they let them do their thing, knowing it all came in their favour eventually.
A couple of kids had taken both of them to dance until the two inevitably ended up moving around the plaza together.
« What's on your mind? » Janus noticed how Virgil had been unusually quiet by the moment they clasped their hands together and started swirling around; not once their eyes had met as Virgil preferred to look down at his feet.
He muttered a simple “don't know”.
Janus leaned over him, whispering right in his ear. « Don't look down. »
Virgil tried to bite away his own smile, failing horribly: how could he not in such a situation?
Their foreheads met and he breathed in. « I was wondering … is this okay? » he tightened the grip on their hands as they kept dancing. « Is this alright? »
Could we be together?
They pulled him as close as their dancing let them, careful not to bother the others present. « Do me a favour, Virgil, close your eyes. »
As soon as he obliged, he felt a hand on his cheek, while the world seemed to slow down. He wasn't paying attention to where he was stepping anymore.
Virgil instinctively leaned onto the touch, letting the other lead him until he felt soft lips against his, stealing a short kiss he wished to melt into.
« Do you feel like it is alright? »
When he opened his eyes again and saw Janus's longing gaze, he was sure of one thing.
« More than ever. »
And it was going to be alright.
Months from then, they would've reconciled with Roman, who had now joined the crown's many expeditions and accepted his eventual terrible end, ready to face it after living everyday like it was the last.
At last, Aerith convinced them to stay and got their own little life in Faarion, where Virgil took up magic thanks to the alf seidr and Janus lending him some years of their immortal life.
And so they became the legend of the everlasting couple; some say, if you know where to look, you could still find them dancing in the dark of the night, singing to the stars and thanking the moon for bringing them together.
Everything was far more than alright.
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parasite-core · 3 years
So last night in pathfinder we all got our personal side quests (except Hiskaria, we learned where hers was but didn’t get to it. Instead she died. We’ll get to that.)
We started out in a fight in a hideout of Baphomet worshippers where we left off last week. Only as we went to attack, spiked chains erupted from the statue of Baphomet and a voice said that Baphomet had his fun already, now it was their turn. The chains embedded themselves into the cultists and forcefully transformed them into Kytons. Then a figured pulled himself out of the statue of Baphomet wielding a glaive at the end of a spiked chain. He referred to Melody as his cousin, then used the chains around the room to forcefully pull her in and separate her from us with a thick wall of chains. We had to fight the transformed cultists while Melody ‘danced the Dance of Macabre’ with Dirge, this being of Zon’Kuthon who claimed he wanted to ‘bring the families together’.
It was a struggle, and in the end Melody was brought down to death’s door. Dirge stepped down, and told Melody she needed to get stronger so next time she could complete their dance properly. Melody was confused because she thought he was there to kill her, but he said no, of course not, they were family after all. He healed some of her injuries, then disappeared into the wall of chains. The chains and the remaining kytons vanished. But the fighting wasn’t over. The rest of the hideout had heard the sound of combat and came to find out what was going on. Draven went toe to toe with an elemental that could suck the breath from you given the opportunity, while the others took care of the cultists who came in through the opposite door.
Then the head cultist, her eidolon, and her summoned babaus burst out of a collapsed hidden door in the status of Baphomet, and attacked Melody. Thankfully Melody dodged the attacks from the Eidolon and got out okay.
Then Hiskaria Phantasmal Killer’s the boss on a whim and ended the entire encounter because she didn’t think it would actually work, didn’t know she was a summoner and that it would remove basically every enemy in the room, but then it did 😂 So Hiskaria MVP.
A contingent of azers began fixing the temple led by The Spirit of Adoration, Shelyn’s herald himself, who greeted Melody, pleased to finally meet her. He gave Melody a boon, which unlocked knowledge within her. She wasn’t her parents’ mortal daughter—but a gift, the child of Shelyn and Desna, to the Allegro family as a final symbol of the Writ of Prosperity’s coming to fruition. Apparently the temple we’d cleansed had once been a temple of Shelyn, and was a first step on what he believed would be a journey of her leading her siblings on a glorious mission against the Worldwound demons. He wasn’t aware of the corruption of the Writ of Prosperity. When he pulled out the Writ, it was rotted and tattered. The Spirit feared the meaning of this, and even worse when he realized the Whisper of Souls may have made its way back to Kuthinite hands. He returned posthaste to Shelyn to report these findings.
We rested for the night at the temple, then headed back to town. We reported in to Irabeth, and decided to look into the rumors of a missing priest of Erastil. We followed the rumors of his erratic behavior and went to his desecrated temple where we found hints that he had gone to the tomb of a heretical former priestess who believed communities needed to remain smaller than 55 people—the 55th people would always be a traitor. The tomb was in a pit that was now filled with abyssal lava. The priest was sitting on the tomb, and said he could not made up for his actions and was going to put an end to it. Melody realized he was possessed, and began running and leaping across the field of lava to get to him in time. Luna and Draven who had fly cast on them followed after her, while Hiskaria followed at a distance, keeping him in her sights.
