#put larry down human!
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armoredisopod · 2 months
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Codename: Tin Man
Race: Undisclosed
Origin: Undisclosed
Specialization: Interrogation, Intelligence Gathering, Personnel Management, Archaeology, Oral History
"I really like the Rhodes Island deck, the view is great."
Illustrator: 树豚 | Shutun
CN CV: 刘北辰 | Liu Beizhan
JP CV: 木内秀信 | Hidenobu Kuichi
Tin Man - 5* Alchemist Specialist
Can throw Alchemical Units to assist in combat
First Talent
In [IS#5 The Endless Tales of the Sarkaz], Tin Man consumes less Hope and increases Tipping Point Threshold even further when assigned to help with Mental Load
Second Talent
Enemies within the range of Tin Man's alchemical units take increased damage from Damage Over Time effects
Skill 1 - "Old Fogey"
When skill is activated, throws an alchemical unit that inflicts Enfeeble and deals Arts damage every second to ground enemies in its range
Skill 2 - "Big Larry"
When skill is activated, throws an alchemical unit that deals Arts damage every second to ground enemies in its range and heals all allies in its range every second
Can store charge(s)
Quick explanation on the IS5 mechanic so that his first talent makes sense
Like how IS3 had Enlightenment/Rejections and how IS4 had Foldartals, IS5 has a new central mechanic that translates as "Mental Load" and "Thoughts"
Thoughts are another type of collectibles, Mental Load limits how many Thoughts you can carry
Thoughts have buffs and debuffs attached to them. The debuffs are initially inactive but if you go past the first Threshold "Tipping Point", the Thought debuffs will activate
If you go even further you will hit the "Blocking Point" where your Thoughts will deactivate and you're not allowed to select the subsequent nodes
You can organize your Thoughts on the map or the battle preparation screen where you can either consume "instant-use" Thoughts or discard Thoughts you don't need
Players can assign up to 3 operators to raise the Tipping Point Threshold, the amount increased is based on the operators' Rarity and Promotion Level, operators assigned to raise the threshold can still be brought to battle normally
"At last we finally meet again after parting ways in Trimounts, Doctor. Detective Tin Man, representing the Maylander Foundation. Effective immediately, we will be cooperating with Rhodes Island in various fields, sharing resources... and secrets."
"The Tin Man from the fairy tale has appeared on Rhodes Island."
As soon as the news spread, the children began to search with great excitement. And when they "caught" the Tin Man in the cafeteria, the Tin Man graciously put down his pipe, took off his hat to greet the children, and announced that he would buy each child who "caught the detective" a hot dog.
The kids argued about whether the Tin Man was wearing armor or was really just an empty metal shell. The relatively bizarre speculation came from Popukar, who had been reading a lot of comic books recently. She claimed that the Tin Man was a combination of all the Operation Platforms on Rhodes Island. After hearing this, the Tin Man raised an objection, saying that he was a nomadic city that had taken on a human form after being packed and compressed, pushing the debate even further.
The children argued so fiercely that they completely forgot about the Tin Man's existence. The Tin Man quietly placed hot dogs next to each child and left quietly.
The children eventually realized this and became extremely anxious. However, after learning that the Tin Man will be on Rhodes Island for the time being, they all agreed to start a second Tin Man search operation the next day. The Tin Man himself has not yet made any comments on this.
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dross-the-fish · 3 months
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"So, you're Doctor Henry Jekyll, are you?" John Watson gritted his teeth and did his level best to stay calm despite the very sight of the other man's face inspiring within him a deep seated loathing the likes of which he'd never experienced in his life. No criminal he and Holmes has put away had ever incensed him like the wretched canker of a man staring up at him now with mocking, avaricious, green eyes. "Was Henry Jekyll. Don't ever call me by that name," came the testy reply between long drags of a cigar. Something in the way the man was puffing and tapping his foot and fairly bouncing in place made Watson want to kill him on the spot. Ignorant or indifferent to Watson's discomfort the man continued."You know my secret but don't forget I know yours too. I've seen what that boy turns into once the sun goes down and if you want me to cook up a serum that will keep him human you'll be a little more accommodating," the odious little Scotsman blew a puff of rank smoke into Watson's face with a grin that made the old doctor want to knock his crooked teeth to the floor. He was an absurd creature, barely taller than five feet, in an audacious, oversized fox fur coat and a suit that seemed far too fine and expensive for a man of such rough and vile countenance. Despite this Watson felt as if the room around them had grown smaller; cramped and stifling under the weight of of the fiend's presence. Watson exhaled slowly, pinching the bridge of his nose in an attempt to ward off a growing headache. "What do you want, Mr Hyde?" "Room and board, my own quarters in this fine manor. Nice ones, the best you have with a modern bathroom adjoining and an adjacent space for my lab. A gentleman oughtn't live like a rat in a wee little hole. I'll also expect payment for my services. I've a lifestyle to keep up," Edward barked in his thick brogue. Before Watson could answer Lawrence Talbot, who had been deathly quiet in his chair with his head in his hands spoke up, "Done! Whatever you want! Just please, help me." "There's a sensible lad," Edward crowed with a harsh, grating laugh, "Chin up then, Doctor, we're colleagues now. Looks like I'm joining your little crew after all." As the man left to take his pick of the unused bedrooms Watson sank down into a chair near Larry's, feeling sick to his stomach as the smell of smoke lingered long after Edward had gone. "Heaven help us all..."
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r0-boat · 6 months
Harpy Larry
But he's snuggly
Birdie Snuggles
Harpy!Larry x Gn!reader
Your bird husband wants attention and who are you to deny him?
Sfw cut for length
(Larry is labeled as your husband and you are his wife, regardless of gender)
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It's hard to tell what your 'husband' is thinking. Most of the time he stands quietly behind you, looming over you, watching you closely. Sometimes you don't even know he's there until you accidentally bump into him looking up to meet his serious face.
He wants something from you. Larry knows he does. But he himself doesn't know what it is.
This is his first time having a 'wife'.
It is a primal feeling, something intimate that he desires. But it's not mating; he knows for sure. He's already mated with you last night many times, until the sun has risen.
All the harpy knows is that it has something to do with you. He watched you from the bedding stitching and sewing up holes that you had found in the blankets used in the nest.
Larry ponders. His black feathers fluffed as he watched you idly. Perhaps this feeling is a need to spoil you? As the main 'breadwinner,' he brings back fish or game for dinner. But it has been quite a while since he brought back sweet fruits and the human treats He finds from human camps that you like.
With The sudden need to see the smile and his wife's face He gets up from the nest his feather is no longer fluffed as he prepares himself to take flight in search of gifts.
You didn't even notice that he had awoken until the wrestling of feathers and the flap of his wings caught your attention. Oh you saw was a black blur going into the distance.
"A little early for dinner."was all you said under your breath before You go back to your chores.
Keeping the nest nice and tidy for your husband's return.
You might as well start a fire in the fire pit in the cave while you wait for your Harpy husband to bring back supper.
He thought spoiling you is what His body wanted... He was wrong in the middle of gathering ripened fruit, His heart ached even more. That's familiar feeling of what he felt before he had met you, that cold gnawing on his bones of loneliness.
All the more grateful that he has you. What kind of mate would he be if he rushed back to his home empty-handed? Harpies are prideful of their ability to provide for their partner. And Larry takes it very seriously.
You heard his landing when you turned around, just about to start the fire. You are welcomed by seeing your husband standing straight-faced fruits in his arms. Flowers all over his jet black feathers, white, pink, and purple flowers all over his slicked back hair and chest feathers. Your precious smile was a wide across your face as you try to hold back your laughter.
As quick as he left he came back. Memorizing all your favorite fruits by heart, sadly he has not found any human treats, which is okay because he doesn't think they are too healthy for you
It was hard enough to find ripened fruit since most of the trees just bared the flowers, so he really had to dig into those trees to get the ripest fruit.
"Home" was all he said walking over to hand you his spoils.
You smile the pale pink flowers making you chuckle as you pick one off his head putting it behind your ear.
"Was this intentional?"You ask.
"The fruit yes, The flowers got stuck in my feathers." He answered bluntly
You take the fruit from his arms; here, you thought he went to find dinner. Putting the fruit down, you thank him, wrapping your arms around him, holding him close.
Intentional or not It was a cute surprise. He did not know humans liked flowers this much. Noted. He knows that some harpies use trinkets and flowers to decorate their feathers to attract mates in his personal opinion on him it looked silly; however it looked much cuter on you. That little pink flower nestled behind your ear was irresistible.
Before you could part from him, Larry raps his arms around you pulling, pulling you back into him. He easily picks you up, wordlessly carrying you back to the nest.
Feeling you so close to him calms the ache in his chest. This is what he wanted.
"w-wait! Now?! Larry, I'm still sore."You panic, only for him to shake his head. With his head nuzzling into your shoulder, he mumbles.
"No. No mating, I just want you."
His jet feathers kept you warm as you laid into his wing like a pillow. He encased you in a feathery wing cocoon, picking off the flowers from his head and chest and nestling it into your hair, decorating you. You had your fun seeing him look silly now he wants you to wear all these flowers He rolls you onto his chest with his back into the nest to get a better look at you. His taloned hand held your hip, and another one grazed into your hair.
His eyes widened, and you could just barely see a small smile creep on his lips.
You were gorgeous.
How could you be even more irresistible than you already were before?
He rolled you onto your back, pressing you down into the nest. Larry's lips met yours.
"I changed my mind."
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istadris · 1 year
Mario movie AU (inspired by discussions with @lunarianebula872-blog ) where Bowser has the Koopalings and Junior on board and lets them roam around the fortress while he's busy being king.
The Koopalings are brats so when they spy Bowser and see him manhandling Luigi, they want to get the human into more trouble. So they pull him out of the cage and start forcing him into awkward situations.
Except... it backfires for the best everytime.
Iggy, Lemmy and Larry play football with Luigi's cage and it gets tangled with all of the other cages, but instead of getting mad Bowser finds the resulting scene hilarious and it puts him in a good mood.
Junior goes down to rattle Luigi's cage and scare him but in the process he slips from his clown car and only thanks to Luigi catching him does he not fall into lava; Bowser is so relieved and grateful he moves Luigi to a nicer cell (still a hole in a wall with bars but at least without lava).
...That's fine ! More opportunities to get him in trouble!
