#psyop callout
redheadedfailgirl · 3 months
I'm not ugly, mirrors are just a psyop. They're disenfranchising the burgeoning transgender movement that I would 110% be spearheading were it not for my debilitating lack of girl swag.
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I'm not gonna deny the Russian bots were here cuz I've seen the news articles. This one even has a few you can still see linked through the wayback machine
They were liberal accounts who critiqued cops and said BLM and posed as poc. They were not posing as leftists who wanted the system dismantled. They were posing as liberals who were critical of Democrats, wanted reform, and were sympathetic to marginalized people.
....Which is very different from being a leftist, especially a leftist of color
That said, frankly it's suspicious how many liberals fandom accounts are the Only ones making entirely baseless accusations, whether it be accusations of scamming or being a psyop or a bot
Normal "progressive" blogs who use no screenshots or valid methods to base their accusations on despite demanding proof from Palestinians and Leftists. Blogs who make callout posts like "see? Aren't the vibes off about this person? Remember the bots? What if they're back? You should report this post" then send all their followers to report accounts.
It's literally fear-mongering. These people have no proof. It's based on bias, racism, red scare rhetoric, and assumptions.
You don't want to fall for bots or be manipulated by them like you were in 2016? Then stop listening to people making baseless fucking accusations against people trying to survive genocide.
You don't believe Palestinian gfms? Then vet them yourself! Talk to them, ask for proof, run their pics through a reverse image search, idc. There are ways You can make sure they're real before you make a callout post accusing them all of being fake.
And do NOT just reblog baseless accusations about them in the SAME way you don't want to reblog gfms without knowing they're actually verified.
You don't wanna reblog propaganda? MAKE SURE ITS NOT PROPAGANDA. What's their proof? Their source? Their evidence? Do they have any at all??
And some of the stuff the callouts are saying- like Palestinians wouldn't have time to go on Tumblr- is just straight up assumption based on literally nothing. That's not "evidence" of anything, let alone proof of a scam or foreign election interference.
Also, yeah it IS suspicious that the only people that seem to be liars and psyops are leftists and Palestinians, you notice that?
Isn't that funny?
Isn't it funny that if I'm right the bots would basically be discouraging people from listening to leftists and Palestinians? Isn't it funny that they encourage paranoia towards leftists & Palestinians during an election where Democrats are losing support to leftists and Palestine?
One or two accounts? Fine whatever. But all these accusations came out of fucking nowhere and hadn't been happening much... until after Kamala was elected . Anyone else notice that? That everyone who's been critiquing the Dems for months is suddenly being swamped with accusations of being a Russian bot and while Palestinians are accused now of being scammers?
I don't think it's a coincidence, no.
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velvetvexations · 2 months
i wouldn't put too much stake in any interaction with that person you were arguing with earlier, i recognized her right away and i don't know if she's stirred anything up lately but she's one of the people who made a bunch of enormous callout posts spreading lies about saint when he coined transandrophobia originally and has also started shit with other black users accusing them of racefaking because they don't Act Black enough for her or something, she's an enormous troll.
I understand where you're coming from, but respectfully (/gen) I think dismissing her as "a troll" underplays the damage she does because it's not like she's just looking to agitate people and what she says can be ignored as shock value. Whether she believes her own lies, is maliciously seeking clout, or is just a TERF psyop, she's a really disgusting engine for the whole deal.
Having said that, I don't usually like, track specific people and will usually just see things floating around, and if it's someone I interacted with before but hasn't blocked me (as the people I've had more memorable interactions usually do) I've usually completely forgotten their URL and would never be able to place them. I'm not saying she's Public Enemy No. 1 here (although it sounds from what you're saying like she's prominent in this regard) but just that if we simply ignored every person who was that scale of fucked up that'd we'd almost never engage with any transandrophobes at all.
