#public domain weapons
rjalker · 1 month
More Public Domain magical key swords and cute creature baby forms for them.
You are encouraged to download and use them for anything you want.
These will go on the internet archive with the rest.
Forest Flower came first.
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[ID: A digital drawing of a magical living sword named Web Weaver. It is yellow, white, grey, and black, with different sections in different colors. The blade is long, and sharply curved backwards, then forwards again, like the number seven, with a yellow section that is criss-cossed in black to resemble a spider's legs, and a grey section that overlaps this before splitting in two at the end, so that the sword has three points. In the gap created by the curve is a white spider web. The handle of the sword is protected by a large crossguard of six spikes, each grey striped with black, like a sea snake. One of the sections follows the yellow and black base to form the grip of the sword. Another spider web is between two of the spikes, and is labeled, "Webs can be soft, or razor sharp, or solid, at will. At high synergy, webs can create armour for allies." Text on the other side reads, "Strength increases with every enemy defeated within a battle." Above the sword form in the upper corner is a small round creature. It is solid yellow except for a large black spot that acts as its face. It has four skinny legs, and a tail with a web on the end. A stick figure person whose mostly offscreen is shown kneeling down to pat it on the head, showing it is slightly bigger than the person's hand. End ID.]
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[ID: A digital drawing of a magical sword named Forest Flower. It is shaped almost like a jagged question mark, and most of it is dark green, with a green-black wavy line down the center, and thorns that form a gradient to bright green on the ends. There are some open roses growing from it, with pale pink outer petals that fade to pale orange and yellow towards the inside, along with one flower bud that's still closed. The handle of the sword is enclosed on both sides, and is brown-green on the center, more like wood than a new growth stem. On the bottom side of the handles are some green leaves. In the upper corner of the drawing is a small creature labeled, "Seed form", in the same dark green as Forest Flower, with a single brighter green eye, two green-black stripes, a long tail that is bright green on the end, and three pointed legs. A stick figure of a human next to a sillowet of the sword and the seed form show that the sword form is large, reaching from the figure's hip to their head, and the seed form is very small, like a kitten. Text reads, "Forest Flower: The more enemies defeated, the more flowers bloom, and provide energy for a beam attack (fire based). At high synergy, the open flowers can (instead) detach and become monsters to fight at your side.". End ID.]
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[ID: A digital drawing of two twin magical swords. One is mainly pale yellow with blue highlights, named Firefly, the other is mostly blue with pale yellow highlights, named Lightning Bug. In the upper corner we see their seed forms, as two round creatures with two short legs and long tails with stars on the end. Firefly is yellow with a blue spot, Lightning Bug is blue with a yellow spot. Both swords are in the same shape, but mirroring each other. They are shaped long long sickles, with another small curve on the top. In the center of the larger curve floats a large five pointed star. Behind the smaller curve is a floating crescent moon.The crossguards for each are simple stretched out four pointed stars. The pommel of each is a small diamond shape. These details are in the highlight color for each sword, so blue for Firefly, who is mainly yellow, and yellow for Lightning Bug, who is mainly blue. The handles of both swords are the same simple dark brown. Text reads, "Twins" between the two, then continues, "Grants the ability to see smells. At high synergy grants the ability to manipulate auras and astral project.". End ID.]
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[ID: An unnamed magical sword and its seed form, which is oval shaped, with four legs and two crooked tails, with a grey eye and a yellow zig-zag. The sword is shaped like a lightning bolt, with two layers, one purple, one yellow, and a simple grey handle without a crossguard. The seed form has a large questionmark floating above its head. End ID.]
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daily-public-domain · 2 months
Day 107: Attack Helicopter
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–This image is part of the public domain, meaning you can do anything you want with it ! (you could even sell it as a shirt, poster or whatever)–
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"It was one of those relationships that lasted way longer than it should have. Like, yeah we hit it off at first, but we had different priorities for what we wanted out of each other, y'know? I wanted to be her girlfriend, she wanted me to be her minion she could forge into a world-ending living weapon loyal to her and her alone. The sex was great, of course, ironically perhaps because of that. She even gave me evil science bottom surgery, which was just sick as hell."
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To the extent possible under law, Delilah H. Smith has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.
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deepdreamnights · 1 year
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Eat Bread, Coppers!
An experiment in ballistics, and in combining prompts.
The images above in this post were made using an autogenerated prompt and/or have not been modified/iterated extensively. As such, they do not meet the minimum expression threshold, and are in the public domain.
Prompt: a white sandwich with ham, cheese, and tomatoes, in the style of 32k uhd, single object :: a plastic gun with a wooden grip and buttons., in the style of moebius, hyper-realistic sculptures, masamune shirow, josef capek, made of liquid metal, rollerwave, burned/charred
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Dara of the Vikings
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The Public Domain has some interesting and cool characters with wild and engaging backstories and worlds that for whatever reason have slipped into the Public Domain.
