#purva Bhadrapada mars
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kerinna · 2 months ago
Can you tell us what a woman with a Purva Bhadrapada Mars would be like? Thank you!
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Monkey D. Luffy ⬆️Or Pippy Longstocking
The difference is males are more world base while the female would bring the world to the locals.
No direction, no plan, so in the moment with your actions it blindsides everyone around you.
You like food, especially exotic foods.
People see you as a hero or a savior while you barely see your feet walking in front of another.
You absolutely hate inequality and you have no qualms about speaking up about it, but your actions make change happen.
You like peace. May sleep a lot.
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rabiosantologia · 5 months ago
Salma Hayek
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♌︎ Purva Phalguni Sun (and ASC) and Magha Mercury in the 1H
♓︎ Uttara Bhadrapada Moon and Saturn (Rx) in the 8H
♈︎ Bharani Rahu in the 9H || ♎︎ Vishakha Ketu in the 3H
♋︎ Ashlesha Venus (atmakaraka), Pushya Mars and Punarvasu Jupiter in the 12H
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invenusworld · 3 months ago
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india love has rahu in chitra (tiger yoni) venus & saturn in purva bhadrapada (lion yoni) mars in dhanishta (lion yoni)
lion & tiger yoni natives are frequently drawn to cheetah/leopard/tiger print clothing
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thehiddenoctave · 1 year ago
How Mars becomes Venus
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The only planet that struggles with temptation is Mars. Venus is not temptation because Venus loves the self-destructive quality of pleasure and love, burning the eye with beauty and cutting the tongue with sweets, destroying the body to arrive at the soul through pleasure.
Mars fights off anything that threatens it, from physical enemies to psychic enemies, so it hates temptation because such things threaten to destroy the very thing it tries to protect. But here's the funny thing about Mars: by resisting temptation, they become the tempting thing. What happens when you resist alcohol, candy, ejaculatory sex etc.?
Does your body and mind not become stronger and more beautiful and more delicious? And in becoming so, do you not tempt others to their destruction? By fighting fear, they become fearsome. Much like a warrior, who wears the skulls and drinks the blood of all he defeats, he becomes an even greater force through the combination of all these conquests. In alchemy it is said that Venus is externally solar but internally corrosive/terrestrial, where as mars is the opposite, being externally corrosive/terrestrial but internally solar.
Of the many interprations, here's is one:Venus starts off lustruous (solar) but overtime wastes itself into dullness (corrosive); Mars starts off dull (corrosive) but builds itself into luster (solar). Someone born with Mars placements today, may even reincarnate with Venus placements cuz of how well they attain soma.
But the thing about having Mars nakshatras, is that you are simultaneously made manifest with a degree of lustre (soma; the pearl etc.) but also still with a resistance to indulgence as you are still martian. Mars naks are superficially venusian in that they love aesthetics but... they are internally martian in that they resist induglence and don't like getting tempted - instead they prefer to be the tempting thing that provokes others into throwing their soma onto the mars native so they can drink it and add to their luster.
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marsprincess889 · 2 months ago
Hello, I hope you see mine lol but anyway here is my chart.
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Hello, thanks for participating.
Your divine archetype:
⛰🌸🥀The passive maiden and silently powerful ruler⚔🦉👑
Your Goddesses:
Blodeuwedd_ Welsh flower goddess. Blodeuwedd means "flower faced". She was created specifically for a hero in Celtic mythology_ Lleu Llaw Gyffes, to be his bride and to ensure his kingship.
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The main association she has to your chart would be your moon, which is the most important placement in every chart, in Rohini nakshatra. Rohini is fully in Taurus, it's the first moon-ruled nakshatra associated with the most unaware of passive feminine energy in its initial state. It's also connected to flowers. Rohini's power is to grow, like how toddlers start to grow in size as they absorb the world around them. Taurus rules the 2nd house naturally, but in your case it's actually in the 2nd house too, amplifying its effect. Moon is exalted in Taurus(in Krittika, but Rohini is also a good placement for it).
Rohini nakshatra is associated with such stories of women being created as grown adults with a specific intent and while being the object of desire. It's the unaware, submissive feminine.
All of your big three nakshatras have a theme of feminine passivity but in different ways. I just touched on Rohini.
Bharani is the mother nature, the discerning maiden, the embodyment of femininity in general, the yoni that purely reflects any impression made on it. It's Venusian, sexual, powerful and raw. Unlike lunar Rohini though, it's not about limitless enjoyment, but about the perfection of creation, enjoyment, being and the immortality of love, desire and venusian attachments.
