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clockwayswrites · 1 year ago
There was that post going around (that I'm too lazy to find) about the mother who gave her son a shovel to go dig and his whole mood improved.
In a no capes AU that would 100% be Bruce with Dick.
Bruce, intellectually, knew that children were high energy. He understood that adopting Dick meant a great number of life changes and responsibilities. He didn't expect the tornado of energy that was Dick.
See, Dick, being a circus kid, was used to always moving, doing having a task. If he wasn't performing he was practicing. If he wasn't practicing he was helping around the circus. Even on the road there were uniforms and nets to mend and animals to tend to and-- well, Wayne manner is all very calm, isn't it? And poor Dick is hurting and angry and needs to do something.
The gym Bruce installs help, but that isn't enough-- that isn't a task.
One day, in a fit of exhaustion and much needed rest, Bruce goes out to the shed attached to the garage, grabs a shovel, and hands it to Dick.
"Alfred is planing to plant a vegetable garden, why don't you help him dig the plots."
And Dick is off like lightning.
Alfred raise one far too judgemental eyebrow at Bruce. "Am I now, Master Bruce?"
They quickly learn that they have to tell Dick very clearly where to dig and how deep or they'll have to get a ladder and pull him out of a hole halfway to the cave system under Wayne manner.
(Bruce has nightmares that night about Dick being lost to the caves.)
And so the manor gains a garden, Dick learns how, a bit, to be a child outside of the circus, and Bruce actually gets to do some work. It's several months later when Alfred comes to Bruce.
"While I understand that the garden has been useful.... enrichment for Master Richard, I do think that perhaps you should inform him to stop digging."
"Wonderful timing, Alfred. I'm about to be in China for a month. I'm sure that I could extend the trip to two, maybe three months if I tack on some service work in South East Asia and visits to old friends."
"...perhaps an orchard wouldn't be remiss."
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luckyfox3000 · 4 months ago
I want to see a docter write a smut scene. Entirely with medical terms for everything.
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mischievous-thunder · 7 months ago
What was considered peak masculinity back in the 2000s is now considered as little meow meow energy in 2024
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This clearly shows how far we've progressed and become even more improved versions of ourselves.
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As for this godly man, he's still as fiery and yet so sweet even two decades later, if not more, as he was all those years ago.
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flamingpudding · 7 months ago
Little Snippets #1
"Father, please do not scare the children."
Alfred let out a sigh at the children's reaction as well as his own fathers sheepish laugh as the man scratched the back of his head. Once more he couldn't help but marvel at how young his own father looked. But then again the fact that his father was by now a timeless being and rule of an entire realm likely contributed to it. He glanced at the still shell shocked children and stoic Bruce, a part of him took a bit of pleasure in their shock.
"Master Bruce, may I introduce to you my father." Alfred hummed indicating to the floating man with blazing white hair and glowing green eyes in regal clothing, well aside from the damned jumpsuit his own mother had never refrained from complaining about.
"Daniel James Fenton." The butler continued eyes crinkling with a smile as he watched his charges. "Ruler of the Infinite Realms."
"Just Danny is fine. Honestly it must be your mothers influence with how formal you turned out Al..." The man, Danny added reaching a hand out to ruffle Alfred's hair that Alfred sidestepped. Not because he didn't like his fathers show of affection, no because he had appearance to uphold and he didn't need to shock the children any more than he already had.
"T-that must be a joke, right Alfie...?" Jason spoke up being the first one to regain his ability to speak coherently.
"I am afraid not Master Jason. This man is indeed my father." Alfred hummed amused, he would think that with their near daily dealings with villains, aliens, supernatural and other beings they would be less shocked. But as it seemed his family didn't seem able to warp their heads around this. Surely they must have suspected some sort of supernatural connection to him, after all how do they think he was able to keep the entire Manor as clean as it is? He had his pocketwatch from his grandfather as his secret weapon after all.
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thebubblesareevil · 10 months ago
UNO Reverse
So we all know Danny is batbait right?? But what if after vlad the fentons have developed a method to combat billionaires trying to adopt Danny.
So the fentons are in Gotham for some reason or another and they refuse the let Danny’s grades slip so they have him at Gotham prep.
Everyone knows Danny’s parents are mad scientists but Tim is really concerned about his new classmate that keeps coming in with new bruises everyday that he barely tries to hide.
He brings it up to Bruce after doing some investigations and Bruce decides to look into it.
Next thing Danny knows he keeps running into different members of the Wayne cult and the batfamily. It takes him longer than he’s care to admit to figure out they were the same people but in his defense he was exhausted from school, helping his parents with their clean energy project and training with fright knight.