One of the cool characters with amazing worlds and unique characters would be Dara of the Vikings. The daughter of a hero who was presumably born and raised on a mythic island high up in Scandinavia where Dara and her father Druil and a host of immortal vikings maintain a vigil over a collection of powerful relics and weapons of other prolific viking warriors and kings.
Dara is a prolific warrioress an archer; who assists in repelling mercenaries and an entire (presumably) immortal band of Vikings led by a envious warrior called Cyngar.
The entire set-up feels very Conan the Barbarian/Red Sonja-esque. Considering the character is in fact in the Public Domain; you can just forget about how the only recorded story involving Dara of the Vikings finding two random americans who crashed onto her homeland via plane and helped them repel Cyngar and his forces.
But you could also have that narrative play out as well; Dara could be someone's way of playing with a Public Domain Wonder Woman type character. A living immortal anachronism dealing with the the gaping divide of her experiences on the Island of Tine and the modernity and progress of the globe; of how people may seek to conquer Tine to discover the secret of Immortality or people trying to understand magic to steal the might and power of the host of relics buried beneath the island.
Or you could have some kind of a similar start to that of the greater Conan cannon; have Cyngar attack Tine and violently wound Druil who manages to force Cyngar's forces off of the island, showcasing why he was given the title of 'The Heroic'. But only Druil and Dara knew the spell to open the vault of treasures deep within Tine and now; with Druil dead Cyngar must hunt Dara down and force her to open the vault. But this task prove's difficult as Dara had been approached by three soothsayers who spoke strange wisdoms to her the night before Cyngar's assault. Leading to Dara taking one of the mystic relics; The Golden Bow of Rolfe The Mighty and fleeing into the dark. Now Cyngar rules Tine and continues to seek a way into the vault beneath the island through cunning, deception, violence and polticking. The only one capable of liberating the Island of Tine and slaying Cyngar is Dara, Queen of the Vikings.
Just imagine Dara's design done in an art style similar to that of Frank Frazetta; that would be amazing
@publicdomainguy @corhore @frasier-crane-style @eric-coldfire
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scaramarii · 9 months
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woopsy daisy 🤭
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imsobadatnicknames2 · 1 month
After months of slowly chipping away at this I FINALLY get to post it.
A couple years ago, as some of you might know, I started working on Mörk Själ, a soulslike hack of Mörk Borg, as a little passion project of mine. I've released a couple versions of it, but I've been working on a BIG update for a year or so, and it's finally here, and I finally decided I've done enough work to actually put a pricetag on it.
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So... the full version of Mörk Sjal is here, boasting:
Fast character creation with randomly generated starting equipment
Simple but tactical combat rules.
Simple stamina management and equipment damage systems.
Instructions to convert creatures from Mörk Borg, B/X, and AD&D
Public domain art edited by me.
Aside from correcting a few typos and modifying mechanics from the previous version, this new release includes a ton of new content, namely:
Creature generator.
Weapon generator.
A pretty sick dungeon module.
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The Black Salt Temple is a 100-ish room dungeon, heavily inspired in concept by the Zipaquirá Salt Cathedral here in Colombia.
In fact, all the pictures used are Creative Commons licensed photos of sections of the cathedral, heavily edited by me.
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This new version of the game is $8 USD.
There is also a free version available, including all the rules and content of the old release. You just miss out on the new stuff.
I'm super proud of the work I did on this, even if it just started out as a little hack I made out of spite because I hated that the official Dark Souls RPG was built on the D&D 5e system. Hope y'all enjoy it.
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liulith · 2 months
We as a fandom need to open our hearts to the insane comedic potential of Sir Pentious being included as a background character in stories taking place in the "old days" before Vox and Alastor's falling out. AND the comedic potential of one-sided Sir Pentious -> Vox.
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Canon!Sir Pentious is attached to his era's aesthetics but he also wants to be "hip and cool" (see pilot episode; Sir Pentious as the how do you do fellow kids meme) and join the "Almighty Vees". When did he start wanting that? He's not a media demon trying to keep up with his audience and be a likeable public figure. He's a mechanic trying to conquer Hell by force thanks to his machines and obviously relishes in acting like a villain (fear me! I'm so evil! I'm the architect of destruction! etc. etc).
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This is very different from the Vees' approach - maintaining a perfect public image, insidious manipulation tactics... Vox threatens Alastor in the show, but the Vees clearly haven't built their power through turf wars, which is and has always been Pentious' one and only strategy. All the machines we've seen him make are war weapons (+ the Egg Boyz who do his bidding, and help him operate those very weapons). Voxtek probably sells weaponry too but that is more Camilla's domain, so it would be more logical for Pentious to try and join her.
