#prompt: angry mob
hummingbird-of-light · 2 months
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Round 3: First story for @badthingshappenbingo ~
Title: Anything For The Enterprise
Fandom: Star Trek (AOS or TOS)
Character(s): Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, James T. Kirk, Engineers of Starship Enterprise
Relationship(s): /
Rating: T
Words: 653
Prompt: Angry Mob
Warnings: Mind Control, Canon-Typical Violence, Major Character Injury, Swearing, Major Character Death
(You can also find this story on AO3)
~ Anything For The Enterprise ~
"Oh bloody hell!" Montgomery "Scotty" Scott cursed under his breath as he heard the loud sounds of fists and feet hitting heavy metal.
The infected engineers had followed him and were now trying to stop him, possibly even infecting him themselves.
The Scotsman had no idea how exactly the hostile alien entity that had sneaked aboard the Enterprise had managed to gain control of most of his staff, but he knew that he could not allow the infected to gain access to the life support systems or the rest of the power supply.
It was quite clear to Scotty that it would not be good at all if the zombie-like engineers took control of the ship.
"Scotty, talk to me!" came the captain's urgent voice from an intercom. "What's going on in the engine room?"
Scotty laughed humorlessly as his fingers glided quickly over the keys. The infected engineers had already managed to cause some errors in the system, which was the reason for the flight having been extremely uncomfortable in the last few minutes. The Scotsman had to try to rectify these errors.
The noises behind the locked door grew louder and louder and Scotty heard the angry shouts of his people as they somehow tried to get into the room. With all their might and without restraint.
"Mr. Scott!" the captain called out his name again and the chief engineer uttered a few Gaelic curses. Couldn't this man be patient for a moment? Was that too much to ask?
As fast as he could Scotty stabilized the maneuvering system and only when that was done did he run to the intercom and press the button.
"Captain! We have an intruder! I don't know how he managed to get on board, but he's controlling my people and trying to manipulate the ship! I was able to stabilize the systems for now and have full control of the ship from here, but I don't know how long the doors will hold! There's a pretty angry mob in front of it trying to get in. Send security to my location! The infected need to be stunned and—"
Scotty's eyes widened as he heard the door burst open and as he turned around he saw a dozen of his men and women. Their faces were strangely distorted and their eyes reflected nothing but rage. They were will-less puppets controlled by an evil entity. They were no longer the people who worked with him every day.
"Scotty! Mr. Scott! What's going on? Damn it! Security! Get to the engine room! Now!" Kirk's voice sounded upset and Scotty knew very well that his captain would certainly accompany the task force. He would try to find the entity and take it out to save his ship and crew.
But Scotty had other problems. The engineers slowly pushed their superior into a corner of the room. In their hands they held tools of all kinds, which they had probably also used to break down the door.
All Scotty had to defend himself against them were his bare fists and feet, as he had lost his phaser during his escape into the room.
"Please, I'm begging ye. Fight against this bloody mind control!"
The chief engineer looked desperately at his people. He didn't want to fight them. He didn't want to hurt them. But they would probably leave him no choice.
As the group pounced on the Scotsman, slaughtering him with lasers, screwdrivers, wrenches and all the other tools he loved and cherished so much, Scotty fought as best he could. Anything to buy a little more time so that the captain and security could at least save the ship. Anything to do his job as head of engineering. Anything to save his beloved Enterprise.
For even if Scotty himself would die, at least he had done everything in his power for the ship. And that was all that mattered.
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bewitchedmold · 10 days
Kakyoin def worked at subway at some point. Contemplating the meaning of life and all his pasts decisions while struggling to pull apart the American cheese😭 jotaro would swing by and get the same dry ass sandwich he always did and listen to kakyoin's new SCP theory🙏
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theforeverdyingperson · 7 months
Hate Potion
“Can’t you run any faster!?” He yelled to the woman who was a good 5 feet behind him.
“You try running in a dress in this terrain!”
She yelled back at him, growing even more annoyed with him.
They were running from a mob wanting their heads. They weren’t sure who they were, there were many people who wanted their bounty.
They were the greatest hitmen one could buy. But after they were hired to kill someone very dear to the kingdom, the king, almost half the kingdom turned against them. The other half didn’t dare.
They worked together, yet hated each other. Couldn’t stop bickering for a minute. Many groups offered for them to join them, before they killed the king, desperate to have the best hit men in their group. But they work alone, always have, always will.
“Cloud Nine!” The man known as Grayson shouted to his partner, whose name was Abigail. ‘Cloud Nine’ was code for their hidden bunker. They used this code if they were being chased or couldn’t speak freely.
“See you there!” Abigail said as they spit up to their designated entrances to throw off their enemy.
Abigail climbed a tree that looked impossible to climb. She was the only one who could climb it, because she was the only one who knew were to put her feet and hands.
As she got to the top she jumped from tree to tree. Grayson often called her a monkey when he watched her do it. Once she got to a certain tree, she opened a latch on the cut off top of one of the thick trunk and slipped her little self inside. The tree was hollow and lead to an underground passageway. She had lost her half of the mob a while back.
Once she got to the bunker, she laid down on her cot and sighed in relief. She started to wonder if Grayson was okay. His route took longer than hers, but she was running slower today.
While he was absent, she took the opportunity to take off her disguise, even though it didn’t do much. The dress she wore was so heavy, she took it off and put on her usual black suit.
Meanwhile, Grayson was running from his half of the mob. They were catching up on him and he knew he had to get to his burrow fast! He sprinted to a near willow tree and ducked under its glistening leaves. He took a sharp turn out of the tree in hopes of throwing them off. He then dived in a small burrow under a tree trunk and hid under the leaves and dirt.
Thankfully his plan had worked and they lost him. He ran to another nearby trunk and went into its small burrow. That then led to another underground tunnel with led to their bunker.
He finally made it inside and noticed that Abigail had already changed.
“What took you so darn long!?” Abigail yelled at him.
He did not feel like dealing with this after just running three miles.
“They were hot on my tail, I had to lose them.” He replied trying to keep his calm.
“They always are! And you never take that long!” She said. He finally looked at her and for a second he thought he could see worry on her face.
“What do you care!?” He asked, losing his temper. All she did was roll her eyes. He went to take off his coat but something pinched him when he tried to take his left sleeve off. He looked down and saw a vile and been shot into his arm and had drained its contents into him.
“When did that happen?” Abigail asked, a very worried tone in her voice.
“I don’t know.” He said, worried of what they shot in him.
She walked over to him and ripped the vile out of his arm, he hissed in pain but she didn’t seem to care.
“Shoot!!” She said, drawing his attention away from his arm to her examining the vile.
“What is it?” He asked growing even more worried.
“It’s like an opposite love position, it makes you hate the people you love. It triggers something in your mind that makes you attack those people.” She said, a worried look grew on her face. She didn’t want him to kill anyone he loved, there weren’t much, but there were some. Some very good friends of his that would help them hide away when not by their bunker.
His eyes grew wide and a worried expression flashed on his face. His heart beat started to pick and he started to have the urge to punch something, or someone.
"Run." He said.
"If the potion only makes you attack the people you love, I'll be fine. I can stay here and stop you from attacking anyone you actually do love-"
"I love you!" He snarled, his hands curling into fists.
He alway had, from the moment they met in training. She always acted like she hated him so he did the same. He never had the courage to tell her.
"Now run."
He never knew two words could hurt that much. He squeezed his eyes shut trying to keep the tears of anger, sadness, and confusion from falling.
He suddenly felt arms wrap around his torso. His eyes shot open as he stumbled back a bit from the impact. He looked down to see Abigail hugging him. Without thinking his arms istinctively wrapped around her.
“I love you too” he heard her mumble into his chest. He held her tighter than forced himself to let go. He stumbled back and gripped onto a chair, trying to get the venom out of his brain.
“GO!” He yelled as the last of his control started to slip out of him.
She sprinted out of her tunnel, knowing that he wasn’t small enough to get through. She crawled out of her trunk and went to their supply box. She grabbed a net and a rope and ran back to we’re she knew Grayson would crawl out. She hid in a nearby tree and waited.
Sure enough he popped up from his burrow and started trotting to find her. She let the net fall and it caught him. She hopped down from the tree and tied him up. She knew that it would only be a matter of time before the potion left his system.
After about 10 hours of dozing off then coming back to reality from Grayson’s struggle. He finally blacked out from the exhaustion his body when through to get the potion out of his system. She carried him back through the tunnels and laid him on his cot. She finally got to sleep the moment her head hit the pillow.
The next day Grayson woke up to the smell of cooked fish. He quickly got up and went into the dining area to see Abigail eating.
“Why didn’t you wake me up?” He asked, sitting down discovering he was now very hungry.
“Because you’ve been out for two days.” she says snickering to herself as his jaw dropped.
“Eat up!” She says as if it was nothing. He quickly dug in.
After she was done eating she went to her cot to lay down. He soon followed her when he finished his food.
“So about yesterday…” he started but veered off from embarrassment. He looked away and scratched the back of his neck.
“I just wanted to say sorr-“ he didn’t get to finish when a pair of lips came in contact with his. He was shocked at first but then melted into it.
They finally had to pull away for air and she looked into his eyes lovingly.
“Don’t be.” She said before giving him a quick peck on the lips and hugging him like her life depended on it. He hugged back, putting all his long hidden years of love into it.
This sucked but I thought I’d post it for inspo
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ladyredmoon13 · 1 year
DCXDP prompt
During a rouge attack(your choice) a local graveyard in Gotham was damaged. Afterward, some local corrupted businessmen decided that clearing out the land and moving the graves was a great idea.
Not soon after the "clean up" began a gray-skinned teen with flaming blue hair showed up, and boy was she angry. She began yelling, screaming at the people the workers for digging up her grave.
When she was only met with patronizing responses she used her guitar to destroy some of their equipment. She was only the beginning though. Soon a equally gray looking biker guy and his green girlfriend showed up and started chasing people off.
Even some angry blue guy showed up one morning yelling about how ' they would pay for braking open his box.' (Braking his casket) wasn’t till they accidentally damaged a statue of one of Gothams most famous wardens that it really hit the fan.
The Bats call in Justice League Dark for help with this issue and no matter what they were thinking was going to happen. No matter what hoops they thought they would have to go through to resolve this. They did not expect Constantine to call a fourteen year old for back up.