The possessed priest tried to make a run for the lava, but Melody grappled him and forced him still. Then she used the spell Cast Out to push the demon from his body. It was a Shachath, which cursed us for taking away its ‘fun’ by not being a captive audience for its ‘suicide’. Now it would have to kill us and wait for someone else.
Instead we fought it, until it was weakened to the point of fleeing. It teleported away. Only to be chomped up by the Woundwyrm while we were ascending the cliff with the unconscious priest.
We quickly fled before the Woundwyrm could decide we looked like a second good meal.
We left the unconscious fallen priest with Irabeth to be taken care of. Then we took care of any business we had in town, and decided that next up we should take care of the raiders who had been attacking our supply lines.
We were having a difficult time making our way through a petrified forest—until Draven’s mark started acting up. Leading the way, like a compass. That was foreboding, since to their knowledge there should have only been humans in the raiding parties, not any Deskari demons. Not to mention the range of the reaction.
Still, we followed, and we came upon the raiders’ fortress. The trees were cleared out for fifty feet in all directions, and carrion was set out for the vultures to lure them in, to act as an alarm system. Anyone to approach would get them squawking.
Luna, however, had the shadows on her side. She turned invisible and appeared in front of the door without disturbing the birds. The door was barred from the inside. She decided to make a bold move, and knocked. It was answered by a scared and tired looking raider. He warned her that she should leave, because if Marhokev caught wind of her they would have no choice but to kill her. The raiders were being forced to stay here by their leader, they just wanted to leave, but they had no choice but to continue following him.
Luna assured him that she had slipped past the birds, she had the shadows on her side, and she could deal with Marhokev and much worse. She asked if he could guide her and her friends to him. He warned that if it came to a fight, the raiders would have no choice but to fight against them. She promised they would be okay. He decided to believe in her. Then a voice echoed through the fortress, asking why he had opened the door. He made a quick excuse that he thought he’d heard something, and closed it.
Luna returned and told the party there was a change of plans, they were going to save the raiders from their boss and stop the raids that way. The party agreed. Hiskaria offered to teleport Draven across the field with dimension door, while Melody used her abilities to mimic Luna’s shadowy stealth as Luna made her way back over herself. In the end we made it back to the door without alerting the birds, and the raider let us inside. Once again the voice called out in suspicion, and this time the raider told him that he’d been wrong and they did in fact have visitors.
He brought them before a large man and his pet ice drake. The man, Marhokev, immediately locked eyes with Draven and took interest. Draven’s mark was burning. He referred to them as kin, and said he’d never met another with Lady Jerribeth’s blood before. Draven was extremely confused, saying he had to be mistaken. Marhokev said that no, not literally. But they had both made a wish, had they not? He asked Draven what he had wished for. Draven had no idea, although he was beginning to have a dawning realization. Marhokev laughed, realizing Draven didn’t remember. He told Draven about himself, that his family had lived in Mendev for generations, and he’d been stuck bearing demonic taint in his blood as a result. It had made him volatile, angry, and he’d had a difficult time making anything of himself in his own. Then Lady Jerribeth had come to him, and he jumped at the opportunity. He wished for power, and then he had it. Now he was unstoppable. But it sounded like when Draven was given the same opportunity he chosen to be weak. Still, he spread his arms wide and offered to Draven that he could join him. Draven refused, drawing his blade. Talking time was over.
Marhokev raged, turning into a twisted demonic form and going completely mindless in the process. Hiskaria turned and began firing on the drake—literally with scorching ray on her arrows. At the same time Melody took the matter of the other raiders in a…creative direction.
She decided to fascinate them. She began dancing. And she managed to keep it up for the entire round necessary without her concentration being broken, dodging attacks and keeping up concentration checks when she was hit, her beautiful ballet dance enthralling the raiders and taking them out of the combat.
Draven was in a slugfest with Marhokev. The barbarian was bouncing off his shield like a moth off a window, but Marhokev was healing with his rage powers more quickly than Draven could damage him (Draven isn’t a big damage dealer, he’s the tank and the healer, his damage output is minimal unless he crits). After Luna finished off the drake she and Hiskaria took some good hits on the barbarian. He lunged forward to try to hit Melody to snap his men out of their stupor, and when he did Draven went to stop him in his tracks—and put Radiance through his heart instead.
Marhokev fell to the ground. Melody finished her dance with a flourish. All was finished. Or it should have been. In his final moment, Marhokev’s marked hand ripped itself free of its socket and grapped Draven by the throat, crushing his trachea. He was knocked unconscious immediately. Melody was able to pry the strangling hand off of his neck, but the damage was already done—a second mark of Deskari had opened on Draven’s throat were the hand had grabbed. They healed Draven back to consciousness and explained what had happened, and what was now on his neck. Draven was not in the best of moods, being marked a second time, especially in such a noticeable place. He and Hiskaria are neck scar buddies. He’s going to probably take her up on the offer of a scarf, although he’s currently wearing a bandage around it. But that’s very constricting and he doesn’t like it.