I feel like I might be speaking too authoritatively on this matter...the situation does affect me to at least some degree both in the despair it causes me, how it makes me struggle to feel jazzed about my catagory's community, and most of all as a "fuck passing" transfem, I don't mean to dictate praxis because I still feel it's primarily a transmasc issue by leaps and bounds.
(yes, I know, I just asked an anon to not make those kinna statements about what affects them because we shouldn't compare, but I feel like this is sufficiently different from their situation that explicitly ceding primacy is appropriate)
Anyway, as I was saying before, I completely wiped PFL from my memory until I got that first DM from PEPJ, and would have done so even after the second triggered me so badly had they not continued talking about me not only in public but in tags. My response to that was much more about clarifying the situation they were presenting than anything else.
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tsumiki-miniwa · 7 months
(if you're following me you're about to scroll down and find a post about the russian psyops that went on on tumblr)
looking through the list of blogs i'm following and trying to decide who would I would be most surprised to find out they're a russian psyop blog.
Of course there's the obvious answers (Maia arson crimew: If you are a have been a russian psyop blog this entire time I will fucking implode). Other obvious answers include staff itself.
I think I got my answer. I'm gonna check if we're mutuals and if we are I'll DM them this post (im not dumb enough to callout post someone even for a good thing)
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calebwittebane · 1 year
anti ai art arguments are like the newer twisted version of ye olde deviantart callouts for people using references
Heres My Obligatory Disclaimer That I Can Appreciate Some Anti-AI Art Arguments And I Do Believe Some Of Its Current Use Is Unethical but what bothers me the most is the plagiarism argument i think, as unless theres a direct mimicry of a specific artist going on i really dont see any merit to that whatsoever. like sure, machine learning is not literally exactly the same as a human being studying and being inspired by other works, but the way the arguments are presented sure makes it sound like the latter would be objectionable as well. the efforts at introducing some sort of stricter IP protection policies or royalties systems were so bizarre that honestly they felt like a massive psyop. to me all thats needed is full transparency with regards to ai use. the way many people immediately recoil at the very presence of ai generated images is bizarre to me--like the people Calling Out that 'shrek reimagined as an 80s fantasy movie' photoset that was going around at some point, like, oh boy, youre telling me this more or less photorealistic visualization of the concept wasnt actual stills from a movie and that the author didnt actually create props and sets for the purpose of quickly exploring an idea? naaaaur!--ironically underestimating how much effort goes into art and how being given a tool that allows generating concepts to bounce ideas off of helps in creating more "human" art (nebulous concept anyway) and helps produce effects that it would not be feasible to create in other more "traditional" ways for many reasons, including the artist's disability for example (and no i dont wanna hear any 'i had to bust my ass and suffer so you should too and if you can't then too bad' here). at least thats the ideal. thats what the tool should be for and thats what its capable of doing. anything else ought to be blamed on shady practices of employers and more broadly on capitalism. people refusing to hire concept artists and instead relying on ai, and other such individuals who see ai as nothing but a way to go around the Hassle of design altogether, were never going to appreciate the artistry and were always going to devalue the work that goes into it.
anyway bring back old neuralblender that was awesome. bring back Living Room Made Of Creepy
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tzalmavet · 2 years
@mewtation replied to your post “It’s wild to see how little distance tumblr lingo...”:
gonna be honest, I've been here since 2012 and I don't know what REG is
​Fair, I guess you had to be reading certain kinds of discourse blogs to really see it in even semi-regular use 😅
“REG” is an acronym for “Reactionary Exclusionist Gatekeeper”... it’s a little hard to nail down its exact meaning (it’s kind of exactly what it sounds like), but I tend to recall and use it like it’s an umbrella term for those assholes who shift gears every two or so years in the LGBT+ community to aim vitriol and blame for their oppression at a different specific identity.
