#purple oricorio
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pokemonunderdogtournament · 9 months ago
Best Underdog Purple Pokemon 💜
Round 2 - Match 5
Our Contestants:
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This poll is part of an event that allows the early eliminees from the main tournament have more time in the spotlight!
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solo-monkeys68 · 2 years ago
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Finally finished the main story of Pokémon Violet, couldn't do it without Team Purple!!🍇
Might make these into stickers if anyone is interested....👀
Oh and yes, they all have nicknames: Cloyster - Pearl J☆m Ceruledge - Angel M☆ker Oricorio - Purple☆Rain
Sableye - ◇RTJ◇ (Run the Jewels)
Toxtricity - Moody☆Blues Miraidon - Deep☆Purple
All music references.
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shinypokemonshowdown · 1 year ago
Round Three
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[ID: Two images of shiny pokemon. On the left is jumpluff who is pink with light pink cotton balls. On the right is sensu style oricorio who is bright blue with purple accents. End ID]
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quirk-nova · 3 months ago
Can I have a moodboard for (Sensu Style) Oricorio?
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Sensu Style Oricorio (Pokémon) aesthetic board for @sam-rexian
“This Oricorio has sipped purple nectar. Its elegant, attractive dance will send the minds and hearts of its enemies to another world.”
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mrtwinkleart · 1 year ago
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I started this late June, finally finished just before the new year~ Suggestions came from twitter and private discord.
Red - Celeste (Animal Crossing) Orange - Orange Bird (Disney) Yellow - Big Bird (Sesame Street) Green - Jet the Hawk (Sonic the Hedgehog) Cyan - Kass (Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild) Blue - Falco Lombardi (Star Fox) Purple - Alchiba (Live a Hero) Pink - Oricorio, Pa'u Style (Pokemon)
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years ago
OK to Jynx Review?
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While I'm not the biggest Jynx fan, Smoochum is okay. Jynx was always kind of a weird pick for a pre-evo, as it doesn't really feel like Smoochum's presence really enhances the line in any way, but it is nice to at least have one design here that isn't quite so questionable.
Visually, the pink and yellow palette is nice and there's a fair amount of emphasis on the lips, which makes sense as kissing things is Smoochum's entire deal. The hair is cute and has a nice shape to it as well. It's nothing all that memorable, and I'm personally not a huge fan of human-like baby Pokemon like this, but it's harmless.
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Also, side note: Smoochum looks 10x cuter in its original GS art. The slightly wider body shape, inquisitive expression, and little buck tooth really make all the difference.
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I've gone on record saying that Jynx is my all-time least favorite Pokemon and yeah, sorry, not a fan of this one.
Obviously the biggest problem here is its face, which is undeniably pretty racist and generally just uncomfortable. This is not helped by it being extremely human-like and vaguely sexualized, with the kissing thing and the chest. They did try to fix it a bit by giving it purple skin as opposed to the original pitch black color, which is slightly better—but purple's not that much different and they didn't really do anything to fix the face, so it's kind of a band-aid solution at best.
Speaking of which, I've noticed that most people try to justify Jynx's design with baseless speculation, which is weird because we know exactly why it's Like That. Here's a design from the beta version of Red and Green (the following information is courtesy of Helix Chamber):
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This is either beta Jynx or a Pokemon closely related to it. Its name is Buu, which makes it obvious that it's based on the Ultraman monster Woo, which is A) female (note that Jynx is 100% female), B) a yeti-ish creature (hence the parka here and Jynx's inexplicable ice-typing), and C) a creature with a dark face:
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There's no evidence to suggest that GameFreak meant any harm here, but that doesn't make either the beta design or Jynx itself less racist. Just kind of an unfortunate design all around.
Also, even putting that aside, there are just some other odd things with Jynx. It's abnormally humanoid, with hair, five fingers, a dress, and even boobs for some reason. I love humanoid 'mons, but this is a bit too much, and it's hard to see Jynx as something that lives out in nature normally. I also wish something in the final design reflected its ice-typing.
Here's a particularly good redesign that fixes most of my issues with Jynx but still feels like it captures the spirit of the original to some degree:
However, and this is going to sound weird: I think Jynx should get a regional.