- So in canon Ember died in a house fire. I could totally see that happening as a result of a rouge attack.(Like Firefly or the Joker, maybe)
Johnny and Kitty died in a motorcycle accident. So maybe they were trying to out run the police? Run from people they had gambling debts with?
The Box Ghost was a warehouse accident. Probably as an example the Mob wanted to make to the warehouse owner after not wanting to pay for protection. Or perhaps he was a whistle-blower?
Walker died in a prison riot, and seeing how Gotham is the place to find violent criminals. Would it be that much of a stretch to say it was Gotham penitentiary? I think not.
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traumxrei-archive · 1 year
【 shared breaths, beating hearts 】
prompt #7: They were hiding from the teachers/others and it’s very close quarters in here, he could feel their body against his (ft. ruggie bucchi, azul ashengrotto, rook hunt, jade leech)
gn! prefect (you/yours), drabbles, word count: 1.4k
a/n: hello. i’m back at it. bc i’m determined to finish these asap. also bc it’s nice to write something short n sweet in between the other longer stuff i’m currently writing. enjoy ^^
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Ruggie Bucchi
"Ruggie, what—!"
"Shh!" Ruggie pressed a palm against your mouth, his heart thudding in his chest. He had finally lost the mob of angry students a few turns back, and you just happened to be the lone person in the hallway.
So what did he do? Well, he dragged you into the storage closet with him.
"If ya keep quiet, I'll tell you what's happening," Ruggie whispered into the space between you two. Thinking about it now, this storage closet was quite cramped...
"Those students were...a little mad that I got the last sandwich for Leona-san," Ruggie swallowed, trying to ignore the fact that you were practically pressed against him.
Your hand grabbed at his lapel, "You used Laugh With Me?"
"Shishishi~ You know me too well," Ruggie could see your glower and he pouted. "I didn't steal it. I just stopped them from getting to the sandwich before I did." You sighed, and Ruggie swallowed as he felt your breath hitting his neck.
That was the exact moment that you leaned forward, your head landing on his shoulder.
Ruggie felt his heartbeat against his throat when he spoke, "W-What...what are you–?"
"I'm leaning on you."
"Yes, but," Ruggie felt your arms snaking around his waist, making his fur stand on end. "No, I meant why?"
"If we're going to be stuck here, I want to be comfortable," You grumbled and Ruggie felt himself stiffen again as you hugged him tighter.
He...really brought this upon himself. So he can't technically be mad, per se, but it was still dangerous. He just hoped that you wouldn't be able to hear the way his heart was beating like crazy.
Ruggie rested his chin on your head. Well…this wasn’t that bad either. If he had the excuse to hug you like this, feeling your warmth seeping right into his bones, then he would definitely milk the moment for all it was worth. After all, there was no place in the world he would rather be than your arms.
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Azul Ashengrotto
Azul was in trouble. And this time he didn’t have a convenient scapegoat to blame for his headache. Rather, he caused this problem all on his own. How else could he explain the fact that he was hiding underneath a grand piano with his…crush?
“Uh, Azul?” You whispered, and he stifled a gasp. It served as a reminder of how little space there was under here. For such a big piano, you would think that there would be more space. “Why are we hiding?"
Why were they hiding? Long story short, Azul had been caught playing the piano by you. And then he heard the twins coming down the hallway. And then he panicked, pushing the tarp over the piano and dragging you under with him. The normal Azul wouldn’t have panicked. He would have put the piano away before the twins could see, and all would be well.
But there was nothing normal about how hard his heart was beating right now.
“The twins always tease me whenever they catch me playing,” It was an excuse that he was pulling out of his ass, but it was better than admitting ‘your presence startled me enough that I lost my cool’.
He fought not to flinch when your hand suddenly landed on top of his, “Oh, I’m sorry, I… I just wanted to say that you shouldn’t be ashamed, your playing was amazing.”
If he didn’t die from the mortification he would feel if the twins found him hiding underneath a piano with you, then he would certainly die from the sweetness of your words. Coupled with the fact that he could see the smile on your face, it was a lethal combination. He hated how weak he was to you.
“Huh. I never noticed how blue your eyes were,” You said, as if you just made a passing comment on the weather.
Oh Sevens, take him now. Azul would not last another five minutes with you.
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Rook Hunt
Rook had hid in his fair share of bushes in his life. It was a given, especially when he was out hunting. Natural cover was the best cover, after all. Yet the usually comfortable position felt slightly…different right now.
Especially with the fact that you were under him. Pressed against the autumn leaves like this, you looked absolutely brilliant. He wished that he could capture this moment and keep it forever. And if he wasn’t trying to be quiet he would’ve told you all that and more.
“Rook, what’s— what’s happening?” Oh, you seemed afraid, your fingers digging into the fabric of his sleeve. He reached out, pressing gloved fingers against the furrow of your brow.
“Mon cher, do not fret,” Rook consoled. “C’est simplement. It is just a passing deer. Take a look to the side.” You turned your head, the hesitation melting into a look of wonder as you spotted the deer grazing not too far way from the two of you.
“Woah, that’s…that’s beautiful!” You exclaimed in hushed tones. His cheeks almost hurt from how much he was smiling around you.
“Hmm, c’est vraiment,” Rook murmured, his eyes all but pinned on the way the leaves seemed to cast shadows over your face in what he would say was a hypnotizing pattern. “Deer startle very easily, so we should keep quiet.”
You nodded eagerly, “I’m glad you asked me to take this walk with you.”
Rook almost wanted to echo your sentiment. He wasn’t one to shy away from expressing his absolute infatuation toward you, but it felt very different when you were just a mere few centimeters away from him. He could almost feel the redness like a thick second skin around his cheeks and neck.
“Let’s just…stay here for a while,” Rook said instead. “To watch the deer.” It was a baldfaced lie on his part, but if it meant that he could spend a few more moments here with you…a little white lie wouldn’t hurt.
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Jade Leech
"Jade Leech."
"Ahem. Yes?"
"Could you please explain why I'm—"
"Shh," Jade leaned in a little closer, relishing in the way your shoulders jumped. Really, he didn't mean to orchestrate this situation. He was running away from one of Crewel's lectures about spore safety. (He had basically internalized Crewel’s monologue by now.)
But well, who was he to refuse the chance to tease you?
That was why he shifted closer, much closer than necessary as he continued, "If I don't come closer, Crewel will surely discover us."
"But why are we hiding in the first place," You hissed, grabbing at his wrist.
"I may have...accidentally grew some mushrooms in the flower bed he was saving for class—"
"Accidentally my ass," You grumbled, though you didn't try to push him away again. Instead, you stilled, and he could appreciate the way a cut of sunlight danced against your skin. He could practically see the flush overtake your face as he kept staring. He knew that you noticed.
Another idea popped into his head.
Jade opened his mouth, “If I may, what if you—“
“I swear to the Seven if you propose that I sit on your lap, I’ll—!” You fought for your words a bit. “I’ll actually bite you!”
“My,” Jade couldn’t help the surprised expression, a slow smile growing on his face at your provocative words. You never ceased to amuse him, with your expressions, your behaviors, and your words. He just wanted to see more and more of your reactions. Maybe that was why he was so very fond of you.
“I would never suggest something so…risque. And biting me?” He could see you gulp as he leaned that much closer, his forehead almost touching yours, “Are you prepared to face the consequences of suggesting such a thing?"
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thank you for reading ! this is a part of my (very long overdue) 600 followers event ++ if you’d like to see more of my writing, check out my masterlist >:D
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withacapitalp · 5 months
For the STWG prompt "Nurture" We talked a little while ago about serial killer Wayne in the server....and I'm still obsessed
On the third day. Eddie came home. 
When no call for a manhunt came out, when no angry mobs stormed Reefer Rick’s place looking for Eddie’s head, when there wasn’t even a whisper of anything in the news, there was no other option. He didn’t even bother to try and sneak back into the trailer, just walked in and stared dumbfoundedly at the completely normal looking room in front of him.  
“Where…is she?” Eddie asked.  
No bloodstains, no disgustingly distorted corpse. No Chrissy.
Just his uncle, standing at the sink, washing his hands. 
“Somewhere peaceful. Somewhere safe.” Wayne muttered, continuing to rinse under the steaming hot water, not bothering to turn to look at his nephew, “What exactly happened?”
“I didn’t- I don’t- I would never-” Eddie stammered, trying to explain the unexplainable. 
“I know that, boy,” Wayne cut in, effortlessly silencing Eddie’s rambling as he turned around, wiping his now clean hands on a washcloth, “I know you better than anyone. You would never have done anything like that. You ain’t like me.”
Eddie’s breath escaped in a huge shaking sigh, and he immediately ran straight for Wayne, barrelling into his uncle’s arms and burrowing his face into his shoulder. The tears he had been holding in since Chrissy’s death came hot and heavy, Eddie’s entire body shaking from the force of grief that was finally being allowed to escape his body.  
He had been so scared. So sure no one could ever believe him. 
But Wayne understood. Wayne had always understood. Wayne knew him better than anyone. Wayne knew Eddie would never have done anything like that. Wayne…
It was then that the last sentence his uncle had spoken finally registered in Eddie’s brain. 
Eddie stiffened, slowly pulling back and looking at his uncle in horror. 
“Like you?” 
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thefreakandthehair · 8 months
a collapsing star with tunnel vision.
@steddielovemonth prompt, day one: love is stealing an RV together (@shares-a-vest)
rating: t | wc: 650 | cw: smoking weed | tags: getting together, love confessions, idiots in love, come hell or high water I will make them stargaze, title from a fob song
Smoke curls out of the joint they share as Steve and Eddie lay in the grass just beyond Steve's pool. It's chilly, the cool breeze that takes the smoke into its wispy fingers and pulls it up towards the sky a harbinger of pending autumn. Summer has been fun, but Steve's grateful for the change of seasons.
A new season means more time between them and Vecna, between them and angry mobs, and hospital visits, and physical therapy.
Just a few months ago, he'd thought that his time was up so while summer used to be Steve's favorite season, he's thankful now to watch time pass. Especially when it crawls like this, slow and syrupy as the night blankets he and Eddie.