Uttara Bhadrapada_ the warrior star, is a Piscean, watery, Saturn nakshatra that conquers and rules through obedience. Its perfection is achieved through cold precision and strength cultivated over time. Both Uttara Bhadrapada and Bharani relate to the immortality of the soul and can be viewed as nakshatras of sovereignty or honor. Rohini, being also passive, adds influence to the archetype that I'm about to bring up.
The sovereignty Goddesses are common in Celtic mythology. They largely relate to Bharani, but a lot of them are connected to Earth, making them also fit for your Rohini moon. They are also connected to granting rulership(Bharani and to some degree, Uttara Bhadrapada coorelation), while Bharani and Rohini both relate to being "the emboyment" that these goddesses are, the first nakshatra being the embodyment of desire, karma and universal law and the latter bring the embodyment of creative masculine energy manifested as a woman. They both relate to desire.
Goddess Gwehwyfar_ Arthurian Guinevere, is a sovereignty goddess representing the land of Albion(England). That's why anyone who wanted to rule in Camelot had to wed her. She's mostly resonant to Bharani but also fitting for Earthy passive Rohini and also passive, quietly powerful Uttara Bhadrapada. Her myths mainly focus on her marriage to King Arthur and later, her affair with Lancelot which led to the downfall of Camelot. Arthurian legends have many versions and different authors have added different stories throughout centuries, but Guinevere has remained a passive but crucial mythological character.
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As an addition, I want to mention a few goddesses associated with Uttara Bhadrapada. Frigga_ Norse goddess of motherhood, love, nurture and fate. She's the consort of the highest standing Norse God_ the allfather Odin. Her silent knowing, power and associations birthing/motherhood makes her associated not with just Uttara Bhadrapada, but also with Bharani.
The same can be said about Greek goddess Psyche_ a human who was elevated to the status of a deity because of her love for Cupid. She relates to the purity of the soul, a theme found within both Bharani and Uttara Bhadrapada. Her butterfly/flying symbolism is related to Uttara Bhadra and the story of her myth is overall connected to it, but the aspect of her "elevating to another world" because of love can be connected to Bharani. According to Vedic texts, the result of Bharani is "moving on to another world", and its association with the power of love is prominent and quite famous in astrology.
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I'm going to move on to Venusian Goddesses that also resonate to other parts of your chart than your big three.
Rohini is in Venusian Taurus, you have Ketu in Purva Phalguni, you obviously also have Venusian Bharani as ascendant but Bharani's rashi(Aries) lord(your chart ruler) is Mars(active version of it) and it's exalted in Martian Dhanishta in the 10th house which is the "best" possible nakshatra, sign and house placement for it. It affects visibility and makes the planet noticable to say the least. That's for an aspect of fierceness and passion to you that when mixed with Venusian influences, creates a very unique archetype.
Freya_ Norse goddess of love, passion, sensuality, war and chooser of slain. She is known for her radiant and passionate nature. This is the goddess that I associate with Bharani, but it can also definitely be associated to Purva Phalguni_ your Ketu, located in your 5th house of enjoyment and passion.
As the chooser of the slain, Freya has the first pick with which of the brave warriors she takes in her heavenly land of Folkvangr, Odin has the second pick. There is an side to her that is connected to the dead which most Venusian Goddessed don't have. But another definitely does.
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Inanna/Ishtar_ Mesopotamian Venusian Goddesses, often compared to each other, who descended into the underworld. Inanna went to the underworld to see her estranged sister_ Ereshkigal, who she was extremely afraid to see. You can research how her myth is told but an important symbol of hers is a lion. It was said that she is often mounted on one. Lion is Dhanishta's(your chart ruler's nakshatra) yoni animal. Her myth is about compassion, bravery, self-respect and power. She's called "the queen of heaven" and is associated with the evening star_ Venus.
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Another interesting part of your chart is Jupiter atmakaraka(the planet with the highest degree considered to represent the soul) in Jyeshta nakshatra. Jyeshta is fully in Scorpio(also a Martian sign) and in your case, it's also in the 8th house. First important detail to mention is that Bharani also has death associations, making your chart deep and intense, but secondly, and more importantly, it ties perfectly with and connects you again to Blodeuwedd.
Your moon is in Taurus, Rohini, second house. Your atmakaraka is in Scorpio, Jyeshta, 8th house. Both of these signs/houses/nakshatras deal with possessions and values in opposite ways. Rohini and Jyeshta are the two nakshatras connected to Blodeuwedd.
The goddess' symbol is an owl, Jyeshta's symbol, representing shrewd analysis and wisdom. It's also a protective force of nature.
The myth of why she is turned into an owl goes like this: One day her husband Lleu goes hunting. A young huntsman named Gronw comes ro her, seeking shelter, and he and the goddess experience love at first sight. He wanted to be with her so much that he persuaded her to kill Lleu.