Here me out: I get that GameFreak probably doesn't want to acknowledge Jynx too much, but a regional would be the perfect opportunity to redesign it— the regional could even be featured in place of regular Jynx going forward in things like the anime. There are some interesting elements to the design that you could play with—give it tentacles or fins and make it a water-type siren, make it normal-type and give it a viking theme, theme it after different kinds of dancing like Oricorio, etc.
Though on the bright side, Jynx's existence did at least give us one very pretty TCG card, so there's that much, at least:
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stellar-haikyuu · 1 month ago
!!!! alina!!!!!!!
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oricorio, sensu style (ghost and flying type)
lina you are, in my mind, the embodiment of purple (i know you changed your theme but it still stands HAHAHA). honestly, i thought you were such a cool person when we first became moots?? like 1k is crazy to me AHHAHA. i don't really have the words to describe my reasoning but the sensu style oricorio is one of my favorites and i feel like you'd love it <3
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discordiansamba · 1 year ago
good morning, decided to make Pokemon teams for the VLD squad out of the blue this morning so now I am sharing them all with you.
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Keith's team. his mom left the Ultra Beast behind for him. I'm sure there's no need to read into that any. Ceruledge because it's the most painfully obvious Keith Pokemon to exist. Liepard bc well. it's a purple cat. Beheeyem is an alien. Don't question that one either. It's fine. It doesn't mean anything.
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allura's team. cute, girly, and can definitely kill you. a Primarina as a nod to her becoming the blue paladin. Clefable because it's very cute and also has ties to space. don't worry about the paradox pokemon I'm sure it doesn't mean anything.
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hunk's team. Pom-Pom Oricorio is literally the perfect Pokemon for him. It too, wants to cheer everyone on. Alolan Raichu instead of regular Raichu bc Alolan Raichu apparently gained that form bc it ate a bunch of pancakes. this is a very Hunk vibe.
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the Pidge squad. She would have a Porygon2 instead of a Porygon-Z, I think. Ferrothorn bc it's a grass/steel type that connects both to her love of computers and the fact that she's the green paladin. look me in the eye and tell me Pidge wouldn't have a Vikavolt. You can't.
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lance has a LOT of water, but also an Armarouge to contrast Keith. But also all but one of these Pokemon rotates around guns/cannons somehow! Swanna bc it's a graceful and pretty Pokemon that also isn't super difficult to obtain. I think Lance doing some contests with it is a good fit.
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coran's theme was mustaches and silly little guys. don't worry about the paradox pokemon here either, it still definitely doesn't mean anything. Sealeo is unevolved bc it is the superior goofy little guy over Walrein.
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finally Shiro, who was the hardest one to pin down for some reason. I think he'd have a pretty strong squad, and then the Mightyena he caught in the grass near where he grew up back when it was just a little Poochyena.
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visforvictini13 · 10 days ago
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Name: Fuurin Asumi / Cure Earth
Trainer Card Number: 799
Gender: Female
Series of Origin: Healin' Good♥Pretty Cure
Type Specialty: Flying
Lillipup: Latte
Kricketune: The Earth Wind Harp
Oricorio, Noivern, Drifblim & Crobat: Purple Flying Types, representing her role as "The Pretty Cure of Wind"
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ecological-hauntings · 1 year ago
I have found myself in Paldea for the time being studying the local Ghost population. Well, that is only part of my job description here. I have been slotted into a teaching position at Naranja-Uva Academy. It seems like I will be on the Uva side of things. Which works out perfectly, as I get to keep my purple motif.
Anyway, I've gathered some good information already. Yesterday was my adjustment day, whereas today I will begin my teaching. So far, I have noticed two partial Ghost Type pokemon, Skeledirge and Ceruledge. Both are Fire/Ghost like my dear Chandelure Flit, but interestingly enough, they are similar to Sensu Style Oricorio. They are not true ghosts, only taking on the attributes of ghost types. I wasn't able to study much of them, but I will look forward to any young trainers who have decided to partner with these Pokemon and let me get more of an insight.
That is all from me for now! Have a lovely day, and if you're in Paldea, feel free to drop by!
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tommycorriander · 11 months ago
Skipp from Ramshackle, Pokemon AU 🔥🔥
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Wips + ramble under the cut, as per usual
Watched Ramshackle, thought it was neat. Joined the discord server, it's also pretty neat. I have pokemon brainrot so I decided to take a crack at designing a Pokemon AU for Ramshackle, which I know is not a particularly unique idea at all but who gaf. I'm having fun, I'm frolicking and playing BITCH.