Pentious' and the Vees agenda and interests aren't aligned, so why is Pentious so desperate to join the Vees?
there are many reasons why Pentious could want to be part of the Vees besides the one I'm gonna talk about but you know what MY agenda is:
Vox is Pentious' idol. Pentious is an inventor, an innovator. He would have loved waking up in Hell with a mechanical body he can upgrade however he wants and finds the whole concept fascinating.
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He's not against new technology, as his creations clearly go beyond what people could have had invented in his time despite their "steampunk" aesthetic (see: the effing death ray). So I think his current "limitations" are more a matter of him having to stick with what he knows best because it's hard to keep up with the constant stream of new tech. This is why he's more than impressed with Vox's extraordinary ability to adapt to change and master new technologies again and again. He's a fellow innovator! That's one reason for Pentious to be obsessed with the guy.
And if you think obsessed isn't the right word, think about this: Sir Pentious repeatedly challenges Alastor to fights even though he's clearly outmatched and it's an incredible risk to take considering what Alastor does. Pentious is OLDER than Alastor, he was there when he broadcast the most powerful Overlords' scream all over Hell. Plus, losing always leaves him in a very vulnerable position (without his best weapons). Is it madness? Hubris? An obsession for Alastor? No!
Sir Pentious to Alastor: Silence! Now Cower! For when I've slain you, the Almighty Vees will finally acknowledge me!
Sir Pentious thinks defeating Alastor is the only way the Vees will finally acknowledge him. No matter how dangerous it is, he has to try, for the Vees (Vox). Just like he took the risk of angering the Princess of Hell to get in Vox's good graces. This says a lot, for someone as paranoid as him, who doesn't trust anyone who is "too nice" to him.
If Hazbin had more episodes there should have been one about Pentious struggling with the fact he disappointed his idol and told to KHS 👀
(btw this is old news but we know that one of the Hazbin episodes that Viv originally pitched was about a science contest organized by Voxtek in which Pentious and Baxter competed against each other! Pentious could have done that after ep2!)
Anyway, back to the comedic potential of it all & Vox's arrival in Hell. Can you imagine his reaction as a newly fallen Sinner, when he's hanging out with Alastor (aka following him like a lost puppy?) and he meets Sir Pentious for the first time? Like sure, Hell is full of insane people but Alastor obviously has a Reputation and no one ever challenges him. And suddenly... Hm... Alastor?? There's an airship with a giant cannon pointed right as us?? Firing a DEATH RAY?!
It's also so funny to imagine Sir Pentious being obsessed with Alastor and considering him his archnemesis back in the day, only to slowly become obsessed with Vox instead and only caring about defeating Alastor because he thinks Vox will like it. It starts with Sir Pentious trying to "gather intel" on Alastor's new "ally", spying on them or sending his Egg Boyz to do so (and we already know great he is at spying so you can guess how that goes lol), and the rest is history.
Alastor loves attention so he probably let Pentious spy on him behind bushes from time to time if only because it's very entertaining to watch him try to be discrete and make his shadow tap on his shoulder. How hilarious would it be if Alastor noticed Sir Pentious' growing crush on Vox but not Vox's crush on him? Also, Vox misunderstanding Pentious and Alastor's relationship and thinking Pentious is a weird obsessive ex... The world is a stage and the stage is a world of entertainment!
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mccoyquialisms · 6 months
my fantasy high red-string-conspiracy-theory-board-of-the-main-mystery lore tracker (a long ass post) (because I love both mysteries AND organization of inconsequential information):
rough chronology of events:
In ages past there is a wedding attended in the Chaos Mountains by Sol and Galicaea of their sister the Witch Goddess to an unnamed giantkin god. This god is a summer god, sibling of the giant winter goddess Ruvina
Over centuries, the unnamed god's domain changes from the sun and summer to fire
This unnamed god is killed and their name was wiped from history. The other gods remember who this being is, but due to obliviati mori, cannot reference them directly to mortals. Red shatter stars appear around this time
850 years before present day, the Witch Goddess's name is erased by her followers (encouraged by followers of Galicaea) and she is transformed into the Nightmare King. Before she does she performs the 4 trans-substantiations to resist being "unmade". Her familiar Kalina becomes a plague and begins to spread through the mortal populace. These events likely happen after the death of her spouse, as there is no reference to a spouse when the Witch Goddess was previously mentioned
Roughly 4-6 years before modern day, the pit fiend Bakur attempts to resurrect his god, whose name was lost "so they could not be worshiped." The return of this god is felt to be a significant threat to the world. Lydia Barkrock and her adventuring party stop him by sealing Bakur in a red gem in Lydia's chest, where she keeps him imprisoned with her rage
The Ratgrinders, then called the High 5 Heroes, meet in freshman year and consist of Kipperlilly, Oisin, Mary Anne, Ruben, Ivy and Lucy.