As they went through Marhokev’s things, they found an unholy symbol of Baphomet with Lady Jerribeth’s name carved in it in abyssal. When Draven held it he felt strangely calm and at peace. When he realized this he threw it across the room and said they needed to sell it to the church to destroy it. He also got a nat 20 on a will save right afterwards that I am soooooo curious about. He really *really* should have had someone do a spell craft check on it and I’m going to roll an intelligence check when he’s calmed down a little to see if he thinks to ask Hiskaria or Arushelae about it but that just made him very uncomfortable and he wanted nothing to do with it at the time.
Speaking of Arushelae. While we were sleeping at the raider’s place, Luna got a dream from the risen Succubus, giving us her location and the fact the bounty hunters were in her tail. She told Luna she was the one who had saved her as a teen, and she was looking forward to meeting her.
Luna woke us all up violently that morning and told us we were going because we had to move it, we had to get to Arushelae ASAP. Upon hearing what Luna had to say, we were in agreement. Draven prepared marching chant to help us move double time, and we made our way.
It would have been an easy straight shot two day travel.
Except the Woundwyrm decided to come out and play.
It swooped down and breathed entropic acid on us before we knew what was happening. Suddenly we were burning in acid and two of us were confused. Thankfully the confusion only lasted for one round.
Unfortunately it only lasted for one round because after that the Wyrm was sucking us into its gullet. Melody went straight into its stomach, while Hiskaria and Draven ended up right up in its face. Luna had been farther back and just ended up pulled forward.
Luna flanked it and began laying in, Draven activated Holy on Radiance and also went on the offensive. Hiskaria did something new for her and did a regular touch attack since she was right in its face. Chill touch went off, infusing it with negative energy.
In the wyrm’s stomach, Melody used a mythic point to cast Spiral Descent and teleported out, escaping safely.
In the air, we decided since Melody was out and we were doing good now, we might as well finish slaying the dragon since it had been so kind as to come to us. Hiskaria pulled a cool maneuver when the Woundwyrm got a nat 1 on its swallow attempt in which she landed and forced its mouth to stay opened with her bow drawn pointing into its throat. Then she blasted it, Luna chopped at it, and Melody finished it off with a Dragoon leap in the air, skewering it.
And then we discovered its hoard was in its stomach. So now we’re loaded up on dragon gold and platinum~
Once we finished shoving everything in both our bags of holding, we continued our way to trying to save Arushelae. With a boon—Melody and Draven had gained a mythic rank since they both defeated the Woundwyrm and completed their personal quest. Luna, we figured, was likely just around the corner since she had a personal connection to Arushelae. Which leaves Hiskaria and the strange metal creature roaming around attacking our scouts.
We arrived to the place from Luna’s dream. Outside were two drakes with incubus riders, who hadn’t noticed us yet. Luna went invisible and teleported up behind them on the wall. From that vantage point she was able to see strange maggot monsters infesting the courtyard below, unable to get into the tower above which seemed to be warded—apparently where Arushelae was barricaded.
Hiskaria hasted is then ran from cover to get into position to start firing. Luna attacked the drake’s rider. Draven ran from cover and shot an arrow of law at the incubus as well—since historically he’s had really good luck with that spell and incubi. Unfortunately this one didn’t immediately merc him like it did the last one. Melody climbed onto the wall and began stabbing at the maggot creatures below.
Then a large hag, a huge bladed spider, and a buzzing swarm summoning insect demon appeared. The hag went invisible after noting that Xanthir Veng had been right that we would show up to try to save the risen succubus. One incubus rider fell to Luna. The huge spider could smell Luna even though she was invisible and went after her. The drakes and the remaining rider went after Draven and Hiskaria, as did a number of summoned swarms of hornets. The incubus dispelled Draven’s haste and good hope, while the riderless drake took a snap at him.
Hiskaria took out the second rider and the drake nearest her. The one nearest Draven fled farther into the facility to wait for a better opportunity to strike, surviving an attack of opportunity for Luna and avoiding one from Draven that would have forced it to quit moving.
Draven went after the swarm summoning insect—as Luna was invisible and he couldn’t see how badly she was hurt. Melody was trying to get See Invisibility off to see the hag, but she failed her concentration check while the maggot creatures were harrying her. Luna was invisible, injured, had some kind of rot taking hold of her, and then the spider ripped away her armor. She had a choice—flee and try to heal, or take a gamble and try to take it out in one final flurry of attacks. She chose the later. She hit three times, one was a crit, the spider died and then some. Luna lived to see another day.
Hiskaria was less lucky. She decided to try the trick she’d used on the summoner on the insect—Phantasmal Killer. It succeeded on its save. And it had telepathy. So it reflected her spell back at her. She failed her will save. She surged—it failed. She failed her fortitude save by too much to surge.