Ludwig pretends to befriend Luigi and tells him all sort of lies about what to say to Bowser to please him (but actually everything Bowser hates to hear and would get furious about); when Luigi does say these things, Bowser is amused by the human's guts and thinks he's not so bad to have around.
Roy and Morton drag Luigi in the kitchen and bully him into cooking something for dinner in the hope he messes up ; Bowser is delighted by the meal and is flabbergasted to learn the human made it, and actually pays him a compliment.
Wendy dresses up Luigi in a cute and expensive outfit and pushes him into Bowser's path ; Bowser is taken away by how pretty Luigi looks and wonders if all humans are so cute or if he's just lucky to fall for the prettiest...wait, is he falling for Luigi ??
Every time they try harder to make Bowser hate Luigi, they just push them harder into each other's arms.
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mashbrainrot · 1 year
Henry Blake in 'The Interview'
In 2006, Larry Gelbart wrote dialogue imagining Trapper, Henry Blake, and Colonel Flagg had featured in the M*A*S*H episode 'The Interview'. Here is Henry's, with the original available to read here via Google Groups.
REPORTER: How does it feel, having the responsibility for saving such a great number of lives? HENRY: We just take ’em one or two, sometimes maybe twenty at a time. The big trick is not to start thinking of ’em as numbers – as just so many stats that go into a report that winds up in somebody’s filing cabinet under “out of sight, out of mind.” You’ve gotta always remember that what you’re dealing with is hurt people, people that have been run over by a war. REPORTER: And not just – HENRY: You gotta remember to take a peek at the odd dog tag now and then and remind yourself that that dangling leg or busted gut you’re going to try and put back together again is somebody’s dad or son or boyfriend – that all that blood and guts soiling your linen belongs to somebody that’s got a name attached to him.
REPORTER: You can’t afford to lose your sense of humanity. HENRY: There’s just so many senses you can lose over here. REPORTER: Humor not being one of them, obviously. HENRY: Around here laughter’s just crying without the tears. REPORTER: You have a family back home, sir? HENRY: In Bloomington. The one in Illinois, not in Indiana – unless things have changed since I went away. REPORTER: You keep in touch with them, of course, your family. HENRY: We write, we phone. Far apart as we are, I don’t think we’ve ever been closer. REPORTER: Would you like to say hello to them on television? HENRY: Be better if this was kissovision, but, yeah, can I? REPORTER: Go right ahead. HENRY: Lorraine? Hi, honey. Hi, kids. I got your report cards this morning and I had Radar go out post ’em on the bulletin board here so everybody can see why I’m so darn proud of you. Especially how you’re doing in math. You must get those brains from your mom. Got to be. Old as I am, I still don’t know how many tens to give someone for a five-dollar bill. (TO REPORTER) Thanks. REPORTER: That it? HENRY: That’s it. (TO CAMERA) Except I’m counting the days till we’re back together again. REPORTER: You have any idea when that will be? HENRY: I try not to have too many ideas. There’s always someone who ranks you who’s sure you’ll agree he’s got a better one. REPORTER: When you do finally get home, what are you going to tell your children is the biggest lesson being over here has taught you? HENRY: To always try to work things out, I guess. Whatever those things might happen to be. You don’t make your point killing the other guy. Even if you do it’s kind of wasted if the other guys not around to get the message. REPORTER: You seem – if all may so, Colonel – you seem near exhaustion. HENRY: What I am mostly is tired of being tired. We’re supposed to be a hospital but it’s more like a chop shop around here. We’re up to our elbows in people that other people are doing their best to chop down. REPORTER: That doesn’t lead to a lot of sleep, I would imagine. HENRY: I used to think of sleeping in terms of hours. How many did I get last night, how many will I get to steal tonight. I’m down to minutes now. It’s like somebody broke one hand off the clock. REPORTER: Does that ever affect your performance? HENRY: I fell asleep a few weeks ago in the middle of resecting a patient’s bowel. How’s that for exhausted? REPORTER: Does that fishing hat mean there are those times when you do get to get away from it all? HENRY: What it means is that I have to fish for those times. And let me say, the biting’s pretty poor. REPORTER: Business is too good around here. HENRY: Let’s just say it takes a whole lot longer to take a bullet out of a belly than it does putting one into one. REPORTER: Thank you, sir. HENRY: Can I say one more thing? REPORTER: Of course. HENRY: I just want you to know we all here are grateful for this visit you’ve paid us, this attention you’re paying to the job we’re doing. You get the feeling sometimes, being over here that, aside from our families, we’ve kind of dropped off the planet, that we’ve been kind of disinvited to the party – like everyone back home is busy living their real lives and for us to give them a call when we get back to town. (TO REPORTER) That sound too preachy? REPORTER: It sounded just fine, Colonel. HENRY: Henry. I’m a lot more a Henry than I’ll ever be colonel. REPORTER: Thank you, Henry. HENRY: Tell me the truth: didn’t that feel better? REPORTER: You’re an excellent doctor. HENRY: Hey – that’s why I’m over here getting 300 hundred dollars a month.
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signed-loni · 2 years
How they react to you being pregnant!
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Characters include : Sal Fisher, Larry Johnson, larry isnt in this, and im working on his part rn :)
everyones alive in this, and its AGED UP ofc so sal isn’t a murderer in this :)
When i tell you this man is in a state of shock with a mixture of happiness, he almost passes out.
Its such an overwhelming feeling for sal to know that he and you created a mini human
You and him both, ofc, told EVERYONE.
Im talkin Larry knew, Ash knew, Todd knew, your parents knew, Lisa and Henry knew, fuck even GIZMO knew.
Everyone showered you both with praises and things like “im so proud of you both!” And some other things like “congrats!”
It made you happy to know that you and Sal were going to start a family. Ofc, you were somewhat scared, and so was Sal. But it was okay since your happiness overrode the feeling of unease:)
And trust me when i say, Sal is catering to your every need, HE IS ZOOMING AROUND THE FUCKING HOUSE TO GET YOU YOUR SLIPPERS SO YOUR FEET ARENT COLD😭
He really doesn’t mind the funny craving or the mood swings
What does kinda get him is the morning sickness
I dont portray Sal as a morning person, so waking up early in the morning to hold your hair back while you blow chunks isnt his favorite way to wake up
Nonetheless, he still does it because, its you ofc, and he loves you, like legitimately is head over heels
Every night, this man would cuddle you and whisper sweet nothings into your ear, praising you about everything you were doing. Saying things like “you’re going to be such a good mother, sweetheart”
When your water broke, this man was STRESSED. Like he was good at hiding it, but his body betrayed him and soon enough, bro was sweating BULLETS😭😭
He eased you through your labor and did those breathing exercises with you, calming you down
When the baby was born, LEMME TELL YOU, this man was so emotional that he started crying, without even fucking realizing it💀
Once you both get home, this man is doing EVERY 👏 THING👏👏👏
Feeding the baby, burping it, putting it to sleep, and to top it off, still giving you the attention and care you need (I stg he is such a fucking cinnamon roll😭)
He’s the kind of dad who plays with his child non stop. Like making it laugh, playing with the little baby toys it has, omfg its so cute🥹
When the baby said his first word? Tears.
When its first word was papa? On the floor.
When it took its first steps? Sobbing.
I swear this man is more emotional than you when you were pregnant after you gave birth🥲
He loves to show you off to Ash and Larry. Proudly boasting that you and him created a mini version of yourselves.
When the baby was born, Sal was so happy to see his baby with the same blue hair as him, it was so cute😭
Will legit do anything this kid asks. Pick it up, play with it, do its hair, and omg does he love to do its hair
Overall, Sal would be such a sweet dad, like, cavity inducing sweet😭
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[Trust Me]
[Jeremy Frazier x reader]
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[Summer: just as Jeremy Frazier thinks he's failed at a second life, he's give another chance. But at what cost.]
[TW: death, yelling, violence. Reader is called pale but not in "your white way" in a like your blood is gone, and is called thin but its because of how they died, sad ending, a very small talk of killing, ones self]
[Credit: Tim Burton, Michael Keaton, Larry Wilson, Danny Elfman, Seth Grahame-Smith, Miles Millar, Justin Theroux, Danny DeVito, David Katzenberg]
[Note:kinda prove read, i have dyslexia, spoilers! Had Mitski playing sooo... yea itll be a bit sad]
P.O.V. Jeremy Frazier
One second I'm going to the human world the next I'm falling. I close my eyes and hope it doesn't hurt to much when I fall, but it is hell so it probably does.
But the impact never comes, instead I fell someone grab my hand, then pull me up...... out of hell.
I look up theres a person, they has slightly blue lips like they had ate something with blue die, and there skin looks pale like there blood was drained. There face was hollow.
"If you don't sign this I'll push you back" that the first thing they say, pushing a paper in my face. "What?" I ask I know what they said, the question was more about the paper they handed me "fine" they said reaching forward and starting to push me "wait, WAIT! ILL SIGN IT!" They pulled me back "I'll sign it" I say out of breath, trying to calm down.
"Good, here" they push the paper to my face and a pen. I rech forward. "What is this for" I look over the paper but there's nothing. I feel them start to push me, "Ok! God!" I mean it's this or hell. So I sign, the ink of the contract shows up. It bleeds on to the page, It says I need to help them kill someone.
"Who do you want dead?" I ask. "Someone you shouldn't mind killing" they answer.
They walk off leave me sitting where I one fell. I started falling in them, disappointed they didn't slow down for me.
P.O.V. reader
I led him away from the boarding pass, plays. As we walk I gave him the plan "Ok so, all I need is to find him, you won't worry about the rest" I say, the less he knows the more he be useful.
"I might worry, I don't even know who I'm helping kill" he said. Like I didn't know he's killed before.
"What did this guy do, is he your ex or something " he talked again. I laughed "I said it's someone you should want dead that implies you know him, tell me who could you have a problem with" he thought for a second "Real estate, the police?"he asked.
"What? No...... I'm not even going to ask, forget it"
"can I ask another question" he asked. "You just did" "what do you need me for, and why me" he ignored my comment and asks anyway. "I can track people, plus other things, I mean I did drag you from hell. He knows this, so he trick me to sign something making,I can't use my soul to find him. But if I use the eyes of someone else's soul-" he cuts me off finishing my sentence "you want to use my soul to fined him" I nod. "And it just so happens your desperate for life, and I'm willing to post pone your death" I put quotes around death with, my hands, because he already died.