They xp level up by killing rats, twig gremlins and other small magical creatures in the woods behind Aguefort
The events of freshman year happen and Kalvaxus is released. During prom, Ragh spots Jace Stardiamond talking to Arianwen. He is later "barbarian healed" by Porter and after this can see Kalina. Kalina finds Ragh later and threatens Lydia if he talks about what he's seen
Sophomore year spring break happens and the Nightmare King is transformed into the goddess now named Cassandra
At some point Lucy began to return to the woods after party sessions to revive the rats they killed. She did this long enough and with enough regularity that the rats remember her name/face well and think of her fondly
Paperwork is submitted for Lucy to change her god from Ruvina to a god whose name cannot be read, just before her disappearance. A few days later a second request is submitted to withdraw this change. Neither form was ever seen by Lucy's teacher Yolanda Badgood
Lucy was killed near Lake Shimmerstone by multiple assailants with both weapon and magical damage towards the end of sophomore year, in the period of weeks after grades were complete, but before summer break. The area has multiple uprooted trees, some of which were used to hide her body. Unholy rites were performed over her body to force her soul to the beyond, so she cannot be revived.
Lucy is reported as dead but her body was never found. She was described as "not alive in this material plane" via divination
Because of the timing of her death, her party was not moved to pass/fail as all grades for that year had already been submitted
Night Yorb and the long dark summer happens
Buddy Dawn, a cleric of Sol, is specifically requested by the Ratgrinders to be their new cleric for junior year
Also over the long dark summer, the Loam farmers are accused of embezzlement and the Frostyfair festival is moved from there to the Thistlesprings tree at the recommendation of Lola Embers. Sklonda Gukgak is assigned as the Loam couple's public defender
Kipperlilly finds or is found by the rogue teacher and has passed the whole of junior year
Junior year begins. On her first day, Kipperlilly questions Jawbone on where YES! was created
Kipperlily announces she is running for student body president and her primary platform is for uniform equity under the rules without "favoritism"
In the mall of the Synod, the event that kicks off the battle is Cassandra becomes angry hearing Kristen isn't coming to help find followers. She says "This isn't fair!" as a razor-sharp flickering star of red light emerges from her chest. 24-point, red shatter stars infect nearby wizards and turns them into rage-filled, violent, giant versions of themselves. The people taken over by the shatter stars are instructed by an unknown voice to attack Cassandra
Cassandra is able to be calmed by a high persuasion and when she does, she expels multiple shatter stars. She seems to recognize them and says "I thought you were dead.”
Before Kalina is taken over by the shatter stars, she looks to Riz and says "Ragh Barkrock". She then slits Cassandra's throat, triggering a new round of rage in Cassandra
Cassandra suffers multiple attacks and begins to transform into a giant, red raging version of herself and attempts to kill the party. Before she's successful, the gang are swept away in a time loop back to Spyre. The Bad Kids see the Synod is destroyed, and Kristen finds she has shards of Cassandra in her pocket
Kristen attempts to commune with Cassandra and hears a voice say "She is at my side once more." The voice then mocks Kristen with YES!'s body and then tells Kristen it is coming for her, and it will break her irrevocably.
Ivy sees Fig disguised as Lucy at the party at Seacastor Manor, and has an inscrutable reaction to it, but did not seem surprised
The cloud rider engine in Fabian's basement is broken and a piece is found missing
Kipperlily does the food truck event with the subliminal OK messaging on the packaging
Ruben Hopclap performs at FrostFaire when he is attacked by Principal Grix. Grix is eventually killed by Fabian. The Bad Kids determine Ruben was doing some kind of ritual with a song about anger above an arcano-tech array in a 24 point star pattern, successfully releasing a large amount of some type of magical energy.
Simultaneously, Yolanda Badgood is killed at Lake Shimmerstone by immense concussive force damage, and afterwards her body is expertly hidden. She is subjected to the same unholy last rites that Lucy was.
