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stanko-colorfieldpainting · 2 years ago
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#pinkpainting #purplepainting #fineart #contemporaryart #pink #purple #magenta #kunst #künstler #minimalism #minimalart #nft #nftartist #nftart @quantum.nft @opensea @saatchiart @rtistiq.art @singulartofficial @theartling @artmajeur @artebooking @fiidaaart @stanko.colorfieldpainting #rothko #rupprechtgeiger #abstractpainting #abstractart #artist #oilpainting #acrylicpainting #digitalart #digitalpainting #artcollector #konkretekunst https://www.instagram.com/p/CppDAzWIMVB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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eldorr · 6 months ago
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Left column is flags with both the dripping and middle symbol, middle column is with the dripping, right column is simple flags. Top row is purple, middle is pink, bottom is brown.
Purpaintic: A gender relating to purple paint, and/or to the aesthetics of spilled/dripping purple paint. Purpaintic and Purplepaintic are both acceptable versions of spelling. Pipaintic: A gender relating to pink paint, and/or to the aesthetics of spilled/dripping pink paint. Pipaintic and Pinkpaintic are both acceptable versions of spelling. Bropaintic: A gender relating to brown paint, and/or to the aesthetics of spilled/dripping brown paint. Bropaintic and Brownpaintic are both acceptable versions of spelling.
Purpaintic was originally posted March 29th, 2022. Pipaintic and Bropaintic were originally posted June 24th, 2022.
This post may need better image IDs? The colors are just a gradient so I'm not sure.
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trasho-pando2011 · 1 year ago
What would the ship name for Gray and Mono be? Darkart? Purplepaint? (as u can tell, I don't really like ship names that r just the characters names put together)
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christaspirit · 11 months ago
Izzie Blake- wait no, Indigo Screen, she was technically on duty, even if she wasn’t in costume- frowned at her phone screen.
Her private Discord, the one used for school friends (she hadn’t seen them in a year now…) and family, had been added to a new server. It appeared that Jamie, her younger sibling, had added her.
But why was this server called ‘villain team ups or something idk’?
Letting out a huff, Indigo made it so she appeared offline even though she was looking at the chat, and entered the server. Scrolling through…
Plans of attack, from a few villain team ups, and even some solo plans, with cooperation… a villain group chat. She grimaced, recognizing some of the past plans. There were several future plans as well, and Indigo jotted those down on a post-it. But the latest conversation under ‘planning-thread’…
Poison_not_fire: tips on blackmailing the rich to get money?
I just hated Jack and Rose: get something scandalous on them
Yes fire: kidnap their child
No_I’m_not_your_mom: don’t go after a target closely associated to the heroes
No_I’m_not_your_mom: that’s a good way to get caught and get nothing but a beating
No_I’m_not_your_mom: also whatever you do don’t go after Viper
No_I’m_not_your_mom: he’ll kill you
Totally_not_catwoman: just steal from them
Poison_not_fire: I think I’ll stick to some scandalous
Poison_not_fire: could I get continuous money from them that way?
No_I’m_not_your_mom: possibly
No_I’m_not_your_mom: a bit risky
No_I’m_not_your_mom: who’s the target?
Poison_not_fire: don’t know the name, but my sister is living with some rich girl
Poison_not_fire: I’m after the rich girl
I just hated Jack and Rose: I thought you liked your sister?
Poison_not_fire: …
Yes fire: you could kidnap your sister
Poison_not_fire: I could…
Poison_not_fire: but she’s closely connected with the heroes in her city and an adult hero
Poison_not_fire: but the adult is a bit dumb…
PurplePaint: hey remember that time you kidnapped me?
Poison_not_fire: I said I was sorry!
PurplePaint: remember what we agreed to?
Poison_not_fire: no more kidnapping, I know
Poison_not_fire: sorry…
PurplePaint: why are you blackmailing her mom anyway? Is it the attention thing again?
Poison_not_fire: No.
Yes fire: punctuation she’s mad~
Poison_not_fire: >:(
There hadn’t been anything more recent.
But PurplePaint… that was Jamie’s handle. Why were they associating with villains? Poison_not_fire must’ve been Lady Arsenic, why was Jamie working with her?
