#pure confusion and terror
vampireonastick · 1 year
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Made another phone background from the new chapter, except this time it’s a series of Sigma’s reactions to the constant bullshit happening around him
Stay strong king, you’ll get outta this alive. I’ll save you myself if I have to
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yandere-writer-momo · 4 months
Part 2 🖤I made the demon king a black man. I don’t see many Yandere POC OCs 🖤
Yandere Head Canons:
Defying Destiny
Yandere Demon King x Isekai Saintess Reader x Yandere Hero (mentioned)
TW: imprisonment, kidnapping, stalking, uncomfortable themes, sexual themes, Somniaphilia, Dacryphilia, etc.
Part 1
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You woke up wrapped in the silk sheets of snow unfamiliar bed. Your eyes wild and your heart raced in your chest like a startled animal. Where were you and where was Reinhardt?! Why were there candles everywhere in this dark bedroom? Was Reinhardt planning to… oh god you were terrified.
You felt a sob rack through you when reality set in. Had Reinhardt stolen you away to live out some sort of sick fantasy instead of going through with his quest to slay the demon king? No… Reinhardt wouldn’t bring you to such a luxurious home. But who on earth brought you here?
“I see you’re awake, my delicate flower.” Your head snapped to the doorway to see the silhouette of a large man. You felt your blood run cold and a shiver run down your spine by his presence. That raspy baritone voice belonged to a stranger.
You flinched when the man suddenly slapped his clawed hands on the end of the king sized bed. Your eyes met gold for the first time and you seeped your heart stopped in your chest from pure terror. There was no mistaking who your captor was… he was the demon king.
“What’s the matter, saintess?” He chuckled as he reached a taloned finger out to hook around a strand of your hair. “Cat got your tongue?”
You felt tears stream down your cheeks when he flashed his long fangs at you. He was bewitchingly beautiful with his burnt umber skin and golden eyes. There was no doubt he was a demon and that fact terrified you. What did he want from you? Was he… was he going to kill you?
The demon king sighed at your shivering form before he moved himself to sit beside you. His hand moved to hold yours. “It’s alright, darling. I’m not going to hurt you.”
You sniffled when he began to wipe away your tears. “W… what?”
“I’d never hurt my saintess.” The demon king gave you a toothy smile. “My beautiful, merciful saintess… my salvation.”
You gasped when he brought your right hand up to his lips to press a tender kiss to the back of it. “It’s so wonderful to finally have you here with me… you’ll be safe here.”
“I’m just a bit confused about all of this…” You felt so small under his intense gaze, like he was about to pounce on you at any second. “Who are you and why have you taken me?”
The demon lord chuckled as he rose up from the bed to stand at his full, intimidating height. His curved black horns nearly added another foot to his height which made he give you a smirk. “Why I am the Demon King but you can call me Amon.”
The demon king- no, Amon, bowed his head to you. “And I took you to save you.”
You were surprised to see a tray of freshly made food in front of you when Amon snapped his fingers. Your stomach growled at the delicious sight, but you were hesitant to accept… Amon quickly caught onto your hesitance and took a bite of the food for you. “Don’t worry, it’s real and completely edible. Only the best for my saintess.”
You shyly took a bite and smiled at the taste. It was lovely…
Amon smiled warmly at you, his golden eyes studied your satisfied smile in pure joy. He was so happy to please you!
Amon ran his talons through his long black hair with a smile. “I’ll take care of you from now on. You’re safe here.”
As the weeks melted into months, Amon kept his word. None of his demon nor monster henchmen were mean towards you, unlike the hero’s party. Sure Amon was never far from you, but his company was much preferred over Reinhardt’s. Amon would bring you meals and made sure you had fresh clothes. He pampered you like a beloved pet.
Though it was never officially stated, you were Amon’s lover. And thus, you treated as such by his subjects. They’d wait for you on hand and foot. You received various expensive clothing and jewelry, they were eager to make you smile. It was such a stark contrast compared to your treatment prior…
You often gazed out your window at the volcanic city below. It was fascinating just how different monsters and demons lived from humans… so why did the humans want to destroy them so much?
You jumped when Amon entered the room to wrap his muscular arms around your waist, his nose pressed onto your shoulder. A few of his box braids tickled your skin. “I missed you so much… I just wish the humans would leave us alone. I grow tired of the hero and his party. They’re so much weaker without your barriers and healing. To think they never treated you well. What a bunch of losers.”
You turned to gaze at Amon in interest. “What is it that they’re after? Why do the humans hate your people so much?”
Amon gave you the softest of smiles, a bit of his fangs peaked out from under his lip. “Our magic stones. Monsters and demons produce enough magic stones to fuel humanity for eons… they’re worth a lot of money to humans.”
Amon pressed a tender kiss to your shoulder, his gold eyes stared expectantly up at you. “You’re the only human to ever question their greed and motives. You don’t wish to be bound to a destiny thrust upon you by the world.”
Amon bent down on one knee and pressed his lips over your palms and fingers. “Join me. Together we can defy our destiny. You don’t have to be a Saintess forced to marry the hero and I won’t have to be a page in the history books.”
You felt a blush on your cheeks when he tilted his handsome face at you. “Let’s watch the world burn together.”
And now you had a choice to make. To fulfill the destiny predetermined for you or to defy your destiny.
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bettysupremacy · 7 months
idk if you write for finnick.. but could you write something where it’s the beginning of the quarter quell and he can’t find her? Just pure panic as he runs around the cornucopia?
I’ve never written for him before but I love him! idk how I feel about this but I hope truly that u like it.
Icy hot terror is all Finnick feels when the timer hits one. Loud and disorienting, the bang ripples against the water in vibrations that rumble under his feet.
Where are you?
The sun blares disgustingly into his eyes and skin, an obvious manipulation of the gamemakers sick amusement, but he ignores it, plunging into the only water he’s ever dreaded to tread. You’re not in sight. He’d told you to stay away, to swim, to run as far away from the cornucopia as you could. Don’t risk it, he’d shaken your shoulders, listen to me I’ll find you.
The water is warm and gross against his skin. It’s not as refreshing as the district four that he’s familiar with. It’s hot and fake. He comes up gasping for air, letting the terror settle into his bones as he pushes against the current of a manipulated riptide. Katniss climbs the stone so he does too; pushing his feet deeper into the ground with every step he takes. His breathing is labored, jagged as he runs. He can’t find you, but he will. He can’t find you, but he can find a weapon.
The cornucopia glistens in the sun, never lacking the weaponry he’d expected from it. Bows, arrows, knives, he eyes a backpack stuffed with supplies. Could he lug it with him? Probably not. He diverts his eyes to the trident beside him. Perched in its stand, it gleams in artificial sun as the grip molds to his fingers. He squeezes the deadly lifeline.
The sound of metal on metal scrapes behind him. Katniss. He turns quick, flashing the bangle around his wrist tauntingly. “Good thing we’re allies, right?”
She breathes hard in front of him, eyebrows pulling as she pauses in bated confusion. The weapon doesn’t lower. “Where did you get that?”
“Where do you think?” He gravels, quick enough to be considered panicked. “Duck.”
She listens, dropping to the floor hard enough to sting the weeping palms she balances on. The sick squelch of his trident in the fallen tribute is covered by her hands tight over her ears as she waits for the boom. The gong sounds, and then a scream. An unmistakable scream. It settles in his stomach and throat thickly, sweating his already wet hands. You didn’t listen.
“Finnick!” The voice screams. Sobs. “Finnick! Finnick!”
The sound is nightmare-ish. Something the gamemakers could never manipulate that accurately, and deep down he knows it’s the sound you’ll wake him up from if you ever gets out of this arena alive.
“I’m coming!” His feet hit hard against the gravel as he sprints. His breathing dries his throat quick. “I’ve got you!”
“I’m coming-“
The moment skids to a halt as he finds you. Trapped in the arms of a larger, broader tribute, you struggle for air as he headlocks you. He considers doing something rash, but Katniss behind you shakes her head. Like she can see it in his eyes. It’s a slow, quiet moment, hunter quiet as she stalks closer. Finnick eyes her wary to give her away.
“We can talk about this.” Finnick rationalizes slowly. “It’s the beginning of the game.”
“So?” His arm tightens around your neck. Your squeak breaks Finnicks heart.
“Finnick.” You strain.
“Give the viewers what they want.” Finn pleads. “A show. You can’t kill her so quick.”
“I don’t see a bargain being made.”
A bargain? It’s the first ten minutes and he stands next to a gleaming cornucopia filled with sharp armory. He could get something better than a simple metal trident. Throwing knives, poison, a machete. Finnick suspects the victor is doing what he pleaded. Giving the audience a show.
“Take my trident!” He nearly crashes, cool demeanor dropping as he watches you tap the man’s arm in panic, your air slowly constricting. “Give me her.”
It sickens Katniss; the ability to kill someone for views. To feed into the capitals agenda. This is a necessary kill, she reasons, this isn’t for her own survival. This isn’t a selfish homicide; this is Rue in the net, Prim on the stage. This is the girl she could save. Katniss’ fingers loosen, letting the elaborate metal fly from her grip. It hits the nameless career in the back. Her target.
The moment slows in Finnicks eyes. Katniss stands far, arms hanging limply at her sides. She stares at him, grateful for the thankfulness in his eyes that eases her burdened chest.
“Y/N.” He gasps as the man falls hard on you. He runs, helping you from under the heavy weight. “I’ve got you now.”
“Finn.” You weep, hands in his as he lifts you. You stumble, crashing into him hard. He hears a sob in his tribute suit. “I’m sorry.”
“I told you to listen to me.” He doesn’t anger, but this feels close to it as he grips you tightly. “I told you to run.”
You heave, greedy for fresh air, but your lungs are infiltrated by the heady scent of salt water. His hand calms the coughs that rake through your chest, guilty for his scolding. It’s a quiet moment in the calamity of the bloodbath, a stolen moment that he can’t afford to prolong another second.
“Cmon,” He eyes you, hands cupping your face, then falling as he looks up to Katniss. “Let’s go find Peeta.”
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foolish one // draco malfoy x fem slytherin reader
playlist: foolish one - taylor swift
summary : youve never had a boyfriend before , guys dont ask you out or really talk to you. just when you start to feel hopeless , draco cant hold back anymore.
y/n used , soft slytherin reader , fluff , short
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"pansy, am i hideous?" you asked seriously as you sat down at the slytherin table, all of your friends turning to you in shock.
"what?!-" pansy who sat on the right side of you replied in pure confusion.
"its the 5th hogsmeade trip since the start of the year and still nothing! i thought maybe harry was going to ask me this week , but turns out he was getting closer to me to soften up cho!" you exclaimed in pure terror , reliving the moment you saw your close friend ,cho, walking arm in arm with the boy you thought would ask you out this weekend.
draco , unbeknownst to you, clenched his fist tightly at your words , burning holes into his plate as if it were harry potter himself. he completely stayed still as he refused to look your way , eventhough you were sat right next to him.
"y/n! how could you even think such a thing!" pansy said with sympathy.
"yeah , who would ever dream of going on a date with potter?" mattheo added , recieving a smack on the arm from lorenzo.
"i wasnt dreaming! i just....every girl in our year has gone out with a boy by now , ive not even had my.......my first kiss yet.." you muttered in shame as mattheo held back his laugh leading you to shoot him a glare.
"and thats no fault of yours y/n!" pansy rubbed your back softly , "id actually say it was these idiots , always scaring boys off!"
the boys just stared back at her plainly , knowing they had all at some point threatened a boy they felt didnt deserve you.
"yeah well youre just so innocent y/n , not just any boy will do." lorenzo said trying to defend the protectiveness.
"any boy WILL DO!" you said with frustration , making them all move back in suprise , you never usually got angry, "and im not innocent , im only 'innocent' because you guys are blocking me from blossoming!"
mattheo fully burst out laughing now , gaining a disapproving look from pansy who quickly looked away from him to rest a hand on your shoulder, "im sure youll find someone y/n."
"yeah and maybe theyre a bit closer than you think," blaise said with a smirk , shoving dracos shoulder which earns him a scowl from the blonde haired boy.
but you simply wouldnt listen to reason , you just sat with a low hung head and a loss of hope , "i feel so foolish. a few weeks ago i thought cedric , then dean , then harry and none of them ever actually liked me. im delusional!"
"y/n ill take you-" theodore started before being cut off by draco jumping up from his seat , staring straight forward in a stiff position.
"ill take you on a date to hogsmeade!" draco announced , frozen in his spot and refusing to meet your eye.
"really? do you really mean it?!..... but draco you dont like me it isnt the same.." you said as the happiness you felt dwindled making your overthinking increase.
"i like you! a lot, i really like you!" he said still completely frozen and blushing a deep shade of maroon.
you gaped up at him in suprise, pure shock on your face and all of your friends. except they werent suprised draco likes you , they were suprised he confessed.
"i-...i like you too.." you confessed quietly as draco slowly looked at you , his face riddled with euphoria and shock.
"really?" he asked with hope.
"yes really , id know since i have to hear her rant about it every night-" mattheo complained before lorenzos hand covered his mouth hastily.
"yes, yeah i really like you," you said as a smile grew on your face , looking up at him.
and slowly , he let his guard down and smiled back , lighting up the room with his happiness. you admired him for a second before getting up from the bench and grabbing his hand.
"lets go , we can still spend a few hours in hogsmeade if we go now, im so excited!" you squealed , planting a loving kiss on his cheek before dragging him out of the hall.
all of your friends watched in amusement as draco went stiff and turned the all too familiar shade of red.
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peachesofteal · 7 months
Winter driving, or the ability to drive in hazardous conditions, is a major thing where I live.
People often overestimate their abilities or just lack the skills, proper equipment, and wreck… usually by sliding off the road.
Anyway, this makes me think about you, reader, driving a mountain pass in the dead of winter. The kind of winter where the ice is like glass on the trees, where the windshield of your car makes you feel like you’re in the millennium falcon during a hyperspace jump, where the air is so cold it hurts your chest. During the day it might be nice, the sun could be out, the wind could be warmer, but at night… everything is treacherous.
And maybe you’re not an experienced driver, in the snow. Maybe you don’t have great tires. Maybe you’re driving just a bit too fast, and before you can correct it, you’re spinning out of control, wrecking into a grove of thick trees. The last thing you can feel is the trickle of blood, dripping down your face, and the last thing you see… are the headlights of an oncoming vehicle.
When you wake, it’s in a bed. Your head is killing you and your shoulder, upper arm are screaming in agony. But you’re warm, and bundled under a heap of quilts, hot water bottle under blankets by your feet.
What happened? You try to sit up, but can’t, squinting in the light of the morning, and when you try again, putting more effort into curling your spine forward, it hurts so badly that you yelp.
That’s when you see him. A man steps out of the corner of the room, from the edge of your peripheral… and you freeze in terror.
“Shhh. We’re not goin’ hurt ye.” He coos, coming closer and you get a better look at him, handsome, sweet face with an overgrown mohawk and brilliant blue eyes. “Ye had a terrible accident.” He says, ceramic mug from his hand clinking down onto the table next to you. “Pure luck we found ye when we did. Ye might’ve died out there, hen.”
“Here. Drink this.” He pours something from a kettle into the mug, lifting it your lips, encouraging you as he tips it back, warm sweet liquid washing down your throat. You can’t even lift your arms to push him away, and when he seems to be satisfied, his thumb wipes at the corner of your mouth. “Good love. Well done.” He murmurs, re tucking the misplaced blankets around your shoulder. You’re feeling woozy all of the sudden, maybe a little sick, and you think you could be hallucinating when another man appears at the foot of the bed, watching you with honeyed brown eyes, the broadest, tallest thing you’ve ever seen.
“Those bones need setting.” The bigger one says to the mohawk one, and he grimaces, trailing fingertips along your cheek.
“Maybe tomorrow. I’m still worried about the concussion.”
“It’s been four days, Johnny. Can’t put it off too much longer.” Four days? Your brain latches onto the time. Since when?
“Ah know.” He slumps. “Tomorrow?” He sounds hopeful, and the brown eyed man nods.
You’re starting to fade, listening to them talk, unable to react or even speak when they both press a kiss to your forehead, affectionate and longing touch that confuses you until you’re losing the battle to sleep, not with it enough to hear the click of the padlock.