They made the plan and Grown departs, leaving Blodeuwedd anxious about it coming together. Eventually, the prepare a bath on a riverbank with a thatched roof, so that it was neither indoors nor outdoors. As Lleu stood with one foot on the edge of the tub and the other on the back of the goat, Gronw threw a spear at him, hitting him on the side. Lleu turns into an eagle and flies off, surviving this attempt. He was discovered injured and nursed back to health by his cousins Math and Gwydion. The lovers are discovered and Gronw was killed. As to Blodeuwedd, she was turned into an owl_ a bird no other bird liked.
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The goddess with no choice made one and was punished. This is the fate of the passive feminine, but her power is undeniable. Bharani relates to the struggle with free will, especially regarding love and independence, especially as a female/feminine, being power but not necessarily having it yourself. Rohini is the choiceless bride, while Jyeshta is the independent, wise woman, often seen as the protector of Rohini archetype. Blodeuwedd represents them both. Today, her name means "owl".
I hope this was informative and helpful.
Please leave a feedback in the asks after reading🤍 let me know if it resonated.
I still encourage you to research them yourself.
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moonchild033 · 9 months ago
Hello I want to understand my vedic placements more and I saw you accept ask about it 🙂
So I have these planets in my Aquarius 10H:
Shatabhisha Moon 10°, Purva Bhadra Mercury 27°, Dhanishtha Venus 6° and Purva Bhadra Saturn 23°
What does it mean? Thank you 🙏🏽
Hey there! ❤💫
Ohhh I'm excited about the Aqua 10H, it's a good 10H imo.
Shatabhisha Moon 10°:
You can be into IT fields, interested in tech oriented studies. You may also have huge dreams of owning a tech related company rather than working in it. Your capricorn degrees also show that you're hardworking and absolutely want to be your own boss. Since it's a rahu ruled star and moon is your mind, you may have the kind of thought process which is objected by the majority of people. You strive to be unique from others, especially your thoughts and dreams regarding your career and personal growth. Your ambitions may also seem to fluctuate as rahu's star in the moon can make you have unrealistic dreams built for oneself. Your 10H creativity and calculative tendency of capri degrees may act as a driving force to fulfil these dreams of the rahu moon.
Purva Bhadra mercury 27°:
You can have good communication skills, people listen when you speak as you're perceived to be an intellectual. When you give a speech, it has a passion and fire to it, inspiring people, rather than sounding like a bored afternoon lecture. Even though you have commendable problem solving tendencies, people may sometimes see you as an arrogant personality who wants to only talk and never listen to other's opinions. You may be too stubborn about your own opinions, unwilling to accept other sides and may come off as a money-minded person too. Dw, it's just that you believe in your knowledge and wield it in the right way. Gemini degrees make all these qualities 2x:) and you may also love proving people wrong with factual checks. If you argue, it's about the controversy on a topic which you believe to know very well.
Dhanishta Venus 6°:
As dhanishta is ruled by mars, many astrologers would say that this is not a favorable position for Venus to be in, as Venus plays a role in relationships and marriage. Imo, dhanishta teaches you to choose your partner wisely. You're a meticulous lover once you're truly committed. Your Virgo degrees make you even less flirtatious and concentrate more on serious long term relationships where you can happily share a home. You may come off as guarded or aloof or distant in relationships but you just take your own sweet time to make sure they're the one and it's possibly the best protection God offers. I've seen people with strong Venus placements get into many relationships before finding the one and experiencing more heartbreaks than the ones with the stereotypical unfavorable positions. I would say it's a way of protection and ur placement also suggests that you may find someone attractive in your workplace- especially in a friends group at work. You may also have high expectations about your partner to be/ your current partner, if you learn to control those, your love life will be a great success and there's a huge possibility of becoming a power couple. Also, you hear a lot of songs, maybe attracted to drummers (as the star is represented by drums) Your taste in music hugely depends on the heartfelt lyrics more than the tune.
Purvabhadrapada saturn 23°:
It's lucky that you have Saturn in it's own sign and also in it's own degrees. This is a lucky placement imo. Saturn usually gives late results and pushes you to your utmost limits. In your case tho, you can get fruitful and timely results if you aren't lazy. Sometimes you may feel like you're getting blessed easily, which may lead to lagging and procrastination. If you avoid that tendency, you will see immediate good results in everything you do, especially career related since it's ur 10H. You can have your own successful business after the age of 30 if other planetary placements also support this. Also, make a note to respect your seniors or mentors, because this may backlash at you if you fail to provide your reverence for the people who guided you.