Had… had Jamie gone evil?
Indigo took a deep breath, and hacked the private messages. There were some between several of the different people- villains- but she was most interested in the one between Lady Arsenic and Jamie. Locating it, Indigo scrolled to the top, and started reading.
Poison_not_fire: this working?
PurplePaint: yes!
Poison_not_fire: :)
Poison_not_fire: Gonna short out all tech in the downtown area
PurplePaint: thx
PurplePaint: u ok?
PurplePaint: you haven’t done anything in a few weeks
Poison_not_fire: fine just planning
PurplePaint: nothing too sinister I hope
Poison_not_fire: no one will die
Poison_not_fire: well, no one should
Poison_not_fire: I’m teaming up with some others
PurplePaint: don’t go overboard
Poison_not_fire: I won’t
PurplePaint: that was the definition of overboard
PurplePaint: 1 death and 20 injuries?!
Poison_not_fire: …someone died?
PurplePaint: you didn’t know?!
Poison_not_fire: I got dragged away from the action early on
PurplePaint: why did it go so far?
Poison_not_fire: the others kept making it worse
PurplePaint: don’t work with them again
Poison_not_fire: I won’t
Poison_not_fire: I’m sorry…
Poison_not_fire: Jamie…?
Poison_not_fire: Jamie, I’m really sorry
Poison_not_fire: please, talk to me
PurplePaint: you kidnapped my brother
PurplePaint: when they finally rescued him he had a broken arm!
Poison_not_fire: I’m sorry…
PurplePaint: sorry doesn’t cut it!
PurplePaint: you promised to tell me if your plans affected me!
Poison_not_fire: …the others told me to do it
PurplePaint: the villains you told me you’d stop associating with?
Poison_not_fire: …
PurplePaint: don’t talk to me
Poison_not_fire: can we meet up?
Poison_not_fire: in person?
Poison_not_fire: I really want to apologize
PurplePaint: you planning to come with the cat mask?
Poison_not_fire: no I’ll be in normal clothes
PurplePaint: where do you want to meet up?
Poison_not_fire: there’s this little coffee shop in the downtown area
Indigo stopped reading there. The date on this exchange… two months ago?
“Jamie said they were getting coffee with a friend we didn’t know…” Indigo muttered. “Why…?”
Lady Arsenic… she seemed off. She’d been off since coming back from the dead…
She seemed like a teenager.
Indigo’s stomach dropped.
There was a new message in the private chat, and Indigo scrolled down to it.
Poison_not_fire: who’s the new person in chat?
PurplePaint: you think I know?
Poison_not_fire: any of the others would’ve introduced them
PurplePaint: fine
PurplePaint: it’s my sister
Poison_not_fire: why?!
Poison_not_fire: which one?
PurplePaint: because clearly you’re having some issues
PurplePaint: a hero keeping an eye on things might keep you from doing something more sinister
Poison_not_fire: or maybe I’ll stop talking about things to these guys!
PurplePaint: your plans barely worked before
PurplePaint: I’m just worried about you
Poison_not_fire: you could’ve told me ahead of time
PurplePaint: sorry not sorry
Poison_not_fire: I will block you
PurplePaint: no you won’t 😎
Poison_not_fire: …I won’t
Poison_not_fire: which sister?
Poison_not_fire: I seem to recall you having 3
PurplePaint: I’ll just say she’s probably active right now even though it says she isn’t
PurplePaint: and probably reading this chat
Poison_not_fire: seriously?
Poison_not_fire: Indigo?
PurplePaint: look
PurplePaint: she’s the most likely to keep this a secret and she’s the only family who still talks to me
Indigo’s stomach churned. No, they talked to Jamie… right?
…when Jamie had been kidnapped it took them until the ransom video came two days later to realized they were gone.
Poison_not_fire: honestly not that different from my upbringing…
PurplePaint: promise me you won’t go overboard?
Poison_not_fire: alright
Poison_not_fire: I won’t go after the girl raising my sister
PurplePaint: why did you want to anyway?