The Bad Kids find Lucy and Yolanda's bodies, and Kristen releases their souls, who travel to the beyond on a "trail of moonlight"
Sklonda's clients are found murdered
Mazey reveals that the Vice Principal (i.e. Jace) does not become the Principal, and it would be the student body president who becomes the new principal of Aguefort
additional info we can reasonably infer or that don't fit neatly in the timeline:
Buddy's grandparents, and likely Buddy himself, have a vested interest in his grandfather becoming the cleric teacher. He went to Aguefort and is familiar with the school. Presumably he wants this to be able to preach about Sol and spread his influence
At some point before her death, Yolanda told Jace about her concerns regarding Lucy's deity-transfer paperwork
Cassandra is not dead, but is "beyond reach"
Lucy and Yolanda were noted to be in "realms beyond", which Brennan specifically noted they were taken from and "whatever was happening there"
The Ratgrinders are gunning for the bad kids and seem to be orchestrating situations to try to get them to take drugs
Porter's philosophical discussion with Fig regarding the concept of protection and how that is often inextricably tied with rage, that one can act as a fuel for the other
Porter is a paladin of the ancestors, and at some point was mentioned to be a goliath, though this seems to be debated in canon. If true, it's possible he's a descendant of giants
Kristen bring's up Sol's wrath and Buddy does not refute this, agreeing Sol's wrath is a well known aspect of him and he has been quite angry because of the dark summer/night yorb situation
As above so below. What the gods do affect their mortal followers, but conversely, what the mortals who follow them do also affect the gods
A god can only come back from death in a place a god had been born or created, meaning Bakur's decision to try to revive his fallen god in the Red Waste was what doomed it to failure
Bakur's documents are written in the language of giants, and his deity is said to be from the same region as Ruvina. Combining this with Adaine’s research, and the “mitochondrial magic print”, Bakur’s god is Cassandra’s former spouse
The cloud rider piece was likely stolen by the Ratgrinders as Kipperlily asked Aelwyn to research schematics of the device
Kipperlily seems to be keeping information from some of the other Ratgrinders, telling Aelwyn she needs to "protect Oisin" from their shady deals
Kipperlily's mother works for the city treasury and her father is in real estate. Neither are super wealthy, but Kipperlilly has been paying Aelwyn large amounts of money to obtain arcane components. Given the timing of this with the disappearance of a large sum of money from the Frostyfair accounts, the timing of the murder of the people who were blamed for it, and that the new chosen location happens to be the home of one of the Ratgrinders rivals, the Ratgrinders involvement is thought to be likely
Cassandra's whispered clue of "spies, tongue, curse"
Places outside Spyre, like the Synod, are easier for dead gods to reach
For whatever the Ratgrinders have planned, a student being the principal of Aguefort is essential for it. A lot of people have had to be conveniently absent or dead for this circumstance to occur.
This is all not even touching Aguefort's whole journey through time and possible time quangle issue and whatever the fuck Fig's Bad Luck Thing is. I'm not convinced that these are related to the god stuff and are likely their own separate issues. also, I am tired lmao. If you want to hear my rambling theories, I'll be making a separate post.
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artistdove · 7 days
Somewhat official designs for each of my Mickey and Oswald Aus along with minor lore. For those that want basic info on each au, here's the link.
Between the Screen Au
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Mirroring ear injuries due to Blot.
Mick has minor health injuries due to having the Blot in him during Epic Mickey, resulting in monthly check-ups and a paint monitor.
Mixed their outfits post Epic Mickey.
Oswald is co-leader of Wasteland and head of the Conversion Trolley Station, while Mickey still acts but occasionally works side jobs.
Tale of 2 Brothers
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Style is based on the Beta pitch, so semi-angular basically.
Both have the Blot in them, so they can use paint or thinner with their hands. Old movesets from the Epic Mickey Beta trailer are present when they fight.
Oswald keeps his Blot arm hidden at all times unless around Ortensia, Gus, Mad Doctor, and the Blot. Mick eventually sees it.
Toons & Dungeons
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Oswald is an Artificer/Sorcerer and Mickey is a Bard/Sorcerer.
Oswald has minor lighting spells while Mickey has various spells. Oswald has a gun that can shoot electricity, Energy/Paint, and Acid/Thinner. Mickey has a wand, Pan Flute, and Lute. Both carry a small hidden dagger.
Oswald was taken in by the Gremlins while Mick gets adopted by Yen Sid.
Rising Star
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Outfits change over the years, so this is the main look.
1920s-60s they stay conservative with looks, but eventually let loose as times change.
Can be depicted smoking or drinking cuz they old.
Magic Island
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Villagers inspired by Mickey and Oswald, so their names are different. Oswald = Clover while Mickey = Elias.
Clover is a Smug/Lazy Villager while Elias is a Jock/Peppy Villager. Idk if that makes sense (;・∀・).
Elias sleeps early while Clover stays up late.
Local Toon
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Classic old looks. Nothing much to say, they are kids in this world and look like their first designs.
Toon High
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Main designs until later arcs.
Oswald prefers loose cloths unless working on machines, which he wears tanks or snug clothes. Mickey likes active wear or normal teen clothes.