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lolita-lollipop · 1 year
Platonic yandere Miguel? You're an alt universe version of his daughter that he's taken in (aka kidnapped) so that he'll never lose her again, poor traumatized sod just wants a family again
When anomalies begin to enter universe 20477, Miguel is assigned to tracking them down. He wasn’t expecting to see himself, with a girl like you, scared and wide eyed on his arm. You were his, you just had to be.
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He knew what you would be to him.
He knew who you were.
He knew he had to protect you.
He knew he wouldnt let you go.
He couldn't.
It was purely coincidental, seeing you, that is. He just happened to be in your plane of existence that day, chasing down an anomaly that was jumping from universe to universe every other day. None of the others were able to catch him, a fast fujjer he was. So Miguel was a last resort, the only one capable enough to catch the guy. There was a chase down the streets of whatever universe he was in, then a catastrophic fight near the center of the city.
This place was so similar to his own universe, The same skies, the same cities, the same feeling, the same sadness as his own realm. He wanted to get in and get out, that's all. In fact, he was moments- seconds even- seconds away from catching the anomaly, seconds away from leaving this sad awful reminder of what happened to him. And then he saw you and his world stopped in its tracks.
You were teary-eyed, crying like a little baby. A few pieces of concrete that had been knocked up from the ground during the fight had cut your cheek, leaving a small dribble of blood streaming down your face. There was such a fear laced in your eyes, such a terror that flooded your expression. But that wasn't what shocked him about you, as his eyes panned from you to the man you had your arms wrapped around, his face fell completely.
You were clutching onto him. HIM. Miguel o’hara. You had your arms wrapped around his, clutched tight in fear, the two of you were trapped against the side of a building with rubble that had eroded. He was him, you were holding onto him, you had to be his daughter, and the way you were looking to him for protection was enough to show the parental status he had.
He had a daughter again.
You were his daughter.
He stared at the sight of the two of you for a moment, sending a harsh glare to his copy, his fake. Whoever you were clinging to, whoever you were wrapped around, he couldn't protect you. Miguel wanted nothing more than to pull you up and take you with him, take you home. But he couldn't, he had to play this carefully. He's lost a daughter before, he wouldnt do this again.
Like a flash, the tall man dressed in a black and red suit disappeared completely, along with the anomaly. Leaving the Town square In rubble. You blinked, just once, and when you opened your eyes once more, you had been pulled out from the bone-crushing concrete and were laid across the grass. It was too fast for you to see the man who had done it, to see the way his hands lingered at your waist, to see how he swiped the blood off of your face, to see how he looked at you. Of course, you hadn't. Maybe if you had, you could've avoided this.
You were shaken, to say the least. Things like this, like supervillains flying through the air and shattering buildings and corroding concrete, throwing people around like frisbees. Things like this just didn't happen, not ever. So to be trapped like that, stuck in rubble covered in blood as you had to watch the scene unfold… You were terrified. Even more so when your father had been hurt.
It was fast for the two of you to get away from the scene, especially since whatever was happening screeched to a halt, and the two figures disappeared, leaving the police, and you, completely confused. You just couldn't understand what the fudd happened, how could two people just disappear? Why did this happen all of a sudden? Why did that man- Why did he look so familiar?
It was supposed to be a fun little outing between you and your dad, a walk in the park to go get some food and have a picnic, but before you knew it you were shoved against a wall with glass and rock stuck in your face, your dad holding you close To shield you from the chaos around. You had been squeezing your eyes shut tight enough that they itched and ached now.
You were in too much shock to be able to give the cops any valuable information they would even remotely need, too focused on the fact Things like this didn't happen here, they just didn't. You cried on the way home, holding your (now bandaged) dad tight as you could. He hushed you, comforting you to the best of his ability. But you were both tired, too tired to care about taking your dirty clothes off or going to actual bed.
You slept on the couch, on your dad that night.
But when you woke up the next morning, he was gone.
It wasn't too strange for him, working as a doctor he was often called in early mornings to late nights, too early for you to be up when he left. But still, something felt off about it this time, usually he would wake you up for a few moments to say goodbye and give you a kiss. There was none of that today, just you, left under a blanket lying down on the couch, cold and alone and still scared straight.
The house felt different, dead. Like something was weighing heavy in the air, dragging all the air down and making it suffocatingly tight in the room. You wanted to get out, to go outside and go on a walk or something. But yesterday… with what happened. The feeling of dread sat in the back of your head, forcing you not to step out of your apartment, too scared to leave but too bored to stay.
You sat on the couch all day basically, watching reruns of old sitcoms. You knew your dad wouldn't be mad that you didn't want to go to school today, most of the time he came home too tired to do more than eat and sleep so you doubt he would even notice.
The sound of the door opening, along with uncharacteristically light footsteps Alerted you that your dad was home again, you sat up, pushing the blanket off of your shoulders and sitting up on the edge of the couch to look at him. At the sight of him, your head fell into a tilt, he looked… not bad, but different. A little bit more tired looking, his wrinkles were far more set into his face, and his was shorter, and far less groomed than it usually was.
“Hola Papa. Did you cut your hair or something? It looks different.” You narrowed your eyes at him with a small smile. He nodded, staring at you with some foreign look in his eyes. Setting down the few grocery bags he held in his hands.
You blinked, and within a moment he was on top of you, embracing you in a tight hug. You were immediately lifted off of the ground with a slight squeal, you wrapped your arms around his neck as he held you tight, breathing in your smell. How odd. Your dad isn't like this. Not very touchy, he never showed too much affection. The hug lasted for what felt like hours of you in his arms, held tightly.
You came realization only a few seconds in that you liked it, this is what you needed, and it felt nice. All the dread from your system completely drained out as his arms got tighter and tighter, and tighter. Since when has your dad been so muscular? Last you can remember, he was softer, not as rough. Strange, isn't it?
“Mija. I missed you so much baby, so much.” he breathed in the smell of your hair again, pulling you higher up onto his chest. His words should've sent off red flags in your head, you had just seen him hours ago right? You stayed quiet, choosing to relish in the moment of comfort this gave you. His voice was scratchy and rough, like he'd been screaming.
“Me too. I didn't go to school today, too scared.” Your voice was muffled against his chest, but you could feel his heartbeat with every breath he took. At your words his arms tightened slightly, and you squished your face further onto his neck. He was like a human furnace, radiating heat in your too-cold apartment.
“Oh baby- I’m here now. I’ll protect you, you won't ever have to be scared ever again.” With that, he brought a hand up to cup the back of your head, and his lips met your forehead in a warm kiss. If you maybe hadn't been so wrapped up in the fact that this felt so warm, so nice, you would've noticed the look he held in his eye. How deranged he looked, how terrifying he was. Maybe you would've paid more attention to all the little things that weren't adding up about him.
“Mi ninita. I’m so glad you're okay, I will never leave you again.” The two of you shared a glance, and that heavy feeling of dread pooled back into your system. There was something else in his eyes, something terrifying. Maybe you were just tired, or maybe you had head trauma from yesterday.
Moments passed as you enjoyed the warm hug, before he began to move, still keeping you in his arms, but walking elsewhere, you muttered a small “Hm?” squirming slightly in attempts to get yourself back on your own two feet, but he just shook his head at you, and squeezed.
“I got dinner while I was out, empanadas. I figured we could eat in my bed and watch a movie, You'll sleep with me tonight” He took note of your confused face, then went on to continue “ I don't want you alone anytime soon, especially not with all that's happening in the neighborhood. You don't want to get hurt, right? “
You just shook your head, letting yourself relax in his grip. Truly when had he become so strong, or on a different note, as affectionate? Usually, your dad was exhausted, he loved you, yeah, you knew that, but coming home from a 12-hour hospital shift at an understaffed medical center drained him. He usually didn't have time, and when he did he really didnt know how to spend it.
You slept better than you ever have in your entire life that night, close to your dad in his bed, cuddled under a warm blanket with your father's arms relentlessly wrapped tight around you, caging you in… you didnt hate it.
The next few weeks were different, strange, and not like you were used to. Everything changed. At first, it was just the little things, the things you would usually glide over. Miguel would come home early, leave later, and bring you food and clothes and stuff you were never able to afford.
Kids at your school started avoiding you, even though you never did anything to make you avoidable. It was weird for you, to see such a sudden shift in your life. The weirdest part about it though, is you had no idea what changed.
Not long after though, it got worse. Your dad would look through your phone, something he never cared about before, he always excused it with the same “I'm just looking out for you mija”, but it felt like a lie. Eventually, your contacts list shifted and changed to your dad.. And your dad. If you got any texts or calls he would look at them before you could, and decline them.
You stopped going out of the house as much, he excused you from school, telling you that you needed a break after all the trauma you've been through in the past few weeks. And without school or friends, you didnt have any reason to go out unless it was for mail or groceries. Even then, sometimes your dad would walk with you or just go himself instead. Eventually it got to the point that you weren't allowed to go out, not by your own choice anymore..
And Miguel, he would tell you things about what was going on outside. How all of a sudden there were villains on every corner, people were dying every day, crime was high. It scared you, and he clearly knew that, he used it to keep you inside, to keep you from going out.
It just got to the point where you did nothing, absolutely nothing. And you were tired of it. You wanted to go out, live your life and see people and see things, have fun with friends, do stupid teenager things. Things you should've already been doing. But he wouldnt let you, he made you stay inside, held you tight so you wouldnt leave.
And with the realization that this man was controlling you, your rose-colored glasses flew off of your face entirely. Your father wasn't like this, he barely cared enough to ask how your day was. Let alone keep you caged in your own home every day. Something was very very wrong. And just like that, it all snapped into place.
This isn't your dad. The way he acted, the way he walked, the way he held you, the way he looked at you, the way he controlled you, the way he comforted you when you were upset. There was not one thing about this man that made sense, not one similarity. Whoever this was, it wasn't your miguel ohara, it was a fake. A phony.
“Mija? Are you feeling sick? Whats wrong” He stared at you, letting his brows cluster together in worry. He had you sitting on the counter as he cooked, wearing one of your dads white t-shirts, it clung to his back muscles, showcasing the spider tattoo on the back of his neck. Your dad thought tattoos were trashy and unprofessional, and your dad most certainly did not have muscles like that. How had you been so daft as to miss that?
You stared, narrowing your eyes at the man who was wearing your dads clothing, your dads skin.
“Y/n?” he turned, placing the knife down on the counter, and grabbing your shoulders. The stranger stood in front of you, bending over to have his face at your level. He looked into your eyes, tilting his head. The position brought you back to your senses, and reminded you that this man, whoever he was, was extremely stronger than you were, and could overpower you without even thinking about it.
You snapped up. “Oh! Sorry. Just thinking.” you spoke with a shaky voice, grabbing his large hands with your own and straightening up from your slouched position on the counter. You met his gaze and squeezed his hand, his big hand. He was too big for you, you couldnt get away if he didn't want you to, you would have to be sneaky.
“What has you so deep in thought? Is my ninita daydreaming again?” a grin broke out on his face, showing his pearly canines. You returned the smile with a shaky breath. What were you supposed to do now? He hadn't made any move to hurt you yet, but he certainly could if he wanted to. You sent a glance towards the TV, where the local news was playing, the man left a reassuring squeeze on your shoulder before turning around and picking his knife back up.
Your entire body went frigid at the sight of the tv, you inhaled a small gasp, bringing your hand up to your mouth.
“The body of 31-year-old Miguel O’hara has been found, a resident doctor at the local medical center, any information about the whereabouts of this man’s disappearance should be reported to the authorities. Local police are currently investigating possible causes of death, and are contacting family and loved ones right now. This is Miles Morales with the six O-clock news, stay safe out there.”
Your hands shook violently as a photo of the scene splayed across the screen, it was a bloody mess, an utter monstrosity of a crime scene. The body was blurred completely, probably too gruesome to show on public access news, but you knew it was him, he had those old white shoes from the hospital on, the ones that he wore even though they were battered and covered in holes. And his wedding ring, the one with the tiny stone embedded at the edge of it. That was your dad, that was your fudding dad and he was dead. Mutilated and shown on the news.
You involuntarily let out a whimper at the sight, the hand you had on your face squeezed and shook, trying to keep your composure, keep yourself from sobbing and blowing your cover. You failed miserably, as tears clouded your vision and fell on the countertop. Your irregular breathing and whimpers brought the attention of the man in your kitchen wearing your father's skin, your dead father's skin.
“Ai dios mio- Mija what's wrong? Are you hurt?” immediately the man was on top of you, with his hands running up and down your arms, checking for any possible injuries. He was using that fake worried tone he always did, the one you would usually fall for. The rage that consumed you blurred your vision, that along with the cloudy tears. You smacked his hands off of you, pushing yourself back further onto the countertop. You stared with wide eyes.
“Who the fudd are you? “ You asked, staring at him with those teary eyes of yours, there was a pure hatred laced throughout your expression, his eyes flicked from you with shock as he muttered a small “language”, they then panned to the tv behind. His face slipped from confusion to dread, his eyes went wide and his brows unfurrowed and dropped. His shoulders went completely slack, and he just stood there, waiting for you to make your next move.
“Mija- just listen to me before you do anything stupid- I know it's scary but you need to listen to me for a second” he rushed out, his sweet voice now dripping with fear, why was he scared of all things? He was the one with the advantage. You squirmed back, hopping off the other side of the counter, you continued to back away, eyes staying just as wide.
“You didn't answer my fudding question. Who- Who are you.” He made no move to get closer, only staring at you, so you continued “ Did you- did you kill my dad? My real dad?” The way he tilted his head with those soft eyes of his answered your question enough. Your hands kept shaking, your head kept pulsing with fear, and finally… you let out a piercing scream. One the neighbors were sure to hear.
But in the blink of an eye, he was on top of you.
“Please- please mija. I am your father- your papa. Please, You don't have to be scared of me, I love you- I'll never hurt you.” His hand pressed against your mouth, leaving a white film that held your it completely shut. Your screams were muffled now, but still audible. He had you on the floor, on top of you, his hands pinning you down with his entire strength. You thrashed and looked around for anybody to help, but the more you moved the tighter his hands got. You were shaking, whimpering like a kicked cat.
“I promise you- Prometo mi ninita- I just wanted to protect you, I will never EVER lay harm to you. “ He was deranged, quickly rushing out the words in a panic. You had never seen him so fearful, so desperate, both your father and him. You stopped thrashing, Instead choosing to stare up at him. He was so… scary, now that he wasn't being sweet, now that he was forcing you onto the floor, holding you down. The look in his eyes was terrifying.
All of a sudden it was like you realized the position you were in, he could kill you right now, this imposter could crush your head in his hands and leave like nothing happened, he was going to hurt you. Kill you. Like he did your father. Oh god. Oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god. You were frozen, your hands began to quiver harshly, and tears streamed down your cheeks freely, panic flushed through your veins, overtaking that rage that you previously, pure fear rushed over you entirely. And you couldnt control your body anymore.
You couldnt breathe, or think. Or feel your body, you were overtaken with a fuzzy terrified feeling, your entire body quivered as you stared at him. The film over your mouth certainly wasnt helping, you tried to inhale, but you couldnt, as your vision blurred further. You couldnt feel anything. You hadnt realized you were digging your nails into your skin until there was blood dripping out of your wrists.
“Baby- you need to calm down. Your hurting yourself, you don't have to be scared, I’m not going ot hurt you. Just breathe- Tienes que respirar mija- por favor” The usually completely stoic miguel ohara, the leader of the spiderverse protection program was panicking, more so than he ever had in the past. You were having a panic attack, a bad one, that much was obvious, he had never delt with this before. You kept shaking, his words doing nothing. So he brought his arms around you, hoisting you up to his chest once more. Now it wasnt comforting, now it made you more fearful.
“Shh- I’m here. It's okay- I’m going to calm you down, don't be scared - Youll be okay.” He hushed, before bringing his head to your neck, it left you completely speechless and shocked, before he brought his lips to the nape, and bit down firmly. The tips of his canines dipped in, and the tiniest bit of his venom flushed into your veins.
You were only able to let a small scream out, before the venom overtook your senses. And your quivering figure went slack in his arms. He held you tight, lifting you off the ground entirely and clutching you. He wouldnt let you hurt yourself, he wouldnt let anybody hurt you, he couldnt. He ruined his chances before, He couldnt do it again. Even if you were scared, he would help.