This is my interpretation of your placements, this may change in accordance with your other placements and aspects. I hope you find at least some points to be absolutely relatable. Let me know your thoughts! ❤🤗
With Love-Yashi❤⚡
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rabiosantologia · 3 months ago
♏︎ Vishakha Sun in conjunction with Anuradha Venus in the 5H
♑︎ Shravana Moon in the 7H in opposition with Pushya ♋︎ Jupiter in the 1H
♋︎ Ashlesha ASC
♒︎ Purva Bhadrapada Saturn in the 8H (atmakaraka) in opposition with Uttara Phalguni ♌︎ Mars in the 2H
♈︎ Bharani Rahu in the 10H
♎︎ Vishakha Ketu in the 4H
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“The song itself is about ... I always describe it as not fearing anything, anyone, any man, any woman, any war, any gun, any sling or arrow aimed at your heart by other people because there is somebody, finally, who loves you for real, and that you can achieve a real state of grace through somebody else’s love in you.”
JEFF BUCKLEY Grace | Live on The Late Show (1995)
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the-returnofartemis · 2 months ago
here is a list of placements from both western and vedic astrology that may point to having a foreign spouse. one indication alone isn't usually enough to confirm a foreign spouse, but with the many placements listed, it may point to the idea that your partner may be one with foreign roots. however, remember that free will is always a factor. so, even though, the astrological indicators are there, life choices and circumstances can always influence outcomes!
musical spotlight: II MOST WANTED by beyoncé feat. miley cyrus
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these aspects can also be applied to marriage persona charts – juno, briede and groom.
✧.* 7H RULER IN 9H OR 12H -> can still be applied if 9H OR 12H RULER IS IN 7H
✧.* 5H RULER IN 9H OR 12H -> the 5H also signifies romance and devotion. with the 5H ruler in 9H/12H, there may be a strong sense of alignment with a spouse who comes from a different cultural background. the connection could deepen your desire for a harmonious union with them, potentially leading to marriage
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✧.* 9H VENUS
✧.* 12H JUPITER (women)
✧.* 7H RULER IN 5H
✧.* 12H VENUS
✧.* 12H MERCURY -> this placement indicates that your partner may speak a language that is different from your own or one that you consider as 'foreign'
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these aspects can also be applied to the navamsa (D9) chart as it also focuses on married life. while many of the western indicators can be applied, gemini moon on twitter shared additional indications from the rashi (D1) and navamsa (D9) chart that may suggest the possibility of a foreign spouse.
✧.* 7H DK MARS
✧.* 7H IN ARDA -> can lead native to do business in foreign lands, which can lead to higher chance of having foreign spouse
✧.* DARAKARAKA (DK) CONNECTED TO 9H OR 12H -> in vedic astrology, the DARAKARAKA (DK) represents qualities of one's spouse and can provide insights about them. with DK connected to 9H OR 12H nakshatra, there's an indication that your partner may have connections to foreign cultures, an interest in travel, or even foreign roots
✧.* KETU'S INFLUENCE ON DK -> ketu represents non-traditional or unconventional qualities. its influence on the DK could point to a partner who is 'foreign' or very different from your typical environment
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✧.* CONNECTION BETWEEN 5H + 7H + 9H OR ITS RULERS -> native may have inter religion marriage or may marry someone outside own society
✧.* 9H MOON
✧.* 12H MOON
if you've made it this far, i hope you enjoyed this little corner of my world. thank you for reading and please feel free to share your thoughts! always remember to love yourself as if it's your greatest romance.
the pictures featured in this post are from pinterest.
until next time,
artemis x
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niyasruledbyvenus · 4 months ago
Vedic/Sidereal Beauty
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Venus and moon denotes beauty in vedic astrology. Rahu can also grant beauty/magnetism since it represents illusion.