Hiskaria saw a visage of one of her friends who’d died in the accident she’d caused, reach out and pull a reactor core from her chest where her heart should be. “It *was* your fault.” He told her. And then she felt her body disintegrating like theirs had.
Her last words were “I know.”
What Draven and Melody saw was just Hiskaria cast a spell, and then the insect reflect it back and Hiskaria go rigid, before collapsing dead.
“And once again someone you care about succumbs to the embrace of death, Commander Imani,” the demon buzzed at Draven as he looked on in horror, barely processing the demon’s taunting words that normally would have cut so deep.
He had to hurry.
He leapt from the wall, ignoring as the insect’s stinger drove into his back. He stumbled and ran to Hiskaria’s side and swore at her that she had better have been right.
Because some time back, she’d told him that maybe he could use the wardstone’s mythic power to bring back the dead, even though he wasn’t a strong enough caster to use resurrection magic yet. So he empowered his strongest healing spell with his mythic power and tried to heal her, and tried to do the impossible and pull her back from death with his cure critical wounds. And it worked.
She opened her eyes.
Draven was crying and he could have kissed her if he didn’t have more self control and a battle to fight and a lot of other reasons not to too. But he definitely hugged her tightly when the battle was over because he almost lost someone important to him again.
Just then, however, it was time for some pest control. Draven and Hiskaria teamed up on the insect demon, and between Draven’s holy sword and Hiskaria’s arrows and spells, they finally got rid of the thing.
At the same time, the hag had broken through the barrier surrounding the tower Arushelae was in. The risen succubus had been raining arrows down on the battlefield this entire time on our enemies, but now she was having to fight up close with the hag. And holding her own quite well honestly. Melody climbed her way up into the tower and Luna teleported in, appearing invisible behind the hag. Draven was just flying Hiskaria over the tower wall when the hag’s head was sliced clean off. Because Luna’s the executioner, bitch.
We all convened in the tower and did some major healing. Then when the forbiddance was put back up we all minus Hiskaria convened in the tower because unfortunately her alignment is still NE so she had to wait outside, because her penances weren’t complete. We hung out by the door to keep talking to her.
Arushelae caught up with Luna some, and when asked why she’d saved her as a teen, she said it was a long story that would be easier to show all of us in a dream. She’d found bracers in this tower that let her share dreams with others, so if we went to sleep, she could give us a vision. It’s how she’d given Luna the location of this place.
She also gave Luna a boon, helping with her intelligence—something Luna liked because it helped with her assassination abilities.
After going to sleep, they did indeed dream. They dreamed of Arushelae’s time before, when she was a true succubus, and she’d fed upon a cleric of Desna whom she’d spent many years getting close to and toying with before finally feeding on her in a night of passion. She’d in a moment of curiosity decided to see what the dying woman was dreaming of, as succubi don’t dream. So detected thoughts on the woman, and delved into her dreams. She was charmed by the strange wonders of the dreamscape. Then she tried to leave when she’s had enough—but she couldn’t. The connection had been severed, and she was trapped in a dying woman’s mind. And in the sky of the dream the stars formed a butterfly mask. Desna’s eyes looked down upon the demon who had drained the life from her cleric. There was anger there. But also curiosity, because Arushelae had done something no other of her kind ever had—she’d shown curiosity for the land of dreams, and felt wonder for what lie within it. Desna reached out, and reawakened the remnants of the human soul that made up Arushelae’s being.
All at once she felt human emotions once again. That by itself should not have been enough to change her—as a mortal she had been deemed someone for to become a demon in the afterlife after all. But something about this turn of events changed her. She felt a terrible remorse for what she had become. And Desna saw this in her, and sent her back to the waking world. There she saw the body of the woman she had killed, and she wept, for now she knew she had come to have feelings for her in her time in this temple.
Then other demons came not long after, and when she went to disguise her new form as her old self, she found she had new power, far greater than what she had before—she’d had a mythic awakening. Over time she struggled with understanding her new nature as she continued to exist within the demonic armies.
Then one day when she was with a contingent of demons they spotted a group of children leaving Kenabres by themselves with no protection. Easy pickings. Arushelae was frozen in indecision as the demon swooped down and attacked. By the time the crusaders fought off her demonic companions there was only one survivor—Luna, as a small child. The time she blamed herself for the deaths of all the other children, when she tried to help them to escape Lady Salzala’s clutches.
Many years later, she saw an older Luna, throwing herself alone into the Worldwound. Her demonic companions goaded her that she hadn’t had some fun in a while, she should have this one. She went to Luna and asked her why she was out here. Luna said she just wanted to die. Arushelae told her she shouldn’t stop fighting, that she needed to survive to get back at those who had hurt her. Arushelae turned around and killed the demons who had goaded her on. Then she told Luna that she promised to see her again someday, and made a pinky promise on it.
