#unnamed keysword
rjalker · 1 month
More Public Domain magical key swords and cute creature baby forms for them.
You are encouraged to download and use them for anything you want.
These will go on the internet archive with the rest.
Forest Flower came first.
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[ID: A digital drawing of a magical living sword named Web Weaver. It is yellow, white, grey, and black, with different sections in different colors. The blade is long, and sharply curved backwards, then forwards again, like the number seven, with a yellow section that is criss-cossed in black to resemble a spider's legs, and a grey section that overlaps this before splitting in two at the end, so that the sword has three points. In the gap created by the curve is a white spider web. The handle of the sword is protected by a large crossguard of six spikes, each grey striped with black, like a sea snake. One of the sections follows the yellow and black base to form the grip of the sword. Another spider web is between two of the spikes, and is labeled, "Webs can be soft, or razor sharp, or solid, at will. At high synergy, webs can create armour for allies." Text on the other side reads, "Strength increases with every enemy defeated within a battle." Above the sword form in the upper corner is a small round creature. It is solid yellow except for a large black spot that acts as its face. It has four skinny legs, and a tail with a web on the end. A stick figure person whose mostly offscreen is shown kneeling down to pat it on the head, showing it is slightly bigger than the person's hand. End ID.]
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[ID: A digital drawing of a magical sword named Forest Flower. It is shaped almost like a jagged question mark, and most of it is dark green, with a green-black wavy line down the center, and thorns that form a gradient to bright green on the ends. There are some open roses growing from it, with pale pink outer petals that fade to pale orange and yellow towards the inside, along with one flower bud that's still closed. The handle of the sword is enclosed on both sides, and is brown-green on the center, more like wood than a new growth stem. On the bottom side of the handles are some green leaves. In the upper corner of the drawing is a small creature labeled, "Seed form", in the same dark green as Forest Flower, with a single brighter green eye, two green-black stripes, a long tail that is bright green on the end, and three pointed legs. A stick figure of a human next to a sillowet of the sword and the seed form show that the sword form is large, reaching from the figure's hip to their head, and the seed form is very small, like a kitten. Text reads, "Forest Flower: The more enemies defeated, the more flowers bloom, and provide energy for a beam attack (fire based). At high synergy, the open flowers can (instead) detach and become monsters to fight at your side.". End ID.]
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[ID: A digital drawing of two twin magical swords. One is mainly pale yellow with blue highlights, named Firefly, the other is mostly blue with pale yellow highlights, named Lightning Bug. In the upper corner we see their seed forms, as two round creatures with two short legs and long tails with stars on the end. Firefly is yellow with a blue spot, Lightning Bug is blue with a yellow spot. Both swords are in the same shape, but mirroring each other. They are shaped long long sickles, with another small curve on the top. In the center of the larger curve floats a large five pointed star. Behind the smaller curve is a floating crescent moon.The crossguards for each are simple stretched out four pointed stars. The pommel of each is a small diamond shape. These details are in the highlight color for each sword, so blue for Firefly, who is mainly yellow, and yellow for Lightning Bug, who is mainly blue. The handles of both swords are the same simple dark brown. Text reads, "Twins" between the two, then continues, "Grants the ability to see smells. At high synergy grants the ability to manipulate auras and astral project.". End ID.]
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[ID: An unnamed magical sword and its seed form, which is oval shaped, with four legs and two crooked tails, with a grey eye and a yellow zig-zag. The sword is shaped like a lightning bolt, with two layers, one purple, one yellow, and a simple grey handle without a crossguard. The seed form has a large questionmark floating above its head. End ID.]
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