"And when were done. What will happen to me" I what a moment then answer "you can't avoid hell" and that was the end of the conversation.
We've stop for awhile. I tell him how we need a extremely high level of Spiritual energy, "Isn't all of netherworld spirituality" he said, and I explained that some areas had more energy like, the waiting room. The newest spirits had that just dead/closest to living energy. And it was very powerful.
And Regretfully so, I started likeing his Company. I even tried figuring a way to keep him alive. If I killed beetlejuice like pland, they I get him to fully trade lifes with the girl, that was with beetlejuice. He'd be alive like pland.
I would have find somewhere different then the waiting room, to meany witness, this will definitely go against the laws of death. And when I brake them I can't be somewhere obvious. So i have time escape.
As we walk, the silence is ended by another question."How did you die" after the question he told me how he died as I can only assume a attempt to make me more susceptible to sharing. And It work "poison" I answered, but came no reply so I filled the silence "the person we're killing, he tormented my family but left me alone, they.... got bad I guess and in self defense I killed them. The cops showed up. I knew they won't listen, so I took the poison."
"It was beetlejuice, that who where killing!" He said figureding it out. "Don't say him name, especially when talk of his down fall"
"Are you sure you can do that" he asked "we're all ready died" I stop finding a spot with a lot of energy. "Some more then others" he Whispered, but i was to buys make a plan "Ok, so I will touch your soul. Now if my calculations are right, witch most likely are because I've been working on this for 146 years, 3 months, 12 day, it shouldn't you at all. Any last wish before we do this." He think for a minute. he seems, Conflicted "I would like say good bye to my dad and mom, one last time" I think for a moment. "Yeah ok"
He left on his owe, he would have to return because of our contract so I trusted him. I think of how I would never of know him if it wasn't for beetlejuice, maybe that clown wasn't all useless. Even if I can't track beetlejuice fiscally I'd watch him, wanting for a moment to attack, but him getting involved with the real world again mad it had, I only knew so much after that. It's funny how are greats blocks can fix the problem. I wouldn't even call Jeremy a problem. I'm happy I have him.
I made up my mind, I'll tell him that I'm going to get us free, and if he wants we can live together. And if he doesn't want me at least I helped. I use to call beetlejuice my unfinished business, but maybe it was being loved.
I waited and waited, I was getting worried what if the death force got him and he's back in hell, or what If beetlejuice knows and killed him. But just as the thought got worse he shows up again. "Hey sorry, mom talks so much" he laughed a little, he seemed a different. I couldn't plays my finger on it. Maybe he's scared of going to hell.
"Ok so-" I go on explaining what will happen and what to expect. "I won't be conscious, it'd be like I'm full energy" I go on. "Stand here" I reached forward and push my hands in to his soul, grabbing it. "This doesn't hurt right" I doble check, I know it shouldn't, but just to be safe "no.... no it's just weird" I smile "I can only imagine" I joke "Ok, I'm going to start, but I need to tell you something. I fond a way for you to live when we're doen, and maybe we can live together" he looks panicked, he stared talking but I cut him off "wait, it's a tra-" "Don't tell me your answer, think about it in till were done, I want you to want us" I smiled, unsure and scared, but hopefull.
The next few seconds where werid. My eyes rolled back and then I could see him, beetlejuice. He's in the human realm, at some kind of wedding. I pull out of the vision, the longer I'm there the more chance he'll find out. "Ok let's go" I say opening the door to the liveing world "wait-" he tried again "look I'm sorry if I made it werid, but it now or never. We can talk later" I say pushing him through the door, we open to a church, and I walk down the aisle, I could but find it ironic, this place was for heaven and life, but her I am with someone from hell about to kill for good.
"Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejui-" Summon him, but he's already in front of me. "Here's real fun" he said, randomly pulling out popcorn, then spiting it out on my face. "They burnt my popcorn, oh well" he said throwing over he had "this way darling, It's time to die" I was so lost. How did he know I did everything to keep this under raps. How could he kno- oh. Jeremy. He wouldn't, right. I look over, he looked sad, he did. Is that what he was telling me, that I'd been out started again. Of course, maybe it'd be better if I just went to hell.
Beetlejuice Burped, and then made the officiant of th wedding move, probably because he, him self couldn't touch, the hole water. As it burned me I didn't scream. I felt nothing. "Stop with that face you'll make me feel bad" Beetlejuice said, with a laugh that said how "sad" he'd be. This were my last moments, I could only hope Jeremy made the right decision.
P.O.V. Jeremy Frazier
They're gonna and maybe if I wasn't selfish, we could live together.
That option seems better know........
Don't know what this is, but I put a lot of effort in it so. I know it's not to long, I have dyslexia so it's hard to write long Pieces, but I'll get there :> have a good day
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thlayli-ra · 4 months
Stray (part 3)
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Characters - CM Punk, Drew McIntyre, Larry
Pairing - CM Punk/Drew McIntyre
AU - Stray AU
Rating - Mature
Warnings - Strong language, mentions of past abuse
Words - ~2,400 words
Summary - The stray's first night at Punk's
'Finally! Made it!' Punk rasped out as he shuffled the stranger into the wet room off his home gym. 'I don't remember those fucking stairs being so fucking steep!' He turned on the water and let it run hot. 'I got towels out here somewhere. Let me just grab one then I'll get out of your hair and give you some privacy to- OH LOOK AT THAT! THEY'RE OFF ALREADY!'
Punk's fingernails dug deep into the towel in his hands while the stranger blinked back innocently, standing in his full naked glory in the middle of the wet room, his briefs tossed to the side. Eyes up! PHIL! Eyes up!
He went one better and covered them with his hand to pass over the towel. 'Here you go. I'll just be out there if you need anything so just-'
The towel was ignored. Instead, it was his wrist that was grabbed. Punk chanced a nervous peek through his fingers. Blue eyes dazzled back at him under brows that were furrowed sadly. 'What?' Punk asked a little too abruptly. He was answered with a whine so pathetic he almost immediately caved in. 'You want me to stay?' Another whine and a cat paw. Fuck! Why am I being tormented like this? I'm only human!
'Ok,' he let out a defeated sigh. 'Ok, I'll stay.'
The captivating face immediately lit up and the final shreds of Punk's resolve fell away to dust. Which was probably why, when ten large fingers began teasing the bottom of his shirt, he didn't bat them away. Let him, he's feeling more comfortable around you. He's beginning to trust you. Punk held up his arms and allowed the stranger to remove his hoodie and shirt. The stranger's eyes ignited with interest when he found the colourful ink on the cage-fighter's bare chest and arms and leaned in closer to admire them. Punk gave a nod and stood still, inviting the large fingers to follow the lines of his tattoos, skimming loops over the waves and serpent on his chest.
'Like 'em?' he asked gingerly, trying to hide the blush in his cheeks. 'Yeah, I decided pretty early on that I didn't want a 'real job' so...' The finger brushed close past his nipple and Punk felt his cheeks darken even more so quickly asked 'how about you? You got any?'
The fuck? You- you KNOW he doesn't. You can see his whole damn body, you know there's not a single damn thing on there you stupid-
The stranger shook his head politely. A shiver tickled up Punk's spine when his fingers traced the inked letters arching over his stomach.
'It says 'straight edge'.' Now he was just making conversation to distract himself, every urge and desire in his body teetering perilously close to dangerous waters. 'You know what straight edge is?' Head shake. 'It's kinda like a punk sub-culture. To me it means I don't put anything harmful in my body so I don't drink or smoke or take drugs.'
The hands had moved down to his waistband and alarm bells started ringing in his mind, loud blaring sirens that deafened him but a voice spoke louder than all of it. He's baring himself to you. Do the same for him.
'Shhhhhhhiiii...' Punk whistled through his clenched teeth as the elastic of his waistband was stretched out and his sodden shorts were gently pulled down, down over the slight curve of his ass and down his thick thighs and down past his trembling knees and down past his strong calves until they hit the tile floor. He stepped out of them, kicking them aside.
And waited with bated breath for his boxer briefs to follow.
But the hands moved away.
Instead, the stranger held his palm against the wall to steady himself and shakily got to his knees under the steaming water. Punk looked on mesmerised as the lightly tanned skin began to glisten, the long dark hair shining like strips of black velvet as it grew heavy against the stranger's scalp, loose strands sticking to that broad, beautiful face. Without warning, the blue eyes opened and shone through the foggy air, looking right at him.
He's waiting for you.
Punk gulped loudly and sheepishly walked closer.
For all his worries, their time together in the shower had actually been... nice. Really nice. Once the awkwardness wore off, Punk had focused on the task at hand and scrubbed the thick layers of filth off the stranger's skin, being extra gentle around the multiple cuts and bruises. There was something satisfying about seeing the trails of brown grime fall away and slither down the drain, leaving behind clean, golden skin.
The more acquainted Punk got with the other man's body, the more he was in awe of it. He was cut from a different kind of cloth altogether, large and chiselled, like a fearsome warrior from legend. Punk could easily envision this guy with his wild black hair and towering frame rushing into battle with a enormous sword, striking fear into anybody foolish enough to get in his way.
And yet, he sat so still and obediently. Silent, until the moment that Punk began to rub some shampoo into his hair and he let out a rumble in his throat that sounded exactly like a purr.
'You like that?' Punk chuckled. 'Yeah, I used to like it when somebody stroked my hair too. Back when I had it long, just like yours.' That piqued the stranger's interest and he pulled his head back to raise his brows high at the other man. 'I can show you a picture, if you like?'
The stranger answered with a very eager cat paw bobbing wildly.
'I'll dig some out later. Now here's a real secret for you. See all this-?' Punk motioned to his bare chest. 'Shaved. If I didn't bother, I'd be even hairier than you.' He was met with a look of skepticism. 'I swear! I'm a walking carpet if I let myself go. But it's kinda one of those pressures that come from parading around half naked for a living - in the cage, I mean.'
Then the most melodic sound reached Punk's ears. The stranger laughed. It wasn't a big one, more a little huff through his nose but it held enough mirth to fill Punk's heart full to the brim with joy. We're getting there. We're doing good!