“Lyla?” he spoke to the watch resting around his rist, setting you on his hip in the process. A small “yes sir?” rang out from the device, before he continued “Lets go home, I expect the office is ready for her.” His voice was harsh now, commanding like it should be.
“Yes sir. A-are you sure this is a good idea? She clearly wont be able to handle something like-”
“I’ll take care of it. Just do your job.
Were coming home. finally.”
This is not very good. But I kinda like it. also MIGUEL OHARA TAKE ME NOW… anyways.
Thanks for requesting anon! And thanks for reading! Please don’t be scared to write comments I absolutely love seeing them!
Have a great day! Bye!
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snail-noodle · 5 months
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"my my my... what do we have here?"
you shivered in fear at the gigantic being before you. you and your cookie friends had tried your best to seal the rift in the tree with white lily cookie. however, your actions proved pointless. white lily cookie's powers were still too weak and your time had run out. you all watched in horror at the towering cookie grinning down from above.
"it's been so long since we've seen new faces! we were starting to get bored being by ourselves in here..." shadow milk cookie smirked as he took a look at each cookie standing before him. when his eyes had reached you, his gaze stayed far more longer on you than the others. you trembled from his piercing stare, a small whimper escaping from your lips as you backed away and hid yourself behind pure vanilla cookie.
shadow milk cookie chortled at the pathetic display. "Oh, how I have missed the faces of fear from you cookies! Never gets old!" now that the rift had opened big enough for him to pass through, shadow milk cookie stepped out of the silver tree that had kept him and the others imprisoned for so long. the smaller cookies screamed in terror as they scrambled to get out of his way. every footstep he took practically shook the earthbread beneath their feet.
"pure vanilla cookie!" fear clouded your mind as you tugged your leader's arm in desperation. "what are we going to do?!" anxiety gripped your heart when he hesitated to think of a solution. one of the most powerful beings in all of cookiekind has just been unleashed and is ready to bring chaos to the world once more. just how on earthbread will any cookie be able to stop such beasts?
before pure vanilla cookie could even think of an answer, you cried out in alarm as you were suddenly lifted into the air. the other cookies screamed your name as you watched their forms grow smaller and smaller. you gasped as you were face to face with the grinning jester.
"what a cute little cookie you are." he eagerly examined you as if he were a child that had been given a new toy, turning you this way and that. "it's been ages since i had a little pet to dote on. you'll make a fine addition to my collection!" your mind raced as you tried to understand what you have just heard. a collection? a pet to dote on? what on-?!
your thoughts were interrupted as you heard a snap of... fingers? confused, you found yourself locked inside some sort of bird cage; the bars were thick enough to keep you from escaping. shadow milk cookie cooed as he watched you attempt to break free. "no-!" you tugged and pulled at the bars keeping you in.
"no! y-you can't keep me in here! Please!" you cried out to him in desperation. shadow milk cookie only giggled and shook his head, "ah, ah, ah! you're staying right by my side, my little cookie." you shuddered in fear as he began to summon his powers once more. shadows seeped out from your surroundings and from his body. multiple cold blue eyes stared at you and the cookies still down below.
"now, my dear..." with a clap of his hands, monsters of every kind stepped out from the shadows, ready to obey their master. with a manic grin, shadow milk cookie spread his arms out in grandeur to the cookies below. with a perfect view from above, you could only watch in horror as your friends were surrounded at every side by monsters of different sizes.
"let the show begin!"
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sanemislittledemon · 2 months
Teaching you a lesson
what happens when Sanemi overhears a group of demon slayers talking bad about you and after he goes to find you. He has to teach you to love yourself.
Sanemi X plus size reader
Warnings : NSFW, body image issues, bullying, body shaming, extreme dirty talk, Sanemis foul mouth, mild breeding kink
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Sanemi was coming but from a long day from training, the sun was setting in the distance making the light glow from this sweat soaked skin, accentuating his scar ridden body. His ears perked up with he heard his girlfriends name from the group of younger demon slayers when he was turning a corner, Sanemi quickly moved back as to not be noticed ’ who the fuck was talking about my girl? ‘ he asked clearly irritated
“ did you see that girl that hangs around lord Sanemi? “ one of them said “ yeah! Why would a hashira hang around a girl like that when he could have anyone he wanted “ another scoffs “ she’s so fucking big! Like a cow, I bet he’s just with her because he pities her “ one says causing the group to laugh and make vulgar hand gestures. Sanemi feels the veins in his forehead pop and his body ran cold then fiery hot. Before he knew what he was doing he was already behind the three younger slayers “ the hell did you just say? “ he asked his voice like cold death making the three jump “ l-lord Sanemi when did you get back from your training ? “ the first asked
Sanemi grabbed him up by his uniform shirt “ come again you little brat “ he spat angrily before continuing “ if I heard what I think I did you brats are dead meat “ all of the slayers wore a face of pure terror “ lord Sanemi I-I don’t know what you thought you heard but I-I “ the second one started but was cut of before he could finish by the pissed off hashira “ DON’T YOU DARE LIE TO ME YOU PISSANT “ he yelled at the other slayers before shooting all three a look that made their blood run cold “ I’ll kill you three right here “ he says voice low “ Shinazugawa? “ a voice came from behind the group making Sanemi shoot his head around ready to fight but his eyes fell on two fellow hashira the other that said his name, a hashira a short man with choppy black hair and a snake around his neck. one of his eyes blue and the other yellow, bandage wrapped around his mouth and wearing a black and white striped hoari. The other hashira a women with pink hair tipped with green, a uniform top similar to his own and green striped socks “ the hell are you two doing here? “ Sanemi asks “ we could be asking you the same thing Shinazugawa, what are you doing to these three? “ Obanai the serpent hashira asks making Sanemi turn his hand back to the three one hand still fisted in one of their uniforms “ teaching these idiots a lesson “ he growls before snapping his hand back to the hashira “ they dared to badmouth my woman “ he finished
“ you mean Y/N ? “ Mitsuri the love hashira asks
Obanai sighs “ Shinazugawa, I know you’re angry but we can’t afford to lose anymore demon slayers “ he walks to Sanemis side followed by Mitsuri “ what did they say about Y/N? She’s so cute! Who would badmouth her! “ she squeals in her normal obsessive manner while blushing ear to ear. Sanemi feels his grip tighten “ I don’t want to repeat it but I think you can guess “ he replies darkly making the serpent hashira nod in understanding but the love hashira is still confused “ I don’t get it “ she whispers to Obanai making the man sigh “ we’ll talk later “
“ p-please lord Sanemi, we didn’t mean anything by it “ the third person says clearly scared,
The man in question snaps his head back, his dark eyes got impossibly darker “ these two just saved your sorry life’s, but if I hear anything again “ he cut himself off before dropping the slayer on the ground, taking his wooden sword and breaking it while swinging at the three demon slayers, knocking them out. “ Shinazuawa you didn’t have to do that “ Obanai says to the man, who throws the broken hilt down before replying “ next time I’ll destroy them “
Mitsuri was still concerned “ Shinazuawa, what ever those people said please don’t let it make you love Y/N any less “ she said with a burning passion in her eyes, typical for the love hashira. Sanemi looks down at the three with a sadness flashing in his eyes “ that would never happen “ he replies with a low voice before running in the direction of the wind estate. Sanemi ran faster than he probably should have catching the attention of passing demon slayers with the look of confusion on their faces but he didn’t care the only thing he cared about in that moment was getting to his princess. The only person that brought him joy besides his little brother genya of course.
He should have seen it, the way the other lower ranking demon slayers were treating her. Sanemi finally put the pieces together in his head about why she never wanted to do things out in public with him or the other hashira. He storms into the wind estate with a fiery rage but it’s not directed at his sweet and beautiful girlfriend but at those damned no names and himself for letting her suffer in silence like this. She was been hurt by these other demon slayers and he was too stuck up his own ass to see it. Sanemi runs through the wind estate looking desperately for her until he found their bedroom, he pulls the door open to discover Y/N standing in front of their full length mirror, staring at her mostly naked form with tear stained cheeks. She notices him quickly “ Sanemi what are you doing home?! “ she yelled at the man as she’s trying to cover her body with her discarded uniform. Sanemis eyes bloodshot with anger as his eyes rake over her rounded figure barely covered by the uniform she’s holding to her skin, the scene before him rips a growl from his chest.
The man slams the door shut before storming over to her, his towering figure making Y/N’s breath stop for a moment. She jumps when Sanemi puts his hands on her hips, gripping them tightly while he pulls her to their bed “ sit “ he commands letting go of her and walking back to the mirror picking it up to move it in front of them. Sanemi glances back to her “ if you take your eyes off this mirror you will be punished, understood? “ he asks in a calming manner that made a shiver go down her spine but Y/N nods in response.
Sanemi then drops to his knees, pushing her to lean back on the bed, he starts to kiss slowly up her thighs “ beautiful “ he mumbles into her skin. The man leaves marks as he moves closer to her heat, slowly kissing and licking. Y/N is forced to watch herself in the mirror as the man paints her skin in purple marks and whispers praise into her rounded thighs before making his way to her stomach “ fuck baby so soft “ he groans
“ I’m going to mark every part of your perfect fucking body “
Sanemi bites into your skin making his way up to her breasts leaving marks around them but making sure never to touch her sensitive buds. Kisses his way to her neck leaving a mark there that has Y/N shaking “ S-Sanemi please” she moans out weakly. The man finally pulls back looking down at the art he’s made of her body, marks littering her skin “ fuck baby “ he moans slowly moving his eyes across her fucked out body. Sanemi then backs away completely and she watched through the mirror has he moves in behind her moving her body so she’s laying against his chest forcing her legs to spread with his own exposing her core to them both. Her eyes move over her body taking in all of the marks the man left on her skin from her plush thighs to full hips and stomach to her breasts. “ embarrassing “ she whispers earning a swift smack on the thigh “ I will not allow you to insult something that is mine “ he replies then moves his hand down her body. His eyes dropping between her legs
Her core glistening “ your slutty fucking body is too honest “ he laughs as he drags his finger tips up her core. Sanemis eyes lock with hers through the mirror while he continues rubbing up and down her core without ever touching her clit “ P-Please Sanemi “ she begs while bucking her hips into his hand making him stop. The man brings his fingers to her lips and roughly pushes them inside “ you are going to take what the fuck I give you, understood “ he growls and uses his other arm to smack her plush thigh. Sanemi pulls he’s fingers free bringing them down to her breast circling one of her hard buds ripping a moan from her throat that makes his cock throb against her back. Sanemi grinds into her “ you fucking feel how hard you make me? “ he moans into her neck
Sanemi keeps grinding his hips into her as he removes his hand from her breast, bringing it back down to her core. She’s panting against him, shivers rack her body as he rubs her gently before letting his fingers find her entrance circling it teasing making a whimper come out of her lips and her legs to shake. He grabs her face with his other hand making her look down at his fingers through the mirror as he puts two fingers inside making her moan loudly.
“ fuck yourself on my fingers like a good girl “
Y/N let’s out a sigh as she works her hips against Sanemis hand, feeling his long rough fingers go deep inside her core. “ fuck baby I’ve barely touched you and you’re this wet? “ Sanemi moans locking his eyes with hers. His eyes dark and possessive “ I can’t wait to feel you wrapped around my cock “ he says taking the lead and fucking his fingers into her faster making embarrassing noises fill the room. Hand rubbing her clit as he fucked his fingers into her curling them at just the right moment hitting her weak spot, making her throw her hand back against his shoulder “ what did I tell you “ he growled before forcing her head back into place. Eyes opened looking at how the flush from her face stretched down to her chest, eyes focused on how her chest heaves and her stomach clenches from the pleasure Sanemis fingers were giving her. Suddenly the man spreads them inside of her opening her up slightly, stretching her for something bigger, the thought has her drooling “ look at this pretty fucking cunt “ he growls in her ear his hot breath ghosting over her neck making her shiver in his arms.
“ going to cum for me? “ Sanemi asks as he fucks his fingers in her deeply making the woman whine unable to answer. Sanemi smirks and curls his fingers hitting her sweet spot “ then watch yourself release all over my hand “ he commanded and with that her stomach tightened as pleasure overtook her, they both watched as liquid spilled over his hand and the mirror leaving her panting in his arms. Y/N slowly moved her eyes up to meet his only to see the shock and arousal reflected there. “ fuck baby I didn’t know you had that in you “ he marveled as he pulled his fingers free moving them up to his mouth, she watched as he took them in and sucked all of her essence off of them.
Sanemis eyes shot back to hers clearly aware of what this was doing to his girl, he smirked “ don’t worry baby I’m not done yet “ he moved his legs so she could move, Sanemi guided her to the floor on his knees, the man made a show of slowly removing his belt and unbuttoning his pants. He pulled them down just enough for his cock to spring free, it’s big with a thick vein running up the underside of it her mouth waters as pre-cum beads at the tip.
Smirking Sanemi says “ go on you know you want it “ before he guides it to her waiting mouth, circling it before pushing the tip in. Y/Ns closed her mouth around it and sucks ripping a moan from the man above her, Sanemi tastes salty from training but that just makes her core throb with need. Y/N tries to take him deeper into her throat what she can’t fit she uses her hand, jacking him off in time with her mouth, paying extra attention to the vein on the underside of his cock making the man groan loudly and rub his hand through her hair just the way she likes it.
“ fuck that’s enough baby “ he says pulling her off his cock and into his lap, kissing her deeply and rubbing his tip against her slit. He nips her bottom lip gently before grabbing her hips tightly and filling her up completely with his cock making her scream before both pleasure and slight pain from his size. Sanemi wastes go time in fucking deeply into her so deep she swears she can feel his tip kiss her cervix.
“ so fucking tight “ he moans into her mouth as he grips her hips harder and forcing her down on his cock while fucking his hips up into her making her whole body shake. Sanemi releases her mouth opting to lick at her breasts sucking more marks into them before taking a bud in his mouth licking and sucking on it hard while he sets a punishing pace with his thrusts. She feels her stomach tighten with pleasure as he abuses her sweet spot “ that’s it baby take my fucking cock “ he groans licking her hard bud making her scream
“ louder! Make all of them hear how good I make this pussy feel “ he moans into her skin
At his words she feels pleasure shoot up her spine as she cums around his cock at this Sanemi fucks into her harder before cumming inside feeling her with his warmth. But before she was able to catch her breath Sanemi flips her over onto her knees, pushing into her again making her scream with the overwhelming pleasure. The man sets a punishing pace making sure she takes every inch of him as he reaches forward to grab her hair in his fist pulling her face off the bed so he can hear her beautiful moans.
Sanemi leans forward to bite at her neck “ have you learnt your lesson? “ he asks with a growl in his throat
“ w-what lesson? “ she asked breathlessly
Sanemi bites her neck harder making her whimper “ listening to options from assholes that don’t matter “ he says between thrusts “ i better not ever see you thinking negative about something that’s mine again, understood? “ he asks as he smacks her rounded asscheek
That sends her over the edge cumming for the third time as he quickly follows filling her to the brim with his warmth. The couple stays like this while they catch their breath, panting and covered in sweat. Sanemi was the first to move, slowing pulling out of her letting the woman fall onto her stomach beneath him. Sanemi sits up running a hand through his sweaty hair “ fuck I went overboard “ he says
He moves her over to her back taking in her fucked out face and the flush that runs down her neck “ are you okay baby? “ he asks Y/N doesn’t trust her voice so she just nods he smiles down at his beautiful girl as he rubs his hand across her cheek “ how did I ever get go lucky? “ he asks making the woman blush
“ come on let’s cuddle before bathing “ he says before moving off the bed putting the mirror back in place and picking up Y/N and putting her back on the pillows, she normally would protest but her body wouldn’t let her put up a fight with the hashira. He moves in beside her cuddling her to his chest “ we may have a brat in a few months “ he comments making her blink up at him before the realization hit but to tired to yell at him so she decided to ignore him making a mental note to stop by the butterfly estate in a few weeks before letting sleep take her, Sanemi smiles “ I want let anyone hurt either of you “ he promises
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chaichaiiskai · 7 months
pickle x prehistoric! shot male reader who's like his most precious s/o and overprotective during the prehistoric times and then now in the future. it can be fluff with a bit of angst.
almost the same height as baki or something.
notes: okay okay okay, I'm so sorry I'm late on this but I now have the brain capacity to write somethin' worth readin'...
yandere-ish! possessive! pickle x prehistoric! male! reader
warnings: violence, blood, body horror (not to reader), pickle is a lil' yandere ngl—, possessive and protective behavior, angst, kidnapoing, mention of smut but no explicit descriptions, male reader, amab reader, mxm, mlm, homophobes dni, mdni, 3.7k+ words (I went a lil' ham ngl)
Unexpectedly, the Jurassic research team had never expected to have a primitive man at their fingers, suspended in time and saline— not just one, but two. However, strangely enough, they both looked distinctively different, one was much taller and muscular than the other, causing the researchers to question the periods in time in which both had existed. That was quickly disproven despite this, seeing how the two of the men were encased in the very same saline rock, back to back as if they'd been frozen in time in the middle of protecting each other from an outside threat. On the outside looking in, it was quite poetic in a way, a clear display of humanity in its ideal form, hardened in resin. It was almost a shame that they would be carefully melting away the rock to get a better view of the two men encased in the saline.