His friendship with Eddie had been a surprise, but all the more surprising is how it's easily its evolved from friendship to something more. Or, it has at least on Steve's end. Eddie is naturally touchy, always bouncing into Steve's personal space, poking him, calling him things like big boy or sweetheart. It's hard to tell with him if it's just how Eddie is, or if it means something.
Steve wants it to mean something. Probably has since the first time Eddie leaned in, close enough for Steve to feel his breath against his skin, and called him big boy back in the RV.
The RV that they stole. That Steve watched as Eddie deftly hot-wired, berating himself for knowing how to all the while. But for Steve, stealing that RV together told him a lot about Eddie, things that he still hasn't forgotten. Like how Eddie has hopes of being something more, how Eddie's known how to steal cars for years and only pulled it out of his arsenal when it was for good, how Eddie could've been picking locks and torturing those who've tortured him but he decides not to. Well before actual evil, Eddie had looked some of the worst the world has to offer directly in the eyes and didn't let it make a monster of him.
Stealing the RV together, oddly enough, lands Steve knee-deep in love with the man laying beside him, one hand on his stomach and the other point towards the sky, tracing imaginary constellations.
"... kinda like an evil mouse, right? You see that?"
Steve grins and stubs out the joint, saving the rest for later as he turns slightly to gaze at Eddie, not whatever weird evil mouse he thinks he sees among the stars.
"Yeah, definitely. Totally an evil mouse."
Eddie's head rolls to the side, cheek pressed against the grass, and furrows his brows. "You're not even looking."
"Eh, there's more important stuff to look at down here."
"Shut up." He watches as a pink hue colors Eddie's neck and cheeks, a blush creeping up from his collarbones. It's rare that Steve stuns Eddie these days, but when he does, it's his favorite thing in the whole world.
Maybe it's the joint, maybe it's the promise of a new season, or maybe it's just the safety he feels under the cover of night, but Steve scoots closer.
"Can I tell you a secret?" Steve asks, voice barely above a whisper. It doesn't need to be any louder, not with his mouth now so close to Eddie's.
Eddie nods, rolling over to his side to quick to be smooth.
Bravery is a term used loosely these days, but Steve feels brave in this moment. Feels untouchable.
"I think I kinda love you."
Silence rests loudly on the grass between them for one, two, three seconds before Eddie closes the distance, responding without words. Every nerve ending in Steve's broken but healing body lights up, electrical as the concept of new beginnings shivers down his spine.
The wind blows again as they kiss, reminding Steve of the seasons changing in his life, this time, in more ways than one.
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for the kiss prompts - a playful kiss to make the other stop rambling + geraskier, pretty please 🥺
Jaskier has never been one to suffer stage fright. Since the first time he gave an impromptu performance at one of his parents’ banquets at the age of seven, he’s soaked up the spotlight at any chance he can get. There’s nothing he delights in more than having a crowded tavern or ballroom watching him with starry eyes, hanging onto his every word. He knows he’s good at what he does, a far cry from the boy who used to get bread pelted at his head while he sang about hags and abortions.
Except that as he stands behind the stage at the Oxenfurt Music Festival, listening to a pair of Nazairi troubadours sing a lovely duet, his insides roil with the same queasy nervousness he’s carried with him all day. He glances over at Geralt to make sure the witcher doesn’t notice. Geralt is leaning against the wall, looking remarkably stoic for a man who has been dragged to a music festival entirely against his will. 
Jaskier can’t let him know how nervous he is, not when Geralt took on two wyverns singlehandedly only three days ago. The fact that Jaskier, who has been a traveling bard for years, who has faced far scarier things than a crowd of onlookers (usually while cowering behind Geralt, but his point stands) has stage fright is too mortifying to admit. Luckily, Jaskier is excellent at keeping his feelings under wraps after years of traveling with his witcher. He’s sure Geralt has no idea.
“You’re nervous,” Geralt says.
Fuckity fuck.
“Nervous?” Jaskier breaks off in a monologue about how he lost the Student Bardic Competition to Valdo Marx his final year due to trickery and biased judging. “I’m not nervous! Merely excited to claim yet another in my long list of accolades.”
“You stink of anxiety.”
Jaskier just manages to resist the urge to sniff himself. “Why, thank you, Geralt. How kind of you to say. And here I thought you liked this new perfume.”
Geralt just stares at him, unimpressed.
Jaskier sighs. “I seem to have come down with the tiniest case of stage fright.”
“Stage fright?” Geralt arches an eyebrow. “But you perform all the time.”
“Not at places like this.” Jaskier waves his hand in the direction of the stage.
“You just told me in detail about all seven times you performed here before. You said you won five times.”
“And it would have been all seven, if Valdo Marx weren’t a cad and a cheat.” Jaskier puffs up in remembered outrage. “But that was the Student Bardic Festival. Everyone expects the acts there to be a little bit shit. Melitele help them, but my classmates didn’t give me much of a run for their money, save for Valdo and Essi. This is the first time I’ve performed in a professional competition.”
“And that’s why you’re nervous.”
“Yes!” Jaskier throws up his hands in exasperation. “I know this isn’t a wyvern or an angry mob, but I don’t want to make a fool of myself in front of thousands of people!”
Geralt gets an expression on his face like he’s valiantly refraining from pointing out that Jaskier doesn’t normally care about making a fool of himself. “You perform all the time.”
“For drunks in taverns who won’t notice if I make a bunk of the pronunciation of an elven ballad or courtiers who wouldn’t know a wrong note if it hit them in the face. Many of these people are trained musicians themselves who have come from all over the Continent to be here today. I have to be perfect.”
“Then be perfect.”
“Geralt.” Jaskier moans and slaps his hands over his eyes. “Have you ever heard of Elsa Svensen?”
“You know I haven’t.”
“Of course you haven’t! She was a cautionary tale when I was at Oxenfurt, a rising star in the bardic circuit until she tried to sing The Six Swans at the Lan Exeter Bardic Festival.” At the blank look on his witcher’s face, Jaskier elaborates. “It’s a famously difficult ballad in Elder. Very long, lots of tricky notes. She butchered it so badly that she was laughed off stage! Suffice to say, there was an unfortunate mispronunciation and she sang a line about the hero committing unspeakable acts with a donkey in front of the entirety of Lan Exeter, including the king and queen. It ended her career. Rumor has it that she changed her name and is now working as a traveling player.”
Geralt doesn’t look suitably horrified, in Jaskier’s opinion.
“A traveling player, Geralt!” Jaskier practically shrieks, which isn’t good for his voice, but he can’t stop himself. “I can’t act! There isn’t a single troupe of traveling players that would have me. I’ll starve. Gods, I should never have let Essi talk me into this. I’m too young to live in disgrace. Can you go out there and tell them that a horrible tragedy has befallen me and an evil witch has stolen my voice? Ooh, yes, say I’ve ruined her for all other men and this is my punishment. Do you think we can find an actual witch in—”
He doesn’t realize Geralt is approaching him until the witcher presses a brief kiss to his lips.
Jaskier blinks, surprised. Geralt isn’t one for displays of affection where anyone else might see. “What are you—”
Geralt kisses him again. Jaskier can feel the curl of his lips.
“Geralt, this is—”
Another kiss, this one accompanied by Geralt nipping at his lower lip.
“Geralt,” Jaskier says through another kiss. “Are you trying to distract me?”
“Trying to shut you up.”
“How dare—”
Geralt kisses him again. “You were working yourself up.”
Jaskier opens his mouth to protest, then realizes he was just plotting to find an actual witch to steal his voice in order to get out of a performance. Perhaps Geralt has a point. “Right.”
“You know Elder too well to accidentally sing about donkeys. And if you do manage to fuck up so badly that you ruin your career, I won’t let you starve.”
Jaskier melts into him. “Geralt, that’s the sweetest—”
“Because you’re right, you’d be a shit traveling player.” Geralt’s lips quirk.
Geralt kisses him again, slow and sweet, and Jaskier feels the last bit of tension drain out of him.
“Jaskier the Bard!” a woman’s voice calls from the stage. “Also known as the Dandelion!”
“That’s you.” Geralt pushes him towards the stage. “You’ll do great, Jask.”
Jaskier can’t help but smile at him. “How can I not, after a sweet pep talk like that?”
“Hm. Probably not as great as Valdo Marx did earlier.” A full-on smile spreads over Geralt’s face at Jaskier’s outrage. “But we’ll see.”
And just for that, Jaskier gives the best damn performance of his life. Which is probably what Geralt intended, the terrible man.
Tag list: @kueble @mollymawkwrites @feral-jaskier @geraltrogerericduhautebellegarde @dawnofbards @thisislisa @tsukiwolf42 @mosaicscale @rockysstupidity @fontegagrilledcheese @kuripon @help-i-need-a-cool-username @julek @flowercrown-bard @eveljerome
Kiss prompts
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Morning after
Written for the @steddieholidaydrabbles, day 10
Prompt: First time
Rated: E
CW: Alcohol; Dirty talk; Sexually explicit language; Nudity; One slight mention of BDSM
Tags: Established relationship; Tongue fucking (referenced); Service mouth Steve Harrington; ADHD disaster Eddie Munson; Idiots in love
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Eddie wakes to sunlight tickling his nose, limbs heavy with the warm weight of sleep - the kind induced by alcohol and exhaustion.
Memories of last night's gig trickle into his mind. The packed location. Strobing lights, bodies moving to their music. Steve beaming up at him from the front row, deliciously disheveled, eyes sparkling with adoration.
It's funny. A year ago, he was hiding from an angry mob in a dilapidated boat house. Now, one interdimensional war, a near-death experience, and a lot of hush money later, not only is Corroded Coffin finally taking off. He also got himself a hot sweetheart of a boyfriend who loves tagging along to his shows and gets ridiculously turned on by his stage performance. Life is finally looking good for Eddie Munson. 
Until he turns and finds himself at the receiving end of a death glare that would even have Vecna quake in his non-existent boots. 
Eddie yelps and tries to jump to his feet, but last night's leather pants are bunched around his ankles for some reason, so he ends up face-first on the carpet, naked ass exposed to the cool morning air. 
"Ow, son of a- Stevie?" he mutters. "Everything okay?" 
Steve is still in the chair next to the bed. He's still glaring. 
