#putin is a war criminal
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tomorrowusa · 2 days ago
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The New York Post, owned by Rupert Murdoch, usually worships Donald Trump. But even the Post understands how ruinous the Trump bromance with Vladimir Putin is.
Monday February 24th is the third anniversary of Putin's full scale invasion of Ukraine. It was supposed to be a "three-day special operation". Instead, Ukraine has held out for three YEARS.
Show your support for freedom and democracy on Monday. If you can't get a Ukrainian flag, get some blue and yellow paint or blue and yellow ribbons.
You can also contribute to the non-profit charity Razom For Ukraine.
With an agent of Putin in the White House, it's more important than ever to Stand With Ukraine.
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destielmemenews · 1 year ago
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"Russia’s highest court found in favour of a motion filed by the Ministry of Justice which claimed the LGBTQ community risked “inciting social and religious discord”, in violation of Russia’s Law on Countering Extremism, according to a statement from the UN condemning the decision."
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grrlscientist · 5 days ago
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"The Peace Plan:
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kaoszkutato · 2 years ago
június 27
"Vlagyimir Putyin nem háborús bűnös" - jelentette ki Orbán Viktor a június 27-én a német Bildben megjelent interjújában.
Legyen itt egy történet aznapról.
Ő itt Victoria Amelina, ukrán író, az ukrán PEN tagja, a New York nevű kis ukrán település táblája előtt, ahol megalapította a New York-i Irodalmi Fesztivált.
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A háború miatt az ő élete is felfordult. Az ukrán költők képeivel díszített táskájával a vállán itt éppen nem egy irodalmi rendezvényre indult, hanem megnézni és megörökíteni az oroszok által bombázott Harkivot. Belefogott egy könyvbe, melyben az oroszok háborús bűneit dokumentálta.
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Ennek a munkának a során fedezte fel az oroszok által elhurcolt és meggyilkolt Volodymyr Vakulenko naplóját. Vakulenko költő, gyerekkönyvíró volt, egy 14 éves fia maradt árván. Június 22-én részt vett naplóból készült könyv bemutatóján, melynek ő írta az előszavát.
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Június 24-én egy kijevi művészeti esten olvasott fel költeményeket.
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Június 27-én kolumbiai írók és újságírók csoportjával felkeresték a felszabadított Kapytolivkét, ahonnan Vakulenkót elhurcolták. A képen a kis falu könyvtárosát éppen a kolumbiai író, Héctor Abad Faciolince köszönti. Ahogy a képet készítő Victoria a bejegyzésében írta: "It feels like a solidarity hug from America Latina for Ukraine 💛💙".
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Aznap este beültek egy étterembe. Kramatorszkban. Pizzázni. Igen, abba az étterembe, amit az oroszok rakétával támadtak meg.
Tegnap este jelentették be, hogy hiába küzdöttek Victoria életéért, meghalt.
Egy 12 éves kisfiú maradt árván utána, akivel ősszel terveztek Párizsba költözni a Columbia University ösztöndíjával.
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Julia és Anna Akszencsenkó, a mindössze 14 éves ikerpár is az áldozatok között volt. „Egy orosz rakéta megállította két angyal szívének dobbanását" - írta róluk megemlékezésében a város önkormányzata.
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Ezek pedig honfitársaink kommentjei egy magyar nyelvű orosz propaganda-oldalon a rakétatámadásról szóló bejegyzés alatt.
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Biztos vagyok benne, hogy Orbán Viktor a pokol tüzén fog elégni, és remélem, hogy oda is ugyanúgy tömegek fogják követni, ahogyan a nagygyűléseire is.
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l2bbocsstuff · 3 days ago
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dakichh · 1 year ago
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hero of our time.
ребят, мы вместе! а герои, как и свобода, бессмертны.
все пять часов была на трансляции похорон, все пять часов плакала ужасно. но мы не сдадимся, будем рыдать в три ручья, ругаться матом, беситься, бить кулаками и ногами в стену, но сдаваться никак нельзя. спите спокойно, алексей анатольевич(4.6.1976 - 16.2.2024).
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psycohousecat · 11 months ago
Guarding North American shores from communist infiltration since forever .. 🥰🇺🇲🇨🇦❤️
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redditreceipts · 10 months ago
its very sad how the 8th of march is not being taken seriously in russia. maybe in other countries too but im not gonna speak on that. its a "holiday" of "femininity, flowers and spring". you give your mom and grandma yellow mimosa flowers, read them a poem and celebrate what was mentioned above. i dont think most russians who celebrate it even know where the "holiday" came from or what it actually means.