The biggest theory amongst the researchers was that the two men could potentially be siblings, the taller one being the oldest brother while the younger was the shorter one; even if they didn't explicitly look alike. There was also the theory about them being father and son, there was no definitive answer— yet.
And so, with as much excitement as most scientists who were ready to discover something new, the thawing process had begun on the saline rock that held two great mysteries.
It took a bit of time for the researchers to thaw the rock with pure caution, wanting to keep the two beings intact as much as possible and so, they'd decided to thaw one side at a time— starting with the smaller man first. About two days later, they had managed to thaw him out completely and get him onto a gurney that surprisingly creaked and squeaked under his weight. They hooked the man up to monitors and machines, eager to see what exactly was going on with him, and to their shock— there was a faint heartbeat which required more close surveillance from them. The man looked almost as if he was stuck in a peaceful sleep, seemingly unable to wake up.
Half of the research team found themselves debating on whether or not they would apply modern technology to this man, wanting to reanimate him while the other focused on melting away the rest of the saline and getting a better look at the beast of a man while keeping the smaller man under surveillance.
And to their astonishment (and horror) the beast woke as they had managed to melt the saline away, stopping about halfway past his torso. One could only imagine the look of terror on the faces of the small, everyone was small compared to this creature, scientists as they stared up at him. He simply stared back, unmoving, but blinking, glancing around briefly at his confusing new surroundings that looked nothing like what he knew when he was younger.
Project Pickle was a success, but could the same be said about Project Cucumber?
Despite the looming and watchful eyes of the eight foot tall man who watched each and every one of them as they worked, the scientist continued to melt away the saline while Pickle remained still. Based on instinct alone, he did not sense any imminent danger, therefore, he saw none of the people in the room as immediate threats.
That did not last long, when he was completely free, he began to look around more, almost as if he was looking for something specific, tendrils of dark locks swinging as he looked rather perplexed. Then, he briefly sniffed the air, pupils dilating as his gaze zeroed in on the high security door that kept him tucked away in a metal box he didn't care to think about. And he began to walk towards the door, unknowing of what he was doing exactly, and stared at it, sniffing the air once again.
Surprisingly, the military personnel that worked as security on the premises didn't even bother to move, not even when the beast of a man snatched the door clean off it's securely bolted in to get a peek inside. He then crouched under the doorway to walk through it, almost like he was walking into a cave and made his way towards the gurney that held Cucumber's sleeping form. The scientist in the room all audibly gasped, shuddering in fear as he took some steps forward, standing at the foot of the gurney that still held your body.
The silence in the facility was deafening, even a single needle would be heard if it were to hit the cold tile floor.
And that's when Pickle moved, grabbing a hold of your calf to give it a squeeze that would have surely shattered the bones of a modern hero. Coincidentally, it had only caused your eyes to shoot open, a sound of anger coming from your mouth that was accustomed to a growl as you sat up, grabbing at the hand of the being who'd rudely woken you from your sleep. Only then when you were awake did Pickle loosen his grip and your eyes met for the first time in over hundreds of millions of years. The moment was wholesome to the two of you, but somewhat eerie to those looking on the outside in.
From then on, Pickle and Cucumber were given their own special area where they spent all their time together. There was one thing that was quite noticeable about the pair, Pickle did not like it when people got too close to Cucumber, often growling and baring his teeth at anyone who came too close. On the other hand, he would let the scientist get close to him so long as they kept their distance from you. Their interactions were simple enough, no words were exchanged but there was the occasional grunt and groan as they seemed to speak to each other in their own silent way. The original theories of the scientist believing that you were siblings was proving stronger and stronger with each day.
That— however, would soon change upon witnessing an... interaction between the two of you.
One late evening, the scientists were simply busying themselves with their research, not even paying much attention to the two men in their makeshift habitat. That was until the sound of growling, hissing, and other wild, animalistic noises coming from one of the monitors that was watching over the Projects. Curiously, the several scientists turned to look at the screen, mostly with mystified looks on their faces.
It looked like Pickle and Cucumber were battling, roughhousing in the dirt of the carefully constructed enclosure, biting and scratching at one another. Almost immediately, the scientists were ready to jump into action to find some way to subdue the two of them before something horrible happened and ruined their research, but nothing could have prepared them for what came next.
The winner of the wrestling match was Pickle, and he was eager to claim his prize. The scene that played out on the monitor was enough to make every single personnel who was watching blush like roses in a garden.
Welp, there goes their family theory... The last thing they had ever expected was that these two primitive men would be engaging in a romantic partnership, yet here they were— the sounds the two of them were making was proof. And surely, they should have all looked away, but they couldn't seem to look away, only doing so when the two men had both tired each other and decided to fall asleep, cuddling together as if they hadn't just violated each other in the most criminal and animalistic way. The two of them looked almost innocent in a way, Pickle easily dwarfed Cucumber in the spooning embrace but at least the two of them seemed comfortable.
From then on, the researchers that watched you both seemed to look at your interactions under a new light, noticing the romantic undertones with everything the two of you did together.
Pickle had a refusal to eat things that he did not actively hunt and seeing how there were no animals in the enclosure, he did not eat. And fortunately, considering the differences in biology, the primitive man was able to withstand being without food for a much longer period of time than what modern day people could do now.
A few weeks after being thawed from your saline sanctuaries, and constantly being observed by the weirdly skinny people with their weird furs, you were beginning to become more and more curious yourself. So much so that while Pickle was sleeping and one of the massive walls moved, your eyes immediately flew towards it and watched as one of the skinny people came into the room cautious and careful, holding something in their hands that seemed to be carrying other things. In interest, you stared at them, watching their every move, staying completely alert as they set the thing with things down and scurried away behind the moving wall.
Pickle was still slumbering deeply as you stared at the new thing in your enclosure before slowly approaching, sniffing around so that you could safely close the distance. As you got closer, familiar scents filled your nose and a sound of approval, similar to the sound of a chirp, was heard before you picked up a familiar fruit, peeling it off its skin and beginning to happily indulge in the fruity flavor. You sat beside the thing of things, the bowl of fruit, and happily ate the delicious treat, crossing your legs in a comfortable manner.
The eyes of your lover soon fluttered and he felt around on the ground, using his touch to try and find you, and when he is unable to, an angry growl is the only sound he makes before getting onto all fours, glancing around like a predator on a hunt. That was until he felt your presence and smelled you again, along with some strangely familiar scents and so he crawled in the direction of whether the scent was strongest.
If there was one thing to give credit on, it was the enclosure that the scientist has carefully constructed for the two of you looked like a forest, filled with trees and dirt and patches of grass, but there was an area where you often would relax— a clearing where the trees were a bit more sparse and the dirt was more abundant. That was also where Pickle and Cucumber were able to see the wall move and keep a close eye on the scientists and researchers who entered the enclosure.
The man crawled his way towards where he could smell where your scent was strongest and soon stumbled upon you hunched over, back facing him, and shoving things in your mouth, stuffing your cheeks with your newfound feast. Be that as it may, upon sensing Pickle's presence, you paused and in your squatting position, you shuffled your feet around, pivoting so that you could face Pickle. Soon enough, you flashed him a grin, mouth drenched in sweet juices as you beckoned him over with a hand.
He trusted you completely, but the same couldn't be said about what you were consuming, his eyes peeking between you and the fruit as he slowly crawled towards you. As soon as Pickle was within reach, you were quick to pluck one of the grapes from its stem and shove into his mouth, almost as if you were nonverbally saying 'try this!'
Caught off guard by the strange thing shoved in his mouth, he nearly spit it out but you quickly gave him a pleading look, puppy eyes causing his shoulders to slump, holding the grape in his mouth rather awkwardly. Huffing in frustration at him, you pointed a clawed nail towards your mouth and pretended to chew before pointing at Pickle, a look of concentration on your face as you nodded at him, hoping he'd get the message— he did.
At first, you couldn't tell how he'd felt about the grapes based on his facial expressions alone but that soon changed when his eyes widened, and then an approving sound followed.
You couldn't agree more, grinning as you plucked a few more grapes, making a sound similar to a laugh when Pickle basically unhinged his jaw as you threw grapes in his mouth, one by one like a childish game.
This was another thing that the researchers had noticed, the two of you were easily amused by the simplest things, acting rather childishly despite both being full-grown adults. It was almost endearing in a way, watching the two of you, mostly you, feed each other fruits, enjoying yourselves with no active threats of danger in your lives. It was almost something to be jealous of... And that was when the researchers' curiosity seemed to spark, and perhaps an experiment would lead to some interesting results, as dangerous as they may be, but it would take an intricate amount of planning for every possible outcome.
Weeks pass.
At the exact same time every day, more bowls of fruit are brought for the two of you, the amount of fruit only seeming to double in sizes each and every time. The two of you actively seem to enjoy the fruit, the grapes being an especially popular fruit between the two of you. You were often feeding Pickle and yourself the fruit, happily enjoying them each and every time.
And just as usual, one of the skinny people brought in more bowls of fruit, with even more fruit than you could ever imagine. And naturally, you both dug right in, enjoying the sweet flavors wholeheartedly. That was until the world began to spin around you and Pickle, your vision growing spotty and blurred. Before either you or Pickle can register, your body's hit the ground and the last thing you see is Pickle attempting to crawl over you, wishing to protectively drape himself over your body but you lose consciousness before seeing if he's made it.
Much to the surprise of the researchers, the tranquilizers they'd injected into the fruit had finally worked! And now they could perform their experiment in peace— a great number of security personnel piled into the enclosure and grabbed a hold of your body, carrying you out of the enclosure and shutting the door behind themselves, carrying you to somewhere else within the facility.
The door was then properly amped up with the greatest technology the facility could offer, mostly looking to measure the strength of Pickle and his partnership with you.
When the next day came, Pickle awoke, blinking as his eyes adjusted to the enclosure he was entrapped in. He slowly sat up once his senses were back at their full use, though his body was still a bit drowsy and tiredly glanced around. Naturally, he was wondering where you were, causing him to click his teeth together in a particular way, calling out for you in his own special call.
And when he got no response, usually an excitable chirp, he got on all fours and began to crawl around the enclosure, sniffing and looking for where you could be hiding. Having been in the enclosure for so long, your scent was still lingering and he knew that you liked to play games— hiding from him, but with each passing second of him calling you and climbing up a few trees to find your usual hiding places, his panic was becoming more and more apparent. And before anyone could register the true terror of Pickle, the man stood on his two feet and roared at the fake sky, the power from it was enough to shake the entire enclosure.
The pure, unfiltered rage could be felt even through the security cameras currently being observed.
Perhaps this was a mistake.
Another growl followed before Pickle could be seen barreling towards the moving wall // enforced door with great speed and animosity, almost as if he knew that they were withholding his beloved from him. A line of personnel were on the other side of the door, prepared for what was to come next, and when he came in contact with the door, slamming his head into the metal, a noticeable dent from the outside was created but the door did not immediately give out. Another roar of anger came from him as reared back and began to repeatedly pound his fists into the door, dent after dent being put into the door that would not budge like the one he'd destroyed after waking up.
On the other side of the facility, you weren't doing any better, having woken up about an hour after Pickle, you were surprised to see the new enclosure, confused on where you were and most importantly— where Pickle was. Nothing smelt or felt familiar and you couldn't sense him. And unlike Pickle, you didn't immediately react with rage, instead, you reacted in a rather panicked way, climbing up the nearest tree for a better vantage point. When you saw no sight of Pickle, the anxiety began to set in, not even considering the possibility that he was still somewhat close by and that you'd been forcibly separated from him by the researchers who were still observing you both with keen eyes, notebooks and pens in hand.
They keep you separated for days, watching as Pickle's rage only grows and your anxiety seems to be eating away at you, almost deteriorating you at a rapid pace. Watching your differing reactions was proving to be even more interesting than they'd originally hypothesized. And while doing this experiment, the scientist had not revealed themselves to either primitive men, but about four days after the experiment started, one of the researchers had offered that they go back to sending in the bowls of fruit to see how they'd react.
Naturally, they chose to give you the fruit first.
And when the wall opened, your gaze immediately snapped up and you moved faster than they'd anticipated, hurriedly approaching the person with the bowl of fruit on all fours. The scientist is horrified at first, watching as you stare at him with pleading, puppy-like eyes. And then, you open your mouth before closing it, almost as if you were trying to say something but were hesitating.
Every scientist was on the edge of their seats, not expecting your reaction in the slightest.
Your mouth opens and closes a few more times before you finally speak, though the words are a bit broken, syllables are a bit hard to comprehend for you at the moment.
"Hmm...hm...hi—him." You move your hands above your head and begin to mess with the air, almost as if you were playing with long hair, obviously talking about Pickle.
"Wh...wha...wha...here..? Whe—whe...where?"
You did not get the reaction you wanted, watching as the scientist dropped the bowl of fruit and ran away, the wall shutting quickly behind him. As soon as the door fully closed, you lunged at it and slammed your fists onto it, broken words soon following as you pleaded, eyes beginning to water.
"Plee...plea— plea..? Please?!"
The sight of you whimpering and pounding your fists on the door is nearly enough to make the scientists sympathetic, watching as you crumble in on yourself, clearly suffering from some kind of abandonment issue. So much so that you were willing to speak their language to try and communicate. They wondered if you could learn more words and perhaps even sentences in the future. Perhaps they should have separated the two of you since the very beginning.
On the fifth day, Pickle had stopped pounding on the door, the amount of dents he'd left in the door was a concerning amount and the personnel had even grown fearful that he'd end up breaking through it soon, but they were fortunate that it seemed he'd given up. And instead, he simply sat down in front of the door, crossing his legs and his arms over his chest, waiting for the wall to open, almost as if he was expecting it.
It never opened.
Not that day.
Not the next day.
And not the next day.
The doors would open often for you, the scientists would bring you fruit and strange things while they spoke to you, trying to get you to talk to them again but your eyes were always wandering behind them, looking for Pickle in hopes of seeing him again. You do not remember the last time you'd been with him for such a long period of time, your anxiety seemed to build with each day.
"If you can just say one word— we'll bring you back to your mate, okay?"
The scientist said, waving their hands around as if that was going to help you understand what they were getting at. You simply furrowed your brows at them, trying to understand the weird noises they were saying to you. The language barrier was obvious.
As one would expect, the scientists were frustrated by the progress, trying to express to you their desires and what they wanted. They were getting nowhere.
Pickle had remained seated like a statue in front of the door, unmoving and waiting for the perfect moment to strike. He had to find you, and he wasn't going to let this strange thing stop him from doing so.
Though he may not be the smartest, he knew that his fists had worn down this strange stone wall and just a few more shoves would soon bend to his will. And so, suddenly, he stood up and got into a fighting position, bringing his fist back before shooting it forward at the speed of a bullet that breaks the sound barrier with a clap and the door goes flying, crushing the line of personnel on the other side against the nearest wall, turning them into mush.
He steps out, a blank, uninterested stare on his face. An alarm soon goes off at this, seeing how he'd just brutally murdered some of security, but that didn't stop Pickle from continuing to walk, eager to find where you are, wanting nothing more than to have you back safe in his arms. And if that means crushing the skulls of small people, he wouldn't mind, so long as he got back to you.