Exalted/domicile or aspected by benefics—- Venus/moon/2h/7h= attractive face. Sun/5h Mars/1h= attractive body
Houses can apply for both Whole Signs & Placidus
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Pisces, Virgo, Taurus, Libra, Capricorn, Leo, Cancer, Gemini, Sagittarius placements
Rohini, Uttara Ashadha, Chitra, Purva Ashadha, Pushya, Purva Phalguni, Uttara Phalguni, Revati, Ashlesha, Bharani, Purva Bhadrapada, Vishakha, Shravana, Dhanishtha, Mula
Venus in 1h/5h/2h/7h/10h,12h
Examples- Rihanna, Sridevi, Beyoncé/ Venus 1h, Christina Aguilera/ Venus 10th, Kate Moss/venus 7h, Ariana Grande/Venus 5h, Gigi Hadid/venus 12h
Moon in 1h/2h/4h/7h
Examples- Princess Diana/Moon in 7h, Michael Jackson/Moon in 1h, Jessica Alba/Moon in 7h, Emma Watson/Moon in 4h
Mars in 1st
Examples-Erykah Badu, Brooke Sheilds, Aaliyah, Kim Kardashian, Jane Russell
Rahu in 1st/7th
Examples- Doja cat/ Rahu 1h, Halle Berry/Rahu 1h, Lana Del Rey/Rahu 7h, Mila Kunis/Rahu 7h
Ketu in 1st
Examples- Megan thee Stallion, Miley Cyrus, Emma Stone, Lenny Kravitz
Taurus/libra/Cancer/ Leo/Capricorn/Pisces/virgo ascendant
Moon in Venus Nakshatras (Bharani, Purva Phalguni, Purva Ashadha)
Examples- Kelly Rowland, Lindsay Lohan/Bharani moon, Zoe Kravitz, Bella hadid/PP moon, Selena/PA Moon
Moon in Libra/taurus/cancer/pisces
Examples- Alain Delon/pisces Moon, Monica Bellucci/ Cancer moon, James Dean/libra moon, Lisa Bonet/ Taurus Moon
Moon in Vishakha, Chitra, Swati, Rohini, Mrigashira, Krittika, Pushya, Ashlesha, Mula
Examples- Nicholas Chavez/Pushya Moon, Megan fox/Ashlesha moon, Adriana Lima/ chitra moon, Kali Uchis/ Vishakha Moon
Venus in Pisces/Taurus/libra/ Leo/Aries/Scorpio
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Arudha lagna
Arudha lagna with Venus/moon or AL lord is Venus/moon
Examples- Marilyn Monroe/Taurus AL Audrey Hepburn/Libra AL
Scorpio AL (femme fatale vibes, know for their sex appeal)
Examples- Angelina Jolie, Sharon Stone, Pamela Anderson
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*planetary aspects to moon/ascendant can influence appearance*
Sun-Jupiter (positive aspect)
Sun-Mercury (conjunct)
Yogas (planet combinations)
Chandra-Mangal Dhan Yoga: When the Moon and Mars are in conjunction
Shasha Yoga: When Saturn is in a kendra (angular house) from the Moon.
Dhan Yoga: When benefic planets are located in the second house (house of wealth and speech) or the eleventh house (house of gains)
Adhi Yoga: When benefic planets are in the sixth, seventh, or eighth houses from the Moon
Lakshmi Yoga: Venus is well-placed in a person's chart, particularly in a kendra or trine (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th, or 5th, 9th houses)
Bhadra Yoga: When Mercury is in a kendra (1st,4th,7th,10th) from the Moon.
Ruchaka Yoga: Formed when Mars is in its own sign (Aries or Scorpio) or in exaltation (Capricorn)
Hamsa Yoga: When Jupiter is in a kendra (1st,4th,7th,10th) from the Moon
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shukraastro · 5 months ago
Planets & Nakshatras observation on looks and traits
(applicable for spouse analysis)
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Mars ruled Nakshatras: Mrigashira, Chitra, Dhanishta
The skin will have a pinkish/reddish undertone.
They can have cuts/scars/marks on the face (representing their fighting spirit).
Men are prone to anger issues (except for Chitra, cuz it lies in Libra, so they have good controle over their anger)
Women are usually restless or even anxious, especially in Virgo Chitra and Mrigashira.
Saturn ruled Nakshatras: Pushya, Anuradha, Uttara Bhadrapada
If Moon is in these Nakshatras then women can be seen wearing corsettes/shapewear or very tight clothes often, bcuz Saturn represents restrictions.
Saturn also represents ink and metals and in these Nakshatras a person can have tattoos and piercings, but a trigger planet for that would be Mars bcuz Mars rules over wounds and cuts. So Mars in these Nakshatras can very likely result in tattoos and piercings.
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra:
If you go back to my previous posts you will find about the foot injury trait of Purva Bhadrapada. I have seen this play out so many times that this Nakshatra will give some type of foot injuries, and prominently on the left foot. Justin Bieber has the planet Sun placed in his 7th house in the D9 chart and it is in the Nakshatra of Purva Bhadrapada. Sun is linked to performing arts, Hailey used to dance Ballet until she injured her left foot. You see how planets in Nakshatras inside the 7th house of the Navamsa can play out.
Also another thing I have noticed in this Nakshatra is the lip shape, they can have a pouty rectangular shaped lower lip. And women here somehow give off "island girl" vibes.
They can also have precognitive dreams, because they are very in tune with their higher self.
Rohini Nakshatra:
They love to wear oversized, baggy clothes and quality materials, because of Moon's influence, they love comfort. On the other hand they may also love to display their appealing physique.
They also love branded luxury items: cars, watches, clothes, perfumes. And they love food a lot, they can eat a lot (with Saturn influence they can be cautious and go on diets).
Also after eating food they will get tired, because of the Venus and Moon influence.