"Oh, wow," he says while Eddie scrambles to his knees and tries to inconspicuously shrug out of the pants. Why do these motherfuckers have to be so tight? "You actually need to ask after what you did?" 
Eddie blinks. His nose is stinging from where it hit the carpet. 
Steve huffs and snaps his magazine shut. Eddie has a sneaking suspicion he picked it up purely for dramatic effect. 
"So you don't even remember, huh?" 
"I, erm …" Eddie says, desperately rifling through his brain for a shred of a clue. "I'm sorry, I don't-"
Steve throws the magazine. It hits the carpet with a less-than-impressive flop but it's the gesture that counts, Eddie guesses. 
"I can't believe you," Steve seethes. The chair topples as he jumps up.
"Wait, wait, wait," Eddie holds out one imploring hand. Steve stops halfway to the door and regards him with a wary look. "Lemme just …" 
He screws his eyes shut, wills himself to pull images from the blur that is his memory. 
Getting crushed in a full-body hug the moment they got off stage, Steve's arms and warmth and scent all around him. 
Celebrating the successful gig, the lingering touches and looks and smiles.
Loading the equipment into the cars, saying goodnight to the guys. 
Getting slammed against the side of the van, Steve's hands under his shirt, against the curve of his ass. Steve's tongue licking over his lips, warm and wet and eager. 
"Woah, big boy. Maybe ask before you shove that tongue down my throat?" 
Steve's smug smile as he leaned closer, voice husky and low. 
"Let's get you home… and I'll shove it somewhere else." 
Throwing himself into the car, because hoooly shit! They've tried a lot of stuff in the months they've been together, all of it great, all of it mind-blowing in fact. Eddie’s had plenty of opportunity to witness that skilled tongue at work, but this? This was gonna be a first.
He remembers nearly vibrating out of his own skin on the way home, remembers grinning like a maniac as they pulled into the driveway, Steve's hand sliding up his thigh. 
Remembers tumbling into the bedroom in a flurry of limbs and moans and kisses, toppling onto the bed, hands tearing at clothes, teeth scraping over skin …
… only then, it gets decidedly more fuzzy. 
"Um, I-" he mutters. "We were … You were gonna … and I-" 
"You fell asleep, you fucking asshat!" Steve blurts. His face is doing that thing where he loses control of his bottom lip and it gets all pouty and quivery. An adorable, flustered blush is creeping out of his shirt collar and up his jaw. "You fucking fell asleep while I was about to- Jesus Christ, I don't believe this. This has never- why are you laughing?" 
"Baby," Eddie wheezes, and by some miracle manages to stagger to his feet and shuck off his pants. "Stevie. Darling. Light of my life. You realize that this is our first fight?" 
Steve scowls at him. "Maybe. So?" 
Eddie can't help it, he breaks into laughter - full-blown, body-wrecking guffaws. "And it's because you didn't get to eat me out? Oh my God, I can't- only you, sweetheart!" 
"Fuck off," Steve grouses, but he doesn’t pull away when Eddie reaches for his hands, and the corners of his mouth are twitching the tiniest bit. The blush has reached his cheekbones. "Do you have any- I was down there, all ready to go and you started snoring! Nobody has ever fucking fallen asleep on me!" 
He's looking positively mortified now, one hand freeing itself from Eddie’s grip to run through his hair, eyes wide and confused - like a scolded puppy that doesn't understand what it did wrong. 
"Aw, honey," Eddie coos, cradles Steve's face in one hand, slots their bodies closer. He's still very much naked from the waist down and he can pinpoint the exact moment this dawns on Steve. The way he licks his lips. "I'm sorry. That gig was a lot, and I guess I just … crashed? You just make me feel so warm and safe and cared for." 
Steve hums reluctantly, but his chest swells with the praise and he doesn't protest when Eddie slots himself into his arms, starts to slowly undo his belt buckle. 
"How about you take revenge on me now? We've got all day, so … you can go for however long you want. I won't complain, and if I do … you know where we keep the gag, huh?" 
Steve's pupils blow wide.
The rest of the morning passes in a haze, but sleep has nothing to do with it. 
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All my holiday drabbles
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steviebbboi · 1 month
Drabble/One-shot Inspo Check-in!
I’m feeling super inspired to write for any CE Babe! Are there any prompts/asks that yall have been wanting to read for a while?
(Send me to me, Rachel 🙏🏼)
Important Note: These would all have some kind of smut/slight smut unless otherwise stated in individual warnings!
Angry!Ransom x Reader(Princess) Ask Answered
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sgt-seabass · 2 years
Joining in on the clockwork fan train, I have a Drabble prompt if you are interested. Nick often plays fast and loose with reader’s safety, and although he’s a control freak so he thinks of everything to prevent her getting harmed (like using air rifle etc) I wonder how he might react if he goes too far/something goes wrong and she does actually get badly hurt from one of his games. Maybe playtime gone wrong or he misjudged his strength. Would he feel guilt, or shrug it off?
𝒔𝒊𝒑 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒍𝒚
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pairing — mob boss!prime alpha!nick fowler x omega!reader w/c — 1.9k this is a dark fic. 18+ only. part of the Clockwork AU. listening to — ♫ sip u slowly warnings — general dark elements, smut (dubcon due to stokholm, p in v, cunnilingus), choking to the point of passing out and bruising, possessiveness, pet names (pup, puppy, omega), a/b/o dynamics, very light medical elements, reference to past minor character death a/n — i hope you like it! thank you so much for the support and interest in the Clockwork AU! written on my phone. thank you so much to @rookthorne for helping with beta and suggestions 🥺🥺💙 this was meant to be short whoops.
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Nick had been insatiable, fucking you for hours and eating you out each time in-between sessions.
After a work deal had gone awry and lives had been lost, he wanted nothing more than to bury his problems in your tight heat. With your essence on his tongue, he could be absolved of his irreverence.
Nick was angry. He didn’t take to fuck ups well.
When he’d heard about an omega retrieval gone wrong that ended with the death of a few targeted girls, he was irate.
Nick had to murder his men for their actions. They were there to capture them, not kill them - professionalism was expected, mandated, in his organisation. Nick didn’t need more red in his ledger, yet it seemed to have a way of seeping in, tainting the pages and bleeding everywhere.
His temper was no more than his inner child locked in an endless cycle of self-flagellation, so he fixated on you to distract himself. He’d created you and turned you into the omega he wanted. However, the problem with manipulating is that you deny yourself the love and support that partnership provides. Nick knew he was fooling himself by thinking you were unequivocally his, so he wanted to show you how good he could make you feel.
The urge boiled beneath his skin, an unbridled need to claim you; to fuck you into oblivion.
Barely keeping himself restrained, he’d carried you to the bedroom just after dinner, and the sun had long set. His need for you continued into the early morning.
By the time the clock hit three am, you were exhausted. That much was evident by the way your eyes struggled to stay open even as you orgasmed. The little sounds Nick pulled from you got whinier and more strained the more your body tried to get its rest.
But there was no rest for the wicked, and Nick was certainly feeling sinful.
“Give me another, puppy,” Nick growled to you, face between your legs before moaning at the taste of his seed and your wet mixing.
“I’m tired, alpha. I can’t.” You whimpered, sweat dotting your brow while your back arched against the silk bedsheets. “S’too much.”
“Uh-uh. You don’t get to decide that. I’ll tell you when it’s enough, omega.” Nick’s voice reverberated against your clit before he gently sucked it, causing your fingers to fist into the sheets from the unrelenting pleasure.
This was Nick’s favourite way to have you. Crumpled from the euphoria he caused you. You’d fought so hard against him, but at the end of the day, you ended up right where you belonged.
In his bed.
Nick started slow, drawing circles around your clit before replacing his tongue with his fingers. He flicked his finger while his mouth pressed kisses along your hip and down your thigh. Nick couldn’t help himself when it came to tasting all of you, so he bit into the supple flesh of your thigh as he kept working your sensitive clit.
Your wail only served to make Nick bite again, closer to your cunt this time. Fuck, your tears were gorgeous. “Does it hurt, omega?” When you nodded in response, Nick slapped your thigh. “Use your words.”
“Ye— Yes. Hurts, alpha.”
“Mm, but you look so beautiful with my marks.” Nick looked at the teeth marks adorning your skin, smirking to himself before turning his attention back to your clit. “Tell me what you want, puppy. Tell me what you need.”
Your thighs clenched, and Nick chuckled dryly as he ground himself against the bed, his erection painfully hard. He wanted to do nothing more than fuck you senseless, but it was worth waiting if it meant he got to see you shatter.
“I need…” You stopped yourself, and Nick could see the embarrassment in your expression. It was beautiful. “I need your mouth, please, alpha.”
“Such nice manners,” Nick praised before giving you exactly what you wanted.
He drank you in slowly, running his tongue over your folds and watching how you responded. You were so tense. As if each muscle was waiting for the anticipated precipice. And Nick would give it to you, but he wanted his fun first.
Deft fingers pulled your folds apart, and Nick groaned at the sight of you. Glistening and inviting. “Such a pretty pussy, pup. Prettiest cunt I’ve ever seen.”
Nick ran his flat tongue up your cunt, starting with long, languid licks that began to gradually get faster. Nick placed a hand on your stomach to stablise you as his broad strokes got shorter, turning into quick flicks across your clit.
He didn’t stop, not tiring even as the clock ticked away on the bedside table.
The tell-tale signs of your impending orgasm started to show as Nick alternated between licking and sucking, his hand running up and down your thigh as the other held you down. Your body tensed, and it goaded Nick to go faster, gripping your flesh tightly.
Nick hummed against your clit, and the dams burst. Like music to his ears, your mewls turned high-pitched as you came, your juices gushing down his chin. Nick had lost count of how many orgasms you’d had tonight, but each one was better than the last. He’d never get sick of this.
“My puppy does love playtime, don’t you, baby?” Nick watched as your glazed eyes looked at him, surprised at the new pet name. Baby. It’s endearing. Intimate. “You’re going to sit back and let your alpha do all the work now, right? Puppies are just too silly to do anything but lay down and get fucked.”
