#psych internship
discountscholar · 1 month
I'm starting my first psychology internship next week! Can you give any tips please😭
hi there, congratulations on bagging that internship!
you’ll need to tell me what sort of an internship this is because there’s a lot of variety in our field. i have only ever interned at a school for a counselling and advocacy position and at a couple of mental health startups for research positions. my experience in interning is limited to school psychology and psychological research so i will only be able to help you provide specific insights for these.
but generally-
1. please manage your time well. internships can take up a lot of space and effort (more than one estimates) so it’s important to keep a track of how much time you’re spending doing what tasks.
2. don’t be afraid to seek help- as young people in the field, there is a lot that we don't know. if we do not ask how certain things are done and clarify our doubts as they come, it's going to be difficult to learn from our experiences.
3. document what you learn- from my own (and those of my friends) experiences, i have found that it always helps to maintain a sort of journal/notebook/photo gallery of your experiences when you intern. it helps you keep a log of everything you learn and is nice to flip through when you reminisce about your days as a student.
4. self care- it is easy to get caught in the whirlpool of working hard and having a full schedule. self-care often takes a backseat in such circumstances. but it is important to remember that if we don't take care of ourselves and actively contribute to our health and well-being- we won't be able to do anything that we are looking forward to. so, please look after yourself and prioritize your own wellbeing.
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vampiricsheep · 2 months
so since I may be free this summer after all, would anyone be interested in an RP event that's a potluck? I've been wanting to do it for ages but there's never any interest compared to other themes
for a discord rp, I would make a separate server explicitly for this purpose so you don't have to be in any guilds or anything! I would also delete the server (or at least channel, if people would like an event-planning server long-term) after a week - enough time for people to read over their stuff but not preserved forever and ever.
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oepionie · 10 months
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why am i so sensitive to meds i'm-
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sobbing crying not majoring in bugs means i cant go for any of the fun bug internships *explodes*
#what if i just said fuck it and changed my major. what then#sorry there was an internship called seasonal mosquito technician and it is abt studying mosquitos. im dying#god i want to finish school so badly but i mean. i could say fuck it and stay in this hell city in this hell of a home just to add a second#major for bio..... but idk. it wouldnt kill me w the cost bc this school is cheap as shit but god im so stressed idk if i could do it#but also i could just stay w psych and come back later when im older and hopefully less stressed. idk. it's killing me that bugs are so#perfect and i chose fucking. human-oriented field of study *sobs*#idk idk i can still have bugs as hobby. i can be a cool sex therapist and then come back for bugs. but im still dying#but also im always dying. i can be content w psych for now i can do it i can graduate in december and then go for my masters#in smth that actually interests me and i can have fun and then i can come back for bugs when im more ready to deal w school again ig#but still..... mosquito technician......#either way i couldnt do it bc i dont have a drivers license but god i want to work w bugs so bad#maybe i should just get a pet bug or something. raise butterflies. engage more w bugs so i dont feel crazy#i feel like i do this should-i-change-my-major song and dance every few months but whatever#i will be more into psych next semester when more fun classes come up i think i have a gender and sexuality class in the fall that's#fun and cool and will make me less miserable
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miodiodavinci · 6 months
(lays down in a field of soft cotton) i accept my fate. but begrudgingly.
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sweet-as-kiwis · 9 months
Oh I am so fucked next semester
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if i see one more kid's face on the internet posted by their caregiver for views im going to start hunting people for sport
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florenceisfalling · 2 years
ive seen some ppl mention they wanna make an irisona but dont feel like they have any iris-worthy qualifications and its so funny to me like bestie i am an Art Teacher In Training. if iris had ANYTHING i would actually be qualified for, i GUARANTEE it'd be incredibly unethical
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ambivalent-academic · 2 years
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7-7-22 || Yesterday I got a cinnamon roll and some coffee from a coffee shop near my work, and it was so good.
I also got my AP scores a couple days a go, and I'm very happy with them! 5's in AP psych and AP Lang, and a 4 in APUSH.