After that she threw herself into acting as a spy against the demonic forces in earnest—until she was caught by Stauton Vaughn and jailed in the basement of Citadel Drezen. There she began scratching butterfly sigils into the cells and praying to Desna—and by luck and a prayer a worked, the anti magic field went down, and she escaped and fled into the wastes.
And so we left off, the next day, planning our next move. We know because of Arushelae where Xanthir Veng and the Ivory Labyrinth are. We would also like to take care of the metal monster which is confirmed to be a mechanical creation from Numeria. But first we plan on heading back to Drezen to resupply. And Draven wants to get some information from Nurah.
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alun-ura · 4 years
Send me a 🌻 and I’ll just tell you whatever the fuck I want
We have only one braincell and it can’t stop howling about Automata so I’ll take thREE OF YOUR THINGIes to just ramble about how the song Weight of the World destroys my soul and why I can’t stop crying about sad androids but it also heavy spoilers for Nier: Automata so idk man
First time you hear it is when you finish the first route / 2B’s route, and the song feels a lot like it’s from 2B’s perspective and gross sob as you learn more about her, that she is actually called 2E.
The official designation...is 2E. Number 2, Type E.
This is a specific model for Executioner,  it is shown in some side quest that there was another types among these and iirc the one you meet kills herself for nor being able to bear with the guilt of having to meet people / make friends and eventually having to kill them at some point. 2B's role though was to be sure that 9S wouldn’t find out about the truth behind the YoRHa, so she’d have to kill him every time he ended up finding out about it because of the natural curiosity programmed on his model/type.  
Tell me God, are you punishing me? Is this the price I'm paying for my past mistakes?
Even though she knew the truth about YoRHa simply for her model, and having to deal with 9S finding out about it - where there are times where he even learns the truth about her.
(9S speaks while struggling painfully.) 9S: Damn ...! 2B, why?! Why did you ...! Pod 153 (narration): A wide, white sword penetrates 9S's stomach. Pod 153 (narration): As delicate, red blood drips down him. (2B hides her pained feelings.) 2B: You attempted to access highly confidential information ... therefore ... 9S: B-But ... 2B ... T-Trust ... me ... Pod 153 (narration): 9S's vital signs begin to fade. Pod 153 (narration): Heart rate decreasing, body temperature declining, motor functions failing, pupils dilating. Pod 153 (narration): As every one of his parameters breaks down, he chokes out his final words. 9S: I-It hurts ... It ... h-hurt ... s ... (His heart stops, and there is the sound effect of a flatline beep.)
So 2B was bound to ALWAYS be partners with 9S, and ALWAYS have to kill him *muffled crying* thinking back that they are Androids so god knows how many times she had to do it.
2B: Kh ... ngh ... (Unable to bear it, 2B begins to cry.) Pod 153: Pod 153 to 2E. Pod 153: Proposal: Delete 9S's personal data and reinstall default personal data. 2B: This is ... too much ...
And :D
2B: No ... Enough already ... Pod 153: Proposal: Unit 2B should carry out her assignment. (The sound of a heartbeat stopping, and a flatline's beep.) 2B: I don't want to kill him anymore ...
But also :D
Pod 153: The Commander has already denied the mission cancellation request submitted 64 hours ago. (The sound of a heartbeat stopping, and a flatline's beep.) 2B: Why ... do I have to ... Pod 153: Unit 2B was chosen due to her ability to adapt to harsh environments as well as her combat capabilities. 2B: I'm not suited for this mission at all ... Pod 153: Negative. 2B: Someone ... help me ...
When the first route starts, you get to eliminate a target which ends up requiring 9S’s help, they are very formal / military-ish while talking then, but as it goes, 9S gets more :D with her as in.
9S: You know, ma’am. I’m glad you are here. 2B: Why? 9S: Scanners like me mostly work alone. Scouting enemy lines and all that? I don’t usually get a partner. It’s kind of fun! 2B: ...Emotions are prohibited.
This is something that I ended up wondering the first time I played it, because 9S at first is very friendly and excited to have a companion in a mission, and in general just very warm towards 2B while 2B is big ol’ “Emotions are prohibited” and tries to brush him off / don’t really care about his attempts on trying to be more intimate? with her.
9S: Hey, 2B? 2B: Yes? 9S: People that know me well usually call me Nines, so... 2B: ... Oh. 9S: So... What do you think? 2B: Of? 9S: I mean, if you wanna call me Nines, it’s totally okay. 2B: ... I’m good. 9S: Oh, um... Alright...
gently I’m not crying you are crying So because of the nature of their relationship, and because 2B knew the truth, and knew that she’d have to kill him again sooner or later.
9S: Watch out for hostile enemies, 2B. 2B: Roger that, Nine...ze. 9S: Huh!? Wait, what did you just say!? 2B: Roger that, 9S. 9S: Wait, no! That’s not what you said! You said “Nines”! Or at least something close to — 2B: Cut the chatter, and engage the enemy.