Later on, the two wear something of the other as a way to solidify their repaired brotherhood.
Ink & Mirrors
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Actual plot is Mick and Ink!Oswald. Parallel plot is Oswald and Ink!Mickey.
Both are dealing with completely different issues. Ink!Oswald is hunting Mickey while Ink!Mickey is trying to help Oswald.
Ink!Oswald is stuck in a sort of limbo where his mind is like pre-Epic Mickey, mostly due to the false heart Bendy implanted into him. Ink!Mickey seems to have kept some of his self due to his heart, but Alice Angel mangled the poor mouse.
Mickey is constantly stressed as he tries to escape the studio and revert his brother. Paint barely works on these enemies so he is stuck using only thinner and electricity, leaving him heavily drained.
Oswald is alert 24/7 and trying to rescue others alongside fixing his brother. Having never used the brush before, he finds it a tad difficult to use correctly. It's also causing him to drip. He has a limp due to an attempt to use his leg as a weapon, which failed horribly.
P.D. Toons
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Public Domain toons turned into ocs. They are still the original characters, but my own take.
Oswald is Oliver Hare and Mickey is Willy Fieldmouse.
Oliver is the local trolley driver. Willy is a staff member for a local studio.
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an-au-blog · 4 months
Re-ordering (highest to lowest) the bounties in the strawhat crew because Oda is either way too bias or has the memory of a goldfish. (I'm rating them if I was a marine in canon) (updated I didn't mean to miss anyone I'm so sorry)
1. Luffy
for obvious reasons: he's the captain, strongest, etc.
2. Nico Robin
i cannot stress this enough. NICO ROBIN IS SECOND!
She is the only person left alive that can read the ponegliphs, therefore the only one who can get ANYONE to Laugh tale. She had been chased by the government since she was eight. She's not only one of the smartest people not only on the crew, but dare I say on the Grand Line, but she's also one of the strongest. (like idk how people keep forgetting this, did we not watch Wano???) She's been an assassin and the right hand man of one of the seven warlords for years. I'd even say she was kind of his body guard tbh...
3. Franky
I'm putting Franky so high up because of a couple of factors. The obvious ones: He is physically strong, also extremely smart (as he was an apprentice to a man so feared by the marines they looked for any excuse to execute him, whether because of his social standing or skills) He has lasers(one of the strongest, if not THE strongest weapons in their universe) designed by Vega Punk himself. But most importantly: he memorized the blue prints of a weapon important enough for the world government to try and assassinate as many people as they need to get their hands on. He can build it at any point and there's no other copy of it.
4. Zoro and Sanji (same bounty)
I'm putting them above the rest mainly because I still respect Oda's decision to put them higher up. Physical strength aside, each of them, in my opinion, has a good reason to be deemed as dangerous. Logically, one would put the Captain's right-hand man above the other, but Sanji's "Vinsmoke" status, much as he hates it, boosts him up. He may not have grown up with them or have the same mutations or "upgrades", but the people don't know that. Fear wins half the battle.
5. Jinbei and Brook
By very little below №4, if they're not the same, they are very close (but IDK which one is above the other.) What would be scariest to me if I was the world government's shoes, would be influenced and propaganda, and these two are extremely influential figures and loved by many.
But let's start with Jinbei: He's an ex-warlord. He is lobed by man, if not all of Fiahman island. He's highly respected and feared. The waters are his domain, plus he's physically very strong.
Brook: a master swordsman and a man who can control people with music?!?! I feel like we keep forgetting that. He also spent the time skip become an infamous rockstar, who's fans FOUGHT THE NAVIE so they could listen to him! Influence-wise, Brook takes the cake.
6. Usopp
With half-a-mind to put him in the №5 bundle, I'm putting him a bit lower for one reason only: not everyone would know or believe what happened in Dresrossa. Undoubtedly, he had created a cult-like following there and he can spin a tale to his advantage, and technically being pronounced a "God" would make it... a cult... But that would lose brownie points in the major public's eyes. Even though his skills are admirable, he's not as strong or wildly influential as Jinbei (a literal warlord) and Brook (the Michael Jackson of op)
7. Nami
Navigator, they can't go far or fast without her. She has had a record with the navie before as a petty thief, but other than her charms and wits, there's no reason for them to put her higher...
8. Chopper
The Navie does not care for Chopper. I don't think they'd put him anywhere above the last spot in any universe... sorry.
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rjalker · 7 months
the black lamp is definitely a cool weapon.
This is a public domain concept from the short story The Black Lamp by Sterner St. Paul Meek, originally published in the August 1931 edition of Astounding Stories of Super-Science magazine, which you can read for free here on Project Gutenberg.