That’s also his excuse for why it took him so long to realize they were trying to assimilate him. Once he does realize he starts going out of his way to avoid them, trying his best to keep his parents from finding out but he realizes it’s too late when his mom gleefully hands him a card one night and sends him on his way.
The next time danny encounters Batman he completely ignores his gentle encouragement and promises to protect him as he pulls out the card and throws it at batman.
Danny sighs and says “I’m sorry it’s come to this, but I need you to know you’ve brought this upon yourselves.” He turns and leaves behind a confused bat holding an UNO reverse card.
The next day Wayne manor is invaded by Jack Fenton carrying a stuggleing vlad over his shoulder and a giant tray of fudge in his other hand while Maddie gleefully hugs alfred proclaiming how happy she is to see her family getting bigger while Jazz is dragging Danny in behind her by his ankle while reading a book. Danny is snoring.
The Wayne’s are confused.
When Vlad finally breaks free he gives Bruce a pitiful look and asks if he also tried to adopt Daniel.
Jack then yells UNO REVERSE!! Instead of adopting Danny we have adopted you!!!!
This just popped in my brain so I thought I’d share
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the-fyre-flie · 2 months ago
HC that Bruce knows Kryptonian. He's like conversation level and has been researching and learning and practicing it since he met Clark. He can read it, speak it with a heavy American accent that throws off Clark so hard, and is doing it all so he can impress his boyfriend hehe
Bruce, staring at a piece of debris from Krypton that finally fell to Earth: Hm... a sign for a science center... Clark, how common were large-scale laboratories on your planet?
Clark, standing next to him, about to read out the translation: Pretty common- wait... you can read Kryptonian???
Bruce, gesturing at the lettering and symbols: I can speak it too...
Clark, grabbing Bruce's shoulders: Since when?
Bruce: A few years?? Since I met you-
Clark, shaking him gently: And you never told me!?
Bruce, trying to stop his suddenly very excited alien: You never asked?
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barghest-land · 9 months ago
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first 10 days of jurassic june! i'm slow with it but still going ;__;
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pikkuisesti-paskaa · 9 months ago
A demon twins au that I have been thinking about for a while
Danyal and Damian find out that Ra's intends to have them fight to death for the title of heir so they decide to have a duel during a mission and fake the loosers death. This way the stronger one gets to have the title, just like how Ra's wanted, but they wouldn't have to kill eachother. They don't want to disobey their grandfather, but surely this would have the same result without unneeded tragedy.
Damian wins so he claims that he killed Danny for being weak. They promised to never try to contact eachother so the league would not find out. They wouldn't know eachothers situations from the outside after all. They couldn't risk it. After years Danny knows that Damian is Robin in Gotham but doesn't know if hes out of the league or not. Damian has no idea where Danny is and never told the batfam.
Then some magican tries to kill Robin by summoning his dead brother to exact revenge. Damian is sure that the summoning will not work because Danny should be alive and well, only to be devastated to see the ghost of his brother appear from the summoning circle.
Additional thoughts. They have their own code made up of sign, gestures, and body language they can use to communicate hidden meanings behind their words or just completely different things. They have mastered the art of having a private conversation while to outsiders it looks like they're verbally ripping eachother to shreds. I can see them using this to figure out how to deal with the situation while keeping up the ruse. Maybe the bats come in and deal with the mage while Damian and Danny are "arguing" and "antagonizing" each other. While in reality Damian is convincing Danny that the bats can be trusted and Danny is debating if the risk of revealing everything is worth it, and if its already too late not to. And when they agree on dropping the act the bats get whiplash from the arguing turning into a tight hug in a second.
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bluetaho · 5 months ago
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When disco plays our tune!
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Closeups and no gradient version!!
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murmeloni · 1 year ago
I need more fanboy Clark Kent in my life.
Like, he's seen Bruce Wayne interact with a child once and immediately fell in love with the guy. Now his bedroom walls are plastered with posters and he follows several social media accounts focused on capturing pictures of Bruce with kids and/or animals etc. He defends Bruce to anyone, no matter the antics he gets up to and it has become a bit of a running gag around the office.
Then, one day, Cat is out sick and someone jokingly suggests Clark should cover the gala in her stead, seeing as Bruce Wayne will be there and maybe this'll be Clark's shot to finally get his man? To everyone's surprise, Perry really does assign the gala coverage to Clark, who spends the days leading up to the event in a state somewhere between absolute panic and ultimate bliss.
But when the day finally arrives, Bruce doesn't show.
Of course Clark does his job and interviews everyone there (yes, even Lex Luthor) but a part of him spends all night waiting for Bruce to crash the party late, like he so often does.
Eventually, Clark gives up hope and it's shortly after that, that he stumbles upon one of the children dragged along to the event by their parents. Because apparently someone thought a charity gala was a good environment for an eight year old. The parents are nowhere in sight and the child is close to tears, so Clark makes it his mission to cheer the little girl up, regaling her with stories from his upbringing on a Kansas farm while he searches the crowd for her family.