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flowercrowngods · 4 months
something so monstrous pt.2
(in which kas feeds from steve and triggers a bad migraine pt.2)
🤍🌷 read part 1 here this part gets really intense on the migraine. descriptions of immense pain, fever dreams, and vomiting, some body horror imagery bc pain can be fun like that
Time and space lose all meaning as Steve remains on the precipice of something that is too violent to be called sleep, but not harsh enough yet to be unconsciousness. Real sensations evade him as everything turns into pain immediately. Even the twitch of his finger becomes a thundering blaze of blinding pain shooting through his body and settling behind his eye until he is sure he will wake up blind. 
The fear of that is everpresent, the blind spots too real to ignore every time it goes like this, and he imagines how they will grow. He imagines how they get worse every time until one day the pain inside his skull will be so immense it will take his eyesight in exchange for alleviation.
And even though it is unbearable, he opens his eyes whenever he can, just to make sure he can see still. It’s an added veil of terror that covers him whole and consumes him slowly but continually. 
At some point he notices something cold and wet being placed over his eyes, adding another layer of darkness that is welcome, even if it leaves an imprint of pressure and sensation on his forehead that makes his skin tear around it, his skull cracking and caving in beneath the touch. 
And still it helps a little, pulling him further toward consciousness but not further toward the pain itself. But Steve can only whimper weakly in response, six feet under a thick cloud of cotton-filled smog that even turns breathing into a chore, polluting his lungs with fear and horror and agony without compare.
He does fall into a fitful sleep at some point, grateful for the short reprieve, but it does nothing to alleviate his exhaustion. 
It feels like his eyeballs are being pushed into his skull for what must be hours upon hours, and the pain is so unbearable, so horrible, that he's not at all surprised when nausea rises in his chest, his body responding to its current state with confusion and a hard-reset. 
Steve keens, trying to roll onto his side, groaning at the flares of pain shooting up into his skull and down into his limbs. They only worsen the nausea and it's pure instinct that gives him the strength to sit up. 
"Kas?” he whispers, swallowing thickly against another wave. "Bathroom?” 
Instead of giving him directions or pulling him up to drag him there, Kas wastes no time. He gets up off the floor, approaching him with shuffling steps once more, and gently but quickly lifts Steve off the bed in a hold — firm, yet gentle — that brings another sting of tears to Steve's eyes. Pain and vulnerability and the need for everything to be over. That’s what makes him cry.
Still he manages to hold on, his head rolling onto Kas's shoulder, the skin of his neck blissfully cool against Steve’s overheated forehead pressing into him. 
Make it stop, he thinks. Longs. Aches. It’s supposed to be over. It’s all supposed to be over now. 
He whimpers again, and imagines that Kas is the one to softly shush him this time.
The coolness of Kas's neck is gone all too soon as the vampire sets Steve on the hard, uncomfortable bathroom floor. He doesn't go far, though, crouching down beside him and holding him up over the toilet. Steve can't see anything, but still he’s grateful that Kas left the lights off, the bathroom tinged in the same darkness as his bedroom. 
Pathetically, Steve rests his forehead on the toilet seat, chasing the coldness of it as pain and nausea reach their peak. It’s disgusting, but be’s not strong enough to care. A whine breaks from him, and he wishes Kas would leave. Even though the cold hand on his neck feels good, and even though he knows he wouldn't be able to hold himself up right now. 
I'm not weak, he wants to say. And maybe he does. But he can't recognise his own voice right now. 
"Not weak, maybe, but pathetic." 
"You know you are." 
Shut up. Go away. 
It doesn't make sense for Mr Munson to suddenly be here with them, to stand in the doorway and watch his nephew, who is more monster than human these days, holding up the pathetic form of Steve, who is more pain than human. More smoke than human. More vulnerable weakness than remotely human.
Go away. Eddie? I want him to go away. Tell— Go ‘way. 
The hand wanders, pulling Steve against cool skin again so his forehead rests against the toilet no longer, basking in the cold touch and the warmth of a body to hold him. 
"Safe," Kas says, and Steve wants to badly to believe him. Wants Wayne to leave, wants everyone to leave and just let him suffer in silence and solitude like always. 
Wayne starts talking again, but Steve can't hear him this time as he suddenly heaves and retches, throwing up what little he had to eat today. Over and over and over.
It goes like this for a long time. He has no idea how long. Has no idea where he even is anymore. 
The world tilts a few times when he loses his grip, his arms buckling, his hands spasming and giving out, and still he never falls. Only ever feels the cold, damp skin of Kas’s neck. 
Kas has to carry him to bed when he's done and on the brink of passing out again, and Steve doesn’t mind this time. Kas also hands him a glass of water or two before pushing him back to lie down again. That’s nice. 
The wet cloth returns, and Steve isn't aware of his surroundings for much more after that.
The next time Steve comes to, he feels like he was freshly dragged through Lover’s Lake until his lungs gave out. His head is pulsing violently, his senses are sluggish and everything feels foggy. He has no idea where he is, the room pitch black around him as he lifts a lukewarm damp cloth from his eyes. 
A soft groan falls from his lips as he stretches his aching, cramped limbs, rubbing his hands over his face and regaining the feeling in his body. Little pinpricks of phantom pain shoot through him, his mouth tastes like ash and his head protests rather violently against his pathetic attempt at sitting up. 
He is disoriented and something about his vision is still messed up, something in the depths of the room not quite right and leaving him with a dizziness he can’t quite shake, followed by a wave of anxiety that something’s wrong with his eyes. 
He blinks. Blinks again, finding more things in the strange room as he does, his sluggish brain slowly catching up and filling in the blanks.
It all comes back to him like a tidal wave when he suddenly finds himself blinking at a pair of red eyes, softly glowing and wide open. 
“Kas,” he croaks, his throat absolutely parched. 
One second he’s wincing at that, the next he finds a cool glass of water pressed into his hands before the eyes and the shadowy form they belong to retreat to the foot of the bed again. 
 “Thanks,” he murmurs, stalling as he takes a sip. Embarrassment rises in him, but he doesn’t want to apologise. The thought of that somehow makes the vulnerability that much worse, so he tries to ignore it. It’ll all be fine if they simply not acknowledge it. 
He wants to ask for the time instead, wants to know how much the migraine took from him this time, but he knows Kas doesn’t really understand the concept of it all, let alone know the numbers. 
A silence settles between them and it’s somewhere between welcome and uncomfortable. Just like everything that happens in Hawkins. It makes Steve feel like a ghost again, but this time he’s a ghost in the room, not just in his own head. He’s the one who’s out of place.
With a little sigh, he places the glass on the makeshift nightstand again and falls over onto his side. His head is mad at him for it, still feeling too fragile for sudden movements, but lying down feels better than sitting.
There’s a huff from Kas that sounds more amused than derisive, so Steve looks at him. Looks at the shimmer in those eyes before closing his own again, not wanting to be looked at right now. Not wanting to face it.
“You,” Kas says then, his voice quiet and without the edge of that animalistic growl. The sound of someone who’s not meant to speak at all. The souvenir of someone who was human once before Evil grabbed him and modified him to His liking. 
“Me,” Steve says, an automatic response, just as quiet. He’s listening. 
“How… How are…” Kas struggles, huffing in frustration at the words that refuse to come, but still it’s the most coherent Steve has ever heard him. It makes him sit up half way again; leaning his weight on one arm to focus all his foggy and cloudy attention on the vampire trying to ask him how he is feeling. 
No more words come, though, the question half finished in the air between them. But somehow it makes Steve smile. Just a little bit. This feels important. And huge.
“My head hurts,” he answers truthfully, amused when Kas’s eyes snap back to his. To search them. To communicate something.
“Yeah. It will, for a while. Always does. Nothing to do about it, really.” He wishes he felt as indifferent to it as he sounds, but that’s just the tiredness clouding his tone. It’s fast approaching now that he knows he’s relatively safe. Now that he knows he can rest. His arm gives out and he slides, slowly this time, back to lie on the pillow. “But it’s not as bad. And the other pain is gone, so…” 
So. He could go home now. He should, probably. Ignoring the weakness in his bones and the exhaustion in his every fiber. If he closed his eyes again right now, he could fall asleep. Still, maybe he should—
“Stay,” Kas says again, and Steve really should have figured. He’s not quite well enough to really fight him on that, though, so he shrugs. 
“Fine,” he mumbles into the pillow, halfway back to slumberland already. 
There’s movement on the foot of the bed, and before he knows it Kas has tucked him in again, draped across the pillows as he is. It’s still unreal, that, but Steve won’t complain. What’s even more unreal, though, is the image Steve gets of Kas curling up by the foot of the bed in a similar position. As if he still means to keep watch. 
It’s ridiculous. A little weird. And sort of endearing.
The next time Steve wakes, everything around him is a little brighter, daylight fighting weakly to fill the room, but it stands no chance against the large wooden planks and thick curtains meant to block it out permanently. 
He blinks away the heaviness, taking stock of his body. There is a crick in his neck and burgeoning cramps in his side and hip from the position he’s still in, and this head still is a pulsing, aching mess — but no more than usual. 
He taps the pads of his fingers to his thumb before flexing his hands. Only then does he stretch the rest of his body and announce his wakefulness. 
Opposite him, at the foot of the bed, Kas is already awake and still in the same position that Steve saw him last. Did he even sleep? Does he need that? Or has he just been staring at Steve, watching him, ready to carry him to the bathroom again for round two. 
The thought of that makes his skin crawl.
“Hi,” he says to fill the silence that is all too inviting for his spiralling mind.
Kas grunts, but it sounds more like a hum. Sort of gentle around the edges. He doesn’t move, doesn’t seem at all fazed that they’re just kind of staring at each other. Steve swallows, not really sure how to go from here.
He fists the blanket and rubs the linen bedding between his fingers, feels the rough fabric catching on the callouses along his hands as uncomfortable seconds tick by. Still Kas doesn’t move. 
“Listen, man,” Steve says at last, thinking back to yesterday’s events and the vampire’s sudden care. “Thanks, alright? What you did, that was, uh. That was nice. You didn’t have to do any of that.” 
Another hum, and it occurs to Steve that Kas is back in his normal state, retreated back into his mind, hiding from the world himself now that it no longer needs him. It’s a strange thought, that Steve being hurt would be what brings him back. If at all. Maybe he’s reading it all wrong. Maybe it as just a coincidence, or maybe Kas tasted something in his blood that made him want to improve Steve’s physical state for selfish purposes. That’s probably more likely.
But it makes him feel even more wrong-footed than before, and it leaves him hyper-aware of the situation. Of their dynamic. Indifference and annoyance and… He doesn’t want it to change, doesn’t want some kind of debt between himself and Kas — especially not when Kas has no means to really settle it. But he also can’t feign some kind of gratitude when what he feels the most is mortification and embarrassment; and he sure as hell doesn’t want Kas to know that either. 
So he throws back the blanket and gets out of the bed, a little dizzy at first, but he doesn’t care as he slips into his shoes and hurries out of the room. 
He just wants to leave. Get out of here and go home, go back to bed and get over the mortification of having been seen like this. Of having been taken care of. By someone who doesn’t even like him. By someone who hissed and snapped at him one moment and then carried him to the bathroom the next. 
“It looks like there’s nothing human left in him, but we do have data that suggest otherwise.” Owens’s words echo through his mind as he crosses the living room. “It seems to be in hiding, the Munson part of him; that’s our hope at least. That you can get him back out one day, make him win over the vampire part. It could be like a self defence mechanism, I guess. We hope he can still be coaxed back into the land of the living. How, though, we don’t know.”
Was this what happened? Has Steve’s weakness triggered the human part of Kas’s tortured brain to take over? No, that can’t be. 
It seems unreal. Unlikely. Wayne telling him stories or Dustin talking about their campaign, that should have helped. Even Mike playing the guitar, or Robin rambling about something or other; all of that was much more close to who Munson was. Or used to be. Eddie Munson never struck Steve as someone who took care of people naturally. Someone who stepped in. He stepped up, sure, but only ever for the wrong reasons. 
It makes no sense. So it must be wrong; just Steve’s exhausted brain grasping at straws. It usually does that, anyway. Nobody knows if Eddie is even still in there. Part of Steve hopes he’s not. 
Just as he reaches for the front door, ready to just get out of here and pretend like nothing happened, he feels a presence behind him. Kas followed him out of the bedroom, standing in the doorway now with an unreadable expression. It's the blank one he usually takes on, but where before it was normal, it throws Steve off now. Maybe because he saw how Kas can look at him. How expressive his eyes can get.
He holds them, the red shimmer a little dimmer out here in the brighter living room. 
And maybe it's the blankness in those eyes, or the lack of judgment in Kas's every action, but whatever it is, it makes Steve let go of the door and turn to face Kas properly. 
"Why'd you do it?"
The vampire inclines his head. Listening. Always listening. Steve doesn't know how he never noticed that. It seemed so primitive before. Like how a dog will react to its owner speaking, but never process the words. Kas processes, though. So Steve keeps going.
"Why'd you... You kept saying that word. Safe. Do you, uh. Do you know what it means?" 
Slowly, his eyes growing a little less blank, Kas nods. 
Steve looks around the cabin, swallowing thickly, still feeling so out of place in here, still feeling the need to run and leave it far behind. But something makes him stay. Makes him want to understand. 
"You wanted me to feel safe?" Again, Kas nods. "Why?" 
There is hesitation there, and Steve wonders if it's because he doesn't want to tell him, if he doesn't know the answer, or if he doesn't know how to answer. It's a loaded question, maybe. 
"Pain," he says at last, his voice barely discernible from a growl, but somehow Steve seems attuned to it now. Maybe because he listens now. Because he wants to know. To understand. 
He waits, watching as Kas struggles for more words once more. Just like last night. 
"Know... Know... pain. Know.” He taps his temple with a clawed hand, and Steve's heart falls, his chest aching with realisation. 
Right. He would. He would know pain like that. If what the doc says is right, if what Vecna taunted them with is right, if every working theory the kids have is right, then… yeah. Kas would know. He’s know something about pain. More than any of them. Pain so intense it splits you apart from yourself. 
"Shit," Steve whispers more to himself than to the room, crossing his arms in front of his chest to hug himself and keep from digging deeper, keep his heart from falling further, and keep the horror at bay. 
He doesn't want to imagine the kind of torture Kas went through. Is still going through, if what the doctors say has even more truth to it. If Munson is still in there, still suffering because human minds have a way of holding on to pain — Steve knows soemthing about that, too. 
"I'm sorry," he offers. It's all he can offer. In the end, it’s all that’s left.
And still it's so lame. It's not enough. 
But Kas just nods again, a pained shadow of a smile appearing on his face. Something transpires between them in that moment, Steve can feel it, but he can't really define it. Maybe some kind of understanding. Some kind of safety. 
"I gotta..." he starts, motioning to the door behind him. "I gotta go. Will you be fine? Did you have enough, y'know, to drink?" 
Another nod, and the smile widens a little. Looks a little less pained this time. 
"Good," Steve says, stuffing his hands into his pockets, lifting his shoulders to his ears, trying and failing to seem casual in the face of those glowing eyes. "I’ll– I'll see you around, yeah?" 
And then he's out the door, his head spinning and aching, his steps heavy with the weight of whatever has changed between him and Kas in the past twenty-four hours. 
... sooo. part 3 anyone?
🤍 permanent tag list gang: @skiddit @inklessletter @aringofsalt @hellion-child @stobin-cryptid @hotluncheddie @gutterflower77 @auroraplume @steddieonbigboy @n0-1-important @stevesjockstrap @brainvines @puppy-steve @izzy2210 @itsall-taken @mangoinacan13 @madigoround @pukner @i-amthepizzaman @swimmingbirdrunningrock @hammity-hammer @stevesbipanic @bitchysunflower @estrellami-1 @finntheehumaneater @goodolefashionedloverboi (lmk if you want on or off, for this story or permanently) 🤍 tagging for this work only: @forestnymph-666 @little-trash-ghost @jupitersgonemissing
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javierpena-inatacvest · 7 months
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Summary: Javi's Girl Dad skills get put to the ultimate test when your oldest daughter gets her period and you're not home to help her
Word Count: 2.9K
Pairing: Dad!Javi x Wife!reader (No use of y/n)
Warnings: Periods/getting a period for the first time, Javi being the ultimate Girl Dad, the Peña girls being the queens of sass, teamwork makes the dream work, just cute, sweet fluff 🥺😭
A/N: We all know that Girl Dad! Javi lives rent free in my brain, and as I was buying more tampons for myself today my brain went "Oh my god... could you imagine if Osita wasn't home when Lucy got her period and Javi, Elliot and Harper had to try and help her until Osita got home?" 😂😩 And of course, our elite girl dad would do anything he needed to in order to step up and make sure that his lil girl was okay 😭 This was also super fun to write because I feel like the girl's spunky personalities really shine through in this one 💀
Series Masterlist Never Too Late Masterlist
“Mom? Mooommm?!” 