The most common and persistent kind of REGs are truscum/transmedicalists, and some of the first targets for REGs were nonbinary people, bisexuals, and gays who weren’t “gold star”.  The truscum-tucute fights and rise of “MOGAI” and its opponents around the mid-20teens were about when “REG” was coined, and when it was most used.  A few years later, aromantics and asexuals would be a huge target (and the aroace spectrum community has still not fully recovered from that time period) for REG type people. In current times, the targets of REGs are mostly trans men, transmascs, CAFAB nonbinary people (pretty much anyone who gets branded a “transandrophobia truther”...), and pansexuals, with a little leftover hate for ace/aro-spec people just to be mean; but every REG-targeted group always retains a little hostility from some REGs.  It’s just harder to hear about now since the partial death of Discourse/Callout Blogging and since tumblr’s search functionality for controversial topics has gotten even worse.
I think “REG” should come back into use b/c it refers to a very specific kind of LGBT+ community traitor/boat-rocker while still being broad enough to be an umbrella term that covers many different manifestations of that brand of extremely frustrating intracommunity squabble... ex. nonbinary-hating transmeds and psyop-spreading lesbian TERFs are the iconic REGs, but a vehement anti-asexual anti-pansexual blogger who supports nonbinary genders is also a REG.
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anon asking about ai art is typing on a phone, which autocapitalizes the first letter when typing, unless you go and turn that shit off.
also i had you blocked for some reason i cannot for the life of me remember? you seem cool, so unblocked.
Oh, that tracks, yeah.
As for why you blocked me, probably because I have lots of opinions I'm very vocal about, and actively encourage people to block and/or unfollow me if it upsets them. My opinions aren't universal, and I'm not interested in making them so! But also, I'm very fucking loud and obnoxious about my very bad opinions! Also I've had more than one callout at this point. In recent memory I've been been called a psyop for my hot takes of "Stop blaming the victims of voter suppression for you losing the election" and "I'm not comfortable voting for a dude who is a genocide supporter and who has locked up more kids in cages than Trump ever did", and also been called a TERF for saying "Hey, fellow trans femmes, can we stop treating trans mascs like they are automatically the enemy and have never experienced their own forms of transphobia, please?"
Whatever your reason, curate your own social media experience. I appreciate the gesture, but if you didn't like my posts and blocked me over one of them, thats not gonna suddenly change cause an opinion of mine might have aligned with your own this time. Eventually I'll have a shitty opinion again, and if that happens, just block me again, its cool. I'm not a fan of the whole social posturing of having to interact with your friends on social media even if you don't like what they are posting. Doing it for a stranger makes even LESS sense.
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claireshorrors · 5 months
Learning about a psyop made by a man known for trolling 4kids forums parading as a transfem hazbin hotel hater posting a callout after being allegedly SAed by hazbin fans for posting an Instagram meme
Tumblr media
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noneedtofearorhope · 7 months
its gotten to the point where people talking about psyops feels like a psyops. like, pointing to something and saying 'that's a psyop' feels like something you say to yourself or people you're close with, to put yourself in check and realize that you can just (for the most part) ignore it and whoever said it. but it seems anymore to just be said by strangers to strangers with the apparent intent to get the 'psyop' ignored and the 'agent' ostracized. like, it's just another form of weaponized callout culture anymore, no? i mean, maybe stranger to stranger wouldn't be so bad, if it was meant to be a means to opening discussion, sharing resources and info. but it's just used as a thought terminator. idk, if it is actually a psyop it's kinda working because it is making me feel a little crazy seeing it being thrown around so casually.
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Hey im assuming you already know about the "callout" post about you being a bot since you changed your url, but they linked to your new one in the comments :/
Is this the one that's like 3 weeks old?
What's wild is when I look up my blog the first result is a video of a young Palestinian boy holding up their phone to the camera to show my blog on their screen to prove they're real. In fact, most of what pops up under my URL are Palestinian accounts needing support who tagged me cuz I have reach.
But I hate Kamala so that means I'm a bot who needs to be removed from the site.