With Clark thus occupied, he doesn't notice Bruce Wayne finally making his appearance for the night. But Bruce definitely notices him. The gentle giant who's all kind smiles and corny jokes... Until he finds the girl's parents. Uncaring of the fact that he's here on a job and that these people are richer than any one person should be and could easily sue him into oblivion, he takes them aside, fire in his eyes, and tears them a new one for losing track of their kid like this. Anything could have happened to her and maybe the readers of the Daily Planet would like to know about that? After all, how reliable and trustworthy could a company whose CEOs won't even look after their own daughter really be?
Bruce is immediately smitten. The passive-aggressive lecture and subtle threats - not to mention the broad shoulders and handsome face - are incredibly attractive to him and he wastes no time cornering the man afterwards.
Clark, who is so starstruck by the mere sight of Bruce coming towards him that he loses the ability to speak, nearly faints when Bruce just straight up shoves his tongue into his mouth. They end up in one of the coat rooms and Clark thinks that's it, just a one night stand. It sucks that he won't see Bruce again, but the night was amazing and at least he has the memory to treasure, right?
He thinks that right up until he gets to work the next day and two dozen red roses are waiting for him on his desk. There's a handwritten card nestled inbetween the petals and on it is the name of a restaurant along with a date and time. It's signed by Bruce.
And that is how Clark gets together with his celebrity crush.
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yeoldenews · 9 months ago
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A selection of strange and cryptic personal ads from The New York Herald, 1860s to 1890s. 15/?
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artisiumstudios · 27 days ago
Au where 17 year old Stan freshly kicked out of home gets into an actual life vs death situation except he accidentally (either the “person he’s fighting is an anomaly or he’s near one) gets sent a few years into the future, (around the time ford would be set to graduate from college) He hadn’t had enough time to leave jersey so imagine his surprise when his car is no longer where he left it, his surprise as he tells the police what happens still bleeding only for them to stare wide eyed and make phone calls while they hold him in a separate room unable to tell him what’s going on. His surprise as his mother now sporting streaks of gray walks into the room blubbering in disbelief. His father’s usual stotic face now with raised eyebrows and surprise. A child who looks a lot like shermie when he was younger. Or when ford now bulkier and taller walks in staring at him not with the anger he saw before the curtains closed, but rather disbelief and something along the lines of relief joy and confusion.
His disbelief where his twin is now 6 years older than him and he was presumed dead after his disappearance.
We’ve heard of the time skip au, now welcome to the time jump au
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xxxnightcorequeenxxxv3 · 11 months ago
What if there is a world where Jack and Janet swapped, and who got the coma, etc.?
I mostly thought of this cuz I had an amusing thought at work that goes something like this: Ra's: "Your father must have been quite the man, Timothy. With just how perfectly you turned out. " Tim: "No, I got it from my mother. And if you know what's best for you, stay away from her. " ---Time Skip--- Janet walks into Wayne Manor: "Timothy, what have I told you about letting your stuff lie about in its improper place?" Tim: "Not, too, Mother. I'm sorry for being so thoughtless." Janet hands Tim a suspicious jar: "I'll be merciful this time; your surgery is booked for tomorrow, so make sure to get your affairs in order." Janet turns to Damien and hands him a card. "This is out of courtesy, child. Make sure not to repeat the mistake. Either of you." She eyes Jason and Damien. "And Mr. Grayson, you're on thin ice, too, for the attempted hospitalization of my Timothy." And with that, she walks back out. Bruce hesitantly asks: "Tim... Why did Janet hand Damien a sorry for your loss card?" Tim: "Well, since I now have my spleen in a jar, Bruce, I'm pretty sure Ra's is dead." Part 2:
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mischievous-thunder · 6 months ago
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That's the way gays find their multiversal true love
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kitar1o · 8 months ago
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look whos back from the dead anyway throws wip at yu and runs
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f1sh-bone · 2 months ago
✩ Whumpee who gets blindfolded so that they don't recognize whumper
✩ Scared, injured whumpee who gets blindfolded by their caretaker, so that they don't freak out during medical treatment
✩ Scared, injured whumpee who feels comforted by their blindfold and caretakers gentle shushes
✩ Scared, injured whumpee who completely freaks out after losing their ability to see
✩ Whumpee being blindfolded by Whumper so that they don't get to see the weapons they're about to be tortured with (them not knowing what to expect makes it more fun for Whumper)
✩ Whumpee getting rescued and flinching when caretaker tries to take off their blindfold
✩ "Dangerous" nonhuman whumpee who is forced to wear a blindfold, combined with physical restrains, while being medically examined
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