“Why do you need Mom?” Elliot responded to her older sister, Lucy, frantically calling out for you from behind the bathroom door. 
“I just- I- Will you please just go get Mom, okay?! I really need her.”  Lucy sighed, panic filling her voice with every passing second it took for her sister to answer her request. Normally Elliot wouldn’t have been so quick to comply without haggling to negotiate a favor on her end, but even the 11 year old could sense the pure terror in her older sister’s voice. 
“Fine, fine.” Elliot huffed, making her way to her other sister’s room down the hall, pushing open Harper’s door to rally her for support. “Harper. Go help me find Mom.” 
“Why?” Harper asked, giving her sister a confused look as she set down the stuffed animals she was playing with on her bed. 
“Because, Lucy sounds like she’s having a mental breakdown in the bathroom and she needs mom’s help.” 
“Do you think she pooped her pants?!” Harper looked at Elliot with a disgusted and confused grimace on her face, the girls pausing for a moment to shake their heads in horror at the potential current state of their sister. 
“She did sound really upset… I don’t know Harps, just go look for Mom, okay?!” 
The girls quickly split, Harper taking the rest of the rooms upstairs while Elliot sped down the stairs to see if you were anywhere on the first floor. 
“Mom?! Mommy are you down here?!” 
After many years of raising 3 girls under the same roof, the two of you had learned how to tell the difference in your girls’ tone to distinguish what they wanted you for- Tattling, excitement, annoyance, you and Javi had pretty much heard it all. But the way that Elliot was calling out for you immediately caught Javi’s attention. 
Someone was in big trouble. 
“What’s up, El?” Javi called out wearily from the living room, lowering the volume on the TV as his daughter came speeding in, fear flooding her face. 
“Where’s mom?!” Elliot demanded, looking around the room for any sight of you. Her worried tone quickly had Javi up and off the couch, scrunching his brow at Elliot in concern at what kind of trouble the girls had gotten themselves into that they were so frantically looking for you. 
“Mom’s at the store. What’s going on?” Javi asked again, trying to keep even keeled, crossing his arms over his chest as he stared down at his daughter. 
“I don’t know, I swear! Lucy just kept calling for Mom from the bathroom. She sounded really freaked out, though. Harper and I think she shit her pants.” Elliot replied, holding up her hands in defense to rid herself of any potential blame, trying to keep from giggling at her last sentence. 
“Elliot Marie.” Javi groaned, rolling his eyes at her. “You said she’s in the bathroom?”  
Elliot nodded, giving a little shrug for her lack of clarity around her sister’s current circumstances. Letting out a little sigh, Javi reached over for the remote on the couch, turning off the TV before making his way up the stairs to find out what in the world was going on. 
Javi, Elliot and Harper now found themselves gathered around the outside of the bathroom door in confusion, Javi gently tapping on the door before speaking. “Hey Lucy, it’s me. What’s goin’ on, bud?” 
“Where’s Mom?!” Lucy replied, sounding like she was trying her best to hold back her sobs, muffled from behind the bathroom door. 
“She’s at the store right now, babe. What’s going on?” Javi asked again, looking down at Harper and Elliot who were looking back up at him, the 3 of them perplexed as to why Lucy was so distraught. 
“Did you poop your pants?!” Harper shouted, trying her best to ask seriously, although the two girls on the outside of the bathroom door couldn’t help but snicker to themselves. Javi groaned, rolling his eyes at Elliot and Harper, taking his hand to shoo them away, silently mouthing “Seriously?! Go play.” as the girls scampered away in a fit of giggles to Elliot’s room, leaving just Javi outside the door, waiting for a response. 
“... I really need Mom.” Lucy choked out through her tears as Javi leaned against the door, running his hand over the back of his neck in a mix of bewilderment and frustration until his realization hit him like a ton of bricks, his face going ghost white in terror. 
Lucy got her fucking period and you weren’t home. 
Javi could feel himself physically starting to sweat in panic trying to figure out what the hell to do. Even if he called you to come home, you probably still weren’t going to be back for another 45 minutes, and he wasn’t going to let his daughter sit in the bathroom horrified and alone until you returned. Letting out the deepest sigh he could muster, Javi knew his only option was to do this on his own, and hope he didn’t traumatize his oldest daughter, or die of embarrassment in the process. 
“Uh… Lucy, I’m really sorry but Mom’s not- shit- You… You’re gonna have to trust me to help you though this one, bud.” Javi grimaced, wincing at his own words, wondering to himself how he was going to get himself and his daughter through this. 
A stark silence hug in the air between them, barricaded by the bathroom door as Javi anxiously bounced his leg, waiting for Lucy to say something, anything, back to him. “How do you know what’s going on?” Lucy questioned hesitantly, probably still just as in shock as Javi was that the two of themselves were stuck in this situation together. 
“I uh- I’m just assuming because you wanted Mom- and uh, you’re- you’re in the bathroom and that you’re upset that you got your per-” 
“EW DAD?! Don’t say it!! That’s so weird!!” Lucy snapped from the other side of the door, Javi automatically holding up his hands in defense and taking a step back from the bathroom, taking a moment to carefully choose his next words before speaking again. 
“Sorry, sorry. Uh, kiddo, listen, I can call Mom but she’s not gonna be home for a while and I- I can’t just let you sit in there until she comes back. Can I- will you let me help you?” Javi asked, preemptively wincing, bracing himself for Lucy’s reply. 
“Yeah, I- I guess. Just please don’t be weird, Dad, I’m literally already gonna die of embarrassment and that’s without your help.” Lucy groaned, accepting defeat that she was going to have to let her Dad, of all people, help her through her unfortunate circumstances. Javi let out a sigh of relief that he at least wasn’t going to have to fight with Lucy or leave her stranded in the bathroom, but as he sat and thought about the fact that he was going to put a plan into action… Given the choice between this and chasing down Pablo Escobar or the Cali Cartel? Javi would have been on the first flight back to Colombia. 
“Okay, let me uh… I’ll um- give me one second okay?” 
“Not like I was planning on going anywhere else anytime soon.” Lucy grumbled, just loud enough for Javi to hear as he sped to Elliot’s room, where he found his other two daughters blissfully unaware of what was happening, building some sort of creation out of Legos. 
“Girls, you gotta go do something for me okay?” Javi pleaded, leaning in the doorframe of the bedroom, looking down at his daughters on the floor, pausing their Lego construction, their dad now capturing their attention. 
“Okay.” The girls said in unison, giving their dad a little shrug of compliance. 
“Can you uh-” Javi ran his hand over his red face, trying to find the least mortifying way to ask his daughters to help, “Can you guys go to Lucy’s room and get her a pair of underwear?” 
“EW GROSS DAD.” The girls shrieked, sticking out their tongues in disgust and Elliot pretending to vomit to add to the effect. 
“You guys… Can you just- please?” Javi practically begged, trying his best to keep calm and blow things even more out of proportion than they already felt like they were. Elliot and Harper sat quietly for a moment, the gears in their head visibly turning before Elliot spoke again. 
“...What’s in it for us?” Elliot asked, tilting her head and shrugging at her sister, too smart for her own good to ever pass up on an opportunity to bargain her way into a better deal. 
“Helping your sister.” Javi gruffed, impatient for his daughter’s negotiating antics as his other daughter sat helpless in the bathroom. Elliot and Harper both raised an eyebrow at their dad, sitting on the floor in a determined silence to get something in exchange for Javi’s proposal. “... 5 bucks for each of you, fair?” 
“5? Seems a little low for such a risky task.” 
“Fine, 10, now go so we can help your sister.” 
The girls gave each other a quiet high five before pushing up off the floor and racing past Javi out of the bedroom door towards their sister’s room, Harper’s voice carrying down the hallway. 
“I told you she pooped her pants!” 
Now having figured out one part of his predicament, Javi made his way back to the bathroom door to check on Lucy as he waited for Elliot and Harper to return. “Hey Lucy… You… You doin’ okay?” Javi asked, his hand brushing through the dark ends of his curls at the back of his neck. 
“Yeah… NEVER been better.” Lucy groaned, her voice oozing with sarcasm, a trait she had so lovingly inherited from you, and something Javi couldn’t even come close to being upset with her about, given her current situation. Before Javi could respond, Elliot and Harper were barreling down the hallway, Elliot holding out a hockey stick with a pair of underwear hooked at the end, Javi shaking his in disbelief. 
“Seriously, El?” Javi gestured at the hockey stick Elliot had passed off to Harper, now stretching it even further in front of her to distance herself from her sister’s underwear, using the other hand to plug her nose. 
“What?! Desperate times call for desperate measures, Dad. It was actually Harper’s idea.” The girls nodded proudly at their accomplishment, Harper freeing her hand from her nose to fist bump her sister at the execution of their plan. 
“Jesus Christ…” Javi muttered to himself under his breath, pinching the bridge of his nose and rubbing his temples, “Okay, Lucy? I’m gonna open the door enough so that your sisters can drop a new pair of underwear in there for you, alright?” 
“SORRY!” Javi groaned, trying his best to restrain his frustration from how stressed he was, surrounded by all 3 of his daughters trying to manage the biggest crisis he had dealt with to date. Barely opening the door a crack, Javi pointed to Harper to sneak the hockey stick through the empty space, turning it over in hopes that the underwear had fallen to the floor for her sister to grab. 
“Harper that’s my new stick! Are you serious?!” Lucy shouted through the opening in the door, as if she needed another reason to be more enraged than she already was. Harper quickly jerked the stick back, slamming the door behind her, dropping it on the floor out of guilt before shouting back. 
“Sorry! I didn’t wanna touch your underwear, that’s gross dude.” 
“You got me dirty underwear, are you kidding Harper?!” 
“No they’re clean, but like… They’re underwear, it’s nasty. Your butt touches it.” 
“True that.” Elliot chimed in, leaning against the wall behind her dad and Harper, adamantly nodding in agreement at her younger sister’s reasoning. 
“This is literally the worst day in the history of the world.” Lucy groaned in dismay, Javi now recognizing the soft sobs of his daughter return, his heart breaking and his brain fried at how he was going to manage the rest of this shit show until you got home. Javi tried to shoo away Elliot and Harper once again, but not before Elliot could rub the tips of her fingers and thumb together,  silently asking for her promised $10 from her dad. Javi frowned, shaking his head no, Elliot getting the hint enough that now perhaps was not the best time to collect her payment. Tugging at her sister’s sleeve, Harper dragged Elliot back to her room, trying to distance herself from her angry sister as much as possible, once again, leaving Javi and the closed bathroom door with his daughter locked behind it. 
Javi leaned his forehead against the door, his face buried in his palms letting out a few deep inhales and exhales to maintain his composure, given the fact that he hadn’t even gotten to the part of helping Lucy she legitimately needed. 
“You okay, bud?” 
“No. What kind of question is that, Dad?” 
“Okay so… so- what- what do I do now?” Lucy asked, her voice quickly shifting from sass to scared, her words meek and timid as she waited for any sort of guidance about what to do. There was nothing that broke Javi’s heart more than seeing any of his girls anything but happy, and to hear the terror in Lucy’s voice made him absolutely crumble, especially when he definitely was not the ideal person to be aiding in this situation. 
“Okay, well, uh- in the cabinet under the sink, there should be a pink box and a purple box in the back corner of the second shelf. Can um- can you uh, check to see if you can find them?” 
A soft rustling came from behind the door as Lucy rummaged through the bathroom cabinet, the sound of several items falling to the floor in her scramble. “Okay, I- um, I found them. Which box do I use? Do I use both?” 
“Purple. Take one out of the purple box.” Javi quickly responded, letting out a panicked gulp, wanting to make sure he was not adding to his already detrimental embarrassment of having to explain tampons to his daughter. “Okay uh- Jesus- okay you, um- you gotta just uh, pull the little paper part off the back…” He paused, trying to give time for Lucy to follow his inadequate directions, taking her silence as his cue to continue, “and then it should be sticky. And then um, then you gotta, uh- take the sticky side and-” 
“Okay, yup, got it, please don’t say anymore.” Javi could practically feel Lucy wincing at his directions, leaving him anxiously drumming his fingers along his forearms as the toilet flushed and sink ran, the bathroom door slowly creaking open to reveal a very sheepish and embarrassed Lucy, eyes pinned to the ground to avoid any direct contact with her dad’s. 
“Hey kiddo,” Javi grimaced, trying his best to casually greet his daughter, trying his best to keep things from getting any less weird than they already were, “How you uh, how ya-” 
“Dad,” Lucy interrupted, holding up her hand to stop her dad, “I love you, and thank you, but I don’t wanna talk about this ever ever again, okay?” 
“Understood.” The two nodded in a silent agreement, eyes still peeled in separate directions as Lucy sped off to her room, promptly closing the door behind her with a loud slam, leaving Javi alone and flabbergasted, sinking down with his back against the wall trying to process the shit storm that had just blown through the Peña household. 
The rest of the afternoon was spent in an uncomfortable silence between Javi and the girls, his only peace offering being to bring back 3 bags worth of McDonald’s nuggets and fries, knowing that if Lucy was anything like you, the only thing that was going to bring her any sort of joy from her period pain was endless amounts of deep fried, crispy, salty potatoes, and that fast food (on top of their 10 dollars) was enough bribery to keep Elliot and Lucy from harassing their sister about the events of this morning. 
When you arrived home, you were surprised to be greeted by nothing but the sound of the TV, setting your bags down at the front door as you made your way to the living room where you found Javi and the girls sitting on the couch, McDonald’s bags placed in between the uncharacteristically hardy distance now dividing your husband and daughters. 
“Hey you guys, how’s it going?” You asked hesitantly, shooting Javi a concerned look at your family’s current set up. 
“It’s uh…” Javi paused, looking back over at his girls, all 3 of them burning menacing glares at their dad to keep him from spilling the beans on this morning’s circus, “It’s been an interesting day.” 
You cocked your head to the side, feeling even less reassured by the uncomfortable tension brewing in your living room, Javi and the girls now looking even more awkward and apprehensive than they had a few moments ago. You tried to give each of them the silent stare down to see if any of them would break, but whatever pact they had formed before your arrival was holding strong, no one cracking under your investigative pressure. 
“Okay… Well, if you guys wanna tell me about it then-” 
“NO.” Your daughters shouted in unison, frantically shaking their heads to stop your question. 
“Like I said…” Javi grumbled, “It’s been… a day.” 
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ornii · 14 days
Hello, how are you doing?
I was wondering if you would write a story with Enid x Wednesday x M!reader where the reader is a vortex, like from the Sandman series/comic, and after his and Wednesday's first date he goes to sleep and has a smutty dream before accidentally travels into Wednesday dream. Wednesday's dream was the reader eating her out with her wearing a blindfold while Enid is in the corner rubbing herself.
Due to his confusion and hornyness, the reader accidently travels to Enid's dream. Enid was dreaming that she was being double penetrated by both Y/n and Wednesday with a strap on. Seeing this caused the reader to accidentally break the barrier between their dreams so they all saw what the other was dreaming. This caused them all to wake up and the reader to go over to their shared room to apologize. However, when he arrived and explained what happened, they reached an agreement to make the others dreams a reality. After a full night of sex, the reader and Wednesday are spooning Enid and agree to let her into the relationship.
Take your time and sorry if this is too much.
Night Terrors, Indeed. (18+)
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A Vortex, dreaming being beyond comprehension and understanding. Admittedly you attempted to sleep after your first date with Wednesday, turns out explaining to her the demons that the vortex attracts. Haunting a dream together was a first good date, which lead to an.. interesting night.