Poison_not_fire: I…
Poison_not_fire: I came across Kitty the other day and she just seemed so… happy
PurplePaint: so you are jealous
Poison_not_fire: …maybe
PurplePaint: you need to talk to her!
Poison_not_fire: she wouldn’t want anything to do with me
PurplePaint: I promise she will
Poison_not_fire: she hates me
Poison_not_fire: and we haven’t had a proper conversation since before she was expelled
Poison_not_fire: there was a fight…
PurplePaint: at least consider it
PurplePaint: anyway I got homework to do
PurplePaint: ttyl!
Poison_not_fire: ttyl
Indigo continued to stare at the screen, even when both members of the private chat went offline.
Kitty? That was a name…
There was a young teen hero in a nearby city. It didn’t have much crime, but there was a small band of heroes who took care of the crime all the same, Kitty often acting as leader. She’d also worked with Fern’s team a few times. She must be the sister…
Lady Arsenic was a teen. That much was clear.
If she could figure out who Kitty was, she could figure out Lady Arsenic. The League could finally take her down-
She was Jamie’s friend.
…could Indigo tell the League?
What did she know about either? Not much about Lady Arsenic… she’d had three henchmen but they’d vanished not long after Jamie had been rescued. Her plans had been failing, but they’ve been successful more recently.
Kitty… among Ferns team she was closest to Silverwolf (L’ynx, alien shapeshifter) and Cardinal (unknown, no info). She certainly acted closer to Silverwolf, but…
Silverwolf wasn’t dumb. If anyone on Fern’s team had earned that descriptor it was Cardinal. Unless there was another hero she wasn’t aware of, it had to be Cardinal that Kitty was mentored under.
But Cardinal wasn’t active in the same city… usually she stuck to where Fern was based.
It would help a lot if she knew Cardinal’s identity, but her mask scrambled every facial recognition software. It was great technology usually, Indigo knew which suit designer always put it in. But for a hero with so many unknowns…
Fern didn’t even know.
She was getting off track.
Indigo stared at the post it note. She knew more than the others…
This felt wrong.
Indigo- Izzie left her room, going down the hall to knock on Jamie’s door.
“Come in!”
Izzie twisted the knob, and opened to Jamie’s room.
The room was painted beige, but anything else that could be purple, was purple. Bed, dresser, all of it. Jamie had an eisel with an unfinished painting near the window, getting natural light. Their tablet was sitting on the dresser. Jamie themself was laying on their bed, laptop open to some kind of assignment. Music was blasting from speakers, and Jamie was laying on their bed casually doing homework.
“Izzie!” Jamie grabbed their phone and paused the music, before assuming an upright position. “Thought I’d see you soon.”
Izzie smiled weakly. When had she last come to visit her sibling?
“I’m assuming this is about… well…” Jamie held up their phone, vaguely gesturing at it.
“Why didn’t you have to add me?” Izzie asked. She shut the door and sat on Jamie’s desk chair. The desk itself was never used for homework, but there were a variety of different types of sketchbooks on the desk.
Jamie grimaced.
“I’m just… worried about her.”
“Why are you friends with her to begin with!” Izzie said, “She’s a villain, working with other villains-!”
“She doesn’t actually want it.”
Izzie stared at her younger sibling.
“She doesn’t want it,” Jamie repeated. “She thinks she does, and I can’t convince her otherwise, but… she just wants the attention.”
Izzie swallowed hard and looked to the floor.
In another life… maybe even in this life… Jamie could‘be gone down the same path.
“Why?” Izzie asked. “What… made her think this was the way?”
“If I tell you, will you tell the league?”
…she should. She was a league of heroes member, she was supposed to tell them everything.
Jamie had added her personal account. This wasn’t a matter brought to Indigo Screen.
This was a younger sibling, asking for their sister’s help.
“I won’t tell.”
Jamie nodded.
“Her… her mom is the original Lady Arsenic. The one the league… offed.” Jamie looked uncomfortable.
Izzie had been 11 when the decision had been made. She wasn’t told the details for why… she’d only barely joined the league, and she wasn’t even a full member. But mom had been the one to do it.
“I didn’t know she had kids.”
If the league knew, they didn’t say anything.