Seeing you so raw, so vulnerable, was bringing out the beast in Nick. The further down this rabbit hole he fell, the harder it was to keep his semblance of control. If you tried to make a run for it right now, he might actually kill you, too lost in the chase of his prey to realise what was happening. But you don’t run. Instead, you shuffled a little up the sheets, so your head rested on one of the satin pillows.
You knew you couldn’t escape, so you prepared yourself to be comfortable. Nick crawled up the bed, cock standing proud between his parted thighs, and he loomed over you. “Are you scared, puppy?”
Nick smiled when you gave him an odd look like you weren’t sure what response he wanted. “You should be.”
His words were the only warning you got before he mounted you, sheathing his dick in your dripping cunt with one swift motion of his hips. Nick let out a growl, pulling out the pillow from under you so he could grip the back of your neck. “Fuck. Fuck. You feel like fucking velvet, omega.”
The teasing nature Nick had earlier was long gone, replaced with a feral alpha desperate to breed. His thrusts were deep, rutting against your hips as his heavy breaths filled the room, mixed with your moans. It was a fucking symphony.
“This little cunt is mine, isn’t it? Tell me,” Nick snarled, pounding into your sore, used pussy without resolve.
“S’yours. All yours,” you sobbed into the cool air, tears streaking down your cheeks.
“That’s right. You’re fucking mine.” Nick moved his hand to rest on the front of your neck. He tiled his head back while his eyes fluttered closed.
It was a complete state of bliss. Nick didn’t look down as he let himself be free. No control, no thoughts. Just alpha.
You moaned with each plunge of his cock, but Nick didn’t notice the way your moans were weakening under the sound of smacking flesh.
Your hands clawed at Nick’s arm, but he didn’t even register it.
It wasn’t until you went quiet altogether that Nick opened his eyes.
Suddenly, cold washed over Nick when he looked down, his hand tight around your neck and your eyes closed. Not even a squeak came from your parted lips.
“Omega? Shit. Omega, open your eyes.” Nick tapped your cheek, but you were completely unconscious. “Puppy, wake up.”
He shook your shoulders, pulling his now soft cock out of you before he placed his finger under your nose. A sigh of relief left Nick when he felt the soft blow of your breath against his skin.
Nick’s jaw clenched, guilt awash over him. He was so lost in the moment he didn’t realise he’d begun squeezing, and he’d choked you out.
Your lack of response concerned Nick, so he sat on the bed, pulling you to his chest. He cradled you, and suddenly he was like his ten-year-old self again, holding the body of his dead sister on the living room floor. “Wake up. Please. I’ll… I’ll get you even more strawberries. You love them, right?”
You didn’t wake. Still soundly asleep and unaware of your distressed alpha.
In making you vulnerable, Nick had actually exposed himself. Desperate and alone, he was nothing without something of his own. Without you.
“Beck! Bring your med kit!” Nick’s voice boomed through the mansion, a prime alpha call.
Only moments later, Beck came barrelling through the door with his doctor’s bag. His eyes widened at the sight of you in Nick’s lap, mottled bruises already beginning to spread over your neck. “What happened?”
“I didn’t realise I was squeezing,” Nick’s voice came out monotone, devoid of emotion. His heart had begun to lock down. He wasn’t ready to lose anyone else.
Beck rushed over, gently taking you from Nick and resting you back against the bed. Your alpha moved away from the bed, arms crossed and expression cold as he watched.
“She’s alive,” Beck commented. You were obviously alive, but hearing Beck’s assurance eased Nick a little. The alpha always managed to calm him down.
There was a flurry of movement as Beck checked you over, Nick watching closely, not moving from his spot. As if he were a statue, frozen by pain.
“She’s going to be fine. I think she could use an IV with some fluids, and I can do a scan of her neck if you’re really worried,” Beck sighed, standing up. “But she’s okay. We could put her in the medical bay?”
“No. She stays here,” Nick snapped back quickly. Beck didn’t flinch, not phased by the icy mood of his boss. “Do the IV here.”
“Yeah, sure. I’ll go get the stuff from downstairs if you want to get her into bed for me. Her body is pretty run down, so I imagine she’ll wake up when she’s got some energy back.” Not waiting for a response, Beck packed his things. On the way out, he passed Nick, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Accidents happen. It’s okay.”
Without further comment, Beck left, leaving Nick staring at you. He could have snapped your neck and not even realised.
Nick ran a hand over his face, the memories of his sister still fresh in his mind; he couldn’t protect her or his mother, but he could keep you safe. You were the only thing that had ever made him feel human.
After the loss of his family, he’d turned into a hardened shell. But something about you and your homely scent cracked his defences. Around you, his heart was exposed. It meant he could love with a burning intensity, but also hurt just as much.
Body tensed, Nick maneuvered you carefully so the sheet and duvet shielded you from the cool night air. You were covered in your slick and Nick’s cum, but washing you was an issue he’d resolve after you’d rested.
Waiting for Beck to return, Nick pulled up an armchair to sit beside you. He’d never let you see this side of him, not for now anyway. He wasn’t ready. But with you unaware, Nick leant forward to press a kiss to your forehead.
“I’m sorry, omega.”
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To be updated on when I post please follow @sgt-seabass-library and turn on post notifications.
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avvail · 7 months
hero/villain bad things happen bingo event
considering i’ve been very busy with life and upcoming exams, i decided to kickstart the break (and as an apology for being so inactive) i have with a bad things happen bingo! the event is based on the prompts you ask - please use my inbox.
they can only be hero/villain themed. but that can also include any characters you want (superhero, supervillain, sidekicks, civilians etc.), anything on theme. as usual, characters are always gender neutral unless specified otherwise. it’s a first come first served, so if multiple people request the same prompt, i will only do the first.
i’ll only be doing this while i’m on break. love you all and thank you thank you mwah 🩷
confidence shattered
ransom note
angry mob
truth potion/serum
vampiric draining
enemy to caretaker
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shamrockqueen · 1 year
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Pairing : Werewolf Bucky x reader
Warnings : Noncon, stalking, abandoned, smut, R18
Word count : 3237
AO3 Link
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You didn’t even want to leave the house tonight, let alone drag yourself all the way to the cineplex to watch a crummy B-Movie. You just didn’t want to be home all alone on a Saturday night, but being all alone at the movies didn’t seem any better.
It’s some old, cheesy horror movie that sucked more and more every second you had to watch it. The fact that you didn’t have anything better to do was the only reason you stayed this long.
The young couple on the screen cuddled up in a car as a cheap howl rang across the screen. The girl gets all flustered and goes, "Did you hear that, Brad?"
"Hear what, Janet? I’m sure it’s just a dog." The cliche football player boyfriend tried to reassure her.
"I don’t know Brad; it sounded big." She said with a scared huff.
The acting was bad to say the least, and you wanted to reach through the screen and slug one of them in the face each time they opened their mouth. You really didn’t know how much more you could take.
The couple got back to canoodling before a ‘werewolf’ that looked more like a roll of shag carpet popped up between them and they started screaming. Dark gray splatters of blood flung around the black and white screen as the creature clawed up the once-horny 18-year-olds.
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes. You understand the kitschy nature of these old movies, but this was just hard to watch.
There weren't a lot of people in the theater with you, and you were certain that there wasn’t anyone behind you when you sat down. Yet, as a warm brush of air grazed the back of your neck, you heard someone whisper in your ear. "What are you doing here all by yourself?"
You nearly choked on your popcorn, hacking and coughing just to catch a breath of air. It prompted someone from the audience to turn back towards you and shout, "Shut up."
You ignore the jackasses in the front row and whip your head around to try and find who had invaded your personal space. But, no one was behind you; in fact, the whole back half of the theater was empty.
It had to have been nothing, a prankster, or a figment of your imagination. You turned back towards the screen with a huff to watch the 'werewolf’ attack some pedestrians.
You shook your soda, feeling it was still pretty full, before taking a sip and watching the crummy rug monster lumber across the screen as people ran away from it.
You felt that breath on your skin again before you heard that deep, disembodied rumble of a man’s voice. "So unrealistic. You’d never be able to outrun me."
This time, you swung your elbow as you turned towards the voice, only to find no one yet again. You studied the darkened corners of the empty back rows for a solid second, and you swore you could almost see something. A solid mass in one of the seats at the far back with a faintly sharpened gaze pointed directly towards you.
It makes the hair on your arms stand on end as goosebumps pricked at your skin and your body turns stiff. All the while, you stared down what you hoped to be an imaginary figure before turning back to the screen to see the crappy werewolf being shot at by an angry mob.
You couldn’t pay attention to it anymore, nor to the thought of something lurking behind you in an almost empty theater. When you noticed a group of people near the front step away from their seats and grumbling about the movie, you took this as an opportunity to slip out of the theater hidden within a small group.
You grab your stuff and just leave, glancing back for almost a second. There wasn’t anything back there this time, but you weren’t taking any more chances.
You toss your popcorn in a nearby bin as you exit the theater, hiding behind the group of strangers as they all walk off towards their own cars.
You have to scuttle away in the opposite direction, where the parking had been free. It wasn’t too bad of a walk while the sun was still up, but now with the moon high in the sky and a chill already running down your spine, it was an unnerving trek just so you could go home.
You shook the soda cup you still held onto, listening to the ice sloshing inside to gauge how much coke you had left to drink. It was a good amount, and you sipped at it from the straw as you hoofed it all the way back to your car.
You sucked down your coke until you heard the telltale sputtering noise that signified that the cup was finally empty. You gave it another light shake, only to hear the ice knocking around inside before taking a final water sip.
You stopped walking, but only for a second, so you could find a public trash can to dump your cup. But, as your sneakers stopped hitting the pavement, you heard the continuation and abrupt stop of someone else’s footsteps. You stand still for a second before slowly twisting your back to peek over your shoulder to see what might have been behind you.
The only thing to grace your vision was the dark and empty street of your small town; an image you’d seen many times before seemed so ominous as of now. You pull your eyes away from the street behind you before spotting a trash can by the door of the next storefront.
You take a few careful steps closer to the can until it’s within range to toss your cup. The cup hits the edge of the opening before ricocheting right into the trash. A lucky shot, and after the cup's clunky descent, the streets are eerily quiet again.