Lying in your bed your mind begins to fade into mist. Everything slowly solidifying into a bedroom, an old castle on the coast of England, you sat up and felt an unease about your body, as if you were.. sick. “H..hello?” You spoke into the dimly lit room, a few candles, a fireplace illuminated the front of the bed, candles along certain walls and frames. You could make out a door opening to your left and a figure calmly stepping out of it, Wednesday. She didn’t have a Nevermore uniform on her, it was a thin black lace nightgown, Carrying a single candle she approached.
“Mi querido..” her deep black eyes peered into yours, and she gently placed the candle on the bed rest and leaned into your face.
“You’ve had a long and strenuous battle… allow me to relive you.”
“Wednesday I…” her finger slowly pressed against your lips as she gently crawled into the bed and straddled you. Her cold pale plan gently pressed against your chest, this dream felt so.. real, you wanted it to be real, and her left hand slowly began to train down your abdomen, her fingers softly drag along your skin and the sensation felt so pure. But before you could feel he grasp it, your eyes awoke to the Hellway of Wednesday and Enids dorm. You were standing up, and a look of surprise was on your face. “Am I… no.. dreams must be interlocking.” You thought to yourself and walked along the hall. Nearing the door, you heard a gentle moan behind the door. Curiosity and arousal fill your mind and you twists the door knob and peer into the bedroom, and your eyes went to the right side to Wednesdays side and to the origin of the sounds.
Her hands were bound by handcuffs, though a rail of her bedframe, her eyes bound by a wrapping and her bottom lip was bitten, as she was breathing heavily, sweat dripping down her neck to her back, bare chest with supple breasts softly shaking as her shaky moans echo though the room, you couldn’t take your eyes off of her, this was definitely Wednesday’s dream. You watched a pair of very familiar hands move upward and grip her waist, it was yours. You saw yourself right between her legs, using your tongue to lap against her walls and the warmth of your breath brush against her flesh. Her legs instinctively wrap around your neck, inching closer to an orgasm, the soft whimpers of Enid catch your ear and you lean in a bit further, your eyes caught Enid, her legs gently rubbing together as one hand was in between and the other gently massaging her own breast, her eyes so crazily focused on watching Wednesday and the dream version of you being so… intimate. You closed the door swiftly and tried to press those thoughts out of your mind, and turned left, and blinked somehow you were back at the same door, as if the world itself moved to be fixated on your eyes. You reached and gripped the handle again and opened the door, this time the positions changed, you watched yourself lie on Enid’s Bed, her on top, palms gripping your shoulders as she rides the dream version of you, Wednesday was also behind her, her arm grasping her neck as she was also behind Enid, using a strap on she also decided to plunder the Werewolf’s body. Enid was in bliss, a mix of pleasure and wolf like mating she was enjoying herself a lot more than most. And admittedly you wanted to put yourself in the mix, you gripped the handle harder, biting your lip you felt the arousal build up and take over, you closed the door once more, but hard, and with that slam you woke up from your invasion of dreams. Sweating and with a very abrupt form of morning wood. You took a deep breath to compose yourself. Sitting up you exhaled and felt a deep feeling, and you had to alleviate it.
Gently knocking on Wednesday’s door, you waited, it was a bit of shuffling and you watched it open to Wednesday in a gown, and Enid looked a bit, awkward. “Can I.. come in?” You asked, and Wednesday stepped back to let you in. You saw Enid in her bed, curled up slightly, not able to make eye contact with you. Wednesday stood in the room, a bit uncomfortable herself. You had a very good idea of why they looked like that.
“So… I’m sorry about, all of that.” You spoke up first, and Wednesday took a breath. “You upset Enid.” Wednesday frowned, she wasn’t angry about her dream being taken advantage of, she was upset that Enid was upset.
“Enid… I’m sorry I didn’t mean to.” You bit your lip to try not to say something dumb. Enid finally looked up at you, cute puppy dog eyes, “It’s okay.. I know you didn’t mean to.. I just, didn’t want you to see what I was—“
“Fantasizing?” Wednesday finished, “Yours was no better, you like me watching?” Enid replies, Wednesday for the first time was actually embarrassed. “Well.. no, your infectious personality just corrupted my dream.” Wednesday lies, but gets an idea. She turns to you, and looks you up and down.
“I have a way of you to repay us… help us make our dreams a reality.” She said, which piqued the interest of Enid. She walked over to Wednesday, a bit conflicted but when she met Wednesdays gaze, she accepted and also turned to you.
“I mean.. it’s only fair.” She said hiding a sly grin, and you were obviously stuck between a rock and.. two very hard places. You sighed and gently gripped your shirt. “Well.. we can all at least enjoy it.
And Enjoy you did.
Dawn began to crack though the glass windows and hit your eyes, they flickered opened and you looked to the roof off the room, Wednesday was already awake, just not particularly motivated in moving. Snuggled up with your left arm she tilted her head near yours.
“I half expected you to die during it, Enid gets insatiable during the mating season.” Wednesdays palm gently pressed against the center of your chest, feeling your heartbeat. “I’m… actually glad you’re alive.”
“Well of course, would he too much work getting rid of my body.” You said jokingly, you couldn’t see it, but she smiled slightly. “That too… but I’d be upset we might not be able to continue this… Polyamorous relationship more.”
“It’s not because I’m really good at working my tongue, is it?” You moved your hand down her backside. Wednesday bit her lip to avoid admitting that her moans were louder than she’d like to admit. “Your performance was.. sufficient.” Wednesday said, “Well I’m sure Enid loved yours, although you were a pain in her ass.” You smirked, looking at the roof.
“Was that an attempt at a joke?” She said.
“Yeah, funny wasn’t it?” You asked, moments pass, silence, until Wednesday uttered;
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Hi, I'm not sure if you requests are open but I'd like to ask for a Lucifer Morningstar x oblivious! fem! reader. He met her when he visited the hotel and was immediately intrigued when Charlie told him that she was a a fallen angel. Later on he decides to court her but she is oblivious to his advances. Fluff! Have a good day/night!
Too Sweet~
Lucifer x Oblivious Kind! Reader
You were just so sweet and innocent, so kind and loveable. When in heaven, people compared you to an older version of Emily. Even though you had more life experience than the young Seraphim, you were still naive and careless about many things around you. From Adam’s insults and comments to even Sera’s darker tendencies, you saw nothing but the good in them all.
That's why you saw the good in her when Charlie came to Heaven to discuss her hotel with everyone. You saw the good in the program that she wanted to found. Unlike Emily, though, when Sera commanded you two to stop, you kept going, pleading with everyone to hear Charlie out. In turn, you were cast to hell with Charlie and Vaggie for insubordination.
Your appearance in Hell shocked most residents as you lay next to Vaggie and Charlie. A tall red man was grinning down at you, a cat-like creature had a grimace, and a spider was making a comical ‘O’ face. Sitting up with everyone as Vaggie went to explain to Charlie the hard news that was broken just before your fall, she was cut off by Charlie's overly nice voice. “Everyone listen up. The Hotel is in danger, and this poor angel Y/N was the only one on our side. She was cast down here with us after the news of Adam coming to attack in less than a month.” Surprise at your visit was quickly replaced with terror at the knowledge that the hotel was in danger. Charlie had locked herself in her room, tormenting herself with the knowledge that she had let everyone down. You, however, were being safeguarded by Vaggie. She intended to help Charlie as much as possible until she was ready to talk about everything, including keeping you safe from these sinners who walked amidst you. 
You liked everyone you met, though. Your first conversation with the spider named Angel Dust was entertaining enough. He got so confused and frustrated that you didn’t understand what he was saying to you. According to the cat Husk, you were just too innocent for Angel to handle. However, that didn’t stop a growing friendship between you three. They slowly taught you different things in hell, as you wouldn’t be returning anytime soon.
Against Vaggies best wishes, she allowed such a bond to form her, taking pity on your situation you still hadn’t fully grasped. You rivaled the naivety of even the snake demon Sir Pentious, leaving everyone, including him, to protect you. The only demon you weren’t a massive fan of in the hotel was the Radio Demon Alastor. He asked so many tough questions you couldn’t discuss about Heaven. He always had an odd smile, and everyone warned you never to make a deal with him, especially since your pure angelic soul would amount to so much for him in the overlord world. 
That’s why when Charlie came downstairs, Vaggie worried and yelling about the deal the Radio Demon and her made. You felt so guilty since you knew Vaggie wasn’t there to protect Charlie, and you had Vaggie's attention solely on making sure you didn’t mess up. Guilt ate you up, so while Vaggie went and talked to a woman named Camilla and Charlie left with the Radio Demon to speak to his friend, you led the charge building defenses for the hotel. 
You had seen the Exorcists work before; you even trained with them a handful of times, seeing as Adam wanted you a part of his team. The only thing that stopped your addition to the Exorsits was that you were a gentle soul that could never kill. You would do what you must to protect your new family. You helped board up windows, aligned Sir Pentious's weapons for him, and even found some hidden weaponry in the hotel.
You may be oblivious and naive, but Adam gave you one thing in Heaven: warrior skills. With that said, as Vaggie returned from Camillas with a new spark in her eye, you were eager to learn from Vaggie how to take down your brethren. You believed in Charlie's dream and would not allow it to falter because of Sera or Adam. 
As Vaggie was training you and the other hotel residents to fight, a stampede of new sinners joined in, led by Charlie. With these numbers, you might stand a chance against the battle soon. You were so happy to see Charlie and Vaggie whole once again; it didn’t even register in your mind what sick joke Angel made about their ‘last night’ together. 
The execution day was upon you all, and the battle was fierce and intense; you gave it your all, fighting those you once saw as sisters. Your angelic wings allow you to fight high in the sky with them. That is when you saw another gorgeous angelic creature. It wasn't an executioner or Adam. It was someone far more beautiful, with six bright white wings and deep red feathers underneath. In your awe-struck moment, you almost missed a fatal blow from an exorcist. 
The fight ended with the beautiful creature you soon figured out was Lucifer, having shown kindness to Adam. Though the little demon Niffty ended him, you were still impressed with his grace and poise. He was one of the Archangels now fallen and ruler of hell. Your face was warm seeing him in his glory. As you guys tallied your dead and helped Charlie recover, you kept feeling your eyes drift to the king of hell.
You had never seen someone so beautiful and angelic, even in his demon form. You wanted to ask him many questions, but your fear of being weird or crazy overtook you. Sticking to Husk and Angel's sides, you helped with the rebuilding process, and your wings also gave you an advantage in the rebuilding stage. However, you couldn’t shake the feeling that someone's eyes were also trained on you. 
Once the hotel was rebuilt and everything was said and done, Charlie took the time to introduce you to Lucifer. “Okay, dad, this is Y/N. She came from heaven with me and Vaggie after our meeting, which led to this. As you can tell, she is also a fallen angel.” The look on Lucifer's face was akin to fear and disgust in your mind. You didn’t mean to offend him with your presence. Suddenly, you felt self-conscious and excused yourself to return to Husk and Angel's party at the bar. While you walked away, Lucifer noted your wings and looks. He wasn’t disgusted by you; quite the contrary, he thought you were beautiful and worthy of heaven, not this place.
Lucifer took up Charlie's offer to move into the hotel. Not only to help out and gain more Sinners but also to be closer to you. The only problem was you couldn’t be any denser. He tried talking to you many nights sitting at the bar, yet you were so involved in Angel and Husk’s stories that he couldn’t get a word in. By the time the two would call it a night and head to bed, he would be too drunk to speak to you coherently, leading to you walking him up to his room and helping him get rest.
You were so oblivious and nice. He loved that about you, though. You always saw the good in everyone, and Charlie appointed you as a hotel therapist. As Sinners came to be redeemed, you could sit with them and talk about what they needed to do to heal. You could find the good in even Alastor, and that was impressive in and of itself. As Alastor noticed the king's interest in you growing, he couldn’t help but play games with the king's head. 
This would lead to countless heated battles that had you and Charlie seperating the two so they didn’t destroy the new hotel. You always took Lucifer's side and helped calm him down while Charlie took Alastor's. Charlie had 100% not planned this at all since she, too, noticed her father's growing interest in you. She is eager to see her father move on and be happy again. 
One fight led to a particularly rough love confession that led to an entire-blown relationship. After Alastor had paraded you around hell all day, Lucifer was boiling; how could you not see that Alastor was just using you to flaunt status? If anyone should have you on their arm walking around, hell, it was him. Thus, the battle between the two started. “Alastor, just what do you think you are doing taking the hotels Angel out on the town.” “AHAHA Lucifer, you make no sense. Angel is right over there, not on the town,” Static filled the area from his joke as a laugh track played. “You know precisely what I am talking about, tall and freaky. Y/N shouldn’t be going out there. It is dangerous for her.” You could practically see his horns protruding. 
“Oh, little man, I fear there is some jealousy coursing through you. Are you just mad she will humor me and my time while giving you nothing?” The static grew louder, and Alastors' smile only grew wider.
Slowly, you pulled yourself off Alastor's arm and made your way between the two. “Excuse me to the both of you; I can make my own choices, thank you very much. I may be naive and still learning, but if I am to be stuck here in hell forever, I want to know all that I can so I don’t end up hurt. Alastor, as much as I appreciate your time, you will stop antagonizing Lucifer immediately. Lucifer, if you want to take me out so bad, just do it.” Your eyes were fierce when you looked at both men. 
Alastor smirked and made his way to his tower, knowing your power as an angel had passed him, even in your innocent mind. Whereas Lucifer stared at you, shocked. You just asked him out; you asked him to take you out on the town. He was smiling from ear to ear, so happy at this admission. Your confused face, however, quickly altered his excitement.
“Luce? What is wrong? I am sorry if I was too mean.” Your words were so kind; maybe that hurt him the most. Knowing you didn’t mean it. You didn’t want him to take you out cause you liked him. You were just trying to defuse the situation. He felt his face drop, and he hung his head. Getting ready to go back to his room to wallow in self-pity, he felt two dainty arms wrap around him. “I didn’t mean to upset you; I am so sorry…” Your words cut him like a knife. He wished he was strong enough just to say it, not hidden in his guilt and depression over losing everything once. Yet your warm grasp and soft voice lit something deep within him. Slowly, he turned around in your embrace, pulling you firmly into him. 
“Y/N, you injure me so. You were flaunting your friendships with the others. Being so kind and charismatic with all that come and go from our home. How do you hold my heart as tight as you do when I swore off so long ago, loving once again?” He hoped you heard him well. He hoped you understood his plight and that he loved you. His heart sank at your words as he felt your arms tighten around him. “Oh, Luce, we are friends. I love being your friend more than anything. I am sorry if my yelling made you think otherwise. I will refrain from going out with Alastor as much.” How could you be so oblivious but so majestic and beautiful simultaneously? He pulled you away, looking into your eyes. Your faces were only a few inches apart.
“No, Y/N, listen to me, listen to the words I am saying. I love being your friend, too, but I love you. I want to be more than friends or best friends. I want to spend our infernal days locked here in hell as one. I thought I would only love Lilith and never overcome her love. However, as the seven years of her absence went by, I learned that the love I had then was long gone. That's when I saw you that day fighting Adam and the Exorcists. You are beautiful and light, and everything good I once wanted to share in the world with mortals. Please, Y/N, hear me when I say you are more Angelic than even I, and I love that about you. I love you.” He was red in the face. He hadn’t wanted his confession to be like this. He didn’t want it to be in the middle of the lobby.
Your eyes were wide as he saw your mind trying to process everything. A silent hush fell on the room. That is when he saw the most beautiful thing he had ever seen: your warm, bright smile directed at him and him alone. Soon, your arms were around his neck as you kissed his cheek, his face growing more red.
“I love you too, Lucifer; I didn’t know you had these feelings. I know I am a bit slower than others, especially because of my upbringing in heaven. I would love to live by your side, though. Everything makes so much more sense now why Charlie had been pushing me to spend time with you and all of Angel's jokes at the bar.” You had a lilt in your voice and a soft, breathy laugh at the end. He added everything to the list of lovely characteristics that made you what you are. He smiled wide and pulled you into him. “You missed.” As you went to question him, your voice died on your tongue as he placed his lips upon yours. The kiss was sweet, tasting like sugar and honey. The most divine thing either one of you had experienced. Some claps and wolf whistles let out as the lobby was filled with the inhabitants cheering you two on. This only fueled Lucifer's pride as he dipped you, causing a brief squeak to leave your lips before he claimed them once again. 