“She wasn’t a great mom,” Jamie said, wringing their hands in their lap. “Always busy doing villain stuff… the two kids were neglected. Leilei… the current Lady Arsenic that is… she wanted her mom’s attention. She was desperate for it, and thinks that if she acts like her, her mom will finally be proud of her.
“I’ve tried to tell her that it’s not worth it. She doesn’t have the stomach for anything actually bad. But… I can’t convince her.”
“What about her sister?” Izzie asked. “Kitty, was it? Isn’t she a hero?”
“From what I can tell, she wants nothing to do with their mom,” Jamie said. “Leilei and her got into arguments a lot at the boarding school they were sent to after their mom died, and after a big fight they never reconciled, and then Kitty got expelled. I don’t know much about Leilei’s time at the school, but I don’t think it was good… especially considering they got sent to the School for Future Villains.”
Izzie muttered curses under her breath. The League knew of the school, but without a location, they couldn’t do anything to shut it down.
“Please, can you just… promise me you’ll keep an eye on her?” Jamie asked.
Izzie clenched her hands together.
“I will, promise.”
She owed that much to her little sibling…
You’ve just figured out what the bad guy’s plans are because you were accidentally added to their group chat. You’ll go out and stop them, but reading through the group chat couldn’t hurt, right?
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meevichoi · 3 years ago
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這是一幅表現主義的作品 記錄一次人體寫生嘅經驗 只知模特兒是dancer/喜歡跳舞的人 寫生過程中 發現這模特兒一系列的動作 像一齣舞蹈表演 回到studio, 想將手稿整理一下 將“舞姿”’活現在畫布上 腦裡想著dancer……dancing 開始發現 與其‘’重畫‘’一幅一幅寫生作品 不如嘗試將佢哋拼湊成一幅亦動亦靜嘅畫面 加上我一貫抽象表現的畫法 或者可以讓觀眾感受一下舞者那微妙的躍動 那流露出來的高雅的氣質 至於我在畫面上的用色、佈局、線條各方面嘅取捨 全屬我個人感受的投射 優雅與否 隨觀眾品味評定吧 ___ This is an expressive figurative work Recording a life drawing experience I only know that the model is a dancer/a person who likes to dance In the process of drawing I discover a series of movements of this model at this night Like a dance show Back to the studio, I want to sort out the better drawings To bring "Dance" to life on thr canvas I was thinking of dancer...dancing I begin to discover that instead of ''repainting'' one after another It's better to try to put them together into a picture that is still moving and still Merging my usual abstract painting habit Audience may feel the elegant temperament of the dancer's subtle movement. For the use of color, composition, and lines on the screen, it is all the projections of my personal feelings Elegance or not Depends on the audience's taste ___ Exhibit in Salon of TANA1 group exhibition at @yrellag_gallery Now - until 4 Aug 2022 #meeviart #abstract #abstractart #figurative #figurativepainting  #acrylic #purplepainting #香港  #purple ##acryliart #painting #asianart #asianartist #asian painting #artisthk #artinhk #hongkongart #hongkongartist #hongkonger #curator #curatorhk #contemporayart #contemporayartwork #hongkong #contempoaryartist #本地藝術家 #本土創作 #本地創作#hkgallery #香港藝術 https://www.instagram.com/p/CgHkYozvxZg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aromanoart · 3 years ago
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Impasto-style painting in white, blue, and violet tones created with palette knives in a bold abstract expressionism style that features high-quality oil paints with thick textured shapes and layers. The artwork is painted on a custom-made wooden canvas with 3-inch sides painted in the same colors as the front, adding drama and making the piece appealing from every angle. Original Price: $4,500 CAD - $1,125 CAD (Save 25%) = $3,375 CAD 25% off for a limited time! Enter Spring2022 at checkout to save on original artworks Buy Here: https://alexandraromanoart.com/products/dreaming-blues Original Abstract Painting Created in 2019 Oil on Wood (Custom Made, Deep Edge Wood Canvas) 48" W x 36" H x 3" D Ready to Hang Signed on the Back Sides Painted the Same Style as the Front Signed Certificate of Authenticity is Included Professionally Packaged, Tracked, and Insured #AlexandraRomanoArt #ARomanoArt #oilpainting #abstractexpressionism #oilpaintings #oilonwood #oiloncanvas #oilpaint #abstractart #paintingsforsale #oilpainter #oilpainters #textures #artistsoninstagram #artcollectorsworldwide #blueabstractpainting #bluepaintings #blueandpurple #purplepainting #onlineartgallery #onlineshopping #canvasartgallery #coupdecoeur #styleathome #homestaging #homedecorideas #paletteknife #paletteknifepainting #artistsupport #supportartists (at The Sky) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeG8cHMOh6f/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jacqueomanclinton · 5 years ago