I genuinely fucking hope everyone sharing that post kills themselves. There are a million better ways they can be spending their time (and honestly more valid complaints to make about me) and instead their time is spent trying to get my blog deleted when I already planned on deleting it this year ANYWAY
This is literally why I'm deleting it. I'm sick of Tumblr. It used to be cool and left and anti-capitalist. But then I got pregnant and had a life and when I came back in 2020 Tumblr was full of liberal ass losers who thought buying 40 checkmarks in a row from Tumblr was somehow a dunk on Elon musk. And now tumblr accuses ANYONE further left than a Swiftie girlboss Democrat of being a psyop??? And those posts Actually gain traction????
There is a psyop on this site in my opinion and it's my opinion that it's using fear mongering and paranoia to target leftists and get us deleted.
This is not the same Tumblr I was on in 2012 at all.
People used to be politically involved.
The amount of PowerPoint type educational posts about things like systemic racism or being trans or accepting LGBT people was wild. I remember Gaza trending here in 2014 and that's how I learned about Palestine, my newborn on my arm at the same time. I remember seeing posts being shared that linked vine accounts where you could See what was happening and that proved that the media wasn't covering it correctly, where you could see Actual people on the ground explaining. Radfeminism spread so fast cuz fucking everyone on the site was a feminist who said "fuck men" back then. EVERYONE.
that's another thing, in 2014 if you weren't politically literate you were shamed for it. Like I said there were PowerPoint style posts that allies were making to educate people. Nobody gave a shit about your mental health back then, if you were racist or sexist or homophobic then there was literally no excuse for it. I saw white liberals bully racists off this site, I'd even say that was a normal occurrence. It's honestly part of why radfems are so nasty, their platform was built during an era where it was The Thing to be unapologetically hostile to oppressors.
Because in 2014 Tumblr understood that was the only correct way to treat an oppressor.
In 2024 liberal tumblrinas are targeting me and trying to get removed from the site for *checks notes* saying Kamala should be held accountable for supporting genocide.
.....like I said I planned on deleting this anyway.
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cambionic-moved · 6 years
callout post
santi @canonbastard is a russian psyop. @staff take this fool down
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justsomeantifas · 6 years
banned, blocked, reported, AND a callout post written about you calling you a russian psyop
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miserywizard · 2 years
one half of my brain: i am uninvolved in publishing spaces because i have panic attacks just thinking about it i want nothing to do with callouts after my own i think they're altogether completely useless because there's no consensus on the purpose of them outside of excommunication and shame
the other half of my brain: ana m*rd*ll always annoyed me in a way i could not articulate to the point where i kind of thought he was a psyop you're telling me he worked for WHO NOW???
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lazytechsupport · 6 years
god I can’t wait to get an Official Tumblr Callout™ for being a pro-rat psyop
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majorasnightmare · 6 years
like the whole shit with staff is like...
it doesnt even matter if that list is correct and every one of those blogs is a russian psyop from the ira
the fact that they posted a longass callout with no proof whatsoever, and their advice was essentially "be suspicious of everyone" while the list has a strong theme of black activist bloggers, while simultaneously doing nothing to combat rampant racism, sexism, misogyny, literal actual naziism, blatant disinformation, and pedophilia across the site and especially prevalent in hardcore alt right/right wing circles is rly telling like?
youve now demonstrated the ability to delete blogs off the site that you personally find suspicious, provide little to no reasoning for it, and then refuse to listen to your user base and take action against the numerous blogs pulling the EXACT same shit in right wing circles? you wanna say these blm blogs helped ruin hilarys campaign but you blatantly ignore the alt right blogs sayin shit twice as false and three times as shitty??? and your advice is "be suspicious of anyone like this" like bruh
what the fuck staff
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noneedtofearorhope · 3 years
Tumblr media
ah yes, vegans and their plastic, their corn syrup. they sure do lead the pack in both the production and the consumption of these products, not the other 95% of the western world.
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