Once the stranger was cleaned up, he wrapped him in a towel and helped him outside. The nearest seat available was his rowing machine so he locked the sliding chair and set the larger man down on it. 'You ok to stay here while I clean myself off?' Cat paw. 'Ok, I won't be long. Promise.'
He stayed true to his word and speedily showered. Pulling his boxers back on, he walked out the wet room, rubbing his damp hair with a towel but found the rowing machine empty. Fortunately, the man had not strayed far; Punk saw him standing in front of his trophy wall, admiring the myriad of belts and titles mounted in their glass cases.
'Yeah,' Punk smiled crookedly as he sidled up next to the stranger, 'I was pretty good once. These days...' He trailed off, the smile slipping from his face. 'This one here,' he pointed to one he'd stuck near the bottom, under the line of sight, 'had that one for a few days before I shattered my foot and had to relinquish it. Then won it again when I healed up and tore my fucking tricep during the fight itself and had to relinquish it again! Then the promotion decided they didn't want anything to do with me anymore so, you know, fuck 'em.'
He was sinking again! He had to pull himself back up.
'Now that one!' He tapped his finger on the large golden belt, sitting pride of place in the middle. 'I held that one for a long time. Four hundred and thirty-four days to be exact. Back then, nobody could touch me.' His chest swelled up with pride, his teeth gritted. 'And I know I can do it again. One more run. There's still some gas left in this old tank, alls I need is another chance. And once my arm heals up, I'm gonna prove it.
'They can say I'm old and washed-up all they like, doesn't make a damn bit of difference to me. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me. I have so much more to give. I need it, you know? It's like a calling, a... an urge, it's...'
Say it! Call it what it is! An addiction!
'It's like oxygen! Giving me life.' Punk felt a sudden lurch in his throat and nearly choked. 'Without it, I might as well drown.'
He nibbled his lip and bit back the tears. It felt weird, saying that out-loud. To a stranger he'd only just met. He flinched when a warm hand rested on his shoulder. He turned to find the blue eyes smiling at him sympathetically. There was a great sadness in them. The stranger pointed to the belts then placed his fingertip against his own chest.
'You? You used to fight?'
Cat paw. A mournful one.
'Did they make you? The guys who put that on you?' He motioned to the leather collar around the man's throat, the one piece of clothing he had refused to remove.
Large fingers laced around the black leather band, before curling into the cat paw again.
'But you didn't want to, did you?'
His head lowered, a shaky sigh leaving his lips as he slowly shook his fist from side-to-side.
'Is that why you have all those injuries?'
Another long, grief-stricken pause.
Until finally, he shook his fist. No.
Punk steeled himself. Already his fingers had tightened into vice-like fists at his side, shaking with rage. He knew his eyes were doing that thing his ex always felt the need to comment on. "Like a cornered feral cat," he'd say. A kind of frantic insanity in them. Like Punk was about to either burst into tears or beat the shit out of something.
Punk always chose the latter.
He took in a stuttered breath, prised his fists back open. Calm down, for his sake. There's nothing you can do. Somehow that made it worse, that he couldn't offer up some kind of justice for the gentle giant he had plucked off the streets and was nursing back to health.
But he swore.. if he ever met any of those fuckers that had hurt him, he would give them the beating of a lifetime!
The major downside of their considerable size difference was that none of Punk's clothes fitted the stranger. Even the baggiest of Punk's shirts became a skin-tight crop top on the other man. 'Damn!' Punk cursed, 'you're just gonna have to do without tonight but don't worry, we'll find you something in the morning.'
The hot shower had helped ease some of the pain in the man's leg but it had been a struggle getting him back up the stairs to the lounge so Punk decided to make up the sofa bed for him instead of risking taking him to one of the bedrooms on the top floor. Outside, the storm had settled into a haze of never-ending rainfall, droplets racing down the huge windows behind Punk as he busily layered with bed with every blanket and sheet he could get his hands on.
'I'm sure I've got more upstairs,' he murmured aloud, unaware of the stranger slinking his way underneath the mass of blankets. 'Hold on, I'll be right back.'
He ransacked one of the spare room, struggling under the weight of bed linen but stopped when he reached the top of the 'death trap' stairs and glanced down below. The sight was so wondrous, his arms fell to his side, the bed linen falling to the floor with a soft fwump.
The stranger was lying on the sofa bed, bundled up like a burrito in the blankets. His hair fanned out around his head, falling off the edge of the bed in sweeping drapes. If that sight wasn't beautiful enough, Punk discovered that the stranger was not alone. Larry had hopped up beside him and was now snuggled in the crook of his knees. Both of them looked so serene and peaceful that it brought tears to Punk's eyes.
Wiping his nose with the back of his hand, Punk turned and retired to his bedroom.
He wasn't sure what stirred him from his sleep but when he spied the shadowy figure crouched next to his bed, he jolted awake!
'GAH!' He sat up with a start and raised his fist. However, he soon recognised the long hair and sparkling eyes. 'How the fuck did you get up here?'
The man didn't seem to hear the question and scrambled into Punk's bed, pulling the covers over him. 'Um.. wait, wait! What are you-?' But he only pressed in closer, whining feebly. It was then that Punk felt the other man trembling like an earthquake, so violently the mattress beneath them shuddered. 'Hey, you ok?'
The man gave another whimper and stretched out his long arms, wrapping them tightly around Punk's waist.
'Hey, it's ok, it's ok, I got you.' Punk hugged the terrified man in close. He buried his face in Punk's chest, his breath puffing against the bare skin in sharp, quick pants. 'I got you. Nobody's gonna hurt you. Not while I'm here.'
The arms held him tight, large like great chains. Warm and strong and comforting, just like-
Punk tightened his own grip, his inked fingers finding the other man's scalp and running them through his long hair, still slightly damp from the shower. It helped to soothe him so he continued, dragging his fingers through the silken strands from root to tip and back again.
Finally the breathing settled and the shaking stopped. Even when the stranger had calmed enough to fall asleep, Punk continued stroking his head, watching over him for hours on end as the rain battered the windows outside. It was only when Larry scuttled into the room and settled on the bed beside them that he felt tiredness take over and he shut his eyes, never once loosening his grip from the other man ensconced firmly in his embrace.
To be continued...
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lulu2992 · 8 months
Uncovering the unreleased Far Cry 5 in-game Encyclopedia
The almost complete but unused in-game encyclopedia, reconstructed thanks to the oasisstrings file.
Please note that it’s still cut content, so some information might not be relevant anymore.
You can read the oasisstrings file here. Pictures from this encyclopedia were also extracted and posted by @xbaebsae here.
Part 6: Characters
Aaron "Tweak" Kirby
Uppers, downers, sideway-ers... Tweak is all about pushing the limits of the human condition.
Adelaide Drubman
A confident go-getter with deep pockets to do whatever she wants, like living with booze, bazookas, and boy toy Xander Flynn.
Bo Adams
A hardcore survivalist that chooses to live out in the woods and off the grid.
A scruffy pal with unparalleled loyalty.
Cameron Burke
A U.S. Marshal with an agenda. The only thing standing between him and his political aspirations is the Project at Eden's Gate.
Casey Fixman
A grill cook with a classified past. Most locals don’t believe his outrageous war stories or the wisdom he serves up with every order.
Chad Wolanski
A self-styled prepper chef who sells food out of his food truck since his restaurant "The Grill Streak" burned down.
Dr. Charles Lindsey
A veterinarian drafted into service as a medic. There's no one else to do it, and aren't we all animals?
Orphaned as a cub and raised by Wade Fowler, he's the star attraction at the F.A.N.G. Center. He loves eating cheeseburgers.
Clutch Nixon
A legendary stuntman who left this world the way he entered it: Face first onto a pile of rocks.
Dave Fowler
Wade Fowler's brother, he runs the business end of the F.A.N.G. Center.
Richard "Dutch" Roosevelt
An old prepper who'd worked himself to the bone and lost everything even before Eden's Gate came to town. Same shit, different horse.
(no description found)
Eli Palmer
A bonafide prepper and the leader of the Whitetail Militia. He helped Eden's Gate design their survival bunkers before he wised up.
Faith Seed
The Siren in the East. The youngest in the Seed family pacifies unruly followers to make way for the Collapse. Some believe she's only an illusion.
George Wilson
George is a Whitetail Militia and baseball enthusiast, but spends most of this time as a lookout because of his age.
Grace Armstrong
A medal-winning shooter and army sniper with a vendetta against Eden’s Gate.
Guy Marvel
A genius movie director envisioning a masterpiece of anarchy and gold statue wins. Even an auteur needs help to make movie magic.
Deputy Joey Hudson
One of your fellow Hope County Deputies who has absolutely no time for bullshit and has the fists to back herself up.
Hurk Drubman Jr.
His wit and intellect may have been blunted by paint huffing, but that hasn't stopped him from living a life of adventure.
Hurk Drubman Sr.
A retired oil baron who is the undisputed master of his domain... what's left of it after the divorce.
Jacob Seed
The Soldier in the North. The eldest Seed brother serves Joseph by creating the army that will defend the Project with their lives.
Pastor Jerome Jeffries
The local man of God who will do whatever it takes to protect the people of Hope County – even if it costs him his soul.
Jess Black
Dutch’s niece. Jess is a loner who nearly lost her life in Jacob's camps, only to discover a new talent in the process: killing Peggies.
John Seed
The Baptist in the West. The youngest of the Seed brothers, John is in charge of reaping the land of supplies that will help the Project survive.
Joseph Seed
The Father. The middle Seed brother heard a Voice that told him to initiate a great Project, to prepare for the Collapse of everything. And so he has.
Kim Rye
A world traveler who chose Hope County to put down roots, and those roots are on the way - she's in her third trimester.
Larry Parker
Genius or crackpot? Science will decide.
Mary May Fairgrave
The tough-as-nails barkeep who blames Eden's Gate for the death of her parents.
Merle Briggs
A local prepper. Merle could talk your ears off about his dream bunker, or the shelf life of canned goods.
Wilhelmina Mable
Wilhelmina Maybelline, big cat whisperer and taxidermist. The well-being of Peaches the cougar is her top priority.
Nadine Abercrombie
The last living member of a family of hoarders, though she considers herself a collector. Much classier than simply hoarding. And more selective.
(no description found)
Nick Rye
The best dang pilot in Hope County. Give him a chance and he'll put on a show.