And they will always end up having no fixed work schedule in their career.
They can also become the most achieving at a young age, compared to their workmates.
DK planet or 7th lord in Rohini can give a spouse with sining and dancing abilities, Hailey Bieber has Moon DK/7th lord of D9 in Rohini. (Planets like Sun, Moon, Mercury and Mars can give that as talents, Jupiter could make someone a teacher in that area and Saturn could give it as a career).
Moon influence:
Moon connected to any spouse placements or 7th house can give musical talents in the spouse.
Moon in the 7th house can also either give a cat like appearance to the spouse or a bunny like appearance. Both animals are symbolically connected to Moon, cats are connected because of the hightened intuition and bunnies are connected by the chinese folklore of the moon goddess who's companion is the bunny/rabbit.
Mars influence:
Having Mars as DK/7th lord can indicate a spouse who might be a soldier/police/athlete just anything physical movement related.
Saturn in Rohini:
This combination can cause consumption of Whiskey to enhance creativity. A person will love to drink to feel relaxed and sing and dance. If Mercury influence is also there as well it can amplify this even more.
Saturn in Rohini can also result in dryness, skinnyness, lack of water in the body, dry/flaky skin and acne or other skin irritations. But therefor a person will be very disciplined in following a quality skin care rountine.
Ketu Ruled Nakshatras: Ashwini, Magha, Mula
Will have out-of-body experiences/precognitive dreams/sleep paralysis
They can be very interested in ancient history/culture/scriptures. They're all about the past and the root of things. They may love to dig under the ground, that's why Magha especially can make someone an archeologist or historian or even a teacher.
Also Magha is strongly connected with royalty/royal lineage. They may not be considered a royalty but counting a number of generations back, their ancestors might have been powerful individuals.
In these Nakshatras a person will let their hair grow out. Because hair is linked with roots. And Ketu is all about the roots, because it's the tail of the dragon, the tail represents the underground while Rahu, the head of the dragon represents the sky. So Ketu ruled Nakshatras will keep their hair long, it makes them feel spiritually connected to their past lives. There is something they cannot let go of from their past lives.
Revati Nakshatra:
Another Nakshatra which is connected to royal lineage. (same as Magha here also).
If a man has his DK/7th lord/Venus in this Nakshatra, his wife can be taller than him.
They love to travel and their travel journeys will be comfortable, without any kind of major complications.
They will also be very successful outside of their home country.
With Venus here, a person will find their spouse in a foreign country or move to a foreign country after marriage for their spouse. The spouse can also be someone who travels a lot or is successful overseas. Or a person will travel a lot with their spouse.
Rohini, Mrigashira & Ashlesha Nakshatra (snake yoni or symbol):
As the Ascendant/DK/7th lord/Venus natives will always attract strong Rahuvian people.
They have very intense and hypnotic eyes. Either dark and big or bright and slender. If their eye color is dark they may tend to wear light colored contacts, which can give their eyes a snake like appearance.
Ashleshas will be lisping.
Swati Nakshatra:
They can jump very high and run very fast, they love being in the air/speeding through the air, because the deity is Vayu, he rules over the air (Rahu ruled Nakshatra-Sky connection).
Venus in Swati can make a person have a love for the sky in a creative way, also can give singing abilities, because music is carried through the air, they can also have a love for good sports shoes (for jumping) or high platform shoes (Venus-fashion & Rahu heights). But these can also apply to the spouse, because Venus generally represents the spouse.
Swati can make a person be a fanatic for extreme sports related to heights like mountain climbing, bungee jumping and sky diving. Mars and Venus here can also make a person excel in martial arts and music.
Also they just can't stay still, they are always moving, and can't keep still for a second. They look like they can jump off any second.
I will do more of these observations for the other Nakshatras that are left.
Thanks for reading🌺
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kerinna · 19 days ago
Political topics of Nakshatras
Ketu: Brutality
Venus: Personal Expression(Mentally and physically)
Sun: Corruption/Propaganda
Moon: Inequality
Mars: Religion
Rahu: Consent
Jupiter: Equality/Privacy
Saturn: Censorship
Mercury: Family Rights/Custody
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rabiosantologia · 3 months ago
Marilyn Monroe
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♉︎ Rohini Sun and Mercury in the 11H
♑︎ Dhanishta Moon in the 7H
♋︎ Ashlesha ASC
♈︎ Ashwini Venus in the 10H
♒︎ Dhanishta Jupiter and Purva Bhadrapada Mars in the 8H
♎︎ Vishakha Saturn in the 4H (atmakaraka)
♊︎ Punarvasu Rahu in the 12H
♐︎ Purva Ashadha Ketu in the 6H
Madonna (Ashlesha Sun) reproducing the choreography and the scene of "Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend" for the music video "Material Girl"
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rose-maidenn · 7 months ago
Astro observations 1
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Tropical + Sidereal
If you have mercury sextile venus as a women your voice gives you an upper hand in your career , example Sofia Vergara being famous for her acting as well as her unique voice , lana del rey for her vocal range , Rihanna , Kim Kardashian memes lol .