Anyways. I thought it would make sense for Skipp to have an Oricorio PomPom forme, because he's a very upbeat person and he's the one that has the violin. He also taught Maggot to do the Worm, which is a dance move, and Oricorio is based all around dancing and music and whatnot. I imagine PomPom forme is the usual forme it takes but given that scraps have to adapt a lot, Skipp has probably experimented with different nectars based on what was available to him.
For other partner Pokemon, not pictured here of course, I gave him a Sunflora and a Solrock, to tie back around to his sunny personality (the casting call likens him to SpongeBob and Wander, so these mons seemed fitting). It also allows some variety on his team, which I would like all of the scraps to have to circle back around to the idea of adaptability and 'making do' with what's around you.
I obviously don't have a big fanbase, but if people wanted to have their own Ramshackle OCs also take part in the AU but they struggle with team building, you're more than welcome to reach out in DMs or through the ask box for advice. I'm basically the Laios of Pokemon, without the eating bits.
Anyways. Here's the WIPs:
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This particular piece was a bit more difficult for me, given the complicated pose and inclusion of a non-human character. I think I did pretty well all things considered, and I'm definitely proud of how that hand turned out, especially since with the foreshortening it's a prominent aspect of the piece. You can see in the sketch WIP that I had to take a couple passes at it before I got something I liked, haha. Next time I'd like to have the final product a bit more fluid, as it stands the pose right now feels a little stiff to me, but that could just be me being overly critical of my own work.
As usual, the sketch and lineart were done traditionally, the lineart was scanned into IbisX and cleaned up, and then flat colours were applied. The shading this time around was done with a dark purple at 20% opacity, similarly to my Iono drawing.
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punk-zor-pack · 6 months ago
Whats interesting you?
there’s this little purple bitch that Polly says is a Mareanie
And something called a “Sensu” Oricorio
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wooglebear · 9 months ago
So I love the PMD AU to pieces, so have this.
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the nieces of Cash Networth, but if they were in the pmd au.
I gave them humanized Pokemon designs.
Because Cash is a Floatzel, I wanted to use Pokemon that made sense for a Pokemon to have.
I made Alyssa a Vivillion, because… why not?
Meadow Variant, because its color scheme fits Alyssa. Vivillion debuted in Kalos. And Kalos is based off France (which makes sense for a bit of the backstory Cash's tetocu23 counterpart has). She used to be a famous Showcase performer, but… well, stuff happened.
Side note, her design was design hell
Josephine was even more fun to design than Alyssa, thankfully. I made her a sirfetch'd (Pom Pom Oricorio variant).
The signs of Oricorio heritage is in her cheer uniform. Yet, her ascot is a sign of her wanting to be like Cash. This fighting type is eager to show you how competent she really is when not distracted by trying to be Cash.
Olive (Mareanie) was a bit tricky to design on the grounds of her skirt. A frilly skirt fit the Mareanie line a bit. She still has the vibes her original design had. listen, if she was going to still be Cash's favorite niece, i am going to capitalize on the cute and psycho motif the Mareanie line has. I do love her teal and purple boots though. Those are totally on-brand for Mareanie.
Alyssa: Bad news, sisters. Uncle Cash's started to hang out with someone. And of all the people he could have chosen to hang out with, it had to be Krupp.
Josephine: Krupp is an ice-type, a type that our uncle is weak to! Not only are we at a type disadvantage, which is horrible, but our uncle is going to get hurt, or hell, even frozen! We're doomed!
Olive: It's not too bad. That Floatzel has probably dealed with far worse. Krupp will be nothing compared to a Cofagrigus.
(not shown: Javi, who I made an Alolan Raichu, looking at Krupp and Cash's interactions here and SCREAMING)
By the way, the Piqua Mystery dungeon AU belongs to @infini-tree
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shinypokemonshowdown · 1 year ago
Round Two
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[ID: Two images of shiny pokemon. On the left is cetoddle who is dark grey with orange accents. On the right is sensu style oricorio who is bright blue with purple accents. End ID]
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sylvesnap · 10 months ago
First post or whatever
Hi there, I���m Marshall, a student currently studying art in the naranja academy!