The long-time pet of Miss Mable. Probably named for the color of her fur and not the sweet disposition she lacks.
Deputy Stacy Pratt (yes, his first name is actually spelled Stacy in the files)
One of your fellow Hope County Deputies who’s a good cop when his ego doesn't get in the way.
Dr. Sarah Perkins
A lone biologist determined to unravel the mysteries of how Jacob's Judge wolves are created.
Sharky Boshaw
A wanted arsonist, Charlemange Victor Boshaw IV hides out where he can live his fire-blazing, rockstar fantasies.
Sherri Woodhouse
She gave up city life, opened a fishing store, and began the hunt for her family’s missing legendary whiskey.
Skylar Kohrs
A high-powered expert fly fisher hell-bent on landing a legendary fish.
Tammy Barnes
Once a homemaker, now the chief interrogator for the Whitetail Militia. They say her marshmallow blondies are to die for.
Tracey Lader
A woman determined to bring down Eden's Gate, especially Faith. They used to be friends and the sting of betrayal fuels her wrath.
Virgil Minkler
A trusted mayor for the past 7 terms, now hell-bent on stopping the production of Bliss after it took the life of his son.
Wade Fowler
The co-owner of the F.A.N.G. Center, an animal rescue facility that takes in orphaned wild animals.
A member of Eli's Whitetail Militia.
Wendell Redler
He made it through Nam with his buddies. Now he’s an old man, his buddies are gone, and this is not the America he fought for in his youth.
The smart-ass quartermaster for the Whitetail Militia who also has a radio broadcast to counter the Father's propaganda.
Earl Whitehorse
The devoted sheriff of Hope County. He believes delivering justice with a gun should be a last resort. On the eve of his retirement, duty calls.
Willis Huntley
Just a man in love with the good ol' US of A.
Xander Flynn
Left California for Hope County to detox from the city life. Ended up finding "modeling" gigs at the Drubman Marina, and a cult cramping his style.
Zip Kupka
A self-proclaimed conspiracy "realist" who finds a new reason to hate the government with each passing day.
There were three more:
Coyote Nelson
Fishing is life.
In the files, Coyote Nelson is the name of the fisherman you meet at fishing spots.
A bright kid of Blackfoot heritage and the go-to person for all things computers and arcade machines. He keeps it on the down low.
The character’s full name apparently is Morris Aubrey. He’s the person who’s always near Far Cry Arcade machines and telling you how “awesome” the game is.
A supply runner for the Whitetail Militia.
All I know about Scooter is that, according to a deleted mission objective, this character (who was also cut) was supposed to be escorted to the Wolf’s Den at some point.
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Kid Congo Powers (literally) on fire:
here captured by Larry Hardy while playing for the Cramps on July 25th, 1981, at The Roxy Theatre, Hollywood, CA, with the Gun Club opening, Kid's hair caught fire during the show.
"If I wanted to make an impression on the hometown crowd, then the show on the second night would not be forgotten in a hurry. Halfway through our set, we’d play Lux and Ivy’s song “I Was a Teenage Werewolf,” which would segue into a version of Dwight Pullen’s “Sunglasses After Dark.” While the audience was hypnotized by an assault of feedback, rhythm, and flashing strobes, Nick Knox would duck down behind his drums to retrieve a pair of dark sunglasses and put them on, and Lux would yank his out of his pants, giving him an opportunity to do one of his favorite things onstage—expose himself. Ivy and I would turn our backs to the audience and walk toward our amps, on top of which we had votive candles and our prop sunglasses. Then we would all turn around again and reveal ourselves, cast in shades. That night, I leaned just a little too far over my amp to fetch my sunglasses. A spark leapt up from the candle onto my hair, and, whooosh, it all went up in flames, igniting the Aqua Net Extra Super Hold hair spray I’d used to make my Ronnie Spector hairdo even more voluminous. The whole outer shell of my hair was now alight, like a flaming wig-hat. Except I didn’t know I was on fire because, one, I couldn’t see the top of my head, and two, I was wearing sunglasses. Girls in the audience started screaming. Wow, this is so great, I thought. Who would know the Cramps would inspire something like Beatlemania in LA? Seconds later, Bradley Field, who was tour-managing for us, put a damper on things by running out from the wings and showering me with beer. Then Nick Knox jumped over his drums and beat me on the head with his sticks. Wait a minute, I thought. Was I playing that badly? What did I do to deserve this? By the time I realized what was happening, the flames had been extinguished. The smell of burnt hair lingered, wafting through the entire venue like a funeral pyre of human flesh. The screaming turned to cheering. Without missing a beat, Lux, great shaman that he was, announced to the audience, “Ladies and gentlemen, the days of miracles have not passed. We present to you Kid Congo . . . the burning bush.” Kid Congo, “Some New Kind of Kick”
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hollow-grave-diggs · 1 month
Silverstreakshipping week!!
Day 3- AU
Bodyguard Kabu x CEO Larry who firmly believes he doesn't need a bodyguard
like 1000 words-ish. There's a short fight scene, mentions of a knife, and Kabu gets a bit scratched! Nothing life threatening or worse than a nick, but the warning is here.
Larry is a capable man.
He runs one of the largest companies in the world, he thinks he knows what he's doing. Day in and day out, his hard work pays off and profits skyrocket.
Recently, though, his company has been dipping it's toes into a new field. Pharmaceuticals. Medicine. Larry has teams of dedicated doctors and scientists figuring out how to produce quality medicine for cheaper.
Why would Larry charge so much for something that is a necessity to sick and dying people? Besides, lower prices means he'll beat out his competitors in sales. Win-win all around.
Well, for him and his company. His competitors, however? With their businesses failing and sales way down, they've only got one solution in mind... Taking out Larry and crumbling his empire.
The first assassination attempt startles him, for sure, but after that, he shakes it off. He's doing well, and the bullet didn't even land! Surely he can just move on with his life.
The second attack fails as well. I mean, he saw them put that strange powder into his drink, why would he drink any of it?
Business as usual.
His investors and partners to his company all say otherwise, and they've hired him an honest to Arceus bodyguard.
Larry tries to tell them all they're being ridiculous, but his complaints fall on deaf ears. He and Kabu, his new bodyguard, apparently, are set to meet the next morning.
Larry grumbles the entire way, but what his investors want, his investors will get. Never mind that he's the CEO. He's should just tell them all to leave him alone. He's doing just fine!
He goes to the breakfast.
Kabu is... fine. He's around Larry's age, which surprised him. They are both certainly older, but Kabu assures him he's plenty capable of protecting Larry.
Not that Larry cares. He still thinks this is blowing things all out of proportions. But Kabu is fine.
He's not cold and distant like Larry expected a bodyguard to be. Quite the opposite, honestly. He was loud, and passionate.
He talks with Larry, and not just boring typical small-talk, real conversations, and he gets so fired up about the things he cares about.
Larry actually felt like a person around the man. Not just a figurehead for a company, or a wallet to investors, but a human. He was just a normal guy to Kabu.
It was different. Refreshing. Larry found that, even if he thought it pointless, he didn't mind having Kabu around.
It was mid-day when it happened.
He was walking out of a restaurant, a new lunch place he was trying, when Kabu stilled. He stopped talking entirely, which drew Larry's attention, and was scanning the street. His eyes were keen and sharp while he searched.
Larry found himself unconsciously tensing along with Kabu, his own eyes locked onto Kabu's face. Suddenly, Kabu jolts into action.
Clearly seeing something Larry could not, Kabu abruptly threw Larry behind himself, back into the restaurant. Larry gave a startled sort of shout, but Kabu was darting away from him, leaving him in the entrance of the restaurant.
He yells a command to one of the workers, and the front door of the restaurant is locked, Larry safely behind the door. Even still, Larry can't stop the terrified jump to his heart when he watches three men swarm Kabu.
The glinting metal of what has to be a knife makes Larry feel ill.
He staggers to his feet, just knowing that those men are after him. But there's nothing he can do. If he opens the door, he risks the lives of the patrons of this restaurant, and he certainty can't fight.
His only option is to watch Kabu, the man he has grown so close to, close enough to share precious lunch breaks with, fight to protect him. It is a sick, twisting feeling.
But, as he watches on, heart hammering and breath shaky, Kabu doesn't falter. Not once.
He dodges kicks and punches, whirling around to meet each attacker and block hits. Larry's mute horror slowly transforms into a sort of awe as Kabu lands hits of his own, knocking out one of the men.
While his back is turned, one of the other men gets a lucky hit in, and Kabu's face twists up in pain. Larry sees a brief glimpse of red and silver in the movement, and fights the urge to cover his eyes. The idea of seeing Kabu get hurt and having Larry be the cause is hard to bear.
It seems that that attack only made Kabu fight harder, and fired him up even more.
Larry knew, in his mind, that Kabu was strong and trained, but seeing it in person was a whole different thing. He moved with the grace of a dancer, and it was like he couldn't miss.
His next hits land harder, and Kabu certainly isn't holding back.
The second guy goes down in a heap with a well-placed kick from Kabu. The third man pauses seeing his pal go down, and Kabu uses that opportunity to take him down too.
It seemed too easy almost, like it was second nature to Kabu. Seamless. He hardly seemed to struggle! He scanned the street once more and, upon clearing it of whatever dangers it held before, turns to the restaurant with a smile.
The employees let him in quickly, police already being dialed, but Kabu doesn't stop for any of the worried employees or exclaiming patrons. He doesn't stop when a worried woman offers him bandages for his bleeding shoulder, where one of the attackers knives cut through his shirt and nicked his skin. No.
He makes a beeline straight for Larry, still grinning happily. Like the fight didn't faze him in the slightest.
His eyes sparkle mischievously, and Larry feels his heart stutter for an entirely different reason this time. "How'd i do, boss?" He says, cheekily.
Larry's jaw is open a little, and he clears his throat, looking away awkwardly. His cheeks burn, and he rubs at the back of his neck.
"Remind me to up your pay." Is all he can rumble out.
Kabu's boisterous laugh brings a smile of Larry's own onto his face.
Yeah, maybe he can see the appeal in having a bodyguard after all.
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louisisalarrie · 5 months
what is your favorite thing about Harry and Louis individually?
this is a wholesome ask!! thank you anon 🧡
I’ll split this between boys and maybe give some love about Larry as a unit at the end too. Watch out, it’s gonna be a long one.