You had to stop yourself from letting your heart beat out of control as you searched the shadows for any other mysterious figures like those you’d seen at the back of the theater. Alone on a Saturday night, you're so scared that you could have pissed yourself, and it turned out to be nothing. You recall the shitty movie and laugh at yourself for letting something so poorly made affect your nerves like this.
You pick your feet up and start walking again, eager only to get home. That's when you hear the footsteps far behind you more clearly, like a soft weight hitting the concrete some distance away. You have to ignore it, for your own sanity at least, but you pick up your pace without another thought. You don’t want to turn back only to see nothing or have your eyes trick you like they did before.
The heavy thumps of something far behind grew closer and faster to the point that it could no longer be ignored, no matter how badly you wanted to pretend it was just the simple sounds of a small town after dark.
But, it wasn’t. Hard pads were hitting the sidewalk, drawing far too close for your nerves to withstand.
You let yourself steal a glance over your shoulder as you walked a little faster. The black mass of dark hair and teeth a few yards away nearly made your heart stop. You don’t take note of too many more details, opting instead to break out into an immediate sprint. Your body is given no time to adjust, making it hell on your knees as your little legs propel you towards the old parking lot where you left your car.
The mass sped up, but only to match your pace, letting your little rabbit heart tire out until you became easy prey.
You try to make some unprompted turns and twists in a fruitless attempt to lose sight of that creature, but even as you lose sight of it, you can still hear its heavy steps not far behind. Your hopes were dashed even further once the tip of your shoe caught the lip of a pothole, tripping you, so you went skidding onto the pavement, tearing the fabric of your jeans just a little on your knees.
You only lay there and hissed at the sharp new pain, and your blood pressure pounded in your ears almost as loudly as the padding of the monster's feet as it drew nearer and nearer. It finally rounded the corner of the alley more slowly, almost as if to play with your fear all the more before finally leaping upon you. In this short moment before the tears could cloud your vision, its full form came into greater detail. Claws clacking on the cracked, stony pavement of the alleyway.
Thick fur coated its whole body, darkening it aside from a dangling pair of metal dog tags and torn denim jeans barely holding together around its solid legs. It leapt over you to land at your feet before planting his solid clawed hands on either side of your head.
Its muzzle is short, its skin is oddly gray, and although the hair is thick, the hard muscles of his arms and torso are felt immediately as it pins you down with its weight alone. Long, sharp nails tear into your shirt and jeans, but be more careful of your skin and only scratch the surface instead of digging into your flesh.
You scream into the night, your voice bouncing off broken brick and rusted metal with no one to hear it. All as you're rendered completely vulnerable to a creature that surpasses imaginable horror after your clothes are torn into strips of fabric.
An inhuman voice seemed to rumble from somewhere deep in his chest, almost like the animal was calling to you while it hovered above. Then its neck and joints started to crack and twitch, with ribs breaking in on themselves and muscles contracting as the mounds of hair shrank back along its skin. The sounds of pain that rang from its open maw nearly drowned out once-echoed screams as the beast mutated while it still caged you under its disgustingly shifting body.
It does give you mere seconds to try and wiggle away. You try to kick at the pavement with your feet with very little success, as his muzzle seems to shrink back into itself. Its face is leaning in as the pointed ears pull back into its head and a more human face comes into view.
It’s clearer to see that his hair is shaggy and hangs by his neck, and with minimal facial hair compared to the beast you had once been looking at. His chest was now bare, save for a little peppering of normal chest hair running from the top of his chest to a thin line at his navel.
Nothing covered him besides a worn-out and torn-up old pair of jeans that had already started to fall from his waist to showcase the deep V of muscle near his groin.
Once the rest of his beastly form melted from his body, he stared directly at you, and you froze.
The fight is drained from your body as the blue of his eyes swims around yours. It leaves your head dizzy and your body stiff and unmoving, as his still-rough treatment carried an odd gentleness to it. Like he knew he would cut right into your skin but didn’t want to.
"You know I saw you, all alone in there." This time the words were coming right from his lips, not deeply distorted from some faraway place, and they bore an eerie resemblance to the hushed voice that spoke to you in the theater.
The monster that lumbered around in that movie was no more than a sheepdog compared to what this man had been. You regretted coming out to see that movie, more so now than ever.
"You seemed so delicate, so..so shy." Something hard pressed against your tightly shut legs, almost thick enough to pry them apart. The realization of what had been pressing against you and had slipped out of his jeans to part his legs for him.
He was sizing his cock against your bare core as his hard arms crowded your head and his teeth dragged along your shoulder.
"We don’t have to be alone anymore." He gritted his teeth as he forced his cock through your tight channel. A very unexpected turn of events sent a strange shock along your spine. You try to move against him, barely succeeding in moving your arms or thrashing your head. Each time you tried, that cold stare would pierce through you like sharp ice, making the blood in your veins freeze up as you were torn around his thick, invasive member.
You nearly bite your tongue as tears come right through until the tip of his cock is forced against the deepest part of you, and you can only turn your head to cry into the pavement.
"I wanna make a monster out of you. Then we can be like that together."
His dirty nails dig into the skin of your neck as he twists your face away from the asphalt as he presses his tight abs against your belly, bumping his cock against that deep, deep part of your cunt again.
The pain was twisting into something horrible inside of you. Like a hot bolt of energy burning in your lower belly, making the rest of your body feel so terribly cold that your fingers were almost numb.
He has you keening, howling, wailing, and screaming louder than you ever had before. You’re torn to pieces as he ties you back together on his cock in a big, tight knot.
He laps at your trembling and whimpering lips before applying pressure to your jaw to pop your mouth open and sliding his thick tongue along yours.
"You’ll be my fucking monster," is growled into your ear as the blood starts to rush to your head while he pumps himself inside of you.
His teeth, several of which were still sharp, pressed harder into the flesh of your neck and shoulder, making you keen and wail against his skin as it suffocated you.
You didn’t feel him tearing into your body; you didn’t feel the hot blood streaming from your throat. All you felt was the snapping of a tight knot that had formed in your core. It tore to shreds, exploding into your veins as he forced a thicker, harder, swollen part of himself into you. It locked you to him as you gushed around his solid member, and he seemed to fill you so full that your stomach swelled a small fraction.
The world around him blurs as his warm hand comes up to cup your face, all before the blackness at the edge of your vision caves in around you, taking with it your consciousness.
Your dreams were empty; hours would go by and your mind would be blank, and you would be almost dead to the world.
The sunlight cutting through the dirty glass of your windshield was what woke you. It took a moment to take hold and shake you from your sleep as it assaulted your eyes. You tried to turn your head only to be shocked by a painful, deep burning in the side of your neck, accompanied by a heavy ache in all of your limbs. You tried to roll yourself out of this uncomfortable sleeping situation with a labored groan as you finally graced the afternoon sun.
You don’t remember having found your car or getting into it to sleep in the backseat. You don’t pay any mind to it, and you don’t pay any kind of attention to a lot of things. Namely, the terrible state of your clothing that was torn so badly that you were practically half naked, nor the massive scabbing gas on the side of your neck and shoulder that bore a horrible resemblance to teeth marks.
You pressed your elbow onto the side of the driver's seat with your other hand digging its nails into the side of the front passenger's seat, all just to drag your heavy, aching body from the back of the car. Somehow your keys were just sitting in your lap, totally unnoticed, and had clunked to the floor as you pulled yourself up.
Your head nearly hit the center console as you let go of the passenger seat to reach those damn keys.
Once they were finally in your grasp, you pulled yourself back up to crawl over the console and into the driver's seat.
You had to catch your breath as the pain in your body vibrated along all of your bones to ache at your joints. You slowly brought the key up to the lock, fumbling a little before getting it in the ignition. You turn the key and let the engine roar to life, finally giving you a new lifeline to get home.
You drove off dazed, weak, and uncomfortable. You were just barely able to drive at all, but you weren’t staying in that parking lot any longer than you had to. Home was the only place you cared to be, injury or no injury. Yet, in the very pit of your stomach, something stirred. It grew more and more during the entire ride home. You nearly ran the car into the garage door, as it was all you could focus on.
You are so fucking hungry!
You feel it from your stomach all the way up your throat. You ran from the car as soon as the engine was off, not paying any mind to how your neighbors would react to your current physical appearance. The car door is left open, and the front door is still ajar after you broke through it when the key didn’t quite go into the lock. But, somehow you got the little piece of metal to align to gain entry to your own home before bolting inside and running directly towards the fridge.
The fridge door is yanked open, and you're digging through everything you can find to bring it to your nose for a quick scent before tossing it.
You’d tossed away tubs of yogurt, lunch meat, and juices behind you, as none suited your new bizarre taste. Nothing seemed to meet your craving until you grabbed a pack of steaks from the middle rung of the fridge. You’d left it in the fridge to thaw for dinner the following day, but as you brought it towards you and took in its red, bloody smell, it was all your senses could respond to.
You tore open the packet and tore right into the meat with your teeth, reveling in the taste of the raw steak and the feel of it on your tongue.
You don’t think anything of this; your mind is just switched off to everything at this point. You don’t even hear the subtle knock of your car door being closed or the louder click of your front door following suit.
The once menacing footsteps that echoed down the street to your demise now went unheard as they padded through your home to find you tearing through your food on the kitchen floor.
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This took heavy inspiration from the werewolf transformation scene in Underworld as well as one of the first episodes of Santa Clarita diet.