So her acting like this was a way to try and shield herself and not get attached once more and get hurt again when she has to kill him, but thinking through the game after you learn the truth about 2E, you look back on all the way she acts and how thorn she was through all of it and just pain.
2B: From the moment 9S gains illegal access within the Bunker, it becomes my duty to carry out his execution. 2B: It's a duty that I must repeat ... over, and over ... without end. 9S: I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel something special towards 2B. 9S: But that sort of thing isn't allowed for us YoRHa troops. (2B, with a hint of pain in her voice.) 2B: Over and over ... I continue to kill 9S with my own hands. 2B: And every time, it feels like a void within me deepens. 2B: I wonder ... if it's okay for me to hope ... 9S: For the day ... 2B: For the day ... 2B and 9S: When my sins can be forgiven.
And with things like this, how Weight of the World applies to it like,
I feel like I'm losing hope. In my body and my soul And the sky, it looks so ominous. And as time comes to a halt. Silence starts to overflow My cries are inconspicuous
2B was going through this for many, many years. iirc she, along with 9S. were the first androids to be properly made - where during her first time as 2B she already had to kill 9S for killing their creator. 2B was always at the price of either killing 9S, or letting all that she knew - all of YoRHa - fall. All the Androids, and possibly even the war against the machines before they knew that there was no proper war going on anymore.
Cause we're going to shout it loud Even if our words seem meaningless It's like I'm carrying the weight of the world
So by killing 9S, 2B was avoiding the truth and end of YoRHa every time - while fighting machines that mostly wanted to wipe Androids too. She was fighting against both sides, while often being confronted with the fact that some Machines felt things too and didn’t even want to fight or were harmful at all, but she was still a soldier.
I wish that someway, somehow That I can save every one of us But the truth is that I'm only one girl
This wasn’t just about her and 9S, cause not killing him would lowkey just be treason, but saving all the YoRHa androids of this fate and lies behind it, and all the other common androids from also YoRHa’s fall and machines, /and/ the machine lifeforms that weren’t connected to their network and had a mind of their own. Because she knew the truth behind all of it and still couldn’t do a thing to even save herself or the most important person to her.
Maybe if I keep believing my dreams will come to life
I’m not even gonna get too much into the philosofical side Automata and how we see both androids and machine question things like their existence, reason and God™️
This is my redemption song I need you more than ever right now Can you hear me now?
But overall I think every one in this game suffers a whole fucking lot but I think none of them had it as hard as 2B, and by the end of the last route, when she finally dies due to a contamination spreading through all of YoRHa units. She meets A2 by the end, and offers her own sword to A2 - so she can keep 2B’s memories, and also end her before she goes corrupt by the contamination.
2B: Guess... This is it... (2B stabs the ground with her sword, offering it to A2.) 2B: These are... my memories. 2B: Take care of everyone for me... 2B: Take care... of the future... A2...
So yeah, 2B just wanted everyone to be good and nice and safe, and she couldn’t do that. She couldn’t save them, nor herself after trying to repair herself from the virus that was destroying her mind. She puts it on A2, the renegade YoRHa android and someone who knew all the shit behind YoRHa, that wouldn’t end up falling back on the cycle that was between those two. She honors what 2B asked of her, and proceeds to end her before she gets fully corrupted - while 9S is running to try and find 2B.
(A2 takes 2B’s sword, and proceeds to stab her with it.) 9S: 2B! 2B! 9S: 2B! Are you— (A wide, white sword penetrates 2B's stomach. As delicate, red blood drips down her.) 2B: Oh... Nines... 9S: This can’t... 2B... No... 9S: —A2! I’ll kill you!
:^) I’m not crying you are crying. This proceeds to 9S getting full blinded by rage and spending the rest of this route trying to kill A2 even though A2 is just trying to keep her promise with 2B, and try to save everyone, including 9S. This got into a biG RAMBLE SO I’m stopping here but *waggles hands* this and like, when you hear the chorus version of Weight of the World as if it’s all YoRHa singing, or when I got to hear the XIV version of it in the raid?? just watch how hARD I CAN CRY. Cause if this wasn’t painful enough, I’ll just leave this final bit here, when 9S finds a recording of 2B after she died.
2B: This is YoRHa unit 2B... 2B: If anyone’s listening to this, there’s something I need you to do. 2B: If you ever meet up with YoRHa unit 9S... 2B: I want him... I mean... 2B: I’m sorry. Please, just give him the following message: 2B: 9S... the time I was able to spend with you... It was like memories of pure light... Thank you... Nine...s.
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bludhavencapital · 4 years
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The Story of
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There’s Something Wrong with that Guardian
Mergo, a Brilliant Hunter, born near the end of The Golden Age, who was the first to create the Golden Gun Skill called Brightest Star Gaze, suffered with severe mental problems, and became a dangerous threat to fellow risen. Despite her suffering with schizophrenia, her skills were prodigious and unmatched to any hunter ever existed and was well respected for it.