Louis: I love so much about this man. He is just so… interesting. There’s no one like him.
Watching him grow up over the years… wow. He’s so complex, has so many sides to him, and is a bit of a chameleon - being able to adjust into any social situation and being able to make friends with just about anyone, while still being himself. He’s so damn strong, and fights so hard for what he believes in and who he loves. He just is so caring and will throw himself under the bus solo over taking anyone down with him. He sacrifices himself for the ones around him, no matter what consequences that has.
Even without talking about Larry, you could tell he was immediately the natural leader of the band. He has everyone wrapped around his finger, but doesn’t take advantage of that (unless it’s for pranks hehe). He’s so very protective, and he fought against 1d’s team and Cowell hard. He threw himself into the wrath of that asshole, just to try and ensure the others had it easier. He didn’t care what that meant for him. Even if Cowell through him out of the band, which I’m sure he was close to multiple times, he’d rather that than the others take the blame or get into trouble (
Also, all the boys have stated how vital and strong he is, and how he truly grew into himself after being so shy and then just… blossoming. They were big parts of that, but Louis truly just.. took the reins, made the most of it, and tried so hard to see the best in things. Niall says here (3:10 onwards… ignore that shitty Aus interviewer, he’s fucking useless) about how Louis was self deprecating in an interview and he shouldn’t be hard on himself, because they all adore him and he’s an “extremely vital part of one direction”. Here’s Liam talking about how crucial Louis was to the band, and how he persevered without being the front man or singing a lot at the beginning, but he made the best decisions for the band and that leant him more into the business side of it all.
He’s an incredible writer, too. Truly just… very interesting with his genres. He brought 1d to a wider demographic and audience by not following the stock standard general boyband vibes, and gave them more maturity and edge and complexity by the end of it. While a lot was still collabs, he brought his own sound so strongly. You can TELL when it’s his writing, and that is such a special thing that a lot of artists haven’t been able to master.
While I do agree he has lost a fair bit of his flamboyancy and has quite a strong barrier around him (walls…) before truly letting people in, he’s done that simply to protect himself and that’s a really important and valuable thing to do, particularly when he’s always in the public eye, he learnt how to manage that appropriately to keep his personal life, and his heart, under armour.
He’s also just… cheeky as fuck. And the stories I was told about when he was in Aus… very funny. Very down to earth, loves indulging in some beers and smoking a J and I adore him.
Also, his vibe. Shit. He just… draws people in when they’re around him. While yes, I am a fan, even if I wasn’t and we’d made eye contact backstage like we did, I would’ve been frozen to the spot. He’s powerful, confident, a little cocky, but also soft, gentle, and caring. He’s also been through some rough hardships dealing with trauma and family/personal losses, but still comes out the other end. An incredibly strong human being.
Harry: Harry is… so layered as well. Both of these boys are very complex and I would put that down by having to hide, being controlled, and shoved in the public eye at a very young age. But Harry came out the other end a little differently than Louis did.
Harry has always been so open and caring, driven and focused, but also has an off switch as opposed to Louis. Behind the scenes, Harry drops the stage persona (which a lot of it is truly him, but you know what I mean), and comes back to himself. He calms down, and stays calm, and puts other people first and gives them plenty of space and privacy. He values his privacy so much, and values his personal life to a point that you can truly tell how genuine he is, and how much he doesn’t want to pull the people he really cares about into the spotlight to deal with the public like he has to.
He also is a different level of fame to Louis. Harry has his every move scrutinised and ogled at and yet he continues to be himself and wear whatever tf he wants to, and makes a statement. He’s very loud. He dances ridiculously and wears awful sparkly jumpsuits and writes a lot of songs that still pay homage to the 1d days. And also, career wise, you can tell when he chooses to make decisions for himself.
Releasing SOTT as a single, for example. That song should have (marketing wise) been an album song. It should’ve been about 3/4 through the album, to balance out the fun pop. It shouldn’t have been released as a first single to solidify his solo career, and I can guarantee he was advised against that. But he did it for himself. He didn’t do that shit for anyone else.
He also is just a giggly little cheeky mess. A natural flirt, who can be cocky and confident and grab whoever he’s talking to’s attention, just by looking at them. But in saying this, he genuinely cares about what people have to say when they’re talking with him. He makes a lot of eye contact, often stays quiet for a moment or two after someone has finished talking to give them the time to finish, but also to carefully consider what he’s about to say next. And yeah, you could put this down to media training, but he makes sure the other person is heard and has the platform to speak to him, like he’s just another guy. He is very genuine like that, and he makes people feel important by doing so.
He’s also a romantic. He looooves love and values it above all else, in my opinion. He also just loves freedom. To be who he is, to spread his wings, to be the centre of attention even though he doesn’t really mean to. To be himself. He truly doesn’t hide under a mask anymore (closeting aside).
And if you’ve been around forever, you can see he’s not queerbaiting or whatever tf. He just lets it loose on stage but doesn’t need to be that person all the time. He is far more quiet and shy and giggly than the media gives him credit for. He just… is himself off stage as well, but the more reserved side, because he gets it all out on stage and it’s the one place he can truly release that energy bc of his glass closet. He doesn’t have to pretend on stage, he doesn’t have a stunt gf all over him when he’s up there, he can just be that loud side of him that shows who he is. That shows how proud he is.
He’s a frontman, he loves performing, and takes the chance to again, make people feel important when they’re speaking to him. Like he truly does care. He listens to his fans in the crowd, spends a ridiculous amount of time talking to them, and values us for always being there and seeing through the bullshit of his image. He’s also very hardworking, as Niall says (3:25 onwards).
Larry: I mean… Jesus Christ. How lucky are those two to find each other? To form an instant connection and look at each other like that? God, even if you forget about the romance of it, just that deep and powerful connection, is definitely a form of soulmates for me. How happy they are together, how touchy feely (Louis is so physically affectionate and Harry loooooves it) they are, and how protective they are of each other.
Being shoved into a situation like 1d, is hard for any of those boys, and with closeting on top? God damn they fought hard. And Louis is, and always has been, so protective of Harry who is his baby hehe. So to be there and gently guide Harry, a naive and shy 16 year old, through the treacherous grounds that is the music industry, is extremely important and a bond for life.
The instant connection between them, the mirroring, the drawing each other in no matter how big the room is, the gentleness, the rowdiness, the love… god. Even if you don’t believe in larry, you see it between them. The connection was always there. And both Harry and Louis have fought so hard for it. They came out the other end stronger and more powerful than ever. They didn’t crack. They didn’t break. They supported each other and helped each other and held onto each other.
And that’s what true love really is about.
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dross-the-fish · 8 months
Okay I don’t know if this has been asked before so I’m sorry if it has BUT. What would the crew + Griffin and Dorian look like slash act like under the effects of the Hyde potion……. I’m Curious
Hasn't been asked before, and that's a really good question tbh. They way I have the hyde potion work is that it brings out not necessarily a "worst self" but rather a twisted version of who the drinker wants to be or who they think they are deep down. Griffin's invisibility would become less literal and more in line with shapeshifting. he can take any appearance or form except his original one and if he fucks up in an old skin he'll just put on a new face. This will cause him to spiral and possibly even forget who Griffin was, he just endlessly becomes new people and finds that he is now everyone and no one. His sense of identity would shatter.
Dorian would become almost doll like, beautiful and horrifying, his skin is too flawless, his eyes are to radiant. It falls into a creepy uncanny valley effect as his face looks almost mask like yet anyone who is in close proximity becomes dazzled by him. Under the influence of the potion he mutilates the faces anyone he sees who might be a threat to his beauty. If he was cruel before he is horrific now. Watson would become a fanatic obsessed with justice, almost a crusader of sorts as he loses the part of him that is humble or empathetic under the influence of the potion. He'd be younger and stronger but all of his softness would be gone. I imagine he'd look larger and more square as this is already a major part of his personality, it's just been amplified and all the temperance removed. Quincey would be similar to Edward, small, hairy and dwarfish but he's not inherently cruel, he'd be more playful and impish. Quincey is at an age where he's expected to act like and adult so in daily life he tends to act mature and take the high road. With his new persona he'd sneak into movies, go to bars and forget about his responsibilities or the impending weight of picking a career and settling into adult life.
Larry would also find himself more energetic and talkative, he'd be confident, almost to the point of arrogance and give in to kleptomaniac urges. If he sees what he wants he'll steal it. I see his "hyde" form being lanky and crooked with elongated limbs. Selma would become a monster. She'd become the things she's hunted all her life and all of the rage and despair she's forced herself to shelve would twist her into a hateful thing that didn't even look human anymore because she feels deep down that her humanity was stripped from her a long time ago. She'd be massive and terrible to look at. Theo would become smaller. She'd become a fragile and lost little creature that can't stop crying because deep down she's fearful that there's nothing left of her anymore except dregs that can't be loved by anyone. She'd be repulsive to look at but she'd beg and cling to anyone who got near her not to leave her.
Erik would become ordinary. He would not be a genius, not gifted with music, not possessing of a horrifying temper or visage just an average man who could go out to the park and sit and watch birds and maybe have a conversation with some strangers. He wouldn't even notice that he doesn't remember how to play a violin. It would scare him how happy it makes him to be "just Erik," with nothing else to him. Adam would become physically attractive but obsessive and shallow. He'd look like the version of himself Victor had wanted to create and he'd even call his inverse "Victor" because there's still something in him that needs some part of Victor to still be alive. Even if it's only because Adam refuses to bury him and let him rest. He'd indulge himself in all the things he could never have as Adam but rather than making him happy he'd still find he resents "Victor" for having what "Adam" cannot. When he's "Victor" he feels disdain for "Adam" and when he's Adam he is jealous of "Victor"
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r0-boat · 1 year
Hear me out, flying type hybrid darling using their wings to hug their partner.
Like 'preening' their partner's hair and hiding their feathers in their partner's clothes; chirping / hooting happily when their partner come back home with hands full of their feathers like a silly game
(Can be anyone you like I just cant get this thought out my head haha)
Now I am absolutely obsessed with shipping Larry with monster reader. And when I saw Harpy reader I dived for it aaa.
The characters I will do is Larry, Warden Ingo, Leon,
Various characters (pokemon) reaction to their beloved as a flying type hybrid harpy.