This weapon concept is 100% free to use for literally anything you want. That's what Public Domain means.
It's a black light(?) that acts like a shroud or something and covers up electrical lights so you can't see, compared to putting black ink a bottle that had red ink. The red ink is still there, but you can't see it anymore.
It also causes "paralysis of the brain" as well as making you unable to talk while you're under its effect. The "paralysis of the brain" will make you comatose if exposed long enough.
It is cured by exposure to sunlight or other ultraviolet lights.
A small exposure makes you a little confused and makes you not able to talk above a breathy whisper and requires around an hour of standing under a UV light before you can talk audibly again. The confusion fades as soon as you have protection in the form of a vitriline helmet.
Those exposed to higher concentrations of the lamp have to be laid in sunlight and UV lamps for probably several days.
If they didn't know how the cure worked, we can assume people would eventually wake up on their own just from regular sunlight and other lights in whatever hospital they're in.
At a higher level, possibly with the help of other technology, the lamp can be turned into a ray weapon (they love their rays in the 1920s and 30s) with a red bean will turn living objects into glass statue that glow red from the inside. No known cure or treatment for this version yet.
It hasn't been revealed the exact nature of this lamp yet but I'll keep you posted.
Edit: almost forgot -- evidence of its use is that any non-vitriline glass nearby will become opaque. Short exposure makes it "foggy" like it's just dirty, longer, intense exposure makes the glass almost completely opaque.
Edit: The advanced beam version can disarm bombs.
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daily-public-domain · 1 month
Day 136: Practice hand grenades
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The kind of image that would fit right in a stimboard
–This image is part of the public domain, meaning you can do anything you want with it ! (you could even sell it as a shirt, poster or whatever)–
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thegoatsongs · 2 years
Those "Sherlock Holmes is public domain and can freely be in any crossover now" memes made me think of how he'd be involved in Dracula because the characters, Jonathan and Mina especially, are incredibly suspicious
-On the 17th of August Mina says that Hawkins took Jonathan and Mina to his own house and wants them both to live there with him, informing them that it's theirs in his will. He said, "I have left to me neither chick nor child; all are gone". So all blood relatives are gone... how did they all disappear? And so, the law firm will belong to Jonathan once he's also gone, too.
-The very next day he's dead. Mina and Jonathan are homeowners now, and Jonathan owns the business. She says Hawkins "left him a fortune which to people of our modest bringing up is wealth beyond the dream of avarice". There seems to have been a longing for financial stability they never had, now resolved.
-A few weeks later, Jonathan is seen around the city and at the docks with a weapon asking for the whereabouts of an aristocrat, bribing sailors, and lurking around houses with a bunch of men. He disappears with his wife for over a month.
And when he returns it must have been a sight
Law firm employee 1: I'm telling you these two orphans murdered the boss and maybe his entire family! And where have they been for this long?
Law firm employee 2: Come on, Harker has always been such a meek, peaceful kid and-
Jonathan, shellshocked, knife at the hip, gaze that says "Just killed a man and looked at him in the eye as he turned to ash": Sorry I kept you waiting I'm back now :)
Law firm employees: Welcome back Sir we are loyal to you till death and will never ever question your actions or motives!
So someone especially brave goes and lets Sherlock Holmes know about this solicitor and his highly intelligent wife who is probably behind everything.
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copy-kirby · 29 days
small-ish rant about some of the reaction to murder drones episode 8
spoilers, obviously. read at your own risk.
also this is heavily opinionated
so i've noticed personally a lot of the fandom seems dissatisfied with how murder drones ended. that's entirely fair, honestly, i'm not trying to deny you your feelings or anything, but i feel like some of the criticism its getting doesn't make sense? like, i've seen complaints that it wasn't as serious as it should've been or it did things for the sake of jokes when that's always been murder drones thing? it's BEEN a horror/comedy ever since its inception so i feel like that would be more of a gripe of the show itself rather than the finale, even more serious episodes like 6 and 7 still ditched seriousness for the sake of jokes, with n being jovial and laughing while being dissected and the joke with nori's nightcore obsession or the "hanging out" bit. the fact the show refuses to take itself seriously is part of what makes it murder drones.
this isn't to say the finale is perfect, i definately don't think V should have survived/come back because in hindsight it lowers the impact of her sacrifice and there were absolutely cliffhangers, but every episode of murder drones is flawed. it's pacing has always been its biggest issue.
that being said i do feel like there were satisfying payoffs in the finale which are fun to point out, such as the payoff of the nightcore bit being the fact its literally the final fight music, the payoff to the joke with khan and doors being the fact he used one as a weapon, small touches like that.
besides, it's not like this is really the end. murder drones will only "die" or "end" when we as fans stop caring about it. thats how it goes for any fandom, even incredibly niche fandoms (me with FNaTI, as an example, a series of FNaF fangames that just has 2 entries.) don't die unless people just stop caring.