While art is the track I’m on, photography is my true passion, I’d KILL to visit the Lental region one day.. Best case scenario is working there.
My trainer card below shouldd give you the info you need.. but I like to ramble, so I’m going to ignore that and do so underneath it. B)
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((Creds to @peachiehambo for the trainer card!))
I guess I’ll start with my Pokémon on my trainer card.. I’ll probably make a separate post with the other Pokémon I’ve caught but don’t actively use sometime soon.
The Sylveon on the card is named Zeus, while he wasn’t my starter, which is my decidueye Robin, which I’ll get onto later.. I definitely consider him to be my partner Pokémon! While Zeus evolving into a Sylveon was not my intention when I caught him as an eevee, I still love him nonetheless, even more so. Which then lead onto Sylveon becoming my favourite eeveelution…
On the other hand, the Scizor is named jade. I caught her over here, in Paldea, which makes her one of the two Pokémon from my paldean team that I actively use now. She mayy have tried to attack me as a scyther, but she’s chill now.
Next up is my oricorio, Haru! I caught him in Mele’Mele meadow, and he tends to be a lot more conscious of his appearance compared to the other oricorio I’ve seen, including my other one, Mabel.. (yes I own two oricorio don’t JUDGE me.) he’s almost always preening, bathing, whatever he can do to make himself look good, I guess.
Pearl was SUCH a pain to get into Paldea. But hey, at least I managed to bring her over! My first experience with wild Wimpod was actually back in Galar.. My cousin taught me how to lure out the ones in the mines connecting to Hulbury, so catching her was actually pretty easy.
The second and last Pokémon I caught in Paldea that I use for my team, her name is Mavis. She’s more timid than your average houndoom, and actually tends to get on better with two of my Pokémon from Alola rather than the team I caught in Paldea.. (The Pokémon in question are an Arcanine and lycanroc.. So maybe she prefers being around other canine Pokémon??)
Last but not least.. Robin! My decidueye! He’s the first Pokémon I ever received, my dad gave me him when I turned 13, he almost acts like a caretaker between all the Pokémon I have, he’s serious in battle but chilled out when not.
I hope you enjoy my little corner on rotumblr :)
Please no nsfw, both myself and Marshall are minors
Anything ooc in posts from now on will be in double brackets and will be purple, looking like ((this))
Basic DNI, proshippers, racists, homophobes, etc.
Main blog is @peskybugg I’ll follow and like stuff from there B)
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cagemasterfantasy · 1 year ago
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Oricorio the Dancer pokemon Fire and flying for Baeile Electric and flying for Pom-Pom Ghost and Flying for Sensu and Psychic and Flying for Pa'u
Ability: Dancer
Unlike a lot of pokemon the gender rate for Oricorio is 75% Female and 25% Male
Egg Group: Flying
Ability: Dancer
All Forms Highest Base Stat: Special Attack:98
All Forms Lowest Base Stat: Attack Defense and Special Defense: 70
Base Stat Total: 476
Baeile: This Pokémon is incredibly popular, possibly because its passionate dancing is a great match with the temperament of Paldean people. This form of Oricorio has sipped red nectar. It whips up blazing flames as it moves to the steps of its passionate dance.
Pom-Pom: This form of Oricorio has sipped yellow nectar. It uses nimble steps to approach opponents, then knocks them out with electric punches. The energetic, cheerful dance of these Oricorio is popular with children, but the Oricorio themselves are hard to find in Paldea.
Pa'u: The airy dance of these Oricorio is popular as a means of maintaining good health, but the Oricorio themselves are hard to find in Paldea. This form of Oricorio has sipped pink nectar. It elevates its mind with the gentle steps of its dance, then unleashes its psychic energy.
Sensu: This form of Oricorio has sipped purple nectar. It uses ethereal dance steps to call forth the spirits of the dead. The elegant, attractive dance of these Oricorio is popular with adults, but the Oricorio themselves are hard to find in Paldea.
Oricorio is the only pokemon with the ability Dancer (Whenever a dance move is used in battle, the Pokémon will copy the user to immediately perform that dance move itself.) and the only pokemon to be able to learn the move Revelation Dance (The user attacks the target by dancing with all its might. This move becomes the same type as the user's type.)
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