If as a man you have mercury sextile venus it shows up as an upper hand in your thoughts and creativity , often times men with this placement are very soft spoken and understanding , in a dark way they could be manipulative as well . They mostly create a world of wonders for themselves and have distinct contributions towards art or way of life . Eg : Walt Disney , Ewan Mcgregor in big fish
Scorpio men give high school bad boy vibes , their upper body might be larger then their lower body , fellas don't skip leg day
Wanna start content creation or wanna be a singer , check your moon sign , a popstar might become popular based on the emphasis on either vocal range, lyricism, performance (credits to the instagram reel i watched lol i lost the link ) eg : scorpio women embody the performer persona most strongly , for example: Beyonce , Miley Cyrus , Lady gaga etc (vedic - Vishakha)
Cancer sun women mostly embody the trashy girl aesthetic.
Though widely considered meek , the cancer sun embodies a badass feministic yet kind vibe to them eg : Princess Diana , Selena Gomez , MIA, Frida Kahlo , often turn out to be revolutionaries and make changes in their own fields .
Pluto in the 5th is an amazing placement for fashion designers or in the field of marketing in the field , eg: Coco chanel , Miuccia Prada , Donatella Versace etc . 5th is the house of creativity and pluto being in it bring something out of the ordinary to make the person famous.
Pluto in 5th might also suffer from a turbulent childhood often with home relocation or absent parents
Mercury in 9th might be forced to grow up earlier , these people embody wisdom beyond years, often time resulting in void eg : Drew Barrymore, Mila Kunis lying about her age to get roles , Brooke shields .
Mercury in 9th is also a good placement for writers, eg : Sylvia plath , Agatha Christie, Emily Bronte .
Purva Bhadrapada women are very activist and stand for what they believe in , they make really good points in an debate👏
Punarvasu sun will give you fuller lips . Mostly downturned
Gemini men often have a wild chemistry with Sagittarius men 😭😂 the gemini man either admires the Sagittarius or hates them , like a frenemy vibe .
Libra men have the rake energy they flirt with everyone but they also make you feel like you're the only girl 😭 tf
Moon conjunct Saturn is said to give a bad relationship with mother but I have observed that if it is in the 12 th house it actually gives a good relationship, as there's more understanding .
As a jupiterian myself I won't advise to dye your hair blonde if you have prominent jupiter ,it makes me even more delusional. I would recommend brown for grounding and inviting creativity in your life .
Idk mars dom men are too good to me I like them so much, I've seen that in other cases as well so I will say jup dom 🤝 mars dom.
Rahu doms are underdogs yall , mostly people underestimate them until one day they put all their energy into something and prove themselves .
Uttara Ashadha girls act as they're stupid but they're observing so much , they might have really captivating eyes , puppy eyes if I say .
If two people have asc-moon synastry , they love each other and loathe each other because of their similarities , their is also a tendency of copying the others gestures or fashion .
Ketu doms push people away and then say they're lonely , it takes a lot to understand the inner rich world of ketu doms , which I think venus doms get to a degree.
Rohini people have a certain liking towards the metal of gold , and it will bring you auspiciousness if you buy them gold.
That's all for today hope yall enjoyed , I think you can read both observations interchangeably hehe I tried a new format hope yall like it . Dm me if you want to book a chart reading or an astrology reading 🫶
Thank you for reading
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thehiddenoctave · 1 year ago
Chitra Nakshatra & the tamasic horrors of Vanity
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How vanity is the enemy of love and Venus
New patreon post, click the link
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marsprincess889 · 1 month ago
Astro observations
Part 6 I think
Spontaneous post
And easily digestible so yay ig
Placements that indicate bravery:
Ketu in the 3rd house
Mars in the 3rd house
Moon in the 8th house
Mars in the 10th house
Strong influence(big three, atmakaraka, chart ruler, Ketu, two or more planets) in the nakshatras of Bharani, Jyeshta, Uttara Bhadrapada. Honorable mentions: Mrigashira, Ashlesha, Magha, Vishakha.
Mars in the 6th house
Two or more planets in the 3rd, 6th, 8th or 10th house(EXCEPT Rahu).
Strong influence of Ketu, Mars, Venus or sometimes Sun.
Based on what I've observed in real life, Ketu dominance can manifest in different ways:
First, you have the calm-looking, quiet, private people who are suprisingly accomodating, but still somewhat disconnected from reality. I think those people have 2 or more primary Ketu nakshatras or some other heavy Ketu indicator, along with Moon or Saturn influence.