Murder Drones is essentially in our hands now. Not in the form of it being public domain, but we can do whatever we want to expand and explore the universe in our own creative ways. So go and be creative!
or who knows maybe i'm just biased because nuzi was confirmed and vizzy was heavily hinted at. or something
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aliciavance4228 · 2 months
Here's a List Of Fan Theories That Are Circling Around Overthrowing Zeus
Note: this post leads towads a Fanfiction zone rather than actual Greek Mythology, so please acknowledge the fact that it was written purely for the sake of entertainment and "What if?".
1. Athena Would Overthrow Zeus One Day
The prophecy just stated that the child of Zeus and Metis would overthrow Zeus. Everyone just assumed this would only apply if it were a guy; because of cultural perceptions. A woman be the King of the Gods? As if.
Considering the fact Gaia already had a grudge against all generations of gods and each time used someone to kill the ruler she didn't like (she gave birth to Cronus to castrate Ouranos and raised Zeus against his father), it's not much of a stretch she motivated Athena to end with Zeus rule. This time, Gaia would probably be satisfied, as Athena seems fair compared to her precursors. Its just a matter of which gods will be killed and which ones will join her.
There's just one single problem here: what are you supposed to "cut off" then? Both Ouranos and Cronus lost their manhoods. In her case the closest thing to a penis that you could cut is the clit. Or maybe just her breasts. Idk man...
2. Zeus WAS Overthrown
In some versions, it's specifically stated that Metis would have -two- children, the second of which would be the one to overthrow him. Thus, Zeus is considered to have defied fate by virtue of only producing one child from the relationship, regardless of who it was.
Except that, a second child *did* follow Athena, one who took after his mother's namesake, and who resembled and admired, but ultimately deposed not only Zeus, but the entire Greek pantheon... named Rome.
3. Ares overthrew Zeus, with Athena and/or Hephaestus' help
Depending on the myth, Hephaestus may not have a father. Father-son competition and the prophecy would prevent Athena from overthrowing Zeus. This leaves Ares, however he wasn't the brains behind the operation. Athena wanted the position of Top God, but because of Greek opinion couldn't directly become one. Hepaestus wanted to get back at his Karma Houdini of a father. They teamed up to train Ares to assasinate his father, which Athena planned to use as a puppet ruler. Mars is the chief god of Rome because its Ares, who has ascended to that role. Athena is either subtly manipulating Ares/Mars, or Ares/Mars got smart and removed her. His Papa Bear tendencies is him being prepared to prevent what happened to his male ancestry happening to him again.
4. Hephaestus overthrew Zeus and is slowly ushering in a golden age
Related to the previous theory: Hephaestus overthrew Zeus with Athena providing strategy and Ares/Mars and the The Roman Empire being the front cover of the coup. With him now on the throne he pays Ares back by letting him and the Romans conquer the world while spreading technology and science to the world. Now in the modern world he and Athena have brought western civilization to maturity while also rapidly improving technology and meanwhile Ares has benefited by causing two world wars and receiving upgrades to his weapons (thermonuclear weapons and the like).
5. Hades really is planning to take over Zeus's throne, but for benevolent reasons
He became King of the Underworld to both get some time away from the rest of the gods, and to have a good hidden base to plan in secrecy. (His Helm of Darkness is handy too.)
Building on this interpretation, Hades generally leaves mortals alone because he wants to avoid bad publicity with them, so one day when they get tired of the rest of the jerkass gods of the pantheon, Hades will suddenly be much more beloved and be in a good position to take over. He's building an army in the Underworld in secret from all the souls of the dead who come into his domain, hence why he is so harsh on anyone who dares try to cheat death or bring someone back from the dead, thus depriving him of new recruits.
He kidnapped Persephone in order to have an accomplice with which to plan, and a way of ensuring her mother Demeter's loyalty when the time comes to actually move against their brother, which is why he is so protective of her; in addition to being his wife, she also knows a lot of crucial information about his scheme and is too valuable in influencing Demeter to lose.
6. Combining the above theories, Ares, Athena, Hephaestus and Hades teamed up to overthrow Zeus
Also Hera, Apollo and Poseidon. They already tried to overthrow him once along with Athena, for different reasons. Hera could no longer stand her husband's infidelities. Apollo joined in after Zeus killed Asclepcius. Poseidon could no longer stand being #2. Athena had to play being a daddy's girl after he ate her mother and she spend most of her childhood in his stomach (her mother is still there, by the way).
Credits: TV Tropes
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