At one point in time, before the Great Ahamkara Hunt, Mergo was abducted and raped by Volmâr’s Hive Knights on her strange departure to the Moon. Mergo traveled to Venus to bargain with the Ahamkara in helping her get rid of these hellish voices and memories of her being raped, but it only worsened her schizophrenia. Mergo murdered her own fire-team members, attempted to kill two warlocks, and Ikora Ray before her raid mission, almost killed herself in the dreadnaught, severely injured Andal Brask, and plotted to assassinate the vanguard. She believes Volmâr is working with the vanguard, and using their disciples to execute her for “illegally refusing to breed worms.”
Eris enchanted her Touch of Malice with a speciality bedded to retain her sanity, by keeping the voices contained in the weapon itself.
Mergo still remains in the tower, but locked beneath the vanguard office in a holding cell. As she’s too dangerous to be around other guardians. Even though Mergo’s lost her sanity, she still keeps her skill, nimbleness, and raw talent.
Unless her madness throws her off balance, she’s the sharpest, most precise lethal Golden Gun hunter to ever exist.
The First Curse, A
Perfect Shot
Mergo’s most finest weaponry was The First Curse, to whom the ‘Brightest Star Gaze’ title belonged to. Although many guardians disliked the gun, Mergo loved the Gun for the power it can unleash. Many Hunters preferred other weapons, for The First Curse felt underwhelming to use even with its most powerful perk. The requirements were difficult, and the Gun itself was unfathomable to understand how to use it correctly/precisely. For Mergo, a naturally gifted marksman, the quest came easy to her and managed to finish the quest the quickest. Relieved by the sight of the white&chrome lining of the palette, 6-inch barrel, and most importantly, the weight, her desperate hours of holding the Impercation felt like an accomplished chore. Despite her bare witnessing the guns beauty and majesty, she did not see this weapon as beautiful. To her, The First Curse was misunderstood, and only needed guidance in becoming a perfect form of itself. It’s shot is precise and sharp, but with every little push of the trigger requires a faultless point.
“The gun can speak endlessly, when given the moment.” — Mergo.
Mergo then chose The First Curse as her own golden gun. Within time, and intense amounts of training, Mergo showed sheer perfection with The First Curse so much, that her golden gun amplified a Blueish Sharp Flame Streak, instead of its regular orange flame streak. The flames on her Golden Gun burnt blue flames and so did her abilities. A much stronger/hotter version to original Golden Gun, it can pierce right through monumental objects and barricades, such as a Titan, Hydra or Hive Knight’s Barrier. The bullet traveling speed is that of the speed of lightning, it can even devastate enemies standing a few feet towards the bullet trail, making her skill all the more rewarding. Mergo has excelled in her mastery in precision, and became the greatest lethal golden gun hunter to ever exist
Deepest Darkest Secret
Prior to the Taken King, Mergo always showed defects in her psychology. Mergo believed her nightmares were beholding amongst reality. Moments before her departure to the Dreadnaught, her warlock acquaintance, Raelag found her in an oscillate state, mummering about “Babies…” and “Concubines”…found speechless, he went to Ikora Ray about a concern with his fireteam member, having fits and rocking beside a corner in her apartment. Ikora Ray took Mergo into her private headquarters to the retrieve information personally. Mergo wouldn’t stop calling Ikora “Volmâr”, Ikora even needed to render her unconscious Mergo in order to make matters less chaotic. Upon awaking, Ikora asked again what Mergo was talking about. Finally, Mergo spoke, but in short, she was too afraid to explain in detail of Hive kidnapping her and temporarily slaving her as a worm donor. “Worm Donor?” Ikora question with confusion. “Apart of me was taken, and kept galaxies away…my light, my innocence. And they could be using it for destruction.”
“You need to be honest with me Mergo, are guardians being used as worm donors, and were you a victim? How exactly did they, “do” this to you?”
“……I knew you were one of them Ikora,”
“I beg your pardon?”
“You look just like her, you must be a clone, I can see her! Volmâr! She’s just......fidgeting and twitching, .....GET THIS DISGUSTING CREATURE OUT OF MY SIGHT!”
Ikora can’t comprehend what’s happening, but Mergo attacks her out of blind rage. Mergo was sent into an isolation chamber in a well put straight jacket, sealed with a soros brand monument, where she will calm down before her departure. Ikora has kept the information of Gaurdians, even male guardians being used as worm donors to the Hive. She believes Hive are raping guardians into impregnation. These feats were practice for as long as guardians fought against them. Of course it’s too explicit to nationally syndicate, so it was only kept privately in the vanguard. Ikora, and the vanguard believed Oryx is the root of the problem. Stopping him could reduce trafficking amongst the guardians and hive in this solar system. She took note that hive are possibly taking our light through insemination, by birthing Light Worms, and Mergo was possibly not the first victim. A possible new darkness to awaken in the light.
“Why would she hide something like this? Has this been kept in her mind ever since she sought victory over Crota’s End?” Ikora Ray.