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You just showed up one night scratching in his back door with your sharp claws. You were looking for nesting material the day before you never asked a human for some this human seemed shocked But ultimately gave you some cloth it was strong yet soft and smelled nice. This human was nice : )
As a flying-type trainer, he knows some of the mannerisms you have. He thinks it's cute when you preen his hair or make a small nest out of his clothes because you missed him. Sometimes, he would show you how humans court and then do the same thing to you
And his coworkers and boss are none the wiser when he starts finding feathers in his suit all day. They just assumed that he had a new flying type Pokemon and not a hybrid birb spouse. Even so, coming to work covered in feathers isn't professional, but he can't bring himself to tell you to stop. He knows you're doing this out of love for him. Maybe Larry will ask you if he could wear one feather and put it in his pocket.
Your feathers are just so soft when you wrap your wings around him. He can't help but cuddle into you and fall asleep. He can feel your nails thread through his hair, mimicking the way he touches you.
Before stepping into his house, he could hear the excited tapping of your feet as you do your happy dance. The little bird hops with your feathers all fluffed before yelling his name and throwing feathers all over the place. His home life has never been this exciting, and he can't help but smile.
Warden Ingo
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You struggle the flap of your wings, kicking up the snow on the ground. The Searing pain in your left wing and arm is almost overwhelming. Your energy is slowly draining as your body struggles to keep warm. Your feathery down kept you from freezing for a while, but how long will that last? Has the wind begun to pick up? You hold your broken arm close to your chest, trying to keep in your subs of pain as you huddle your wings closer together, desperate to cling to any ounce of warmth; your vision blurs and your brain tells your body to conserve energy. The only thing you saw when you began to blackout was a man in a long coat approaching.
You were protective of the man who saved your life—wrapping your wings around him not only for affection but also for protection. For some reason, this human was drawn to you. Your beautiful white wings and Feathers jogging his memory of something, though not enough to figure out why.
Every time his Warden duties called, he would leave his cabin even though he had sworn he would go you home somehow, always following him, stalking him in the distance until he was alone. Then, you would appear either from a high ledge of a cliff or a dark cave to brush yourself up against him, cooing for his affection.
Every time he falls asleep, he wakes up to his jacket being stolen and wrapped around you, not that he Minds that you wear it, though he has to tell you to be careful; those sharp talons of yours could easily rip a new hole.
The Striking eyes of his remind you of a Braviary hybrid. You can't help but Preen his hair and put some of your feathers in it. You coo in Delight of how handsome he is. Cuddling close to him and playing and tugging on his clothes.
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Wherever he was, this was definitely not the Pokemon Center. In fact, this wasn't a town at all. He didn't even know how he got so high up in the mountains. Leon swore he was following a path. As he continued to wander, getting himself more and more lost, it wasn't before long that the sun began to set. Still, he took this challenge with a smile despite being low on supplies. He was in the wilderness. They're sure to be some berries somewhere. However, before the sun dipped below the horizon, he saw a blur Bolt from the tree to the dense foliage. It was like lightning, but he could have sworn he saw feathers. The figure was a human shape, a hybrid, perhaps? It stood at a distance where he could barely see it. It stood there tilting its head almost as if it wanted him to follow. As he followed the creature until they were nowhere in sight, that's when he realized he was back on the path.
Almost every encounter with you was by pure chance. You don't even know how he does it; a dumb human gets lost, and then you guide him back suddenly. A month later, he's back?! What the heck?? What is this human's deal!? is he trying to get himself killed?!
You only watch the human to make sure he doesn't get himself killed, not because you think the human is attractive. And you absolutely didn't swoon when you saw that he was wearing the feather you dropped as a necklace.
But unbeknownst to you Leon wasn't just adventuring for adventuring sake he was looking for you. Oh yes the mysterious hybrid that led him back to the path on that night he met you. Hybrids are already so rare, and when you caught his eye, he couldn't help but relive the memory. He not only wanted to meet you, but he wanted to get to know you to understand you. And you were just as infatuated with him as he was with you.
Even though you're instincts told you to court him as a potential mate, you knew that as a human, he couldn't be trusted, but somehow, Leon knew that , he knew that you were wary of him. He didn't blame you. How could he? Thus begins the slow build of trust and your relationship
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anonymousewrites · 9 months
Logos and Pathos (Book 3) Chapter One
Spock x Empath! Reader
Chapter One: Sublime Sight
Summary: Ambassador Kollos arrives on the Enterprise and brings an unusual woman with him.
Mouse Note: Welcome to Logos and Pathos Book 3! I'm happy to have everyone from the past two books back, and welcome to anyone new to the series! I'm really excited to share with you all since we actually have Spock and MC together and dating! So, comment your thoughts down below (it makes my day and I love responding), and have a great time!
            Captain’s Log: We have been assigned to convey the Medusans’ Ambassador to the Federation back to their home planet. While the thoughts of the Medusans are the most sublime in the galaxy, their physical appearance is the exact opposite. They have evolved into a race of beings who are formless, so utterly hideous that the sight of a Medusan brings total madness to any humanoid who sees one.
            (Y/N) stood beside Spock, Scotty, and Kirk as they activated the transporter. They stood straight, eager to work with the Ambassador of Medusa since they were known for their minds, so hopefully, communication would be easy and the trip would go well.
            Sensing their thoughts, Spock reached out and brushed his fingers along the back of their hand affectionately. (Y/N) glanced up at the light Vulcan kiss and smiled at him.
            A man appeared in the transporter beam and stepped out. Kirk smiled and held out his hand.
            “Mr. Larry Marvick,” he greeted. “I’m James Kirk, the Captain.”
            “Captain, what are you doing here?” asked Marvick. “You’ll have to leave before the Medusan Ambassador arrives.”
            “We were simply ensuring everything was ready for the Ambassador,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            Kirk nodded and gestured to his team. “This is (L/N), my Negotiations and Communications officer. Then that’s Spock, my First Officer.”
            “Oh, the Celian and the Vulcan,” acknowledged Marvick. “I know your psychic blocks should be fine, especially with the visor, but Captain Kirk and the transport officer….”
            Scotty smiled. “Montgomery Scott, Chief Engineer. Call me Scotty.”
            Marvick nodded before looking back at (Y/N) and Spock. “Do you have the visors? You must be sure to wear them. Humanoids who get even a glimpse of the Medusans have gone insane.”
            “Thank you, Mr. Marvick. I shall be wearing the visor,” said Spock.
            “As will I,” said (Y/N).
            Kirk smiled. “Well, we shouldn’t keep the Ambassador waiting. If you’ll go with Mr. Scott, Mr. Marvick, I’m sure the two of you will have a great deal in common.”
            “Aye, indeed,” said Scotty, escorting Marvick out.
            “Lieutenant Uhura, open a communication channel to the Transporter Control Center on the planet,” said Kirk across the comms.
            “Aye, sir,” said Uhura.
            “This is Captain Kirk. Inform the Ambassador and Dr. Jones we’re ready to beam them aboard. Kirk out.” He switched off the comms and held up one of the visors. “Are you sure these things will work?”
            “It has proved effective for Vulcans and Celians,” confirmed Spock, taking it from Kirk as (Y/N) picked up the other. He had been very careful to check the studies before agreeing to use the visor as he refused to put (Y/N) (and himself, but mostly them) in any dangerous situations that could be avoided.
            “It’s your human half we’re worried about,” said (Y/N), frowning and glancing worriedly at Spock.
            “I shall endeavor to keep it under control,” said Spock.
            (Y/N) smiled at him and hugged his arm affectionately. “If you have any troubles, I can use my empathy to cast a mental shield around you. That should be enough.”
            Spock looked at them with warmth in his eyes. “That should be helpful, yes.”
            Kirk smiled to himself at the finally open affection between the pair (especially by Vulcan standards). “Let me know when transport is complete.”
            “Yes, Captain,” said (Y/N), putting on the visor beside Spock.
            Alone in the transporter room, they nodded to one another. Spock fiddled with the controls before activating the transporter. Through the visor’s film, (Y/N) watched as two forms appeared on the Enterprise. A woman in a visor and a dress covered by a star-jeweled cloak stood beside a box. Both the woman, Dr. Jones, and the box, Ambassador Kollos, radiated strong emotions. The ambassador in particular, containing Kollos to avoid being seen, had intricate emotions that reached out kindly to (Y/N). They understood at once—Dr. Jones was telepathic, so Kollos knew how to communicate with psychics.
            “Welcome aboard, Ambassador Kollos, Dr. Jones,” greeted (Y/N), smiling. “I am Lieutenant (L/N), and this is Commander Spock.”
            Dr. Jones smiled. “The Ambassador is most honored to meet you, Mr. Spock, Mr. (L/N).”
            Kollos’s aura of emotions hummed in a clear agreement. (Y/N) glanced between Jones and Kollos’s container and smiled. Hopefully, that would ease the transport process since there would be an easy way to communicate both with words and (Y/N)’s own empathy.
            “We must properly close the container with advanced locks so no incidents occur,” said Spock, picking up a locking device.
            “Very well, he understands,” said Jones evenly.
            Spock and (Y/N) locked up the container of Kollos in order to make sure there could be no accidents with it opening before reporting to Kirk the Transporter Room was secure.
            “Captain, we’re ready,” said (Y/N), leaning across Spock to speak.
            Spock’s hand rested on them to keep them from toppling over as they straightened. He would never be into PDA in the human sense, but being able to freely touch or acknowledge to (Y/N) privately that he loved them was very important to him. After so long believing they’d never care for him in the same way, Spock adored being able to show his devotion to them.
            (Y/N) smiled at his and touched his hand before going back to their job. They, too, liked being able to show their affection. Celians were physically affectionate, so to finally be able to touch Spock without fearing it would be stepping over his boundaries was perfect for them. (Y/N) was still careful to allow Spock to remain professional to the degree he preferred, but the couple had communicated plenty of times to ensure neither stepped over any boundaries and they both had their emotional needs met, so both were happy with where they were.
            “This is Captain Kirk to all ship’s personnel,” said Kirk across the ship’s channel. “Clearance plans now in effect. Clear passageways immediately. The Ambassador will be escorted to his quarters at once.”
            After a moment, Spock and (Y/N) lifted up the container as Jones walked beside them through the halls.
            “Dr. Jones, may I congratulate you on your assignment with Ambassador Kollos,” said Spock.