Then you have the expressive people who are nice but visibly fiery. These people might have Venus or Mars influence along with Ketu. They are more engaging and seem more grounded, due to their comfort with and connection to the body.
Then you have really chaotic people who are most prone to aggression or unbalanced behaviors associated with Ketu. Usually Ketu-Jupiter combination creates extremely opinionated people who can be hard to reason with. They might love to display confidence and might love to enthusiastically empower others, but as both of these planets are forces of the extreme, they can be hard-headed. This sounds mean but I've dealt with them and with all the positive qualities they can have, they still have the need to push their views on others. They can also be unaware of themselves. And one thing they don't want to admit is that they're unnaturally sensitive to any kind of feedback or criticism(obviously, not every single person will relate to this). If a Ketu-Jupiter person has this side to them and it comes out, other people might feel an instant need to distance themselves from them. The Jupiter-Ketu native might tell themselves that others "can't handle" them, in context of them being "greater" or "better" or "right", but with what I've seen, it's just a result of inflated ego+unchecked power+distorted perception.
Fairytales and nakshatras:
I want to explore this in greater detail in another post but for now I can list a few interesting things.
Just based mostly on theory and some on actual observation, the placements that might indicate interest in them:
Bharani, Krittika, Punarvasu, Ashlesha(my opinion), Swati, Anuradha, Mula, Shravana(!), Shatabhisha, Revati(!).
9th house placements, 12th house placements.
Some fairytale coorelations that I noticed:
Bharani_ Rapunzel(I just found more proof for that but that is probably reserved for Patreon)
Mrigashira(and maybe Rohini)_ Alice in Wonderland(ik it's not exactly a fairytale but it's a fairytalish children's story).
Ardra and Punarvasu(the transition)_ The Snow Queen
Punarvasu and Mula_ Beauty and the Beast
Ashlesha_ Snow White(pretty obvious)
Purva Phalguni_ Sleeping Beauty
Uttara Bhadrapada_ Cinderella
Credit to Claire Nakti, I found the coorelations of Alice In Wonderland, Beauty and the Beast, Snow White and Cinderella through her.
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cleopheanne · 10 months ago
Random astrology observations (very shallow but fun ig)
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- Mercury conjunct sun in a chart gives very logical/mathematical intelligence you will find that the best student in the classroom always have this conjunction, the closest is the orb, the more pronounced are these qualities.
- Venus in exaltation gives deep thinking abilities and it is perfect for philosophy, think about philosophers like Kant, Plato (allegedly), Karl Marx. Or even scientists like Albert Einstein ( Venus in revati),all influenced our modern world in an unthinkable way.
-Jupiterians remind me of the perfect rennaissance man who is all-rounded excelling in every sphere of intelligence: you will find that they really have a deep love for education: absorbing information and utilizing it in everyday of their lives.
- Ketu people are so funny, the funniest imo like they are kind of lost and dgaf about people so they are really blunt and random it's just very comical
- Mars men are popular or rather notorious: they just have an effect on girls from what I observed: Chitra and Dhanista men most of the time. I know a Chitra sun guy that winks at you everytime you cross eyes with him lol, a dhanista sun and ascendant boy that I know had girls writing their snapchats all over his backpack in high-school also he would get purchased by them like they would form circles around him it was pretty funny to see
- Purva bhadrapada men are SASSY
- Rohini women are really sensitive about their appearance and love when people are jealous of them
- Venusians have a keen eye for aesthetics
- When it comes to writing poetry: Virgo people are simply the best : Uttara phalguni, Hasta and Chitra
- Ketu women are able to see through the illusions of life: especially ketu on the ascendant, their intuition is simply always right
- Having your sun in the 11th house makes you very likable, if it is not afflicted you will have a large circle of friends, be well known in your area.
- A lot of energy in the 12th house add an air of mystery on an individual it can really scare some people off: they can be excluded from their community, can be deemed as scary or weird
- If you want a venusian to like you : be pleasant, smell good, be funny, make them eat well, give out thoughtful gifts. Venus loves sensorial stimulation
- If you want to know what life direction you should be taking, look at your d9 and d60 charts
- Pisces women are in tune with their sexualities: they can loose their virginity at a really young age and are curious about this side of life
- Ashlesha people need to be careful about what they say: they grow up in really harsh environments so they internalize this harshness and sometimes they can really projects on others and hurt with their words for nothing kind of like a snake
Anyways I think that's all I will comeback with more astrology observations on more specific subjects.
Also be mindful, you can not analyze a chart without looking at it completely so these are not to be taken at the letter close, it can always differ depending on the chart: it is simply for entertainment.
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