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badthingshappenbingo · 3 months
Prompt Masterlist: Part 1
Part 1 of our prompt list ("Accidentally Hurt by Friend" - "Eye Scream") is below the cut:
Accidentally Hurt by Friend
Acid Burns
Adrenaline Crash
All of the Other Reindeer
Allergic Reaction
Ambulance Ride
And I Must Scream
Anger Born of Worry
Angry Mob
Animal Attack
Arm in a Sling
Asthma Attack
Attack the Injury
Attacked in Their Sleep
Attempted Rape
Auction of Evil
Backhand Slap
Bag of Kidnapping
Barbed Wire
Barely Conscious
Be Careful What You Wish For
Bedside Vigil
Being Watched
Big Brother Instinct
Black Eye
Bleeding Out
Bleeding Through the Bandages
Blood from the Mouth
Blood Transfusion
Bloodied Knuckles
Bloodstained Clothes
Bloody Nose
Body Image Issues
Body Swap
Bound and Gagged
Bounty on Their Head
Brain Damage
Breaking a Promise
Bridal Carry
Broken Angel
Broken Limb
Broken Nose
Broken Rib(s)
Bundled Up in Blankets
Buried Alive
Buried in Rubble
Busted Lip
Cabin Fever
Came Back Wrong
Can Only Move the Eyes
Can’t Go Home
Captive Push
Car Chase
Carved Mark
Cassandra Truth
Caught in a Snare
Caught in a Storm
Caught in an Explosion
Cauterizing a Wound
Cave In
Chained Heat
Chained to a Bed
Chained to a Wall
Childhood Trauma
Chronic Illness
Chronic Pain
Clawing at Own Throat
Cold-Blooded Torture
Collared and Chained
The Collector
Comfort Object
Common Cold
Communication Suddenly Cut Off
Compelling Voice
Confidence Shattered
Confined to Bed Rest
Corporal Punishment
Cough Syrup
Coughing Up Blood
Cradling Someone in Their Arms
Creepy Crawlies
Crippling the Competition
Crisis Catch-and-Carry
Cruel and Unusual Punishment
Crush Injury
Cry into Chest
Crying Themselves to Sleep
Damaged Vocal Cords
Damaged Wing(s)
Deadly Game
Deathbed Confession
Defeated and Trophified
Defiant to the End
Definitely Just a Cold
Demonic/Ghostly Possession
Denied Food as Punishment
Didn’t Want to Be Saved
Dislocated Joint
Disowned by Family
Disproportionate Retribution
Distress Call
Doctor’s Visit
Doesn’t Realize They’ve Been Injured
Domestic Abuse
Don’t Let Them See You Cry
Don’t You Dare Pity Me
Dragged by the Ankle
Dragging Themselves Along the Ground
Drowning Their Sorrows
Drunk with Power
Duct Tape
Dying in Their Arms
Ear Injury
Ears Ringing
Eating Disorder
Electrical Outage
Emotion Control
Empathic Healing
Empty Shell
Enemy Turned Caretaker
Eye Scream
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thepenultimateword · 2 years
Short Prompt #57
The vampire shrunk back against the frozen hearth, their dying attempt at a fire trickling smoke against their ankles before another chill chimney draft snuffed it out completely. “I-I’m sorry. I didn’t know anyone lived here. I was just…just…”
What? Fleeing? Hiding from the angry mob combing the woods for them? There was no good way to explain this to the person in front of them without being suspicious. And what would being thrown out get them? They weren’t sure they they could avoid the hunters any longer.
The cabin’s owner only continued to stare. They were mostly shadowed, but their stance wasn’t particularly afraid. More…watchful. Like a cat observing it’s prey before it decided whether to pounce. That made no sense though. The vampire was the one here with supernatural abilities and a thirst for blood.
“There’s a warmer room upstairs if you want it. Though I’ve never known a vampire to shrink from the cold.”
The vampire jolted. “How did you—“
“There’s an entire mob tramping through my gardens.”
Their voice resonated like ice water in the vampire’s already dead chest cavity, tone chillingly even and whetted to a fine point.
“Besides, you vampires have such a sweet smell, like rotting roses. I knew you before I even walked through the door.”
Their neck prickled with some sort of instinctual warning, but even if they saw a way out, they couldn’t just leave.
“Probably best if you don’t step outside anytime soon,” the stranger said as if reading their mind. “They’ve doused half the forest in rice. A waste if you ask me, but not the worst way to win a battle without confrontation. They may regret it when deep winter sets in though.”
The vampire swallowed. They imagined being caught in that endless, hopeless loop of counting, gathering rice for hours and hours until the sun crept up and turned them to ash.
They shuddered.
“So why the mass hunt?” The stranger said when they didn’t respond. “I haven’t seen a group like this in at least a century. What makes you so special?”
Wasn’t that obvious?
“I-I’m a monster.”
The stranger’s eyes flashed yellowish in the dark, a smirk creeping into their voice as they stalked in closer. “Honey, you’ve never met a real monster.”
Part Two
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thefallennightmare · 2 years
Moment of Weakness-five
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*credit to whoever created the gif. found on google/Pinterest *
Pairings: Mob!Bucky Barnes x reader
Warnings: language, smut, angst, fluff, affair, cheating, violence. Very very slight mention of small forceable touching. It’s towards the end so if it’s a trigger. Please don’t read. You can skip and not miss anything.
Summary: Reader is the assistant to New York's most feared mob boss, James Buchanan Barnes. He had the picture-perfect life: status in the mob, friends, and beautiful wife. So why can't he keep his mind and eyes off of reader?
Authors Notes: I've italicized a certain spot in this chapter that I found a prompt for on Pinterest and absolutely fell in love with so I wanted to use it in a story of mine. Kind of a long one but the only one for tonight. As I mentioned in the warnings, small amount of forceable touching towards the end. Feel free to skip ahead.
Tags(open): @splendidreads @sebsgirl71479 @mdpplgtz03 @pattiemac1 @unaxv @elizacusi-blog @alana4610 @broadwaybabe18 @themayzittcha @playboystark @raajali3 @ozwriterchick @ragamuffin285 @screamingdying @themorningsunshine @kenziekugler22 @calwitch @sebastianstansqueen @stanaddict @stucky-simp03 @sleyeveryday @loustan90 @lyra-black13 @valsworldofcreativity @cjand10 @tesseract69 @batprincess1013
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I palmed my eyes, rubbing away the blurry tiredness that clouded them, and continued to read the papers in front of me. This should have been done hours ago but I found myself becoming busy with answering phone calls from the other gangs around New York because they wanted information about the next meeting. My work day ended over an hour ago and with how angry Bucky seemed at me earlier, I wanted to make sure all of my work was finished before leaving. 
“You’re still here?” 
I looked away from the papers and gave Steve a weak smile. “I thought you left already.” 
He nodded. “I did but Bucky needed me to come back. Something came up.” 
I looked towards the closed door of Bucky’s office and sighed. It had been a few hours since I had seen him and wasn’t sure what he was doing behind the closed door. 
“Is everything alright?” I asked, looking back at Steve. 
Steve stuffed his hands deep into his pants pockets. “Don’t worry about it. You should get home and get some sleep.” 
I squinted my eyes at him, clearly understanding that he was hiding something from me. I was interrupted by asking what by the front door of the small building opening, a fiery redhead bounding inside. 
“Oh, Steve. You’re still here?” 
He gave a warm smile to Natasha. “Bucky called me back. We need to take care of something.” 
“With Thor? Bucky told me that he low balled you guys again with his payment,” Natasha ignored me, only keeping her attention on Steve. 
My stomach dropped with jealousy, hearing that they talked about this with Natasha. 
“I thought Bucky specifically counted the money? I was with him and he said it was all there,” I said. 
That got Natasha’s attention and she looked at me with a parted lip expression. 
“Bucky went with you?” 
I nodded. “Last week. He was going to send me with Sam but he was out sick and Steve was busy so Bucky just came with me.” 
“He didn’t mention that,” Natasha muttered to herself. 
“I’m not exactly sure what happened. Bucky said to meet him here so we can head over to Thor’s club,” Steve shrugged. 
At the mention of his name, Bucky appeared almost out of nowhere and was surprised to not only see Natasha there but me there as well, still working. 
“Sweetheart, I didn’t know you were coming by. I told you I was going to be late tonight,” Bucky said. 
She laid a very deep kiss upon his lips, clearly one that Bucky had no problem returning. I had to look away not only because of the jealousy that filled me but the awkwardness I felt between them. Nothing happened between Bucky and I so there was no reason to feel this way. But I couldn’t help it, especially with how different Bucky had been acting when it was only him and I together. 
Steve didn’t miss the hurt look in my eyes. 
“I wanted to surprise you. I thought that we could get a few minutes together before you had to leave,” Natasha’s fingers dragged down the front of Bucky’s chest and lingered over his belt. 
She clearly didn’t care that Steve and I were there still, watching this unfold. 
Bucky shifted uncomfortably under her touch and when our eyes met, I had to look away, hoping he couldn’t tell how hurt I was watching them. 
He did. 
“Nat, I’m sorry but I don’t have any time for this,” Bucky sighed while taking her hands off of him. 
“Well, I guess I’ll go back home then and wait for you.” She ran a hand through her hair, the hurt and embarrassment clear on her face. 
Bucky shook his head before he motioned to his office. “I’ve got two minutes. Why don’t you tell me about your day?” 
That brightened up Natasha’s face as she eagerly nodded and followed Bucky into his office, the door left wide open. I couldn’t help but watch as they conversed quietly amongst themselves, the smile that played at Bucky’s lips sunk my heart deep into my stomach and it was weighed down when he moved a strand of hair out of Natasha’s face, tucking it behind her ear. 
How I longed and wished that was me. 
Steve sighed as he sat on the edge of my desk and looked down at me, arms crossed over his chest. 
“What?” I asked, not bothering to take my eyes off of Bucky. 
“You’re staring at him again,” he observed. 
Embarrassed, I looked down at my feet and shrugged. “I’m not. I simply looked over in that direction and he was there.” 
“Then why was that look on your face?” Steve snickered. 
“What?” I shook my head. “What look?” 
Steve bore his own hurt expression. “Everytime you look at him, you get this certain spark in your eyes. Almost as if you’re looking at the night sky.” 
He let out a broken breath. “You love the night sky.” 
My heart dropped again, only this time it was because of how hurt Steve sounded and suddenly I realized why he felt that way. 
“Oh, Steve,” I breathed while standing to my feet. 
My hand went to cup his cheek but he was quick to stand, Bucky and Natasha walking out of the office. I didn’t have the chance to talk to Steve about what I realized because he had moved away from me, almost as if I had breathed a sickness unto him. 
“I’ll see you when I get home, alright?” Bucky placed a kiss on Natasha’s lips. 
I averted my gaze to my shoes and danced on my heels. 
“Y/N, do you want me to wait for you and we can walk to our cars together?” She suggested. 
“Oh, I-.” I stumbled over my words, trying to rack my brain for an excuse as to why I couldn’t leave quite yet. 
I knew the only reason why Natasha wanted to walk with me to my car was to make sure that I wasn’t alone with Bucky yet again. 