“That could explain why she’s so damn good with her golden gun. I mean…… It burns blue. She must’ve been using this secret to express it in her skills. She may have grown numb to it quickly, and encouraged herself to be this.. cold and calculating monster in the field. I mean her talents are insane!” Cayde-6
“....We’ll have the fireteam aboard the ship, you and Aeros can aid them during their adventure.”
“Are you sure we should let her go...? Isn’t she a little....”
“C’mon ....do I have to say it?”
*rolls eyes* “but it’s only because I believe it could help replenish her. She’s a strong asset, gifted, talented guardian..”
“...and beautiful, very gorgeous.”
Living Nightmare, The Pitfall
Midnight before the raid
There could be strange whispers coming from Mergo’s Chamber, calling out and chanting vibrantly as the lights flickered throughout the darkened corridor. Mergo is seen mummering again about worm impregnation. Her eyes looked exhausted, and darkened from sleep deprivation. She’s mentally defeated and in need of redemption.
Today is the day she prepares her departure to the dreadnaught in defeating Oryx. An hour into the dawn, Mergo finally gains composure of reality again. Impatiently, she breaks free from the jacket herself, and actually departures to the dreadnaught alone without her fireteam unplanned. Unnervingly, something is summoning Mergo to the dreadnaught subconsciously. As she flows through the Milky Way, The Hellishlike whispers begin to lurk back into her presence, and continue to haunt her as she’s headed beyond Saturns rings. In contrast to everyone else who went through the dreadnaught in the Court of Oryx, Mergo was actually brought in deserted room behind Golgoroth, with a three gorgeous looking chests coded in Hive Language. They appeared to be the same language used in Volmâr’s chamber. Hit with sudden dejavu, she desperately proceeds to place them the way she remembered how they were in order.
“Birth” “Reinvigoration” “Malice”.
Mergo only managed to open one of them ( Reinvigoration ) that actually contained a fragment of Touch of Malice. The other chest ( Malice ) begins to crack itself open, “here lies a clandestine rendezvous, an invitation to the throne room, where the daughters of Oryx reside.” Upon meeting the doors from the maze, Mergo sees a disturbing image; herself as a hive worm with hive puss fuming from its pores, squealing like a newborn creature. Mergo was frozen with shock. Without blinking, she killed it, with no hesitation. However, upon killing it, her bullet seemed to have hit a warlock, not a hybrid worm. It was Raelag, whom was required by Ikora to find her. Mergo breaks down in tears upon what she’s done, kicking her legs frantically, shooting her gun on the ground, having a full blown break down.
“I’m a monster, they’ve just been trying to tell me... I deserved to be raped, I deserved to be labeled a birthed of evil! Angel! Angel…don’t revive me... please.”
Her ghost’s name is Angel. He tries mending the situation, helping her keep her mind under control, but it only coupled to more tears. Mergo then attempts suicide with her first curse, only for the TOM Fragment to sing and churn with green energy. It was excited to hear a guardian suffer so abruptly. As Mergo looked up from the ground, she heard trembling beneath her. Raelag’s body was fidgeting on his stomach. She then flipped him over only to reveal that his helmet was gone, but his entire face was also gone. She screeched so loudly it echoed a huge shockwave in the dark chamber, then started beating Raelag frantically for him to stop seizing. As her Anxiety increased, Mergo panicked even more, then scurried quickly from the body, following a dark telepathic light that appeared before her.
Climatically, upon reaching the end of the darkness, she finally approaches the daughters floating symmetrically on both sides of the throne room, praying to their gods or god Oryx. Without the help of her fireteam, Mergo nearly died in the sequence just before the sister teleports her back into the throne room, where she almost died in the process of carrying the orb to completion. But successfully, she sufficed the battle and destroyed the last sister with her Blue Golden Gun, snuffing anything left of her.
The final battle with Oryx wasn’t like the origin raid, but Oryx actually impersonating Mergo as a doppelgänger, by using his Taken powers to forge a body of hers. Disturbingly, he manifested the Volmâr Hive Knights that raped her in the Hellmouth, and had her fight an armory of them while he regenerated his power. Mirrored by the same load out, it was unfeeling if Oryx mirrored the same skills as Mergo’s, since his was Taken Formed. Mergo fought with bloody fury, and strangled herself (Oryx) until he disintegrated.
Unfortunately, Mergo has actually won the battle, but what makes it bittersweet is, she now has to live the rest of her life with crippling mental issues. Eris is working to try and reanimate the Touch of Malice in specialty for Mergo’s on going nightmares. She will forge an artifact that glows a midnight-tinge color in the green crater surrounded by rotating rings. Eris believes this will be a specialty bedded for her Schizophrenia and PTSD, in keeping them only “alive” beyond the TOM. Oryx has received the last laugh on Mergo’s end, and Mergo is stained by the hives destructed nature alike Dredgon and Eris. Her dignity and perfection are now unbalanced, however, Ikora hopes the TOM will at least help keep her mind stable.
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