            A light smile appeared on Jones’s face. “Thank you. But the assignment’s not yet definite. It will depend upon my ability to achieve a true mind-link with the Ambassador.”
            “I am sure you will find it a fascinating experience,” said Spock.
            “I was not aware than anyone has performed a successful mind-link with the Medusans,” said Jones.
            “No one ever has,” said Spock. “I was referring to mind-links I had attempted with members of other species.” His eyes drifted to (Y/N) for a moment.
            Neither had brought up bonding psychically as it was many psychic species’ equivalent of human marriage, but Spock would be lying if he hadn’t contemplated it. Whether it be during the unfortunate incident of the extreme emotions epidemic through the Enterprise, the creatures on Deneva that had pained Spock, or his Pon Farr, (Y/N) had saved him from pain and emotions by connecting to his mind multiple times.
            And Spock liked it. (Y/N)’s psychic aura was warm and comforting, always gentle and respectful with him. So Spock had thought about a proper bonding multiple times, but he was unsure of how they felt, so he hadn’t brought it up. Hopefully, one day…
            “I have heard, Mr. Spock,” continued Jones, breaking off his thoughts. “That you turned down the assignment with the Ambassador.”
            “You did?” asked (Y/N) in surprise.
            “I was unable to accept. My life is here,” said Spock, staring intently at (Y/N) in a promise that he wouldn’t leave them. They turned pink and smiled back.
            The pair walked Kollos in his container into his room, and Jones entered behind them.
            (Y/N) pressed the radio button and spoke. “(L/N) to Bridge. We have arrived at the Ambassador’s quarters.”
            “Thank you, (L/N),” replied Kirk.
            Spock turned to Jones. “I would appreciate an opportunity to exchange greetings with the Ambassador.”
            (Y/N) blinked before shrugging. That was their boyfriend, jumping into danger for “research” and “knowledge.” “I would, as well.” At least we’d be insane together if anything goes wrong with our visors.
            “I’m sure the Ambassador would be charmed,” said Jones.
            Spock and (Y/N) stood before the container, and it opened to reveal a green light and the Medusan within. With their glasses it was bearable, but the actual sight was indescribable. Vulcan stoicism protected Spock, and (Y/N)’s empathy allowed them to see the positive emotions flying from Kollos to counteract the hideous appearance. Still, it was quite something.
            Jones didn’t react at all, simply standing still beside them until the container closed once more.
            “I almost envy you your assignment,” said Spock.
            “Your mind says you are tempted to take my place,” said Jones.
            Spock raised an eyebrow. “Not correct, Doctor. There is far too much for me here. But I am aware of your mind attempting to contact mine.”
            “Were you born a telepath?” asked (Y/N). They frowned slightly as they sensed the envy crawl across their skin from Jones as Jones failed to read their and Spock’s mind after looking at Kollos. It was odd.
            “Yes,” said Jones. “That is why I studied on Vulcan. The Celians attempted to instruct me, but the many voices…I handle the information better focused, carefully protected like the Vulcans.”
            (Y/N) nodded in understanding. They, too, had experienced overstimulation due to their abilities on many occasions. It had taken years of practice to learn to adapt and work around wild emotions running around them.
            “May we show you to your quarters?” asked (Y/N).
            “I think I’ll stay here a bit,” said Jones. “Ambassador Kollos often finds the process of transport somewhat unsettling.”
            “I understand,” said (Y/N).
            “Our ship’s surgeon often makes the same complaint,” added Spock.
            (Y/N) smothered a chuckle. Bones was infamous for hating transport. “Call when you’re ready,” said (Y/N) before they and Spock left the room.
            “So,” they began as they walked, “You were offered the job to accompany Ambassador Kollos?”
            Spock nodded. “Yes. Due to my self-control as a Vulcan and experience with varied life forms after my time on the Enterprise, I was considered a candidate. But I never considering acquiescing.”
            “Really?” asked (Y/N).
            Spock reached out and touched two fingers to (Y/N)’s. “I told Dr. Jones the truth. There are things I am unwilling to leave.”
            “Spock…” (Y/N)’s voice was soft as they smiled at him. They leaned up and kissed him for a moment. “I love you, too.”
            Spock let a small smile appear on his face. He would never leave (Y/N). He would never even consider it.
            “Tell me, Dr. Jones, why isn’t it dangerous for you to be with Kollos?” asked Kirk as he, various officers, and Jones sat at dinner together in honor of the Ambassador’s arrival. “Spock, I can understand.”
            “Why, thank you, Captain,” said Spock.
            “Only one person I know leaves an impression on him,” continued Kirk, teasing Spock, “and they can see emotions that counteract people’s outward appearances.”
            (Y/N) shrugged. “I can see more than just looks.”
            “But as I understand it, no human can look at Kollos, even with a visor, without going mad,” said Kirk. “How do you manage?”
            “I spent four years on Vulcan, studying their mental discipline,” said Jones.
            (Y/N) tilted their head. Something else lay in her emotions. There was more to it, but as there was nothing nefarious, (Y/N) let it go. People had privacy they respected.
            “You poor girl,” said Bones.
            “On the contrary, Doctor,” said Spock. “I would say that Dr. Jones was, indeed, fortunate.”
            “Vulcan is not my idea of fun,” said Bones.
            “Joy can be many things, Doctor. I learned to do things impossible to learn anywhere else,” said Jones.
            “To read mines?” asked Kirk playfully.
            “How not to read them,” said Jones.
            “I don’t understand,” said Kirk.
            “Psychics can experience information overloads when they’re still learning to control their abilities, Captain,” said (Y/N). They smiled at Jones. “I myself had many moments of sensing too many emotions are once. It takes training to control your abilities.”
            Jones nodded, and a warmth of emotion radiated from her, grateful that someone else understood. “Vulcan was necessary to my sanity.”
            Spock nodded. “What many people generally find impossible to understand is the need to shut out the bedlam of other people’s thoughts or emotions.”
            “Or of their own thoughts and emotions…” murmured Jones.
            Smoky grey floated around her dejectedly, and (Y/N)’s eyes softened.
            Jones cleared her throats and nodded at Spock. “You know, I was just noticing your Vulcan IDIC, Mr. Spock. Is it a reminder that as a Vulcan you can mind-link with the Medusans fare better than I could?”
            (Y/N) blinked at the envy crawling over their skin from Jones once more. It was strange, but Jones clearly had some deep insecurities surrounding her abilities and position with the Ambassador.
            “I doubt that Spock would wear the most revered Vulcan symbol just to be showy,” said (Y/N), keeping their voice light and friendly.
            “As a matter of fact, I wear it to honor your achievements, Doctor,” said Spock.
            “Indeed,” said Jones, unconvinced.
            “Yes, very interesting. I might even say ‘fascinating,’ ” teased Kirk. “But back to your mission. Doctor, do you feel any way may be found to employ Medusan navigators on starships?”
            “It would certainly solve many of our navigational problems,” said Jones. “Well, the key is the mind-link I learn on Vulcan and also studied on Celia. Now once we have learned the technique of forming corporate intelligence with the Medusans, the designers—that’s where Larry comes in—can work on adapting instruments.”
            “I don’t care how benevolent the Medusans are supposed to be,” said Bones. “Isn’t it suicidal to deal with something ugly enough to drive a man mad? Why do you do it?”
            “I see, Dr. McCoy, that you still subscribe to the outmoded notion, promulgated by your ancient Greeks, that what is good must also be beautiful,” said Spock.
            “And the reverse, of course, that what is beautiful is automatically expected to be good,” said Marvick, somewhat bitterly.
            (Y/N) narrowed their eyes as pinpricks of aggression and envy started at their skin.
            “Yes, I think some of us are attracted by beauty and repelled by ugliness—one of the last of our prejudices,” said Kirk. “At the risk of sounding prejudiced, gentlemen, here’s to beauty.” He raised a toast.
            “Here, here,” said the table, with Spock looking right at (Y/N) as they smiled at him.
            Jones gazed at them, and the pinpricks of envy started up again. All of a sudden, Jones’s emotions turned to chilling fear, and at the same moment, dark anger radiated over (Y/N) as well. The two froze, and Kirk, Bones, and Spock were instantly on edge. Kirk reached out to Jones, and Spock put a hand on (Y/N)’s waist to support them.
            “What is it?” he asked.
            “Anger. So much of it,” murmured (Y/N), shaking their head as the heat cleared.
            “There’s somebody nearby thinking of murder,” said Jones.
            “In this room?” asked Kirk.
            “It’s gone now,” said (Y/N), and Jones nodded in confirmation.
            “Who is it? Can you tell?” asked Kirk.
            “It isn’t there anymore. It was just a moment,” said Jones.
            Spock’s grip on (Y/N) tightened protectively, and their hand covered his to comfort him.
            “I’m alright,” they murmured. “It was just surprising.”
            Spock nodded, but he didn’t let go of them.
            “Captain, would you mind if I said goodnight?” asked Jones, getting to her feet as she composed herself.
            “Of course,” said Kirk.
            “Please stay and enjoy yourselves,” said Jones. “It was a delightful dinner.” She nodded to everywhere before leaving.
            “Are you sure you’re alright on your own?” asked (Y/N), familiar with the shock of sudden psychic readings.
            “I am,” said Jones, swishing out the door in her gown.
            “Now, where I come from, that’s what we call a lady,” said Bones.
            “I suggest you treat her accordingly,” said Marvick coldly.
            His envy grew on (Y/N)’s skin. Someone’s insecure and wants Jones’s attention.
            “I’ve known Dr. Jones long enough to be aware of her remarkable gifts. Well, it’s been a long day for me.” He walked to the door before anyone could say more.
            “Larry, would you like to stop off in Engineering with me?” asked Scotty jovially. “I have a few things to check and a bottle of scotch.”
            “Some other time,” said Marvick, declining the offer and leaving the room, leaving just the Enterprise officers.
            “I think I’ll head to rest, too. I’ll let you know if I sense anything else, Captain,” said (Y/N).
            “Thank you, (L/N),” said Kirk.
            “I’ll escort you,” said Spock, remaining close as they stood.
            Bones snorted and looked pointedly at Spock’s hands on (Y/N). “Yeah, I bet you will.”
            Spock didn’t dignify the insinuation with a response, though the tips of his ears did turn green.
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