have a nice day;3
that's so stupid. I mean I don't hate flowers or anything, and I think that it's a nice gesture if your boss or your boyfriend or your son gives you flowers. the problem is that they don't care to change anything for women in politics. Like in Russia, where 2017 there was a law that decriminalised many forms of domestic abuse:
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and now look at what the Russian government answered:
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they have literally an MRA government. but from the Russian women I know, most of them are extremely independent and choose to not have kids, which is why the birth rate keeps dropping lol
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(on this sign, it says: "instead of flowers - respect")
I don't speak too much on this blog about my support for Ukraine and my disdain for Putin, but I just want to reiterate that the right-wing anti-democratic warmongering dictatorship in Russia is probably one of the worst for women in the entirety of Europe. I hope the birth rate in Russia keeps dropping to zero, until there is no one Putin can recruit into his stupid war anymore lol
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defiantart · 11 months ago
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the-good-the-bad-the-old · 1 year ago
The number of flowers on Navalny's grave formed a mountain of flowers can you imagine this at putin's grave? this is a big fuck you to putin
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deborahdeshoftim5779 · 1 year ago
He was obviously killed by Putin, like thousands of others who were tortured, tortured because of this one creature. Putin doesn't care who dies, as long as he retains his position.
Ukrainian President Zelenskyy responding to the murder of Alexei Navalny today.
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tomorrowusa · 10 months ago
🦉 🌎 🌍 Happy Earth Day 2024! 🌏 🌻 🐝
Earth Day originated in 1970 when pollution was the biggest environmental concern. Air and waterways are undoubtedly cleaner 50+ years later. It demonstrates that progress can be made when there's a concerted effort.
A current problem which gets overlooked is the amount of environmental damage which the Russian invasion has caused in Ukraine. Environmental activist Greta Thunberg has called Putin's environmental destruction "ecocide".
Greta Thunberg denounces 'ecocide' in Ukraine
Just about every aspect of the environment has been worsened by Putin's illegal military action.
After Two Years of War, Ukraine Sees Deepening Environmental Wound
A consortium of agencies called EcoDozor has put together a map graphic showing the environmental consequences of the invasion.
I feel strongly that Russian state assets should be impounded to pay for the damage. Contact your representative at your national parliament and insist that Russian assets be seized to be used to repair environmental damage done in Ukraine by Putin's Russia.
On a historical note, here's a cartoon done by American-Australian underground artist Ron Cobb. It gave rise to the use of the Greek letter Theta 𝚹 to symbolize environmental protection.
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In turn, high school students in Springfield, Illinois were inspired to turn that into into a flag for the first Earth Day.
This Homemade Flag From the ‘70s Signals the Beginning of the Environmental Movement
Being mindful of the power of semiotics, it might be useful to revive Theta as a symbol of environmental action. It already exists as an emoji and most of us have devices which can access a Greek font. And at Tumblr we can make stuff green. 𝚹 Θ
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the-rat-eatery · 11 months ago
You know shit is bad when your best attempt at optimism is just: well they have to die eventually.
Yes this is about Putin being elected for a fifth term
Yes this is about Trump vs Biden round 2
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webntrmpt2x · 4 days ago
“Now, improbably, Putin is poised to get everything he wants—huge territorial gains, the crippling of Ukrainian democracy, a weakened NATO—for no reason other than that Trump was elected as part of a global backlash to rising prices. It’s shocking that any American president would effectively abandon its defense of a former Soviet state in favor of Russia, but it’s also unsurprising that Trump, specifically, would do so. He has long made it obvious that he sees no value in sticking up for a small democracy against a larger dictatorship. And yet his negotiations with Russia over ending the war in Ukraine are still breathtaking in their cynicism and inhumanity. In his haste to end the war and give himself the bogus title of “peacemaker,” Trump is acceding to every Russian demand and setting Europe, and perhaps the world, up for even more devastation to come—without getting anything in return for the United States.”
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torillatavataan · 1 year ago
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Home video shows apprehensive Putin in sweatpants – Yle publishes images from secret trip to Finland
Dressed in a sleeveless t-shirt, blue Adidas sweatpants, and sporting unkempt hair, he looks drab and non-descript. After playing ping pong in casual attire, Putin doesn’t look any more impressive when he sits down for a festive dinner – a far cry from the macho, dictatorial image that Putin has since hewn for himself.
In the video, the usually reserved Putin's self-control sometimes falters. In the heat of a ping pong match, Putin even emits a rare laugh.
Putin, who is famously paranoid about his privacy, only releases videos that bolster his own authority. However, in the clips from the early 1990s, Putin was not able to control what was filmed or how he is portrayed. The video also reveals how small Putin is.
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According to an eyewitness, it was important that the guests would catch fish, even though Putin had not yet begun to burnish his image by posing with impressive catches as he later would as president.
”They were really into fishing. They tried with a rod and reel but we had nets out to be sure to catch some fish. They didn't get anything with a fishing rod or a reel.”
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Putin, seen playing ping-pong in Raseborg with untidy hair and loose sweatpants, has since sought to improve his image through the unlimited resources at his disposal. The end result is a grotesque reversal of the aims.
Now, at nearly 71, Putin has reportedly tried to rejuvenate himself with cosmetic surgery and Botox injections to smooth facial wrinkles, resulting in a swollen, rounded face.
Read full article by Yle, reblog to embarrass Putin
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democracyunderground · 1 year ago
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