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Bees love violets and so do I. In May, our home is nestled in a forest of violets and dandelions. And I’m a happy bee. (Watercolor on paper) ... ... ... #jacqueomanclinton #watercolor #mnartist #makearthappen #northfieldartsguild #watercolorartist #floralwatercolor #violets #springflowers #fineart #purple #northfieldmn #botanicalpainting #artistsoninstagram #instaart #flowersaremyfriends #flowersarelife #purplepainting #meditation https://www.instagram.com/p/CAbA-hbJhab/?igshid=7gkif0t4lubg
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nutmegillustrations-blog · 5 years ago
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I combined the official #mermay prompt “warrior” for day 2 withe the #pantonemermay prompt for day 3 #ultraviolet. . . #mermayday3 #mermaidwarrior #warrior #madewithwacom #wacommermay2020 #monochromaticpainting #monochromeart #mermaidart #violet @paletteful @bee_paper @pentelofamerica @vetvy @soniastegemann @tombancroft1 #mermayprompts #purplepainting #purplemermaid #watercolorart #christianartist #watercolour #watercolorpainting #watercolor https://www.instagram.com/p/B_yVa9MnS_x/?igshid=t0phb0demjeb
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zombie-bunnys · 5 years ago
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Birthday painting! Had fun working with purples though.
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wtfyuun · 5 years ago
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I finish the #painting for my niece, I hope she like it! I almost use in the skin purple and yellow but it doesn't for me so... Guess it was for the best (? #niece #traditionalart #traditionalpainting #acrylicpainting #acrylic #kittydraw #kittycat #kitty #kittypainting #purplepainting #catpainting #kidpainting #enfantpainting #girlpainting #coldcolors #complementarycolors #gift (en Rivadavia, San Juan, Argentina) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7t8RnWBcPT/?igshid=1e5rk744jvov7
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alicia-twenty-blog · 5 years ago
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This is kind of old but I have nothing new to post so there you go lmao. :3
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banonenfeuer · 5 years ago
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fallen-lights · 6 years ago
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Went for a walk between storms. Which was silly, because it was insanely humid. As a heads up, I'll be at @geekcraftexpo in at the end of the month! And I'll be at @ofallonstation Vine Street Market tomorrow! posted on Instagram - https://ift.tt/2YzvRKV
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shirin2380 · 2 years ago
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"Rustic " DM to buy (Original) Poster on paper #lavender #purplepainting #lavenderpainting #diy #diypainting #postercolor #guache #acrylicpainting #_skratch #brustro #fabercastell #oilpainting #winsorandnewton (at Khargone) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpK7GYJpAdA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ashdarq · 6 years ago
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A small result from playing with mediums yesterday... based on a photo of my friend’s cute kid, little Skyler 💜 Reaching for the stars ✨💕 . . . #sketch #mixedmediapainting #watercolorart #reachingforthestars #abstractexperimental #markerart #prismacolormarkers #purplepainting #stargazing #weareallstars #ethereal #dreamscape #dreamer (at Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrgqDvLn5go/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qhqnl3m04l1t
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ra-the-hoff · 6 years ago
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2 of my art pieces on display at @artplusgallerypa, right above me is @photograinprints red #landscape, not to get us mixed up!!! . . . #skull #humanskull #terrarium #geode #dragon #monitorlizard #amethyst #amethystgeode #amethystcrystal #crystals #purple #red #purplepainting #skullpainting https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs6HkkSn9OC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bydyl4tlhjy5
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