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robinsnest2111 · 11 months
I feel like I didn't make proper use of today. but I got several loads of laundry done and put fresh bedsheets and such on my bed. and that will have to be enough.
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sucrate · 11 months
girlies who r leaving 4ever UNITE ! ! !
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tetedump · 1 year
omg congrats on getting into a grad school program! I am trying to go down a similar career path and i was wondering if you could talk a little about the experience you got during undergrad that helped you get into this program? Thank you:))
thank you!! <3
getting experiences were fairly tricky for me bc of covid, so it shouldn't be as hard for you, hopefully!! i didn't actively seek out research experience, i was primarily looking for clinical experience, but having the research experience was super helpful and i ended up really enjoying it (although i definitely don't want to continue down that road professionally).
for clinical experiences, i reached out to my clinical psych professor (honestly hated her, but she put me in touch with this organization where she was being trained which was the most phenomenal experience, so we're very grateful to her for that) and asked what organizations she thought might have summer internships for undergrad students. if you're looking in NYC, i can give you a few suggestions on places where you could start looking! <3 i ended up interning at this private practice for 2 years because they let me keep coming back—i got to learn things on the admin side, got my first experiences interacting with clients and parents in a clinical sense, and got practice talking with supervisors both getting/receiving feedback and asking questions.
for research experience, i emailed literally every single psychology professor at my school and asked if they had any research they needed assistance with (and, i said 'if not, would you be able to recommend another faculty member that I could reach out to? i'm very interested in gaining research experience!'). thankfully, the one who had an opening had work that i was happy to do! and i've stayed on that on and off for 2 years as well, because it's been easy, interesting, and super cool to be able to literally be writing the final research article now to be submitted to journals, after having done the clinical interviews 2 summers ago at the very beginning of the project:)
please let me know if you have any questions/if i should elaborate about any of these experiences!
i do not think you need either or both of these experiences to pursue psychology. I do think a lot of places like to see that you have experience. it's absolute shit that a lot of these experiences are unpaid. there are definitely scholarships and grants you can apply for, but that doesn't minimize the unpaidness of the work you're doing. if i can help at all, please let me know!!! <3 excited for you to explore this:)
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wttcsms · 2 years
that’s too funny, one of my closest friends is a psychology major + my sister’s bf is in med school & in the current process of becoming a psychiatrist. maybe they rubbed off on me 🤭
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falconcoast · 2 years
my schedule changed again literally five minutes before class started. WHAT THE FUCK !!!
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blossom-hwa · 1 year
#lina talks#nas#tw negativity#...........................................................................................................................................#............................................................................................................................................#pov I think I may be struggling with mental health again and it doesn't make sense bc it's summer break#but it's not stress it's other stuff#and yes I've set up an appt with one of my uni psych counselors but there's only so much they can do#and I'm suspecting I may have something diagnosable but I'm scared that I do.... mostly bc I'm on my parents insurance#and while they're more with the times than most other parents of my ethnicity that I know#idk how well they'd react if I told them I had something and needed actual therapy and/or medication#idk. idk idk#trying to avoid triggers but they seem to be everywhere and while everything eventually fades it doesn't fully#and I leave home to go back to the city for my internship tomorrow#really do not want to go... not bc I don't want the internship (I do) it's just#whenever I go back I get hit with waves of stress just due to the nature of what I'm working in either bc of academics or ecs or both#and if I have a mental breakdown hundreds of miles from home I can't exactly go home to deal with it#reality is I'm scared bc idk what's going to happen and at least when I'm at home I know I'm not alone#but when I'm up there even though I have friends I'm horrific with being vulnerable#and as such there aren't a lot of ppl I will talk to about major stuff#idk I'm making myself sick thinking about it my stomach hates me#oh and there's that too like - my anxiety now manifests in more physical symptoms and it's disgusting#mostly stomach problems. I fucking hate it#I'll probably delete this later I just needed to say things somewhere
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