What could he say? Kissing you was just too sweet.
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Interlude: Six Becomes Five
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The gentle crackle of the fire, admist the soft crickets chirping, was all the noise coming from the camp. Gingerbrave, Strawberry Cookie, Wizard Cookie, and Carameleon Cookie were all sleeping soundly, light snores coming from them.
Nearby, you rested with White Lily Cookie nearby, soft breath coming from your mouth.
Pure Vanilla Cookie sat in front of the fire, staring at it with an unreadable expression in his face. Wind gently blowed and rustled his hair for a moment, not held down by his hat. That and his staff rested on the tree near you.
Pure Vanilla Cookie didn't know what to think now that things had truly settled down.
He still felt.. lied to, in a sense. Not by you, or White Lily Cookie, but by Shadow Milk Cookie. The taunts and lies of the Cookie still swirled in his mind like toxic waste, gripping at him and drowning him.
That.. and he couldn't get your look out of his mind. The expression on your face when Shadow Milk Cookie had slammed you against a wall. The look of horror, shock, and terror before you fell unconscious.
It made him feel sick. The healing spells he desperately tried to cast before Shadow Milk Cookie chased them off still made him feel lightheaded.
He looked at his trembling hands. He exhaled shakily, clenching them.
Are you awake still?
He jolted at the sound of the Light of Compassion. "Ah!" He then exhaled to calm himself and his trembling. "C-Compassion. You surprised me."
Don't try and lie. I'm a part of you currently, Pure Vanilla Cookie.
Pure Vanilla Cookie paused before he pulled his knees to his chest. "I can't get their face out of my mind." He swallowed thickly. "How they looked when they slammed into that wall, I.." His hands came up to run through his hair. "I thought Shadow Milk Cookie had crumbled them."
Primordials are far harder to kill than your mind allows you to realize.
Pure Vanilla Cookie gave a small nod, but he was still trembling. He was too far in his own thoughts to even notice the footsteps coming from behind him. He only noticed when the figure sat beside him - it was you.
"You're awake still?" You asked, frowning. "Did something happen?"
Pure Vanilla Cookie chuckled softly. "If something did happen, you would be the first to realize, my friend."
"Friend," you repeated. "Friend, friend, friend." Pure Vanilla Cookie blinked, confused as he watched you repeat those words. "Are we really still friends?"
His cheeks turned a shade darker. "What do you mean..?"
"I mean, I shared the Light of Compassion with you, I saved your life, you saved mine, and just.." You looked at him, frowning softly. "Does that.. seem like something just friends would do?"
Pure Vanilla Cookie glanced away, resting his hand over his mouth. He chuckled softly. "Hm.. to some, maybe." He then smiled at you. "But I'm guessing that you want to be something more?"
You grinned. "How'd you guess?"
He hummed, opening his eyes to look at you. "Just a hunch, it seems."
With a soft laugh, you gently grabbed his hand and kissed the back of it. Then you looked up at him, then his mouth. "May I?"
His blush darkened. "Of course."
You moved forward and kissed him, the both of you closing your eyes. Pure Vanilla Cookie felt his body relax, resting his hands on your shoulders. After a few more moments, you both broke apart, small breaths escaping the both of you.
You kissed his head. "I love you, Pure Vanilla Cookie."
He smiled. "I love you too, Sparkling Joy Cookie."
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taglist: @snail-noodle @average-crk-enjoyer @looking4userthatworks @ori-stole-the-cheese-again @sqiddgie @justalittledumb @ax0lotly @ihatemyselffromthestart-blog @ravenkake @ohnoivefallen @craixe @xxcrispxx @hrtsy2 @imaginarydreams
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loveharlow · 9 months
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PAIRING‧₊˚  Rafe Cameron x Fem!Reader
SYNOPSIS‧₊˚  [2k] You realize just how unstable your summer fling turned boyfriend is...
WARNING(S)‧₊˚  swearing, murder, mentions of blood, mild crude humor, gaslighting, manipulation, co-dependency, violence, mentions of broken bones
A/N‧₊˚ part of my angstober event!
˗ˏˋ rafe masterlist ˎˊ
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YOU STOOD IN SHOCK. Bewildered at the sight in front of you. No, no, that word wasn’t even enough to describe the pure terror your eyes were laid upon. You could feel the tips of your fingers shaking, your knees were weak, and tears burned the edge of your waterline.
He called your name as he attempted to step towards you but you cringed, folding in on yourself by an inch but enough for him to stop in his movements. “Don’t…” You started, your voice was meek and feeble, cracking under your emotions. “Don’t come near me.” You cried.
You were at some kook kickback in a cabin built in a clearing, it was someone's birthday. You had no idea whose. You wouldn’t even be here if it weren’t for Rafe — your boyfriend. You’d gotten together with him during the early days of summer and it was the most unexpected thing of your life. You knew of him, of course you did. Who didn’t? But up until three months ago, you weren’t even sure he knew the first letter of your name. 
You’d had your fair share of fun — late night talks, car rides, food runs, sex. Lots of sex. He was your summer fling and you were actually starting to fall for him. Which is why you let him drag you out of your house tonight. Where parties appeared, Rafe followed. But you hated going to parties with Rafe. He’d always abandon you for a prolonged time and return to you only to be drunk or high. It wasn’t something you were fond of but you weren’t here to change anyone.
But maybe you should’ve been. 
When he’d disappeared this time, you went to get a drink for yourself, bumping into a random touron at the alcohol littered table. He complimented your dress and asked your name and you... entertained him for lack of better phrase. You couldn’t even call it flirting, you were just lonely and it was nice to talk to someone else at this party who didn’t know anyone either. After a few minutes of idle conversation, you excused yourself when you decided Rafe had been gone longer than usual.
You searched for him in the bathroom, the kitchen, even some of the bedrooms upstairs and still nothing. You sighed and sat your cup down God knows where, pulling down your mini dress where it rode up from your fast-paced wandering. You walked outside of the house and closer to the bulk of trees where the clearing became more of an actual forest, pulling your phone from your bra and pressing Rafe’s contact. Bringing the device to your ear as you wandered further into the tree-crowded area, you could’ve sworn you heard his phone ringing not too far from where you were standing. 
Your eyebrows pinched together in confusion when you heard leaves ruffling and after an abnormally short amount of rings, the call went to voicemail. You looked down at your phone, the small object your only good source of light. You called again, this time not bothering to put the phone to your ear, instead listening out to see if the ringing came again.
And it did, prompting you to edge further into the woods. “Rafe?” You called, softly but loud enough. Leaves and branches crunched under your heels, the shoes making it harder to navigate the thick terrain. The further in you went towards the ringing sound, you could hear frantic shuffling and a string of curses — someone was out here, that you knew for sure.
When you finally reached the source of the sound, it took you a moment to realize what exactly was going on. The first thing you saw was his face, a smile growing on your own, ready to ask why he was all the way out here. But you didn’t get that chance when he turned to look at you, revealing the blood splattered all across the left side of his face. You felt your smile drop and your eyes seemed to take in the scene before you in its entirety — Rafe kneeled on a pile of leaves, covered in blood with his hands clutching his phone that had long stopped making noise, and a body. An unmoving, non-breathing, beaten body not even a foot from where your boyfriend kneeled in the dirt. 
You didn’t even notice you had dropped your phone, not until you took a step back out of fear when Rafe rose to his feet, accidentally stepping on and breaking the device with your heel. 
He called your name as you slowly shook your head, you could hear your own heartbeat in your ears. You felt hot and cold at the same time, but more than anything you were terrified. 
“Hey,” He called, hands out in front of him as if that would quell your anxiousness. He was taking slow steps towards you. Your fight-or-flight kicked in on instinct as you made an attempt to turn the other way and make a run for it.
But he was much taller than you, his legs carried him greater distances. So needless to say, he caught up to you before you made it much of anywhere at all. His arms wrapped around you tightly from behind and you could feel the wetness and warmth of the blood on his hands smear across your arms.
“No! Get off of me! Get OFF! GET OFF!-”
“Stop, just listen-”
“Get your fucking hands off of me! HELP-”
“Stop it-”
“Dammit! Shut up!” He yelled into your ear, jerking you around. Rafe clasped a bloody hand over your mouth, the smell and the little bit of the substance that hit your tongue making you want to vomit. You choked on your own sobs as he dragged you back to where the body laid lifeless on the soil. You couldn’t take your eyes off of it — clearly a guy from the haircut and the shoulders and you swore he looked familiar but you couldn’t see his face. You didn’t want to. 
You didn’t want to know who your boyfriend just murdered. 
You didn’t even fully register when Rafe released you from his grasp, just briefly, in order you pin your frame against the length of a tree. His hand still covered your mouth as you tried to calm yourself down, your sobs turning into never ending sniffles. Your own hands clawed at the bark of the tree as you tried to ground yourself.
“I’m going to move my hand, alright?” Rafe started, his eyes running wild. “If you scream, I’m going to hurt you. And I don’t want to hurt you, so…” He trailed, making sure you understood what he was alluding to. Slowly, he removed the hand covering your mouth, the skin that was covered going cold in the night air from the blood that was no doubt smeared across your face.
At this realization, you wiped at your face like a mad woman, only stopping when you realized the blood was now on your hands. A dead man’s blood was on your hands. Your gaze snapped to Rafe’s, then the body, then to Rafe again. Your breaths were heavy and labored. You were scared. And angry. And disgusted.
“What the fuck did you do?!”
“Keep your voice down.”
“Keep my- keep my voice down?” You hissed. He was too calm — and it angered you. It made you want to kill him. Your hands balled into fists as Rafe just stood there, a hand in his hair but he didn’t look stressed or worried. Truthfully, he looked annoyed. “Is he…” 
Rafe sighed and turned to look at you like an idiot. “Oh, he’s just taking a nap.” He spoke with no humor in his voice. “Yes, he’s dead. You think he’s resting? In the middle of the woods? And what, using his blood as a blanket to keep himself warm-”
“Don’t talk to me like some kind of child. I didn’t kill someone-”
“You did, though.” He chuckled. "Oh, but you did." You narrowed your eyes at him, silently waiting for him to elaborate. “I saw you. Flirting with him, giggling at whatever dumbass lines he was feeding you-”
“Oh my God!” You couldn’t help but laugh. Nothing was funny but you couldn’t stop laughing. You folded in on yourself, laughing until your laughs turned to sobs. Angry sobs. Shooting back up to your full height, you charged at Rafe. Pushing his shoulders so hard he stumbled back. “You…stupid…fucking…” You cursed in between each assault. Pushing him until he’d had enough and ceased your wrists. “Are you fucking kidding me? I can handle the coke, okay?” You started, the terror you felt before creeping back into your veins as he eyed you down but you kept talking anyway, no matter how shaky your voice got. “I can handle the coke a-and the alcohol and the fighting. But you just killed someone for talking to me. Do you realize how deranged that is?”
“He isn’t the first.”
“The dweeb on the ground? He isn’t the first person I’ve killed for you.” The way he spoke with such disgust for an innocent being and endearment for his actions sent a chill down your spine. He said it like killing someone for you was a gift to you.
You knew Rafe wasn’t the most stable individual — in between the good moments, he had some incidents this summer. Fights and squabbles here and there. But you never thought he could hurt someone like this.
“...You need help.” You started, the tears rolling again as you tried to pull yourself out of his grip. You were shaking your head vigorously as you spoke. “You’re insane. You’re crazy!”
Rafe attempted to quiet your cries, opting for his hands to roughly cradle your face now, wiping your tears away. He was shushing you and trying to pull you in closer to him but you wouldn’t allow it. Eventually, the push-and-pull caused you both to fall onto the ground and unfortunately, you had landed partially on top of the dead man’s hand, hearing his bones crush under the impact.
Your head snapped to his now oddly shapen wrist and you let out a gut-wrenching scream and frantically crawled away from the body. Rafe wouldn’t let you get far, though. He was right back in front of you, rubbing your arms while you sobbed.
“It’s okay..” He tried to soothe.
“It’s not! It’s not okay!” You bawled, slapping his hands away. “You’re a bad person, Rafe…” You whimpered, just speaking at this point. You were too emotionally disarranged to even know what to do anymore. You couldn’t run, you couldn’t take Rafe down. 
So, in your weak state, you let him embrace you. The action alone made you want to puke. The way he comforted you was so casual, like any other time he’d comforted you for small things. In his mind, this would pass. You’d forget about it and you and him would be fine again. And maybe, in some sick way, you might have to be. You were no stranger to how the law barely existed for the Cameron’s in Kildare.
If you walked into the Sheriff’s Department and told them Rafe Cameron had murdered a man, they’d probably believe you but wouldn’t do a thing about it. Because his last name holds more weight than gold in this town.
“I’ll hide his body and then we’ll get out of here,’kay?” He spoke with his forehead now pressed against yours. When he got no response, he pulled back and grabbed your jaw, forcing you to look at him. He didn’t look as caring now. He looked cold. And his voice matched the canvas. “Stop crying.” He spat. “You can either sit here and whine, covered in blood or you can pull yourself together while I get rid of him. Do you understand?” He spoke harshly. You weakly nodded, a response that satisfied him enough. 
When he stood up, he called your name once more. “If you even try to run, I’ll make sure that’s the last thing you ever do.”
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General taglist; @livlaughquinn
feedback is appreciated! thanks for reading.
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starlightshadowsworld · 2 months
Thinking about Tachihara in the Port Mafia who hides his injuries behind nonchalance. And than bandages his wounds in his flat alone.
No matter how bad they are. Tachihara never gets medical attention. He tells himself its too keep his cover but all his scars are hidden.
Like the government would let their shiny new toy have so much as a scratch. (He tries not to think about how pissed they'll be because he's definitely got scars from these fights.)
"Tachihara, stop you're going to aggravate your wounds" snapped Akutugawa, hiding his own concern.
"I'm fine big bro, a little stab never hurt anyone." Said Tachihara, a lazy smile on his face.
Like this was any other day and he wasn't currently being held up by Hirotsu and Gin. A hand pressing against said wound.
"I called the nearest medics, they're prepared for our arrival." Said Higuchi, rushing back over to join them all. Akutugawa nods in acknowledgement, about to rely the news.
And pauses seeing the look on Tachihara's face. His smile is gone and he shuffles away from a now concerned Hirotsu and Gin.
"No... No..." He shakes his head, growing pale and it had nothing to do with the wound.
"Kid, it's okay." Hirotsu's calm words don't reach him. Tachihara shakes his head, more aggressively this time. "No... No... You can't, I won't... It's not time... You can't make me."
They all guessed Tachihara was afraid of hospitals given his aversion to them. But this... This pure terror.
Gin thinks back to when the Boss has his scalpel out. How Tachihara looks like he's listening, but his gaze seems to lock onto it.
As if it were a gun pointed at him.
Gin frowns, exchanging a look with her brother, Higuchi and Hirotsu. A silent conversation seems to pass through them all.
Something that only works because of how close they are. "Okay" Says Hirotsu, his voice not wavering from it's calm.
Tachihara looks up at at him, confusion breaking through the panic.
"I'll get the equipment delivered, we're not too far from the nearest safe house" Said Higuchi, Akutugawa nods. "I'll intercept it with you, call the team."
He faces Tachihara "no hospital" he says clearly and carefully. The look Tachihara gives him makes Akutugawa want to kill someone.
Because no one, no one should look that afraid and hopeful at not being given professional aid.
Some medical personal must've hurt Tachihara. And by the looks of him, it wasn't just once.
Akutagawa can see the anger in everyone else. Higuchi's grip on her phone tightens, there's a darkness to Hirotsu's eyes.
And for but a second Gin looks downright murderous before silently comforting Tachihara.
"No... No hospitals" repeats Tachihara, he looks so utterly small and frail. He nods slowly, letting himself lean against Hirotsu.
Hirotsu who holds him just that bit closer and firmer. "No hospitals" repeats Hirotsu, gently guiding him and Gin to the safe house.
Higuchi calls, Akutugawa gives some very encouraging threats. And before they know it Tachihara has been bandaged up and is snoozing peacefully.
Using Akutugawa's coat as a blanket.
The stabber would get whats coming to them. As would the one who instilled such a fear in Tachihara. No one hurt one of they're own and got away with it.
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