“She’s finishing up some work for me. Not worth it to have you wait around,” Bucky spoke for me. 
I gave him a small smile of thanks. 
They said another quick goodbye and when she was gone, I crossed my arms over my chest while leaning all of my weight onto my left foot. 
“So, Thor low balled you with the cash yet again?” I asked Bucky with a raised brow. 
He sighed. “Don’t worry about it. Steve and I will handle it.” 
“What’s the real reason why you’re going to New Asgard?” 
Bucky and Steve looked at me with slight shock. 
“How do you know the name of his club?” Steve asked. 
I shrugged as if it was no big deal. “I’ve been there once or twice. It’s a crazy place and there’s only two reasons why people go there; sex and drugs.” 
Bucky ran a hand over his beard. “Is that why you went there?” 
I didn’t miss the jealousy in his voice. 
“Hell no. I went with my friend Wanda a year ago after she lost her boyfriend. She wanted to let loose and she did. It wasn’t my scene.” 
“But I do know that you’re not going to get in just the two of you,” I continued. “New Asgard has a strict rule of allowing male members inside when they’re alone.” 
Steve spoke next. “I’m sure if we tell them that we were there to talk with Thor, they’ll let us in.” 
I snorted. “If you wanted to talk with him, why don’t you meet with him at Asgard Industries?” 
The two men shared a look, not saying a word. 
“So if you want to get into his club, you’re going to need me,” I said while getting my things together. 
“Fuck no,” Bucky shook his head. “I’m not letting you go anywhere near Thor especially after how he was acting around you the last time.” 
I shrugged before slipping into my jacket. “Which is exactly why you need me tonight. I can distract him while the two of you do whatever it is you need to do. I’m assuming that is top secret mob boss stuff.” 
Their silence gave me their answer. 
“So,” I nodded. “I’ll meet you outside the club in one hour.” 
“Where are you going?” Steve questioned. 
“Home to change. Business attire isn’t exactly New Asgard dress code,” I informed him. 
Bucky shook his head in disagreement while grabbing my elbow to stop me. “I don’t like the idea of you throwing yourself onto Thor to help out Steve and I. We’re not going to be there in case something happens.” 
The fire from his touch burned all of my insides and I resisted the urge to taste him. So instead, I gently removed myself from his grasp. 
“Too bad it’s not up to you. I’ll meet you out front in one hour.” 
I ignored their protests, knowing that whatever their true intentions were tonight, that they needed me in order to distract Thor. 
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My heels clicked loudly against the pavement in tangent with the loud bass blaring from the club as I walked up. There was a long line of people, waiting to get inside, but I knew that in order to get inside, there was no point in waiting in line. There was a slight chill in the air tonight as it wrapped around me, the bottom of my very tight dress doing nothing to warm my legs as it stopped just below my ass. The low cut was very revealing and the red color choice was perfect for tonight. 
Not for Thor but for Bucky. 
Word around the office was that he loved his women in red. 
I found the two men whispering to each other and when I walked up, it seized, both of their eyes drinking in my appearance. Steve simply licked his lips as his eyes looked me up and down. 
Bucky, however, wore a look I had never seen before. His breath caught in his throat while his jaw dropped, eyes turning dark. 
“Hi boys,” I smiled. 
Steve let out a low whistle. “You clean up nice.” 
“Thank you, Steve.” I looked towards Bucky, who still hadn’t uttered a word. 
“Cat got your tongue?” I teased. 
His tongue rolled slowly over his bottom lip and the sheer desire I felt oozing from his stare froze my feet in place. I suddenly felt small in front of him as his eyes grazed up from the tips of my toes to the top of my head, taking his sweet time over the swell of my chest. 
His eyes showed what he didn’t say; Bucky wanted to taste every inch of me. 
My skin burned with the thought. 
“Should we, uh, head inside?” I asked. 
Reluctantly, the men nodded and they followed me to the front of the line where one of Thor’s men stood with a clipboard in his hand, like the typical bouncer at a club. 
“Ms. Y/N, how are you? It’s been awhile,” he smiled. 
“Hello Heimdall!” I cheered while stepping into his open arms. “I’m sure Thor told you that he was expecting us tonight?” 
I nodded over my shoulder to Steve and Bucky, who were not too keen on me having this man's arms around me. 
Heimdall looked past me and wore a low scowl. “You know how we feel about outsiders on our streets, Y/N.” 
I let out a fake sigh. “I know and I’m so sorry. But I needed to see Thor and these two wouldn’t let me go alone. Something about New Asgard being too dangerous for a girl like me.” 
“As if you couldn’t handle yourself here. I’ve seen it a few times,” Heimdall reminded me. 
I snorted. “And yet you guys still allow me to come back.” 
Bucky sneaked up behind me, his hand ghosting over my lower back, and I felt his warm breath against my ear. “We need to get inside now, doll.” 
My body shivered and I peered down at his phone when I saw that he was showing me something. 
I’m alright, boss. But I can’t promise that I’ll be alive in the next hour. I’m sorry I got caught again. I promise it won’t happen again as long as you get me out of here.
“Fucking Peter Parker,” I grumbled. 
So that was the reason why we were here, to save Peter’s ass. 
“The faster we get inside, the faster we can leave, and these pathetic excuses of men stop gawking at you,” Bucky seethed. 
I saw what he was so upset about; a few men in the line waiting to go inside had averted looking from their dates to take in the sight of me. I smiled smugly towards Bucky. 
“Are you jealous?” 
His jaw tensed but remained silent, giving me my answer. I turned my attention back to Heimdall. 
“Well, it will be ten minutes, top. Promise,” I made an effort to make an X over my chest. 
Reluctantly, he nodded before stepping to the side, allowing the three of us to enter the club. 
The music radiated off of us and the heat from the packed bodies around us brought a fast sweat to my skin. Bucky and Steve were close to my side as we maneuvered our way through the crowd and over towards the bar. 
“So what did Parker get into this time?” I asked Bucky. 
He sighed. “He tried selling to Thor without knowing who he was so Thor was upset that Parker was dealing on his streets without getting a cut so now I have to save his ass.”
I ordered a drink from the bartender and smiled a thanks as she handed it to me. My eyes peered over the rim of the glass as I looked at Bucky. 
“I’m surprised you’re here to save him. I thought for sure it was a Steve or Sam kind of job,” I admitted. 
“He was adamant that he would come with me tonight,” Steve spoke from behind me. 
The feeling of his body pressed into my back from how close he was made me bite my lip when the large bulge in his pants pressed into the bareness of my thigh. This was a new feeling with Steve and as much as I loved the feeling of him pressed up against me, I knew that it would falter in a moment. 
“What’s the plan?” 
Bucky pointed with a vibranium finger towards a door far off in the distance. “That’s Thor’s office and most likely where he’s keeping Parker. You need to distract Thor long enough for Steve and I to save Parker.” 
I tossed back the rest of my drink and nodded. “Shouldn’t be too hard.” 
“Hey,” Bucky grasped my hand, linking our fingers together. There was a shock that filled the both of us but I pushed the feeling to the side. 
“Can you promise that if you get a bad feeling, you leave? Meet in my car down the road?” 
I nodded. “Of course.” 
With a gentle squeeze, our hands dropped and I frowned at the sudden chill I felt but pushed on, hoping to find Thor in the crowded club. 
After a few minutes of searching and avoiding grabbing hands of the random men, I spotted Thor on the second level, sitting in his own secluded section. Our eyes locked and through gritted teeth, I forced a smile and gave him a wave. The look of excitement that crossed his lips did nothing to ease my nerves. He had been so persistent the other day when I first met him that I was a bit afraid of how he would be tonight. 
With a quick wave, I ascended up the steps to his section and had no issue passing the guard at the top of the stairs. 
“I was hoping you would show,” Thor beamed. 
“I did text you, didn’t I?” The fakeness in my voice scared me. 
He motioned to the open spot next to him on the couch. “Care for a drink?” 
I shook my head. “I’ve already had one, thank you. I’ve got to work in the morning.” 
Thor and I leaned back into the couch, his arm resting on the edge behind me. His long blonde hair had been braided back out of his face and his beard had been trimmed nicely. If I wasn't so creeped out with how forward he had been before, I would have found him attractive. 
“Barnes has you working late nights and early mornings, eh?” Thor asked. 
I shook my head yet again. “It isn't so bad. I did get to meet you, so that’s a perk.” 
My hand rested against his arm and I gave it a slight squeeze. Thor leaned in closer, his breath fanning against the crook of my neck, and his own hand began rubbing up and down the bare skin of my thigh. 
I froze under his touch when his fingers slipped underneath my dress. 
“Why don’t we move this to my office? Much more private there,” his lips brushed against my skin. 
I tried to move away from him but his grip on the inside of my thigh tightened. 
“You know what, I forgot my phone down at the bar. I should go grab it,” I lied. 
Thor ignored me, his fingers sliding farther up underneath my dress and I placed my hands over his to try to stop him. 
“Thor, stop. I don’t like this.” 
My words fell onto his deaf ears and I thrashed against him, tears welling in eyes, when I felt a finger hook into my panties. 
Suddenly, vibranium fingers wrapped around his throat and I let out a small scream, scooting farther away. Bucky had Thor pinned against the couch, his oxygen getting cut off instantly. 
“If I see you touching her like that again, I’ll make sure to end your life without a second thought, understood?” Bucky fumed. 
Thor couldn’t speak so he nodded and Bucky tossed him to the floor, his loud gasps of air echoing around us. 
Bucky was quick at my side scoping me up to my feet, his arms locked safely around me. 
“Are you alright, doll?” He asked. 
I shook my head, the tears falling, but my throat had closed up, not being able to speak. 
Redness covered me with embarrassment as I allowed this to happen, Thor getting that close to me. I wanted to help out Bucky and Steve so I let my guard down. 
“Don’t do that,” Bucky cupped my cheeks. “Do not blame yourself, Y/N. This wasn’t your fault.” 
It was as if he read my mind, knowing that I was blaming myself. 
I nodded in his grasp. “Can you take me home?” 
Bucky’s lips ghosted in my hairline and I melted into his embrace, my hands grasping at his back. 
“Of course, doll.” 
With soft sobs falling from my lips, I let Bucky lead me out of the club and the fresh air still did nothing to calm me.
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